Play Misty for Me (1971) Poster

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"You're not dumping ME, buster blue eyes!"
classicsoncall24 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Let me just say this about Jessica Walter, she's got the bitch on wheels gig down perfectly, doesn't she? Man, I don't even want to think about something like this happening to me, but then again, I don't look anything like Clint Eastwood so I'm not going to have that problem. In his directorial debut, Eastwood provides a nicely drawn, taut thriller that would have been even more intense without the filler scenes like the one at the Monterey Jazz Fest. And as long as he was throwing in that love scene with Donna Mills, wouldn't it have been something if crazy Evelyn burst on the scene during the Roberta Flack number? What possibilities.

I guess what I liked best about the story was the pacing Eastwood used to develop the character of Evelyn, especially with the insertion of those brief but manic outbursts that reveal hints of her true mental state. That flare up at the business meeting had one of the best one-liners ever - "She couldn't get laid at a lumber camp" - I want to know who came up with that line.

So with the revolving door set up involving Tobie's (Mills) roommates, it didn't take a lot to figure out who her last paying tenant would turn out to be. But the resolution to the story was somewhat anti-climactic with Eastwood's character slinking around the house knowing what he was in for but not really taking any precautions against it. I'm glad at least he didn't have any reservations about taking out Miss Personality with a good right hook. With all that, the only question left to answer is this - why was there a forest growing in David's house?
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Wow...21 days AND under budget....
planktonrules4 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I was very impressed when I read the trivia for this film. It's Clint Eastwood's directorial debut...and he finished the film ahead of schedule and under budget--in only 21 days! I could see why he was called on many more times to direct--and it's a shame he's known more for an actor than director.

Eastwood plays a radio DJ. One night in a bar, he meets a young lady (Jessica Walter) and they end up spending the night together. She says there are no strings attached....but over time it's obvious that she is majorly obsessed with him. She pushes him VERY hard--and no matter how much he tells her to get lost, she won't take a hint. At first, it's all seemingly innocent but over time she begins to show a crazier and crazier side. As for the title, every time she calls in to his show, she says 'Play Misty for me'--as it's 'their' song. As time passes, the film begins to look more and more like "Fatal Attraction".

This is a very good film for a first effort from Eastwood. While the film has a few problems, overall, it's quite thrilling and suspenseful. Additionally, Jessica Walter did a great job playing an Erotomaniac--an individual who is convinced that a high-status person LOVES them regardless of all evidence to the contrary. There also is a strong degree of a Borderline personality--with SERIOUS anti-social aspects (heck, she's more than willing to kill--trust me on the diagnosis, it all fits). On the downside, I thought Eastwood's acting performance was a bit too subdued and cool considering what was happening to him. And I have no idea why the segment with the Roberta Flack music video and the visit to the Monterrey Jazz Festival was included except as filler--it was like an intermission and pretty weird. But overall, it's a nice little thriller.

By the way, for an even better film on the subject, try watching the French film "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not"--a truly brilliantly written film that you just have to see.
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Edge-Of-Your-Seat Thriller
jhclues23 April 2001
Clint Eastwood made his directorial debut with this 1971 suspense/thriller, `Play Misty for Me,' in which he also stars as Dave Garver, a late night radio disc jockey for a small station in Carmel, California. During his show, he opens the phones to take requests, at which times a frequent caller-- a woman named Evelyn (Jessica Walter)-- always asks for the same tune, `Misty.' Her obsession, it turns out, is not with that particular record, but with Garver, who is currently sorting out a relationship gone bad with a young artist, Tobie (Donna Mills), but which may be on the mend in light of the fact that Tobie has just returned to town after a lengthy absence in the wake of their breakup. In the interim, Garver has become entangled with Evelyn, a fan he soon discovers gives new meaning to the term `fanatic.'

