Lone Star (1952) Poster


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Historic events and great action as well as a first rate cast
ma-cortes22 October 2008
This big budget Western deals with cattle baron Deveraux (Clark Gable) who his assigned by Andrew Jackson (Lionel Barrymore) to convince Sam Houston for union Texas to United States . A fiery newspaper editor (Ava Gardner) is the woman between Deveraux and the bad guy , Craden (Broderick Crawford) . Deveraux must fight state senators (Crawford , Ed Begley , Russell Simpson) for union to United States.

This exciting picture about Texas fights for independence contains Western action , drama , historical happenings , a love story and results to be quite entertaining . Based on a screenplay by Borden chase , a Western expert . Gorgeous Ava Gardner as an intrepid journalist as well as Clark Gable's love interest . Film debut for George Hamilton and secondary acting by William Conrad and Ed Begley . The motion picture was well directed by Vincent Sherman . Also available in horrible computer colorized version .

It's partially based on historical deeds about Texas independence, these are the followings : With Mexican permission Stephen Austin brought the first Anglo-American colonists to Texas, the first of many, their numbers grew and they wanted self-government and this desire led to the revolt of 1835, the Texas war for Independence. General Santa Anna, stormed the Alamo, and wiped out the garrison on 6 March 1836. But on 21 April 1836 General Santa Anna suffered a crushing defeat by Sam Houston and was taken prisoner. Texas was declared a Republic in October 1836 and Houston became its first president. In 1845 Texas joined the US, this lead to war with Mexico and disastrous results for that country. Samuel Houston(1793-1863)well performed by Moroni Olsen, was a frontiersman and politician , he went to live with the Cherokees and took a Cherokee wife. After the fall of the Alamo, he managed to keep together a small force and launched a furious surprise attack on the Mexican army of 1300 camped on the western bank of the San Jacinto River. With Texas free and independent republic, Houston was elected the first president. When Texas was admitted to the United States in 1845, Houston was a senator to Washington.
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The Texas Dilemma
bkoganbing23 October 2006
The diplomatic and political machinations around the admission of Texas to the USA are incredibly complex and are touched on in this film. It would have taken a longer and better film to explain it all. I think MGM had plans for one in this, but Dore Schary was budget cutting at the time and this got B western treatment for a stellar cast.

One thing they show is true and that is the influence of 77 year old former President Andrew Jackson on the Democratic Party he founded. His prestige was that big, he was the dominant political figure for 20 years or so in the country before, during and after his presidency.

Lionel Barrymore reprises the role of Jackson, he had previously played in MGM's The Gorgeous Hussy. He's still wheeling and dealing and he doesn't like what he's heard that his old friend and comrade in arms Sam Houston is climbing off his position of being for the annexation of the Texas Republic to the United States. On his own he sends Clark Gable as Devereaux Burke Texas cattleman to seek out Houston and get the real story.

On the way to completing his mission Gable finds Ava Gardner who is the editor of a local paper in Austin and Broderick Crawford another Texas cattleman who is violently opposed to annexation. They get a good political rivalry and a personal one over Gardner.

In the film as in real life Sam Houston, played by Moroni Olsen, is running a big bluff. He's playing footsie with the British by negotiating a treaty of alliance with them in order to force the hand of northern politicians who are against slavery, but who would like even less the British moving into Texas.

There's an exciting battle between the pro and anti annexation forces while the Texas Congress meets. It results however in a very unreal conclusion to the story.

It's unfortunate given the stellar cast Lone Star has that a better scripted story was not developed for them, even one that is completely factual. It's an A picture subject that got B picture treatment.
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fun to watch but far from Gable's best
planktonrules13 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
If you watch this movie anticipating a Western B-movie, you won't be disappointed. There's action and romance a-plenty. However, if you realize that this was an A-picture and you hold the film to a higher standard, then you will be disappointed. This film is at best an average Gable film, in that the plot is VERY tired--looking like so many characters Gable played before. In fact, he is a very close variation on Rhett Butler--a cynical Southerner who is only looking out for himself (so he says), but ends up doing the right thing when the chips are down. Yes, there certainly is nothing new here.

