McHale's Navy (TV Series 1962–1966) Poster


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Good Fun For a 1960's Sitcom
Ed_Jones_XLIX24 November 2018
This 1/2 hour comedy show centers around the crew of the PT73, Lt. Cmdr, Quinton McHale (Ernest Borgnine) Stationed in the South Pacific during WW II. The hapless crew and their commander pull of schemes and shenanigans under the nose of their Commander, Capt. Binghamton, played by veteran actor, Joe Flynn. Good fun all around. Watchable today. It is dated however. The Laugh tracks are a little annoying. A 6.5 out of ten.
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Fun and Available On DVD
aimless-4623 March 2008
The 138 half-hour episodes and the one-hour pilot of the service comedy "McHale's Navy" were originally broadcast on ABC from 1962-1966. Although not as well known today as "Hogan's Heroes" (1965-1971 on CBS), it was a precursor and inspiration for that show. Unlike the 1950's peacetime world of Sgt. Bilko ("The Phil Silvers' Show"), these two shows were based on the inherently amusing idea that although WWII was in progress, those involved could still enjoy themselves. While Colonel Hogan and his men operated out of a POW camp in Europe, McHale and his P.T. boat crew were based on an island in the South Pacific. P.T. (pocket torpedo) boats were quite the rage in the early 1960's because of accounts of President Kennedy's WWII service aboard one. The series was given a further boast when Kennedy's exploits were profiled in "PT-109" (1963).

McHale (Ernest Borgnine) choose the island because it is isolated from the area's main Naval base and his main adversary Captain Binghamton (Joe Flynn), whose unexplained nickname is "Old Lead Bottom". Binghamton is the Colonel Klink of the series although in this case he and McHale are supposed to be on the same side. McHale and his crew are allowed to stay on the island because it allows them to respond faster to threats from their mutual adversary, the Japanese Navy.

While Colonels Hall and Klink actually seem to like Bilko and Hogan, Binghamton clearly dislikes and resents McHale. The main sources of comedy are the futile attempts of Binghamton and his obsequious subaltern Elroy Carpenter to discredit and discipline McHale and his crew. Of course McHale's crew provides them plenty of opportunities, while their combat performance is excellent their off-duty time is spent on a variety of unauthorized activities.

Only two members of McHale's crew are particularly noteworthy. The bumbling and naïve Ensign Parker (Tim Conway) and money grubbing schemer Lester Gruber (Carl Ballantine), a character loosely based on Ray Walston's Luther Billis in "South Pacific" (1958). Conway was clearly the show's greatest asset.

Season Three was the weakest of the four seasons. By this point the writers were obviously running out of original ideas and in desperation resorted to showcasing Fugi Kobiaji (Yoshio Yoda), an escaped POW. Fugi was a pacifist Japanese sailor being sheltered by the P.T. 109 crew on their island. He had been an "extremely minor character" in the earlier seasons for a lot of good reasons (insert Pearl Harbor here) and whatever comedy potential the idea once had was not well served by the expansion of his screen time.

The series improved a bit in its next and final season when the crew was shifted to the European front and began operating in Italy. Season Four was a classic case of "something so bad that it was almost good", as there was a perverse charm to these surreal episodes which had absolutely no connection with reality.

The series also spawned two feature films, "McHale's Navy" (1964) and McHale's Navy Joins the Air Force" (1965).

Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.
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"Hey, You Meatballs (snapping his fingers), I Got It!"...... Mr. Ernest Borgnine as Lt. Commander Quinton McHale in almost every episode, it seems!.
redryan647 May 2008
Why would a well respected Hollywood Star and Academy Award Winning Actor relegate himself down a rung or two on the ladder from an extravagant and high class existence in making top rate Feature Films to the World of the TV Sitcom? Remember, at this particular juncture most any work on Television, save for that of a "Special Guest Star" on some variety show, was considered to be vastly inferior to the Theatrical Films or "Movies". And the Sitcom was considered to be just about the lowest of the TV formats; except for those durable denizens of Network Daytime, the Soap Operas.

