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Copenhagen Cowboy (2022–2023)
A Rick Steve's Vacation Holiday Special
22 January 2023
Uplifting look at all the wonders of life in Copenhagen, filmed in sunset shades of neon pink, purple and blue.

Series begins when Miu, a talented young lady who only wears a blue tracksuit, is adopted by beautiful Rosella and her joyful brother Andre. They run an orphanage for homeless nymphomaniac girls. Rosella and Andre work hard to teach the girls how to dress attractively and wear makeup. They even set up the girls on dates with high quality men, all in a controlled, supervised environment. If Rosella has any shortcomings it is that she married Sven who is mute. But he does squeal like a pig and enjoys kink BDSM! Sven brings joy to all the girls he meets.

All in all, most of the girls exceed expectations. When Miu graduates, she leaves Rosella feeling warm and tingly all over!

Miu has various adventures afterward including living behind a high end Chinese restaurant where all the kung-fu champions come to dine. This restaurant is famous for their pork, because they raise their pigs outback, feeding them a high protein diet. In fact, the kung fu guys love to donate to keep the friendly pigs happy and healthy.

Miu also visits a young blond man whose family raises pigs behind their castle. The young man has an unusually close and special bond with his mother. She likes to watch him work out naked for some reason, while his dad (her husband) travels the world donating his DNA to the poor. Miu and the boy have a complicated relationship, but he ends up in a better spot, dressed in stunning haute couture from head to toe.

Just like Mary Poppins, Miu brings light to everyone with her adventures in Copenhagen. This series is fun for the whole family to watch. It might even make you want to eat pork in Copenhagen!
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Wholesome family entertainment
27 December 2022
Intellectual story of two you ladies and their happy-go-lucky travels selling Bibles to uneducated non-believers. Even though they are inexperienced at sales, these wholesome girls learn all the right techniques to make their sales skyrocket! In the end, they earn all the money they need to return to St Mary's girls' school so they can live happily ever after.

I can't figure out why nobody wears underwear in this movie. And the women are always walking around topless. It's probably because of the summer heat in southern California where it is very dry and dusty.

The house lady madam even has to use an old toilet plunger on herself to get unclogged because of all the dust that has collected, apparently causing extreme constipation. She could use eX-lax for relief but I think she ran out of money after spending it on Bibles. In any event, it's a very educational movie showing alternative lifestyles, including how people use their creativity to hide small bags of powder when they don't have pockets (or undergarments). Who knew!

Overall it's a joyful and uplifting look about life skills and life lessons. Sometimes hearts get broken or worse, splattered, but that is part of growing up these girls learn. They must have had Divine's inspiration to be in the right place, at the right time, selling exactly what this small community needs - Bibles! And now this community is much better off. Even John Waters would approve.

If you want some religious oriented entertainment to watch with your family, this movie is highly recommended. Kids, parents and even grandparents can all find something to relate to. And even if you don't read the Bible, this movie may give you inspiration to start giving back to your community just like these girls did. They are honest to goodness role models in every sense of the term.
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Doll Collecting Documentary
26 December 2022
This true-to-life tale of two teenage sisters who obsess over collecting dolls and playing dress-up is a warning. Unfortunately for these dumb teens, when the dolls are speaking demon languages, the girls believe this activity is normal and an unhealthy cycle begins.

For unknown reasons, a generous man with severe disabilities and another kind-hearted man impersonating a woman, move in to the house to help the girls by bringing love. They have hearts of gold and spend their days giving away candy from their truck to neighborhood children. But these girls don't appreciate any help from normal people, and resist by attacking the lovely couple with knives, which their possessed dolls instructed them to do.

But bad behavior isn't entirely the girls' fault because their birth mother is a chain smoking alcoholic who can't keep a job, husband or wife! So the girls improvise and create their own fantasy world with possessed dolls that speak demonic languages and have red flames in their eyes. This documentary is so true to life that everyone with kids can relate.

Doll collecting is very dangerous, especially with dolls that have demon souls. And if the kids are also demons it's a bad combination. That's why it's important for people to see this documentary as a warning to seriously consider another pastime like bible study, babysitting or uncovering voter fraud. Ask Chucky! His life turned around after he got a bride. Which apparently these teen sisters didn't learn from.
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Died Suddenly (2022)
Lestat: COVID is a culinary nightmare!
22 December 2022
Finally, the facts are laid bare for all to see: vaccines are unhealthy. This is crucially important to vampires, because they, like every other US voter, deserve tasty and organic food options. For non-vampires, vaccines are the equivalent of something awful, like adding too much MSG to one's won ton soup. Yuck.