As far as other performances go, Ava Gardner is at her best. Broderick Crawford, though, does not come off nearly as well because his character is awfully stupid--especially at the end of the film. And, the utter stupidity of the end of the film is a major problem. One minute Crawford and his men are shooting up the town trying to kill everyone and the next all is forgiven and it's off too fight the Mexicans! Huh?! I truly hate clichéd, slapped on endings! There are many better Gable films out there. My advice is see them first and then give Lone Star a try.
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Historical Take of Texas Origins
atlasmb9 December 2014
Starring Clark Gable, Ava Gardner, and Broderick Crawford, "Lone Star" is a rousing story of political intrigue based on the historical battle for The Republic of Texas. One side wanted annexation by the United States. The other wished to maintain the republic and set treaties with Mexico and other countries.

The battle for the minds of Texans is an interesting one, involving many factions, including the native Americans of the territory. The year is 1845 and Andrew Jackson, who still wields tremendous influence from Nashville, advocates annexation. Andrew Johnson is against it. Sam Houston--a local hero--is a significant unknown entity who may sway the Texas government and Texas hearts.

Gable plays Dev Burke, a Texas cattleman who agrees to represent Jackson's interests. Broderick Crawford plays Tom Craden, a significant influence around Austin, who has big plans for the republic. Ava Gardner plays Martha Ronda, editor of the Austin newspaper and "the woman" of Craden. Or is she?

This historical drama contains a steamy love story that also involves principles. And like most westerns, the bullets and fists fly. I enjoyed this film, mostly due to its strongly drawn characters.
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I'm frightened. For the first time in my life, I am frightened for the future of the United States.
hitchcockthelegend29 July 2018
1845 Texas, Independent, survived Alamo, Goliad and San Jacinto ... But Annexation?

Quite often the joy in being a fan of genre film making, in this case Westerns/Southerns et al, is that a pic can coerce you into reading up on real instances. Thus making this particular picture a requisite requirement for literature delving.

Directed by Vincent Sherman and written by Borden Chase (who would supposedly be irked by the depiction of his writing) and Howard Estabrook, Lone Star comes off as an "A" list film given "B" list production values. Nothing wrong with cast performances, Gable still has charisma in his fifties, Gardner oozes sexuality and Crawford dominates like a great presence should. However, it looks stagy, is overly talky as the makers try to make a politico pot boiler out of a sow's behind, while the action - in spite of a grandiose battering ram finale - just doesn't have an oomph factor.

Romantic love triangle feels pointless in the context of such historical filmic tellings, but this is off set by the Sam Houston and Native American splinter of the narrative. Rendering this as a frustrating whole, not without merits, and above average for sure, but difficult to recommend as one to seek out as a must. 6/10
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"Why kill a man for a mistaken belief"?
classicsoncall27 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
There's enough of a story line and quite enough action to lift this Western above the average B programmer, but as another reviewer on this board points out, this one's not going to make it as a main eventer. What you have is a broad outline of the arguments, pro and con, of Texas becoming a part of the United States. Set in 1945 with Texas facing annexation, elements arise to conspire against that eventuality, with power brokers, led by Tom Craden (Broderick Crawford), attempting to set up their own Republic - "Why should we give up an empire just for statehood"?

For purposes of history, Clark Gable's character Deveraux Burke winds up on the right side of the story, but it's made fairly clear he's in it for personal gain as much as Craden is for his side. Between the two frontiersmen stands Martha Ronda (Ava Gardner), a journalist who seems to take on the character of her newspaper as the Austin Blade.

History buffs will likely relate to the character of Andrew Jackson, portrayed here by Lionel Barrymore. Pro-Union as they come, I was left scratching my head trying to figure out how his housekeeper Minnie (Beulah Bondi) beat Dev Burke to Austin. And for all of the emphasis given to Sam Houston's (Moroni Olsen) importance in deciding which way Texas would go, the character has only a minor on-screen presence in the story.

