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Hamlet (II) (2024)
I love theatre but this needed subtitles
27 February 2024
Just came home from a Cineworld showing of Hamlet and even though I knew it was a retelling from modern times, I have seen some of the directors previous work an I expected something decent. The only positive was the wardrobe even though that wasn't consistent for Sir Ian and he had what looked like Adidas sportswear at one point. Colour codes for royals with the green teal was nice.

Now the bads. Sir Ian McKellen acts with his eyes. He's a man of few words but he knows how to make a poignant speech. So, when faced with a deluge of a monologue in Ye Old English, he starts of strong and towards the end he mumbles. He speaks into his chin, he doesn't enunciate! That actor from his play had better delivery while yelling of poison and gesturing with his hands.

I wanted subtitles.

I wanted more effort with the location choice - not just a theatre and the dingy staircases.

Ophelia's singing was cringe. I saw some old people near me look doubtfully at each other and shake their heads. I get that they're trying to get the youngsters into the cinema but today, me, in my 40s, was the youngest one in the room.

It won't fly.

Also major dissonance with setting and Thy and Thou. If you're speaking Shakespeare's tongue at least have some period costumes or a castle.

Didn't like it, don't recommend it and hope they don't make anymore.
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Gen V (2023– )
Changed from a 10 to an 8
28 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Loved the first 5 episodes but then it goes downhill. The gore is good, even in puppet form, the dicks explode and you can get a close up like the Ant man in the last season of The Boys.

Eh, last 2 episodes turned into Scooby-Doo and the gang. Teenagers against teachers trying to foil an evil plot that involves an air born virus capable of giving deadly... Smallpox? To Supes.

The bi-gender romance was really cute when it started now it just feels awkward and kibda pushed in. Like oh yea, let's get them to kiss a bit more.

I'm hoping the season finale is going to be a bang.. otherwise I'm coming back to drop my rating further.

Ps. We know the actors suck but kinda makes me wonder if the script is bad due to the strikes. There's only so many ways people can shout surprised that There's a diversion!
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Just watched the first two episodes
17 July 2023
Animation is gorgeous! Loved the cat like behaviour that the massive kitty displayed and the gorgeous gorgeous food shots There's really nothing like anime bento and rhe fry ups.

The only gripes I have with the show are the odd 'filming' angkes that got me a bit dizy at times and the less than innocent vibe of a male cat with a gruff voice showering and undressing its master.

Otherwise fun! Can't wait to see what comes next and I'll come and change my stars if it gets better. :)

Ps. Made me want to start cooking a lot more and also get a cat!

A big black cat. That can cook!! And make nice good food!
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Black Knight (2023– )
Hard watch
14 May 2023
Even the battle of winterfell had better lighting than this show. And when it's not shot indoors in near total blackness, it's outside with that yellow 'Mexico' filter we've seen in Breaking Bad and Narcos.

I couldn't even go past the first episode as I was struggling to see what the hell was happening.

It feels like a low budget action flick that had great hopes and yet it was disappointing.

If you're planning on watching this, don't do it over daytime.

PS. Like some other user mentioned - the face masks are filer masks not oxygen masks so they don't work unless you suspend your disbelief.
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Your Home Made Perfect (2019–2023)
I laughed so hard
29 March 2023
Only on episode 1 and they're showing all these angles and they're all marked as 45 degrees when they're obvious 120, 40 and 90... And they've removed all walls from the drawing including structural support walls. The couple cries happily cause they can see a nice house and I'm laughing as I imagine how the top floor is slowly going to cave in on the bottom one.

Also all those angles are horrible and I mean horrible for lying floors and finding suitable furniture.

Wtf. They are scamming people.

Considering how much they broke the property I bet it cost them more than 50k, money they will never see back when selling the house. Unless they advertise it was on a TV show.
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Lady Tamara (2022)
If I wanted vapid celebrities, I would have watched the Kardashians
7 August 2022
This was a pain to look at and I skipped through most of the episodes. Never heard of her before and I don't think I will either. There's no substance to what she's talking about or what she's doing.

Even Paris Hilton nailed it better.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
It started of as a 10
14 July 2022
I loved season 1. Season 2 was like meh. 3 picked up but a lot of side plots that dragged on. I hate hate hate season 4.

It seems that every episode is filmed in low light, lamp light, night time.


This was worse than the poorly lit Battle of Winterfell.

I treated season 4 as an audiobook and barely looked at the screen to watch acting in the dark.
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True Detective (2014– )
Only rating due to Matthew Mcconaughey 's amazing acting
25 February 2021
So, didn't care too much about the other plot lines but whenever Matthew Mcconaughey came on screen, his acting stole the spotlight. His delivery, the pauses, the pregnant pauses where things are said without a sound being uttered, the body language - perfection.