Eastwood invades Hitchcock territory with this film, which it turns out was indeed a harbinger of the course his career would take from this point on, that of directing and starring in his own movies. With this one, it's apparent that he had that special touch from the beginning; he knows unequivocally what he likes, what works and how to deliver it. The only weakness in the film (if you can even call it a weakness), would be the use of longshots during a couple of scenes between Garver and Tobie that take place on the coast. It adds a scenic vista for a backdrop, but listening to the dialogue with the actors in the distance gives it a dialogue-added-later feeling. It's a minor flaw, however, that takes nothing away from the overall impact of the film, especially as Eastwood establishes a deliberate pace that allows the tension to mount throughout.

It would seem that for an actor to direct himself would be a monumental undertaking, especially the first time, but Eastwood proves here what has been corroborated over the years and with his films since, that he is his own best director. And it's a club to which few actor/directors belong, which puts him in the elite company of Welles, Branagh and most recently, Ed Harris (with `Pollock'), just to name a few of the select. As Garver, a minor celebrity whose biggest fan turns out to be his worst nightmare, Eastwood is thoroughly convincing, and though this may not be one of his most memorable roles, it is certainly well acted, and delivered with that subtle Eastwood charm.

Jessica Walter combines just the right amount of beauty, charm and menace for her role of Evelyn, which just may be her most memorable performance ever. She creates a character who is smoothly confident, if slightly vulnerable, and prone to instantaneous bursts of psychotic anger. It's an honest portrait of an extremely disturbed individual with the ability to conceal the true nature-- and danger-- of her mental state. Exceptionally well realized by Walter, Evelyn could be the older sister of Stephen King's Annie in `Misery,' a role for which Kathy Bates received an Oscar for Best Actress some twenty years after Walter inhabited the body of Evelyn.

The supporting cast includes John Larch (Sergeant McCallum), Jack Ging (Frank), Irene Hervey (Madge), James McEachin (Al Monte), Clarice Taylor (Birdie) and Don Siegel (Murphy). A film that will have you on the edge of your seat by the end, `Play Misty for Me' withstands the test of time and works every bit as well today as when it was originally released. A tale from the dark side, it's engrossing entertainment that may give you second thoughts about that casual acquaintance you've just invited to your house for dinner. Eastwood chose a perfect setting for his film, using one of the most beautiful spots along the California coast as a background against which to contrast the grisly events of the story. It all adds up to a wild ride for the audience, and an auspicious debut for Eastwood as the Man Behind the Camera. I rate this one 8/10.
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An impressive psychological thriller
WritnGuy-222 April 2000
This is quite an impressive, very 70s looking psycho-thriller that is sure to please.

Clint Eastwood plays Dave Garver, a radio DJ in southern California. One night, a woman calls requesting that he "Play Misty for me." Later, he meets the woman at a bar he goes to often, and they go back to her house together and make love. The next morning, he leaves, figuring it was just a one-night stand, but when he gets home, the woman, Evelyn Draper (Jessica Walter) shows up with groceries and starts to make herself at home. Dave decides to go with it, and later sees that his old girlfriend, Tobie Williams (Donna Mills), is back in town, and the two become close again. But Evelyn won't go away, and continues to follow Dave everywhere, and starts to get viciously jealous of Tobie. And as Dave and Tobie's relationship forms, Evelyn becomes angry and violent, and eventually, murderous, and Dave must find some way to stop her before she ruins his life, and potentially, kills him.

A very creepy movie. Jessica Walter is beyond convincing as the jealous psycho lover, and Clint Eastwood proves that he doesn't just do Dirty Harry movies. Donna Mills is also quite good as the innocent girlfriend. The movie implies and foreshadows a lot, making everything even scarier. But the best scene in the whole movie is the knife attack on the maid, Birdie. That scene competes with the shower scene in "Psycho" as one of the most shocking in film history. The way the camera darts and swings around, and Birdie's screams as she struggles and fights to get away, all add up to one of the scariest scenes I've every seen. The climax is quite good, if not executed a little too quickly, but what led to it was shocking enough to overshadow it.

