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Elvis in Hollywood
wes-connors16 August 2009
Nightclub singer Elvis Presley (as Rusty Wells) is hired to chaperone sexy Shelley Fabares (as Valerie Frank), with predictable results... While it was not strong enough to have be trumpeted as a significant improvement at the time, "Girl Happy" is a cut above the (then) average Presley movie. Most importantly, director Boris Sagal, along with the writing team of Harvey Bullock and R.S. Allen, effectively make more of a situation comedy with Elvis music, than the more often used, and vacuously plotted, "Elvis travelogue" with tunes. The comedy is well-paced, nicely played, and includes some genuinely funny moments.

Ms. Fabares' innocent sexuality compliments Presley, and they play very well on screen together. Fabares was understandably invited to co-star in additional Presley movies (with mixed results, due to weakening material). Also very good are Elvis frantic band-mates Jimmy Hawkins (as Doc), Gary Crosby (Andy), and Joby Baker (Wilbur). Fabares and Mr. Hawkins had been a cute teenage couple on "The Donna Reed Show". Mr. Crosby was one of Bing's sons (which turned out to be less fortunate than you'd think). And, Mr. Baker was in a regrettably short-lived Dick Van Dyke-type comedy called "Good Morning World".

MGM wisely used RCA's soundtrack studio record takes for "Girl Happy" (for the most part). In the past, there were sometimes completely separate versions for film and record, with the lamer versions making the film. Presley recorded the "Girl Happy" songs in June 1964; in hindsight, these and the just completed "Roustabout" were the last gasp of Presley as a dependable pop soundtrack singer. Critics weren't enthusiastic about his 1960s film songs, but there were scattered gems throughout. Nothing herein approaches "Return to Sender", but there are no real dogs, either.

The speeded-up vocals evident on "Girl Happy" were not uncommon; recording stars and record companies routinely speeded-up recordings. In the 1960s, many radio stations speeded up every record they played; this way, they could play more records, and get in more commercials. Many old TV shows are speeded-up, also… but, back to Presley: His next film, "Tickle Me", featured no newly recorded soundtrack songs. After a long period of inactivity, he recorded "Harum Sacrum", the first wholly substandard soundtrack of his career. That was followed by "Frankie and Johnny". So, dig right in and "Do the Clam".

****** Girl Happy (3/27/65) Boris Sagal ~ Elvis Presley, Shelley Fabares, Jimmy Hawkins, Gary Crosby
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Bouncy fun
TheLittleSongbird12 March 2017
Elvis Presley was a hugely influential performer with one of the most distinctive singing voices of anybody. He embarked on a film career consisting of 33 films from 1956 to 1969, films that did well at the box-office but mostly panned critically (especially his later films) and while he was a highly charismatic performer he was never considered a great actor.

For a mid-60s onwards Elvis film, 'Girl Happy' is pretty good and while not one of his best films, like 'King Creole', 'Flaming Star', 'Jailhouse Rock', 'Viva Las Vegas' and 'Loving You', it is a long way from one of his worst (much worse followed).

The story is thin and formulaic, with parts not always making sense, and the dialogue is corn and silliness-heavy and enough to make one cringe. The extras' acting is indeed awfully wooden and just looks amateurish.

However, the settings are suitably exotic and the film is beautifully photographed. On the most part, the songs are good. Could have done without "Wolf Call" and "Do the Clam", the latter of which also being pretty embarrassingly choreographed, but the title song, "Puppet on a String", "Do Not Disturb" and "The Meanest Girl in Town".

'Girl Happy' is fun and good-natured, knowing exactly what it wanted to be, who to aim it at and never tries to do anything more. It's all competently directed and breezily paced, while Elvis is clearly enjoying himself and is well supported by charming and fiery Shelley Fabarres, menacing Harold J. Stone and perky Mary Ann Morbley. The chemistry between Elvis and Fabarres is great.

All in all, good bouncy fun. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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A Presley winner
ODDBear18 October 2010
Perhaps it's the beach pleasant atmosphere, perhaps it's lovely leading lady Shelley Fabares, perhaps it's an overall decent story and competent supporting actors but Elvis seems to be enjoying himself in "Girl Happy" and chances are you will too.

