
52 Reviews
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
I loved it!
5 March 2024
It's funny, it's gory, it's suspenseful, it has Patrick Dempsey...

As a long time horror fan it's been a while since I've seen a good new slasher movie This reminded me of late 90's early 2000's slashers which is a great thing!

There was a lot of creative kills. The main heroine "Jessica" was likable. A few other characters were interesting and some were quirky, which is sometimes hard to do when you have a big cast like this movie had.

I'm excited for the sequel! I'm hoping this turns into a franchise for a few more movies. I think it would be fun to visit the theatre to see more of these Thanksgiving movies!
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The Student (I) (2017)
Uptight professor needs to relax lol!
9 February 2024
The professor "Abby" was so unlikable. She said "I hope you're not one of these students that rely's on your good looks and charm to get good grades"😂 That lady needed to go on vacation and just relax. I know we're supposed to be on her side but she had taken an immediate dislike to "Vance" for really no reason. I guess just because he made a comment in her class and from that one comment she came to the conclusion that he was arrogant. Why is it any concern to her how his personality is? Then for some reason she goes through his old essays and is upset with his good grades? She basically stalks him. Really weird.'s a Lifetime movie. The movie is entertaining enough and the the acting is decent.
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I like it so far!
12 May 2023
I've read a few reviews criticizing the show: saying that the cast isn't attractive enough- especially the actress playing Alex... I'm not sure why people are expecting a soap opera looking cast and for Dan to find a sultry Jennifer Lopez look a-like in the office but whatever. It's not a Lifetime movie here. Lizzy Caplan's Alex is pretty, like a real woman pretty. She's also a great actress, being creepy and sympathetic at the same time.

Only 4 episodes in and I think it's a decent slow burn moody show. The actors do a pretty great job. I always enjoy seeing Joshua Jackson. It's also nice to see Amanda Peet. I love 80's horror/thrillers so I'm trying not to compare this show to the 80's one. Obviously some (most) are going to prefer the very entertaining 80's Fatal Attraction over this one but I think you can like both!
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Cyst (2020)
Fun gory monster flick!
27 June 2022
You should know what to expect with a name like "Cyst". It doesn't disappoint! I appreciated the practical effects a lot. The actors seemed like they were having a great time! As soon as I heard the doctor speak, I said "that's the dad from Troll 2" and it was! It was all around a fun gory movie. Enjoy!
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Scream (I) (2022)
It could have been a lot better!
1 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The main downfall of this movie for me is them rushing through all the original character scenes. Why are new sequels (or requels) doing that?! Stop it!! We want to see the classic characters: Sidney, Dewey and Gale! The character of Dewey was just sad, I wanted to see him be helpful and see his self esteem rise throughout the movie but no that didn't happen at all :( he and Sidney never even had a chance to reunite! :( Sidney and Gale have very little to do in the movie.

The actress playing "Sam Carpenter" was very bland. Jenny Ortega as "Tara" was definitely the better actress here and her I'd like to see continue in the scream franchise.

Was pretty gory movie and there was a few decent inventive kills. My hubby and I had fun trying to figure out who the killer(s) were thinking it would be really interesting but when the reveal happened.. it was lackluster.

I saw that they're already planning on a Scream 6... I hope it's better than this one!
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Fun horror flick!
29 May 2022
I really liked it! The gore effects were great, it was suspenseful and the acting was pretty good.

You'll probably see the "twist" coming. They should have put more thought into the ending.
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The Depraved (2011)
Creepy But flawed
11 May 2022
They could have came up with a better reason to have the young adults go into the tunnels because what we're given is a really silly. They're all dressed for the party they want to get too but first they've got to trek through miles of dirty catacombs to get there. One girl is actually wearing short shorts and fashion boots. Just really unbelievable..