This documentary is full of possible facts and newly uncovered truths: vampires have a constitutional right to drink organic, without vaccines, GMOs or pesticides. Plus it's morally right to offer healthy alternatives for those who are quickly running out of organic food options because so many voters are compulsive about getting vaccinated, compromising their flavor potential. COVID is a vampire's culinary nightmare!

Even the Dark Lord Vampire himself is having difficulty finding suitable meals after Jeffrey and Ghislaine stopped doing food deliveries via the Lolita Express. Now he has to rely on very unreliable food delivery transportation, like pizza delivery and Q.
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The Devil's Hour (2022– )
Abuse of a smoking hot muscular husband
17 December 2022
This enlightening and educational series tells the story of Lucy, a woman who unfortunately is faced with many troubles in life, including blindness. You'll learn lessons in how not to treat a sexy husband. Just do the opposite of whatever Lucy does!

Poor Lucy can't seem to keep it together. She has a smoking hot husband whom she uses and abuses, then tosses him like trash after romping in bed together because she is bored. She can't bring herself to be honest with him that she wants his perfectly muscular body and cute butt even though she is not in love. How can she not love a man who looks like that??? Instead she lies to his handsome face and leads him along with unfulfilled promises. His hair is thick and gorgeous and his eyes are like big chocolate chip cookies, but that's not enough for greedy Lucy. Unfortunately for him, he still loves her even though there are no obvious reasons why. Lucy, in her condition, has nothing to offer a man that gorgeous.

Even while he keeps his body toned and amazing, she walks all over him. He really needs to dump Miss Hot Mess! Any man that fabulously good looking can find a woman, or even another man, anywhere! Even at church. Or the grocery store. Nobody in their right mind would turn away this dreamy stud.

Bad judgment and overactive hormones control every decision Lucy makes, especially around men. The bottom line is if you have a man who looks like Lucy's husband, and he loves you, make sure you prioritize him first.
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2000 Mules (2022)
Truth revealed: clowns control the elections
24 November 2022
Finally someone exposed the truth about killer clowns from outer space controlling the election process. Never before has someone gone into so much factual detail and exposed so many never before told secrets about how the government is ultimately controlled by these killer clowns who came from outer space in the 1980's (there's another documentary about that of you look it up). And they aren't costumed clowns either, that is how they are born, with red noses and rainbow hair and giant feet etc.

The scary part is that not only do these clowns destroy fair elections, but they erect circus tents that ultimately trap well meaning citizens attempting to vote and send them into outer space! Mars? Jupiter? Pluto?

Only the Dark Lord Himself in Palm Beach knows the truth. That's why he needs to hide Top Secret and Highly Classified government documents in his manse. Those documents expose more truths, including the fact that consuming buttered popcorn causes people to vote for democrats! And it's obviously because of the long history between democrats and Hollywood, buttered popcorn is the link. Finally someone makes the connection in this documentary.

This documentary is all very factual and thoroughly detailed. The only chance for hope is for everyone to stop eating buttered popcorn and to avoid circus tents, or they will become kidnapped by the clowns and shot into space forevermore. We must all serve the Dark Lord by doing everything he commands, because only he can make America great again. This documentary sums up everything you need to know about how Washington really works and why there is little time left to save America.
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Romantic comedy: men in love
24 November 2022
Wonderful romantic comedy that finally reveals the truth about an illicit romance, complete with hookers and BDSM role play. Who knew the protagonists can have such a strong bond with each other, when both are married! But I guess the world is changing and open relationships are no longer hidden. And this love affaire has been going on for over a decade!

Anyone who seeks the truth can read between the lines to see what is really going on: brotherly love!

I found this documentary to be more like a romantic comedy and also very insightful. I never knew these facts before. Now the truth is revealed, what goes on in their bedrooms is now open knowledge.
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Terrifier 2 (2022)
Happy people spend quality time with clown
17 November 2022
Art the clown is amazing. He is the laugh of the party! The belle of the ball! And everyone loves him. He has an odd sense of humor sometimes, and occasionally gets miffed by small things, but that adds to his charm. Some people are confused by him, but only the dumb ones. He is a great person deep down who spreads love everywhere.

