Risqué Business!!
3 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
What a terrific movie, it has everything - romance, risqué business, crime, violence!! Beautiful Claudette Colbert had a role she could really grab hold of - she played efficient secretary (as only Claudette could play them) Julia Traynor who seems to be more respected in the boardroom than her playboy boss Jerry Stafford (Frederic March at his most sincerest!!). He has a "thing" for Julia and has offered her the usual - a world cruise, a Park Avenue penthouse, everything except marriage but Julia knows they are from two different worlds as he hasn't introduced her to his snooty friends. When he finally does offer her a gold ring he finds she already has one - she has married long time boyfriend Phillip Craig that morning. But it's Monroe Owsley and when was the last time you saw him as a really nice guy!!

Jerry then offers Phil's firm some brokerage business and Phil is eager for the chance to prove himself but Julia is worried that he doesn't have the business skills to pull it off. A year later the tale is told: at their wedding anniversary Julia is still eager to be supportive but big headed Phil is neglectful, as well as trying to end his latest love affair to a tearful girl. By the end of the night he is exposed as an embezzler - he has been pouring whatever money he can get, usually other people's, into a worthless Silk stock. "Have you ever heard of a resort called "Sing-Sing", come up and see me sometime"!! he manages to wise crack between tears and tearing of hair!! Julia promises to stand by her man - and goes to Jerry to "sell herself" (if he still wants her) for the amount Phil has embezzled!! Phil finds out, thinks Julia really has sold herself and goes to Jerry's to have it out with him!! Just when you think Phil couldn't get any lower his interview with the police has him tearfully pointing the finger at Julia as the possible murderer.

A nifty little movie with wonderful support from Charlie Ruggles as a rah-rah raccoon coated drunk!! Playing his dumb dora Doris is Ginger Rogers. With about 3 lines of dialogue and photographed looking pretty ordinary it was such a come-down from her attention getting flapper role in "Young Man of Manhattan" of only the year before. She had been signed to Paramount to develop along the lines of Helen Kane but she was in so much demand on Broadway where her cute baby talk flapper roles made shows such as "Top Speed" and "Girl Crazy" so popular that she found it hard to fulfill her movie contract. After this she moved to Pathe but one Paramount executive regretted letting her go!!
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