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Spaceman (I) (2024)
A retelling of a common story with a little weird.
7 March 2024
Spaceman is a story of love, depression, loneliness and the healing process. As for Adam Sandler Netflix movies go this is going to be about the best one. However this story has been countless of times and it relies on Hanus played by Paul Dano to set it apart. And as jarring has that character was, it provided an element to the to make you think. However it wants you to interpret Hanus and that character however there's scenes that leave no question to the interpretation. A more mysterious approach would have added depth to this film that otherwise now just feels like it wanted to add weird for the sake of weird. Visually I think it's fine, acting is good, it's not Adam's best but far from his worst. It's a good one time watch if you're scrolling through Netflix, otherwise it's a below average story elevated by a little bit of deeper meaning.
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A Generational Movie
7 March 2024
Dune Part Two is what Empire Strikes Back is to Star Wars, Two Towers is to Lord of the Rings, a cinematic sequel to an already great film that when put together creates a masterful piece of story telling. It is not 100 percent accurate to the book however it is faithful in its telling, it has the writing, the cinematography, acting, sound, music and visuals to back it all up too. It's not a perfect film, you can certainly nitpick at little things but I am jaw dropped by this movie. Nearly three hours flies by. Everyone involved in this film should feel proud, cinema is back! There's not much else to say other than go see it.
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Madame Web (2024)
Sonys, just stop
25 February 2024
Madame Web is a film. That exists. That's the only positive I have. Never have I seen a movie of this budget be this truly horrible. Even Morbius was a masterpiece compared to this. The trailer is misleading but a better film. The acting is p**n level. It seems like no one cared, no one knew what to say, they ADR scenes it's truly amazingly awful. The cgi is poor. The writing is poor. The plot is dumb... the list truly never ends, everything bad you can imagine in a movie is present here. Characters talk in exposition dumps, I'm just not sure who let this happen. Normally I'd try better to sound professional in a review but just remembering this movie is giving me PTSD. Just stop Sony.
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Night Swim (2024)
A January Horror Film
15 January 2024
It shouldn't come to anyone's surprise that an early January horror film is really bad. Visually the film doesn't look bad most of the time, however it has an awful pace, boring plot and some of the worst practical effects I've seen in a movie theater in a while. Most of this film is spent away from the pool despite the pool being the main focus. And while we are there there's maybe half of those moments actually spent being a horror movie. We are spoon fed plot points, breaking the classic show don't tell film rule. Once we get to the climax of the film and given a long explanation of the pool it is laughable and silly and the ending of the film feels like a parody of the itself. There's zero redeeming factors of this movie and zero reasons it should exist. It treats the audience like they're stupid. Acting is okay but that's the best I can say about it.
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No soul, no purpose, no fun.
23 December 2023
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom is a movie that has no reason to exist other than contract obligations. It's boring, offers nothing new to the genre and gives us the most cookie cutter DC super hero movie since... The Flash. Surprisingly enough the Flash is better. The main objective this film is purely to get to the end. There's no emotional connections to characters, there's no reason for me to feel anything. The action is below average, the cgi is meh and the acting is even worst. This is just all around a bad movie... a cash grab... a let's move on to the James Gunn universe now. Skipping this won't cause you any harm, go see something else. Even The Marvels is a better film.
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Long, Boring and not needed.
23 November 2023
No matter how faithful a movie is to the book, it can't save itself from the fact that it's unneeded. Backstory to snow is fine if it adds something new to the universe, however nothing new is added here, we get taught everything we knew about the world and get tiny little snips of backstory of the origins of the Hunger Games. For the movies insane long run time, the final act of this film seems like a race to get to the end of the story. The slow paced world building it creates in the first two acts is immediately thrown out for the purpose of reaching that finish line. Unlike the last Hunger Games movies being split into two, this is the Hunger Games movie that should have been split into two. We don't get to the motivations and reasonings behind characters other than a line or two then we arrive at them. Another hour and a half of story telling could have fleshed these characters out and made the ending more meaningful. However we're left with a film that doesn't seem to ever end, masked with good acting, set design and great cinematography. But a film that is messy, long and drawn out only to be shot into a moc 10 speed at the end. Leaving this movie feel completely unnecessary.
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Gen V (2023– )
Solid Spinoff
17 November 2023
Gen V was a surprisingly great 'The Boys' spinoff that sets up Season 4 very well. Hidden in this movie are two likely very important plot points while also being its own unique isolated story and plot. It's a fun story that is fun, funny and exactly as violent as 'The Boys'. It holds true to the show and really feels no different. It's not perfect of course, there's some plot holes, some pacing issues and a cheapness to some of the very obvious green screen moments. There's also multiple cameos that happen in the past couple of episodes that felt crammed into the story a little bit... but overall it's a fun, great show and if you love 'The Boys' you'll love this.
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The Marvels (2023)
Feels like a montage of a 6 hour show
10 November 2023