All in all, a great film that I would definitely recommend.
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A highly enjoyable thriller.
robfollower13 March 2019
A brief fling between a male disc jockey and an obsessed female fan takes a frightening, and perhaps even deadly turn when another woman enters the picture.

I found this trivia interesting. Even though it touches on the early-'70s flashpoints of sexual liberation, studio execs expressed doubts about why anyone would want to see a movie featuring Eastwood as a deejay. Eastwood reportedly answered that he was not sure either, but he thought it was a good suspense story, and he offered his services as director for free. Play Misty for Me wound up making five times more than it cost and is a precursor to such erotic thrillers as Fatal Attraction (1987) and Basic Instinct (1992). Eastwood mentor Don Siegel appears early on as a bartender.

In the role of the stalker is Jessica Walter who balances between crazed, malevolent psychopath and sweetheart bimbo with a creepy ease. Much of the credit must go to Jessica Walter for her outstanding performance . A highly enjoyable thriller.
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Strong-if overlong- Psychological Thriller
bentheredfan7 March 2018
I ended up watching this almost by accident... I'm currently home from college and my mother taped it and told me I would like it, and I just figured "heck, got some free time to spare, why not?". And I am glad that I did. Clint Eastwood (playing Dave Garver) is fantastic and Jessica Walter (playing Evelyn) should get a freaking medal for her performance. The supporting cast is great as well and well worth just as much interest as the main cast. Eastwood is a decent director: for the most part, the atmosphere and scenes are set well and the actors have clear, impactful direction. It's not a scary film, at least not in this day and age, but it kept me on the edge of my seat for the majority of the time. If you like psychological thrillers, check this out for sure, and if you like Clint Eastwood, you won't be disappointed.

Now, that said, there are some problems here. Namely, this movie is overlong. I can think of two scenes that could be and should be cut. Also, there's almost an ever-present musical backdrop , and at times it works as a soundtrack. But at times, it just doesn't belong in the scene it is used in and actually is off-putting.

Overall, however, I would recommend this as an essential to any fan of thriller films, even though it may not be a staple of the genre or one of the more popular films within it.
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Ahead Of Its Day With This Theme
ccthemovieman-16 July 2006
This was "Fatal Attraction" 16 years before that famous movie was made.

The problem with this tense drama was credibility. There are several instances where just about everyone with a brain would avoid trouble by doing the sensible thing....except the character in here, of course. Also, being honest is the obvious thing to do here and, of course, that's not done either.

Nevertheless, it's a taut thriller with Jessica Walter doing a great job playing a nutcase stalker "Evelyn Draper." I also enjoyed watching Donna Mills. An appealing actress, and not just because of a pretty face, I wonder she didn't do more films? After this movie, it's been almost all television roles for her.

So-so mono sound and poor picture quality helped me eventually trade my VHS copy in but, with a nice DVD transfer now available, I might check this movie out again. Clint Eastwood, the male lead here, has rarely been in a boring movie, and this is no exception.
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A classic thriller that was ahead of its time!
Nightman854 December 2008
The directorial debut for Clint Eastwood was this classic suspense thriller that's both intelligent and shocking.

Dashing California DJ has a one night stand with an obsessive fan, who will have his love at ANY cost!

While a bit on the dated side, Play Misty for Me still works well as a steely, nail-biter of a film. The film's premise is clever, especially for its time, and escalates into an intense suspense piece. Eastwood's direction is well-done, nicely using the coastal filming locations. Eastwood also builds some great sequences of shock and tension, especially for the films edgy climax.

Eastwood himself does a great performance as the tormented DJ. Jessica Walter however steals the show. Walter's performance is absolutely powerful and she comes off as one of the best psycho-females of cinematic history! She's simply unforgettable.

A suspense masterpiece through and through, Play Misty for Me has since gone on to be quite an influential film and one that well-stands the test of time. Thriller fans should not miss it!