Elvis plays a lead singer of a hot rockn' roll band who manipulates himself and his band into chaperoning a gangster's daughter while she's partying in Fort Lauderdale - so they can escape the freezing cold in Chicago. And soon he falls for her and she for him.

It's a simple, lightweight story as usual with Presley's later films but the songs are good ("Puppet on a String" especially beautiful), it's got lovely scenery (although heavily set in studio, as most Presley films) and competent performances from all involved. Shelley Fabares is a knockout beauty but she's also a good performer and looks quite dashing on stage with the King performing "Meanest Girl in Town".
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The King Does Spring Break
cgvegas6 July 2006
Enjoyable light-hearted fun. A good movie by mid-sixties Elvis standards. Elvis' favorite leading lady was Shelly Fabres and it's easy to see the chemistry they had together. Most of the songs are very good, unlike many of Elvis' movie soundtracks of the time. Most memorable to me is the wonderful "Wolf Call". And this time the story seems to hold together, as Elvis plays an actual professional singer, rather than a his typical race car driver or daredevil who also sings. His group, which appears regularly in Ft. Lauderdale during spring break, has been asked, after some convincing from Elvis, by his gangster-like employer at their Chicago club gig to keep an eye on his daughter while down there. Lots of funny scenes which keep things rolling along. Anyone looking to laugh and relax s little for 90 minutes should check it out.
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"This beach sure is crowded!" ... "So is that bikini!"
moonspinner555 April 2009
Ft. Lauderdale frolic has Elvis Presley cast as a Chicago rock 'n roller who, along with his outfit-matching band members, takes an assignment to secretly chaperone the boss's daughter as she vacations with her girlfriends down in Florida. Plush MGM musical with a dandy production design, lots of fun slapstick and girl-watching. The plot, such as it is, doesn't make a whole lot of sense (especially with Elvis having his cover blown by Shelley Fabares' tyrannical father, who then gets mad at Presley when his daughter decides to go wild). The songs range from very good ("Puppet on a String", "The Meanest Girl In Town") to awful ("I've Got to Find My Baby", "Wolf Call"), but there's a groovin' beach bash with excitable dancing and a funny prison breakout sequence in which E.P. gets stuck in a cell with 20 females (and escapes in drag!). Mary Ann Mobley has an insulting role (and her make-up is too dark, causing her to look overcooked by the sun), but Fabares is breezy and there's a nice supporting turn by Nita Talbot as a streetwise stripper. Not bad Presley-fest, though the screenplay could've used some sharpening, and the extras are often hilariously wooden. **1/2 from ****
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Elvis in Fort Lauderdale
blanche-228 June 2008
Elvis Presley and his band are "Girl Happy" in this 1965 film starring Shelley Fabares and featuring Gary Crosby, Mary Ann Mobley, Harold Stone, Nita Talbot, Joby Baker and Fabrizio Mioni. Presley and his band are hired by the club owner (Harold Stone) they work for to go to Fort Lauderdale and make sure that his daughter (Fabares) doesn't get into trouble. This often means cutting the romantic evenings of the band short, but Rusty (Elvis ends up combining business with pleasure.

This is pleasant enough Elvis fare. It's not the kind of movie he wanted to make, but thanks to Colonel Parker, we have a slew of them, part travelogue, part music video. Elvis looks great; the film has a lot of youthful energy and catches the spring break atmosphere. After the success of Ricky Nelson on television, TV stars had to sing, and Fabares is no exception, and she makes a darling costar for Elvis. (Her description during an interview of being told she had to sing by the producer of "The Donna Reed Show" is quite funny. She refused and was asked, "Do you want to do the show next year?") Former Miss America Mary Ann Mobley is the knockout Rusty tries to romance while on guard duty. Rusty's band, consisting of Crosby, Baker and Hawkins, do well in their roles as lascivious lads.

