The Adventures of Mark Twain (1985) Poster

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Mark Twain to Collid With Halley's Comet
blacktiefight1 November 2006
This is some great claymation. Great detail caught in the facial expressions, lots of characters and settings. This film is truly a captivating visual experience. Mark Twain is driving an airship to Haley's Comet into his demise, and his characters Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn have stowawayed themselves on the ship. Some of Mark Twain's other stories are told in the process in claymation, and creation, death, and the afterlife are all explored. This film is not just for kids as it has a very adult sense of humor and some very deep themes. I really enjoyed it more than I expected too, definitely a classic in clay-animation.
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Brilliantly Animated Story
jonathanziegler17 November 2000
After recently watching this film on video, I realized I had finally seen a movie I have waited 15 years to see since I missed it in the theatres when it first came out. I was not disappointed. Will Vinton Studios went out of their way to produce a masterpiece: the animation is top-notch, the story is amusing, intelligent, and marked with wry humor. I was particularly impressed with the section with the Mysterious Stranger. Most of the film focuses on the story of Adam and Eve. They explore Twain's dark side and his emotional side. Through all the subject matter, it still remains a family movie. Absolutely brilliant.
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Perfect Tribute to America's Best Writer- Very Original and Very Entertaining
D_Burke15 September 2008
A lot of things amaze me about this movie. First of all, this movie came out when I was a kid, and I had never heard of it until this past week. Second, someone actually got around to releasing it on DVD, although with virtually no special features. And third, of all the movies the Claymation guys could have picked, they chose this one. They could have had a California Raisins movie, but instead they chose to go with Mark Twain. In the short run, it was probably not a financially successful move. In the long run, however, it was a very smart move.

This movie, simply put, is so . . . cool. I've always been a fan and admirer of Mark Twain, but never in my life could I have imagined that he could be the subject of a movie where he flies a hot-air balloon/spaceship into Halley's Comet. The Star Wars-esquire introduction in the beginning, however, ties it all together pretty well, at least for those of us who are paying attention.

One of my complaints about the movie, which is more of a compliment than anything else, is that the movie wasn't long enough. Of course, I know that in stop-motion animation it takes an 8 hour day for an animator to make 5 seconds of a film. The fact that it made me want even more is a testament to how good this film is. Anyone who is a fan of animation, AND a fan of Mark Twain will love this movie.

Having said that, however, there were a few issues I had with this movie. First of all, despite the fact that it was G-rated, it was pretty dark in some areas. The one part in particular which I would think would send kids out of the TV room screaming is the part where the three kids (Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, and Becky Thatcher) encounter an "Angel" named Satan. This part of the movie encompasses Twain's unfinished novel (and unquestionably his darkest story), "The Mysterious Stranger". I personally found that part very chilling, but I can't say for sure if it was because Satan himself was frightening to hear and look at, or if the subject matter from an adult's understanding was too much to handle. Perhaps both.

Also, there were some parts in the movie that were very confusing, and contained a half-baked explanation towards the end. For instance, it's very confusing when another member of the ship is found aboard, without giving too much away. The sequences with this member (up until the very end) are choppy at best, and make way for some serious plot holes. It is also not very well explained why Tom Sawyer wanted off the ship. He was eager to get on, and I could understand his equal eagerness to get off too. However, when you're in space, there's really not a lot you can do about it.

My other complaint with the movie was that it spent way too much time on Mark Twain's take on the Adam & Eve story. I really wanted to see other Claymation interpretations of his other stories, such as Pudd'nhead Wilson or A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, to name a few. Although the Adam & Eve segment was funny, and in the end was actually quite sweet, it still should have been shortened to ten minutes tops.

Other than that, the movie was great, and one I'll probably keep in my DVD collection for as long as I can. James Whitmore made a great Mark Twain (although Hal Holbrook also could have done a great job, since Mark Twain is his most famous role outside of film), and the plot, although confusing at times, was so original. Kids may not get the Mark Twain references that other adults may pick up, but they could return to the movie after graduating high school or college and pick up the references immediately.