SO it was this path that Ernest Borgnine took while still riding the high waves in his Film career. Mr. Borgnine's career had been a real mixed bag, which included a lot of TV (even as a recurring character on CAPTAIN VIDEO!) and some big bunch of supporting roles in the movies. There were also a few real gems such as: a labour boss-racketeer in THE MOB (Columbia, 1951). There was also some strictly top shelf pieces of work such as Sgt.'Fatso' Judson in FROM HERE TO ETERNITY (Columbia, 1953) and his Oscar winning portrayal of the title character in MARTY (Hill-Hecht-Lancaster Prod./United Artists, 1955 ).

We heard the great Actor himself provide explanation by way of his relating of a couple of different personal anecdotes, on two different interviews; once with Johnny Carson years ago and the other most recently with David Letterman. Although the stories were very different (But no less true), the moral of the story in each case was the same. Big Ernie desired a more recognizable on-street status with everyday folks. An Oscar couldn't deliver; but, a weekly Service Comedy Series did.

AS far as the series, McHALE'S NAVY (Sto-Rev-Co Prod./American Broadcasting Company, 1962-66), it got over by virtue of a fine group ensemble of players. The humor and situations were not so different than others on the scene around that time such as SGT. BILKO (Columbia Broadcasting System, 1955-59) HOGAN'S HEROES (Bing Crosby Prod./CBS, 1965-71) and F TROOP (Warner Brothers TV/ABC, 1965-67).

Recalling what we said before; it was the talent of the supporting cast that had as much to do with the success of the series as anything and one glance at the roster shows why. We have the now immortal Tim Conway as Ensign Parker, McHale's stooge and the originating point for so many a gags. Funnyman-Magician Carl Ballentine provides us with the wit and wisdom of a salty, street smart Zoot Suiter from the 'Big Apple', Seaman Lester Grueber.*

The crew of the P.T. Boat that was McHale's Navy was rounded out with George Vinson as 'Christy', Billy Sands as 'Tinker' Bell, Gavin McLeod as 'Happy', Edson Stroll as Virgil Edwards and Yoshio Yoda as 'Fuji', the crews' own personal Japanese P.O.W. and unofficial member. There were others, of course, who came and left during the series run.

The notion of doing this service comedy in the Navy was one that had to come along sooner or later; as all previous Service Sitcoms were Army.** The idea of having the subject of the show the mad-cap carryings-on of a wacky crew of a Patrol Torpedo Boat (hence "P.T.") of the U.S. Navy was a sort of concession to the current climate and history of the United States. It was the Era later known as "Camelot" and it was President John F. Kennedy's time in the White House. Mr. Kennedy had been a Naval Officer during World War II and spent time as the Skipper of a fatally wounded P.T. Boat in the Pacific Theater of Operations. The story was told in the Feature Film P.T. 109 (Warner Brothers, 1963), with Cliff Robertson as J.F.K.

McHALE'S NAVY did the job then in providing laughs both with its situational acumen and with the best of characterizations from the cast. It has enjoyed a long and popular stint in re-runs, and is still a formidable player on the "Classic Rerun" world.

NOTE: * Mr. Ballentine was and is, we're proud to say a son of Chicago, Illinois as are we.

NOTE: ** There was a sort of "Comedy" in the Classic sense about the Navy in Jackie Cooper's HENNESSEY (Hennesey Prod./CBS TV, 1959-62); but this was more of a Dramatic Series or Comedy in the classic, Shakespearian mold. It was surely no Sitcom, by any means.
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McHale's Navy TV Series
bobkudyba29 November 2005
I have always enjoyed Mchale's Navy, it has to be one of my all time favourite shows. The show was immensely popular in Australia during the 1960's and has returned regularly since then. The show joins many of those other TV SitComs of that 'Golden Era' of television, such as: Batman, Gilligan's Island, The Addams Family, Gomer Pyle, USMC and many more that kept us amused.

I always made sure I was home from school and seated in time for the show every Monday to Friday to see the wacky adventures of McHale and his crew as they managed to get themselves into yet another 'mess' in their daily battle of wits with their strictly by the book Captain Wallace B. Binghamton and Lieutenant Carpenter.

Ernest Borgnine has always been one of my favourite actors and his portrayal of the long suffering LTCOMDR Quinton McHale was first rate. McHale always seemed to have his hands full trying to keep his 'bunch of eight balls' in line, as well as have to contend with his bumbling Exec Officer, Ensign Parker (Tim Conway).

