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The Mandalorian: Chapter 22: Guns for Hire (2023)
Season 3, Episode 6
The Showrunners don't care anymore
7 April 2023
Disney destroys all it touches. I thought The Mandalorian was going to be a new leaf, that Disney was righting the ship. Unfortunately everything that has been produced by Disney (Marvel/LicasFilm) has been complete garbage.

It seems obvious that no one working on The Mandalorian actually cares anymore. This episode has a nonsensical plot, with poor performances by celebrity guest stars. It features Lizzo as Queen (?) Jack Black as Jack Black pretending to be someone else, and Christopher Loyd as 84 year old Christopher Loyd.

The show tried to preach about the utopia of a solely Democratic society, but the society also has a queen figurehead that is a generational figurehead, so really more like a monarchy, but the people have all the power, but the leaders make all the decisions without consent of the hurts my brain.

Grogu is no a character anymore but a piece merchandizing. I also noticed that Grogu makes more baby noises than ever before this season. He's 54 years old.

The episode is full of techno mumbo jumbo that is inconsistent with prior episodes of the show.

This episode also made it seem obvious that Bo-Katan IS "The Mandalorian". Every episode this season has her upstaging Din Djarin, and this episode is no exception. This season is her story, not Din, not Grogu, not what anyone was wanting to see.

Beyond those aspects, the alien designs were laughable and some costumes looked like something from an SNL parody. Fight choreography is poor. The story and motive of antagonist felt like an episode of Scooby Doo.
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The Chosen: Beyond Mountains (2021)
Season 2, Episode 8
24 March 2023
Just like every episode that has come before it, this was an Excellent episode. I love the disciples all have roles and duties. I love how they show the women following and serving Jesus as well. Everyone has a role.

I liked the whole idea of the disciples making arrangements and setting a stage for Jesus's sermon. I don't think it actually went like this in reality, but at the same time no one recorded the finer details of their daily lives and roles in the Bible, because it didn't matter, it was all about Jesus and His message. But the way done in this episode was a fun thought and make you think of how the church was going to operate later down the road.

Even though this is a fictional account of the ministry of Jesus Christ, I can't help but to tear up whenever they are quoting scripture word for word, or a scene is playing out just like it does in the Bible.

This is a fictional drama, not The Word of God, so it should be judged based on what it is, and not judged on what it is not. The casting and the acting is excellent. The flow and pacing of the episode is perfect. All characters are relatable and believable. Just like the rest of the series so far it leave you wanting more!
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The Chosen (2017– )
Brings the Bible to Life in a New Way
8 March 2023
I resisted watching this show for a while but finally gave it a chance and it has been a huge blessing. I've only seen the first season so far, so I can only speak to that. I am amazed how well they merge the Gospel accounts into one. I'm also great full for how well they incorporate the Gospel quotes of Jesus into the dialog.

I watch this show with my wife and teenage sons and all of us great enjoy this portrayal of Jesus and his Disciples. It gives us a new way of looking at all these events, not that this show is how these things actually transpired, but it makes it all more alive and accessible. I find myself in tears several times throughout each episode feeling overwhelmed by the Love of God and the Truth of his Word.

For much of my life in hearing the stories and reading the Bible, Jesus was always a stoic person, but the way Jesus is portrayed here makes me want to re-read those stories with a different attitude, one where Jesus' tone in my mind might be a little more laid back or just conversational in tone.

There are some who nitpick the show and act as if it is a blasphemous portrayal of Christ, and like o said I've only seen the first season, but all that comes to mind is the attitude of the Apostle Paul:

"It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. The latter do so out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice,"

Philippians 1:15-18

This show is worth the watch. I recommend it to everyone.
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Probably the best adaptation of the books so far
28 January 2023
As a believer in Jesus Christ and in the teaching of the rapture. I would love to give this movie a 10/10, however I can't just be biased, I have to give a review based on being a movie, so here it goes:

The short review:

Best adaptation of the book series yet. Fans of the books will really enjoy. People not familiar with the books will find it a little cumbersome to get into it right away.

The long review:

The screenplay was very true to the books (at least from what I remember form 20 years ago)

The casting of characters is good and the actors all hold their roles very well for the most part.

Pacing was an issue for me. Some parts felt like it was moving too quickly and others seemed to drag. At one point I remember becoming un-immersed in the movie and wondering how much longer we had. But right after that moment the pacing started flowing really well and I was engaged the rest of the way through.