So I highly recommend "The Adventures of Mark Twain" to everyone. I loved it, and I'm telling everyone I know about it soon.
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Great and Should be a classic
morgannac12 July 2004
I love this movie! I can't believe it's not even available on VHS. My TV tape copy is dying and I can't replace it. I'll have to look at transferring it to DVD from tape.

This is a great fantasy tale of Mark Twain and Halley's Comet with Tom Sawyer, Becky Thatcher, and Huck Finn. I love all the sidepieces just on their own: the story of Adam and Eve, how everyone's heaven is not the same, and the mysterious stranger, the time machine.

It is also an excellent example of Claymation. This should definitely be a classic. If someone like Disney created this, this would have made it to DVD or even VHS by now.
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Was this the first stop motion film?
ericstevenson10 January 2018
Why isn't "Adventures Of Title" a trope yet? Seriously, I see that title everywhere. This was a good movie for me, but it wasn't that good. It's mostly because I wish they would have had more Mark Twain stories that we're familiar with. Then again, it was kind of nice to learn about ones I was not familiar with. The stop motion effects are the highlight.

I remember seeing the part with Satan the angel on the Internet years ago. That's easily the best part of the movie. This film tells the story of how Huckleberry Finn, Tom Swayer, and Becky Thatcher stumbled onto Mark Twain's airship. Mark Twain was a critic of religion, but the stories here didn't seem anti-religious. The Adam and Eve one was more funny than anything else. It has some interesting morals to it too.
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Thoughtful, fun, and dark
imlanglois22 May 2002
I must have seen The Adventures of Mark Twain for the first time over twelve years ago, and for over a decade it had haunted me... rarely, if ever, rebroadcast, I was left only with vague memory of what I remembered as one of the most vibrant pieces of visual art and storytelling that I was exposed to as a youth. I recently purchased it directly from the studio that released it, and got to return to it for the first time in a long time. Of course, when returning to childhood films, you always run the risk of being disappointed by the film being worse than you recall. Luckily, I was not disappointed at all. The story is of Mark Twain's characters Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, and Becky Thatcher as they stow on board an airship created by Mark Twain himself. Through the course of their journey across the world to meet Haley's comet, we are invited to retellings of Twain stories and meet all sorts of different characters. The humour is intelligent and dry, but not over the heads of children.

Visually, this piece is stunning. There is something vivid and tactile about stop-motion animation that will always appeal to me more than any CGI creation. Will Vinton outdoes himself with this piece. From the grandeur of Twain's airship or the Garden of Eden, to the detail of Twain's parlour/billiard room and the simple, truthful human expressions that the animators manage to create on the characters' faces, the film is impressive from first to last.

What surprised me the most is how this film, which I remembered as a children's or family film, is in fact quite dark. It deals with aspects of life, death, evil, and human nature that one would never expect in a so-called "family" film. But while the outward darkness, and, at times, even morbidity of individual aspects may seem inappropriate for family viewing, it comes from the sane and grounded perspective that Twain himself seems to have been known for. Like in any good storytelling, the dark side of humanity is not spared from the viewer just because of the potentially youthful audiences.

By way of criticism, the film could definitely move at a faster pace. The humour, while clever and dry, as I said, could have been pushed farther. There were many times the film set us up for quite a punchline and then didn't deliver, instead settling for a consistent level of pleasant amusement. And I wish the episodic structure had been more fully taken advantage of, and had been extended into even more stories. But that may just be me wishing the movie was longer than 86 minutes. You can't have too much of a good thing.

I give the storytelling an 8 out of 10, and visuals a 10 of 10. Overall, a 9. There aren't too many of those, as far as I'm concerned.

And even if you didn't like this movie, you gotta admit, it's one of a kind.
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Possibly the strangest, scariest claymated film ever made
TOMNEL4 October 2008
The Nightmare Before Christmas is a strange clay animation, but this takes the cake for all around strangeness. Mark Twain on a crazy, science fiction hot air balloon with some of his characters on board, and his goal is to collide with Halley's Comet. It's weirder than it sounds, and makes even less sense too. The animation is what makes this watchable, and the lack of coherent plot brings it down greatly.

Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn go into town to find that local writer Mark Twain is going into the sky in a hot air balloon that looks more like a giant blimp. They sneak on board, along with their friend Becky Thatcher, and Mark Twain tells them his plan to hit Halley's Comet. He also tells them several stories, the most prominent being Twain's take on Adam and Eve. This might be the only claymated anthology movie, and let's hope not too many more are made. This didn't work at all as a feature length film because of it's anthology set up. It feels like a jumbled, disjointed television program.

The animation looks good. It's some of the most detailed animation I've ever seen. The characters all look unique and have such expressive faces. Everything is very smooth, and for it's time, and even for now, this was some great animation.

It seems the casting directors looked hard, and they found the perfect, most natural sounding voices. Where some cartoons suffer from unnatural sounding characters, this movie has very realistic voices. The voices are so natural and not over the top at all, they mix in well with the spectacular animation to give a surrealistic atmosphere, that seems very real, but at the same time quite askew, as one would expect a film about Mark Twain in a magical balloon would be.

So, what was the point of this movie? It must have been to teach children about the written works of Mark Twain, but what child would want to sit through this? Sure, it looks good, but it's a bunch of random stories little children would find boring, and the actual plot of Sawyer and Finn on board Mark Twain's balloon is just bizarre. Some scenes are downright scary. The scariest scene in the movie deals with the kids going into a dark room with a creepy character who spoke through a mask who goes by the name of Satan. Satan destroys worlds, and the kids become confused and scared, which is the same reaction as the audience. It's hard to tell who this was made for. It appeals to no one, but that might be due to the quality of the script.

I hated the end theme song about heroes. What a horrible song to end the movies. It's cheesy and very 80's, and doesn't go along with a cartoon taking place in 1910. It would have fit better on Teen Wolf than this.

Overall, what we have here is a very odd movie about Mark Twain and some of his characters traveling and telling stories. The animation is top notch, but the plot (or there lack of) is next to none. This features the scariest animated scene ever, and is a truly bizarre psychedelic trip through 1910 (Never thought I'd say that!).

My rating: ** 1/2 out of ****. 85 mins. Rated G.
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These people are not exaggerating
karo-617 December 2004
Amazingly for those who haven't seen it (and usually neither heard of it), this unknown animated masterpiece regularly makes it into the shortest short-list of best films of those who have - and i don't mean list of animated movies, but movies in general. Uncomparable to anything else - much like Twain himself - it's every aspect is just amazing. It will feast your eyes (as much as any claymation can), fill your heart (with a both joy, sorrow, warmth and eeriness), boggle your brain, and make your jaw hurt. And you'll still have to find time to enjoy acting (yes, _acting_ of the clay figures here is just amazing) and clever solutions. For example, Mysterious Stranger is the best visualization of Devil(?) i ever saw in film.

Some have pointed out that it is "not necessarily a kids movie"; Not AT ALL a kids movie, i'd rather say.

Nobody forgets seeing it, and as soon as one remembers it later, one starts to look for it. Alas, it is extremely hard to find - at least i never succeeded. I saw it only twice, on TV, no less than 10 and 14 years ago, and my filmometer jumps high every time i think about it.

Find it. See it. Enjoy the ride. Copy it. Copy it again, for your grandchildren, and save the copy somewhere safe till they grow up.
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an odd animated epic
jonnathanchavezz9 March 2021
An incredibly fun and masterfully animated film that puts a clever and somewhat dour spin on the mark twain mythos
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best unknown movie ever
democracys-113 March 2003
I know this is going to sound like hyperbole, but this makes my list of the ten best movies EVER. What a shame it's so obscure. Highly recommended, for older kids and adults. A bit dark and scary for younger kids.

The script draws in some of the more obscure Twain works such as The Mysterious Stranger and Tom And Huck Abroad, and does so seamlessly. The claymation is excellent. It really gives you sense of both the humor, darkness, and humanity of Mark Twain. Just a great, great movie, and an excellent overview of Twain and his work.

BTW, I believe that there is a later live-action movie with the same title (The Adventures Of Mark Twain), so don't get the wrong one.
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A strange film.
MorpheusOne7 July 2022
Claymation, a form of animation that few people seem to know even exists, is the entire movie. And animation, as a whole, seems to be particularly looked down upon by many people because of the perception that animation is only for children. That's...apparently...what the creators of this film had originally intended. I find that to be particularly ignorant and short-sighted.

