
23 Reviews
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Definitely a movie of dialog
2 September 2008
This film could be considered more of a mystery mixed with a Satanic Easter egg hunt. Anyone viewing this film expecting to be scared or see horrifying images of gore, monsters, blood, etc, will be severely disappointed. The film is more interested in presenting dialog and sporadic evil ambience's.

In many ways , this film could be compared with other films like the 1957 Curse of the Demon, where the directors decide its often better to not show the evils and let the viewers mind do the work

{ not the films endless visuals }

I can understand how many people would despise this film, because it really isn't a horror film , but I can also understand how others may love this type of slow burn, dialog filled production. Like many films that depend on mainly dialog and acting { instead of gore, sex, blood, monsters, etc} , this film may need to be watched a few times to get the feel for it. Then again,I can see how many viewers would have no desire to re-watch a film that bored them .

If Polanski had added a few extra minutes of visual horror, into this film, it could have been a classic IMHO.

Positives :

solid acting solid dialog atmospheric soundtrack clever and eerie storyline

Negatives: can be boring at times lacking visual horrors Satan is never fully presented in the horrific visual images we expect anti- climatic ending

I would like to mention something that no one else seems to mention. Its very possible that Polanski also was trying to subtly reveal the evil secret society's and their rumored rituals . Groups like the Talmudists, FreeMasons, etc . Stanely Kubrick [ also Jewish, like Polanski} also touched upon the actions of these rumored sinful sects with his film "Eyes Wide Shut" .

To put it simply, Most people who love Halloween or Friday the 13th will be bored by this film and probably rate it 3 or less. Other viewers who enjoy films like

Picture of Dorian Gray Curse of Demon Curse of Frankenstein

will probably enjoy this film much more.
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I was disappointed
23 August 2008
Well this movie did not do it for me. I watched it 3 times and I found much of the dialog to be hard to decipher and there were long passages of very boring scenes { like the dancing scenes while the card playing was going on } . Nothing scary happens and I was hoping the movie had more of a diabolical evil feel to it { since it involves cards, evil, the devil, selling ones soul, etc..} .

I personally am a huge fan of slow burn, P.G. horror films, but this film is not nearly as good as other slow burn horror films like Curse of the Demon or Picture of Dorian Gray. In fact, after I purchased the 2 DVD disc set and watched it 3 times, I gave it to a friend of mine for his collection because I didn't even like the other movie included in the DVD set {Dead of Night} . Since I seem to disagree with many other reviewers on this forum, I think it may be necessary for me to make a small list of my top 3 favorite horror films and my top 3 horror films I think are most overrated :

Top 3 :

1. Curse of Frankenstein 2. Night of Living Dead 3. Shockwaves

Top 3 overrated :

1. Halloween 2. Dawn of the Dead 3. Last House on Left
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The Beyond (1981)
As usual...another overrated crappy Italian horror film
19 August 2008
It amazes me how so many horror fans are so impressed with these types of Italian made horror movies. I guess it is a acquired taste, that I have never been able to acquire in the last 30 + years.

Really bad acting Really bad dialogue Lacking in continuity Awful music/ soundtrack

There are only a few redeeming things like : decent special effects cool storyline

But these two things are not enough to hold up the movie. The soundtrack really destroys the atmosphere and it as almost as though scenes are edited together just to make the movie long enough to be called a " film" .

I think it may be time for the reviewer to give up on the Italian horror film genre. I will never understand how so many people rate this type of rubbish as being " a masterpiece" .
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One of the most overrated horror films ever...
28 July 2008
IMHO, Dawn of the Dead and Halloween are two of the most overrated horror films ever and ironically they were both 70s films.

Dawn of the Dead does not have any " scary " moments in it as far as im concerned. The beginning of the film is interesting because it shows the pure chaos of the situation with the government and media in total dis-array . This film trys to blend humour and horror and never succeeds highly in either department { at least not in the way Return of the Living Dead was able to accomplish} . The special effects are far from gruesome { in fact, I think Night of the Living Dead had more impactive effects/ gore scenes} . I also found that the characters were rather bland, to the point that I didn't care what happened to them. I also think that having much of the film take place in a shopping mall, with zombies trying to ride escalators, etc, spoiled many of the possible horror elements.

