20 Reviews
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I could not speak
6 October 2021
What is there left to say about this masterpiece? I will never forget this film and I will never watch it again. True story: I was a teacher, now a substitute teacher. I was subbing for a high school genocide class which consisted of three periods a day. Unfortunately for myself I had to sit through the massacre of the ghetto three times in a row. You could hear a pin drop when it was time to end the period. After the third time of sitting through the same scene it was break time. I went into the restroom and vomited it was so upsetting. Of course this is nothing compared to the reality of the victims of genocide, but Spielberg spared nothing in his goal of realism. And to this day I can scarcely look at Ralph Fiennes without my skin crawling, he was such a good actor. Beautiful looking and talented man, his portrayal literally made me sick to my stomach.
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City Lights (1931)
Charlie's Masterpiece
2 October 2021
I hardly know what to say about this beautiful film. It is so exquisite, moving, perfect. The last five minutes are the most moving minutes in film history. No sound, but it is not needed, Charlie and the absolutely glowing performance of Virginia Cherrill will reduce the coldest of hearts to tears. A wonder of a film, one for the ages.
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The Ray Bradbury Theater: Tomorrow's Child (1992)
Season 6, Episode 3
Do not get the hate for this one
24 September 2021
Is the plot weird and impossible? Maybe, but this is Bradbury and I liked this episode! I will admit I will watch anything with Carol Kane, longtime fan, she is unique and an absolutely wonderful actress! Her career has kept her one of the most interesting actors of all times, she has never phoned in a performance, and that incudes this episode. Put reservations aside and give this one a chance!!
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29 October 2020
Just my opinion, but this would end up being a typical slasher film if not for the absolutely unforgettable performance of Betsey Palmer. She is incredible, unhinged, cannot take my eyes off her when she is on screen, No spoilers! See it just to see a real acting legend nail it.
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Kids (1995)
unpleasant sociopaths should have been the title
7 July 2020
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I know this film received many good reviews, but I am sorry, the fact that Larry Clark uses shirtless underage boys in his films is the most disturbing fact. I know, realism, blah blah blah, but the guy is a creep. He makes my skin crawl. Plenty of famous women he has photographed have come forward to agree he is a an older, perverted man who gets going by making movies about young (and I mean young) having sex. Projecting much Larry? Add to the fact that on what planet would any woman, man or beast find Leo Fitzpatrick remotely attractive? When he "sweet talks" I have to laugh because I know of no man or woman or beast that would fall for that garbage from someone as vile and ugly as Leo. Sure Telly, you're such a stud. Not. See Fast Times instead. And Larry? Just stop with advertising your lust for underage boys please. It is not only disgusting but also against the law. He is such a dirty old man.
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Tales from the Darkside: The Geezenstacks (1986)
Season 3, Episode 5
4 June 2020
Holy cow, this is one majorly creepy episode! I am a sucker for evil doll stories (see Trilogy of Terror, a film that scarred me for like) and this one delivers. Deliberately paced, well cast and the ending is a whopper! A must see!
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Joker (I) (2019)
Phoenix is STUNNING
20 December 2019
My God, this film is freaking amazing, and Phoenix gives the best performance ever. Think of Heath, a genius that deserved the Oscar, go the other way. Polar opposite interpretations. But both flawless and deserving of awards. See this film. If Phoenix does not get the Oscar, I will riot. Amazing.
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Disturbing and unforgettable
18 December 2019
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This film does not have jump scares or unrealistic monsters. It does, however, have a realistic serial killer named Henry. Michael Rooker is so good, almost too good, as a serial killer with no moral code, no deep feelings, just an emotionless killing machine. He tells his creepy friend he does this because "you gotta get them before they get you." Do not bother questioning this so called reason, it is a rule Henry uses to kill and kill again. The home invasion scene is seriously why I lock and bolt my doors even during the day. It is so realistic and graphic I still have nightmares. But the clincher SPOILERS is that Henry and Otis videotape this invasion and watch it back home as " entertainment"!! My God. Finally, as a woman, I find the two women (that are alive anyway) in this film interesting. They immediately find Henry attractive, and Rooker indeed is very physically attractive, but this shows how slick Henry is. Becky really disturbed me. She really became attracted to Henry AFTER he told her he murdered his mother! I am old enough to remember the Ted Bundy "groupies" that sat in at his trial, enraptured by a handsome man who killed more than forty women. There is no happy ending, no redemption. McNaughton's direction is genius. He uses his camera as an objective eye, simply recording the actions of a serial killer. THIS is a totally realistic, nihistic horror film.
