
5 Reviews
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Event Horizon (1997)
Amityville Horror meets Hellraiser in Space
8 November 2021
You know the line from the Alien posters... In space, no one can hear you scream.

Well, this ship can. And it likes it.

This is one of my all-time favorite science fiction/horror movies in space.

I saw it when it released in the cinema, and as I walked out, somewhat dazed, I decided immediately to buy another ticket, then went back in and sat down for another viewing.

Sure, a couple of the lines were a bit on the cheesy side, but only a couple. The acting and effects were spectacular, the environments were creepy as hell, and some of the visuals will stick with you.

There's some gore in it, so be ready for that. If that bothers you.

Lawrence Fishburne, Sam Neil, and a bunch of other actors you'll recognize lead a rescue mission, after a distress beacon is received from a research vessel that disappeared years before out near the planet Neptune. It was considered at the time of its disappearance to be the worst disaster in the history of space travel at that point.

The ship, using an experimental form of travel, has gone beyond the boundaries of our known universe. Maybe to hell itself. And it came back alive.

The premise may sound laughable, but this is space horror done right.(Think Amityville Horror meets Hellraiser in space) Give it a chance, if you've somehow missed this one. Turn out the lights and get your popcorn ready. You won't be getting up until it's over.
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Not totally original, but what is? Different, though, and good.
9 October 2021
Give it a shot. I thought it was good.

It's a bit reminiscent of Scream, but probably only because it's a slasher flick featuring teens in high school.

Aside from that, the cast were all good actors, the script was good, and the story was believable.

What more can you ask for these days? Is it 100% original? Nothing is. The best we can hope for is for the story to be done in some way that is different and sets it apart from the rest.

I only knocked off a couple of points because the ending just seemed to me to be easy, and a bit too tightly wrapped up. It was just over. But that's just my humble opinion.

All things have to end, and sometimes the ending isn't long and drawn out and super suspenseful, I guess.

All said, it had some tense scenes, some humor, and kept me interested. Better than a lot of the stuff that's been coming out lately.

Bottom line: Ignore the far-right, anti-woke reviews from idiots who use terms like SJW. They're going to hate on anything that comes out these days, because they can't stand to see LGBTQ+ (which I don't think this movie focused or harped on in any way. There just happened to be a couple of gay people in it. Like real life. Go figure. No big deal, unless you're a bigot.) or they hate anything with a strong woman character, because they're misogynists who hate anything where a woman isn't barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen not speaking her mind. (another area which wasn't focused on or preached about in this movie. But the main character was a woman, so...) Still, they cry "Woke propaganda, OMG." Just don't listen to them and watch it for yourselves.
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Doses of Horror (2018 Video)
Well, there's over an hour and a half I can't have back.
8 January 2020
I thought this felt a little 70s/80s-ish. The acting, camera work, and everything else was pretty bad. I actually saw the trade towers in NYC at one point and this came out in 2018.

But then little made sense about this movie. Even the scenes in this supposed horror anthology. And that, in itself, makes complete sense once you find out that this isn't actually an original film. Rather, it's a collection of scenes from a bunch of 70s/80s movies, spliced in between very short -assumed to actually be- original scenes, with campy title cards. I'm not even sure that's legal, but who would even WANT to do this?

Every story, or "dose" in this anthology, by the way, has gratuitous nudity or sex scenes with lots of nudity. Every. Single. One. I'm no prude, but after the third one, it gets kind of ridiculous. I'm thinking, oh, someone's taking their clothes off again. Is this porn? It's as though some perv just jumbled together the naked scenes from his 70s/80s fap collection, added a few little scenes of his own and some title cards, and tried to call it something else. Again, is this legal? Some of them didn't even resemble horror.

