
7 Reviews
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Skin Trade (2014)
1/10 Stars: A Wasted Opportunity - "Skin Trade" Falls Flat
6 June 2024
I'm still trying to wrap my head around how a movie with a cast as talented as Michael Jai White and Tony Jaa could be so... underwhelming. "Skin Trade" had all the makings of an action-packed thrill ride, but unfortunately, it's a mess of missteps and missed opportunities.

First and foremost, Michael Jai White is wasted as the villain. The man has proven himself to be a capable and compelling actor in films like "Spawn" and "Undisputed", but here, he's given little to do beyond sneering and posturing. His character, Viktor, is a one-dimensional caricature with no discernible motivation or depth. It's a shame to see such a talented actor stuck in a role that adds nothing to the film.

But the real tragedy is that Tony Jaa, one of the most exciting and dynamic action stars working today, is relegated to playing the lead hero. And what a mistake that is. Jaa's raw energy and charisma are wasted on a character that's paper-thin and poorly developed. The script, penned by Dolph Lundgren (yes, you read that right), is clunky and cliched, with dialogue that sounds like it was ripped straight from a bad 90s action flick.

And don't even get me started on the script. Dolph Lundgren's writing debut is a disaster. The plot is convoluted and nonsensical, with characters acting in ways that defy logic and reason. The dialogue is cringe-worthy, with characters spewing out terrible one-liners and over-the-top exposition. It's like Lundgren took every terrible action movie cliche from the 90s and mashed them all together into a mess of mediocrity.

The action scenes, which are usually the highlight of any Tony Jaa film, are few and far between here. When they do occur, they're often marred by poor camera work and editing, making it difficult to follow what's happening on screen.

Overall, "Skin Trade" is a waste of time and talent. With a better script and more focused direction, this could have been an exciting and entertaining film. As it stands, it's a misfire that fails to deliver on its promising premise. If you're looking for a good action movie, look elsewhere.
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Heist 88 (2023)
What is this BS?
9 February 2024
This movie doesn't make any sense. Why was he betrayed? By that 140 IQ guy? Not even 50 iq i would say. Jeremy Horne wasnt intending to screw them. Everyone would have got their share of the deal. So what was that low IQ guy problem?

I have no idea how such a disaster comes to life. Bad director, bad script, bad idea, nothing makes sense. Not worth watching.

This movie doesn't make any sense. Why was he betrayed? By that 140 IQ guy? Not even 50 iq i would say. Jeremy Horne wasnt intending to screw them. Everyone would have got their share of the deal. So what was that low IQ guy problem?

I have no idea how such a disaster comes to life. Bad director, bad script, bad idea, nothing makes sense. Not worth watching.
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Interceptor (2022)
HAHAHA...Well, not funny
11 August 2022
Read the reviews. You will have way more fun than watching the movie.

Read the reviews. You will have way more fun than watching the movie.

Read the reviews. You will have way more fun than watching the movie.

Read the reviews. You will have way more fun than watching the movie.
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Out of Death (2021)
One of the Willis worst
11 September 2021
I've thought I've seen the worst of Bruce Willis...but no, he continues to amaze me.
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Cliffhanger (1993)
Not the best of Stallone's
25 July 2021
This movie is about women...women who don't do what they are told to.
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The Ice Road (2021)
Bad bad bad
30 June 2021
First film in 10 years? Well, we can see that. And the poor girl as truck driver... Too bad for Liam, he can do better.
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bad-to extreme
13 March 2019
Norris style? Yes. Action? hell yeah. Bad? Extreme

C'mon, it's Norris...I know, but let's face it. So badly done, so unrealistic, so poorly executed that i was tempted to stop it several times. I know it was the 90's, but long story short, the movie is extremely bad. In every way. And that's the way it is
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