It is totally bizarre to me, that anyone could rate this film as the best zombie film of all time or the best horror film ever made. IMHO, Night of Living Dead is much better....better acting, script, originality, lighting, camera-work, effective gore, soundtrack, dialogue, etc. Ironically, neither Halloween or Dawn of the Dead would make my top 100 horror movie list . I think many people get caught up in rating this film so highly, because of the era it was made and screened and the meomories associated with that time period. Simliar to the nostalgia of liking a specific song from a certain era of music, even though when one gets older and listens to that same song, they can realize it may not have been a great song, but the meomories it evokes are still charming and meomorable.
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Split (1989)
Ahead of its time
17 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is the type of film that may need to be viewed several times to capture all of its beauty and intelligence { just like Curse of Frankenstein from 1957} . If you don't like odd, non-mainstream films, steer clear of this masterpiece. For me, the artwork alone in this film is worth the purchase price of the videocassete. The storyline is a bit fantastic but seems to becoming reality in our world today. For being produced in the 1980s, this film is proving to be a prophetic vision of whats to come with Big government and Big brother wanting to control and monitor us.

There are many slow sections and the dialog can be quite hard to catch in many scenes { thats why I've watched it 6 times now} but if you can digest it all, it may prove to be well worth your time.

The film is basically about a world where people have evolved into robotic machines that have lost their individualism . They are only concerned about accumulating and procreating. The hero of the film has not succumb to this sickness and has not been " tagged" and monitored by big brother. His mission is to release a secret drug into the water supply which will change the way the human robots think and allow individulaism to once again be a part of humanity.

