Courage Under Fire (1996) Poster

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A great Movie, Overlooked by too many
mjw230518 January 2005
This movie has 2 stories that that run side by side, depicting the same image of war from different perspectives.

Denzel's story is one of sadness and guilt over the death of a friend during the Gulf war, a friend that he himself killed in a 'Friendly Fire' incident, during the confusion of battle. His country won't let him speak, and they shower him with medals; this only adds to the pain that begins to tear him apart.

Denzel's Character is given an assignment to determine whether a female helicopter pilot (Meg Ryan) deserves the medal of honour.

Meg's story, played out in flashbacks, is about a helicopter pilot and her crew saving a handful of soldiers, from the Iraqi onslaught. She is the first female to be considered for the medal of honour, and the question is, does she deserve what the American people would so love too see her receive.

Denzel, determined to get this one right, collects evidence and testimony from Ryans crew and the men that were saved. The problem is, Denzel's superiors want this medal awarded, but the simple truth is difficult to unveil. Every shred of evidence leads to more and more uncertainty as to whether this medal should be awarded.

Truly compelling direction and very special character portrayal make this an extremely enjoyable, very dramatic movie.

If you've over looked it, then give it a try. I think you'll be glad you did.

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Worth Watching
rmax30482327 July 2003
The story is a simple one. Washington is a Lt. Colonel responsible for some accidental deaths during a tank battle in the Gulf War. The experience leaves him feeling pretty lousy. He neglects his family and begins drinking. He's assigned to investigate the suitability of Meg Ryan as a posthumous recipient of the Medal of Honor. She was flying a medevac helicopter to a crash site when her aircraft was shot down by small arms fire and, apparently, she stayed behind voluntarily and ordered her crew to save themselves while she covered them. Washington interviews the crew members and gets different stories. In one story Ryan behaves heroically as described. In a second, she is a coward and collapses under fire. In yet a third, the truth emerges. Yeah, it's Rashomon, but not as original or subtle.

Still it's pretty good. And, Gott sei dank, it is not a story in which a woman proves herself as a good as a man, despite the fact that she is a member of the weaker sex. (What condescension.) Meg Ryan is a capable and courageous officer who happens to be a woman. Her sex is important to the politicians who are positively drooling over the prospect of awarding her the decoration, but isn't really important to the narrative.

The performances are better than I'd expected. Everyone, in fact, is quite good in their different ways. Matt Damon, in particular, gives a sensitive performance as a guilt-ridden medic, and looks the part, somewhat ascetic, his facial features askew with uncertainty. Meg Ryan doesn't have a chance to do more than shout orders with a Texas accent but she registers pain and determination well. Lou Diamond Phillips is perhaps the least articulated character, but that may be the fault of the role as written, which is fairly complex but a little obvious. Denzel Washington is the central figure. He's good as carrying that burden of guilt left over from his battlefield mistake but isn't too convincing as a drunk. In the end, he relieves himself of some of that torture by visiting the parents of one of the men he had killed and confessing his part in the incident. The first few times I saw this I kept thinking what some other actors would have done with this scene, but the last time I found his incarnate remorse rather moving.

There is one scene delicately shot, an uneasy exchange between the lying Damon and the perceptive Washington that's beautifully staged and acted, and another memorable first encounter between Washington and Phillips, in which both actors probe the edges of insubordination. Michael Dolan stands out in a featured bit part as a hospital orderly.

The battle scenes are well done, although a little confusing, as I'm sure they would have been at the time. Some generic conventions are adhered to. Four of our guys can slaughter dozens of them. The enemy runs headlong into a hail of bullets. But there are some interesting twists given to the situation. The Iraqis on the other side of the hill can be heard laughing at our boys (and our woman). And the ending is revisionist, but I won't go into it. Justice outs, let's say that.

It's a worthwhile watch for any number of reasons. Craftsmanlike if not poetic.
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Profound, intelligent, and moving; one of Zwick's best...
varundelpiero6 November 2008
Edward Zwick's second war-based movie (following the successful GLORY) is almost as good as his first, and every bit as watchable. I have particularly liked stories that use different viewpoints to tell the same story (hence creating different versions of the same story). These types of movies stemmed no doubt from Akira Kurosawa's epic RASHOMON, and while films that use this strategy rarely live up to Kurosawa's original in terms of intelligence and portrayal (the most recent being the slightly-better-than-mediocre VANTAGE POINT), COURAGE UNDER FIRE is still a rewarding Motion Picture.

