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Fast Five (2011)
Stop making these! Please
23 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
OK, You know when you're in trouble when the die hard F&F fans behind you burst into hysterical laughter at the movie's very first stunt, but then again,so did the whole cinema.

This film is the classic metaphor for the postmodern tripe that Hollywood has had the misfortune of ever getting into bed with since Get Rich or Die'd think they would have taken a lesson.

It also is the classic overly used unrealistic stunts, like the ones we would usually see in the 80's muscle films. Classic example, 5mins into the film, Vin Disiel drives a car off a train, but hits the ground square on the nose and you see the wheel blink and the car is back to pristine condition......? And it was boring, yes extremely boring, for a driving film, they're was about 15mins max, the rest seemed to concentrate on developing love interests and avoiding the occasional rabid mob.

In this case - get cars, get paid and get lost................(that's pretty much how grammatically fluid the script was).

Plot - Once AGAIN ex FBI agent and Vin Disiel go about looking for top of the range cars as they're still broke and off the Radar, only this time in Brazil, one last job etc etc etc. FBI sends they're best man, who happens to be a pro wrestler ( but out acts all in the film by a long shot) and his muscle bound team of trigger happy feds. But there's a Rio business man/gangster with all this cash just hanging about in safe houses (how convenient), which they proceed to rob. Yawn! There are many faults with this film, but my top 5 gripes are thus: 1. The script & dialogue. Seems to be written by a middle school kid who is flunking at English. 'You Family' 'We Hungry' ' did yo slap or tap that Excuse me? Scripts....and Films like this (using the term loosely) justify film piracy. If refunds where available, who honestly wouldn't demand one after this garbage.

We get all the usual propaganda about how it funds terrorism and the other political mantras. This Film justifies the murder of cops, stealing cars and excruciatingly bad acting. Please can we have a law in the future which states that actors have to be part of the actors gild or trained to an acceptable standard ( by acceptable, not hitting out with this urban degeneration of English).

2. The cops just switch sides.......yes the cops that have no other goal but to hunt down and bring these men to justice, just change sides and help the bad guys out...............seriously, now get lost. And more to the point, why does the female cop instantly fall head over heels for someone who is in the same circuit that killed her husband, I found it was cringe worthy as the two of them swaggered up to the beach house at the end.

3. The 'we need a team to pull off this last job' Cant we make films about someones first job instead, its exemplifies the person who is sick of their day job, in this case, nicking cars and getting paid loads of cash.....but you can see the hypocrisy there. The team..........totally being ripped from Oceans 11 and Gone in 60 seconds films. The fringe characters from the previous F&F films, (I never did watch Toyko Drift so I didn't have a clue as to who the Japanese guy was. I can feel my blood pressure rising as I type.

4. They manage to rob a police station with more troops on the ground than America has in Afghanistan and Iraq and not take one single causality. Dragging a 10 tonne high security safe along with two medium range size cars??????? Who the hell where the two Brazilian freaks who did...... well, what exactly? Jumped around spewing out jokes with would only appeal to someone with the IQ of a demented Badger. The indoor training to beat the cameras where they needed invisible cars. So the highest security office in Brazil doesn't realise that 4 of its muscle cars, ( yes that's right the Brazilian police instead of Fords have supped up NOS guzzling super cars as basic patrol vehicles) are missing? And then it transpires that they don't need them. But just to keep a low profile, they drag race them along Rio main intersection.......Yeah sure, trying to be inconspicuous.

5. The big happy ending for everyone,......... laughable. Once again the cinema was in hysterics, not at the badly time jokes from Tyrese ' His agent should be shot for war crimes for introducing him to Hollywood' Gibson and his obvious comic relief character as, quite Frankly, no one can take him seriously. The Japanese guy and the ex-military bird just speeding around Germany in a super-car. The two Brazilians gambling in Monaco........

For a team of people who wanted to just disappear, they managed to annihilate a whole squadron of police cars, assault Brazil's maximum security police station, destroy half of Rio, Kill about 40+ police officers and then for their retirement, buying the rarest cars in the world ( always the best way to lie low for a while)..........which government in the world wouldn't seriously just unleash the death squads against them after the above.??????? Hopfully, this is the end of this terrible franchise and hopefully the end of most actors careers in this steaming pile of you know what.