With that out of the way, I do however not believe that the following is because of or in spite of this. While I do find that this film may be okay for older children, I would say no younger than 10, the concept of evil is examined in some detail in this film and while many younger children may just find this film simply unappealing, too complex for them to grasp, perhaps just as many, I think it's likely, could find the film disturbing.

Good luck!
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A eclectic movie beyond excellence, it's something else!
red_phoenixk27 August 2007
I don't know how they did it. This movie is as close to memorable as "movie magic" will ever get. As i sifted through the previously posted comments i came to realize that i wasn't the only one who was completely "tranced" by its animation and story line as a little kid. Unbelievable! Kudos to those who did it.

I watched it only once before, i think i was around 7, and i NEVER EVER forgot about it! Then i watched it again yesterday, and then an avalanche of unexplained and repressed memories came down trickling as things became clearer. Well, a bit more clearer!

At any rate, now that i know what it's about, i can't say i am disappointed. This time nostalgia really paid out. Beautiful movie, even if broody, in every respect. That said, this clearly isn't a movie for everyone.
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Is this a kid movie?
BandSAboutMovies19 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Will Vinton is probably best known for his Claymation California Raisins, but he also made this incredibly strange movie with a seventeen person crew, which is an astounding achievement.

Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn and Becky Thatcher - yes, all creations of Mark Twain - have snuck on board an airship that will take the real Mark Twain to meet Hailey's Comet. Twain believes that because he was born the last time the comet came to Earth, he is fated to die when it comes back.

This has some basis in truth, as Twain said, "I came in with Halley's Comet* in 1835. It is coming again next year (1910), and I expect to go out with it. It will be the greatest disappointment of my life if I don't go out with Halley's Comet. The Almighty has said, no doubt: "Now here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together, they must go out together."" Twain died a day after the comet flew by, living up to his words.

There's also a devil side to Twain, the Mysterious Stranger, and this movie has often shown up in memes because of just how strange it is*.* It also has scenes from plenty of Twain's works, including The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Mysterious Stranger, "The Diaries of Adam and Eve (Letters from the Earth)," "Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven" and "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County."

Not all children's films are for children, as evidenced by this movie. While anyone in the family can enjoy this, those debating their mortality will get much from this wonderful creation, all made by human hands.

*The film - originally shot in live action black and white for reference, then animated in Claymation, was finished in 1984, but was not distributed until 1986 to commemorate another appearance by Hailey's Comet.

**That segment was often deleted when this aired on TV, as it was so dark that it disturbed children.
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Great clay animation, but story not so good--and not for children!
kielsa0330 December 2014
I just watched this movie for the first time. I remember seeing a preview of it once (probably when it first came out on DVD), and the description sounded interesting. But it really wasn't that great. The only reason I rated it 2 stars instead of 1 is because parts of it were kind of funny.

Unfortunately, most of the movie is best described as either really weird or downright creepy. Instead of focusing on Mark Twain's well-known, well-loved stories like Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, Pudd'nhead Wilson, etc., it focuses more on the weird stories he wrote.

This movie had very good clay animation, but that's its best quality. The storyline really isn't very good, and I found myself getting either bored or creeped out for most of it. I wouldn't watch it again, and I definitely would not show it to children--it would probably scare them! If you want something entertaining and fun, skip this movie and just read Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn--it'll be a much better use of your time!
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wonderful, yet dark
cookies_n_cream0078 August 2006
My mother brought this movie home from the library once when I was a young child, about 4. I didn't understand it very well, but I was thrilled by the clay animation. When I was about 13, I came across it tin the library again and after checking it out, I found a post-it note stating: "May not be understood by children under Junior High level."

When I watched it again, I understood it. There was the story of Adam and Eve and how they didn't understand what each other did, and thought each other foolish. Then there was the dark side. I still didn't understand it quite as well after watching it a second time, but it was slightly understood.