I wasn't as taken with the music as some on the board. It was nice, but I missed a big hit like "Return to Sender." Elvis wanted to leave a more important film legacy. I for one am grateful for any chance to see him perform.
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Smooth and Sexy Elvis
LeonardKniffel29 April 2020
Arguably one of Elvis Presley's best musical films, this one features plenty of witty writing and romance, with Shelly Fabares supplying the loveliness. "Do the Clam" and "Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce" are a hoot, and even the worst Elvis haters will have to admit that "Do Not Disturb" is one sexy seduction number.
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"Dig right in and do The Clam..."
babeth_jr3 December 2008
This fun 1965 movie starring Elvis Presley and Shelley Fabares should be put in a time capsule for a movie representing the carefree mid-1960's in America. Kids were still fairly innocent, the Vietnam War hadn't jaded the country and the drugs that pervaded the late 1960's weren't as prevalent the time this movie was made.

Elvis plays Rusty Wells, a musician hired by a mobster Big Frank (Harold Stone) to guard his daughter Valerie (the lovely Miss Fabares) who has gone with some girlfriends to Ft. Lauderdale on Spring break. Valerie doesn't know her overprotective father has hired Rusty and his group of rag tag musicians to watch her, and of course, she and Elvis fall in love.

The movie is similar in some ways to "Where the Boys Are", but is not as serious. Of course, with it being an Elvis picture, we have to have the Pelvis sing in several cheesy but fun song and dance numbers. The songs "Girl Happy" and "Do the Clam" are classic cornball songs, but fun to watch. This movie was one of my favorites from my childhood and it is amazing to me how I can still remember the lyrics to these songs after all these years! Elvis never was a great actor, and over the years his movie roles kept getting sillier and sillier, but this movie, silly as parts of it are, is still a lot of fun to watch. And boy was Elvis hot when he was young!
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Playboy singer keeps his eyes on a mobster's daughter.
michaelRokeefe29 October 1999
Elvis Presley formula movie at its best. Some catchy music, nice scenery and girls galore. Rusty Wells (Elvis) leaves the blowing snow of Chicago for the beaches at Fort Lauderdale during spring break. Rusty and his band are to guard a mobster's(Harold J. Stone) daughter(Shelley Fabares) without her knowledge. Boy sings; girls swoon. Best songs are "Cross My Heart And Hope To Die", "Puppet On A String" and "Got To Find My Baby". Cast seems like a party list featuring Mary Ann Mobley, Gary Crosby, Joby Baker, Jimmy Hawkins, Chris Noel and Nita Talbot. One of the most liked Elvis flicks. Soundtrack sold tons.
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GIRL HAPPY (Boris Sagal, 1965) **1/2
Bunuel19766 September 2007
Another Elvis Presley movie, another cringe-inducing title: predictably, as trivial as can be but, surprisingly enough, quite a fun, comedic vehicle with Elvis and his band assigned to chaperone a gangster's teenage daughter at a holiday camp. Shelley Fabares is among Presley's cutest female leads (she would co-star with him twice more in just as many years) and at times reminded me of Martha Vickers's thumbsucking Carmen Sternwood in Howard Hawks' THE BIG SLEEP (1946)! Of course, the couple's eventual romance is complicated as much by the easily misunderstood situation as by their being needlessly involved with other partners.

Familiar character actor Harold J. Stone, usually noted for drama, is the gangster but, while he plays it mostly straight, isn't exactly menacing either; the songs are a cut above-average, though "Do The Clam" – a would-be instant 'beach blanket' hit – is a definite low point! Former child star Jackie Coogan – of Charles Chaplin's THE KID (1921) fame and who was then undergoing a brief career renaissance as the lunatic Uncle Fester in the cult TV series, THE ADDAMS FAMILY – appears here as a flustered cop but his participation is, alas, an undistinguished one.

Amazingly, I recently learned – through a newspaper article written by a friend of my father's who happens to be the No. 1 Elvis fan I know and who was also the one to introduce me to home video technology back in 1985! – that GIRL HAPPY was banned in Malta on original release (most probably due to a 'hot' striptease act the boys witness more than once during their runarounds after a tipsy Fabares)!!
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Carefree fun with good songs, but by nowadays standards rather sexist.
johannes2000-120 September 2021
At first sight, it's carefree fun, Elvis here is still his good-looking, lean and smooth self, the music is surprisingly fresh and compelling, and the oversaturated colors of the movie add to the sunny feeling. On the other hand, by nowaday standards it's all too obvious how fake and cheap the settings are, all studio-done in stead of on location; how the really funny moments are scarce; and how between his songs Elvis only goes through the required motions with uninterested and slightly bored magnanimity. Even his supposed love for sweet and attractive Shelley Fabares impresses as lacklustre and hardly passionate.