I thought Ernest Borgnine made the show, being the go-between his men and his stern CO, Capt Binghamton. McHale was always concocting some scheme to get his men off the hook with Binghamton, sometimes himself too, after they got into some mishap or other. Capt, Binghamton was also forever trying to invent some scheme to get McHale and his 'Pirates' shipped out, inevitably this backfired on the good Captain someway or another.

I still enjoy this show, it's as every bit as entertaining now as it was back in those good old days.
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Best TV comedy series Ever!
inframan24 August 2005
I started watching this in reruns in the mid-sixties. I'd watch it while having lunch on a stool in my kitchen in Oakland California.

It just blew me away. There I was - spraying avocado & sprouts sandwiches & salads all over the kitchen in uncontrollable hysteria - 3 or 4 gut-wrenching laughs for every chew-&-swallow.

Never since have I ever seen a show - TV series or feature film - with as great a complement of genuinely riotously talented comedians as McHale's Navy: Tim Conway, Joe Flynn, Carl Ballantine (comic magician on Ed Sullivan), Bob Hastings, Billy Sands. Even Gavin McLeod was on board & Ernest Borgnine gave it authority & glue! It was brilliant; as far as I'm concerned on a par with the Marx brothers & Abbott & Costello. Ageless & priceless!!!

So where's the DVD?
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Tim Conway and Joe Flynn -- two forgotten comic geniuses
tallguy622 July 2007
Who can resist the comic talent of Tim Conway? Further, who can resist both Conway and Flynn on the same show to "play off" one another? The result is hysterical. I recently bought this first season, after having seen McHale's Navy (the 1960s movie) and McHale's Navy Joins the Air Force. I had enjoyed them both, but was unaware that the original TV show is now available for purchase.

I am always sad that nowadays, comedians are vulgar and crude and do not need to have ANY talent in order to be popular. True comedy is one of the toughest things for an actor to portray well. Any fool can spew forth obscenities for a cheap laugh, but true comedy requires something more. Joe Flynn and Tim Conway both have that "something more" I am referring to. You will know what I am talking about if you watch any of these old episodes.

What a delightful television show with good writing and decent acting.
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The Silly Shenanigans Of The Navy's Sailor-Boys
StrictlyConfidential15 April 2020
I'd say that this vintage TV Sit-Com from the early-to-mid 1960s definitely had both its fair share of enjoyable moments, as well as its less-than-enjoyable moments, too.

Set during WW2 at an American naval base situated on an island in the South Pacific - "McHale's Navy" follows the often-amusing antics of a group of "bad-boy" sailors who are forever bringing nothing but frustrated headaches to their commanding officers, especially when it comes to the easily excitable, Captain Binghamton (aka. "Old Leadbottom").

All-in-all - I'd certainly say that this comical TV series was at least worth a view.
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TheLittleSongbird9 December 2010
I love McHales Navy. It is fun, witty and just great to watch. The scenery, locations, photography and sets are always striking and the music is great. I also love the hilarious writing and clever jokes, and the stories never cease to engage. The direction is also crisp, the episodes go at a cracking pace and it is just one of those comedy series that makes you happy every time. The cast should be thanked a lot too, Ernest Borgnine and Tim Conway are brilliant as always, as is Joe Flynn.

All in all, a very engaging, very warm and very funny series with a talented cast. To cut a long story short, wonderful. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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The most rowdy crew in the navy
bkoganbing20 July 2017
Ernest Borgnine as his star appeal started to wane got himself a perfect television series in McHale's Navy. Borgnine played Lt.Commander Quentin McHale, skipper of a PT Boat who led the most rowdy crew inn the navy.

McHale was a seafaring man he was in the merchant marine before the war and military discipline wasn't going to cramp his style any. The enlisted guys thrived under his lack of discipline. These guys were so bad they were given their own island lest they disrupt the discipline of the rest of the navy.

Always pulling some kind of racket and always their Commanding Officer Captain Binghamton could never quite catch them. Binghamton was played by Joe Flynn with him developing the world's biggest ulcer week by week. He didn't have much in the way of help except for Bob Hastings as Lt. Carpenter possibly the biggest suck up in the history of series television.

