The Little World of Don Camillo (1952) Poster

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Such a treat!
LeRoyMarko22 September 2002
This movie is so much fun to watch! Tells us the story of Don Camillo, a Roman Catholic priest in a small Italian parish. Life in the village is change forever when Peppone, the communist mayor, is elected. The two are put one against the other. And what follows is a wacky list of situations! What I like most about this movie, it's the simple way it puts things. You can actually believe that this village exists and that what's being told in the movie really happened.

Fernandel is great as Don Camillo, the hot-headed priest. And Gino Cervi shines in the role of Peppone. See this one, you won't regret it. Fun from beginning to end!

Out of 100, I gave it 87. That's good for ***½ out of ****.

Seen at home, in Toronto, on September 1st, 2002.
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A marvellous, warm, charming, adorable Italian film.
Spleen25 May 2000
...Actually, of all those adjectives, `Italian' was the first to leap to mind. I can't believe the IMDb has decided to classify this film under a French name. `Things happen there that could happen nowhere else in the world,' says the narrator. It's easy to believe.

The Catholics and the communists are battling for the soul of a small village. It's to be hoped that neither side ever wins. Nor is it likely that either side ever will win. This would spoil everyone's fun.

The communist mayor, is, so to speak, the Anglican of the two: someone who will gruffly talk about burning all the capitalists, while letting it be understood that he doesn't really intend his words to be taken literally. The priest (Don Camillo) is hot-headed, as fiercely loyal to the Catholic Church as the mayor is to his party, at once highly intelligent and preternaturally simple minded. He's the kind of Catholic who avoids absurdity by the time-honoured trick of simply not thinking about the doctrines to which he officially subscribes. His `prayers' are impromptu conversations with Jesus, or perhaps simply with the icon of Jesus that hangs on his wall - whichever it is, the film humours his fancy by having Jesus (or the icon) talk back to him. To this day I'm not sure if Jesus (or the icon) is REALLY talking back, or if it's just Don Camillo's imagination. What does it matter? It is, after all, no more than a private eccentricity. It's not as if he talks to or about Jesus in PUBLIC.

No one - not atheists, not communists, not Christians, not Norse pagans - could object to the film's big-hearted fantasy, or fail to like either of the two very likeable protagonists. I gather there are several sequels: the one I've seen isn't nearly as good; and the original feels so much like an archetype that I suspect any sequel would be little more than a footnote.
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The "simple" life
cajaroso29 March 2005
I think this is a very funny movie, Despite the fact it is a white&black film and you really can tell that it is placed on a certain time frame (end of 1940's - early 1950's), the plot is fun and universal. It gives you a glimpse of the life on a small Italian town, where simple things turns into hilarious situations, thanks to the strange relationship of friendship/rivalry between Don Camillo and Mayor Peppone. I was lucky to see the original french version (subtitled, of course) which is always better than hearing a translated version. I think that original voices -even if you do not understand the language- reveal the character's feelings, and give credibility to actor's performances. After the film, you get the impression that life is somewhat easier to cope with...
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English-dubbed version of classic Don Camillo film is a winner
philosophymom18 September 1998
(Since I originally submitted this review to the IMDb, an English-subtitled DVD of "The Little World of Don Camillo" -- and of its first sequel, "The Return of Don Camillo" -- has become available in the US. However, I still think that a fan might be interested looking at in the old dubbed version, if he or she can find it.)

This film is the first in a series of five shot in the 1950s and 60s based on Giovanni Guareschi's well-loved "Don Camillo" stories. The joint Italian-French productions were made with the involvement of the author himself, who wrote screenplays and Italian dialog for various entries in the series; therefore, most consider them to be the official movie versions of the Don Camillo stories. Guareschi is quoted as warmly approving of the way that stars Fernandel and Gino Cervi brought to life his two famous protagonists, the battling parish priest and Communist mayor of a small village in post-war Italy. Today, more than forty years after the series was completed, the films are still played on European television, dubbed into a variety of languages. Unfortunately, however, they are all but unknown to English-speaking fans (particularly American ones) of Giovanni Guareschi and his wonderful characters.