Yes, its very low budget, but for its time the computer effects and sound effects are very unique and the paintings are utterly fascinating. If you have an open mind, this film should impress and its prophetic visions are chilling.
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Asylum (I) (1972)
A lost classic
12 February 2007
Very good photography, acting, dialog set this horror anthology above most others. There is a clever beginning which then evolves into 4 separate stories of individuals inside an asylum. The 1st story is the most gruesome. The 2nd story is the most intriguing and also has Peter Cushing in it doing a excellent job as usual. The 3rd story is the weakest and the 4 th story ties into the twist ending. With each story only lasting an average of 15 minutes, they keep the viewers interest. This also has a nice soundtrack { something almost totally missing from todays horror crap,remkaes and sequels} . For those of us who like style, originality and solid acting in our horror films, this deserves a look.
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What a muddled mess....
10 February 2007
I am usually a big fan of most horror movies Dan O bannon is assoicated with { from Dead and Buried to Return of the Living Dead } and I had high expectations for this film. First off, this film is almost 2 hours long but the material contained within the film does not support that long of a time frame. In fact, it takes 56 minutes for the 1st real exciting visual scene to happen. The actor that portrays the investigator is quite amateurish while the lead that plays the female part is awful { take not of the beginning when she is in the detectives office and they are talking. Her performance is pathetic and she plays with her hands for 5 minutes} . The dialog leaves little to be desired and there's nothing inventive or unique about the camera-work. The soundtrack is very uneventful. I have no idea how people can rate movies like this a " 10" . In many ways this is a poor mans Reanimator. If you must see this film, just fast forward the 1st 55 minutes and start from there and even then you may feel very disastified.
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Pure horror perfection
2 February 2007
Scary, clever, innovative, strong acting, gore, great camera-work, moody atmosphere, crisp black and white photography and perhaps the most overlooked aspect of this film is the Incredible soundtrack. Many things are overlooked in this film because it has so much to offer. It was groundbreaking in many ways one of which it allowed a black man to be viewed as the hero and play the lead role. This was very cuting edge and rare back in the 60s. But there's a irony in the role he plays, at first glance he seems to be the hero but in reality , it is because of him that everyone dies in the house because he convinced everyone else that it was safer to stay out of the basement. Some of the camera-work and lighting in this film is nothing short of genius and it proves that often when a producer has a low budget, their originality and though process of filming a movie goes into overdrive. Night of the Living Dead and Curse of Frankenstein will always be my top 2 horror films of all time because they are : scary, intelligent, thought provoking and have meaningful dialog, conflict and characters that the viewer will either despise or love. I have found with both of the fore-mentioned films, they only get better with repeated viewings and the viewer learns more and more with those viewings as long as they play close attention and look for other aspects of the film which may be hidden on the 1st viewing.
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Equinox (1970)
Obscure and unique
2 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A very low budget horror film that is successful on many levels. Originality, cool settings, great photography, several monsters { although they do look cheesy} and a very eerie atmosphere. Granted, the acting is quite amateurish but that can be overlooked because of the other noteworthy achievements in this film. I am convinced that Sam Raimi seen this film and based much of his Evil Dead on the ideas presented in this movie { although Raimi claims he never heard of or seen Equinox prior to his movie Evil Dead} . Equinox makes my list of top ten favorite horror films of all time and certainly is much more interesting and original then the consistently overrated and praised Halloween. Check Equinox out and remember that it was made by a bunch of mostly unknowns with a starting budget of $6,500.....
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30 January 2007
What is wrong with you people who are rating this film as a masterpiece? I cant believe anyone would suggest this film is better or good as Night of Living Dead. Im starting to realize that I cant take the advice of 90% of the people and reviewerss on this forum. This movie is a stinking pile of boring crap. Bad acting, bad dialog, slow pace, not scary..etc..etc....Do yourself a favor...skip over this forgettable farce and just get out your copy of Night of Living Dead again..turn off the lights, and watch how a real ,scary zombie film is meant to be...I am quickly finding out that the majority of foreign zombie films are God awful no matter how many reviewers praise those films. And generally the soundtracks do not stimulate scares,tension,etc.
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Salò: Fade to Black (2001 Video)
Very enlightening
20 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I guess one could say that the documentary on the making of Salo is better then the movie itself. The documentary will shed much light about the problems faced in filming a movie considered by many to be the most despicable of all time. Many things are revealed that may not seem obvious at first in just watching the movie Salo. Like how the child actors in the film are not actually children but young looking 16 year olds, which at the time, was not illegal to have them filmed naked for the movie even though it caused much outrage. Evidently this documentary is very rare but if you can track it down, it sheds much light on the film and director and actors involved in one of the most notorious films of all time....
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It had potential to be a all time classic
16 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Believe it or not, the reason this movie wasn't as great as it should be, was because of the 3 big name actors that were cast to try and gather more notoriety for the film. Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney Jr. and John Carradine are so bad in this film its pathetic.Lugosi is a mute servant and he is somewhat acceptable but certainly does not help the film in anyway. Lon Chaney Jr. is so bad it is appalling. In fact, I've always considered him to be one of the worst horror actors of all time and in this film he lives up to that perfectly. Once again, he, like Lugosi, doesn't have any dialog but that doesn't matter. He overacts in a way that no one else ever could with his stupid facial expressions.

The final nail in the coffin is the dreadful acting of John Carradine making his appearance during the last 20 minutes of the film . And unfortunately, Carradine has some dialog and he delivers it with such an inept performance that it ruins most of the integrity this film establishes in the 1st half of the movie.

The 3 main actors are stunning....the Dr., his assistant, and the gypsy are fantastic to watch and some of the dialog between them is fabulous. The story line is also entertaining.

In many ways, I consider this film to be a " poormans" Curse of Frankenstein. The Black Sleep was released about a year before Curse of Frankenstein but one can see many simliarities between the 2 films...From the obsessions of each Dr....The simliarites are so great in fact, that I wonder if Terence Fisher had seen the Black SLeep and borrowed some ideas from it for his casting of Peter Cushings character.

I personally feel the Balck Sleep had the potetnial to become a classic horror film but the acting of the 3 well known characters was so bad, it ruined the movie and the pacing of the movie was not done correctly.

