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Visitors (2022– )
Tries to hard to be too many things, and none of it is good
17 July 2022
This series is difficult to watch as it doesn't really do anything well. First of all, you should know this movie is in French. There is dubbed English audio and although the actors dubbing the English weren't awful, the sounds they made when they they weren't speaking felt forced/weird at times. However, the dubbing was probably the best thing they did in this series.

To make it easy for some to understand I'll break it down my rating like this...

English dubbing: 7/10 Plot: 2/10 Dialog: 2/10 Sci-Fi: 3/10 Special Effects: 3/10 Comedy: 4/10 Drama: 2/10 Thriller: 3/10 Romance: 2/10

That said, this movie is so quirky and bad, some might find it enjoyable. Think along the lines of the 1984 movie "Repo Man" with Emilio Estevez, only stretching out the movie to be 3-1/2 hours long and cut into 8 episodes.
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Visons, Visions, and more Visions...
7 July 2022
This movie is a Drama Thriller about a modern-day fashion student who has visions of events in the 60s. If you've watched HBO's "The Flight Attendant" series, the plot unfolds in the same format (minus split screens).

There's a scene of reality followed by a vision in the 60s, and as the movie progresses, reality blends with the visions to an extent. It's interesting viewing the 60's period at first, but it quickly becomes tiresome as there's isn't much of a story to tell, so they drag out the story with hysteria that bleeds into reality.

As is typical of the vast majority of movies nowadays, those in power pushed social propaganda on the viewers. All W males are portrayed as bad/evil, and the non-W male is portrayed as gentle, kind, caring, heroic, as well as the love interest of the W female student. The villain was predictable and the social conditioning throughout the movie helped conceal their identity. Even after their identity was revealed the writers went the extra step to reinforce that W males are bad and deserve to be slain.

Maybe if writers nowadays focused on writing solid plots instead of pushing social agendas the movies they produced would actually be noteworthy. I suspect the current periods of movies will be ridiculed in the future for their blatant societal manipulation.
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
Unrealistic relationships between annoying characters
30 June 2022
First off, you know when the "critics" give a show high ratings that you should be suspicious of it - as their ratings are more about whether or not the show is pushing the "current thing." This series is no different.

Hollywood went into overdrive pushing social engineering on its viewers in this series. There was an overabundance of gay characters and nontraditional relationships. Traditional relationships downplayed and were often discarded at the drop of a hat. They made sure they not only fulfilled their diversity quota, they overwhelmed it to the point that straight White males were essentially nonexistent or had NPC roles.

There was a very crystal clear underlying message throughout this series if one were to examine each character and whether or not their character was given a leadership/professional role. Hollywood, we notice what you're doing and you're not fooling anyone.

The series revolves around an alcoholic flight attendant (Cassie) who is extremely flaky and rude. She is constantly taking calls while talking to people in-person and then she gives the person she's with a lame excuse and abruptly leaves. This is a constant theme throughout every single episode. Cassie is not a likeable person and it's a absurd that the writers portray her to have lots of friends who go out of their way to help her. Her best friend (Annie) is an attorney and in real life there is no way she would have been her friend. Even if Annie were her sister she wouldn't have done what she did for her in the show.

Cassie also has delusions & flashbacks in every single episode. I'm sure some writer threw that in so they could do some creative scenes to give the show a little flair. I personally felt the scenes were poorly done and just as annoying as Cassie's phone ringtone that goes off in nearly every scene.

This show is almost all hot mess drama, with a little mystery, and I didn't see much comedic value in it at all.... unless you enjoy watching other people suffer. The show lacks depth and felt like a teen mystery show, only with an unlikable adult lead who makes nonstop errors in judgment, and who lacks common courtesy & willpower.

Each 8 episode season (~45 min each) has enough plot to fill a single 1-1/2 movie. They really stretched the plot with a lot of nonsense and irrelevant content. Someone was trying too hard to be artistic and it came across very amateurish. The regular use of split screen scenes grew old by the end of the first couple of episodes.