McHale's Navy was the first big break for Tim Conway and the pilot episode had Ensign Chuck Parker assigned as second in command to Borgnine. At first Parker was mercilessly taken advantage of by the crew. But gradually they kind of adopted him. He was a klutz and couldn't help being a klutz. Soon he was part of their hijinks and his scenes with Joe Flynn were the highlight of the series.

McHale's Navy ran for four years. Killed by the Vietnam War when all of a sudden military service comedies went suddenly out of vogue. But it was a good series comedy, enjoyed by all who remember it.
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Joe Flynn was the star of this show.
PWNYCNY11 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Not only is this one of the funniest sitcoms in broadcast history, it is also one of the most astutely written. This is because the conflict between Captain Binghamton, wonderfully played by Joe Flynn, and Commander McHale, played by the incomparable actor Ernest Borgnine, which drives the plot, is anything but a contrivance. Anyone who has any experience working in huge bureaucracies will understand and appreciate this show. First, there is the hapless Captain Binghamton, who is trying to "play by the rules" and thereby gain favor with his superiors, and then there is Commander McHale who in every episode thumbs his nose at the Captain who can only become infuriated since McHale is protected by the same superiors from whom Captain Binghamton is currying favor. That is, higher command has given McHale and his crew carte Blanche to do whatever they want provided that they are successful in carrying out their military missions while the Captain will be held accountable if McHale fails. It is a no win situation for the Captain and a win-win situation for McHale who gains all the glory but can always use the Captain as a scapegoat of he fails. The fact is that McHale and his crew are no more then civilians dressed up as Navy personnel, and given that, why would anyone expect McHale to conform to Navy rules? Yet Captain Binghamton must conform to Navy rules, rules that he cannot enforce because higher command won't let him. This creates conflict which is the stuff of both comedy and drama. There are few characters in the history of American television that are more pathetic than Captain Binghamton, who was brilliantly played by the Joe Flynn, who manages to combine buffoonery with a fatalism ("Why me? Why is it always ME?" the Captain asks plaintively every episode) that produces laughter as the outclassed and outmaneuvered Captain struggles against all odds to control the uncontrollable, Commander Quinton McHale.
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my review
ciecie29 March 2019
This is one of the funniest tv shows from the 1960's. the entire cast is wonderful! it's on antennatv Monday through Friday morning from 8:00 to 9:00.
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Mindless, Mediocre Fun
atlasmb10 March 2019
You could view this show as a version of "Dennis the Menace", where Ensign Parker (Tim Conway) is Dennis and Capt. Binghamton (Joe Flynn) is Mr. Wilson. But this comedy is even less sophisticated, more in line with "F Troop".

Ernest Borgnine provides a one-note performance because that is what the scripts require. Tim Conway's comedy talent is underused, as demonstrated by his hilarious work on Carol Burnett's show.
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Borgnine's show, but Flynn & Conway were the real stars
frankfob6 April 2002
I know this was Ernest Borgnine's show, and though he played it too broadly sometimes, he was still pretty good in it. However, the main reason I watched the show was for Joe Flynn's Captain Binghamton and Tim Conway's Ensign Parker. Binghamton was always trying to nail McHale and his crew (he kept calling them "you and your pirates") and some of his schemes to get rid of them were hilarious, especially when, as usual, they blew up in his face. Conway's eager but almost totally incompetent Ensign Parker was a a joy to watch, due to Conway's comic genius. It was side-splitting to watch him squirm, stutter and completely fall apart whenever he was given any kind of responsibility at all; he'd try to do a good job, and it usually worked out in the end, but what happened in between was always good for a lot of laughs. I especially enjoyed watching him totally dissolve whenever Claudine Longet put the moves on him. Conway was one of TV's great clowns, as shown by his work on "The Carol Burnett Show," and he's at the top of his form; he had the amazing ability to move his body in three or four different directions at the same time--he would look like a marionette with the strings tangled--and that combined with his twitches, facial expressions and look of total incomprehension was a riot. Another actor I really enjoyed was Bob Hastings, who played Binghamton's loyal, long-suffering and abused underling, Lt. Carpenter. Carpenter was the ultimate company man, so eager to please his boss that he gladly entered into whatever lame-brained scheme Binghamton cooked up to discredit McHale ("Oh, good-o, sir, that's brilliant!"), which usually wound up with Binghamton's shifting the blame to him whenever it went wrong--which Carpenter, of course, always readily accepted ("I'm sorry, sir, of course it was all my fault"). Carl Ballantine's scheming Gruber, always on the lookout to make a (usually dishonest) buck, was a lot of fun, too.