Watch at your own peril
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This Demon Demands some Beans!
30 November 2009
I sought to write this out earlier as quite frankly the films plot/ any memorial moments have managed to escape me between now and viewing the film last night. What can I say to all the other beloved horror film fans.....How much of a laugh is this film? Im not joking when I say that i was in kinks of laughter nearly the whole way through this film, barr the 2 minutes of scariness. This was obviously based on the Blair Witch Project hand held camera idea, and if there is any major criticism of this film it is that the movement was jerky and gave me quite a sore head.

The actual execution of this film was priceless, Im not sure if the editors had intended for Katie's boyfriend to be somewhat of a comic relief, but he worked a treat and had the cinema hall in rapturous fits of laughter. I think the line that one the most was when Micah tells Katie to 'go upstairs and hang out with her new friend'. The amount of one liners this guy lashed out to the demon was priceless and kept me watching. Katie's performance was overdone and instead of feeling sorry for her you felt like she just really needed a slap across the face.

As for the demon, well, I've got some serious holes to pick in this one, mainly this: We are dealing with an un-godly force, hell bent on exacting torture and everlasting pain upon those who mocks it, a force so powerful that even the most qualified psychic's steer away. So then why does it not seem to have the ability to see in the dark as it constantly turns the lights on and then off once its past the room it needs to be in. Also,when Micah is deciphering the Weegie board writings, his interpretation of what the demon wants goes in this order on his notebook: Diane, Edina, Di, BEANS?!?!?!?!?!? Im surprised that the Demon never possessed him there and then and forced him to put his head in the Oven! Still a comical moment.

Guys, I would recommend seeing this for a bit of light hearted humour mixed in with a couple of jump out your seat moments, nothing special and nothing fancy, but there's something likable about this film that keeps you glued to the screen.
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The beginning of the end.....again?
26 November 2009
This post might be a bit late in the day, but I got the urge to write this post after walking to work and seeing the DVD advertisements plastered all over the City. The immediate picture that flew into my mind was ' Oh that's the film were Christian Bale lands a helicopter on a terminator and shoots it once in the head and it dies' as if Arnie would ever let that happen.

The point that I want to make here is that the Terminator Franchise is a good franchise, its an original Tech Noir 'no pun intended' idea, the first and second films were classics in their own Sci Fi rights. But, what comes with a big name franchise, in an era were film makers and studios are struggling to put out eye catching titles is that originals and sequels become prequels, watered down shadows of their former selves, the inconsistencies are frightening which lets the viewer down badly.

The most irritating parts of this film for me was the fact that John Connor manages to destroy a terminator by firing one shot at its head, I mean, c'mon! SKynet manages to create a proto-type with a human heart????? For the worlds largest and most calculating military computer, missing a design flaw that even my granny could have realised is just poor. And when Connor is listening to his mothers tapes from god knows how many years in the past, it looks like he's taking a self help pyschotheraphy course.

I think one of major plus sides was that Arnie did show up (albeit in CGI, still it was a nice touch).

In addition to my little irritations of this film, I also had to laugh at the terminator eels in the water ( Never thought Skynet was that elegantly creative ). The massive flying cargo plane with its very own Transformer. The high speed terminator bikes that have a extra 'go to 10 line' which programmes them to destroy anything playing Guns & Roses.

I think the overall picture is that nobody has actually moved the whole Terminator story forward in a great leap of faith. The same happened with the Alien, first to were great, then it really went down hill rather quickly.

What we have, is the franchise moving forward in really small baby steps, too small to make any story development ( i.e. Will Skynet win?) and to make this film more than just a crash bang CGI buy it on DVD release. Forgive me for bringing this up, but wasn't Terminator 3 meant to be the beginning of the end. It had the nuclear explosions and John Connor being led under ground by Arnie. So, does this mean that Salvation is a sequel to a prequel, so you could say its a sprequel?? Answers on a post card.