The world needs more clown people like Art. Girls find him irresistible. Some guys too! Others want to be like him. The commonality is Art's lovable character and athletic abilities like swinging heavy instruments such as chain saws and scythes. He could be in the circus he is so talented. But instead he found his calling by making people happy, keeping things clean, and entertaining crowds.
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Terrifier (2016)
Happy times for everyone!
22 October 2022
I loved the upbeat concept of this movie: a clown that was rejected by his birth family finds true love among a group of friends. What can be better? Every minute is upbeat and joyful.

There are so many happy moments and all the people who interact with the clown end up improved. Basically people become better versions of themselves. And it's all due to the gentle and loving nature of the clown whose only goal in life is to spread love to others.

The good news is that ultimately the clown finds love and appreciation from his new found friends. Everyone deserves love and this clown finally found his heart. Actually the clown is so generous he gave everyone a little piece of his heart. Be prepared for lots of laughs and get ready to gorge your appetite on meat!
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Metamorphosis (III) (2022)
Recipe for strengthening your marriage: LOVE
22 October 2022
I really enjoyed this uplifting look at a couple working through their marital challenges and coming out on the other side stronger and happier. It's a great example for everyone on how to make things work, even when not ideal.

Yes the husband has issues due to his hearty carnivore appetite, but nobody is perfect. He can't help it if he eats a lot of meat. And the wife has her own issues too. But together their love conquers all.

Even their evil neighbors that want to shoot and kill everything are overcome we they see firsthand the newfound joy and strength this couple demonstrates. They really teach the neighbors a lesson about minding their own business! And stop harming innocent animals!

Overall very uplifting and fun. Plus good lessons in how to treat your husband well so he will love you forever. Any wife who has marital troubles can learn a thing or two watching this movie.
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Speak No Evil (2022)
Be prepared to laugh and have a good time!
5 October 2022
In this light hearted drama, the two children and their incessant demands are the source of the drama and humor. One child pretends he can't speak and everyone laughs. The other child speaks too much making everyone laugh. She really twists her words!

The plot is about two couples that get together for a vacation in the countryside, but little do they know that the children are up to no good and full of tricks and bad dance routines.

Their mothers have their own problems as well, being nymphomaniacs who cannot go out in public without causing a scene. Those women!

The only saving grace for these couples are the two men who prove to be wonderful fathers to the kids and husbands to their wretched wives. All of this comes together with lots of humor.

Ultimately the kids learn their lessons get what they deserve. Both couples end up visiting a scenic quarry to celebrate life and reminisce. It's a rewarding look at life that will leave you wanting more!
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Family bonding and happy times
18 September 2022
Important lessons about trust in adults and the true nature of children are to be learned from this educational film, which is full it twists and surprises!

Two evil twin boys return to live with their famous mother in the beautiful Connecticut countryside. For some reason their dad doesn't want to see his ex wife so he leaves the kids in the driveway and departs. That's pretty weird but he has his reasons.

The boys locate the mother deep inside her palatial countryside manor wearing face bandages, which are frightening of course to a child and causes doubts about her real identity. But these children are different, they have wild imaginations, hallucinate and have murderous tendencies. The mother is the one who should be afraid of these little monsters!

This movie is a warning to think twice about starting a family!
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Educational documentary finding happiness
17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Fun documentary about a beautiful and innocent orphan girl, Esther, rescued and given opportunities with a new life. Unfortunately her adoptive family, evil as they are, make her life very difficult. The mother is cold and crazy and full of paranoia. The dad is weak and oblivious to the cunning mother.

This documentary tracks every step - and even shows how hard Esther tries to fit in. Educational and uplifting with lots of humor until the evil mother appears.

All this plays out with Esther, not a day older than 9, caught up in the family drama. Esther plays piano like a concert pianist but the mom doesn't care and never thinks the girl might be a childhood prodigy and extremely gifted. Instead the mom is so jealous. The mom's murderous tendencies and dad's unhealthy subservience to the mom makes them terrible parents no doubt!

To survive Esther is forced to protect herself from all this nonsense and fight for a path to freedom! She is mistreated so terribly by everyone and finds protection with household objects, like knives. Still there is a lot of humor and some good laughs which makes this a wonderful documentary that everyone can learn from.

More families need to adopt and help kids like Esther because kids like her add so much joy to everyone's life.
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The Innocents (2021)
Documentary about kids using magic for good
15 September 2022
I guess this is what kids do nowadays. This documentary follows 4 darling kids (1 boy and 3 girls) one summer in a beaten down town in Norway as they discover friendship, budding romance and magical powers. A light hearted documentary capturing the innocence of kids being kids!