I think the series lost a bit of steam when the location was moved from the South Pacific to Italy, and some of the supporting cast was somewhat weak (Gavin McLeod's Happy was especially annoying), but overall it was a very funny, enjoyable show, with some great byplay between Flynn and Conway.
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Lots of fun however, it was not realistic
SipteaHighTea7 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I love the show because it show all the beautiful American female naval personnel. When one of McHale's men was court-martial, Ensign Parker who was the defense attorney called for a witness, and this witness was a beautiful blonde naval officer with great legs that all the men on the court-martial board look at her.

The show was not realistic in portraying Navy life. At a TV interview, Ernest Borgine stated that Secretary of the Navy talked to him and stated that McHale Navy helped with the recruitment of young people into the Navy because those young people saw the show and wanted a commander like Commander McHale. I wonder how many of them got a rude, crude shock at what Navy life was really like. First of all, many officers did not care about the men particularly minorities and women since a good number of officers came from prominent rich families. Second of all, you usually did not have a close relationship between officers and men because military regulations forbid it unless you were aboard those riverboats during the Vietnam War. Thirdly, you were not allow to express your views in the military because then you would be charge with disrespect to an officer or to a chief petty officer or have some other phony baloney charge thrown at you just to shut you up or throw you out of the service. It was no wonder why the Navy had very serious racial problems and leadership problems aboard ships,during the Vietnam War. Admiral Zumwalt called in a whole bunch of Navy Admirals and Marine Generals and read the riot act about their failure to provide proper leadership in accepting minorities into the military and treating the enlisted men better respect. The admirals and generals hated Zumwalt's remarks and many of them complain to the press behind his back. One naval officer stated that Zumwalt's style of leadership was long overdue compare to the harsh, choking leadership of yesterday. Finally, you have episodes of the PT-73 crew dancing with the Navy nurses. In real life, such a thing could not exist nor be tolerate because the PT-73 crew was mostly enlisted men while the nurses were always officers; therefore, there was no fraternization between officers (nurses) and enlisted men.

I thought I had seen all of the McHale Navy episodes. I did not know that the last season they had transfer to the European Operations. At least, if they were operating in the Aegean Sea off Greece, they would have been subject to air attacks by the German Luftwaffe and fought gun battles with the E-Boats. The only episode I saw them fight against the Germans was where there was a German U-Boat that came into the South Pacific to be re-fuel by the Japanese Navy. The TV show ratings would have fallen to a all time low because the PT-73 crew could no longer do their illegal operations like running a pearl operation, illegal card games, distilled brooze, or selling real/fake Japanese items when they were in the South Pacific. In Europe, there would be too much competition from the Italian organized crime, other Allied soldiers running their own illgal enterprises, and dealing with the Italian police and Allied Military Police. Even if they ran their own enterprises, if they double cross their clients, the Allied soldiers would either put them in the hospital or the grave. If they tried cheating the various resistance movements in Italy and the Balkans, the guerillas would turn the crew over to the Allied authorities, killed them when the crew was not looking, or would contact the Germans about the PT-73 pending operations, so the Germans killed or capture the crew. I wonder how come the last season, they did not transfer the crew to late 1944/early 1945, where McHale's crew would be involved in the American invasion of the Phillippines? At least, they could do some of the illegal activities while still doing their jobs.
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McHale's Navy Deserves it's Place as "Classic TV"
jstorm-525941 April 2023
To enjoy this show, one must be able to embrace the silliness that can infuriate some people. In other words, if you are on the uptight side and you prefer more sophisticated brands of entertainment, particularly comedy, this might not be for you.

On the other hand, if you have had a taste of classic television, along the lines of "I love Lucy", "The Munsters", "Hogan's Heroes" and others, you will likely enjoy this program. There are laughs to be had in every single episode and between Tim Conway and Joe Flynn, there are more than a handful of 'bust a gut' laughing so hard moments.