With all that, the picture is fairly watchable with a good mix of action, adventure, and the inevitable romantic entanglement among the principals - Gable, Gardner and Crawford. Others on this board have expressed a necessary suspension of disbelief with the conclusion to the story, but what the heck, haven't we seen that before?
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Solid Western, good general history, good acting
phawley-251-11592128 November 2021
I liked this movie and appreciated its general historical context. We sometimes forget the power of Mexico in early American history and before; and all the rapid annexation and political machinations. It's not like it was just quick and easy to build and adopt all the American states. There were fights with Indians, Mexicans, inner-state fighting as to annexation or not. Texas was independent for 10 years. And yet we know that Texas has always had its "I am my own country" view and this movie helps you see why and the Texas patriotism.

British and French were involved having a heavy hand in supporting the British or opposing them (French). France was a major instrument in helping the US gain its independence, and therefore lessen the UK's power, which was a strategic prerogative for France.

The movie does a good job keeping it about annexation and the forces that oppose it. Strong character development for Clark Gable as a man driven at times by heroism; by money; by doing the right thing. He forms a strong, believable, complex character, and his character unfoldment is strong.

The romantic interest with Ava Gardner is kept in its place, only about 10% of the movie. So we stay on track with the main plot.

The serious, egomaniacal Craden who wants to be president of Texas and to stay independent --- a great serious foil to Gable. It works well. However, a real wrecker of the film was the writing at the end: After Craden fights, and fights and fights -- and in really nasty, cruel ways -- we find out that Mexico is preparing for war (they will once they find out about annexation.). After Craden loses his fight to Gable, he shrugs his shoulders, joins Gable to fight Mexico. That brought down the movie score for me by 2 points. A ridiculous wink "Well I might as well join 'em" that just doesn't ring true. You feel everyone is having a good time, but all the tough stuff they just endured, "well, this is all for fun, glad we are entertaining you."

Great star cast. Gable is strong. Broderick the enemy is strong until the last ridiculous scene. Ava Gardner has fine acting; she is just given little to do. She still plays a critical role as the independent journalist who prints the truth - whether she likes it or not.

This movie was solid with great acting, good action scenes and history. I can't figure out why it doesn't go to the next level --perhaps because we just know everything is going to be ok. I'd say its formulaic but its not - they had some real depth to Devereax/Clark's character who had hero runs, runs for money, stays to do the right thing, never settles down -- a lot of mixed motives. There are different factions, Texas enemies, Mexico, indians. There are votes in Congress, exciting battle scenes, a romance and good acting. Somehow, though, it doesn't take it to the next level where you rave. I think we know it is going to be okay in the end, and so we relax too much; the writing could be different; and there needs to be a bit of a more serious tone for us to be on edge. The ending made you think they were all fooling around and don't take it that seriously.

Instead it's a solid, enjoyable, semi historical film, with very good acting. Great actors and good pacing. I enjoyed it a lot. Make the ending not joking/playful and it goes up 1.5 points.
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Just About Passes Muster.
jpdoherty6 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A somewhat underrated and dismissed western is MGM's LONE STAR. Produced in 1952 by Z. Wayne Griffen for the studio it isn't really that bad despite receiving only fair to mediocre reviews and lacking Technicolor which would have given it an added richness it could have perhaps done with. Nevertheless it is still an entertaining little western thanks mostly to to an engaging performance from Clark Gable in the leading role. This was the actor's first real attempt at a western. A genre the star rarely ventured into which is more the pity since he looked well astride a horse and tottin' a sixgun. Four years later he was in his best western effort in Fox's "The Tall Men". From a magazine story by Bordan Chase LONE STAR was nicely written for the screen by Chase and Harold Eastabrook, was crisply photographed in monochrome by Harold Rossen and had workmanlike direction by Vincent Sherman.

It is 1845 and the state of Texas is in turmoil. The people are divided. Some want Texas to be an independent state. Others want to secede to the union. Ex President Andrew Jackson (Lionel Barrymore) appoints cattleman and adventurer Devereaux Burke (Gable) to seek out Sam Houston (Moroni Olson) and obtain his support in joining the union. But hardened Texan Tom Craden (Brodrick Crawford) is totally against annexation and has many like minded followers who will oppose it by armed conflict if necessary. After Burke saves Craden from marauding Indians the two become friends and even vie with each other for the affections of Austin newspaper editor the lovely Martha Ronda (Ava Gardner). However when Craden hears who Burke is and learns of his intended mission the two sides go into battle on the streets of Austin (a well executed sequence) culminating in an excellent and exhaustive hand to hand fight scene between the two antagonists.

