
9 Reviews
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Tár (2022)
14 January 2024
I'd been looking forward to watching this film for some time. I didn't know a great deal about it pressing play other than the plaudits heaped on both it and star, Cate Blanchett and that she played a composer; I knew just enough to know I wanted to watch it. It looked good, if a little cold in its atmosphere with mumbled dialogue, but I persevered despite my eyes starting to close after less than 10 minutes. I made myself a drink and sat upright to continue, though my eyes were constantly heavy. I've since read with interest some of the reviews on here; especially those which said how the pace really picked up in the last hour. I also enjoyed those that talked about the information the viewer wasn't given! And the clues to look out for. What was this, a sequel to Mulholland Drive?? Anyway, for the first time in a long time I actually gave up watching. I generally persevere with films; even the bad and average ones. That's some accolade for such a well-received, critically acclaimed movie! I lasted 50 minutes. In that time, not a great deal happened. Certainly not enough to make me want to keep watching. Best bit: when Tar takes down a student over some gender politics. But, all in all, a disappointment.
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Violent Night (2022)
Ho ho no!
15 December 2023
Take some existing Christmas movies, add a drop of egg-nog and shake. Unfortunately, what you then end up with is a tonally uneven festive mess. Borrowing liberally from Billy-Bob Thornton's drunken and misanthropic escapades, several scenes from the first two Die Hards and one character even referencing Home Alone, it just makes the viewer want to put one of those classics on instead. It also tries to add some schmaltzy, Hallmark sentiment to a barrage of f-bombs and bloody violence. None of the elements really working. It really should've made a decision to be either a Bad Santa/Die Hard hybrid or something more akin to Home Alone/National Lampoon. It also completely failed in its attempts to be funny or quote-worthy. In a word, a turkey.
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A decent evening's entertainment
12 March 2023
Yes, it's ridiculously far-fetched with none of the grit of the tv series, but I stayed awake throughout and quite enjoyed it. I think I was so happy to see John and his old boss, DS Schenk, back that I forgave the film all of its myriad faults. And my goodness it has some doozies. A bigger budget and lofty ideas does not equal better in any way, shape or form. Andy Serkis's character is like some weird composite of a Bond villain and (now) generic genius serial killer psychopath type (with added unclear motives). Having said all that, it still managed to entertain and occasionally thrill, with a decent pace that, as I mentioned, stopped me from nodding off. Would've got an extra star if Alice Morgan had popped up!
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Waste of my time
4 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get the opportunity to watch films as often as I'd like so when the opportunity does arise I find it annoying when it turns out I picked the wrong one to watch. All the reviews I'd glimpsed seemed to highly rate this (5 stars in some publications). Perhaps I should've read them ahead of watching as I had no idea it was based on an existing story. Not that knowing that Sean Harris was King Arthur etc would've made The Green Knight any more enjoyable. So, most of the last 20 minutes doesn't really happen, so Dev upholds his part of the deal and the Knight doesn't actually kill him when he finally offers up his neck. Whoopee, big deal.
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Antebellum (2020)
Well, I liked it
3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was a decent thriller. I went in knowing very little other than that the great Janelle Monae was in it and who the producers were. Yes, there's a bit of a 'rug pull' about half hour in, which I found intriguing; I then thought I had it worked out, only for another rug pull and reveal. My viewing partner thought it would've been better shown in a more linear way, but I liked the middle bit/twist. It all comes together in the end which is the main thing.
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Cats (1998 Video)
Very disappointing
21 October 2020
With the exception of 'Memory' there wasn't one other memorable (pun not intended) song. The 'plot' is non-existent, even by musical standards. And as for the use of the made-up word 'Jellicle', that quickly became annoying. The stage set wasn't that impressive; not sure that Sir John Mills was actually acting (I was a tad bewildered too). So, other than Elaine Paige's performance, I really can't not recommend this enough.
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Truly dreadful
23 September 2020
As colourful as this is, the look of the film can't make up for the terrible dialogue, bad acting and lumpen pace. It lifts from so many classics (see 'Taxi Driver' for the finale), but falls so short it's embarrassing. The bloody violence seems out of place too.
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Serenity (I) (2019)
Ignore the defensive reviews... they're wrong!
3 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, there already exists a very good 2005 film called 'Serenity', so why the writer decided to use that name I do not know. Secondly, I'm all for having the rug pulled out from under my feet when it works e.g. 'Vanilla Sky', but this particular twist/left turn does not work at all. It actually might've worked better if the viewer knew that - SPOILER!! - what they were watching wasn't real from the off, and instead focussed more on the real world and the boy's need to escape. Please note, I said 'might've worked better'!
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Where's the music?
26 February 2019
No Alan Horne, no Edwyn, no Roddy, but worst of all, no music! If it was one of those unofficial, cobbled together efforts I'd understand, but most of the major players are present, so why no tunes?
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