The boy, whom all the girls fall in love with, has the most magical power within the group. He is as powerful as the archangel Gabriel and can do no harm. He is an animal and nature lover and uses his powers to show kindness toward all things living.

The documentary even follows him along as he uses his magical power to help a young and inexperienced soccer player on the playground have a new and amazing life experience. The soccer player is so overwhelmed with joy he screams out in gratitude.

And the fawning girls just love their group leader. They know that when he grows up he will make an excellent husband so they all fight to get closer to him.

This boy is multitalented and helps his mom boil water for cooking dinner. When she has an accident and falls (she is clumsy and dumb), he does his best to help her and even covers her to keep her warm. He says a prayer to help her. But she is not a good person. For even though dinner is already made, she is not grateful and complains for no reason.

Overall this documentary is a wonderfully educational look at kids using magic nowadays. You will laugh and be filled with joy as you watch. A wonderful documentary for all ages. Plus it teaches the power of using magic for good in the world. Lots for everyone to learn!
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Devil in Ohio (2022)
Faith in a Higher Power
7 September 2022
Mae is teenager from a loving community of devout holy people who groom her to become the pure and holy saint that she was meant to be, according to her zodiac birth sign. She has faith in her one true god, represented by a beautiful crow.

Dressed, blessed and given the gift of a white rose, plus a decorative star symbol put on her back for good luck, similar to Christmas tree star, Mae is full of positive energy and luck. And she gets this star symbol for free following a crowning ceremony to celebrate her faith. Mae is one lucky girl!

After some miscommunication one night, she ends up leaving her birth family to move in with an evil foster family that is full of secrets and lies. However Mae is pure and holy. She is called the chosen one by her birth family because she was chosen by the higher power to devote her life to serve and baptize the nonbelievers in her community. She loves to make corn husk dolls, and fix crosses that are crooked in people's homes. Her mission in life is to serve and educate about her savior, The Shining One. Unfortunately for Mae, her foster family doesn't understand her power and destroys her holy altar in the back yard.

After making some wishes to a crow and her one true lord, plus sacrificing and doing charitable sermons, Mae's spiritual journey takes her on a path to do many great and powerful things, including proselytizing about her true lord.
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Stray (2019)
Warm and inviting, because love conquers all
28 August 2022
Stray is about a beautiful young orphan who in a sad Russian orphanage who gets adopted by a lovely couple, Polina and Igor, who recently lost their birth son. The adopted son is named Vanya and also known as Stray.

As the story unfolds, and his scars heal, Vanya brings much joy and love to the lives of his newly adopted parents. His dad brings him to the park to play with local children and, even though Vanya is still adjusting, he does a fabulous job integrating with the group and shows his natural leadership instincts. Vanya is very kind and talented and everyone wants to be his friend.

He is able to help others overcome their troubles because he has learned how to overcome his own.

This is an important movie about being open to new beginnings and learning to love the imperfect.

In the end Vanya teaches his new parents important lessons in good decision making, while he also learns important life lessons in becoming a social butterfly. Everyone needs a boy like Vanya in their life! He brings so much joy and love to everyone around him and is a gift from God.
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Beautifully filmed and relaxing to watch
27 August 2022
Learning to live with others is an important quality in life. This movie points out all of fun ways that a family learns to integrate within an apartment community where everyone supports each other out of kindness and love. Be open minded and enjoy new experiences! The neighborhood children want to help.

In the end, the family learns to be more open minded about others who are different. Lessons in multi cultural integration and finding joy with new experiences is the main point of this pleasing movie. Everyone should be so lucky as to live in an apartment like this with so many helpful neighbors and a strong feeling of community.
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Slasher (2016–2023)
Unconditional family love, kindness and generosity
5 August 2022
A wealthy family gathers on a remote island for an annual reunion. When the patriarch embarks on a medical assisted suicide, he passes away in peace with a heavenly smile. While this is going on, his devastated wife consoles herself over lunch with a friend who helps her to exercise through her grief.

Her husband, a gentle and very timid man, had a generous heart, leaving behind traces of it everywhere, especially in his legal will detailing next steps for disbursement of his fortune. The fortune will go to the forthcoming winner of a family-friendly competition open to all of the relatives. The kind of family fun you might find at a theme park or church.

What happens next is joyful family bonding. Fortunately money means very little to them because they all know that what really matters is love and that is why they play. This family is a role model of what supporting each other should look like.