I think it left fans of Terminator, like myself, starring at the big screen after the end credits, pondering two things:

1. What just happened in that film? 2. Why?

Well, that's me had my say, and by that I mean I probably wont buy this on DVD.

C'mon guys at the Studios, have some balls and give us a film worthy of Mordor :)

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2012 (I) (2009)
The end of apocalyptic rehashed movies. PLEASE!!!!!!!
16 November 2009
First and foremost, I need to get this one out of my system before ripping into this pile of atomic sewage. Why oh why did Emmerich feel the need to run this film beyond 2 hours??????? How many pointless actions shots of that screechy girl in the junior pull-ups did we have to endure, Christ! that's all you need, driving through a Yellowstone Volcano, dodging flying magma, only to be distracted by the fact that your daughter is about to p*** herself. We often wonder about airport security, but if I could manage to acquire a plane by simply giving someone my Casio digital $5 watch, the mind boggles at the endless possibilities. Why didn't any of the Arc take significant damage when all the planes on the airfield swept towards them? IF the earths crust is constantly moving, why wasn't there more damage to the Arcs. At the end they said there were 6 ships, but we clearly saw that number 3 was damaged beyond repair, why didn't it sink when the Tsunami swamped the whole base?????????

I like my action movies for being unbelievable at times, but for a cosmetic surgeon to suddenly develop the ability to charter not only a single engine, but twin engine and then to top it all off a 6 engine Russia cargo plane with a full pay load is beyond comprehension, even in fantasy land comprehension. Why did the laws of physics deserve such a pounding in this film? I found myself grinding inside with every possible disaster scenario that confronted the luckless family. For example, its like yes! we've found a way on to the Arc, No! now the simple door mechanism wouldn't shut and the waters coming in. Oh my God!We're heading for Mount Everest, quickly hit reverse and we'll be saved! Yahoooooo!......Utter Drivel! I don't want to even get started on the Russian Billionaire, who could have used some of his millions to take some speech therapy lessons. Too predictable, over acted, I don't think at any point I felt any real fear or trepidation for the characters as it was pretty obvious who was going to bite the bullet. The two guys on the cruise ship??????? Please explain why it was necessary to tell us that the scientists father had been T-total for 25 years, how is that relevant to the massive tidal wave that's going to hit.

Hated this film, too long, overdone and mind numbing.

One last thing....The president is Danny aka 'Mr Lethal Weapon' Will this surely end Hollywood's love affair with making films about the earth self destructing, we're all doomed! Yeah, Doomed to watch this horse crap over and over again until someone in the board realises ' Oh wait! maybe people would like to see some half decent CGI and real character plot development alongside original story wait, make more of these abominations and splice in some extra CGI to fill in the black holes in the plot.' Typical of Hollywood these days, if you cant get it to make sense, blow something up using garbage CGI.
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Quantom of Doom….for archaic Bond lovers
24 November 2008
To answer two questions in relation to the title.

1. The second of the new Bond franchise has broken the mould beyond repair. 2. If you're a Bond simpleton,who would like Bond to retain his foppishness and complete missions with little effort while acquiring a supermodel, this is simply not for you.

To start, this Bond film has broken all the rules of Bond films, predominantly the fact that this film picks up exactly where the last leaves off, quite frankly, it's a welcome change from the old format, where only likable villains( namely Jaws) would appear for some cameo slot.

Many feverant Bond followers have decried this attempt as more Jason Bourne than Bond, but lets be blunt, Jason Bourne is the real character James Bond should be, instead of this watered down Connery/Lasley/Moore characters that the franchise churned out, and yes churned out is the right phrase, the scripts seemed to come off a fairytale ending factory. And to be frank again, Bourne was so successful because that's the sort of secret agent that many of the 'fed up with Bond' gang could relate to and vigorously petitioned Bourne's style to be implemented to Bond.

Now it has been done, and I was impressed by Casino Royal and I did like QOS for the situation it was orientated to capture, an unrefined 007 looking for revenge at any cost. Of course the simpleton Bond lovers immediately jumped to the mantra of: 'no plot, who were the bad guys, why wasn't there any gadgets, why does Bond look like the bad guy'. In all honesty, these are the traits that kept the Bond film comatose from any life being breathed into it.