This film would make a wonderful remake...but then again, Hollywood may not improve upon it with there addition of digital and computer effects which would be used to replace any and all meaningful dialog that the original displayed...
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Incredibly obscure
1 April 2006
I am shocked to see that only 1 other person has written a review on this film. There's no doubt that the lead actor is the true star of this film and the movie has a nice overall raw feel to it { reminding me a bit like Street Trash was with its rawness} I certainly would be curious to see this directors other films if he has any and I also found the guy that played Bonecrusher to be highly enjoyable. This film seems to be quite rare but thankfully I got it many many years ago and kept it in my collection.For anyone thats a fan of violent street gang bloody films,I would recommend they see this one.I think the guy that played Bonecrusher was also in Street Trash.H e might have played the lead role in that film as the bum that wears the hat .
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The best in the series...
24 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Okay,lets look at this with some real perspective.Hats off to the producer/director for taking the big risk of trying to write a whole new script/storyline and veer from the success of the Micahel Myers ..teenagers in jeopardy horror film {which I find boring} .IMO Halloween 3 is the best/scariest/most original/well acted movie in the series and certainly much more enjoyable then the over rated original.I watch this movie every year around Halloween {but I make sure to stay clear of the 1st- 70s version} and it always entertains me even after repeated viewings.Of course because the film deviates from what everyone else expected it to be about, it bombed at the box office and got slammed by critics alike.Such ashame that the average person would have been more entertained if this 3rd installment in the series had once again been about Michael and his stupid mask yielding his knife and killing teenagers that couldn't act or speak interesting dialog.I will never cease to be amazed at how "inept" the masses of people can be.

Many reviewers of this film use a simliar logic in claiming it so awful , by stating the story is to unbelievable { and it is } but almost all horror films have unbelievable story lines/ villains. For example, what could be more unbelievable then the original Halloween and all the ones that followed it that resurrected the Michael Myers character ? I mean is it believable that multiple gunshot wounds , impalements, 12 " sewing needles shoved directly into the eyeball, 30 ft falls off of a balcony , etc, cannot kill Michael Myers ?

If we compare the originality of the story , acting, dialog , etc of Season of the Witch to the original Halloween , it would seem obvious to me which movie comes out FAR ahead.

The very fact that the masses in society hated Season of the Witch so much, helps prove why Hollywood horror films have become so repetitive and outright boring . Season of the Witch was such a refreshing change from the rubber stamped , killer in a mask scenario, that people in society did not know how to accept it , therefore , they hated it because they were pre-programmed to want to see yet another film about a evil entity they had already viewed in 2 prior films. Because of this, we have to balme both Hollywood and our society for the lack of creative horror films that the film industry has been cranking out on a high percentage for the last 20 + years. It only makes sense that if horror film fans and critics cannot accept and appreciate new and creative horror films that are willing to diverge from the same old themes , then Hollywood will not want to take the risk of bringing such films to the market.

The only 2 things I can think about Season of Witch that are slightly annoying are :

1. Its unbelievability { which is about the same level of the Michael Myers character }

2. The lil " jingle" theme that is played about 8 times throughout the film .

My sincere recomeendations to anyone who hates this movie :

