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The Simpsons: The Way of the Dog (2020)
Season 31, Episode 22
Origins of Santas Little Helper
13 November 2020
I cant believe they actually did an episode that almost felt like the earlier episodes. It is certainly nostalgic for us that have been fans of the show for a long time. This episode is defnitely one one the best I have seen in a while. I highly recommmend this one even if you typically avoid the newer SImpsons stuff.
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The Wraith (1986)
Is there such thing as too much 80's?
10 September 2020
The Wraith seems to have a fan base and I can see why. The bad acting, over the top storyline, unconvincing dialogue, you know, all the elements that make a b movie memorable? On top of that, the film has a huge 80's vibe and that is appealing to some people
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Coming of age formula with a chubby adolescent protagonist
20 August 2020
Wonder Years narration? ...Check ...Summer lake? Check ...Out of reach love interest? Check...

The point im trying to make is that the film uses summer coming of age movie cliches in a way that is rather bland. It tries to go for a heartwarming kind of vibe and it never feels good or natural. I liked the acting and the setting but the story is not too memorable. The films moral on the other hand is actually quite good.
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Typical romantic comedy
11 August 2020
Win a date with Tad Hamilton is one of many romantic comedies where everything is predictable and unoriginal. I really wanted to be surprised at some point during the film with some twist or turn in the plot and that never happened. It was as though the writers just got every cliche and went with what works and avoided any kind of risk. If you really want to have an idea what this is about before seeing it, just think in terms of guy wants girl, girl wants other guy plotlines and there you have it. Seriously, there is nothing special here. To make matters worse, even the soundtrack was stereotypical.
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A unique take on the horror genre
10 August 2020
I honestly thought this was a horror movie but I eventually realized it is more of a horror homage/tribute to campy, cheesy, and predictable films of the genre. The reason I watched this was because of the overwhelming positive reviews online which include some people claiming it to be a masterpiece(That's a little too much).

Cabin in the Woods is one of the most refreshing horror movies I have seen in a long time. The way they handle the idea of typical horror situations is fun and original. If they were to release a sequel, I would watch it because the idea can be explored further.
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Prison Song (2001)
Almost a hood musical
4 August 2020
It is interesting to see a hood prison movie incorporate musical elements the way they did here. Unfortunately, this musical aspect is only seen in small instances, and as a consequence, it ends up not feeling so much of a hood drama musical all together. Now, I am not saying that the best thing the film has going is the musical take on the genre of films, but if it was not for the scenes where the actors rap, then this would be not much different than most of the other films that portray prison life.
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Jim Carrey and CG Penguins?
2 August 2020
Jim Carrey does a great job as Mr Popper, and well, he is easily the best thing about this film. The story itself is actually quite strange but I guess that is what is expected because this is based on a children's book or at least that's how it feels. I am not sure if the cg penguins were meant to steal the show, but if that was the intent, they really did not succeed because the penguins are sort of just there. I know they are an important part of the story and all, but I was not so convinced with any of their shenanigans. What I did enjoy is the feel good moments and the morals that is typical of this kind of family flick.
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I.Q. (1994)
Chessy romance and Albert Einstein?
12 July 2020
Look, this just works ok. Sure, it is highly unrealistic, cheesy, predictable, and generic but it has Einstein! That should be enough to make you curious at least right? I mean, the movie does not add anything new to the romantic genre other than having Albert Einstein in it, but that alone makes it more appealing. Walter Mattahu does an exceptional job as Einstein and is probably the best thing about this film.
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Mid90s (2018)
An underrated unconventional coming of age film
9 July 2020
Mid90's looks and feel like it was actually recorded in the time period it is set in. Everything from the way the kids act to how they dress is spot on. To top it off, the film has a great 90's soundtrack which makes it even more nostalgic. I find it shocking that this movie didn't get more attention. The director, Jonah Hill, deserves more recognition for this.
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Hesher (2010)
An Unconventional Coming of Age Story With A Metalllica Soundtrack!
5 May 2020
Hesher, is not your typical coming of age film. It doesn't have your usual morals or feel good nostalgia type of approach like in many films that revolve around prepubescent boys. Instead, Hesher chooses a much darker path that is quite amusing to witness. Overall, I can't recommend this to everyone. It is good if you like original movies that are trying something different.
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House M.D.: Damned If You Do (2004)
Season 1, Episode 5
A House Christmas Episode?
30 April 2020
I watched this episode not knowing that in the weirdest way this would be a Christmas episode of sorts. Now, I know it hardly touches the subject, but there is some Christmas aspects about it in a House sort of way. Well, with or without this being about Christmas, this episode has become one of my favorites because I like the way the show talks about faith and spirituality.
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One of the Lesser Known Chicano Movies
24 April 2020
Tortilla Heaven is a fun movie with interesting characters, a unique story, and a controversial subject. The plot might seem silly, but once you give it a chance you just might find an enjoyable film with a deeper message. I would recommend this to those interested in films that touch the subject of religion in a less serious manner.
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Bachelor Party Vegas (2006 Video)
Fun and nothing more
25 January 2020
A group of men go to Vegas for their friends bachelor party to have what they think will be the time of their life. This premise is quite common actually and not surprising by any means. Something to point out is how unnecessary the nudity is and how out of place it felt. Sure, you are witnessing a group of guys going all out in Vegas but the sexual aspect to the film felt forced. At times, the acting is a little off and definitely doesn't help the already predictable movie. There is better films of this type but this one is at least fun.
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Bad Boys (1995)
Lawrence and Smith do great together
18 October 2019
There is some good chemistry between Lawrence and Smith here. The movie is entertaining and has some good action sequences with some fun dialogue. To be honest, I wasn't expecting more from this. If you like buddy cop films, you will probably not be disappointed.
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Goosebumps (1995–1998)
Tales from the crypt for children
4 October 2019
R.L Stine is not one of my favorite writers, but I admire his work for making reading appealing for a whole generation. The show does a great job making the stories from the books come alive with decent acting, props, and effects. Even though I didn't see many of these episodes when they originally aired, I still enjoyed watching these as an adult. If you are unfamiliar with this show, just think of it as lighter child friendly version of Tales From the Crypt.
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Goosebumps: Stay Out of the Basement: Part 1 (1996)
Season 1, Episode 12
This was fun as an adult and probably scary for children?
4 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If I watched this as a child I would be terrified by the strangeness and creepiness found in this episode. Judging by the high rating of this, I'm assuming this is considered to be one of the best episodes of the series and I can see why. The plot is nothing overly original but it has its moments that make it memorable. Plants as monsters is not as common but R. L Stine makes it work in this story of science gone wrong.
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Out of This World: Little Lost Robot (1962)
Season 1, Episode 3
Strictly for fans of Asimov and his book I Robot
26 September 2019
I was looking for adaptations of Issac Asimov's stories and found this. Since I liked his book I Robot, I was interested in seeing a televised version of any of the stories included in the book and was rather disappointed to find that only a few exist. WIth the limitations of the apparent budget this series had, I can say that they succeeded in telling the same story found in the book. Unfortunately, the story itself might not be the best choice to make an episode from and was rather dull as result. It does not help that the robots depicted here are stiff, boring, and overall uninteresting. If you are a fan of Asimov or the short story, you might find this amusing.
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Indie overload
19 September 2019
The usual indie movie feel music fills the entire movie while having an expected predictable plot. It tries to be a rock n roll romance of some kind and it sort of works. There is nothing too memorable or new here. When it works it does great, when it fails it just feels pretentious. Michael Cera does his usual shy boy shtick that is pretty much the same character from the superior coming of age comedy Superbad.