The Marvels is about as generic as superhero movies these days come. While the chemistry and individual performances are enough to keep me entertained, the extremely poor writing and lackluster cookie cutter villain don't. There's plot holes, a lot fluff and even more choppy transitions that feels like a longer, more fleshed out film is probably floating out there somewhere. Kamala Khan is by far the light and star of the movie and even Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) gives a much better performance than hers from Captain Marvel the movie. Unfortunately they both deserved much better movies than what we got. You can have fun with this, however if the characters aren't enjoyable to you, you'll find this movie miserable.
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Slotherhouse (2023)
Bad (not in the way we thought) and not funny
2 November 2023
Slotherhouse had 20 million dollars of budget. Did that go to a good writing crew? No. Good actors? No. A good director? No. Good graphics? No. Good cgi? There is almost none. A good Sloth puppet at least? Nope. Where did it go then?? I will give this movie as one positive, the cameras feel studio quality... That is something you only hear if your movie has NOTHING good about. There is one sequence I found genuinely funny and maybe because I was an hour in and I was delusional. I could not believe this film was only an hour and 33 minutes long. I felt like I had watched a 3 hour movie. Between the poor overall acting, over acting, dreadfully boring moments between the humans to try and character develop this is a snoozefest. Of course I wasn't expecting anything amazing, this is a movie about a sloth killing people but you expect dumb fun and good comedy. This has neither. It is boring and unfunny. It's a waste of time and likely only released for tax purposes.
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Another poor video game adaptation movie. What's new
2 November 2023
FNAF is a beloved video game series that captured millions of views on Youtube when that was rare. The peak of this time period has had a lot of that audience grow up and become young adults or late teens. So what better way to honor that by making a film that feels like it was made for 6 year olds! There's almost no horror elements in this film, the plot feels like they let a 6 year old that hates FNAF write it and it is painfully boring. Josh Hutcherson does what he can here but it isn't enough to save the film. There's zero creativity in this movie, zero reason to watch it. Only die hard FNAF fans will get the Easter eggs and cameos, and only a working brain will make you eventually fall asleep. Reasoning for everything that happens makes no sense, the acting is poor.... I did however find the costume design to work. Everything about this film feels aggressively BAD and predictable, not even below average.
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Ahsoka (2023– )
Incomplete and dissapointing
2 November 2023
Ahsoka is not bad, it's not filled with horrific cgi, horrific acting even. It's just a Star Wars show. The bar has been lowered for Star Wars is the last 10 years to new lows. With the awful sequel trilogy, bad shows, there isn't much to be a fan of anymore with new content. However Ahsoka was one I was very excited for. Ahsoka has been a character I have loved since she was introduced in Clone Wars. She was awesome in Mando and is generally really cool in this show. There's cool new characters and cool reappearing ones. For the most part the animation to live action transition is good. What isn't good is the format. Super short episodes, cliffhangers and overall a show that leads nowhere or just leads us barely into anything new. The seeds this show plants are cool and are really a love letter to Clone Wars and Rebels fans are cool and get me excited but it disappoints me that plot wise this show does so little. We have such little happen that it makes this show feel wasted. A two hour special could have gotten us to the same point and would have even had better pacing. It's exhausting and frankly sad to see that so much of the fandom is okay with this. The highs in this are great and the lows aren't super low, but mixed with not much happening,, Ahsoka is barely above average.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Barbie is fun!
24 July 2023
As a skeptical viewer, I went into this expecting cheesy bad. I am happy to say that this movie is fun! Is it for everyone? Absolutely not. It's a great mixture of adult humor and fun and kids humor and fun without ever feeling like it dives into one or the other too much. There's surprisingly a beautiful emotional sequence TWICE and it delivers a great message while poking fun at Barbie and Mattel. Margot Robbie and Ryan Gossling prove to be the amazing actors they are known for and this is packed with a great supporting cast. Yes the plot is thin, yes it's a little bare bones and yes there's some minor pacing things here and there. But for what it is I liked this movie a lot. I will be watching again on streaming!
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Trafficking is bad yes, but that doesn't make the movie Good
10 July 2023
Sound of Freedom provides a powerful message. It is a hard to watch thriller about a loosely true story of Tim Ballard and his experiences with trafficking. A lot of what happens in this movie isn't true but we all know Hollywood does that a lot. There's hard to watch scenes that make your stomach turn. They go almost too far showing stuff on screen then cut it off just in time. Which begs the question, this stuff could have just been implied? That aside this movie is a mess. It's cut up so choppy, like a play almost. The transitions aren't smooth, we jump scene to scene for the first hour and a half of the movie. The acting isn't the worst in the world but the main actor, Jim Caviezel, delivers a poor performance that makes the surrounding cast look like Oscar performances (they're not). There's random humor sprinkled in the film that is just so out of place, there's scenes where they try some sort of fancy cinematography that drags out and feels like they forgot to cut the film. I guess the best way to describe this movie is similar to a lifetime movie. It's choppy, messy and a fabricated truth of a movie. The best part is the special message when Caviezel says they basically couldn't get the movie out because of Hollywood but then they do the Hollywood thing of making Tim Ballard look like a crazy badass by making up the whole climax of the film.