I'm only on season 1 but I sure hope he'll continue the same till the next seasons.
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Samsara (I) (2011)
I liked it till the mud scene
10 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the artistic way it represents Bali, the culture, the scenery, the primitive tribes. Still shots no longer than 15s linger on details like toes, fingers, father and child bonding. I loved it.

But when that scene came on with the man putting heaps of mud on his face I was lost! What was that supposed to mean? An attempt to go back to the primitive tribes who used mud as a way to mask scent and as facial decoration?

Was he doing a Heath Ledger impression of the Joker?

Did he miss a spa day and wanted luscious skin?

I'm lost
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Heavily Scripted and Cringeworthy at times
8 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So, I've watched the 90 days fiance and by mistake I clicked on the season 2 of the Heavily ever after (joke) and I was like what the hell is happening here? These people got married so soon after getting to know each other? And then I noticed a trend: * Woman will cry that the man doesn't love her * Man will cry that woman doesn't understand her or respect her * Jealousy * Petty fights

What really annoyed me was that cringey woman crying over the man that would not return her calls (Mohammed) and in the background harrassing him and all of his friends and being abusive. This and other relationships like Anfisa's were textbook abusive and not "challenging" Their behaviours were pretty much scripted looking for the bad parts in the marriage and not the good ones.

PS: Also didn't like how Pedro's mother would just lounge and lay like a Roman emperor in interviews. Where does this selfishness come from? Entitlement?

Eh, all in all, the show is about toxic people, models looking for a breakout and shameless self-promotion.
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Boring piece of trash
11 December 2020
Man, I li e breathtaking Keanu and Winona as much as the next person but the acting was so wooden and the dialogue so cringe worthy.

There was one scene that made me laugh is where she asks to be carried up a hill.

The sex scene was so bad! Who talks about stds, their mother and pregnancies while having sex and screaming Oh Boy!

No chemistry between actors.

I wasted 2h of my life to watch this drivel and it made me think of Big Bang Theory - take the backing music and the noise and you have two very bitter people talking for and hour.

If this was at the cinema and not on Netflix, I would have walked out
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Body Fixers (2016–2017)
So it's not that bad
18 August 2020
I've seen the other attempt at a makeover show where they took the quirky and the fun and they changed into boring norm and that bored the hell out of me.

This show though is pretty fun - even with the dumb comments "Are you Albanian?" which made me crack and the P-Jazzles

There are loads of people with body -positivity issues coming through that revolving door and there's definitely some sexual innuendos going on, but nothing too harsh. Good way to spend an hour or so
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Only movie where I've heard "Trust me, I'm a DJ"
24 June 2020
I can't begin to describe this utter piece of crap (can I say crap in a review?). Yep it's Alice in Wonderland with drugs and pimps and ugly broads. Put in a few hard-core street accents and you have this train wreck.

It was moronic at best, unwatchable at the worst.
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Walked out
31 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As an European, I did not hear about the Atlanta bombings. Had no idea this was based on a real character and only went to see the movie due to the high rating and because I had time to spare.

I was immediately confused by the large number of well known actors acting in secondary / supporting roles while the main was pretty much an unknown to me.

The movie turned uncomfortable pretty quickly as I could not tell whether this was a comedy, a drama, a story about a dead beat wanna be cop who tries so hard to fit in that you kinda don't wanna see him and truly, during that moment when the other cop was opening the bomb backpack, I was telling myself

If it's beer, walk out

I was done at that point with the movie - boring as hell and dragging on with pointless shots.

I stayed I think 10 min later until he started being praised for being a hero and the humble brag turned my stomach. Walked out and didn't look back
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This movie is like a belt made out of watches
28 December 2019
... a waste of time. I had to walk out mid way through as I couldn't handle it anymore.
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Pilsudski (2019)
Pleasantly Surprised - Non-Polish background viewer
28 September 2019
I was really surprised by how well made this movie was. It had action, drama, some pretty intense petting with no actual sex on screen and it spans over a period of 19 years, starting with the famous escape of Pilsudski from an insane asylum, all the way to the rise to power after the Great War.

We see Pilsudski's family life, his mistress, his men, his struggles with coping with the party he's created kicking him out and with the fight for Poland's independence. Prior to last night, I had very little knowledge of Polish history. I only knew it was a great country, filled with proud people, located on a vast territory west of Germany and East of Russia, who used to split it between them as they saw fit.

When he hovers over a map of the world in one scene, we see how small Poland was at the start of the century. Great empires spanned all around it and the people were living in poor conditions.

