
4 Reviews
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Eragon (2006)
"I'd like to get my hands on whoever wrote this script"
16 December 2006
I loved the book, but I made sure that when I went into the theater that I stayed objective, knowing that movies after books are rarely (not a one can I think of) true to form. SO..... with great anticipation I looked forward to the interpretation of the director/writers. IT WAS CRAP! My first thought was of my son's homework he did the other night when I told him he had to do it all before going to his wrestling match. Everything was chicken scratch (bcuz he had to write so fast), all of his answers were less than 5 words long and had no complete sentences, and there were many problems in which he he left answers blank, answered a question other than the one asked, or just put a bogus answer that did the reader no service upon reading it. That is how I feel about this movie. Still, I am trying to stay objective and not rate it based upon the storyline in the book. I ASSURE YOU, I AM NOT. But this movie sucks. All of the lines were cheesy, choppy and childish. The plot was never explained, there was no sense of climax, the music didn't match the theme/tone, most scenes were either too long or too short, and WORST OF ALL: All of the Eragon lovers (since I saw it on opening night) were yelling "booo" at trash talking it on the way out of the theater. It was a VERY SAD OCCASION for someone who entered the theater desperate for a satisfying experience. Don't waste your money. It will be selling soon online for a buck and then if you want, you may get it for your kids who if they have the maturity level of less than 11, they will probably like it. I'm sorry to have to report this tragedy to you. I feel like I'm betraying your trust, but I cannot, in good conscience, say anything good about this movie, hoping that you will respect me for having the courage to tell the truth.
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Saturday's Warrior (1989 Video)
Fun for all the kids, and a refreshing change from regular TV !
29 April 2006
My kids definitely don't consider this their favorite movie, but they do enjoy watching it. It has always sparked in them the desire to think and dream of what more there is to this life than just getting up, going to work and then going to bed.

It has sparked some very good questions about religious issues and the meaning of the title.

I'm surprised how much they know just from watching this movie.

I'd say that this movie has some good songs, but a few are downright boring. I own the CD too and I burned only the good songs to a CD for my daughters because they couldn't stand the others.

My final comment is that if you are tired of your kids hearing about E.D., sex, herpes, sex, erections, sex, STDs, sex, Cialis, sex, sex, and sex during commercials and TV shows, this is a great movie regardless of your religion. I mean, I even have to mute the commercials in the middle of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition because I don't want my kids hearing, "If you have an erection for longer than 4 hrs. . . ". It seems that nobody stands up for decency any more. We just sit by cowardly and act as if it's no big deal.
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Shrek 2 (2004)
Better than others give it credit for
10 January 2006
I wasn't going to leave a review, but I didn't think the others that reviewed it did it justice. I loved the movie with one exception. The music was awesome. The lines were every bit as witty as the first one. It was full of parodies, and lots of secret jokes that my kids didn't get. I'm sure that there were a few that I didn't get either. My only complaint is that I would love for it to have been a family movie. There are a few inappropriate comments/innuendo that they just didn't need to put in there. That's all that ruins this one for me. I don't know why people think that make an off color remark is somehow funnier. Easier, maybe, but no more funny that using talent and hard work to drum up something original. Be that what it may, I still admit that it is great. I bought it, edited out the couple unnecessary sexual spots/innuendo and, "Viola! It's perfect." If it weren't for this I'd have given maybe 9 stars. Definitely a must see.
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Valiant (2005)
great for kids, mixed decision by adults
16 December 2005
Well, it's certainly enjoyed by some kids. Honestly, if Barney, Teletubbies, Power Rangers, etc. can still turn a profit, quality isn't the number one requirement to make money in the children's genre.

However, adults are another thing. Don't expect something as good as SHREK. This one is not nearly as interesting. I got a little bored, but I didn't turn it off either. I admit, I am a little picky when it comes to movies, so take my review with a grain of salt. I guess I'd rather you expect low and come out a little more positive, than have you start expecting another Shrek, and be plenty disappointed.

Contains no noteworthy music like Shrek did either. 5 stars out of 10 would still be an F in school, so I defend my ranking.
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