**** out of ****
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Eastwood's directorial debut is occasionally pedestrian, but he's helped by a solid script...
moonspinner5530 April 2006
Too-careful shocker directed and starring Clint Eastwood involves a radio disc-jockey who gets seductive requests by telephone for the song "Misty"--he later meets the overly-friendly female fan and they share a fling, but she 'won't be ignored'. Tense thriller may have been the starting point for Adrian Lyne's "Fatal Attraction", though this one is far less slick. Sometimes an actor is so good in a role that it's impossible to see them as anyone else later in their career; such is the case with Jessica Walter, who nails this part of the psychotic woman--and seems to embody instability itself! Several scenes go on too long, the climax is so dark visually it is nearly incoherent, and there's a jazz festival interlude (and a romantic montage with Eastwood and Donna Mills) that feels like padding, but the central situation is unsettling, well-crafted and well-played. As for Walter, she had a tough time shaking off the affects left behind with this role, which of course is both pro and con. *** from ****
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Evelyn's one Scary Bird! Warning: Spoilers
I am a fan of Clint Eastwood both as an actor and a director. Sergio Leone's 'Dollar' films range among my all-time favorites (especially "The Good, The Bad And The Ugly"), and Eastwood continued to be the epitome of coolness in "Dirty Harry" and its successors. His work as a director is impressive, "High Plains Drifter" (1973), "The Outlaw Josey Wales" (1976), and "Unforgiven" (1993) are my personal favorites of the films Eastwood has directed, and other films of his, such as "Pale Rider", or more recently "Mystic River" are also very impressive. Having expressed my respect and admiration for this great actor and director, I must say that his directorial debut "Play Misty For Me" of 1973 is slightly overrated, in my opinion. Not that it was a bad film - on the contrary: The film has some great elements. The performances are great, the locations impressive and I personally also liked the jazzy score a lot. Also, the 'stalking'-topic is interesting, especially for a time when stalking was not yet an issue as it is today. Nevertheless, I was a bit disappointed with "Play Misty For Me", not least due to its reputation as a cult-favorite and essential thriller of the early 70s.

Dave Garver (Eastwood) is a popular radio disc-jockey in Carmel, California. After picking up a seductive woman named Evelyn (Jessica Walter) in a bar, the womanizer's life is about to change. Evelyn, who has been repeatedly calling Dave on his show and requested the song 'Misty', soon turns out to be quite obsessive...

Clint Eastwood is cool as always. Donna Mills and John Larch are also very good in their roles. The best performance, however, is delivered by Jessica Walter, who is truly great and believable in the role of the psychotic and obsessed Evelyn. The locations are beautiful and impressive, and the score is very cool. What disappointed me a little was the fact that it wasn't as suspenseful as I had expected. Also, Eastwood throws in some superfluous elements that just make the film less interesting. To some people these sequences may seem ingenious, but even though I like the music in the film, I personally don't want to watch a concert (that has nothing to do with the plot) for about 10 minutes in the middle of a movie. All things considered, "Play Misty For Me" is certainly worth watching, and Eastwood fans should definitely give it a try. It is just a little overrated, in my opinion, and as far as I am concerned, Eastwood has directed films that are much better, such as the cynical and brutal Western "High Plains Drifter" of 1973 (which was his next work as a director, and one of his greatest). Even though "Play Misty For Me", is not one of my favorites from Eastwood, it is a decent film, however, and definitely recommended to his fans.
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Bold choices
neil-4769 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In his first film as director, Clint Eastwood Takes the bold decision to cast himself, as protagonist, against type. Eastwood's Dave Garner, late night DJ on local radio in Eastwood's real life home patch of Carmel, is not a particularly nice man. Given to self gratification without any consideration for the feelings of those he uses, it is poetic justice of a kind which finds him at the receiving end of unhinged retribution care of casual one-night stand Evelyn (Jessica Walter, gorgeous, sexy, and seriously scary). Factor in his attempts to rescue the relationship he damaged with The One That Got Away (Donna Mills) and that's about it for the plot.