Totally forget that the Michael Myers character exists, watch Season of the Witch one more time, don't try and anaylize the storyline or try to make it seem believable , and enjoy the creativeness of the plot/ characters, and recognize that the acting and dialog is MUCH better then most of the other Michael Myers Halloween films !
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What an atrocity...
23 February 2006
This happened to come on last week late at night and I seriously thought I may have found a unheard of gem..especially by the beginning as it was quite atmospheric and had eerie music/credits rolling..and then the movie a turd.This is 1 stinker and it actually bored me and irritated me at the same time {something only a few movies have managed to do..Salo being one of them}. What on earth was the director smoking to do such a pretentious/erratic/unscary horror flick such as this.These types of film can give the 70s horror generation a bad name all on their own.If you see this on late night don't walk away.
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Gargoyles (1972 TV Movie)
See it.....classic B film..
23 February 2006
Another of my favorite 70s b films..and another example that horror movies don't need big budgets.I am starting to think there should be a Law passed that all current/up and coming directors should have to sit down and watch all these "b" type movies.Maybe this would make them see that the best horror movies are made by great story lines/atmosphere..etc...instead of $$$$$$$. This may be the only way to save the current mundane,repetitive horror films that seem to be thrown at us all year after year.How about that Jenniffer Salt?? She has that 70s look that has always turned me on...what a sexy woman.I consider this an original just for its storyline alone and I really like the introduction with the voice-over and the drawings of Satan/demons/gargoyles that setup the whole film.Check it out
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Shock Waves (1977)
The perfect "B" movie??
23 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a prime example of what all "B" movie producers in the horror genre should strive for.Excellent storyline/camera-work/character development and a great eerie soundtrack..all of these things that are so great in this movie don't really cost a thing and are usually missing in most of todays big budget horror films.I saw this back in the 70s when I was a kid on the late late late show and it is still 1 of my favorite "B" horror movies of all time.As usual, Peter Cushing is extraordinary and I will always argue that he was 1 of the most under rated actors in the history of film.The setting for the movie is just outstanding and even though I don't like John Carradine as an actor..this is one of his better performances {fortunatley he gets killed early in the movie so he doesn't have a chance to spoil his rare/good performance or the movie ..This is a must see...
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Halloween (1978)
This is gonna be fun..
23 February 2006
This has been heralded as the most scary/influential/original/trend setting horror movie of all time by a many of horror enthusiasts.I disagree with all those claims except for maybe its influential claims.I first saw this at age 10 when it came out in the theaters {and have since watched it several times to try and see just what it is I'm missing} and back then it didn't scare me so it surely isn't gonna now ,30 years later.I like Carpenter films but this is my least favorite out of the numerous ones I've seen him direct.Not only is this a low budget film {which is fine by me as long as there are other elements that make up for it} ..but it is totally missing any substantial gore/character development/inventive storyline/thought provoking dialog/ make up for its low budget.Next to the Blair Witch Project..I consider Halloween to be the most overrated horror film of all time. The ending is undoubtedly the scariest part of the movie and thats where IMO, it also displays the most original ideas..unfortunately to get to that point,one must sit thru a lot of dumb teenagers walking to and from school on the sidewalk with Michael Myers being voyeuristic and watching this from a forward the 1st hour and 20 minutes and watch the last 10-15 minutes..and thank me later..the time you will save by doing this means you could go to the gym and get a good work out in..your body will thank you later too :}
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A masterpiece...
22 February 2006
This movie is a prime example of just how its not necessary for a horror film to have gore/sex/gratious violence or profanity.This another favorite of mine that is in my top 5-10 horror movies of all time. But I will admit I can understand how the younger generation {under 20} may not like this film and even be bored to death with it since it does have a lot of dialog and requires the watcher to think. The only part of the movie I found a bit slow in pacing was when they were hypnotizing Holbart.I thought Karswells character was brilliant and they picked the perfect actor for that part.Definiitely a thinking persons horror movie..anyone thats brain dead..stay away..:}
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God bless Hammer studios..
22 February 2006
Curse of Frankenstein will always be regarded as my favorite horror film of all time. With that said this installment of the series is right up there.I think the only reason I don't give it a full 10 is because IMO Curse of Frankenstein set the trends and broke the rules initially and I gave that movie a full 10. Also..Frankenstein must be Destroyed injected a bit more humorous elements into the story {and did it effectively I might add} and I personally enjoy pure horror without the mix of humor.I really could not think of a better double feature of 2 horror movies to watch back to back {Curse/Destroyed}. Another reason I only rate this a 9 {only a 9..thats funny} is because the ending was a bit of a letdown IMO ..ecspecially when compared to Curse.I think all teenagers that are horror movie fans {but only know about films like Scream/Blair Witch/etc..} should be persuaded to sit down and watch the Curse/Destroyed...this may open their eyes as to just how important things like camera-work/storyline/dialog/characterization/cinematography/ not only the horror genre..but all movies in general..
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All hype...
21 February 2006
This film is a perfect example of just how important hype/rumors can be in making a awful movie notorious/successful {other examples would be Salo,I Spit On Your Grave,Last House On Dead End Street..etc.}.Totally void of any meaningful dialog/acting/good camera-work {boy thats a riot},cinematography,etc..{although I will admit the storyline had great potential that was never realized in this attempt}. I will also admit that it was nice to see such a low budget horror movie get widespread distribution and on a profit has been the most profitable horror movie{ percentage wise} ever made. If only it had been a good horror movie and low budget {like the 70s release of Phantasm that received widespread distribution}.. if you have motion sickness do not try and watch this film.You will puke not only because the movie is boring/awful {ok..the last few minutes are decent..but not worth sitting thru the it all to get there} but the shaking camera-work is I find it hard to believe this movie is considered to be so scary and great by so many viewers..I would venture that most who rate this so highly are under the age of 18 and are not familiar with movies like the Exorcist/Night of Living Dead/Evil know..movies that are actually scary/well made..
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The Worst Horror film ever
19 February 2006
Anyone who rates this as a must see should really look into their soul/heart and ask themselves why? there is not 1 redeeming quality to this film.The film will more then likely leave the reviewer irritated and there isn't 1 second of entertainment value in this 2 hour piece of crap.Anyone who owns a video camera could go into their basement and film a movie like this {actually much better}.This is definitely the most over-hyped horror movie ever made . Boring/pointless/irritating,

