
37 Reviews
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Cobweb (2023)
Truly Horrifying
8 December 2023
The depths of creepy are in awe of Sarah in all her sinister glory. Truly a film that captures the essence of evil. It calls to mind that famous Stephen King quote, "The trust of the innocence is the liars most useful tool." It has been a long time since I was afraid to look during a horror movie from anything other than disgust. But the opening of the door near the end held my nerves on edge. That slow build up and the irresistible curiosity balanced perfectly with fear. Would she come out fast and attack him? Would she come out slowly and be the sweet girl he expected, if only a little odd looking? Any combination of the options ran through my mind during that perfectly timed wait. I never could have expected what happened, even with all the horror movies I watch. A truly sinister tale worthy of the name horror.
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The Nun II (2023)
You can do better than this
8 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a predictable paint by numbers horror movie. Which was completely unexpected and disappointing. Usually the quality in this series is above and beyond. It's one of my favorite series... Not this time Despite the over abundance of jump scares in this movie I only jumped once. That being a moment when something slid across the floor after falling. It was the second jump scare in two seconds that surprised me, but that's not exactly fear.

Now Spoilers: The main problem this movie had was its predictability. A boy pushes the ball into a dark room, turns his back and a few seconds later the ball comes back. Everyone saw it coming. Knowing what's coming isn't scary. It's the unknown that's scary. If the ball had rolled into the other room and something else had rolled back like a bottle or a piece of chalk, that would have been interesting and helped build suspense and curiosity. Especially if it hadn't shown the Nun.

That was the other thing they did wrong. The Nun was everywhere. In every other scene. It was like, "Hey in case you forgot, the nun is the one haunting them and causing creepy stuff to happen. This is the Nun by the way." Only the only creepy things that happened were with the Nun in view. There was honestly only one scene I liked where the little girl was following her up the steps thinking she was her mom and then she turned into the wall fungus painting thing. That was actually nicely done. I also liked the magazine racks but it was a little overdone, that was one scene where shortening it might have helped. It got to this point where I was like, "I get it, you're going to shoe the Nun, get on with it already." It took so long it was boring, and again the Nun didn't have to be looming over her shoulder as she watched it appear on the pages. Going back to the beginning with the ball, having her appear before the boy was like saying, "Oh, in case you didn't know, it was the nun that rolled the ball back." It was unnecessary. The movie is called The Nun 2, we know who did it. It's like Stephen King says, once you see the monster it loses its power over you, and this is one monster that wouldn't stop showing her face.

There was a lot more physical interaction in this movie than there were in the first one. The Nun threw things across the room, bludgeoned someone, knocked over statues, and was downright overpowered all while possessing a guy. The original move was all about the psychological aspects of horror, and while it wasn't the best in the series, it was suspenseful and still better than most other horror movies out there. It tested the nuns faith to see how strong it was. This one felt more like, Hulk Smash. It's the difference between the Superman in the comics vs. The Super Man in the movies who solves everything with his fists. To simplify that: Very little thought went into this one and it shows. Example: Having the nun take the form of the little boy to kill his mother was predictable from the moment they mentioned he died in there. When it happened it was more like, "Oh, it finally happened." There was no tension built up, no suspense, and it wasn't a very creative way for her to go. This could have been better if: 1.) she'd been slammed around by the demon and taken away by people in white coats the next day. This could have also added a contracting moment of amusement where the bullies think they've driven her crazy and reflect on their actions and or celebrate. Or 2.) She has a story arch involving finding faith again and uses it to protect the bullies who have secretly been tormenting her. Thereby giving the bullies a chance at a redemption arch that can leave the audience feeling satisfied once it's complete. In case this isn't understood the bullies would need to apologize for what they've done wrong. This could even happen after one is injured to add a little drama, but that might be laying it on a bit thick.

Which brings me back to the lack of horror in this horror movie. Every jump scare was preceded by silence which brought me all the way back to early nineties horror movies where you knew something was about to jump out at you because it got super quiet. One of the main things I love about this series is how it teased at these things but never spoon feeds them to you in the way you expect. They usually have a creative twist. I'm going to state this again in case I forgot: Jump scares aren't scary. Being surprised is not the same as being afraid. Yelling Boo! Is not equal to a slow tension build up. I get they happen in horror movies, but it shouldn't be the go-to thing where every minute there's at least one. It's like getting punched in the same spot on repeat, eventually it's just going to go numb.

Then there's the injuries. One of the bullies takes a horn through the door. This might have been more impactful if we actually cared about the character, it would have built tension in seeing someone likeable or loved in pain. This could have been solved in a couple different ways. By, having the bullies see the head mistress being carried out and showing remorse for leaving the little girl in there. Maybe even getting a genuine apology out of them so they seemed more like people and less like caricatures. Then when she gets the horn through the arm we'd actually feel something. In this case, I literally just sighed and rolled my eyes because of course it was her.