What surprised me the most, was the slighting way in which girls are treated and talked about. Especially by the three Jordanairs, they almost drool at the first sight of girls in bikini, they besiege and jump on every girl that comes along, they elaborately praise curves and contents of bathing-suits, and all the time pop-up from behind bushes with yet another girl. But also Elvis himself is part of it, we see him literally throwing a girl around to make out with her, and forcing himself on her when she tries to hold him back (of course the script doesn't let her really mean that, but still!).

The ultimate illustration of this was the spectacled nerd who at the start of the movie is ridiculed when he argues that he only should like a girl for her brain and not her body, and at the very end of the movie is seen with his arms around a full-breasted bimbo, stating about this girl: "I know that there is nothing in the attic, but boy, what a staircase!" And is complimented by Elvis for at last coming to his senses!

I know, it's meant as harmless fun, and it's of course a sign of those times, I shouldn't look at it with the eyes of 2020's #me-too convictions. But still it made me feel a bit uncomfortable.
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Lots of fun in the sun with Elvis and friends
shelties4us22 January 2005
Girl Happy is typical of the mid-sixties beach movies,and to some extent,it is similar to another earlier film,"Where the Boys Are".Both take place in Fort Lauderdale,Florida during college spring-break.The plot is simple,and the songs are plentiful.Besides looking and sounding great,Elvis displays his natural talent for comedy,which most actors will admit is more difficult than straight drama.The film is pure fun and moves pretty quickly.Harold J. Stone is excellent as the tough,gangster-like father of co-star Shelley Fabares,who is her usual adorably cute love interest.Plenty of slapstick comedy with Elvis assisted by Gary Crosby(Bing's son),Joby Baker,and Jimmy Hawkins.If you are looking for a fun-filled musical 90 minutes without profanity,violence,substance abuse, or nudity/sexuality,then Girl Happy will make you happy.What's taking the studio so long to release this title on DVD?
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"You take the girls out there... take away their bathing suits, and what do you have?"
ackstasis28 November 2010
With the metaphorical anvil of university exams dangling precariously overhead, I decided I needed something to lighten the mood. So I turned to the King, Elvis Presley – a man whose legendary talent, charm, and good looks were sure to brighten my wearied spirits. In this frothy 1960s teen comedy with a stupid title, Rusty (Presley) and his band of sex-starved musicians (including Gary Crosby, son of Bing) are sent down to sunny Fort Lauderdale to chaperone, from a distance, the daughter of their employer. Though initially unenthusiastic about watching the plain-looking, academic Valerie (Shelley Fabares), the boys quickly change their tune when she lets her hair down and slips into something, let's say, more appropriate to the Florida climate. Many romantic hijinks consequently ensue, including a high-speed boat ride, an impromptu beach party (involving a completely hideous "dance" called The Clam), a drunken strip-club brawl, and a prisonbreak going the wrong way.