If you enjoy watching a low-IQ plot with an annoying characters who constantly whines, this is the series for you!
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Hollywood's agenda ruins everything
27 May 2022
They had a decent script to work with but the comedic timing of several of the actors was off the mark. Although I like Michael Peña in some other movies, he phoned this one in, and it really shows. Even though this movie was attempted to pay homage to these sorts of movies in the 70s, Hollywood ruined it by inserting their social programming in multiple instances.
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Half Brothers (2015)
Anti-American Nonsense
21 May 2022
Hollywood's attempt to tug on the viewer's emotional heartstrings to push an open borders policy. It comes complete with a lot of anti-American rhetoric and stereotype bashing.

I assume the writers are hoping that the audience won't notice that the father didn't have time to make amends for his kids, but he had loads of of time to set up an elaborate scavenger hunt with all sorts of things associated with it.
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Greenland (2020)
It would be wonderful if a comet hit Hollywood
20 May 2022
Hollywood has always used their movies for social engineering but they're so overt with it now. It's become fashionable to openly bash one demographic, so all of the bad guys encountered in this movie belong to that group. Meanwhile, other demographics are all portrayed as compassionate even-headed folks willing to volunteer their final hours for the benefit of others. Even when they're shown with firearms and looting, they're portrayed as nice folks.

The only thing missing was blaming the catastrophe on climate change, although there was plenty of other "programming" they pushed on the audience. Someone needs to create a website that breaks down movies and lists all of messages they're trying to program the audience with so they can shift the Overton window. Folks are waking up to this, and noticing this sort of thing and others should help them.
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The Empty Man (2020)
Unexpected Gem
13 May 2022
I dislike the horror movie genre in general because they make the characters so unrealistic. They often portray them as normal intelligent folks and then have them make the choices of someone who doesn't care about self preservation at all. Plus, the antagonist is usually something that is so overdone that it becomes comical. And then there's the typical cheap set ups attempting to startle you.

I would have never chosen this movie due to my dislike of the genre, but after seeing the opening scene on a free movie channel preview I decided to record it. I started the movie fully expecting to watch part of it and then discarding it, but it was captivating and I watched the whole thing.

My only complaint about this movie was the length of it. They could have easily trimmed it down to 2 hours, especially by lopping off a lot of the first part.

I give it a solid 7.5 for a rating and bumped it up to 9 because the genre is such rubbish.
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Bronson (2008)
11 May 2022
An interesting story ruined by a bunch of artsy-fartsy nonsense. It's as if those who made this movie were trying to emasculate him by how they portrayed him and threw in ridiculous fantasy sequences with commentary.
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Downeast (2021)
Realistic Movie
1 May 2022
A simple plot executed in a believable manner which makes this movie a worthwhile watch. The characters are gritty and not exaggerated like Hollywood typically does.
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If AI created a thriller
27 April 2022
The actors spoke their lines like robots set to speak at 1.25x speed. This alone made the movie nearly unwatchable. They might as well used subtitles as it would have been more tolerable. I generally like movies that are a little bizarre, but this one struggled to hold my attention and was more irritating than enjoyable. The characters not only sounded like robots, they they weren't developed at all. It was almost as bad as watching a child tell a story with dolls.
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The normalization of of pedophilia
26 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie claims to be a "coming of age" movie, but it focuses more on showcasing the nudity of the 15 year old character and showing her having sex in multiple scenes, as well as engaging in prostitution. Plus, there were multiple scenes of her using drugs. Cartoons are integrated into the movie in various scenes, likely to make the film more appealing to children.

Even if this movie was based on real person, it was completely unnecessary to glorify the sexual encounters of an underage girl in the scenes. Reminder: this movie is viewed for entertainment purposes. Who were they really trying to entertain? They could have made the main character 18 yrs old without changing the movie, but chose instead to make her 15. It doesn't matter that the actress who played the 15 year old was in her early 20s at the time, that was a given.

Those responsible for shifting the Overton window the wrong direction for the past 50 years are at it once again in this attempt to normalize inappropriate sexual relationships (read: pedophilia).
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Snake Eyes (2021)
Nobody has any honor
26 April 2022
The good guy has no honor throughout the movie and doesn't redeem himself in the end, but we're supposed to think he's the good guy. This movie could have done without the ridiculous snakes, as they were already stretching things with the crystal that had special powers.