I know I just touched on this but, there was also poor character development, at the end I was wondering why the other nun was even there. There was a nice arch lined up for her to discover her faith, and a great set up for her to stand up to the devil while she was protecting the kids. To use her faith to keep them safe, but it didn't happen. Instead, we got this weak moment after she sees the nun put the fire out where she states, "That was a miracle." Cue internal screaming. This should go without saying but witnessing a miracle does not mean a person has faith. Showing a person something doesn't mean they believe in it. To quote the elf from The Santa Clause, "Seeing isn't believing, believing is seeing." Not finishing this character arch properly left her with no agency. Basically you paid a great actress to be there and say lines for no reason.

The next issue was that it spoon fed us everything. At one point a guy in the library asks them, "Did you ever think it might be a fallen angel?" As if the hint of the goat and the fact they've run into Beelzebub in other movies wasn't hint enough. The more you know about a thing the less scary it becomes. When I was a kid I always covered my eyes during scary movies, but if I had been brave enough to look I would have found out that it was never as bad as the things I imagined. Let your viewers use their imagination a little.

I feel like I'm being really hard on this movie, but this is one of my favorite series because I am a particularly difficult person to scare normally, and this series has crafted some of the few movies that have been able to frighten me. They keep one foot in reality and that was where this one went completely off the rails. It was so much in the fantasy world that it didn't feel even remotely real.

Another note, there was a little bit too much fake blood in the teeth. Unnecessary teeth weirdness. It hit a point where the nuns teeth weren't creepy or scary but just weird. I'm going to restate this but the less we saw of the nun the scarier she was, so long as we were seeing the influence she had on the world around her. Horror movies should be sublet in nature until they aren't.

I certainly hope these mistakes aren't repeated in the next movie, and I volunteer as tribute to watch and critique it before it's released to the public. Please don't make these mistakes again. This series is better than that. It's one of the only two, possibly three movies series out there that are actually scary... or at least the majority of them are at this point. 8 out of 9 are scary.
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Deserves a second season
12 June 2023
A genuinely unique setting.

Amazing chemistry from the actors.

The lighting sets the mood in every scene.

