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Forgotten (2017)
I wish there was more than ten stars!
27 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I could watch this movie a million times and not get bored of it. This is one of those movies that keeps you interested just by the little details and the originality. This was inspired by a true story but also had a huge original touch to it.

it starts off hinting that his nightmare in the beginning of the film is just a nightmare. Nothing out of the ordinary. And then the little details start to happen, such as the camera fixing on the year that is stated on the calender, then random noises that nobody else seems to hear, and then all of a sudden on a rainy night, Jin's brother gets kidnapped by these people, disappearing for 19 days.

When he comes back, he's a totally different person but he can't seem to remember anything before acting all strange. This is one of those films that is hard to put into real words because of how well done it is. We never would have guessed that Jin was the one who was different. Hypnosis disguised as anxiety meds? That's just awesome. A great touch. Then all of a sudden the rest of the characters start acting different. Finally, we find out that his family is not his family, that Jin's brother Yu is actually the kid that Jin spared from murder.

Not to mention the plot of the film takes place during the very real financial crisis of 1997 in Asia. That's something completely new, and different. I had no idea that was a historical event and was actually very interesting to read up more on.

The ending when we see why Yu was spared as a kid poses two different perspectives if the viewer really pays attention. Does Jin spare him because he didn't scream or because he offered him his lollipop? Could even be a third perspective that is left unsaid. I think for me personally, the element that they were able to try and spark Jin's memory in Yu's childhood home is priceless. Not only that but going that elaborate as well is amazing.

Like I said, it's really hard to put into words how this film is, but it's amazing and beautiful. I recommend it.
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Comedown (2012)
Not Bad, but We Get it, "Fam".
25 May 2020
I really do like this film, and yes it has a bit of an original story. The fact that we don't see background on the main characters was an excellent touch since usually every damned movie out there has that background story that isn't a;ways necessary to consider a film a success. The pigeon thing was also an excellent touch since it was a new idea that hasn't been used before.

Now, here is the downside to the film-- the overplayed slang that became famous in 2012, "Fam". Yes we know it's a abbreviation for the word "Family" and is not the first film to use the slang word of the year to relate to the audience, but in this film it is WAY overused which quickly bordered on annoying. Now, for the rest of my criticism, I am going to rag on the guy who ruined the movie in every scene he was in whether he opened his mouth or not; Jason.

Jason is the self appointed leader of the group and is extremely childish and annoying. Not to mention selfish. Lloyd, whom he considers his best friend, is trying to straighten out his life because he has a child on the way and is putting priorities above Jason. I completely commend his decisions because he doesn't want to be locked up and not able to help raise his child. He stopped doing drugs and drinking heavily and definitely was putting his beloved girlfriend as well as his aforementioned unborn child first. Jason was not having ANY of that.

Jason doesn't like being told no, whether he wants to do something or wants someone else to do something. So what does he do when Lloyd honors his deal with their drug dealer by hooking up the aerial and then deciding to take Jemma home? Jason spikes his "Best Friend's" drink with pills because he didn't want him to leave. Well, I'm sorry Jason but the world doesn't revolve around you, "Fam".

He is also abusive towards Colin which is definitely uncalled for. Jason may be the self appointed leader but he is extremely annoying and gave the film the only unenjoyable moments.

All in all, aside from Jason, this film was original and very well made. I recommend it for anyone who decided to look for something different.
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Reaper (I) (2014)
Pirate Love
8 November 2019
I decided to check out this movie because Danny Trejo's name caught my eye, and I have been on a binge of films I haven't seen yet, to broaden my horizon and open my mind a bit. I was not disappointed.

From the moment I heard the words "Drinking in the morning makes you more of a pirate", I was like horns up for that one \m/ .

As someone who actually has pirate heritage (Blackbeard is my great, great, great, great grandfather) I can always appreciate the classic jokes. I feel the pirate love. Definitely one I would watch again.
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Lake Alice (2017)
Not as predictable and others say it is
8 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, it's not. I have read other reviews on here about it that says it's predictable and crap but it's pretty good. If you really pay attention you'll see what I mean.

The jealous fiance, not jealous ex boyfriend, the ex boyfriend's mom only seen a few times, the dickhead cop you thought you wouldn't see again after that scene at the gas station. All of that is not as predictable as anyone thinks.

What DID make me laugh though was the whole "the phone is dead" part. That was hilarious and I always love seeing that cliche, especially when it's used on a house phone and not a cell phone because it makes it even funnier. I gave this 4 stars because it's actually a good movie for the plot it had. Unexpected twists and not to mention the "no excuse for that behavior" motto against hitting women. That was nice to see that a man can resort to murder but is completely against hitting a woman.
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Countrycide (2017)
There's a reason I gave it 6 stars
7 October 2019
The reviews on here don't exactly know what they're talking about. This film is actually really good. A couple is driving across country and then they stop for the night. That's when things get bad. The boyfriend mysteriously goes missing and then it's revealed through a hallucination from blood loss (nice touch) that he's dead. See, that was good. That was new. The fact that she's in a bear trap most of the time is genius too. Not knowing if she will get help, eating poisonous mushrooms just to try and survive, all the while your leg is still stuck in the bear trap and not knowing if you'll die but giving life a fighting chance at the same time.