On the cinematography side there are scenes in an office that have a strange filter that feels like looking through a black stocking over the lens and it gives the shots a dark body outline.

On the plus side there are some nice visual and audio effects used to highlight the corruption and spiritual forces when the Antichrist is present and speaking. I thought that was a great touch.

The film also modernizes the story and related elements of the world that is being transformed since the "vanishing" to thing currently happening in our social, corporate and governmental frameworks.

I found a lot of the commentary on those elements clever and appropriate.

While not blown away, I am looking forward to the next movie in this series.
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Great show undermined by unnecessary nudity
11 October 2022
The story and world building of this show is top notch. The characters are interesting and the action is more along the lines of Black Clover.

Ultimately the unnecessary nudity gives this show a MA rating which limits its viewership and mostly like what doomed it to its single season. Many shows will have a similar amount of nudity but with items strategically covering the private areas, specifically the female nipples which allows them to remain TV-14. The nudity in this show is mostly non-sexual in nature and done for gags, and is very frequent. It mostly lasts for a second, except one episode where several women go to the the public bath together.

The cursing is infrequent and is more on the mild side (bastard, ass, bitch).

The violence is mostly tame with limbs sometimes being severed but will show some blood bursting out of the wound but not excessively.

Seriously for the MA rating the show got, you'd think it was much more dark or sexual in nature, but that's simply not the case. A good watch except for the exposed nipples which feels unnecessarily forced.
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What a bland show
1 September 2022
This may not be fair, but my expectations going into She-Hulk was I was getting an Legal / Action / Comedy. This is based on the advertising, promotions, and the statements from the writer and actor themselves. This show does not deliver on any level. The legal aspect seems to be a very elementary level understanding of law and the judicial system. Action scenes are few and far between, and nothing very entertaining. Comedy.....where is the comedy??

This show is dull, and does nothing but make me not like the main character and ruins established marvel characters to try and boost itself. This week, they make Wong even lamer than he was in Doctor Strange 2. Marvel is systematically destroying all the established treasures characters from Phases 1-3.

Finally. Tweeting with Megan Thee Stallion. Marvel writers are bankrupt. I don't understand why Disney keeps hiring people to write Marvel & Star Wars who are not fans of the characters or the genres.

The lead writer of this show has openly said she never read a She-Hulk comic. How do you even apply or accept a job writing for a character without any research or existing interest in the character? The main writer for Obi-Wan Kenobi, also was not a fan of the Prequel Trilogy and didn't have an understanding of the relationship between Obi and Anakin. Disney is detecting everything.
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Mediocre - Kind of Dosappointing
27 May 2022
The Cinematography is very strange, many camera shots, angles, jump, and lighting looks very made for TV and theatrical. Even CGI elements are very off target.

Xochitl Gomez's acting is very subpar for a Marvel Movie. It akin to the acting in The Last Airbender movie.

Much of the film has a very CW production feel to it. The writing isn't very good. Benedict feels like he's phoning it in several times.

The move was not about Doctor Strange, it was more about Wanda and the intro of this new bland character America Chavez.

Overall Extremely Disapponting. Should have been released direct to Disney+
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Boba Chump Chapter 4
23 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Boba finds dying Fennec and takes her to a Mod Shop that looks like something out of The Fifth Element. The tattoo artist...I mean mod shop guy is shown both with a right hand and with a prosthetic right hand. So which is it? Just lazy writing and directing.

Boba then wants help getting Slave 1...I mean Firespray1 (Woke Disney) because he's too much of a chump to go get it himself. He says he's not threatening without his armor suit. Well he's not wrong, but doesn't really show he has any confidence in himself.

We get to see PETA Fett make nice with a Bantha and set it fee. The Bantha is so fake looking in every shot by the way.

Boba proceeds to get chumped by a rabbit droid.

Boba does basically nothing. While Fennec fights off all the guards and ruffians in the palace while Boba tried to remember how to fly his ship.

They use the ship to finally do something Boba Fett like and blow up the biker gang he thinks killed his adopted Tusken Raider family. Then inexplicably be flys his ship into the mouth of the Sarlacc that already ate him once looking for his armor. He's looking for the armor which he clearly would have remembered he had on he escaped the Sarlacc, and he should remember was stolen from him by Jawas. Maybe the hit too the head erased all of his memory. Fennec has to save the day again when the Sarlacc almosts gets Boba again. Strange to have switches in a cockpit that the pilots can't reach from their seats.