While the basic overarching story is a cookie cutter scenario, and keeping in mind I hate cookie cutter stories. The actual delivery of this particular piece was on point. Unfortunately this is one of the situations where I broke my rule. I am unable to compare it to the book because when starting the show I didn't realize it was an adaptation of one. That being said the show was intriguing enough to cause me to want to read the series rather than waiting for a second season, and upon looking up when a second season was going to come up we found that this show had been canceled by netflix. While I realize I'm just a "Watcher" and while I don't fully understand the reason for it's cancelation. I would compel netflix to reconsider. In the age of the internet, when everything is available to everyone, it takes time for anything of quality to gain traction, and this show has great quality. I already recommended it to my sister before finding out it was canceled. I can almost guarantee she would recommend it to at least six others and after I play it for my teenagers I can say that all of their friends will be watching it within the week. Though before my husband randomly decided to turn it on, I had never heard of Lockwood and Co. Being a large book buff, this is rare for me. But I am sticking to Stephen King this year. I hope to read the series next year, and I hope Netflix or another network picks it up for a second season. If any show deserves one, it's Lockwood and Co. It's the most captivating thing I've watched since Sweet Tooth.
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Spirited (2022)
Miraculously Uplifting
2 December 2022
This movie was over the top in all the right ways. It lit a spark in my heart which I haven't felt since I was a little kid. A hilarious, and enjoyable experience. It was everything a recreation of A Christmas Carol should be and so much more. Surprisingly satisfying to watch. Now I'll explain the gushing praise: It addresses a serious issue which many people in our society face on a daily basis, in multiple creative and inventive ways while pointing out the flaw in the logic of thinking any person is irredeemable. While the movie calls them irredeemable, one could easily translate it to popular internet terms like canceled. It directly addresses how condemning and ostracizing someone simply for being human is wrong. Humans must be allowed to make mistakes without facing eternal damnation if we want them to grow into better people. Props to the costume, choreographers, whoever wrote those dazzling songs and the script which lit a spark in my heart. Also to the actors, who I'm down playing because I'm bias and they're some of my favorites. Well played. I also want to point out the lighting and set designs set the perfect tone for each scene. Fantastic. There is one star I did have to take away is because of the company which produced the film... but at least they put something good into this world. I loved that the movie had a resolution and that it both was and wasn't cookie cutter while also making fun of cookie cutter movies. Many stories and movies these days keep with the cookie cutter outline while completely lacking moral or resolution, I'm really glad this didn't. I went into this movie thinking it was going to be horrible, but I deemed it Christmas Movie Marathon day because we're quarantining and I wanted to get my kids minds off it and this seemed like it would be the perfect distraction. It was, but not just for the kids. To all who helped make this movie: Thanks for the laughs, the distraction from our woes, and the tiny spark you relit in my heart. It's been a while since I felt that... P. S. Please make more unique none-cookie-cutter movies with morals and logic. Happy Christmas, and Merry Holidays.
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Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
It didn't completely ruin my childhood.
2 October 2022
Despite the fact it didn't completely ruin my childhood, there were a lot of inconsistencies with it which didn't carry over from the first movie. The acting was on point, but the characters were written more like caricatures and were far less believable than the original film. Breaking out randomly in song, and lacking depth. On top of which every male in the movie had noticeably lower intelligence than the girls. I'd say, while it was alright, it was no where near as iconic as the first movie was. Where the first was created for everyone in the family to enjoy, this seemed targeted specifically to very young girls.
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Family Matters (1989–1998)
Family Values and Entertainment.
13 July 2022
This show is full of laughs, love, and life lessons. It teaches strong morals that you'll remember for ages. Some episodes are tear jerkers, and some will have you rolling on the floor laughing. Most kept me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happened next. It was one of my favorite shows growing up. I'm so happy to finally get to share it with my kids.
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The Witcher (2019– )
18 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm glad I waited until the next season came out before reviewing this series. It would have been completely different otherwise. An adaptation of this sort is an interesting one, coming from both a game and a book. Originally I took issue with a few things in season one. Things which would have probably caused me to rate it at about a 5. However when season two was released every inconsistency I had taken issue with was mended. To the point where I told my husband. "They pulled a Sonic. I gotta respect that." That referring to what had happened with the movie Sonic the hedgehog, where before the release of the movie they heard the complaints of the audience about what he looked like, and changed it. Those in the entertainment business who listen to the audience in order to create a closer adaptation to the original storyline will always have my respect. As the creators of this series now have. That brought it up quite a bit... Moving on: The instance with Ciri in the dress, and the Witchers reactions followed by Triss went exactly as I imagined it. Jumping back to the actress Triss for a moment. While in season one the difference in the way Triss looked was a huge distraction making it impossible to judge whether she acted the part right, season two was spot on getting rid of the distraction and allowing us to see her for the great actress she is. With only a few negligible changes in the rest of the story. This was an amazing adaptation. Also, I really liked how Triss's hair changed to red after the battle, almost as if it were bathed in blood and stained that way, there's a lot of depth to that and it was a creative way to smoothly transition the change in her looks. Moving on from Triss. I have to mention the actor who played Jaskier. He was brilliant, and funny, and only got better in season two. Fantastic singing voice, if that is his voice. The scene with the mice was hilarious and sweet. That being said I'll shorten this down. The acting was good, there is a lot of lore to live up to and they did alright there, the special effects were brilliant, the makeup artists did very well in season two fixing the issues from season one but also in showing subtle differences in Yennefer's state of being, and of course with some of the monsters that weren't CGI, and the Witchers after drinking their potions. One note, there are other potions they drink that vary in the ways they make them look, that would have been interesting to see, but I understand budgets are involved. More than any of that, whoever decided to listen to the audience and make the corrections in season two, they are brilliant, and should probably get a raise. They saved the series and gave it hope for a better future. I can't wait for next season, from what I can tell it is only going to get better.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
A Beautiful Dumpster Fire Holding Painful Truths
31 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly thought I wouldn't like this movie, but while watching it I couldn't help but see beautiful dumpster fire of truth burning at its core. While it should be a comedy, and the nonsensical behavior of the characters is ridiculously laughable, the resemblance it holds to reality is uncanny. Addressing the greatest weaknesses of America today. Our largest problems regarding our government are all called out in this amazing and beautiful satire. Any educated mind would find the nonsensical ludicrous actions silly and unrealistic. Had I not seen the effects of the pandemic for myself and been able to compare our governments behavior to that of other countries, I would have said it was unrealistic, but reality itself corrected my impression of our society. This is painfully the most honest representation of our government which I have seen represented in movies over the past two years. The parameters of behavior which seem to rule over our society causing massive errors in judgement are well represented here. My only wish was that there had been one additive, contrasting the absurd behavior of the American government with other governments who handled the threat perfectly yet were ultimately sabotaged by our inability to deal with the issue in a rational manner. While the story did touch on this lightly, it could have delved into it a little deeper. There were several moments where I wanted to say, "That would never happen." Or, "No one is that stupid." Or, "They would listen to the scientist, it's his area of expertise." But in the end I found I could only stare gapemouthed as I realized this was the closest representation of reality that would ever be brought to the screen, while feeling equally humiliated at the behavior of our government and the political parties over the events of the recent past. The cherry on the Sunday would have been to see how our incompetence effected the rest of the world, and not just our country. The acting was spot on, to the point where I kept thinking, "I know people like that." The special effects were also amazing, with only one or two flaws in the effect of the impact, which would atomize all people, structures, and things leaving no trace of anything other than a dead planet in its wake. Any animals or vegetation outside the initial impact would combust and ignite in flames. So, the objects floating in space, while funny, did ruin the illusion of the movie briefly, but as it was near the end and it was the first time that happened and it's a comedy, it would be nit picky to take away points for it. Setting aside the fact that it broke the illusion of it being a movie, it was humorous. In the end I think everyone should watch this movie. It is a shining example of what we don't want society to be, and what it has egregiously become.