I'd rate it zero, but then I couldn't leave this glowing review. Because 0 wasn't an option. Anyway, I'd suggest leaving this one off your list. Unless, of course, horror is NOT what you're looking for. Or you're actually looking for a mix tape of bizarre 70s/80s soft core. Not judging. Maybe it would get better reviews if it were labeled "Doses of bizzare 70s/80s softcore." But then I guess that doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
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6 Underground (2019)
Great, Fun, Action Flick!
15 December 2019
Ignore the masses, whining about pointless violence in TV, Movies, and Video Games. They absolutely do NOT have to watch and can STFU. Moving Along. Aside from the gun control nuts, and the movie and TV network clowns, losing money from great films and shows going to companies like Netflix and Hulu, etc etc. And the other aforementioned whiners, I doubt you'll hear too much negative about this film. I had a great time watching it last night. Ryan Reynolds was great. Albeit a bit tamer than his Deadpool alter ego, but that is what you get with a non-deadpool movie.

What TO expect: An in your face, knocked down, tied behind the vehicle, adrenaline pumping, high octane, mega body dropping, hella good time, with a (mostly) great soundtrack and some good (though, occasionally dated,) laughs. And what I'll say about the dated jokes is this. Do you remember all of those kids movies with all of the adult jokes that the children didn't (and weren't meant to) get and we did? It's kind of like that. If it makes you laugh, great. If it even makes you just roll your eyes before the next explosion and carnage sequence starts, still good. If you don't get it. Oh well, you're probably too young. Or it wasn't meant for you. Oh well, no reason for THAT to equal negative points.

What to NOT expect: _A. Heavy Character development. Come on, folks. It's an action flick. You want more character development, wait for the sequel, or a series. While SOME action flicks DO have a certain amount of this, it's not generally something there's a whole lot of time for. Were they supposed to hold out in a building during a shootout and have a lengthy chat, get all teary-eyed about their pasts, or cut away from the action for a bit so we could get to know them better, adding another half hour to the movie? No. That would have completely changed the pace of the film. And I don't think it was meant to be that sort of movie. We DID get to know a bit about a few of them. They did all grow closer over the course of the movie. And while making fun of the lack of character development, a lot of sites are poking at what bits there actually were. Imagine if there were more? I could go in depth, but that would require spoilers. I will say that I think they did well while keeping within restraints for time, tone, theme and pacing.

_B. Sex and Nudity. While there are some things going on, it's mostly kept off screen. A refreshing deviation from 70s/80s violent action and now. I don't know if there'll be an unrated version, but the one I saw kept that part fairly toned down. Unless you're a nun... or some other easily offended person who will flip out over people kissing or making out or scantily clad people. But, then, if that's the case, the violence is probably not for you either.

_C. Plot? Well, there IS one. I mean, it's pretty much laid out for you in the trailer, but there's a bit more depth to it than that. What more do you need for an action flick? A group of six people, led by a seventh genius, billionaire inventor, - each with various skills- fake their deaths to become an elite team of untraceable ghosts in order to take down the worst of the worst criminals. Evil figures that the world's governments either can't, or won't, touch. That works for me.

Summary: To the haters: Stop whining about the violence. If you don't like violence, don't watch violent movies. Let the rest of us have the entertainment WE like and go watch something else. If you LIKE Action films, like any of the acting talent in this film, want to have some fun watching some good mindless action, with minimal plot, explosions, chaos, and a few laughs on top of it all: WATCH this movie.
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Harrow (2018–2021)
More please.
25 March 2018
While I can't speak to the authenticity of Australian location portrayal, as other reviewers have, I think the show was great. Acting, camera work, jokes, and banter between coworkers, all served to create a believable environment. And that dark past of his, just waiting to be revealed and possibly destroy everything, hovers in the background, creating tension. I find myself waiting for the next episode. One reviewer complains about there being a personal story behind the main character, but that's how we end up finding out about that mysterious past of his. And, seriously, what do they want? A cardboard cutout character with minimal lines and no home life? The added drama keeps the show interesting, adds extra levels to the character as it goes, and family members are always potentially at risk when there's a hero character involved, so there's that. Give the show a chance and don't pay attention to bad reviews if you already think you might like something.
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