Also, this movie would have been perfectly fine with an all-Asian cast, but they had to throw in 1 person in an unrealistic role as a master to check off a quota. And, they had 2 females from another demographic, but not a single male from that group. I'll bet you can guess which one without even watching the movie. When they constantly do this in such an obvious manner it overpowers the plot, as Hollywood's underlying social agenda comes to the forefront in an obnoxious way.
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The Marksman (2021)
Typical Hollywood Social Engineering Flick
24 April 2022
I gave this 2 stars instead of one just because Liam Neeson is in it

The underlying message of this film is simple. The lives of good Americans citizens are not as valuable as the lives of foreign nationals who are breaking our laws, and American citizens should just throw their lives away and spend their own money trying to protects law breakers.

The Hollywood overlords should have focused more on the plot and the dialogue than trying to socially engineer those who watch this film. The movie was painfully slow most of the time, and then they throw in some unrealistic nonsense and action sequences. This movie would have been more realistic had they portrayed US citizens fleeing large cities due to the rampant crime

Hollywood just can't help pushing their agendas in every film nowadays. I've made it into a game calling them out when I see them.
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Couldn't wait to delete it off of my DVR after I watched it
23 April 2022
The first Kingsman movie had the right balance of action and humor. Even though the villain was unbelievable it was still fun to watch. The Kingsman Golden Circle jumped the shark with a completely absurd villain and cringeworthy nonsense. This third installment is a prequel origin story of the Kingsmen and it's dry, humorless, and somewhat insulting. It has almost nothing to do with Kingsmen. It's classified as an Action/Adventure/Thriller and it's more of a boring drama with a few scenes of the A/A/T thrown in.

This movie re-writes WWI and doesn't even mention the real group responsible for starting the war. It preaches about colonialism and ticks off several woke checkboxes in the process and makes sure to push some underlying messages and insults directed at certain nations -- including fabricated lies about philandering. It's almost as if their goal was to make this film in a serious tone so that young people would believe it to be an accurate historical account. After all, they are trying to rewrite history every other way they can.

Unfortunately, they can't create movies nowadays without creating characters in the movie just to fulfill quotas, and portraying those characters as the ones who save the lead character when the lead character belongs to a certain group. It's predictable and so obviously forced that it undermines the last 10 minutes of nearly every film nowadays.
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Blindness (2008)
planting seeds for the masses
3 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone in this movie catches the "white sickness" which is basically blindness. I'm certain someone in Hollywood was extremely happy they came up the idea to put those two words together.

This movie felt more like an instruction manual of how they want us to behave when there is a pandemic, such as: comply fully with each and every government order, behave in a submissive manner, allow others to take advantage of us to the point that you will do >anything< they say, only resist and fight back as the very last possible resort (after you've already allowed yourself to be treated like animals). This movie was released in 2008, so they were likely planting the seeds -- along with other pandemic movies that were released. The behavior of some of the characters was absurd and definitely took away from the entertainment value.

This movie is somewhat interesting if you watch movies more for their underlying messages than what the movie pretends to be doing. If you haven't a clue what I'm talking about, then please ask someone who does understand to enlighten you.

One must always examine the underlying messages/symbolism of anything Hollywood produces, as they are typically pushing agendas and preparing people for situations that they intend to put us in. Once you start to see it, you can no longer ignore it. It's almost as stark as seeing the messages with special sunglasses in They Live.
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Black and Blue (I) (2019)
Some brainwashing for the Masses
29 January 2022
From the get-go, the overlords (those we're not allowed to name) in Hollywood started pushing their anti-police & anti-W agenda in this movie. It was completely irresponsible of them to release this movie at such a volatile time, and it's crystal clear they want to foment lawlessness and pit folks against one another. Intelligent folks are waking up and noticing the destructive messages they're pushing in their movies.

If you're not a freethinker and unable to read the message between the lines, then you should stay away from this movie as you're being brainwashed.
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The Isle (2018)
Don't waste your time
20 August 2020
I had zero expectations watching this movie, and was just looking for something to pass the time while I relaxed on the couch. I'm not a movie snob, and enjoy different genres. This movie was a period piece that lacked depth in both the plot and the characters.

They tried to make it a mystery as to why events were occurring on the island, and the pace was painfully slow. It felt like watching a movie through a filter than makes everything slow & superficial. Blandly narrated history programs elicit more excitement than this movie did for me.