This may not being a good movie for younger children, but they do get a thrill out of the animation, although they may not fully understand it.
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No Ordinary Steamboat Ride
EmperorNortonII4 November 2000
"The Adventures of Mark Twain" is a fascinating animated feature. The clever mind of Will Vinton fashioned a masterpiece from the works of one of America's greatest writers. Seeing stories like "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" and "The Diaries of Adam and Eve" fleshed out in animation is something else. Of course, it's doubtful that any studio today would make an animated film exactly like this. Still, I'd think it's a wonderful way to introduce younger people to classic American literature.
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One of the hidden gems of claymation
ZorinAlvien6 August 2007
This film was one of my favourites as a child, and has remained so for many and various reasons. The Claymation in the film is second-to-none, with objects and characters continually reshaping themselves in a most psychedelic fashion. The story is fantastic, and weaves together several of Mark Twain's lesser known tales using a fantastically depicted frame story of his most famous characters (Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer, and Becky Thatcher) stowing away on Twain's balloon in which he intends to meet Halley's comet, there in the year of his birth and the year of his death. (Quote: "There go those two unaccountable freaks, they came in together and they must go out together") This movie is not just visually superb, it brings its viewer through the story with all the emotions that a great movie should bring to its viewer. From joy in the touching antics of 'Our Ancestor Adam' from the 'Diary of Adam and Eve' section through some brilliantly evocative quotes spoken by the fantastically animated 'Twain' to the eerie and fearful intensity that comes when the central characters meet 'An Angel', this movie has true and unconventional value.

I would recommend this to everyone, but as I'd like it to remain one of cinema's rare hidden gems, don't watch it unless you're ready to be amazed...
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The Adventure of Watching a Claymation about Mark Twain
shortnsweet0148917 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I begin to explain the splendid majesty of this highly acclaimed film? It is...enlightening, educating, and most of all...inspiring. It jolts the imagination to confusion, it swirls the mind around the idea of Mark Twain in a submarine in the sky, it makes you wish that you too could be made of clay and have adventures in the sky.

The most inspiring character is Becky "Angelfish". Her role is small, but she plays it with awe-ing acting and her beauty is undescribably off the charts. Her braids swishing in the wind of the air, her squeaky voice shouting at her Tom, and her obvious statements are so charming that you wish that she was real.

Tom and Huck also play amazing characters in this film, but the real actor in Homer, Huck's frog. Homer's part has action, adventure and lines that only the wisest can truly fathom. The sequence where Homer (spoiler warning) is dangling off the edge of the balloon during the storm is dramatic, well-played and excellently managed. Mark Twain saves him and Homer is happily reunited with his pal, Huck.

Huck's character is mature while you may want to beat Tom's character with a stick for his ignorance. Twain is the star, but his acting cannot compare with that of Becky's and Homer's.