Anyway, this show is garbage. Terrible writing and the sets get and props cheaper looking each episode.
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Boba Chump Chapter 3
23 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Boba is constantly disrespected to his face with no consequences. Boba is constantly saying he's not a bounty Hunter anymore and then doing whatever job anyone tells him to do and they will pay him for it.

This episode is utter crap. Boba gets told the spice runners won't pay him cause they paid someone else for passage already and he's like "oh, ok". Why would Boba care how many people they were paying??

Boba tries going toe-to-toe with a Wookiee with his bare hands? The whole choreography is ridiculous. Boba should have had his arms ripped off in this scenario.

Boba chumped again by the mayors assistant.

Slowest car chase (only beating out the slow speed spaceship chase in The Last Jedi) using hover vespas. The whole scene feels ripped out of Back to the Future II.

Boba is an animal love and does kissy faces at a Rancor.

This show is an insult to Original Trilogy Boba Fett fans.
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Boba Chump Chapter 2
23 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Again, this is not Boba Fett. He is chumped over and over again by the people around him. "Do you have an appointment?" The only saving Grace to this episode is the when Boba destroys the biker gang in the bar and steals their speeders.

But all that is undone in the teaching the raiders to ride montage that has no payoff, then Boba fails to take down the train having to be bailed out by the Sand Woman Warrior who single handedly takes down the train. Finally with all the train runners captured, boba shows benevolence and let's them all live. This Boba is soft and a chump over and over again. The real Boba would have killed all the Slice runners that were on the train and maybe left one of them to tell the tale and strike fear into their leaders.
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The Book of Boba Chump
23 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is not Boba Fett. This is Boba Chump.

Knocked out by Jawas Beat by Sand Children (Tusken Raiders) Beat up by Sand Woman Beat up by Space Ninjas

Boba Chump is 61 years old and acts like he doesn't know anything about Tattooine, even though he was living there and working with Java the Hutt during the Original Trilogy. He lets people disrespect him to his face and worries his right hand lady is too harsh.

This show is boring with extremely bad writing, and seems determined to destroy the character of the Bad A** Bounty Hunter from the Original Trilogy. The guy so ruthless that that Darth Vader had to ask him not to disintegrate The rebels he hired him to find. Boba who fears no one who told Vader that Han was no good to him dead, basically warning Vader to hold up to his end of the bargain.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
First Episode Sucks - Boba Fett is a Chump
31 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Boba Fett is a chump in this show. This episode spans a 5 year time gap, picking up both from Return of the Jedi and the last we saw Boba in the Mandalorian, flashing back and forth.

Flashback 5 years earlier, we see Boba escaping from the Sarlacc that ate him in Return of the Jedi. He escapes only to be robbed and beaten by Jawas. The. He is revived by sand people (Tuscan Raiders), captured, and then beaten by sand children. Then he us beaten up by what appears to be a Sandwoman during an escape.

In present time, Boba is constantly disrespected, and then beaten up by ninjas with energy shields. Fennec Shand helps him fight the ninjas but neither of them, a Bounty Hunter and Assassin have any skills to defeat these foes. Luckily, Boba's recently hired henchmen come to the rescue. After they disperse the ninjas they are able to kill some of them and then somehow Fennec is able to take in 2 all by herself while Boba is taken to safety.

He does eventually kill a sand monster, but it was because it was distracted and her had a chain to choke it from behind.

Boba Fett is supposed to be a 41 year old man, but is played by a 61 year old man, who looks elderly and slow. I don't really care about his age, but he's not playing the character as one who should be in the prime of his life. I think the producers used the actor who played Jango Fett in the Prequels for the nostalgia / fanfare aspect, but never took the characters actual age into consideration.

Boba Fett is supposed to be the best Bounty Hunter in the galaxy, but he has no fighting skills in the first episode, no wits, no personality, no nothing to make him an interesting character. Rather he looks like the chump who was accidentally "killed" by a blind Han Solo in Return of the Jedi. He doesn't use his armor, weapons and jet pack in anyway when attacked in the street except to blow up a middle in his own face.