Acting was good, scenery was well shot, and I could not shake the feeling that the leading role (Borys) looked like Tom Hardy ( :) )

PS: Cinema was filled with a lot of native Polish people who probably didn't need the subtitles that much but they made the atmosphere something different. Live reaction to situations, gasping, applauding, and generally laughing at all of the funny moments.

Well done.
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Piece of crap play, walk out
20 January 2019
I love going to the theatre and I absolutely love NT Live doing plays but sometimes it's hit and miss. This Shakespearian play was definitely a miss. Timed at over 2h30min, with no interval, I steadied myself for an experience which was shattered in the first few minutes of the play.

I don't understand who thought it would be a good idea to do the final play in a "rehersal" format? The actors were wearing jeans and sneakers, t-shirts and sportswear and I can see that no money was spent on the decor either. Shakespeare with no costumes, no props and 4 buckets with tags on them: Blood, water, soil and one other. The Blood gets thrown over the two people who were representing the counties who were defeated in the civil war. The blood pooled on the stage and people acting had to walk around it or sit in it.. It was awful!

I understand when sometimes the decor is optional - that it might distract from the main story or plot lines or distract from the acting. I've seen Dogville with Nicole Kidman and seen enough Lars von Trier to understand symbolism. But this - this was appalling. The play lines were delivered in rapid-fire, with no feeling put behind the words and I had to struggle to understand what was being said. I glazed over many, many times and would occasionally grab a bit of Shakespeare to still make me feel that I was watching a play.

Walked out after the first hour, frustrated with the experience and wanting a refund for my wasted time. Don't watch this. The producer gives a massive middle finger to the audience, letting it watch something that does not look any different from a rehersal and so low budget that it makes me think community theatre rather than a production which cost me £9 with my Cineworld card (£25 otherwise)
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Yardie (2018)
I couldn't make out what they were saying
5 September 2018
Just saw this movie last night and I could not understand what they were talking for half the movie. Needed subtitles badly.. patwa is pretty strongly accented and for someone not used to it I could make up one word in 5. Plot was basic... loads of raggae songs and I can't understand why they put an accent on the border patrols name if it didn't appear in the movie afterwards? Plus.. his woman keeps on taking him back after throwing him out multiple times.. not the strong character depicted early on. Ending was a bit crap too. Why did it rain in the park? Why was he standing farther away from the blanket? What did he do for work? Was he still pushing drugs? Did he get convicted for the double homicide? Did he ever pat retribution to the wife he left widowed? Their kids went to the same kindergarten

Off.. with.. their ... dreadlocks. 2/10
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Great Thrills, Great Story
15 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw Ayakashi I was amazed by the strong animation and the story behind it.

There are 3 different separate stories, each having about 3 episodes. First deals with an angry ghost, originally a beautiful woman cheated and disappointed by her husband Iemon who chose a younger girl over her. Her curse will finally destroy him and everybody that surrounds them. The second story is about a beautiful demon princess (a lost god) who lives in a castle who falls in love with a mortal and thus dooms her kind. A tragic battle is fought between humans and demons and the end is somewhat unexpected. I guess the main idea of this second story is freedom and having the right to choose whom to love. The third story (which I loved the most) is about a magician who enters a house haunted by a Bake Neko, a black cat. His purpose is to find out what the spirit is and under what circumstances did it appear, why does it hate the humans living there so much. When I saw the magician sprinkling salt on the floor I remembered an old tale from my country saying that salt keeps bad spirits away and you should sprinkle it on the doorstep so that no-one with bad intentions should enter your house.

I loved these stories and I would recommend them to anyone who loves a horror tale with a twist of evilness.

I gave it a 10 out of 10. By the way, if you liked this, you will also like the Requiem for the Darkness series of tales.
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King Kong (2005)
Oh, it's a Scream!
25 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It was a good movie... basically. I knew that King Kong would die, but after the first one hour, I thought he would go deaf! Blondie screams and screams and screams some more... But it was fun to watch him battle the dinosaurs. And then they got to the big city... and King Kong becomes a celebrity, and he's on stage, and another blond girl is brought for entertaining the audience... and she screams, and screams.. and then the ape breaks loose... and people scatter .. you guessed, screaming! It was enjoyable, though, and in the end, when they are both on the Empire State Building, and she is gently put down, and the gorilla falls towards the ground... for one second, didn't you have in your mind the scene from Titanic, where DiCaprio sacrifices himself for Kate to live...and he lets go of the door-or whatever it was they were clinging to- and falls in a slow motion to the bottom of the sea? Beauty killed him.
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Æon Flux (2005)
What in the world were they thinking?
25 December 2005
Bad, bad movie. I give a 2 out of 10 only for the beauty of the backgrounds and the photography. Charlize Theron... big deal. Even Kate Moss could have played in this stinky movie with no effort. All the leading lady had to do is look good in those really-fit clothes and whenever mimicking fitting, she had to look distant and out of thought. I can't feel the passion, the determination, the one thing that drives people to do something big. It seemed she was on drugs or something.. The idea of the whole movie could have been brought to view in a different manner, and it wasn't such a brilliant idea, as I expected. Cloning, yes, future disease, yes, test subjects, yes... but the way they put it... it is beyond crappy :)