When a long lost nephew appears after being rehomed 25 years earlier, everyone rejoices and showers him with unconditional love. He is skinny and gobbles up a lot! Unfortunately his niece has an awful medical condition called pica and she is so hungry she can eat a person!

With any physical competition there are bound to be minor accidents and bruises, but the important thing is that everyone has such a strong bond and they help each other to get through all the difficulties. Trust, generosity and kindness is the family motto. Everyone should be so fortunate to have such a loving family.
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Se7en (1995)
Joyful movie about inner strength
4 August 2022
Kevin Spacey plays John Doe, a misunderstood but well meaning community leader who does good deeds in dirty New York City. His goal is to help people. Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman are two bumbling detectives who add a comic element. Gwyneth Paltrow plays a depressed wife who goes on a spiritual journey and ends up in a better place with some help.

Overall the movie is upbeat and really points to how important it is for people like Kevin Spacey/John Doe to help others overcome their inner demons from obesity to laziness and other evils. His techniques are very effective! And he even does expert manicures! He is a multitalented saint.

After watching this movie, anyone can become inspired to help those around them be better people.
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Fresh (2022)
Feel good tear jerker, like Sleepless in Seattle
24 July 2022
Fresh explores the good and bad of the dating world in a light hearted manner. For Daisy, after a long dry spell being unlucky in love, she finally finds her soul mate. Daisy ultimately learns how to give of herself in order to be a better, and less selfish person. She is so lucky!

Lots of laughs and funny moments ensue. Daisy ends up trading in her selfish single life for a married life with the man of her dreams.

Together they go on a gourmet culinary journey ending up with laughter, love and stomachs full of joy. Daisy learns gratitude finally, committing to a healthy future together with a wonderful man.
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
Learning to love and grow
24 July 2022
The girl's soccer team learns lessons in team support and being kind to each other after experiencing an unfortunate plane accident in the Canadian wilderness. What ensues is a coming of age story about finding satisfaction and hope in difficult circumstances. The girls are the best of friends and because their bonds are so strong, they all support each other during this difficult time.

Overall an uplifting story of perseverance and team support that will leave you feeling good about supporting your local soccer team.
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X (II) (2022)
Laughs, good times and lessons learned
24 July 2022
Beautifully shot nature movie focusing on a group of young actors looking to make a big time family movie to compete with Disney. This happy go lucky group is very adventurous and go to great lengths to create a movie that is full of natural beauty, humor and fun times. Plus some surprises.

The evil elderly couple that rents the property are initially unsupportive of nature films until they are invited by the crew to join in on the fun. Needless to say, everyone has a great time making the film and learning how to make comedy with the old, redneck property owners. In the end the old couple regain a little bit of their lost youth and kindness by being open to new experiences.
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Hell Trip (2018)
Oscar worthy! Can I rate 11 stars?
23 July 2022
One of the best movies ever made about Africa. Move over African Queen, this movie is so much better than that old classic.

This is about a group of happy-go-lucky Americans who go on vacation together in Africa seeking good times in a beautiful setting. They experience all kinds of pleasant surprises and some even fall in love. Needless to say there is a lot of romance happening under the moonlight. To top it off their 5-star vacation serves up gourmet food every night. Food and romance, this crew is living it up and making the most out a well deserved adventure.

You should expect to be entertained and amazed by this group's romantic excursion through the exotic African wilderness!
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Watcher (I) (2022)
Romance in beautiful old European city
17 July 2022
Julia is bored at home. So she travels to the beautiful country of Romania with her tired boyfriend only to find true love with someone else. She becomes paranoid that maybe someone is watching her, the "watcher", and her boyfriend might find out the truth.

In reality the watcher is Julia's soulmate and all the women in town are crazy for him! The neighborhood women are in love with the watcher and his suave, romantic ways. He has encounters with many women desperate for his love, but he learns that he has only one true love in life, Julia.

Will Julia give him a chance and dump her loser boyfriend or not? Lots of twists and turns in this fast paced romantic comedy and Julia finally finds everlasting love. If you like romantic comedies, you'll definitely enjoy this one!
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Alba (2021)
Romance and personal growth
17 July 2022
Alba is a girl with a lot of problems. She drinks too much, likes to party with guys, has no self control and eventually gets herself in trouble. People want to help Alba but she is too caught up in immature partying.

Fortunately, Alba is able to overcome her troubled ways and sets out on a new journey leaving behind her lifestyle of drugs, alcohol and poor judgment.

Very uplifting and warmly moving story about finding one's true path and leaving behind baggage and unhealthy relationships.
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