But this need not be, for "Le Petit Monde de Don Camillo" (1951) does exist in an English-dubbed version. The only one of the five films to get the treatment, it is quite well done (once you get around the fact that it's dubbed in the first place). "King of Dubbers" Robert Rietti (Rietty) takes on the roles of both Don Camillo and Peppone, while none other than Orson Welles provides the voice-over narration and, in that capacity, the voice of Christ which Don Camillo hears in answer to his prayers. The narration is intrusive at times (they got their money's worth out of Welles), but the movie overall is a faithful adaptation and interweaving of some of the more memorable early Don Camillo tales.

As the story opens, we meet hot-tempered Don Camillo complaining to the Lord about the recent election of the town's Communist contingent. The new Mayor, Peppone, is a particular thorn in Camillo's side, as the two have had an on-going rivalry which only escalates after the election. Conflicts abound: Peppone wants to have his son baptized "Lenin," but Don Camillo has other ideas. The priest has been trying for years to scrape together the money for a town recreation center, then suddenly the Communists tap an unorthodox source of funds and build their own "People's Palace." Peppone wants to fly the Red banner at a church procession, and he doesn't take Don Camillo's veto well. Don Camillo invests heart and soul into a soccer match between the church's team and the Party's, and he doesn't understand why the Lord declines to take a side. The Communists call a strike against the local landowners, but Don Camillo is determined to save the neglected farm animals. And somehow, amid all the sometimes humorous, sometimes serious conflict, a Catholic "Juliet" and a Communist "Romeo" have fallen in love. Can priest and mayor lay down their fists and help them?

I should add, for the *very* knowledgeable Don Camillo film fan, that the dubbed version of "Little World" is based on the Italian rather than the French cut of the original movie (director Julien Duvivier and the mostly bilingual cast shot the two versions simultaneously). Thus, certain scenes that appeared in the French release but were excised by the censors in stricter Italy will not be in the English version.

I believe the dubbed version of "The Little World of Don Camillo" is still available in vintage video catalogs (that's where I got my VHS edition in 1998), and it's worth looking for, especially for fans of the warm and whimsical tales on which it is based.
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Right and left.
ItalianGerry9 August 2001
French comic actor Fernandel embodied the title role while remarkable Italian character actor Gino Cervi played his spiritual and political opponent. More than a rustic comedy, the film epitomizes the postwar political polarization in Italy and symbolizes the famous "compromesso storico"---historical compromise---under which Italy would long continue to be governed. This successful film spawned a series of popular sequels, mostly with the same two actors, all based on the Giovanni Guareschi novels. A point of clarification: this was a French-Italian co-production and was first released in the U.S. in its French-language version with English subtitles before the dubbed English version with narrator Orson Welles went into circulation. The Italian-language version, not readily available, is the most appropriate one.
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One of my all-time classics
Nick Rosier31 July 2000
This is, and has been since I was a young boy, one of my favorite movies.

It's the story of a Catholic priest and a Communist mayor who are each others worst enemy and best friend. The dialogs are just great, but what I like most about these movies (there a are 5 in total) is that both main characters (Don Camillo and Peppone) are "real people". They act on impulse, say one thing but think the other, manipulate... they are real humans. When one of Peppone's people dies and asks for the church-bells to be rang at his funeral, Don Camillo refuses because he was no Catholic. Peppone orders a big bell to be placed in the town square which Don Camillo sabotages. The bell is broken and sounds horrible but at the end, Don Camillo rings his bells because "by asking for the bells, the boy was asking for God". This is one of these typical things I like about these movies.

I've got the good fortune I also understand French and can watch these movies in that language. I can't imagine what they would sound like in English but I would advice anyone to watch them in the French version. I hate dubbed movies and can't imagine Fernandel speaking English (although in one movie he does which is hilarious). But in all, I think even the English version still is one of the best movies ever made.