Well played.
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The Best Yet
26 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched three adaptations of this comic so far and this portrayal is my favorite. The intro is interesting and reminiscent of the movie Outbreak, very appropriate. The Virus hits everyone all at once, as seen from different perspectives, just as it's done in the comic, perfect. I loved the plane crash in the beginning. It made me wonder if we were seeing the story partially from Beth's perspective, as in the comic she mentions that she was a flight attendant. The changes they made to Hero were different, but it added to her personality. Some of the acting could have been better, but some of it was awesome. The blood from the plague was very realistic, good color and consistency, not easy to accomplish so good job makeup. The actor and portrayal of Yorick was also the best I've seen yet. Fantastic acting and great directing there. 355 at first seemed... tiny... but her acting and the awesome fight scene made up for it. Camera perspectives were some interesting choices. Some of the lines were off, but on a minor level. I was amazed by the special effects. To be honest, having found this on youtube I had expected a lot less from it, and was delighted to see it greatly exceeded my expectations. I only wish there was more.
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26 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It was a closer adaptation than the official show. Though it cut a lot in order to produce an entire arch in one sitting. Despite all the cuts and the changes made, the lines were almost verbatim from the comic. So high points there. Though there were aspects which made it seem like a college film, and the first scene with the "other Beth" felt rushed and unrealistic. In the comic it took reasoning and coaxing to get Yorick to be unfaithful, so the fact he was so willing to be with the other Beth conflicted with his personality in the comic. Though this abnormality was most likely formed because they melded together his meeting with Beth at the church and his meeting with Sonia in Marrisville in order to form the arch required for what turned into an amusing ending. A few minor changes might have corrected it. While it went off the rails, I respect that it seemed to stick to them as much as possible. I imagine if the creators of this film and the creators of the other fan made Y: The last man I've seen got together, they might create a spectacular recreation... In the end it gave me hope that a better recreation, than the 2021 series, might exist. Thank you.
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26 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Good points: The acting was good, the special effects were alright, pyrotechnics had one instance that seemed a little off but overall well done, lighting was well done. The intro was awesome, very symbolic and on point. Costumes were great, very well done, especially liked Beth's jacket when she was in the crowed. Makeup artist was good too, not something I normally comment on but I realize when I don't have to think about whether or not something looks natural it means the job was fantastic. So well done there.

That brings me to the bad... Bad points Okay.

Since this was an adaptation, it's impossible to do this without comparing the show to the comic, which is one of my all-time favorites.

The characters in the comic had drive and ambition, something which keep each of them going. Based on what happened within the first few days of the comic they all developed a sense of responsibility over saving mankind. The main characters all had reason to blame themselves in one way or another for the plague. It gave them purpose which pushed them forward. 355 had the amulet, Dr. Mann had the baby, and Yorick had the ring and the unanswered question. All of these gave them purpose, drive and it showed us how they saw the world in terms of right and wrong. The story also had an overarching moral with profound layers touching on the question of whether or not the cost of survival was worth stripping away a person's human rights. At constant risk was Yorick's very freedom and liberty to choose his own future. The show never touches on any of this.

Much of the show was added unnecessarily, scenes and characters were inserted seemingly to push political stances which were completely irrelevant to the original storyline. This is relevant because I usually judge adaptations based on how close they are to their original story. This did not come close.

Small changes had large and lasting effects which removed agency from the main characters. By the end of the first episode, it is obvious this show was not planning to stay true to the original story. Despite that I kept watching. The largest change that was made effected the entire overarching story as well as Yorick's character drive and sense of moral responsibility. That change being Beth. While the actress played her part with enough energy and carefree excitement to be a passible Beth, she was supposed to be Australia when the plague hit. This was so Yorick could asked her to marry him over the phone, creating tension when it gets cut off just as everyone dies. This unanswered question haunts fans for the majority of the comic. Without an answer, he is loyalty bound to Beth and refuses to help repopulate the world because he believes she is his true love. His long-lasting torch for her and hope to reach her also added to the emotional impact of her answer when she was finally able to give it. An answer which fell flat in the first episode as we never got to see how far he'd go just to get to see her again. Another change was what they did to 355, who never got the amulet or the ominous warning that went with it, taking out an entire group of secret agents who later try to track it down. The lack of this event removes depth and personality from her overarching character, making her seem like nothing more than a shoot first ask questions later dog of the government, rather than the intelligent, serious agent that she is. That brings me to the changes they made to Dr. Mann, from the no nonsense scientist into an immature unscientific politically polarized personality type. This is best displayed in a picture shown in her office where she seems to be relieving herself on a government building. While she had a spark of rebelliousness in the comic, she was never depicted as juvenile or childish in behavior as that image seemed to represent her to be. This portrayal of her made her seem more like an immature comic-relief mad-scientist than the passionate researcher she was. Seeing one of my favorite characters portrayed in such a way was upsetting to say the least. The fact she says, "There are still men, they just don't have a Y chromosome." And points out the number of women who died that day shows both a massive disregard for the very thing that plagues her in the comics, that all the mammals on planet are going to die. Her counterpart in the comic even laments over the extinction of Pygmy Shrews, pointing out when they go extinct, showing a tangible concern for the extinction of all life as well as passion behind that concern, adding tension to the story like that of a timebomb ticking in the back of the reader's mind, this tension is lost completely in the show as they try to direct our attention away from the inevitable death of every mammal on the planet, and towards politics that were never mentioned in the comic and are completely irrelevant to the storyline.