This is a below average film about a serious topic matter.
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Comedy at times, snooze fest at times...
23 June 2023
No hard feelings has no issues with the cast, acting or castings they did. What it does have is a super solid Act 1 that has fun with itself, seems self aware that the plot is ridiculous. What follows Act 1 is stretches of boring dialogue about these characters we were told to laugh at, that now we are supposed to take seriously, mixed with some decent jokes and a final act that makes the plot sort of implode. I really want to like this film more than I did. That first act was genuinely super funny but unfortunately it set itself up for failure with that act given that nothing could live up to what it set. I think it sort of lands back on its feet at the end with a charmful, happy ending. However it's nothing special, it's predictable and just slightly above average. Wait for streaming on this.
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Better Transformers, same problems
14 June 2023
Transformers rise of the beats is a fun enjoyable movie enough movie keep you somewhat entertained. It suffers from the same issues that they still haven't learned from though. NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE HUMAN CHARACTERS. It seriously amazes me that they can't get that right. Bumblebee worked on a human scale because it was two characters. The humans in this and the Bayverse don't work because there's about 20 other characters that the films are named after that we paid the prices to go see. It caters so much for the humans that it has to bend the plot into convenience after convenience by the third act and was doing everything it could to give the humans something to do. The lore and infinite stories in space and beyond about Transformers would be far more interesting. Skip it at theaters watch on streaming.
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Renfield (2023)
Fun vampire comedy/action without the comedy.
12 June 2023
Renfield does its best to try and take a modern spin on Dracula. Adding "comedy" popular actors right now and mixing in some comedy. The action in this movie is actually really fun. It's gory and gross at times but never feels over the top. It intertwines subplots that are forgettable after about 10 minutes then you get reminded about it later and you have to go "oh yeah that's a thing". They turn Akwinfenia into a serious cop despite her being a comedic actress for some reason. It's main plot is predictable and generic to the point where you will swear you've seen this movie. With that being said, Nic Cage plays a great Dracula and overall the acting is great. The action will keep you entertained enough to push through and not totally bored here.

