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Madame X (1981 TV Movie)
Tour De force performance by Ms Weld!
19 December 2006
It has been years since I viewed this film but it had such an impact on me when it appeared in 1981. The story paralleled so close to a very similar personal/family situation. Yes, this last version was by far the best ever. Tuesday Weld seemed to "not be seen" for a while then she mysteriously appeared in this movie, wow! The fact that it was up to date made it even more real. I recall the scene where she meets Jerry Stiller's character in a very cheap, run-down apartment building. At this point Ms Weld's already in a boozed & drug-induced haze and practically fights for her bottle. The real drama sets in as Stiller's character tries to reach out to her but to no avail. In her drunken stupor she mumbles something about having a daughter & family, no one seems to believe her. I think she even over-doses in a scene. Be sure to take lots of tissue, this is a major tear jerker! A must see and still holds up quite well to this day! I am certain Tuesday Weld received an award and critical acclaim for this role and deservedly so. Get the DVD if it exists!
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San Francisco (1936)
One of a kind!
8 December 2006
When I found this video I snatched it off the shelf! I found this to be such a great glimpse of a by-gone era never to be seen again. I play some of the scenes over and over again as I have a great interest in Victorian architecture, etc. Pay attention to background sets, furniture, etc these folks really did their home work! I read that the special-effects were so remarkable considering the film was made in the late 1930's. You have to really focus on the conversations and the message the film was relaying to the audience. The city had garnered such notoriety for being a rough, wild and sinful city. The religious overtones were being emphasized as if to imply the city deserved what it got. This was being circulated all over the world of course. There is the scene where Jeneatte McDonald is having a 1 on 1 conversation with her future mother in law. Mrs Bailey tells her that the "aristocracy" of San Francisco is not what people think. "They are a wild and crazy bunch living a sinful life with party's that last for days! She says. So you see the film wanted us to feel how society viewed others in those days. Wonderful film I never tire of seeing it!
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