If you're not prejudiced against black and white and foreign movies, this is a movie you have to see. If you are, you don't know what you're missing.
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Father Complex
writers_reign2 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is based on a deceptively simple best-selling novel by Giovanni Guareshi which achieved International popularity and this, initial film in an eventual five, replicated the success of the novel though over the years it has lost a little of its lustre. This isn't really the fault of director Julien Duvivier who is responsible for several 'clssic' titles in several genres from Un Carnet de bal through Pepe le Moko, Le Fin du jour, Marie Octobre to name only four; nor is it the fault of Fernandel who was almost certainly the ideal actor to portray the simple priest who thinks nothing of holding two-way conversations with God and is not averse to hand-to- hand brawling with the followers of communist mayor Peppone, the priests' rival for the affection of the small village population and with whom he enjoys a love-hate relationship. Like the novel the film is episodic and more a series of vignettes than a conventional story with a beginning, middle, and end and perhaps this is what takes the edge off what is nevertheless an enjoyable film.
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A village in the Po Valley
zutterjp4815 September 2019
In 1948 the Italian journalist and novelist Giovannino Guareschi wrote: Mondo piccolo : Don Camillo (translated in French en 1951 in Le petit monde de Don Camillo).Giovannino Guareschi creates in this book two strong characters: Don Camillo, the priest of Brescella and Giuseppe "Peppone" Bottazzi ,the communist mayor of Brescella.In 1952 French and Italian producers ask the French director Julien Duvivier to direct the "The little world of Don Camillo" with Fernandel and Gino Cervi as main actors. Julien Duvivier is a French director well know by "Sous le ciel de Paris", "Marie-Octobre" and "The Devil and the Ten commandments". Fernandel and Gino Cervi don't need any presentation, there were well known actors in their respective countries. "Don Camillo" is then the story of the rivalry between Don Camillo and Peppone.The two men have fought together in the Italian resistance and now one is the priest of the village and the other one is mayor of the village.We are in the time of the cold war: in Italy there are now two important political parties who dominate the political life in the country and also in this village of the Po Valley.Don Camillo criticizes Peppone and Peppone criticizes Don Camillo.Every one is thinking in the next moves that he can do to annoy the other one,but also, they will help each other in the difficult moments of their lives.I forget to mention an important character of this film ,the narrator who tells quietly and with humour the rivalry betweeen Don Camillo and Peppone.
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Nice adaptation of Don Camillo stories, slightly Americanized so even we can understand
morrisonhimself19 February 2017
Having read all of Giovanni Guareschi's Don Camillo stories, several times, I was very pleased to find "The Little World of Don Camillo" on YouTube. And I was further pleased to find it rather faithful to the original work by Guareschi.

It's hard, usually, at least for me, to render a total and impartial judgment of a dubbed movie, but in my opinion the acting was superb, the casting was excellent, and the presentation of Guareschi's vision of this Po River Valley village was close enough to perfect.

I see at IMDb that more modern versions of some Don Camillo stories have been made, and I hope to see them. Eventually.

But first I want to see all the Fernandel versions. And I want to urge everyone to seek out the books and read them, either before or after seeing the movies. Especially read "Comrade Don Camillo," which is the only complete novel of the series.

I have read "Comrade Don Camillo" several times, and every time I am moved to tears at some of the scenes, and to laughter at others, and to tears by the overall tone and beauty.

Guareschi was, and might still be, the largest-selling Italian author in the world, and in my opinion deservedly. His own history is well worth reading, even in this post-Soviet Union era.
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Old Enemies Are The Best
boblipton3 June 2020
Fernandel is Don Camillio, the reactionary village priest. Gino Cervi is Giuseppe 'Peppone' Bottazzi, the communist mayor and the fierce opponent of of Camillio. In their own little world, they engage in a fierce and time-honored struggle for the hearts, minds, souls and well-being of their community. Cervi has his organization and supporters. Camillio only only the voice of G*d to narrate the events and to reproach him when he fails in his work; however, since it's Orson Welles' voice, the honors are more than even in this loving little film by Julien Duvivier.

It's an odd film from Duvivier, whose movies often celebrated the unseen hand of fate, leading men to destruction. Yet in this movie, everyone knows who they are and what is important, even if they disagree fiercely. So the old teacher rails against stupidity and hopes for a pension; the young lovers re-enact Romeo and Juliet; and the communist brings his newborn child to be baptized as Giuseppi Stalin.