Performances are generally good throughout. Gable is his usual appealing self. His winning screen presence as engaging as ever. Good too is Crawford in that blustery style he was known for. And as always lovely to look at is the ravishing Ava Gardner. Also of some note is the terrific music score by David Buttolph. A prolific composer, arranger and conductor Buttolph was born in 1902 and arrived in Hollywood in the mid-thirties. He was an excellent and underrated composer! His voluminous output numbers over 200 films but he never gained the status or reputation of his more illustrious counterparts such as Newman, Rozsa, Steiner or Tiomkin. He worked mostly on a freelance basis between the major studios. At Fox he wrote memorable and striking title music for "Kiss Of Death" and "Boomerang" both 1947 and that same year would conceive what would become his masterpiece with his exceptional score for "The Foxes Of Harrow". Over at Warner Brothers he would often step into the shoes of Max Steiner when the busy resident composer was over committed. Some of his standout scores for Warners were "Colorado Territory" (1949) and the Randolph Scott westerns "Carson City" (1952) and his delightful music for "Westbound" in 1959. That same year he would put together an array of rousing cavalry songs in his score for the John Ford classic "The Horse Soldiers". For LONE STAR at MGM he wrote a robust and vigorous anthem for the emblem of the lone star state and alongside some vibrant action music the score also features an elegant, lyrical and attractive love theme fetchingly vocalized by Miss Gardner in one scene. David Buttolph died in 1983.

LONE STAR is not and never will be regarded as a classic western but it does have moments of real charm especially in the scenes with Gable and Gardner. So with its good production values, its engaging narrative together with an attractive cast it turns out just that little bit better than average.
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historical drama
SnoopyStyle6 October 2019
It's 1845. Texas' future is in the balance. Sam Houston recently published an opinion against annexation after earlier attempts. News reaches ex-President Andrew Jackson (Lionel Barrymore) who decides to send in cattle baron Devereaux Burke (Clark Gable) to talk to Houston and recruit for the cause. He is opposed by powerful state senator Thomas Craden. He battles injuins on the way to Austin where he meets Craden's girlfriend Martha Ronda (Ava Gardner) who runs a local newspaper. He is assumed to be anti-annexation and decides to play along while Craden supporters hunt for him.

Historical accuracy is not always important. In this case, I find the history rather interesting and I wouldn't mind having the real story. This is obviously not the real story. I don't know anything about the real story and this is not going to enlighten me that much either. Some of the background issues are presented. The cast is headed by the great looking Clark Gable. This is a fine film but I would probably be more interested in a deep dive into the history.
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so-so film, poor history
hoffmanaz13 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This review contains a spoiler.

Reviewers should proofread what they write before submitting it to IMDb- -case in point, the review that says "1945" instead of "1845." That said, the historical background for this film is so inaccurate as to be pointless. The facts are that Texas was a republic after its victory against Santa Anna at San Jacinto in 1836 and had its president, congress, ambassadors to other nations, and a navy for nine years.

The film is set in 1845. Andrew Jackson died on June 8, 1845. But the U.S. Congress had already approved annexation on February 26, the Texas legislature approved annexation in July, Texas residents approved annexation in October, and Texas was officially made a part of the United States on December 29, 1845.

So the film's plot about Texas becoming a republic makes no sense, since it already was for the past nine years. The business of a treaty between Texas and Mexico makes no sense either, because Mexico never recognized the independence of Texas. The official annexation of Texas may have heightened tensions between the United States and Mexico, but it did not in and of itself start the U.S.-Mexico War which began when U.S. and Mexican troops clashed in the area between the Nueces and Rio Grande rivers in March 1846, and Congress declared war in April 1846.

The end of this film strains credibility. After pro-annexation and anti-annexation forces spend considerable effort to kill each other, Sam Houston shows up escorted by Mescalero Apaches(!)and makes an impassioned speech that ignites super-patriotism among the conflicting groups, and the film ends with the former rivals, including Broderick Crawford doing a sudden and unbelievable about-face, off to fight Mexico. Presumably they are riding over the corpses that littered the streets during the battle.