Bye now! AAA, don't watch it!
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Not to talkative
25 December 2005
I've seen the movie only recently, although it appeared in 2001. I hoped to see an entertaining movie, but let me tell you, Princess Blade is nothing compared to Azumi. The "princess" is not very talkative, as you may have noticed... She reminded me of Jean Claude Van Damme, who only stared to make his point, then beat the crap out of the opponents. During the entire movie, I waited to hear at least a confession about what she liked, why was she fighting, who did she love and trust. I waited in vain. Crappy movie. Crappy dialog. Don't watch it unless you want to be bored out of your minds! It's so bad, that in the end I was wondering how I managed not to scream in frustration 1 and a half hour. Approximately. I give a 4/10.
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Super Duper Movie!
11 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't get much at first, because I never played FF7, just FF8, so, all I knew about the main characters were from some old wallpapers I had since Highschool. After I watched the movie, I jumped on the internet and started to look at a plot outline for the game. Now I want to play! The soundtrack is a masterpiece! I simply love the third track from the CD - beyond the wasteland.. it starts with a heartbeat and feels like a horror movie, and then it speeds up... and your heart beats in the same rhythm.. This is also true for the movie. The scene follow up one after another so quickly... And when Cloud jumped in the air... I jumped with him:) What I loved about the movie was the battle between Tifa and Loz(?) I think.. I have a cool wallpaper since then. :P All the yellow and white petals flying all over the place. And in the end... Aerith. Soo nice! I wonder if Cloud stays with Tifa? I want a SEQUEL! or :) the same thing for Final Fantasy 8. Or X, X-2... I want more :)
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Nice "Animal Planet" Photos, subject sucks
11 December 2005
I give 3 stars only for the beautiful pictures of Africa. The rest was... well pretty boring. For about 50min we have the outline of the plot... In War of the worlds, the introductory part lasted, oh, about 10min? Then was real action! This is something like:"Let's take a walk in the savanna and gasp at the beautiful sunsets!". And maybe deliver a message, like "Don't kill elephants!". Very ecological. I would have expected this out of a "new" Steven Segal movie, not from this... The leading actress makes me think about artificial sun-tan, dyed hair and too much foundation! And I didn't see one scene where her hair is messed up, or she sweats, or her clothes are dusty. She just doesn't look like a 19 century woman! And in the bar, where they seek up our hero, Swayze makes a comment about the commander that he looks like Dracula. Hmmm, Bram Stoker wrote his book and published it in 1896, and it became famous in the next years. Livingstone and other explorers went to central Africa from 1840 to 1880. So unless the action takes place between 1896 and 1900.. Houston, we have a problem. :) Swayze makes a nice impression.. as a nutshell - hard on the outside, but soft and cuddly on the inside. Not that I would cuddle with a nut, but you get the point. He really manages to have that beaten puppy look on his face on several occasions. The movie stank. Way too long and increasingly boring. don't watch it! Don't buy it! It's a waste of your money!
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Intacto (2001)
If this is a good movie, then I'm a pizza
2 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
What should I start with... 2 h of nonsense... I couldn't make the point of the entire movie. Are they playing "entertaining" games for the wealthy ones? Are they just sadists? Who has "the gift" and who doesn't? Can it be stolen? The toreador stole it from the cop, right? I'm confused. I tried to understand it, but whenever I thought:"Oh, I got it now", something messed things up. So let's say you win a fabulous sum from the life/accident insurance. Do you go along with a guy who wants to bet all your money and get half of the profit??? And who is willing to risk everything YOU own and love? And what's the deal with "I don't love you anymore". The cop died saying those words. To who? A vision of her husband? To the guy she kissed in the alley (wich still is a mystery why - to steal his luck?I don't think it worked, because after just 1 min she gets knocked out). In the end, a little bug. After killing the Jew, our lucky guy goes in the desert and starts running? Why is he running? he came with a car.He should leave with a car if he's in a hurry. where is he going?... And the bug: he goes to his knees and on the left there's a long shadow on the ground and as there is no tall plant around, I suspect it was a crew member. And Why in the world would he burn the very photo of his beloved? Btw ... how did he end up in her apartment?And where did he buy that gun he shot her with?It's like i'm watching more photos that aren't tied together. Boring crap. Another 2 h of my life (+20 min writing this comment) are waisted. Bye!
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