I watch a lot of horror movies and this one did succeed in making me feel uncomfortable and creeped out. It reminded me of a movie with a similar premise: CREEP- which is a MUCH better movie though. The tunnels and the psycho bad guy with his massive overbite and bulging eyes were pretty scary. The acting by the couple was pretty good. The ending was very irritating. I can see why people didn't like this but I thought it was alright ::shrug::
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Entertaining, gory and kind of funny
20 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I kind of of feel like this was a mockery of the new Halloween movies. Like, this couldn't have been serious? Or was it? I don't know. It was entertaining, gory and some party were unintentionally funny (or intentionally funny?). I don't know but I laughed a lot. Either way, I didn't like that they basically just tossed "Sally Hardesty" aside and left her character to die in a pile of trash bags. It was really disrespectful to her character.. :(
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Intrusion (II) (2021)
Entertaining thriller!
2 February 2022
The plot is a typical TV thriller, nothing really new. The mystery also isn't very mysterious. The way the movie plays out and the acting is what made it better. The actress playing "Meera" was believable and likable. Logan Marshall- Green as the husband "Henry" is great, I've seen him in several different things and he's always does a great job. Overall, the movie kept me interested and entertained.
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The Requin (2022)
It's so bad and I laughed so hard
29 January 2022
If you're looking for a movie that's unintentionally funny:... this is it. It's very bad and it's very funny. I honestly wasn't expecting to laugh so hard. My 90's movie loving heart loves Alicia Silverstone and I truly wish she was in something better than this.
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A Mother's Revenge (2016 TV Movie)
Entertaining for what it was
13 January 2022
I've seen waaay worse lifetime moves. This one held my interest but I really don't know why "the guy" didn't just calmly exchange bags with the mother "Jennifer" in the beginning..I guess they just needed a reason for the movie to keep going.
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Maternal Instinct (2019 TV Movie)
12 January 2022
They could have done something with this premise but the acting from everyone was awful. The main mother (don't remember her name) was very annoying and Whiny throughout the whole movie. I should have stopped watching once she delivered her own baby at the hospital because she apparently knows more than the doctor(what?!). There are much better movies out there to watch! Avoid!!!
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
It's ok
5 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really like shows/movies with a survival premise- I loved The WILDS!! I just finished watching the amazing HANNA so I was a need of a new show... It's not that this is a bad show but I feel like it missed the mark.

The cast is pretty talented and the scenes with Juliette Lewis and Christina Ricci are my favorite. The show moves very slooowly. The survival stuff is good and interesting but there's not enough of it. I'm assuming they're trying to drag it out for a season 2(3 and 4).

The downfall for me is that the show takes away a lot of suspense when we basically already know who lived and who died. The pacing is weird too. For instance: we as an audience didn't even get to know "Travis" or see his relationship with "Misty" until after his death as an adult!

Another downfall is that the character of "Shauna" (both teen and adult) is SO unlikable, selfish and manipulative that I just don't want to watch her at all and that character gets waaay too much screen time. Poor Jackie! :( Just give us more scenes with Christina Ricci!!
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FleshEater (1988)
It's so bad it's good!
30 November 2021
How is it possible that I've never heard of this gem until the other day?! It was unintentionally funny and I laughed quite a bit. If you like gory B horror movies then you should definitely watch this one!
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Underrated horror comedy gem!
13 November 2021
This is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. It's one of my favorites. I just love it. Everyone plays theirs parts perfectly. Tucker and Dale are just so likable <3.
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Chucky (I) (2021– )
4 November 2021
As a long time Chucky fan who has a replica Chucky doll, I would like to express how much I love this show!! Chucky looks and acts a lot like how he did in parts 1-3- especially 2. The doll itself looks great, you can tell they spent a lot of time perfecting him <3. Can't wait to watch the rest of the season and I'm hoping for a season 2!
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This was great!!
28 October 2021
I'm a fan of the first 3 Slumber Party Massacre movies and not so much a fan of remakes... I thought the trailer for this one looked pretty good so I decided to watch it and I'm so glad I did!

This is more like a sequel and took things in a different direction rather than try to remake the first one. The killer did such a great job, he looked and acted exactly like the original killer. It's a highly enjoyable never boring horror/comedy!
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Initiation (II) (2020)
Feels like a 90's slasher!
14 August 2021
I liked this one a lot! It's pretty gory, suspenseful and there was even likable characters to root for! Very similar to Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer.
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Chopping Mall (1986)
One of my all time favorites!!
21 July 2021
10/10 for a killer robot movie?!?!! Uh.. YES!!!