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19 November 2019
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Holy cow, i have a strong stomach, but I literally almost tossed my cookies watching this film. I do not mind blood or amputations, but I hate PUS and exploding boils. So gross, so graphic, but pretty original in its representation of gore. Beware those of weak constitutions!
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Come and See (1985)
Unbelievably harrowing
4 October 2019
I really struggle to find words to describe this film. Brutal, affecting, savage, realistic and incredibly disturbing come to mind. This is the most powerful war film I have ever seen. I will not watch more than once, I cannot. But all people should see it once, and war will never be glorified again. My God.
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Napoleon (1927)
One of the greatest films ever, silent or not
23 September 2019
I was fortunate enough to see this incredible film in all of its glory. Incredible does not begin to describe the experience. Yes, it is silent, but you do not really notice with the brilliant directing and acting. Abel Gance achieved the unthinkable, a long silent film I did not want to end. By the time the film reached its triptych finale, I was in tears, it was so majestic and moving. Everything is perfect, give this silent film a chance, you will not regret it. Amazing.
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Und now, your fortune
19 August 2019
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My favorite anthology of all time! Love this film, and two legends and bffs are in it, Lee and Cushing. Good solid stories, a very young Donald Sutherland and great ending make this a top notch film. Cushing's character is named Dr. Schreck, a nod to Max Schreck, the original Nosferatu. Nice touch!
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Pet Sematary (2019)
No, no, no
5 August 2019
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I really tried to give this film a chance. Really. I loved the book so much, and I still love the 1989 version. I was very excited for this remake - until I saw the stupid trailer that gave you every plot point and twist. SPOILERS SPOILERS AHEAD why the heck did they change Gage dying to Ellie? Ellie? Ellie? No. Any child who dies at any age is tragic, but cute little Gage dying was absolutely horrific. So painful. Of course it was sad with Ellie dying, but there was no pathos involved, just actors going through the motions. I really pined for Dale Midkiff's "NOOOOO!!!!!!!" When Gage dies. Love John Lithgow, but no Maine accent? Fred Gwynne nailed it in the original. No Timmy Baterman, the creepy story in a story. Lastly, sorry, but the original Zelda still scares the heck out me. And the ending in the second film is really, really bad. Totally bad. One bright spot is Amy Seimetz's performance she knocks it out of the park. She is an excellent actress. Six stars because I love King.
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One word to explain its existence: BLOW
4 August 2019
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I cannot think of any other reason to explain how this utter piece of garbage was made, it has to be blow, everyone tried it in the 70s. Well, not me but whatever. This is so utterly painful they should do away with solitary confinement and simply torture prisoners by playing this crap on an endless loop. Want to free hostages? Show this. Want something to replace the death penalty? Here ya go!!!!
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The Big Chill (1983)
For self absorbed people who think they are cool and live in the past.
30 May 2019
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I am sorry, but I cannot stand this film. Acting and music are top notch. But i do not want to sit in a theater and watch wealthy narcissists piss and moan about the good old days. And, wow, everyone of them is uber wealthy yet still manage things to piss and moan about. Lastly, Meg Tillis has got to be one of the worst actors out there. With her spacey, simpy voice it was like fingernails on a chalkboard. The best acting in the film was Kevin Costnor playing a corpse.
