Too many plot flaws
5 May 2001
This is a film that wants to be like The Usual Suspects or The Last Seduction but does not come close because of the plot flaws. In their haste to make a plot gimmick with the insurance policies they threw out any sense of reality. Almost none of the characters personalities and actions were believable or made sense. If I was in their situation (being threatened by a criminal - get 1 million dollars or die if statue was gone) I would have run, or gone to the police, or taken my chances that the statue was there, or fought back. Even in big budget action films there are often flaws (but not as bad as this) my question is why? Do the directors think the audience won't notice or doesn't care or are they just careless. If any director wants to hire me to read their scripts and point out flaws I'm a hard worker and I come reasonably cheap. The saving grace of this movie is that its allowed me to complain, and the technical aspects of the movie were decent.
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