They also completely underplay Yorick's escape artists skills, removing his practical usefulness and personality.

In regards to Hero, changing her boyfriend Joe into someone else's husband completely shifted her background. She no longer had to watch in horror as her boyfriend died and that shifted her character in a way which couldn't be undone. So, when the Amazons should have come in episode two, instead we get to see her awkward relationship with her dead boyfriend's wife and baby, and rather than becoming the self-hating person she shifts into in the comic, she works to mend her conscience. The whole fact Joe has a wife brings me back to the biggest issue I had with the show. The first episode demonized the men, making it difficult to sympathize with any of them when they died. To the point where the first time you care about it is when a mother is shouting for help as she carries her dead son through the streets. The fact all the men were dehumanized, and each was given a reason to be unlikable removed sympathy to those who lost them, as well as empathy to those who died. Joe was turned into a cheating husband, the President was shown in the light of a condescending sexist with control issues, Yorick's father is inserted seemingly just so we can hate him for rejecting his wife. Even Yorick himself is turned into a useless person with no agency who made his girlfriend cry. Which undermines the sweet, fun-loving jokester-escape artist he is in the comic.

The unnecessary identity politics which were added were never in the comics and completely changed the storyline, making them feel painfully forced and noticeable, breaking the illusion of the story and reminding us that it's just a show. I didn't turn on Y: The Last Man to hear a one-sided political debate, I did it to see a unique masterpiece brought to life in a true adaptation. Imagine if changes like this had been done to Harry Potter, or Lord of the Rings. If you're going to pick up an intellectual property with a preestablished fanbase, personal politics should be left at the door unless they're already in the story. The first priority should always be creating a true adaptation of the work, which was not even touched on here.

In the end the changes made were bold, and not in a good way. They managed to take a story which addressed a serious issue about what would realistically happen if all the men died, and twist it into a story which only purpose seemed to be repeatedly insulting men. Which brings me to the largest issue I had with this show, that pro-woman isn't anti-man, yet that seems to be the message they were trying to push when they failed at this adaptation. It is impossible to like something that is full of so much hate. It's like they weren't even trying to stay true to the story.
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Spot on
21 November 2021
Good acting, amazing set, and dramatic music which tied it all together and gave it the feel of being in the timeframe which the book itself was set it. The setting looked exactly as I pictured it in the book. While a few things were different, they were extremely minor. Nearly every detail and line, from costumes to set, to spoken words were near verbatim from the book. It doesn't get much closer to a perfect adaptation than that. This is the kind of care and painstaking careful reconstruction that brings well loved stories to life. Fantastic.
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Mother! (2017)
Impossible to rate
18 November 2021
There is so much to dissect here. So many different avenues of thought. After finishing it, it's not just thought provoking, the downright traumatizing scenes in this movie demand contemplation long after it's over, with thoughts so conflicting and complicated that I'm left unsure whether or not I liked it at all. Either I loved it, or I hated it. There is no in-between here. But the truth is I both loved and hated it all at once for different reasons. Out of all the movies I have ever seen, I can say with complete honesty, that this one came closest to a unique work of art. More of an abstract painting brought to life than a movie. Done in such a way that throughout the entire movie you're continually asking yourself questions, and long after your mind will not be able to rest. This continuous and unrelenting demand for the viewer to think and question is probably the very thing I loved about it. There are a lot of possible religious undertones to it, though their brought about in such a way that it could be illuding to any part of society or existence. To the point where anyone would be able to find hidden meaning behind even the smallest of acts.

It feels wrong to give it any stars, not because it was not good, but because doing so would suggest that it is possible to rate it, and true art is impossible for anyone to rate or measure by any means... In the end, all I can say is, well done.
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Well done.
2 November 2021
I had the pleasure of reading this book earlier in the year, and while I hate that they cut his wife out of the story because of the pivotal roll she played in showing how disconnected from reality the people are, I also love some of the changes they made to modernize it. The changes they made to the ending actually make it more believable while still holding true to the spirit of the original story. The acting wasn't just good, it gave me goosebumps. When he's standing there at the end, eyes gleaming, having come full circle, finally knowing what that woman was feeling when she was standing in that same position, it provided a balance and harmony which couldn't have been better done. While it wasn't exactly like the book, it was one of the best recreations I've seen. Well done.
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Maid (2021)
Genuine and Honest
17 October 2021
A genuine reflection of the real-life issues facing many American's today. It was real and that made it relatable. It also gives the other half of society a close look at the day to day issues many people are plagued with. Well done.
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Nightbooks (2021)
Not Horrible
17 October 2021
I finished the book and the movie in the same day, I can say I'm a little disappointed in the movie. The book went straight to my favorites list while the movie changed all the stories within the story around as well as key details of the story itself. Had this been a stand alone I would have been able to praise it a lot more, but it was an adaptation which failed to stay true to the original story. Even going so far as to change the reason for his burning the night books and his relationship with his best friend outside the apartment for absolutely no reason other than pandering to the audience's empathy.