Eastwood had, by this time, spent a long time in front of the camera with some of the best directors in the business, so it's no real surprise that the direction here is as good as it is (and it's no fluke either, as his subsequent career has proved). First act exposition is laid out clearly, second act establishment of the primary conflict is involving, and the third act is full of screamingly effective suspense. This is a film by a man who knows absolutely what he is up to.

And it's one of the best thrillers of the 70s.
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Before there was "Swimfan," before there was "Fatal Attraction," there was "Play Misty For Me"
mattymatt4ever11 October 2002
This movie, I suppose, was the first nice-guy-being-stalked-by-psycho-female thriller. And it's quite damn good. Modern audiences might feel the film was too low-key, but I found it very suspenseful. This proves you don't need eerie music (there's very little score on the soundtrack) and continuous gore to create suspense. Jessica Walter is terrifying--maybe not as terrifying as Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction," but she comes pretty close. It's fun--and somewhat hilarious--to see Clint Eastwood as a young man with LOTS of hair. This was his first directorial effort, and he did a fine job. Over 30 years, the premise has become all-too-familiar, so unfortunately the story is predictable. Maybe 1970's audiences found it more shocking. But I was able to predict who would die and when. Nevertheless, I still found "Play Misty For Me" very entertaining and very well-acted. But what was with that jazz concert scene? Clint definitely should've left that on the cutting room floor.

My score: 7 (out of 10)
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Some behavior unrealistic
roborose200526 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I recently viewed this movie on TMC, and even allowing for its age, I found too many holes, and some of the plot unbelievable. Up to a point, it was all it was supposed to be: suspenseful, scary, edge of your seat. Then the plot broke down for me: First, she was arrested for murder. She was obviously nuts. Why on earth did they let her out??? There could or should have at least been some explanation. Second, Clint Eastwood's character was too Clint Eastwood. So laid back, even with all the danger, he was still the same, no emotion. One would think, knowing this killer is stalking him, that there would have been some caution, some guard around his house, a little anxiety perhaps???
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What a movie!!!
shafatqadri17 May 2009
Clint Eastwood never fails to amaze me. I have not seen a resume like what he has for an actor, a producer, a composer, a screenplay writer and a director, considering the fact he started off as a mere extra. Made his debut in 1955 as an actor and later turned into a producer and a director and is still going strong and looks fit for his age (Million Dollar Baby).

The beginning of the 1970s found Clint Eastwood either at or near the front ranks of actors who were considered sure box office, right up there with actors as diverse as Paul Newman and John Wayne. What caught a lot of people off guard in 1971, however, was when Eastwood, armed with the expertise he had gained working with Sergio Leone and Don Siegel, got into the business of directing. No one could have predicted that the Man With No Name would soon become the Man With A Big Name behind the camera. But that is indeed what happened; and his first effort both in front of and behind the camera was a winner: PLAY MISTY FOR ME Filmed in Carmel, California, 'Play Misty For Me' features Eastwood as a DJ at a local jazz radio station taking all-night requests.On a particular night he gets a call from a mysterious woman to "Play 'Misty' for me", referring to a classic Errol Garner song "Misty". As it turns out, that woman (Jessica Walter) has something of a fixation on Eastwood. Furthermore, when Eastwood meets back up with an old flame of his (Donna Mills), Walter's fixation takes a turn towards the psychotic.

At this time if you are thinking this sounds like Fatal Attraction starring Michael Douglas, you would be right. The plot is same somewhat but personally I like 'Play Misty For Me' more cause me being a huge fan of Clint Eastwood.

'Play Misty For Me' was not a perfect movie when it was released. There are a couple of awkward sequences that simply don't work at all in the film, but Eastwood recovers from such scenes and makes some very good and mature directorial choices as the film progresses.