And then there's her rescuers. You automatically think they'll rape her because they're in a remote cabin, three dudes, and a helpless chick. You think, oh here's a cliche. But then all of a sudden, NO, and you're like holy crap, that was new. This movie has a lovely finish, a situation where the audience thinks the chick is helpless but isn't, and then the ending is a nice fade out.

That's why I gave this film 6 stars. It's a good movie.
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Chained (I) (2012)
Beautifully done
7 October 2019
First off, Mr. D'Onofrio nails this role. I haven't seen any of his films in years but even so, he was once again, not disappointing.

It's a plot twist when it comes to him kidnapping the kid and making him his servant. You would think that would be it, that it would be just another slasher where the boy does as he's told. But that wasn't the case.

The twist itself in that is he shelters the boy from the outside world while still trying to teach him the facts of life. The boy can't understand this because he's mentally stunted a little but his killer has the patience to help him try and grow through that. It's so beautiful. It really is.

This film is worth it. From the moment Mr. D'Onofrio comes in screen all the way through him attempting to humanize his servant by helping him understand puberty despite the kid being scared about it since the only Sexual Education he gets is from his captor.

The patience from his captor coupled with Mr. D'Onofrio's portrayal of an abusive serial killer is definitely a refreshing take on what a real horror movie is capable of.
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Holidays (2016)
Wtf is up with the Easter Bunny?
6 October 2019
Just one thing to say, that Easter Bunny is scary as hell. An Easter Bunny mixed with the Son of God has literally been taking out of the text and and I just think, holy. Pun intended.

I loved him because of how disturbing he was. The guy who portrayed him did a very nice job and the look of his character made it very memorable. Let's just say once you see him, you can't unsee him. It becomes burned into your retnas so that even if you wanted to look away, it wouldn't matter.

A very enjoyable nightmare.
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The most beautiful and tragic beginning of a horror movie I have ever seen.
6 October 2019
Heavily inspired by the Texas chainsaw franchise, it puts a deeper twist onto the cannibalism. For one thing, Mr. Hansen didn't like what he was doing. He absolutely hated farming humans. But let's go back to the beautiful intro.

In the beginning, we see young Hansen, son of Hunt, walking with his teddy scare, redmond gore (teddy scares, look them up) which forshadows the next scene and so on. The mom sees him getting bullied by the Blackheart kids and then witnesses a horrific accident of her child getting his face horrifically burned and scarred. The kids throw him in the water, the mother sees this and tries to save him from disfigurement to no avail. Then her guilt eats her up a short time later and she commits suicide.

ALL IN VERY EMOTIONALLY TEAR JERKING SLOW MOTION. And to top it off, we get this beautiful emotional piano and violin melody that brings you to tears.

That alone is what made this film so beautiful and tragic. I'm not going to say anything about the rest of the film because it's the beginning that I wanted to put out there. If you think this film is a knock off, it's not but just do yourself a favor and appreciate the beginning of the film. Appreciate how beautiful and emotional it is.
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Pitchfork (2016)
The Feral Boy was a nice touch.
6 October 2019
Okay, I read this film won and award and I can see why. The plot twists are crazy and the whole feral boy thing was a beautiful touch.

Not many people can appreciate the fact that feral kids are real. This film isn't the first to use that angle but it's always refreshing to see it.

The plot twists are like, you hear this chick talk and you think she's British and then all of a sudden she gets called out on it and then starts talking in a normal accent just like that. It's like, that hasn't been done since Hatchet (as far as I know, I'm just going by what film I last saw that did that) and then you think the feral guy is the gay son because they're never on screen at the same time until a little over halfway through the film and then you're like, wow. Lots of plot twists, big or small, and the feral boy makes for a pretty good film.
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Unhinged (II) (2017)
Actually pretty good.
6 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Despite not actually seeing the original, not many remakes can catch my eye. This one did though the plan about seeing the original is still in affect. But here's what I have;

One of the key points that seemed clinched but ended up being a total twist was with the dead guy in the car. When they accidentally kill the guy in self defense, they end up thinking he's the second person after finding the trunk empty. Cliche until the guy is revealed to still be dead. I was like, that is such a twist. Coupled with the fact that the whole backstory is being explained throughout the film itself in ways not many films can do, is great. Most movies either give too much away or don't elaborate. This one was nicely done.

Lastly, I find the torture scene humorous. Even Freddy Krueger would have smiled. And even though the scene between the two sisters letting the audience know the older sister ran away "last time", and it's not elaborated on-- it doesn't need to be. It's satsifying to know a film knows that the past is the past when it comes to the important things. I really liked this film.
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The Lion King (1994)
Grew Up With This Gem
17 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film came out when I was 5 years old. Scar being Nala's father, Rafiki's tail being an inside joke with the guy who drew him, Whoopi Goldberg's dreads on Shenzi, and that lead up in the ending to the Six New Adventures series giving background on Scar and Mufasa, and Simba's first born son, and finally, showing that same sex couples can actually raise a child without any stigma, this film is just full of awesomeness. The wisest words anyone could ever take to heart, "The past can hurt, but you can either run from it or learn from it". Wise words from a wise mandrill.

When it comes right down to it, this legendary classic will always have a place in my heart. I'm glad I grew up with it. I'm glad most 90's kids did. Nothing will ever compare to world of The Lion King.
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