Gable, Gardner, and Crawford do what they can with this mess. At least we get to see some fine actors---Moroni Olsen, Beaulah Bondi, Russell Simpson, William Conrad, William Farnum--in supporting roles.
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A real rip-snorter at times
bushrod5620 July 2005
The MGM production gloss is in full swing here and Clark and Brod are the manly men doing' their thing. Ava's the love interest and she's less cocky and obnoxious than usual; Lionel Barrymore chews the scenery as Andy Jackson in his own inimitable way. The close in battle with the Indians that Gable and Crawford have near the beginning is INTENSE. WOW. The chase along the river and the final battle and duke-out between you know who is all pretty slam-bang as well. O.K. this is not history (that I've ever heard of) but it's great frontier stuff that any red-blooded guy should find entertaining. And like the other reviewer said- that sure is some map of Texas Brod keeps at home! It's comical and awe inspiring at the same time.
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not bad
kyle_furr1 March 2004
A movie set in 1845 Texas that deals with Texas either joining the union or going off and becoming an independent republic. Lionel Barrymore plays Andrew Jackson is who for joining the union and so is Clark Gable. Broderick Crawford and Ava Gardner want Texas to become an independent and Crawford wants to be the leader. Both sides are waiting for what Sam Huston has to say, but he is out helping the Indians form a peace treaty. Crawford is willing to do anything to get what he wants and Gardner begins to fall for Gable. At the end, of course, there is a big battle between Gable and Crawford's army and then a fight between the two of them. Clark Gable is the same as always and Broderick Crawford is miscast in this role. Ava Gardner is only OK and Lionel Barrymore is only in two scenes.
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Poorly conceived...
westerner3571 June 2003
I afraid even with the starpower involved in this one since there's not much they can do with a poor script.

Convoluted plot about the annexation of Texas into the union, it involves the opposing forces of Gable and Broderick Crawford in a fight to see whether Texas will become a state, or an independent republic.

Although there's plenty of action, too much of the film gets bogged down in the romance between Gable and Gardner. I guess MGM needed another vehicle for the two of them after THE HUCKSTERS (1947) or MOGAMBO (1953)

And the battle scene and what happens to Crawford at the end is unreal. It turns into a 'Let's all unite for Texas' kinda of a thing that looks implausible, especially after what's been going on for the previous 94 minutes.

If they had a better script it might have turned out to be something more entertaining. 4 out of 10
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Passable western concerning early Texas history and politics
AlsExGal23 January 2023
Passable western from MGM and director Vincent Sherman is set in 1845, as the independent Republic of Texas is caught in turmoil over whether to accept annexation into the United States, or to stay independent and sign a mutual protection treaty with Mexico. Former US president Andrew Jackson (Lionel Barrymore) sends trusted envoy Devereaux Burke (Clark Gable) to Texas to try and sway the legislature to side with annexation, which sets Burke at odds with independence advocate Thomas Craden (Broderick Crawford). Burke and Craden also find themselves both after the affections of newspaper publisher Martha Ronda (Ava Gardner). Also featuring Beulah Bondi, Ed Begley, James Burke, William Farnum, William Conrad, Moroni Olsen, Russell Simpson, and George Hamilton in his debut.

The action gets bogged down in too much political talk, but this movie isn't without its merits. The big action finale is well-mounted, with an interesting variation on the battering ram that I don't think I've seen before. Gable and Gardner have screen chemistry, and Crawford gets a more complicated character than usual. I liked William Conrad's small role as a Cajun. Barrymore, reprising his turn as Andrew Jackson from 1936's The Gorgeous Hussy, has only a brief appearance, and he looks in ill health. This would prove to be his last character role. He appeared in one more movie, 1953's Main Street to Broadway, playing himself, before passing away in 1954 at age 76.
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Surprisingly Dull Western!
bsmith55521 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
With a line up that includes Clark Gable, Ava Gardner, Broderick Crawford and Lionel Barrymore, one would expect a better movie. Disappointing, there's little action until the final confrontation.