Most films that try to make a beautiful actress appear plain or bookish (usually before a surprising transformation) do an absolutely terrible job of it. Here, conversely, a very pretty Shelley Fabares is made to seem convincingly unappealing in her first few appearances. This illusion is, of course, quickly abolished, as Rusty comes to fall for her intelligent charms, even while straying occasionally towards a more conventional pin-up girl called Deena (Mary Ann Mobley). Though the boys' spring-break romances never get beyond wholesome necking, the social attitudes are nevertheless rather liberal, with frequent overt references towards sex. (Even the nerdy bloke, played by Peter Brooks, ultimately decides that casual sex is better than finding "a girl with a mind"). Elvis' performance is laidback and entertaining, and Fabares has a fun chemistry with him; she would appear in two more movies opposite The King.
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A very tight , entertaining Beach movie . But Elvis....why?
beauzee19 March 2020
How I loved this when I was 14. Watched it about 10 years later ....elvis at 29 making this kind of fluff ? AND with mostly poor songs, poorly produced . (Soundtrack is horribly mixed ). The man who conquered Hollywood by age 23 , succeeding as a dramatic star in several pictures , one intended for Marlon Brando , was now grinding out silly formula flicks , with songs written by teams of writers forces with composing to fit the scenes ! Elvis and his co star, Shelley fabares , both were about 7 years too old to be doing this , though they look great together - and Shelley is a wonder - though her best acting came later in the sitcom Coach . The songs are , admittedly kinda catchy , but there's really say, 3 worth hearing more than once . There's a real rocker here , "the meanest girl in town ", also known as "she's evil " by Bill Haley and His Comets , it's pretty great . If you are a very casual elvis fan , not judging his Hollywood output against King Creole or flaming star or Follow that dream or Viva Las Vegas, you just might enjoy , on some Friday night , this comedy . The story is groovy , the premise funny . Dark Chicago to sunny Florida . Elvis is a struggling band leader told to look out for a mob guys daughter during spring break . Well......maybe it will make you "happy "er ! First buy a Six pack and six kfc wings .
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Blooeyz20012 November 2002
Producer Joe Pasternak gave us "Where The Boys Are" in 1960, about Fort Lauderdale during Spring Break, from a female point of view. That movie starred pop singer Connie Francis, but she only sang two songs (the theme & "Turn On The Sunshine" during the film). Five years later, Pasternak gives us "Girl Happy" from a male perspective. What "Where The Boys Are" lacked in musical numbers, "Girl Happy" makes up for with several fluffy, enjoyable tunes. Elvis & pals are "watching over" his Chicago bosses daughter (Shelley Fabares) while she's in Florida. Of course, he eventually falls for her, & things go hay wire when she finds out he was hired to look after her. Mary Ann Mobley is thrown in to complicate matters & add some semi-comic moments. The clothes, colors, faux motel (so obviously NOT filmed on location & SCREAMS: Hollywood backlot!!!) are visually attractive & festive. Nita Talbot is also thrown in for sleazy fun, much like Barbara Nichols was in "Where The Boys Are". Elvis looks fit (although he's the only male actor who never wears shorts, or a swimsuit) with that perfect black hair & piercing blue eyes.
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Elvis the chaperon
bkoganbing17 August 2012
Girl Happy finds the King as lead singer of a group that consists also of Gary Crosby, Joby Baker, and Jimmy Hawkins. They're appearing at a club in Chicago run by mobster Harold J. Stone. They'd like to go to Fort Lauderdale to pick up both loose chicks and loose change as it is the spring season. Stone won't let them go. But an opportunity comes when Stone's daughter Shelley Fabares also wants to go to Fort Lauderdale for spring break. Stone sends Elvis and the rest to go to Fort Lauderdale as unofficial chaperons.

No need to go any father because as always happens the King finds it nice work and he's got it. But he also has former Miss America Mary Ann Mobley chasing him. We should all have such troubles.

In the tradition of Presley pictures, Colonel Tom assembled a fine group of people before and behind the camera like veteran director Norman Taurog who has an Oscar to his credit. Besides those mentioned Nita Talbot plays a worldly stripper with good advice and a good routine with a newspaper outfit for her act. There's also John Fiedler as the motel manager and unofficial keeper of the morals of the youth of America and Jackie Coogan as a police sergeant.

No great songs come from Girl Happy, but they're all in the Elvis Presley style and suit the film for him. Fans of Elvis will like the film as will others.
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Brooks--Girl Happy Review
rbrooksie1212 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Girl Happy is a nice little movie starring Elvis Presley as Rusty Wells, a nightclub singer hired by Big Frank, a mobster, to watch his daughter, Valerie, who is played by Shelley Fabares.

The movie is nothing special, a usual Elvis Presley movie that is supposed to give us an hour and a half of fun. The movie features a nice soundtrack with Elvis Presley as the lead singer, and if you listen carefully to the soundtrack and follow along with the movie, the soundtrack carries the plot of the film. The movie has its moments and one funny moment in the movie was a part where Rusty is trying to romance a girl even though he is in a romance with Valerie, and he has to keep Valerie out of his motel room well he is romancing this girl.

I rated this the same as Jailhouse Rock, which is another Elvis movie that is perhaps more well-known than this one. I liked the soundtrack of this movie because I felt the songs were well-written and carried the plot of the movie. However unlike Jailhouse Rock, this movie did not require any acting. Any three guys around Elvis' age could have played the parts of Rusty's friends.