This Boba Fett is weak, the pacing is slow, and the acting is subpar. We'll see how it goes from here, but the opening act is quite a disappointment.
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Better with each watch
25 December 2021
Quiet honestly this movie gets better with each watch. The chemistry of the cast is great, the choreography is excellent, and the songs are catchy and classic. Not only is it a great Christmas movie but it does a great service to honoring our armed services and veteran soldiers.

When you watch classics like this you have to keep in mind the time in which it was produced. It's ridiculous reading people critiquing this movie calling it formulaic, when it's one of the movies that originated the formula.
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Binged Season 1, couldn't stop. Can't wait to see Season 2
18 August 2021
This is great show. If I was to try and compare it to another show it's a cross between In Another World With My SmartPhone & The Rising of the Shield Hero, with a little Death Note mixed in. The smartphone show is just fun, the Shield Hero show is awesome, and Death Note is dark and witty. This show is right in the middle. Some light fun stuff mixed with some heavy emotions and consequences.

Infrequent use of profanity, and the profanity is more on the mild side. No sex or nudity, but a couple of sexual themes.

Totally worth the watch.
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Poor adaptation
6 August 2021
Quite honestly, The Scarlet Letter book is terribly boring to read....which is why I watched this movie in lieu of reading book when I had to write a book report about it in high school. Well, the movie got me a solid D+......I should have read the book.

Well, no 24 years later my own children have to read it for their own book reports, and I finally decided to pay my dues and read the book. I have to say, the story in the book is much more moving and interesting than the movie adaptation. Leave it to Hollywood to take something so human, a story about sin and it's cost, about the freedom from confession versus the terrible festering within of concealing a sin...and turn it into an excuse to put nudity on the screen.
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Enjoyable and Satisfying
6 July 2021
While it's not without it's flaws (guns with unlimited ammo, some predictable moments, somewhat lacking time travel plot development), it's still a highly enjoyable movie and probably a top 5 as far as an Original Movie from a streaming service. The casting for the main characters was great and they gave good performances. The pacing of the movie was well balanced for the most part. It seemed the story moved quickly when it came to troublesome plot points, but let it breathe often enough for character development. I put it along the lines of Independence Day as far as being a good Action/Sci-Fi with just a little bit of corny thrown in. The movie is also pretty clean, not too much cursing, no nudity, and has a good message about doing what others aren't willing to. Totally worth a watch.
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Steins;Gate 0 (2018)
Darker than the Original but completely Satisfying
13 June 2021
This series was masterfully done. Steins Gate 0 is clever and at times unpredictable. It's smart, suspenseful, and can be an emotional roller coaster. I honestly don't have words that adequately express how amazing both Steins Gate and Steins Gate 0 are. Highly recommend watching!
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LAME, Boring, bad writing
10 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First off, the title Bloodlines doesn't make any sense in this movie. The movie has absolutely nothing to do with bloodlines.

The movie also is a sort of reboot. It retells the story of Steve meeting Princess Diana and her leaving Themyscira. Something already done much better in the 2009 movie (not to mention the Justice League animated series and the Wonder Woman live action movie).


The rewrite of their meeting is the most annoying part. It starts off with Steve being attacked by parademons causing him to crash land in Themyscira. He then expresses urgency to get back to the USA to warn everyone. That is the last the parademons are seen or mentioned in the movie.

Steve & Diana go to the USA and Diana moves in with an archeologist lady. The ladies daughter, Vanessa, becomes jealous of the attention Diana gets from the mom. Diana is super nice and supportive of the daughter. An indeterminate time jumps happens, the daughter has gone punk/goth and hates Diana now. Diana is just now going to become a superhero.

Title page appears and now it's some time in the future, Diana is a well known superhero who has already fought Darkseid at some point and is part of the Justice League.

The Vanessa is now a criminal selling stolen artifacts. Archeologist lady goes to Wonder Woman for help. Artifact deal is going south and Vanessa is about to be double crossed. Wonder Woman suddenly appears with Steve and Vanessa's mom. Wonder Woman saves Vanessa, but Vanessa's mom get's shot somehow? Don't know how, she was behind cover, no ricochets hit her but now she's dead. Vanessa blames Wonder Woman and then decides to join the evil villains that tried to kill her. She becomes a cyborg type creature.

Vanessa has a superpowers fight with Wonder Woman, and gets knocked out. Apparently Themyscira has healing technology and is the only place in the world that can fix Vanessa. However Wonder Woman doesn't remember where Themyscira is. When you leave the island the protective barrier erases your memory of where it is (this is not an issue at the end of the movie when the Queen tells Diana to visit often).