The story revolves around Texas...its it to be an independent Republic or is it to join the United States? Ex-President Andrew Jackson (Barrymore) asks cattleman Devereaux Burke (Gable) to seek out Sam Houston (Moroni Olsen) who has indicted his preference for the Republic side and sway him back to the annexation camp. Annexation would it seems, start a war between Texas and Mexico.

On his way to Austin, Burke crosses paths with the leader of the Republic camp Tom Crader (Crawford). The two fight off an Indian attack and become friends, Crader not knowing Burke's true identity. Into the mix comes Martha Ronda (Gardner) a newspaper editor, who has been crusading along with Crader for independence. Of course Burke becomes smitten with the beautiful Martha (who wouldn't).

With Crader and his followers in hot pursuit, Burke finally locates Houston among the Indians and learns that Houston is indeed in favor of annexation, not the other way around. Burke takes this information back to the President of Texas Anson Jones (Victor Sutherland) and his Congress. Skeptical at first President Jones agrees to wait for Houston's return before proceeding with the legislation to make Texas an independent state.

Crader masses his forces and marches on the Congress with Burke and a small force of supporters defending. A battle ensues and................................................

The ending is a bit of a flag waver and really doesn't make much sense in view of the violent conflict between the principals throughout the picture.
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Good B&W western
jpheifer19662 August 2009
I can't believe all the great stars in this movie. Beulah Bondi, Lionel Barrymore (lookin' like hell), Broderick Crawford, William Conrad (playing a Frenchman) and Clark Gable. I hope I look that good when I'm 50. It's before he became the caricature of himself that he became in later movies. When he puts on his "Clark Gable face," I just cringe. I don't know what it is about Ava, but I can't bear to watch her. She doesn't gnaw on the scenery in this one, so, it's better than, say, Mogambo, or The Hucksters, but still. I think it's my loyalty to Frank Sinatra.

It's a lovely movie and I really wish it was filmed in color. Does anyone know where this was filmed?
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masonfisk31 May 2024
Clark Gable stars in this 1952 Western which deals w/Texas's road to statehood. Boiling down to two different factions for & against annexation of Texas w/Andrew Jackson, the president at the time, played by Lionel Barrymore, getting Cable's help for the pro while Broderick Crawford stands against the action. Meeting during an Indian skirmish, Gable & Crawford actually manage to be civil to each other (no kidding!) but Cable doesn't divulge who he is & his agenda. Meeting Crawford's squeeze, Ava Gardner, Cable becomes enamored w/her but then Gable goes into motion on his plans which culminates in a tense standoff where Texas politicians, which includes Ed Begley, deliberate Texas's fate, as opposing forces are in the midst of battle. Entertaining to be sure but doesn't make a lick of sense when it comes down to the actual politics which took place at the time but the stars' charm make all of this nonsense go down handily like warm soup on a cold afternoon.
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History off, chemistry off, but what a map of Texas!
clark-927 February 2001
Hollywood treatment of Texas / USA history is not very well done here. Very difficult to identify with the characters or the actors. Chemistry was better between Gable and Gardner in their 1947 "The Hucksters". If you enjoy the "Texas is bigger than the USA" idea, then watch for Crawford's map display. This is the best one I have seen yet!
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Great Fiction Story of Early Texas Events
whpratt122 January 2005
Greatly enjoyed this film which is not a documentary film on the history of Texas, but a very enjoyable film with great actors like Clark Gable. Clark Gable plays (Devereaux Burke),"Mogambo",'53, who wants Texas to become part of the Union and met with Lionel Barrymore,(Andrew Jackson),"Key Largo",'48, in Washington, and decided to find a very powerful Texan, named Thomas Craden,(Broderick Crawford),"Hightway Patrol",'55 TV Series, who was against Texas from joining the Union and wanted it to remain a LONE STAR STATE. Ava Gardner, (Martha Ronda),"The Snows of Kilimanjaro,",52, who was a very strong willed woman who ran a newspaper and was also a so called girl friend of Thomas Craden which caused great problems between Burke. This is a Hollywood story that is meant to entertain and the veteran actors in this film have created this film into a great black and white Classic.
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