Very mediocre
18 November 2017
Honestly, this movie was a let down. I love Ryan Reynolds, to the point that I'm very biased. I was bored throughout this movie.

The premise is somewhat close to Safe House (2012). Not exact by any means, but close enough that it made me draw comparisons within the first 30 minutes and from that point on, I just kept wanting to stop the movie and turn on Safe House.

I'm not lying. The movie had its moments, but more often than not,I thought it was ridiculous in a bad way and never all that good. Safe House is a movie that has Ryan Reynolds protecting a highly valuable, highly capable target, and is exponentially better.

The problem with this movie, is it is so ridiculous, it is supposed to be funny, however there is only a handful of times that actually made me laugh out loud. More often than not, it seemed to try to take itself seriously, especially when it shouldn't have.

The gun play tried to portray itself as realistic, but fell very short. At times the characters were so amazing they could pull off ridiculous shots with no effort, then couldn't hit the broadside of a barn. While the movie wasn't horrible, it wasn't great. It made me think of better movies that I wanted to watch, while hoping better moments came. Occasionally a better moment would come... I'd laugh out loud (genuinely!) and then it'd pass, leaving me bored again.

You won't hate yourself for watching, but you won't be happy about it either. 5/10
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