It is everything you want from a 80's B-movie and it's been loved by me ever since I was a kid. The box cover is also my favorite of any movie art ever!!
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Nightmare on the 13th Floor (1990 TV Movie)
Creepy 90's made for tv film!
13 July 2021
This was one of those mysterious movies I grew up watching on tv and it was always very memorable.

I don't normally want or like horror remakes but I think this one could use a remake. The premise is interesting and creepy and with a higher budget it could a be a really great scary film!
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Python (2000 TV Movie)
Bad but I liked it!
30 June 2021
I'm pretty sure this movie was supposed to be silly and fun. It was both of those things!

The snake could break through the side of a plane but couldn't break though it's wooden crate lol!
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Panic (2021)
Hoping for a season 2!
5 June 2021
I liked this show a lot more than I thought I would! It kind of reminds me of a mix between "Pretty Little Liars" and the movie "Nerve"

I don't get a lot of free time to watch tv so I'm picky about what shows I watch. The mystery and twists and turns kept me interested! I thought the actors all played their characters very well, especially since I hadn't heard of any of them before.

I'm hoping for a season 2!!!
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Wrong Turn (2021)
Pretty intense backwoods horror movie!
7 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a more serious version of Wrong Turn that gets a lot right but sometimes I think it took itself a little too seriously. You have to sort of suspend your belief on on several things that go on in the movie to thoroughly enjoy it.

I watch a lot of horror movies and I didn't see where this one was going all the time which was refreshing! It really is an intense movie! Honestly, I think it would have made a great Tv show or miniseries because there are so many interesting characters we're introduced too and the movie takes so many twists and turns.

The acting from everyone was very good, the actors made some of the more unbelievable parts a little more believable. The woods actually looked pretty creepy, even in the day time! I liked the idea of the backwoods cult-like community. I thought "Venable", the leader of the community was especially creepy-actually he scared me more than any of the people dressed up in camo and animal bones!

There were some things that kept this movie from being excellent... I found it really hard to believe that no one outside that little town had been able to find that rather large community in the woods, it couldn't have been THAT hidden or far off the trail since the group of friends were able to hike close to it pretty easily and even a group of town locals drive their truck right up to where the traps were set! After being rescued the movie skips forward SEVERAL WEEKS and a lot didn't make sense: why didn't they tell the police about the community? Were they not questioned about the whereabouts of Jens friends? There were several prisoners left and they also just left Jen's boyfriend at the community even though he was likely suffering from being brainwashed-Those people needed rescued! I think they should have could have something on the radio/news announcing that the community was found or something like that right before the events of the very last scene, it really would have made much more sense!

Despite some of the more unbelievable things that go on in the movie, its pretty good! I'd definitely watch a sequel!
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Blue Monkey (1987)
Cheesy 80's creature feature
13 February 2021
I really miss movies that had practical effects creatures like this one, a lot of work went into creating those insects!

While not a great film, it has an 80's B-movie charm and I found it to be very entertaining. The acting was decent and it takes place pretty much entirely in a hospital which is a plus! It's definitely a fun movie if you're not too critical of it, enjoy 80's creature features and are a fan of practical effects.
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Underrated 80's slasher gem!
11 February 2021
On par with Friday the 13th! This movie really deserves more recognition. I've been watching horror movies for years and I can't believe I had never heard of this one until just a few years ago. I couldn't find any way to watch it so I very happy to see that it was re-released on Blu-ray!

This movie had me on the edge of my seat! The campers were ALL surprisingly really likable which added to the tension because I didn't want anything bad to happen to any of them. The acting from everyone was above average. The campers actually looked like they were setting up camp in a sort unconventional area because there's a lot of overgrown weeds and paths that didn't look like they've been taken care of which makes the atmosphere look creepy and isolated. There were several creepy scenes where something may or may not be lurking in shadows. The killer(s) actually really scared me!!! This movie deserves a lot more love!
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