I could tell in the first few minutes it was going to be a bad movie, but went ahead and continued watching hoping it would redeem itself. It didn't. So if you're not enthralled in the first 5-10 minutes, be prepared as the rest of the movie is more of the same. And the big mystery is a let down.
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Almost a Lisbeth Salander Origin story
7 August 2020
The lead character is Lisbeth Salander who's a loner computer hacker who's a lesbian. Like most female leads nowadays, she ticks off some woke attributes and is somehow able to fight men twice her size. The writers also had her outsmart others even though she made dumb moves.

This movie focuses almost entirely on Lisbeth Salander and Journalist Mikael Blomkvist is barely involved this go round. I would classify this as an action movie more than a drama. It wasn't really thought provoking at all, as it alternated between hunting someone/something and being hunted.

It was interesting in that it didn't take place in the US, and they didn't drag the fight scenes out so long that I felt the need to fast forward through more than one. There were several unbelievable things that occurred in the movie, but not so many that it was constantly bothersome. It's worthy of watching, but not something you'll want to watch again.
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Dropa (2019)
A very low budge sci-fi and it shows
1 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has about $5,000 worth of special effects, if that. The casting is horrible, and the acting is just as bad. The movie takes place in an alternate earth, where America somehow became a Communist country. I'm sure that was somehow a political jab given the accusations flying about at the time this was released.

The plot developed slowly and was tedious to watch. It was basically a Blade Runner clone only with no money. Sci-Fi is my favorite genre, and I can overlook a lot of things if the plot causes one to think. The only thing I was thinking about was shutting the movie off.
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War of the Worlds (2019– )
More of a social engineering drama than a sci-fi
8 April 2020
First off, if you don't speak both French & English or don't like shows with subtitles, then you might as well skip this series, as every episode has multiple scenes with subtitles.

This show is about an alien attack and the aftermath. Think of a poorly written Walking Dead, only with aliens and very little/poor special effects. The behavior and emotions of the people in this show aren't convincing given their situation, although the acting was acceptable.

The writers seemed more intent on pushing the social engineering agenda of the globalist cabal that is typical nowadays, than actually putting out a decent sci-fi series. It has the same underlying message that is present in most newer movies, which is to imprint on impressionable minds that certain folks are good & desirable, based merely upon their superficial characteristics alone, while other folks are inherently bad for the same superficial characteristics. For those who are awake, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

I wouldn't recommend anyone watch this movie as it's slow paced and is more of a drama than a sci-fi show. I considered it a waste of time, but watched the whole season to see if it could redeem itself, which it didn't. I was able to watch it via a free preview of the movie channel that made it, and I'm glad they didn't receive a dime from me.
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The Hustle (I) (2019)
They hustled the viewers
12 March 2020
This movie pretends to be a new movie but it's a remake of "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" only with female leads. The original movie was decent, although I didn't care much for it, but this remake is real stinker.

The humor is dry and crude, and not even worth having on in the background while you surf social media. Most scenes are cringeworthy. The actresses they chose for this movie did not play off of each other very well. I like both of the actresses in other movies, but I'm sure they'll want to forget ever watching this movie.

If you are into self-torture, hang in there, the movie gets worse as it goes on. I couldn't delete this pile of trash off my DVR fast enough.
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Bird Box (2018)
No original content
15 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was essentially "The Mist" with invisible monsters (evil force) that people can't look at (or they'll kill themselves), and a happier ending. The movie focuses jumps back and forth between when the evil force first arrives, and years later dealing with the destruction of society.

As per usual for films in this age, it's anti-white male message was pushed on the viewer from the get-go, and most folks won't even realize it when watching. The white male characters are either uncaring a-holes, selfish drug dealers, or infected by the evil, while the roles of all the POC are that of morally good people who do heroic acts of upstanding character. Also, it wouldn't be a modern-day movie if the script didn't include an interracial relationship between a white female and a black male. This aspect was totally unnecessary for the plot, and they could have used a white couple (or a POC couple) without taking away roles from other groups. POC were already overrepresented in the movie.

The acting in this movie was pretty good and it had potential, but cultural Marxism propaganda ruined this movie, plus the fact they kept the evil force a complete mystery. The only things folks learn about it is you can't look at it, and for some reason it can't come indoors. They don't even show what the force is (likely to save money) other than swirling leaves. I'm surprised anyone is talking about this movie, as it wasn't that good at all.
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Pumpkin (2002)
Cultural Marxist propaganda
12 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The group which controls Hollywood has long been trying to destroy cultural norms in America. This movie is yet another example of their desire to do so. The athletic white male boyfriend is demonized and made to appear inferior to a mentally & physically disabled male. That's wasn't enough as their goal was also to steer attractive white females to anyone but an attractive athletic white male -- even the mentally & physically handicapped.