This series must have been immensely difficult to produce, with such a large cast it is just impossible to spread the lines and laughs around. From start to finish, McHale, Parker and Binghamton carry the ball as far as getting the majority of the laughs. Gruber has his moments and so does Fuji and a handful of very good guest stars. It's no small wonder that Gavin MacLeod left the show, it must have been a frustrating experience for the cast members who played the crew of PT 73. I have a great respect for both the cast and the producers and directors because they had a very challenging job.

The bottom line here is that anyone who has an appetite for older TV programs should find this series more than satisfying.
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Funny stuff
SanteeFats13 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching the entire series. While it is fairly predictable in a some of the skits within each episode it is still a very funny series. Of course the PT 73 sank more Jap subs and shot down more Zero's than any other ship in the U.S Navy fleet it of course was all in fun. I thought when they moved the unit and therefor the plot line to Italy that it would suffer some but it went okay. Joe Flynn is great as the wishy-washy cowardly base commander in the Pacific and the town military governor who keeps trying time and again to send the entire crew or at least McHale to jail or anywhere but where the captain is. McHale and the crew are off the wall with the schemes and antics which is definitely a large part of the humor.
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midlifebmx20 July 2021
I am 52 y.o. And I remember in the 70s as a kid. Now? I watch these episodes and I laugh and laugh. Cheezy humor but that was the theme for many sitcoms as this one. I rate McHale navy as one of the best shows of its time. Right along with 3 stooges/ Hogan's Heros./ The Little Rascals. I was shocked to see such of a low rating. I believe the rating is low because if u didn't live those days in the 70s and 80s u wouldn't get it. So the younger generations just didn't get it I guess. The ridiculous silly humor was just on point. LOVED IT!!!!!.... Still do.
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Thanks to Joey Bishop, of all people ~
cranvillesquare8 May 2024
McHale's Navy was one of those shows one would watch, even if the plots were usually silly, because one couldn't but laugh at the predictable outcomes. Tim Conway's comedic genius became apparent in the Carol Burnett Show several years after this show went off the air. Ernest Borgnine went far from type, playing a scheming conniver and doing it perfectly; and Bob Hastings played the eternally put-upon aide to Captain Wallace B. ("Old Leadbottom") Binghamton...who'd been awarded a Purple Heart after having been shot in the behind in prior service. Binghamton was portrayed by Joe Flynn, an incredibly-underappreciated comic talent who'd toiled around Hollywood for years in minor bit parts. His big break was landing the part of Frank, the perpetually-unemployed (and proud of it) brother-in-law to Joey Bishop.

In the meantime, Ed Montagne and Si Rose were putting together a sitcom featuring a group of Navy misfits who were relentlessly tormented by their base captain. Casting the captain was a challenge. He was to be a short-fused, hot-tempered and perpetually exasperated officer. They considered actors such as Marty Engels and even Danny Thomas, without being sold on anyone. Enter Joey Bishop...his show's cast had been heavily re-worked, partly because Flynn got most of the laughs. He was let go just when the cast of McHale's Navy had been finalized, and when Montagne and Rose got wind of it they called Flynn in for a screen test. The rest, as is said, was history. Flynn was the perfect Captain Binghamton. Thanks, Joey!
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Decent, could've been better
pmike-113123 February 2022
McHale's Navy is a generally funny show , but with too much of the 40s and 50s Musical style to it (roundels where each crew member says a line one-after-another, and breaking out into song, etc.). Another poster suggested the lower rating was due to people who were'nt around then. Well, I was. But, compared to other shows of the day (Hogan, F-Troop, Get Smart, etc., etc.) this one doesn't hold up nearly as well. Why? Because is was never as good as those other shows. It has wonderfully funny moments and episodes, and many awful, cringe-worthy episodes. It's just not as well conceived and written.

In truth, most of the cast was disposable -even Borgnine (any big-mouthed guy could've filled that role. Don Rickles might have brought more to it!), and the crew could've been anyone (especially Carl Ballentine who I never could stand). But three cast members were irreplaceable: Tim Conway, Joe Flynn, and Bob Hastings. Any scene with them - in any combination - was terrific. If the show had made them the sole focus and made everyone else secondary, it would be a timeless classic today. Instead, it's somewhat dated and, at times, annoying.
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A favorite TV series from the 1960s.
TxMike1 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
While the 1950s may have been the TV boom in the US, the 1960s was when family entertainment really took a prime spot. 'McHale's Navy' ran while I was in high school and college, and was one of those TV series that most families set time aside to watch each week.

