
15 Reviews
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High Fly!
24 May 2024
This is a really great docu! Fort Smith, AR used to get these amazing pilots right here, flying over our house. In person, they are awe inspiring! This docu shows how hard they work to give the rest of us an amazing demo to those of us on the ground. The teamwork is incredibly precise and they all make it seem easy that which unbelievably difficult. If you want to see what teamwork really looks like, this film will give you no doubt about it. Watching this in a film will give me a better understanding of who these hardworking pilots really are, their dedication, as well as the joy one sees on the audience's face as they watch the precision and the heritage of The Blue Angels.
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A Laugh a Minute
8 December 2023
We absolutely LOVE this movie. Added to all our other traditions of Christmas movies! Our daughter was moving to Colorado about when this came out. This movie hit us right where we live! She'd never been away that far before, and everything in this movie we could identify with. The laughs actually helped us tremendously with this huge change in our lives. While the circumstances of her move were different, everything we went through, was spot on how we felt. We didn't go on a cruise, but went to a theme park. We are so happy when we see this now. She moved in 2006, and is still there after 17 years. We go out there a couple times a year to have a lot of fun. Highly recommend this for empty nester beginners! It helped us. Never missed a year watching it at Christmas!
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Royal Fun!
1 December 2023
Every so often, there is a Christmas movie different than all the others. This is one of them! I don't do spoilers, but I will say this! The acting was great; the plot totally different; and it was fun to watch the mixups, bad guys, and FBI! The ending just makes women go "Awwww". The mixups and impersonations done by Jonathan Stoddard is really good, and he makes you laugh. Surprisingly, it's easy to keep up with which is which! With Tom Arnold in it and Brittany Underwood, what could ever go wrong? Now a wedding & Coronation sequel, would be even more fun! I can see the "3" of them getting into more scrapes! It's a great way to spend an evening! Pop the corn! Drag out the wine or eggnog, and enjoy this movie! You won't regret it!
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Almost Paradise (2020– )
Season 2 is Better than 1!
2 August 2023
I didn't think it was possible for this great show to get even better, but I was proven wrong. Season 2 was so much better and more fun and nail biting than before. The critics might draw similarities to other shows, but quite frankly, I don't think the fans care. The fact that it has an awesome cast, and is filmed in the Phillipines is what makes this show so much fun and reminds me of the the shows like "Rockford Files"! I refuse to give out spoilers, because each person should decide for themselves. It would be a total mistake to not film a Season 3. It's time to listen to your fans, guys! We love it!
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Magellan (2017)
Not Bad
28 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, to some, seems slow at first. It gets more interesting when he goes in space. This reminds me more of 2001, only lower on the scale. However, the premise is good. I think if it had a larger budget, it might have equaled 2001. Of course, like 2001, it raised more questions than it answered. Anyway, if you're bored on a weekend or if you're sick it works. It won't get your heart pumping, but you'll definitely wonder who? Chasing 3 orbs around from planet to planet is a bit on the simple side, but it's fun to see what some think the planets look like in a concept art background. I gave it a 6 due to the slowness of the movie. But the acting is excellent for this particular film.
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The Perfect Catch (2017 TV Movie)
12 January 2023
I will not do spoilers. I will say that this cast has a chemistry that makes this movie. If you love, well, love, and you love baseball and a little boy who just can't hit, you'll love this. Coming back to his home town, Chase finds the something that seems to be missing in his life; Jessica finds her old boyfriend still gorgeous, and far more charming than in high school, while her son has stars in his eyes for Chase, his hero. But, it's the winding of the story that melds the entire movie together. If you want to know the ending, well, you just have to watch it, cause this reviewer won't give you any spoilers! It's one of my favorites, and let's face it...those are hard to find, especially if it is not a carbon copy of another movie. This one isn't. Enjoy it!
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Love, Nostalgia, Warmth, Feel Good Movie
14 September 2022
We accidentally found this movie one day a few years ago, and decided to watch it for the heck of it. We were stunned over the fact that it was EXCELLENT! Already of fan of Britt Robertson in her role on Tomorrowland, we had to watch it. She and Eastwood have a real chemistry on screen. The story of how they saved an older man, and how she befriended an old man who was in a car wreck, saving letters he cherished, brought the two of them close as any 2 could be. She read some letters, then read them to him as he lay in his hospital bed, played by Alan Alda. She is an art major in college, and adores paintings. Turns out, the man's wife was just like her, and loved paintings of new artists. It details their lives of how they collected art from a school and how he loved her is the most touching story we have ever seen. The story mirrors the girl and he boyfriend. But, the ending? The ending we knew what was going to happen by instinct, and it was riveting and absolutely wonderful! Nope. No spoilers for you from me!
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Marry Me (2022)
10 July 2022
In today's cynical world, aa feel good movie is quite rare, but to find one that has heart is surprising. Reading the professional reviewers, it is quite obvious that they expect the in your face, hardcore cynicism that exists today. Well, believe it or not, many of us still hold fairytale romance in our hearts. But, finding one is few and far between - if at all. So many think that we need to really see the truth about life, they forget that most of us out here in the real world actually have normal lives and dreams that it is apparent most of Hollywood has totally forgotten. This movie was adorable. The music is beautiful, and the love story is just fun. It's romantic, and has heart. And, that is sadly missing in today's entertainment. Most of us are tired the cynical view of the world, and it does not fit everyone, despite what those so full of cynicism think. Accidentally marrying the right person on purpose? That truly is a dream. It was refreshing to see a woman who was cheated on to choose a decent, kind man, because she didn't want a cheater she felt she had to change. There is way too much of that on both sides. Decency is all but gone today, and is actually sneered at if it does rear its head. All in all, I loved this movie and for the very reasons stated above.