Average fun film.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
Florence Pugh CARRIES
26 September 2022
Don't Worry Darling is a psychological thriller that really adds almost nothing new to the genre. It's a very slow build up, that has a very boring Act 1 and a little bit better Act 2 and eventually leads up to a somewhat exciting third Act.

This film is bleeding all over the place though with plot holes. There's things that happen with zero explanation, plot points that need explanations but don't give it and the twist and ending leaves even more questions. And no not in the good, interpretation way, a like, that makes no sense kind of way.

There are emotional important scenes where you are drawn out by forced acting or poor writing. However Florence Pugh is the only remotely really good thing about the film. She acts her heart out here and is deserving of a nice backpack for the film to hop in.

If you are someone who is kind of just into friday night movies on the couch for the ride, you may enjoy this when it's on a streaming service but I have a hard time recommending this to people planning on visiting a theater.

The twist and concept is cool and unique but it's executed in a below average way.

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Meet Cute (I) (2022)
50 first dates but the much worst version
26 September 2022
Generally I like Pete Davidson and I LOVE Kaley Cuoco, but this film is one of the most uninteresting, painfully slow, forgettable and dumb films of the year. It's a 50 First Dates time loop kind of concept that pretty much does nothing remotely creative or new. It's incredibly predictable right from the beginning when you figure out what is actually happening, (which is revealed after about 20 minutes) and lacks a lot of humor that films like 50 First Dates had or something like Palm Springs had. It doesn't have fun with itself and I think tries too hard to feel emotional with no actual effect from it because you're so bored in this movie. Acting is fine in this and I will say the peaks of the film are really decent but it's heavily carried by just stuff happening. If you have Peacock, I think it can be a date night kind of movie and you may enjoy it a lot more than I but I would not recommend paying for a new sub for this. Not even close.

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Pearl (2022)
Mia Goth... That's it
26 September 2022
Wow... Mia Goth is incredible and gives us an Oscar worthy performance in this "X" Prequel. Her performance alone is enough to capture the awe of audience members.

Aside from just that performance this film is so good at capturing the style of 1918 and very early film. It's such a simple set with maybe three or four different places and very simple plot that ties into the "X" film very well.

It's a slow burn with an excellent payoff and six minute monologue from Goth that is phenomenal and then gives us a look into the psychotic breakdown of Pearl.

Pearl is a beautiful tragic tale that goes far beyond a normal slasher or thriller. It isn't ground breaking or anything but it is one of the best films of 2022.

Lastly it is also backed up by an incredible supporting cast. I highly recommend this film to anyone who can at least withstand some gore.

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A Satirical Who Done it for a Targeted Audience
14 August 2022
Bodies Bodies Bodies hits a real specific target audience, that being Gen Z and maybe younger millennials. Being in that target audience I enjoyed this film quit a bit. While there was an older couple in my theater (probably 40's-50's) who very clearly did not enjoy the film. The acting is great in this, the twist is both funny and clever, although it's not going to blow anyone's mind... But it does a really good job at keeping you guessing who did it and makes a case for every single person. So in that I think the writing was also pretty good. There is a plot line that develops then just never concludes, so maybe a sequel bait? Although it wasn't that important to the story.. overall I think this is a solid film where if you are really into Who Done It films and are in this target audience you'll love it but if your not in this target audience you won't like it and especially if you're not in the target audience and don't care for who done it's you will hate this.

As for an actual who done it I don't think this particularly ground breaking to the genre or brilliantlu done, but it's a slight above average one, add in the satirical elements, good acting, I think this comes out to a nice 73/100.

I wouldn't urge anyone to run out to the theaters to see this, this would have probably worked even better as a straight to streaming release.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Suprinsingly fun!
7 August 2022
Bullet Train is a ridiculous, over the top, fun comedy action thriller that never stops!

After seeing the trailer for this about 19875 times I had extremely low expectations for this and wow was I wrong. The jokes tend to land most of the time and the best thing about this... It doesn't take itself serious. It knows it's ridiculously stupid and that makes the film more fun. It doesn't try and make sense of the stupid like other films would (like a fast and the furious). It was much more gory than I would have imagined as well.

The negatives on this film are mostly a messy plot, some bad cgi and a couple moments I was taken out of the film by some serious FF moments. I do also believe this movie could have been trimmed down in certain parts as it does seemingly go on forever.