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Pet Sematary (1989)
Unforgettable. Especially Zelda
5 April 2019
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I saw this in 1989 when it was released, and it scared me witless. Very creepy atmosphere wise, with Fred Gwynne stealing the show as Jud, good hearted neighbor with strong New England accent. Calls the road rud, etc. The parents are quite lackluster, but adorable Miko Hughes is wonderful as Gage. The Timmy Baterman story is so creepy, as Jud tries to impress upon a grieving father that "sometimes dead is better." But the absolute " star" of the film is Andrew Hutsback as Zelda, one of the most disturbing characters ever. Oh my God, when I saw her I seriously wanted to run screaming from the theater. Zelda still haunts my nightmare. I have special affection for this film, for Pet Semetary is my favorite King book. Highly recommended for horror and King fans.
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The critic are full of it
21 March 2019
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This is a wonderful film. Approach it from the perspective of a celebration of Freddie's life, good and bad. Malek is incredible as Freddie and deserved all the awards he received. Critics are so ignorant to this as they reviewed it. Stop the Rami hate and enjoy a film where he is nothing short of astounding!!
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Now THIS is Stanley at his best
2 March 2019
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I love Dr. Strangelove, Kubrick directed and guided this film with sharp edged perfection. A classic black comedy with some of the funniest lines in movie history. Peter Sellers is an absolute genius, tackling three roles in a flawless manner. The supporting actors shined also, especially George C. Scott, who spews his insane lines so convincingly one would think he was born for the role. Also Sterling Hayden - his earnestness in describing the dangers of flouride in drinking water almost makes you a believer. The ending is perfect and so is this film.
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Important, yes. Classic and timeless, no.
27 February 2019
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I LOVE Kubrick. Strangelove is one of my favorite films of all time. Paths of Glory was incredible. 2001, important in the realm of scifi films, Star Wars probably would not exist if not for this film. But GAWD this film is so cold and excruciating. There is blackness......for a long time. Then shots of trees......for a long time. Finally some action in the form of shrieking primates. They shriek and I shriek for the film to get going. Then a black monolith appears, and, oh goody, that makes the primates shriek more and bash boars with bones. A bone goes in the air and becomes a spaceship. Cool. And I love Strauss. But we watch ships fly and dock for a.....long.....time. God, I get it Stanley, move it along. Yay, we get actual human beings. Boo we cannot hear anything they are saying because they whisper. I turned the volume up all the way and still could not hear the dialogue. Well, I soldiered on because, thank God, HAL appeared. My favorite character is a computer. Great. HAL showed more emotion than any other in this film. But Stanley killed him......slowly. Christ. Poor HAL. Last 15 minutes of this film is one....long......acid.......trip. We see the big Hershey bar again then a fetus (????????). But I am grateful because I finally hear the dialogue of a human: "My God, it's full of stars". Ooookay. No, it is full of baloney. I wish HAL lived and Dave died, HAL at least had charisma and a very nice singing voice. And I love the song "Daisy". I was overjoyed when HAL lived on for the sequel and the humans did not. Eight stars for sheer audacity and because I love Stanley. And HAL.
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The Shining (1980)
I love Kubrick, but puzzled by this film's high rating
27 February 2019
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I think the title of my review says it all. Kubrick was genius. Full stop. I love Strangelove, it is timeless and brilliant. I love Jack Nicholson, I could watch him sleep and be entertained. Scatman Crothers, also adore. But not this film. I honestly do not understand the high rating. Jack is Jack, and that is great, but from the moment he appeared, there was no descent into madness as per the novel. It was a hysterical performance, literally. His smart ass smile that I love, the eyebrows, glint in his eye, sarcasm, was excellent, but totally not scary. And that is the problem. I know I will get reamed, but this film failed to capture the isolation and suffication of the novel. It is like a collection of scenes. Elevator door opens, oh lookblood. Why??? Why??? Too jarring. Various characters in costumes, never explained. You really have to read the novel to understand the scenes. A caveat: I think the hedge maze was a genius choice and better than the topiary animals in the novel. But why switch from a mallet to an axe? The bartender Lloyd was very creepy. The most incredible and scary part of the film is when Duvall frantically keeps flipping through the typed pages that all say the same thing. THAT was amazing. To be honest, I laughed most of the time Jack was spewing his lines. Well made, but overrated.
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