Eventually the bad guys decide to attack Themyscira, everyone ends up there, but the final battle is not against bad guys or Vanessa, but a giant Methuselah.

It feels like 3-4 people all had the job of writing different parts of this movie and didn't talk to each other. The movie is a mess and boring to watch.
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Sleepy Hollow (2013–2017)
Watch Seasons 1 & 2 then move on
14 September 2020
Seasons 1 & 2 are awesome. Great cast, great writing.

The Season 3 cast and writing is a huge down grade. About halfway through Season 3 it becomes almost unwatchable.
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Agent X (2015)
Low budget & poorly written, but fun to laugh at
28 August 2020
The writing it terrible, the acting is ok, and the action sequences are very 80's style. I've watched 5 episodes so far and am glad there are only 10 episodes. The only thing entertaining about the show is laughing and making fun at how bad it is.
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1 hour episode stretched to 2 hours
14 June 2020
Extremely slow and very light on dialogue. Example of slow, the second Kirk scene is him beaming up into a space station and then a 5 minute ride from the station to the Enterprise. Immediately after which McCoy beams straight to the ship. There are 10 minute shots of flying through space clouds. If only they actually scripted a 2 hour movie.....
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Carol's Second Act (2019–2020)
I need a Doctor because this is painful to watch
28 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of one-liners. Lots of awkward laugh tracks. Terrible acting/writing (Patricia Heaton gets better as the show goes on). Seems like a 90s TGIF but missing that family dynamic that helps you invest in the characters relationships.
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Ad Astra (2019)
A movie made for awards not entertainment
21 September 2019
Slow. Boring. Mostly uneventful. Defies logic and physics. Plot is pointless. No climax.

Wanted to walk out but wife was in another movie, so I stuck it out going for a payoff.......would have been better off sitting in theater hallway people watching.

Very comparable to Netflix IO
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IO (2019)
Boring movie that has unsatisfying ending
23 January 2019
Trailer for movie as well as description are misleading. Absolutely nothing exciting happens in this movie. The characters are flat.

The movie is basically The Martian but set on earth and nothing happens.

I had to fast forward through the last 15 minutes to get the end because it was becoming painful to watch, and then nothing happens.
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Good if you don't think about it.....otherwise disappointing
20 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Critics scores before this movie was released gave everyone very high expectations. It seemed this was going to be the best Star Wars of them all!

Well after seeing the movie, those Critic reviews are now very are very suspicious. How could that many reviewers give such high praise to a movie that has such illogical sequences and a terrible plot? The answer, somehow they are all in bed with Disney, either too afraid to give a honest review or paid off not to do so.

Many of the user reviews I see here are trolling reviews created to counter the fake glowing positive review from the Critics. The 1/10 or 3/10 ratings seem over the top, because there are good elements of the movie, but this movie deserves no higher than a 6/10 in my opinion.

The problems of this movie for me:

First space battle where multiple Stardestroyer ships escorting a Dreadnaught ship do nothing while Poe single-handedly takes out the Dreadnaught defenses. Even the Dreadnaught ship waits until if becomes defenseless to the incoming bombers to send out and TIE fighters. Why even have the stardestroyers there? It seems they were only there so General Hux could be present to take part in a joke and to survive the Dreadnaught destruction because he is on a separate ship. The whole sequence is stupid, and ultimately only exists to set up some character depth for Rose.

The rest of the movie continues the same, illogical space battles, illogical space chase, illogical ground battles, Rey spending more time Skyping Kylo Ren than talking training with Luke, pointless secret mission to a casino, etc.

The forced chemistry/romance between Rey and Kylo is similar to Anakin and Padme, just there because it's what the story calls for but no believable natural chemistry like what we saw with Han and Leia or even Luke and Leia for a brief moment in the original trilogy.

The movie has too many jokes/funny moments that are set up rather than seeming to occurring organically.

Positives are we get to see the Force used in new powerful ways, we get to see new cool First Order weapons and ships.

Honestly during the movie there are parts that confuse you or make you wonder why things are happening the way they are, but you move past that because you're trying to enjoy the new Star Wars movie. And you can enjoy the visuals and special effects and some of the characters. So basically if you don't think about it it's a great movie, but when you do think about it, it just gets worse and worse.
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