The Judge (2014)
Definitely worth seeing for two amazing performances from Downey and Duvall.
7 September 2014
I saw this film twice at TIFF and was quite impressed! It's getting some harsh reviews, undeservedly. Yes, it's too long and yes, director David Dobkin needs to work on his tone and pacing, but the story is great and the performances are fantastic!

Not a simple courtroom drama at all, the story is more about Hank Palmer (Downey)'s struggle to understand his relationship with his father and to accept where he came from. It's about identity, family, and all the messiness and contradictions of life.

If you are a teenager who can't sit still through a more-than-two-hours long movie, or expect some type of John Grisham or Iron Man-like action from this film, you will be disappointed. If you are a true film lover who revels in watching great actors practice their craft, you will not be disappointed by The Judge.

This movie is definitely worth sitting through for amazing performances by both Downey and Duvall, who could both be up for Oscar nominations for their roles as the son and father, respectively. There are many very funny moments as well as many touching moments between father and son, brother and brother. The audience I sat with at Roy Thomson Hall loved it, frequently expressing their appreciation with laughter. See for yourself on October 10--don't let a few critics spoil it for you.
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