I didn't dislike it, but I think they just overdid the indie thing with the music and atmosphere.
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The Ray Bradbury Theater: The Pedestrian (1989)
Season 3, Episode 5
When Walking Becomes A Crime
14 September 2019
This one follows the idea of the short story with the same title, but it's a different take on the dystopian idea of humans isolating themselves and society seeing walking as disobedience. I prefer the short story version even though this was entertaining and well made.
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Real Genius (1985)
80's Fun Underrated Comedy
11 September 2019
This is refreshing considering that most comedies about college are usually overlysexualized or raunchy too some extent. Real Genius is nothing completely new or special, but it entertains and that's what is important. The characters are likeable even if they are not realistic. This is just a fun college movie.
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The Ray Bradbury Theater: The Murderer (1990)
Season 4, Episode 2
More Relevant Today
11 September 2019
Telephones are no longer just to communicate, the internet is everywhere, and screens have taken over our lives. This is reality today and Bradbury saw it coming years before we even had the technology. Some stories of Bradbury work better than others on screen and this one is one of those that is somewhere in the middle.
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The Ray Bradbury Theater: Mars Is Heaven (1990)
Season 4, Episode 1
A Sci-Fi Story Classic
9 September 2019
One of the many great short stories of the masterful Ray Bradbury is brought to life in this episode. Being a fan of the original stories and seeing the adaptation to television is fascinating. Mars Is Heaven is one of my favorites because he combines the familiar with the unknown in a way that becomes something unique and wondrous. The acting is great in this one and the atmosphere is surreal.
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The premise alone deserves a whole series
9 September 2019
Time traveling in the year 2054 is possible and humans as usual use technology for the wrong reasons. If you read the short story, this is almost exactly the same. This is one of the best episodes the series has to offer.
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The Ray Bradbury Theater: The Veldt (1989)
Season 3, Episode 11
A Unique Futuristic Tale of Children and a High Tech Nursery
9 September 2019
The Veldt is much a better story when it is read and not watched. If you consider the time when this first aired, then you might have a better opinion of this. As a fan of the writer, I can say this does a good job capturing the feel of the original source material. In that aspect, the episode succeeds remaining faithful to the short story.
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A fun hood comedy
5 June 2019
I thought the movie would show how gentrification affects neighborhoods while being funny. Instead you get a mixture of messages that are just wrong. If this has a moral I'm not quite sure what that is. I did like certain scenes while others where harder to watch. Some ideas that worked were enjoyable. Sometimes the main actor does a good job but other times he struggles playing the character. The best actors in this movie dont have enough screen time.
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