The new film removes the old stereotypical USSR as the bad guy and implants a modern slant, a more realistic espionage front, instead of the tired old turn up in a tux and drink yourself senseless before pulling the best looking girl in the room.

A new dawn for Bond!
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Hunger (2008)
5 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Believe it or not my path only crossed with this film on a rainy day when Quantom of Solace was sold out at the multiplex. I was aware of the historical background to the Northern Irish Troubles and the notorious Maze prison, the last thing i was wanted to see on screen was a glorified Republican political point scoring exercise. Many newspapers and MPs had been jumping on the possibility of the film being portrayed as pro IRA. I can say now with confidence that they're assumptions could not be more wrong. Hunger, is a brutal, graphic and pragmatic interpretation of what the last 6 weeks for Bobby Sands were like, frankly, a desperate decision that led to a slow and painful death, all in aid of the cause.

My two favourite parts of this film, has to be priest trying to give mass and Bobby Sands conversation with the priest and my total surprise at the dialogue between characters. I was waiting the prisoners to settle down and soak up religion, in addition when Sands stated his intention to hunger strike, i expected the priest to bombard him with sentiment and morality. What we get instead is a perfect example of how far the conflict had become removed from freverent religious belief and proliferation of beliefs, the film focuses on the sole fact that it has come a war of extermination, the exact beginnings of which have long been forgotten in the mess and carnage of Republican and Loyalist campaigns.

With the conversation with the Father Moran, i found myself identifying with his character, trying his hardest to persuade a friend from taking his life, only using morality as his last strand of defence. He states all thing unseen consequences to a immovable Bobby Sands; radicalisation of the movement, the recruitment of the loyalist paramilitaries, throwing Northern Ireland into more years of bloodshed basically Sands was lighting the touch paper because he was disillusioned with the leadership, and I have to agree with Moran's characters conclusion that it was ego driving Sands on.

I left the cinema numb, unfeeling and depressed. It was a representation of a human beings last resort for rights or recognition. I would not consider this film to be pro anything, I consider it to be a realist interpretation of the last weeks of Bobby Sands.
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Not Convinced
30 October 2008
After reading the scathing newspaper reviews, slating everything the big mean green stood for, I buckled under the 'cynics can never be right pressure' I instead of feeling vindicated leaving the cinema, humble pie was on the menu for all three courses. Tim Roth carries more screen threat as a humanoid and Norton...well it is obvious that he lost interest in this film, he acting declines rapidly as the movie progresses. In form, well its one of the age old problems for Hulk fans, how can you character development someone who has little command of the English language and an IQ of 30? Instead this film substitutes development for smash and grab scenes, of which are irritatingly boring and malais inducing. The script, was noting short of an empty shell, and was obvious driven at tempting the masses into a spectacular show of mind numbing CGI wrestling that Arnold Swarchzenegger would have been proud of in his 80's hayday.

I can honestly say that although the Hulk may appeal to the subconsciousness of the human mind, that somewhere in all of us is the ability to transform into something stronger, or maybe its the fact that the Hulk in a way is our old loved Firt born Anti Hero, it will never work on the big screen.

Disappointed and Unconvinced
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God Awful!!!!!!!
3 February 2006
Jesus H Christ! how many of these rehashed, if your black and can command the English language become a rapper after selling some Crack to kids films must we have to endure! i'm certain that i have to go for a CAT scan to make sure than my brain still holds the same IQ level as it did before. and another thing why did anyone call the Police!, not to stop 50's wooden acting or incredibly slurred speech( when he was shot 9 times, yeah we all know that, did he try and catch one of the bullets in his mouth?) This film should be locked up some where and then viewed on a special edition of MST 3000. its an insult to the music industry but also answers that all important question, why do rappers have the most fatalities out of any other music group? they were all drug dealers.....Of Course. Between 50's whining about being shot 5,6,7,what the hell 23 times all in the head and this stupid make biography films when you've not even been about that long, i'd rather eat crap than see this abomination. God Help us for the sequel, he gets shot 50 times in this one I've heard
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