The animation is superb, the quotes are well placed and the story is imaginative and dark, comical, and unique. I suggest that you go out to the store and fling yourself at the first copy for it shall change your life as you know it. Please do not wait for this opportunity may pass you by. As Mark Twain once said (and says in this movie): "Naked people have little or no influence on society." -- Mark Twain
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not really a summary, just some feedback
psychostyrene-123 October 2007
i first saw this film, god knows how many years ago (something like 18-20 years ago) and it stuck with me.... most specifically the duality of the character of mark twain himself and the roller-coaster ride thru modern western mythology... there's some fairly deep ideas in here,(which given the current social and religious climate), we are unlikely to see again on screen for a while. i cant imagine anyone making anything this experimental again for quite some time, much less expecting children to be able to understand and keep up... if this was available on DVD id buy it in a heartbeat.... has anyone come across anything with a similar flavour?
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Did not enjoy!!!!!
craash-7740230 January 2019
The account of Adam and Eve was horrible. I didn't much care for the depiction of Satan either. I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone.
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Pure Joy!
Vastarien2025 October 2006
I saw this when I was small at my grandmother's house. I saw it only once more, years later somewhere on TV. I had never loved a claymation film more until Tim Burton's NBC. I was lucky enough to find it on DVD, and promptly rented and watched it last night. I fell in love all over again. Tim could learn much from this gem. The facial expressions are spot-on, almost photographic, the story is great, and the sly humour is wonderfully refreshing. This is such a huge labor of love,for the art itself and for the man that inspired it,leagues away from anything animation has been for the past 15 years or so. I loved it because it never talked down to me as a kid, and wasn't afraid to show me that innocence can be terrifying. "I can do no wrong, for I do not know what it is" is the most chilling line I have ever heard spoken in any film. Rent this or buy it as soon as you can, you won't be sorry.
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Wonderful animation, wonderful script
requinn23 April 2004
This is an amazing piece of animation and script. The script is taken almost entirely from the works of Mark Twain, especially some of his lesser known pieces of satire. The whole sequence on Adam and Eve is the best. The "Mysterious Stranger" segment is particularly dark and brooding. Vinton has done an excellent and clever job of mixing real events in Twain's life, the fact that he was born and died with the appearing of Haley's Comet, and events and characters from his "fictional" life, the characters of Tom Sawyer. A masterpiece for devotees of Mark Twain and those who know little but want to know more. We can only hope that it will be released soon. The is no artistic reason to lock it away in a vault. I first saw it 15 years ago on an overnight movie program on a local TV station. I have regretted not being able to see it again except on a poor quality video tape I made of the show.
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Hadn't seen this since I was in grade school, and surprisingly it held up wonderfully!
zetes22 July 2007
This is a movie that I watched a lot as a kid, having taped it off (I presume) HBO. It's one of those movies that stays with you. I haven't seen it since I was in grade school, but, watching it now, I'm not sure if I forgot even a second of it. It was the first feature film made entirely with clay. Mark Twain plans to fly his airship to meet up with Halley's Comet. Three of his most famous characters, Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn and Becky Thatcher, stow away on the ship. When discovered, Twain makes them his crew. On the ship, they are told some of Twain's stories, and here plenty of his famous witticisms (almost all of Twain's dialogue is made up of his nuggets of wisdom). The movie starts off pretty slow, and some of the comedy early on is only moderately amusing. However, as it moves on, the film becomes darker, discovering the cynicism and sadness that exists in the works of Mark Twain. The most memorable sequence has the children meeting Satan, inspired by the posthumously published work The Mysterious Stranger. My other favorite segment is from The Diaries of Captain Stormfield, where a man arrives at an alien version of Heaven. Thanks go to the Onion's A.V. Club for pointing out that this was released on DVD a while back. I never would have caught that myself.
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Great movie for all ages
jamesapex26 June 2005
This movie is a wonderful treat for any age. A child can grow up with this movie and see it differently as he/she matures. As a great fan of Mark Twain, I can say this movie has never disappointed me.

It has a wonderful storyline and the claymation makes for better than average animation. There are some truly dark parts in this movie that young children will not understand, but that adults may find disturbing.

I have watched this movie many times and have never tired of it. There are few movies I have watched more than once. The script is so well developed from all the material that Twain wrote, that I have been continuously impressed at its depth. The broad outline of the story is based on the fact that Samuel Clemens was born and died in successive passes of Halley's Comet. Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer and Becky Thatcher are along on a ride on an airship invented by Mark Twain. Portions of Twain's stories are presented as "chapters" in the overall storyline.

The sad part is the unavailability of the movie. It was released on video tape, but now there are only a few used tapes for sale. I vote for release on DVD so the movie could reach a wider audience. I will certainly buy multiple copies to give as presents to all the Twain fans I know.
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A good movie, but not necessarily a kids movie.
Dah2A4 December 2003
I am currently 22 years old, and remember seeing this movie in the theatres when it first came out. You heard me right, I was 5 years old, and yet I can still distinctly remember what I saw that afternoon so many years ago. Was it a mystical trip through the fantastic world of Mark Twain's creativity?... No, on the other hand, it was a quite creepy film about Mark Twain's dark, depressed, and in fact suicidal side. One scene that still bothers me was a particularly strange scene in which Mark Twain is playing the organ at his own funeral.

Would an adult enjoy this film? Well, this movie quite possibly features some interesting viewpoints that a person with a working knowledge of Mark Twain's writing might enjoy; but trust me on this, "Adventures" is NOT the film you want to use to introduce your young children to Mark Twain.
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