This movie was a precursor to the current Hollywood trend of pairing white women with male POC, and also demonizing white males. Folks need to open their eyes and not allow themselves or their children to be brainwashed with movies like this that normalize relationships which fail at astronomically high rates.

At times Pumpkin felt like a 'B' horror flick as the over-acting and flow of the movie just didn't tie together. It would be one thing for an attractive person to have a relationship with a physically handicapped person, but pairing them with a mentally & physically handicapped person is just going too far, unless it was just a one-time sort of thing.

At one point the athletic boyfriend fights the disabled male, and the result and aftermath are predictable and not realistic. The ending was completely absurd. I'm surprised they didn't have a child together like they did in Forest Gump.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Demonizes White Folks
2 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
One of the movie channels had a free weekend awhile back and I DVRed it. I knew almost about it and had an open mind going in.

This movie is about a girl bringing her boyfriend home to meet the parents for the weekend. The catch is that the girl is white and her boyfriend is black. It became apparent from the beginning that their target audience was minorities and this was an anti-white film.

In this racially divisive time, it's sad to see a movie like this which attempts to widen the divide. All of the white people in the movie are portrayed as evil intent on stealing and living within the bodies of black folks. It's bad enough the girlfriend lures him to her parents, but it becomes clear near the end that she's lured in over a dozen or so other black boyfriends to have their bodies stolen.

While they are visiting the parents, the girl's mother hypnotizes Daniel Kaluuya's character and later uses that to subdue him. The girl's parents also have a party with almost all white folks, and they all act as if they've never seen a black person before. Daniel Kaluuya's character sees another black male at the party and tries to buddy up to him. The other black male is very polite & well spoken, but the movie mocks his behavior as well as his wardrobe. It was clear the hidden message they wanted to send was that black people acting like white folks, is creepy and wrong.

Although the whole cast did a a pretty good job acting, there's logic flaws in the script. For example, the girlfriend tells her boyfriend that she didn't tell her parents that he was black. While she could have been truthful (since she has always brought black boyfriends home), her intent was evil as she was luring him to his demise. Given that she dated him 3 months already her not telling a little lie to help lure him there was ridiculous.

Likewise, the goal was to transplant the white person's brain in the black person's body, but movie claims a little part of the black person still remains -- somehow tying into the hypnosis. This was just plain silly, and I'm surprised they didn't just come out and say that the white people were all possessed by demons and their evil spirits would transfer into the black person's body. As the whole movie essentially demonizes white people.

The ending is somewhat predictable given the message the movie is intent on delivering. The alternate ending is more realistic, but they apparently wanted a softer ending for minorities since they were the victims throughout the whole movie.

The fact that this is nominated for a Best Picture Oscar, shows how far Hollywood has fallen. This movie is anti-white propaganda with good acting. I'm just glad I didn't spend a dime on it.
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Halt and Catch Fire (2014–2017)
A tech industry chick flick
20 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This show is about the birth/growth of the personal computing and the internet. It revolves around the work of a handful of characters, mixed with their personal drama. Looking back I wish I hadn't watched this series at all. The characters keep striving to be on the cutting edge, but the viewer is never really given the satisfaction when they reach their goals. Their achievements are glossed over, and the viewer is left underwhelmed.

The acting was good, but I kept waiting for something notable to happen, and it never really did. The series had the typical Hollywood social engineering (anti-male & anti-nuclear family agenda). While it wasn't so blatant in the beginning, once you got to the end, you realize there was an agenda all along.

The best programmer, hardware engineer, and business people were women. All of the main male characters in the series were portrayed to be physically weak, mentally/emotionally weak, socially awkward, or failures. They even made the suave ladies' man character bisexual. There was no "average guy" character for male viewers to relate to.

The finale made it clear the whole series was about promoting women in the tech industry. Most of the women shed connections to men, including a daughter coming out of the closet. Plus, the finale had a long pro-female speech given to a large group of women. While I have no problem with strong female characters, there comes a point when it's pushed too far and it emasculates the male characters – and the show loses complete credibility as a result.
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