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A Real Trip!
15 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As a child, I loved the older sci-fi movies, and this one is no different. Flawed science or not, these forerunners of today's "Disaster Movies" are still lots of fun to watch! The one thing that sets this movie apart from its contemporaries or even today is the "what if" factor. What if man actually tried this with an atomic or even nuclear bomb - if he were capable? What would happen? I thought that adding in a man who has fooled around with this idea so long he had cancer, and had no problem dying with his project, yet was married only a year, was a bit much. If the idea of a chunk of Earth flying off into space creating another moon wasn't enough, because Sorensen was too busy playing mad scientist, let's add her former boyfriend into the mix. Despite this silliness, the movie is a fun ride and a real trip! Like many classic older movies, any form of remake would not come close to the original fun of this one. If one likes any form of disaster movie, one just cannot get enough of these old science fiction movies like Crack in the World.
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Wonderful and Uplifting
6 February 2022
We were "surfing" around looking for a movie to watch. With streaming, there is no end to movies. We stumbled across this, and the info on it looked fun. Rarely do we find a really wonderful and uplifting movie. Yes, it is clean, but the story line was great. I'd like to pick out one of these young people to speak about, but the truth is, every single one of them were terrific young actors! It has everything in it to make the watcher feel wonderful. You cared about all of them. The ending had us cheering right along with the characters. I know some think this was a bland movie. It is not! We had a very sad incident on Christmas Eve, and we haven't bounced back. It will be a long time, but this was the first time since then that we felt like no matter how sad or bad something happens, the good can and will come again, thanks to this movie. I don't want to give spoilers, but you will make a huge mistake if you don't watch it!
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Starcrash (1978)
Laughter for a Horrible Movie
24 May 2021
When I saw who was in this ridiculous movie, I thought someone was pulling my leg. Of all the science fiction movies I have ever seen in my entire life, I can honestly say this was the WORST! It was horrible, and with actors such as Plummer & Hasselhoff? I sat through about half of it, and I can now say I am dumber for doing it. I laughed at it, because it was so terrible. There are B movies, and even C movies. This one rates a Z movie!
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One Winter Wedding (2021 TV Movie)
Seemed Rushed
17 April 2021
I don't care if Turner was bald, since it's easy to find why he shaved it off. I did care that Dewshane was not there. I don't understand why he wasn't, and maybe he was on another shoot or something, but this movie should have had a halt put on it till they had all the ducks in a row. When you have gone to all the trouble to make 2 other wonderful movies, I never understand why the 3rd one, frequently, is always ruined by things that make no sense whatsoever. I liked the mystery, but at times it seemed as if Cara was more interested in that than her wedding. Why was his sister put there? Again, another oddity that made no sense. But, the absolute WORST of all of this movie? Dewshane proposing on an iPad? What the heck was Hallmark thinking? No. I don't buy the digital age explanation. It was horrible. If a man cannot propose in person, then don't do it at all! It only serves to make a woman believe he doesn't care about her. There was no reason for him to propose this way, so it should have just left that up in the air, or said he had something to ask her when he returned from wherever he was. I give this movie a 5 in that the first 1/2 was not too bad, but the second part seemed totally and completely rushed as if something happened at the last second, and they decided to proceed with whatever someone came up with for the end.
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One of the Worst
22 February 2021
Of all the science fiction movies I've seen over the years, this one is the worst I've ever seen. The acting was subpar - especially considering Shaunessy. From the moment it opens to closing, it's as if someone literally chopped this movie up, making it seem as if it was a lot of clips just put together to try and make it a movie. The dialogue is boring, the concept is a very good one, but this particular movie completely leaves out what the heck I just watched. I cannot even begin to tell someone what this was about other than the end of it had no explanation to what I just sat watching. Complete waste of time.
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Borrowed Hearts (1997 TV Movie)
Wonderfully Heartwarming.
10 December 2020
I absolutely recommend this movie! It's charming, and warm, and fun to watch. The story has one of the best I've watched. There is true chemistry between every one of the characters. The interaction between Zoe and Dave will have you laughing, because Dave is like a little kid himself! It's full of love and comedy and just plain old-fashioned laughter. One of the best Christmas movies that should become a classic!
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Crown for Christmas (2015 TV Movie)
Full of Heart
27 October 2020
I have watched this movie since the year it was aired. I never get tired of watching it for one simple's full of heart! The mark of a good film or book is that you must care about the characters. Making a character is hard enough, but to make one three dimensional is quite different. That's what this movie has. The characters are wonderful; they appeal to most everyone, because most everyone identifies with one of the many characters in the movie. The combatants in the movie are also excellent. You love to hate them! The chemistry between Ali and Theodora warms the heart. The chemistry between Max and Ali gives every woman that giddy feeling they have when they pretend that they are in the same situation as Ali. And, they do. I particularly love the way the King is torn between being a leader of his country and his true desire to be just a regular man doing regular things and falling in love with a regular girl. If you haven't watched it, you are missing something magical, which is hard to do in this day and age.
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