Girl Happy is a nice movie featuring silly situations and a good soundtrack. It is nothing special by any means, but manages to deliver an hour and a half of quality entertainment. This movie is highly recommended for any Elvis Presley fan.
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Spring Break Elvis
SnoopyStyle20 January 2023
Rusty Wells (Elvis Presley) leads a band performing in Big Frank's nightclub. They are eager for some fun in Fort Lauderdale until Big Frank extends their stay at the nightclub. When Big Fank's daughter Valerie (Shelley Fabares) insists on going to Fort Lauderdale with her friends, Rusty seizes on the opportunity and offers to spy on her while the band performs there.

This is beach blanket Elvis. It's relatively wholesome with Elvis singing. I would like for more exterior locations especially the beach. There is too many interior work. Even the poolside is overtly inside a studio. This needs some sunshine and fresh air. Inside the studio stage can feel rather stuffy. Aside from that, Elvis doesn't have a memorable hit in this one. Fabares is not standing apart from all the other cute girls. It all feels very familiar and safe. There's nothing new or exceptional. It's Elvis in a beach film.
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Formula movie, and Condescending, toward women
samwa-2731115 February 2022

The music is OK, but most of these movies, are the same : get a girl, no matter what she wants.

I have never seen a movie, as bad as these, talking about the sexual features, of women, as though men had every right, to bed any girl that he wants.

By the way, and this is not meant to criticize the women, but all of them, in these Elvis films, are very overweight.
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Elvis and Shelley Fabares and supporting cast make this a perfect movie Warning: Spoilers
If you want a great, happy, entertaining, sexy, fun movie this is the one to watch. Elvis and Shelley Fabares are in peak form for this film. The plot is straight forward. Elvis and his band(Gary Crosby, Jimmy Hawkins & Joby Baker) are sent by Mr. Frank(Harold J. Stone) to Fort Lauderdale to keep an eye on Valerie Frank(Shelley Fabares), his daughter. The movie starts with Elivs and his group on stage singing Girl Happy(great song). Then they head off to Fort Lauderdale to keep an eye on Shelley. They sing Spring Fever(great song)together with the girls in their cars. There are some great close-ups of Shelley's beautiful face in the car. They arrive at the Seadrift Motel. They find out Shelley is a hottie when she goes for a swim. Elvis goes out to sing Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce(great song). Shellley in coming out of the pool at the time. We get see her in a two piece swimsuit. Nice Body! Anyway, she goes to the club with a nerd that night and leaves with Roman(a Latin wanting to get romantic). Elvis and his clan find them on his boat and drive it back to their hotel before anything happens. Next day we get a scene with Shelley in a nice looking two piece yellow swimsuit. Ramano takes her back to the hotel for something. The guys get Elvis to intervene. He calls the manager in and he breaks up a card game they are playing. Elvis decides to add her to the act to keep an eye on her. Next scene is Elvis and group singing Meanest Girl in Town(great song). Shelley comes out in a gold top tied at the bust and black hot pants and high heels(she has never looked hotter than in this scene). She dances around with a sign reading I'm Evil. With her belly button exposed she does a few more sexy spins and the song ends. She goes in to change(too bad). That scene is worth a rewind or two. Next Elvis sings Do the Clam(great song) to get her to come to him. He takes her home singing Puppet on a String(great song). About this time his other girl Dina thinks he misses her. Elvis has Shelley to dinner and Dina also shows up. Elvis is very funny here as he tries to keep both women from seeing one another. Elvis and Shelley then have a good time riding, dancing and sailing. Finally Shelley gets a phone call from dad and he tells her about sending Elvis to watch her. She goes wild with Romano at a dance club and gets arrested. Elvis tries to break in, but is too late. He goes back to the club to sing on the last night. He goes out to pick a girl to take on stage for the last song Girl Happy. Shelley is there and all is forgiven after the Mr. Frank has told Shelley that he really has feelings for her. They go up on stage and dance and kiss. The movie ends happily the way I like. All the songs are top notch and every actor in the film is great. So if you want a happy, upbeat movie try Girl Happy, Elvis' best movie.
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Girl Happy (1965) **1/2
JoeKarlosi21 August 2007
Thinly "plotted" Elvis Presley comedy with Shelley Fabares, who reportedly was Elvis' favorite of all his leading gals. Elvis is the front man in a vintage '60s pop group who leaves the snowy city of Chicago along with his band mates for a spring break down in the warm and bikini-busy Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He manages to secure the trip by telling his mobster employer that he'll be sure to keep an eye on his boss' college-aged daughter (Fabares, who's cuter in SPINOUT) while she's also vacationing down there with her girlfriends. Typically zany mishaps ensue, but along the way there are some enjoyable songs... "Girl Happy," which is the best of the bunch, "Do Not Disturb," "Puppet on a String", "Ft. Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce", and the latest beach blanket rage, "Do the Clam"! Presley still seems to be pretty game. **1/2 out of ****
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Does being girl crazy help Elvis get happy?
mark.waltz2 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's basically a beach movie minus Frankie and Annette, with Elvis down in Fort Lauderdale to watch Shelley Fabares, daughter of mobster Harold J. Stone, and she better not get into any trouble! Presley's a rock singer performing in Stone's Chicago nightclub, and after pops gets a call from Fabares, Presley figures out the best way to fulfill a dig they had planned down in Lauderdale anyway it's a volunteer to keep an eye on her.