Perhaps it is the inherent humility of these people that makes Duvivier adore them. They do not fight their fates, but recognizing it, do their best within it. Duvivier made a sequel, and Fernandel repeated the role four times, his lugubrious face making him the perfect parish priest.
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A minor work from a major director
gridoon20249 April 2023
"The Little World Of Don Camillo'" was a big hit in its day, and spawned a long list of sequels. Seen today, it is a mild, tepid, largely one-joke comedy (a village priest and a communist mayor keep pulling pranks on each other while secretly, and sometimes not so secretly, share a deep mutual respect and affection), with no real story and only a handful of laughs. Perhaps what audiences most responded to is the film's noble message of two entirely different ideologies / worldviews learning to compromise and accept each other. But from a pure filmmaking standpoint, it is a minor entry in a major director's oeuvre. Jesus (calmly voiced by Jean Debucourt) does provide some amusing commentary. **out of 4.
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Very good but I think the next film in the series is a bit better...
planktonrules25 August 2011
By the way, the version I watched was not dubbed but subtitled. I mention this because one of the reviewers talked about seeing a dubbed version but this was not available on the DVD I watched. And, if it had been, I would have chosen the captions regardless.

I did an odd thing. I accidentally put the second Don Camillo film ahead of the first one on my Netflix queue. So I saw the second one first. This is not that bad a thing, however, as the second film recapped what happened in the first film when it began. But, because I loved the second film so much, I couldn't wait to see the first.

This movie begins with the town in an uproar. It's a heavily divided town and the Communists have just won the election for mayor. The old guard is quite unhappy and the unhappiest is the town's priest, Don Camillo (Fernandel). And, through most of the film, he and the Mayor butt heads and fight like dogs. It's all quite silly but enjoyable.

An odd thing about the film, just as in the second, is that Don Camillo talks to Jesus--and Jesus talks back to him through the crucifix in the church! Some might find it a bit sacrilegious, but it seemed to be handled well. Also, the town's struggles is a good microcosm of post-war Italy, as the country was strongly divided between Communists and those who wanted a right-wing republic--a problem which didn't really get resolved until the 1980s.

All in all, a very good film that I enjoyed. However, please watch the next one--it gets even better.
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Quiet, funny and heartwarming
Philipp_Flersheim18 March 2022
I have recently watched so many American gangster and noir films that I felt I needed something different for a change. What better than a French-Italian co-production from the immediate post-war period? It got to be 'The Little World of Don Camillo'. Fernandel plays the eponymous priest of a small town in Northern Italy who is the friend and enemy of the newly elected communist mayor 'Peppone' Bottazzi (Gino Cervi with a moustache that makes him look like Stalin). The film, set in 1946, concerns Camillo and Peppone's friendly quarrels about how best to serve their little town (the 'little world' of the title): they want the same things but differ about the best ways to get them. Director Julien Duvivier has adapted episodes from Guareschi's novel and cleverly intervove them so that they make up a charming and amusing whole: a film that's heartwarming and funny, though there are no moments when you laugh out loud. Fernandel is outstanding and Cervi does very well as his frenemy. The picture is interesting non the least because it offers a glimpse of life in post-war Italy and an insight into the political and social atmosphere of the time. Highly recommended!
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Brilliant Comedy
nicholas.rhodes19 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the films I have seen made by Julien Duvivier and this one is no exception. It concerns the rivalry between the parish priest and the communist mayor of a small village somewhere in Italy. When the priest is annoyed about something, he has a verbal go at Christ on the cross in his church and, would you believe, the voice of God actually replies - or this can be interpreted as his own conscience depending on your beliefs. I did not know that the film had been made in English and learns this on reading these boards. In fact, the logical language for the film is Italian as all the action takes place in Italy so it's a bit strange to hear them all speaking in French or English. The problem is that whilst nearly all the actors in the film are Italian, the priest, Don Camillo, is played by French actor Fernandel. I think there are five or six films in the series but numbers 1 and 2 are purported to be the best. They were issued a year or so ago on DVD in a special edition which has the original Italian version with French subtitles, or the French version with a choice of English or Spanish subtitles. There are also a lot of bonuses on the DVD which teach us a lot about Italy, Gino Cervi and Fernandel. Some of the most delicious moments in the film occur when Don Camillo is complaining to God who answers him and tries to temper his anger. Fernandel had a very expressive face and was ideally suited to this character. Indeed, long after his death, the personnage of Don Camillo has even appeared on adverts for Panzani pasta and with an actor sporting a face almost identical to that of Fernandel. It appears to me that the latter was a much loved actor in France many years ago and I do admit to finding his equine countenance most endearing. The film is therefore a minor masterpiece for all those viewers sensitive to this type of character study.
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