The positives are, fun, action packed, cool shots, great comedy, great acting and great choreography. (A couple of fun cameos as well!)

I think this is a great date night movie but a must see as soon as it's out of theaters.
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Purple Hearts (2022)
For once I agree with the critics
4 August 2022
Purple Hearts is basically a cheesy love story that trys to leave a message in your head that even complete opposites can find love. However it does that in a Disney style movie but one for the Disney fans of the early to mid 2000's. Ironic since there's a former Disney actress in here.

The plot is messy, makes no real sense if you look at it from a real world perspective, these two have nothing in common besides I guess being attracted to each other? It's incredibly predictable, filled with side plots that are so forgetful you forget about them while you're watching the movie, and lastly it is way too long. I stopped this at 70 minutes in to take a break and couldn't believe I had 50 minutes to go. The first half of the movie and the second half are basically the exact same, just different events happening.

I guess I'm just confused where all the huge praise from the audiences are coming from. This is not a good movie, let alone even a good romance flick.

Forced would be my theme of this film as well. Everything feels forced.

Forced Romance Forced Chemistry Forced Conflict Forced Jokes when there is one

To put simply there really wasn't a moment I was actually having a good time watching this besides maybe the music.

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Not Okay (2022)
Touching movie with some plot holes.
3 August 2022
The premise of the plot is actually really interesting and fresh. Zoey Deutch plays a character you should hate and she does that justice, as well as the writers for her. Mia Isaac plays the actual good person here and gave an incredible performance.

The issue in this film is the comedy doesn't tend to land as well as I wish it did, and the supporting casts are good, but not interesting enough characters to care about. Add this with a series of plot holes, the biggest one being the lack of fact checking done by anyone until a coworker steals Zoey's laptop... I know fact checking is rare these days but usually there are a couple sources out there fact checking. Everyone besides one person loves her character and while the satire is spot on, it does draw you out a lot with the stupidity of characters and the unrealistic events.

Overall I think that this is a great film that does a fresh take on satire, but just above averagely. I would recommend if you have hulu already.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Fast and the Furious Meets Bourne Ripoff
2 August 2022
The Gray Man, Netflix's biggest original budget ever at 200 MILLION. Fails to really impress at all. Whether it was the ridiculously over the top action sequences or the poor cgi in those crazy moments, it makes you scratch your head at times where that money all went. My guess? The cast and explosives. You would swear this was actually a Michael Bay movie, every chance the film gets there's an explosion.

The plot in this film is the same way you played with action figures when you were 10, "And then, and then, and then this happens, then this person..."

It drags and carries a very weak story that is edited incredibly choppy with random flashbacks to try and make sense for the reasoning behind the whole film. When you think it ended, there's more.

When it came to the hand to hand combat that's where the movie felt fun and exciting, this is a Russo Bro's special. So there are some highs in this movie and it can be something you just turn your brain off and maybe enjoy a little bit if you really like Spy thrillers....

Unfortunately to me this another major swing and miss from Netflix and something that could have been really great.

I do think this is a below average film... average at best in the Spy Thriller Genre.
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Nope (2022)
A Creative Miss
23 July 2022
Nope is a new Jordan Peele film. It follows his other two films Get Out and US. After watching Nope I think one thing is certain, Jordan is an incredibly creative director that loves to take risks. Unfortunately in Nope these risks don't pay off as well Get Out and Us.

The visuals, great acting, very creative and a great job at creating an eerie, creepy theme are all huge positives. However this film is filled with some major plot armor, side plots that don't go anywhere and the message that one major side plot has is great but is so drawn out. The ending will be either loved or hated (for me I was disappointed). While the overlying message here is backed up by the major side plot, it still feels like it broke its own rules with the ending.

Speaking of endings, this ends out of no where. No pay off, no questions answered and no real resolution to the main plot. It's left up for interpretation and assumption and that may be something most don't like

Overall I think Nope is great movie for Jordan Peele in terms of this being his worst film, because this film is good. I think depending on how you like the twist and ending you may find this film much better than I or others did and if this is his worst film, he has a great lineup. There's lots to like in this film, I just wouldn't urge a friend to go see this.
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