this movie isn't even worth spending 50 cents on..let alone hundreds of dollars to own it.Anyone that rates this movie highly, I am thankful they aren't my neighbor. PURE RUBBISH..

EDIT....I have now watched this film once again realizing that on my 1st viewing I was only around 17 years old and that I should give the film another try since it is so notorious. After viewing it 21 years later, I can honeslty say there are elements to this film that are quite striking. The photogaphy and and some of the settings are stunning along with the set pieces. Believe it or not, even the acting is quite extradorinary but unfortunately the boring cruelness and static nature of the film may dwarf that achievement. Many viewers have spent much time trying to evaluate and justify the images and messages of this film. In reality, it is better to learn much of the history of the film and the director before watching the film itself. This may give the viewer more insight as to what he is about to be bored and or shocked by. In the end, this film has a simple message :

It shows the inherent dangers of allowing any group { whether its religions, goverements, cults,etc} to have unlimited power,wealth and influence and how mankind will overuse and abuse those things to the pint of committing immorral and sick actions. Maybe mankind is just inherently evil or maybe those who gain such immeasurable power and wealth just grow bored and they mentally lose control of the difference between right and wrong , good and bad.
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1 of the greatest horror movies Ever made...
19 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Curse of Frankenstein should be viewed by all horror movie fans at least a couple times.The acting/dialogue/cinematography/colours/camera work/etc.are so great,that 1 viewing is not enough to take it all in.For example, 1 important theme that is overlooked is how none of the 3 characters are able to impress/influence each other the way they wish.Victor desperately wants to win Pauls approval/Paul wants to win Elizabeths approval/Elizabeth wants to win Victors approval and none of them EVER achieve this goal.It is a true love triangle of disappointment.The movie also tells the Frankenstein story correctly in conveying that Dr.Frankenstein is the true monster and his creation is just a sad result of his evil {I didn't feel the original Universal version did this well at all}.The teenager that plays young Victor Frankenstein {in the beginning} is incredible.He is cold/calculated and cunning and is only concerned with his primary goal of creating a lifeform right from his first meeting with Paul {his paid tutor}

Some of the camerwork is stunning,like when the monster 1st comes to life and Frankenstein opens the door to his lab..the camera literally flys thru the door as its opened to reveal the monster.Or at the end when Victor throws the lantern at his creation setting it on fire {the lantern is thrown right into the camera..almost making it look 3 dimensional}. I was astounded/shocked when Victor kills the old professor and how real that stunt looked when he fell head first onto the floor.

The ending could not be more poetic/irionic in that the only person that can save Victor is Paul {since he is the only living person to know about the creature} and as hard as it is for Paul to let Victor go to the guillotine,he knows its an absolute necessity because Victor is sick in the head and needs to be executed

Get this it several times [ I've watched it over 30 times} and appreciate its greatness.They don't make em like this anymore..and probably never will.
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