The things they decided to change took away character depth as well as character growth throughout the story. A thing which would have left audiences feeling far more satisfied at the end.

Setting this aside we'll look at the good parts.

The acting was good, despite their character backgrounds having been changed to the point where they barely resemble their storybook counterparts. The set was amazing and gave the feel of mysticism and enchantment. The makeup and special effects were eye catching and mesmerizing. Though these details only bring up the score so much. There was one particular prop used however that I felt had amazing attention to detail and that was the old book with all the original Grimm's fairytales in it. Whoever built that should be hired for the sequel when it comes out. Or for the remake if it ever happens. In which I'd suggest hiring everyone just as it was but this time sticking to the original story. There was only one other part I took serious issue with. I had been looking forward to seeing the Witches candy cane fingers, which were described with fantastic and creepy detail in the book. The lack of them was a huge disappointment.

In the end, considering how horrible Hollywood has messed up great stories in the past while trying to keep their cookie-cutter same story, same characters, only different names/background run of the mill overly reproduced garbage rather than staying true to the story, I have to say, this one stayed closer to the book than I expected.

Not horrible. Keep getting better Hollywood. Inch by inch, baby steps.
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Cinderella (1997 TV Movie)
A Memorable Classic
7 September 2021
This has been one of my favorite renditions of Cinderella since I was a kid. With memorable music, great choreography, amazing actors, and some of the best costumes I've seen in this movie. I'm still remembering and singing the song years later. It might be the nostalgia talking, but this is still my favorite musical rendition, way better than the cartoon.
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Cinderella (I) (2021)
Fun, Witty, and Flawed
7 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'd like to take an in depth look at the oppressive laws in this Cinderella's reality, which seem to exist for no reason other than to push political ends. The Brothers Grimm wrote Cinderella in 1812, second addition in 1819. Setting wise, I'm assuming the writers were aiming for that which most other Cinderella do. A German-esk setting in the early 1800's, about when and where the original story was written by the Grimm brothers, usually with a modern twist, and this had that, in a good way. Unfortunately, laws in the world in which this movie takes place don't resemble the world or time period of the Grimm brothers. While this is usually excusable for costumes, or sets, or music. Supplementing fantasy laws like this seems duplicitous in nature, serving no other purpose than to push a political agenda. This may seem harsh to some, but in the early 1800's women in Germany were allowed to hold jobs, and have businesses. In fact it wasn't until Nazi Germany in the 1900's that things changed, when Hitler was trying to get women to have more babies and pushed propaganda for "children, church, and cooking" trying to encourage woman to stay at home. Many women were fired from their jobs at that time and Mothers Day was formed to further encourage women to have kids. However, none of that happened until a hundred years after Cinderella was already an established story. Prior to this period in history women were allowed to work, and many of them had to in order to help support their families. Why then did the movie choose to add this in if not to push their own political propaganda? Seeing this as a glaring flaw at the start of the movie I had to tell myself to suspend disbelief and try to imagine this as a completely different world with its own separate rules. Getting beyond this point I'd like to take some time to look at the acting which was superb and comedic, and was able to mostly distract me from the original flaw I'd noticed. Well done actors and witty script. Next the music. While most songs were exciting and fun to see carried out by the cast of Cinderella, some of them made no sense and felt like a square peg being forced into a round hole. Despite the fact they sounded grate, there were at least two songs which really made no sense and had no reason for being there. Laying that aside we'll look at the story itself. Taken from the perspective that this is its own fresh gem... I loved the story. It was fun, imaginative, and put a spin on the tale that made it all it's own. I loved it, right up until a little before the ending when the whole thing kind of fell apart. I loved the answer she gave the prince and her reasoning for it, but on the flip side of this when the Prince went back to her with his solution, they should have gotten engaged. That kind of grand gesture means he just changed his entire life for her, sacrificing his entire future for a chance to be with her. The fact she wasn't willing to put a label on their relationship more than just saying they were in love, suggests she has some serious commitment issues. Had the end come with a declaration from the king and them opening up a shop in which they sold clothing together, it probably would have been more satisfying than seeing them standing from a balcony telling everyone to "Get loud." It would have shown the aspects of compromise and teamwork that comes with having a serious relationship and truly caring for each other. But in the end he sacrificed his entire future for a chance to be with her and she did... absolutely nothing for him. So while I loved the rest of the story aside from the glaring historical flaw which we are pretending doesn't exist. The ending could have used a little more thought. In trying to fix what was clearly viewed as flaws in the original Cinderella, they overcorrected and ended up making her a completely uncompromising character, and in regards to love that is never healthy. Every grand gesture in this movie was done by the prince, and if this movie was trying to get across the importance of equality, then there should have also been a grand gesture for him on her part... I know this might be an over analyzation for what should be a fun kids movie, but we can redirect that attention to whoever decided to push politics' in that kids movie to begin with. Besides, the Grimm's retelling of stories are some of my favorites.
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Loki (2021–2023)
Mischievous, Thought Provoking, Funny