Featuring of a cameo role from Eastwood's mentor Don Siegel as his local bartender, 'Play Misty For Me', despite some slightly misogynistic overtones, is an incredibly suspenseful work of film-making and shows the first glimpse of just how good Clint Eastwood would become both in front of and behind the camera.
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The scream you hear may be your own!
Hey_Sweden16 April 2016
Clint Eastwood certainly learned his lessons well when it came to making his directorial debut, with this now legendary shocker. It may not be all that original, but when it comes to this kind of stalker melodrama, it definitely set a template for others to follow. The pacing wasn't always as tight as this viewer would have liked, but the script (written by Jo Heims and Dean Riesner, based on Heims' story) is often pretty snappy and the film is well cast, and well acted, from top to bottom.

Clint also stars, playing late night jazz D. J. Dave Garver, who learns that he has a devoted admirer in the sexy Evelyn Draper (Jessica Walter). They have a brief fling, but Dave finds that Evelyn will be extremely unwilling to let him go. She will also go over the deep end upon her discovery that Dave is busy making amends with another woman, an ex-girlfriend named Tobie (Donna Mills). The balance of the film shows what happens as Evelyns' actions threaten to completely derail Daves' life.

Clint is good in the lead, and Mills is appealing in her part. John Larch is a delight as a sardonic police detective who gets involved when the deranged Evelyn assaults Daves' housekeeper Birdie (Clarice Taylor). All lending their valuable support are Jack Ging, Irene Hervey, and James McEachin. Clint also casts his directing mentor, and five time collaborator, Don Siegel, in the role of Murphy the bartender, and Siegel does a solid and engaging job. But the main reason that "Play Misty for Me" is so memorable is because Walter is so incredible. She is, by turns, amusing, sexy, clingy, pathetic, and ultimately psychotic.

Well filmed, and situated in Clints' old stamping ground, the town of Carmel. In addition to the score by Dee Barton, there's plenty of great music along the way, with some sequences set at the Monterey Jazz Festival. There are brief, jarring bursts of violence, and a fairly effective and suspenseful finale.

This has to rank as one of the most iconic films in this whole sub genre of thrillers.

Seven out of 10.
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helena-burstrom9 March 2021
A strong six/weak seven. Has held up pretty well over time. Entertaining and better than some similar movies that have come after but at the same time not so special...nothing I would see again.
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A Film That Launched A Sub Genre Years Later
Theo Robertson5 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It's strange but PLAY MISTY FOR ME influence didn't seem to have an effect on Hollywood until many years later when every studio seemed to be making " person from Hell thrillers " every week . This is the first movie to use the plot and dare I say it's possibly the best ?

Clint Eastwood is not a great character actor and it's difficult not to think of him as anything other than Clint Eastwood but in PMFM he plays one of his most affable roles as Dave Garver a radio DJ who has a one night stand with Evelyn a fan . Come on guys it's not like he's married and we'd all probably do the same so he's easier to empathise with unlike say Michael Douglas in FATAL ATTRACTION or Bill Clinton in The White House who probably did bring their troubles on themselves , so to all intents and purposes Dave is a relatively " innocent " victim

There is some sex and violence but since we're talking 1971 it's not as naseauting or as explicit as it would be in late 80s/early 90s with only the last ten minutes being anywhere over the top . It's a film whose dialogue keeps you entertained than than ridiculous set pieces as in : " Why don't you chase some sailors ?

" I hate sea food "


" What is this ? Be kind to seniir citizens week ? "


" Why don't you play some Al Monte "

" I never knew you liked the show "

" I don't . I just like Al Monte "

Ah the days when dialogue was well written without being post modernist

Eastwood's directing while not exactly being Oscar standard does at least show signs of great competence and manages to wring most of the potential tension from the story but there's one sequence that is every bit as influential as the premise when the story stops and we see a montage disguised as a pop song . I don't know if Eastwood should take the blame/credit for this but we'd see the same thing in APOCALYPSE NOW followed by just about every single movie of the 1980s having several musical montages

PLAY MISTY FOR ME is a very memorable thriller , though since the premise has been stolen by literally dozens of movies in the last 30 years the familiarity of the story perhaps lessens the impact it originally had
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A Classic and One of the Best Thrillers of the 70's
claudio_carvalho13 October 2005
In the city of Carmel, the popular disc-jockey David Garver (Clint Eastwood) has one night stand with Evelyn Draper (Jessica Walter), a strange he met in a bar after his show. The woman, indeed a deranged obsessed fan, stalks David and threatens his life, his girl-friend Tobie Williams (Donna Mills), his friends and even his job.