So it's off to the beach where Presley's musicians (which includes the lecherous Gary Crosby) are assigned to watch her while Elvis is occupied elsewhere, and ogling Crosby doesn't even get a slap for a roll down a sand hill that leads him face first into an unsuspecting sunbather's chest.

The songs are typical beach party/Elvis nonsense although "Do the Clam" is given some energetic choreography. Standing out in the film is veteran character comic Nita Talbot whose newspaper strip number is straight out of "You Gotta Get a Gimmick" from "Gypsy". Others featured prominently includes Mary Ann Mobley and John Fielder. Great set bound beach sets are colorfully filmed. Not dreadful, but hardly original.
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Why Elvis & Shelley Fabares in a Romance-Music Hall and Comedy ?
mihail-sadeanu23 November 2004
Because they were just the perfect match of that time, to perform a such movie. It's the best movie of Elvis, combining many styles of music and appropriate dance of those golden years of rock, shake, and twist. Shelley did her best youngness' show performance together with Elvis. The movie revealed also one of the best team of dance around the King, on that empty beach with bushes, while performing "Do the Clam" song. If Fort Lauderdale could keep the tracks of that year buildings and entertainment resorts, it might be another business around Elvis.

Do not forget to review from time to time the King and Shelley. It's a very good entertainment when you've got tired and dance lack of desire.
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"I mean, take away their bathing suits, and what do you have?"
classicsoncall22 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well, what can you say? It's an Elvis film, so it wasn't made for Mensa candidates. Presley himself looks about as good as he ever did in his career, but now that I think about the film, I don't think he ever appeared in beach attire. That's one downside, most of the action didn't take place in the sun and fun environment of Fort Lauderdale, but at the poolside of a place named The Seadrift Motel. By today's standards, the picture is incredibly hokey, but to its credit, it stayed relatively clean and above board with only an occasional reference to what the guys were actually in Florida on spring break for. I mean all the guys except for Presley's, or I should say, Rusty Wells' combo group, masquerading as watchdogs for gangster Big Frank's (Harold J. Stone) daughter Valerie (Shelley Fabares). 1959 Miss America Mary Ann Mobley had the unenviable task of being Presley's on again, off again romance before succumbing to the charms of Miss Fabares. By my count there were an even dozen songs in the movie, with 'Do the Clam' and 'Wolf Call' being reprised before Elvis topped it all off with the title song. I would have thought that this was a film that probably couldn't be made today, but lo and behold, here comes 2023's "Barbie" right around the corner, so once again I stand corrected. I noted in the closing credits that Colonel Tom Parker was listed as a technical adviser, which means that he actually got paid for taking advantage of Presley's career on top of his exorbitant contract with the singer.
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one of the best.
mr_pivac198527 February 2003
To me GIRL HAPPY was one of the best Elvis films ever, great acting, great music, great fun to watch. This is a film that no Elvis fan should miss. Go to your local video shop and rent this film if you haven't already seen it, its good stuff.

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