24 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The way they portrayed string theory was pretty sound. I remember at one point I noticed a flaw, but I can't remember what it was, so it had to have been pretty minor. I study the multiverse/string theory for fun, and while I'm no expert, it is one of my favorite subjects, and watching this was a delight. I was told once that we're our worst critics. This show has given those words a whole new meaning for me. Seeing the reaction of Loki witnessing his mischievous behavior from an outside perspective and how it only ever amounted to chaos... It was surprisingly one of the most touching scenes in all the Marvel Universe. I doubt anything would have changed Loki short of literal self-reflection. It was almost as touching as seeing him flip through the pages of his life. At hearing Sylvie's name, I had to stop and think, because I was sure he'd mentioned her in another movie, though I'll have to wait to find out. (The kids and I are watching the entire marvel universe movies and shows in order of release, and we're only to Agent Carter Season 2, but I'll be watching for it.) For a show encompassing one of my favorite subjects, I was watching with a critical eye from the theoretical science standpoint, and while I had to explain how a few things might work to the kids when they said things like, "Branching wouldn't work like that." Or "How could that change this?" It was pretty solid for a person who understands theoretical physics like I do. (Only the level of a highly interested novice.) As a family we were delighted hypothesizing about the ending together. I only hope season two is as sound as season one.
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The Nanny (1993–1999)
Grace, Comedy, and Values
24 July 2021
Seeing this show on HBOMax I remembered watching it as a kid and got all nostalgic. I put it on for my kids and they were instantly hooked. We ended up watching a little of it each day and on movie night I was about to put on the Matrix, when the kids asked if they could watch The Nanny instead. This show represents everything that was right with television. Deep moral lessons brought about with comedy and grace. While teasing at tropes it never ceased to be completely original. It broke through barriers, fulfilling values in marriage, friendship, and family which other shows often lack to their own detriment. Having watched all six seasons with my kids, we all agree it is one of the best shows in the history of television. We hope to find more like it in the future.
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WandaVision (2021)
Fun and Heart wrenching
20 March 2021
A lot of powerful moments in this show. As a whole I was one of the people theorizing and going online to see what others thought was going on. There was so much mystery and curiosity about it that it kept our family hungry for more. We would have probably binged it all in one sitting if we could. A truly great work.
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20 March 2021
It was difficult to relate to the main character, and parts of the movie were too dark to make out anything at all. Special effects were alright and the species introduced were done well but it was hard to get into.
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An Epic Masterpiece which Honors the Lore
20 March 2021
The depth of care that must have gone into creating this story is nothing less than one of the best creations I have ever witnessed in the movie industry. At its height I would rank it as high as the quality of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, which is high praise coming from me. Even after watching it on HBO, I would pay to see it at a movie theater with my family. This movie has brought DC back in the eyes of this fan and made it relevant again. It stayed true to its lore and has opened many doors for some of my favorite comics to be made into live action films. I can only hope the care and consideration that went into this film goes into those. There aren't enough thank yous in the world for Zack Snyder, for creating this miraculous work of art.
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24 February 2021
A brilliant outlining of the exact problems we face as a societal whole today. The only issue I took with it, is that it didn't come up with any solutions. Our society has developed the habit of pointing out problems without suggesting any solutions for it. It ended on a hopeful note, but that was it. Hope isn't a solution. While watching this I was reminded of a book series I read last year. Deep Learning by David Feldspar. I was amazed then to lean everything on the technical end then. But this movie highlights the issues we'll face with it as a society. That of the increased and rapid growth of identity politics, and how it's splitting our society apart. That of false news being spread on the internet and the number of people who become radicalized extremists because of it. The complete shut down of communication between friends, families and neighbors, and the end result of what happens in society when communication breaks down. The addiction that people most are suffering from. Most importantly, the effect all this is having on our children. The manipulation of our youth is something that must be stopped at all costs. To put minds that are still forming into such a manipulative, cold, and calculating environment is one of the most dangerous things we can do to our youth. Kids need other kids to survive. Not online, but out in the real world. Riding bikes outside or playing baseball in the park. They need fun, interaction and exercise to help their brains develop properly. There are a few books I could suggest on the developing mind, but that's off topic. I'd like to address the issue of false accounts and propaganda first. These false accounts are a threat to our society and are the main source of most false propaganda we see. One of the first things that would help protect our people from false propaganda is the abolishment of these false accounts on social media including twitter, facebook, etc. This isn't impossible, as other countries have already successfully implemented ways of doing it. In fact, it should be a mandatory function for any social media account to run. The ability to link a real person to each account means that everyone would be held accountable for the things they do or say online. As I said before, most of the false propaganda we face stem from fake accounts. Accounts which are made from outside the country, and sometimes maintained for years creating groups and gaining influence on the web. Eventually these accounts start spouting false propaganda and people will buy into it. To have each account require verification of identification before it's made would be a start to solving this society impacting issue. It could be as simple as requiring their account be linked to their pin, as has already happened in other countries. This would ensure that all accounts