The debut of Clint Eastwood as director could not be better. This low budget and low paced movie has a simple, but frightening story, which was ripped off at least in the famous "Fatal Attraction" and the teen version "Swimfan". The magnificent landscape and locations in the beautiful city of Carmel, where Clint Eastwood was elected Major many years later, are another attraction. The performance of Jessica Walters is awesome, changing naturally her behavior from a sweet to an aggressive person, really incorporating her character. Clint Eastwood is very cool, as usual, and Donna Mills very gorgeous. I like the unusual break of tension adopted when Evelyn is arrested and Dave and Tobie's routine returns to normal, dating, going to festival, making love, increasing the suspense after the twist point. I do not recall how many times I have seen "Play Misty for Me", a classic and one of the best thrillers of the 70's. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Perversa Paixão" ("Wicked Passion")
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nice work from Jessica Walter
SnoopyStyle26 October 2015
Dave Garver (Clint Eastwood) is an overnight radio DJ in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California. Evelyn Draper (Jessica Walter) calls in to ask "Play Misty for me". She tracks him down at a bar and they have a sexual encounter. He's a serial casual dater but she won't take a hint. His casual dating turns into a hard break-up. She takes it badly by trying suicide in his home. He is forced to care for her and she threatens his reputation.

This is Clint Eastwood's directorial debut and it's competent work. A lot of it is Jessica Walter doing a stellar job as the woman who slowly reveals herself to be crazy. There are no likable characters and that's the same problem I have with Fatal Attraction. I don't particularly care for anybody in this movie. There's also nothing quite as memorable as a boiled bunny but Jessica Walter is great.
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no such thing as casual sex
buby198727 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Clint Eastwood made a fine debut as a director with Play Misty For Me. There is a laid-back quality to this film, which begins in a casual way, and then tightens the screws later as the stalking plot kicks in. The film beautifully captures the Edenic qualities of Carmel and Monterey, and Eastwood has a great eye for the particular scenic details of the Northern California coast. Most movies today have a "cut to the chase" mentality, in which everything has to move at warp speed, so it's refreshing to see a movie take its time to establish the setting and the characters.

This film is an interesting rebuke to the sexual revolution of the late 60's and early 70's. Jessica Walter's character may be acting in an extreme way, but there is some justification for her rage -- Eastwood's character is a ladies' man who likes to rack up as many conquests as he can, and then move on, but here's one woman who refuses to be discarded. The point is, there are repercussions to all our acts. Also, being a public figure brings its share of grief and misery (just ask John Lennon).
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play misty for me
Jeliosjelios26 December 2010
This is the first movie directed by Clint Eastwood. The first one in a long and talented series. Universal gave the agreement to Clint Eastwood to direct his first film from a story written a few years ago by a friend Jo Hiem. This film will be shot on naturals locations in under five weeks with a team of about 25 people for less than a million dollars as agreed financially. Its cost will be about $ 800 000.

The tone and rhythm specific to Clint Eastwood is quickly felt. This narration may seem somewhat soft and a bit long at first glance but it did nothing, because it still built on a strong history, strong story lines and the plot is perfectly still and reinforces characters who are the major elements of Eastwood's movies always very "human". Over here, this style of narration enhances the depth psychiatric Evelyn Draper played by Jessica Walter.

An interesting use of type of shooting is out on this first work. There are actually shots and panoramic with feet, shoulder camera, subjective views, plans and very "seventies" or originals These elements and their good use to create wealth realization.