Ernest Borgnine was the nominal star of the series as Lt. Cmdr. Quinton McHale. He was earnest and mostly by the book, but his foil was the very funny Tim Conway who was the bumbling Ensign Charles Parker. Parker was everything that McHale was not, and a good portion of McHale's energy was fixing situations that Parker got them and the crew in.

And finally, Joe Flynn was perfect as their commanding officer, Capt. Wallace B. Binghamton. He was the stereotype, the half wit commander who only vaguely knew what was going on, and while trying to keep tabs on McHale and his crew, was usually in the process of being outwitted by them.

I very entertaining comedy series, I watch old episodes whenever I can catch them. As well as old episodes of the Carol Burnett show where Conway was an even bigger comedy hoot!
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Bring it back....
grakky2 June 2020
....and colorize, it would look awesome on top of being funny as hell :)
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In the real Navy Conway would have been fragged
amexspam28 December 2011
Borgnine is always good and Joe Flynn always did frustrated/angry very well. I enjoyed the magic of Carl Ballintine here and in other venues, and feel Gavin MacLeod has always done a fine job with what ever material he is given. Then there's Tim Conway. I thought he was brilliant with Carol Burnett, but in McHale's Navy he is tedious. He is constantly over-hyper and painful to watch. His performance is painfully predictable because you know he will do something stupid in ever scene and it will always be painfully obvious. A fire hose and Conway - a laugh riot ensures as Conway loses control (didn't see that coming). Watch out, Conway's on a ladder holding a can of paint and Joe Flynn is walking by - wow, Flynn is covered in paint (didn't see that coming). And it goes on and on like this for 138 episodes. Everybody likes to see the clowns come out at the circus when they're changing acts - 1 minutes of expected clown routines and then 30 minutes of entertainment. Unfortunately, McHale's Navy got it reversed.
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A Classic
Sargebri7 April 2003
After years of playing primarily dramatic roles, Ernest Borgnine really shines as the lovable con man Commander Quentin McHale. I loved "F-Troop", but you can see where that show got its inspiration. The supporting cast was also great, especially Joe Flynn playing his usual hot tempered authority figure in Captain Binghamton and Tim Conway playing the role that made him famous, the nerdish Ensign Parker.

This show is so funny you often wonder if we had a navy like this, how did we win the war.
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Very Light-Hearted WWII Comedy, Too Light-Hearted at Times
chadwick-869553 December 2023
I used to like this series when I was a kid.

Watching it now brings about other issues, like the PT-73's officers and crew were just lazy goof-offs, completely disrespecting the USN. When hundreds of thousands of USN personnel were being killed/tortured/eaten, they were drinking and having a great time. Hogan's Heroes, a similarly humorous show, never lost sight of the atrocities of the Germans, and that there was a major war being fought. WWII was killing millions, the Japanese officers/soldiers/sailors were not civilized, McHale's Navy misses that small fact.

McHale (Borgnine) couldn't seem to be able to talk, only to yell. As mentioned by someone, Flynn and Conway ran the show. Conway was a great comedian, especially with Harvey Corman on the Carol Burnett show.

How can most of the crew of a PT boat in WWII be 35+? Doesn't make much sense. MacLeod as part of the crew? Poor casting.

He certainly fit better as the Captain on the Love Boat.
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Bring back McHale's Navy!
davidwb8822 February 2005
I recently had the pleasure of traveling to Los Angeles from Seattle with Ernest Borgnine. I was interested to find out that McHale's Navy was currently not being shown on TV. This show was without a doubt, one of the funniest shows of all time, featuring an ensemble cast that rivals any in the history of TV. I would just like to say to programmers out there, especially at Nick At Night and TV Land, BRING BACK McHALES NAVY! There are generations of young people that have never seen this classic show from TV's golden era, and that is a shame. Writers of todays TV comedies could learn more than a few things about whats funny from watching this wonderful show. It was truly a great example of what results from great writing, acting, and that magic chemistry that only happens once in a great while when you have a great ensemble cast.
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