stem from citizens and not robots or groups who want to undermine and divide our society. The benefits of implementing this far outweigh the inconvenience of neglecting the issue to its fruition. It's a critical step in protecting our people from the inevitable outcome that will happen if nothing is done. Many might dislike it at first, or ironically think it is an invasion of privacy, but with all the other information already being taken from us, this argument is laughable at best. This is a change that we need to see if we're to keep our society from falling apart at the seams. It would stop false accounts sourced from other countries being made and impede the flow of the false propaganda they're trying to push at our people. Another thing which would slow the division of people would be to use these algorithms to identify when a person is falling into an echo chamber before it's too late, when they are only seeing one type of feed. Something you could do when this happens is to have opposing views pop up on their page, along with psychological quotes that will help them learn to communicate in a healthy manner. Things like, "Communication is the real work of leadership," or "Treat others the way you want to be treated," or "We are stronger when we listen, and smarter when we share." Most people love quotes like this, and I'm sure there are better ones out there than these. This method of helping people learn to communicate in a healthier manner could impact our society as a whole for the better. Communication breakdown is one of the main issues we're faced with when dealing with the problems social media has presented us with. As it is the main source of the problem, it has a responsibility to be part of the solution. Teaching others how to communicate in a healthy, understanding way is paramount to healthy functioning society, and is in social medias best interest because if they allow society to break down completely, they'll lose the very product they were selling, the people. Expanding on this there could also be quotes on the importance of respect. Or video's framing the importance of kindness or healthy communication in society. Even just scrolling past them in their feed, the people would take them in slowly and understand subconsciously that these things are important and should be implemented in everyday life. The addictive aspect of social media is an important one to address too. On Netflix there is a timer that used to pop up to tell you how long you'd been watching for, and to ask if you wanted to continue. Implementing something like this could go along way, maybe there could even be fun facts about ergonomics, or what the temperature outside is. A message could pop up on your screen and say something like, "You've been logged in for five hours. It's 73 degrees outside and sunny, the perfect day for a walk." Or, "You've been logged in for two hours. Sitting for extended periods of time has been linked to heart disease, and obesity. Don't forget to take a break and move around a bit." These fun and informative little things don't even have to be a pop up. Most people don't like pop ups. It could be as simple as a little timer set in the corner of the screen. Something that says: You've been logged in for: 00:00. And a scroll along the bottom that has the fun facts going past. Maybe it's there all the time, or only shows up every half hour to remind you to take a break. Either way this kind of device is already used on other websites and would probably be easy to implement. It would also help our society by reminding them to stay healthy. Which is also towards the benefit of their goal. A person who lives longer, has more time to click. On the behavioral end of it, and regarding children... there is real potential to help reverse depression before it starts. I would say there is even an obligation for us to find out how to do so since we know it is possible. There is a bridge in Korea, where people go to commit suicide... To try and prevent this people began leaving messages saying things like "Your life is important." And, "Think of your friends and family." After the signs were put up the number of suicides sadly only increased. So, I would say that a psychologist who specializes in depression would be best to help work through this issue in adults as societies have failed at it before. In regard to children, I would say it isn't healthy for kids to be on the computer for extended periods of time, and never on social media. However, that is up to the parents to restrict. Unless an age restriction is implemented and enforced using the same method as is used for identification. I can't imagine letting any of my kids on social media. Having sat in the classrooms, I've witnessed how computers have taken away teachers control over their environment. While I do think it's important for the classrooms to advance with the times, it's not healthy for the children. Empowering them with the ability to taunt and torment each other without the teacher's detection is a horrible idea. Witnessing it, I found it to be a neglectful environment that was borderline abusive when seeing how the children treated each other online. It completely removed the teacher's authority and ability to maintain a healthy learning environment for the children. Though the issue of computers in the classroom was not addressed in the video, it relates. As it's a smaller scale which we can use to view the toxic effects of social media on the children. One exposed another's grades because the other was being cruel to yet another member of the class, who then was cruel to that party, and the cycle continued. In the end, I liked the film. It pointed out some of the toxic results we're getting in society due to social media. In truth, the film felt unfinished as it didn't provide any solutions to the problems it presented us with. What good is pointing out a problem if you're not going to suggest a solution? Now I don't know because I didn't read it but, perhaps that's why nothing happened when the problems were originally pointed out. When one sees an issue, isn't it their obligation not just to point it out, but to try and solve it as well? Or at the very least suggest solutions? Because realizing the problem is there is only the first step in fixing it.
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Kingdom (2019–2020)
Worth Watching
2 January 2021
I first watched this in Korea, without dubbing or subtitles. Even without being able to understand anything they were saying, the acting and imagery was addicting. Now back in the states I re-watched it, dubbed and fell in love with it all over again. you don't want to miss season 2's ending, really hoping a third is coming too. Maybe by then I'll know enough Korean to understand it all.
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