We note from the foreground, a Hitchcock touch. A subject already explored by the master and who could be his indeed. It is true that this film is a suspense thriller background of psychiatry. But how to film some shots as coastlines, roads, action ... without forget to mention the tone and the overall pace of the plot and the action adds to achieving a certain Hitchcock key. This fact don't stop with the poster of the film in the unconscious of moviegoers back to Psycho. (A woman is brandishing a knife). This effect psychosis is immediately stopped by the photo just below of Clint Eastwood surprised and frightened on a pillow. This film has its own identity and is also a good right well "Eastwood" which is the solution.

Note the reassuring presence for Clint Eastwood and friendly to us of Don Siegel, the mentor director of Mr. Eastwood. Don Siegel made his first steps as an actor for a small role. Don Siegel parties are also photographed on the first day. That is, a reassuring for Clint Eastwood who also said "to see someone much more stressed than me on the first day of shooting". The experience gained in particular with Don Siegel and Clint Eastwood's talent enough to finish this movie with a good realization, a method acting and direction more than impressive and promising for a first film.

And note the good jazz soundtrack in the movie supported by the long sequence in the music festival, it sound very Clint Eastwood.

Although the story may lack depth and foundations, it easily gets trapped in the streets of this small California town and history experienced by these characters. A major work in the Clint Eastwood's career. A good movie, entertaining, fun and eventful.

View this movie without hesitations.

"And now we have a pretty one for lonely lovers on a cool, cool night. It's the great Erroll Garner and the classic misty and this one is especially for Evelyn."

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Play Misty For Me....
dworldeater7 July 2016
Play Misty For Me is the excellent directorial debut of Clint Eastwood and the third film in a trilogy of films in an experimental phase of Eastwood's career. I'm no fan of Paint Your Wagon, but the other two films in question (The Beguiled and this film) are very good and some of Clint's most interesting work. Play Misty For Me is a tense thriller in the same vein as Fatal Attraction, which Misty... no doubt had a big influence on. Clint Eastwood plays a laid back jazz DJ that gets a lot of action from the ladies. He tries to focus his efforts on one woman and a chance encounter with groupie Evelyn turns into a torrid affair that later turns his life upside down. Dave's (Clint) attempts to call off the relationship go awry and Evelyn starts stalking him an disrupting his life. Foxy lady Evelyn Draper(Jessica Walter) turns out to be the super fan from hell as events unfold to its violent climax. Clint gives an excellent performance and shows his more vulnerable side in this project. The direction is solid and the story flows together well. The camera-work is quite good as well. Clint does a fine job building tension and suspense in this Hitchcock like shocker. The jazzy score and wardrobes make the film dated to that specific period(late 60's/early 70's), but also gives the movie its own flavor and ambiance that separates it from similar styled films. Overall, Play Misty For Me holds up really well and was an original movie in its day, plus it shows Clint's ability to direct and range as an actor. Great film.
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Eastwood's Directorial Debut
gavin694212 August 2015
A brief fling between a male disc jockey (Clint Eastwood) and an obsessed female fan (Jessica Walter) takes a frightening, and perhaps even deadly turn when another woman enters the picture.

I appreciate that Eastwood's directorial debut was a thriller, rather than a western or drama or action film. He took a bold turn from what people might have expected and excelled at it. Over forty years later (2015), the film holds up very well and it really needs to be revisited by people in light of Eastwood's subsequent success (not to mention Walter's rising star from "Arrested Development").

I enjoyed this greatly, and may need to add it to my personal collection... especially if a blu-ray exists.
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Thorsten-Krings7 May 2007
At the time the topic -a psychopathic stalker- was really modern. At first it's also cleverly done as Eastwood does not take sides: both characters are equally emotionally retarded and Eastwood comes across as downright nasty. It's also well acted. The problem with that film is however that the story does not carry it for a feature length so Eastwood includes two awfully long and boring scenes. These films are very visual but also very self indulgent. What the film would have needed is more character development in the middle. So you end up with a film that starts pretty interesting, then slows down incredibly with an ending or rather a climax that comes to sudden. So all in all the dramaturgy is wrong and the look of the film (long, long scenes with music) today seems terribly dated.
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