Le souper (1992)
Talleyrand has got to be the most incredible
3 March 2007
political animal that ever lived. Whoever was in power, he was in the background pulling strings. Actually much more than pulling strings. One must read his biography. Fouché is also a cunning and devious character. Having them sitting together in the same room is bliss to anyone interested in history. A word of warning, this is no documentary, and should you watch this film you need a solid base of history. If you do, it will be delightful. If not, only the devious aspect of the encounter will astound you, but you will be missing the crux of the story. Whether this supper actually took place, I do not know. But knowing both characters from history books,my bet is that it did take place. A while back, Sacha Guitry had made a film on Talleyrand, called " Diable Boiteux", not quite as accurate as this one, and more inclined to depict the man in a humorous way. Napoleon once told Talleyrand : " Sir, you are nothing but sh*t in a silk stocking." But he was much more as you will see watching this fantastic little gem.
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