Denzel Washington is near his brilliant best as the troubled Lieutenant Colonel on the verge of alcoholism due in part to his overwhelming feelings of guilt following a military procedure gone wrong. His depression and curiosity fuel his determination to get to the bottom of the 'mystery' even if it puts him out of favour with his Commanding Officers. Meg Ryan is equally superb, and as each re-telling of the story demands her to take on a different personality (similar to the female lead in RASHOMON), she manages to pull each one off effectively. Matt Damon puts in a reliable shift, even losing upward of 20 pounds to take on the role. For me, the biggest surprise is Lou Diamond Phillips who is actually quite watchable, and does not overact, as is his tendency.

Zwick's COURAGE UNDER FIRE is an examination of war from a less visceral point of view, and will stay with the viewer long after watching the movie. It deeply delves into themes of responsibility, guilt, and truth in an overall compelling Motion Picture. The script is effective and the buildup to the somewhat sentimental ending is quite commendable.

8/10. 3.5 stars (out of 4). Highly recommended. Should enter my Top 200 at around #183.
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The Method
UACW8 March 2000
America's sweetheart as a helicopter pilot? Most critics say she does an excellent job, but that's not what makes this movie so momentous. Neither is it the excellent performance by Denzel Washington, who had been expected by many to win an Oscar nomination for it. Nor is it the over the top performance of Matt Damon, nor is it the excellent contributions by any of the others in the cast. It's the way the story is told: throughout the movie you see the same sequence, over and over again, and each time you understand what is happening just a little bit more, until at the very end the import of it all hits you like a locomotive. It's a unique brand of story telling, and eminently successful.
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For the kind of film it is, it's not bad
Pookyiscute13 February 2006
At the beginning of the film, someone makes a reference to Meg Ryan's character as being "butch". I immediately thought, "Yeah right. Meg Ryan, butch?" Well, I was actually quite surprised with her performance, given the fact that she is a light romantic screen actress. Plus, she was once considered one of America's sweethearts, so it's hard to picture her in a role like this.

Denzel Washington, a Colonol in the Army, is investigating the death of an American soldier who died in the field, during the Iraqi war. Whether she deserves the medal of honor, which she has been nominated for, is the reason for the investigation. There are surviving members of her crew, and each one has a different version of the story, and what really happened the morning of her death.

The first twenty minutes of the film are slow, and a bit hard to pay attention to (or maybe that's just me and military movies), but once you get into the story, it picks up quite a bit, and becomes very interesting and worth the watch. I will probably never see this movie again, but it was entertaining enough that I was able to sit through the whole thing without being frustrated from boredom.

Denzel Washington was good, but nothing special. I suppose it might have been his character, given the fact that it was a pretty bland role. Lou Diamond Phillipes was probably the best actor in the whole film, and blew me away with his performance. I'm surprised he hasn't done as much since this film came out.

Again, Meg Ryan was good in this, but I wouldn't have chosen her for this part. I would have gone with someone a little more masculine to fill her character's shoes, perhaps someone like Jodie Foster.

It was a good drama, and if you want to see a really young and good looking Matt Damon, this is your chance. Other than that though, it's not worth that much. It's better than most action movies, but then again, there's not really that much action as there is story telling, which I enjoyed the most out of the whole film.
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Not As Bad As It Could Have Been
Theo Robertson8 August 2004
After suffering a tragic incident during the 1991 gulf war Colonel Serling is asked to look into the case of Captain Walden a female helicopter pilot nominated for America`s highest decoration The Medal Of Honor

COURAGE UNDER FIRE is directed by Ed Zwick a director who tries so hard to direct an epic movie that he loses all focus for narrative . GLORY suffered from this to a certain extent as did his later movie THE SIEGE . LEGENDS OF THE FALL on the other hand collapsed under its own weight of sub stories that it left this viewer wondering what on earth was the main story . COURAGE UNDER FIRE could have suffered the same fate and I was suspicous as to where the story might have been heading . A tragic friendly fire incident features as does the traumatic and guilt ridden aftermath , a nosey journalist appears , then the story switches to the helicopter heroine . Should females serve on the front line ? Will she get the honour simply because she`s a woman ? With so many potential storylines for the film to follow the movie then decides to become centered around what actually happened to Captain Walden . I`m actually glad it became a simple " Whodunnit " plot because LEGENDS OF THE FALL SET IN THE DESERT isn`t my idea of a good movie

There`s only two things director Zwick should be criticised for , in fact one of them isn`t even his fault and that is the battle scene where the Iraqis surround the crashed helicopter , having watched BLACK HAWK DOWN several times I came to the conclusion the most awesome part of that movie is where the two Delta snipers Shughart and Gordon bravely but vainly try to stem the Somali hordes closing in on the Durrant crash site . Ironically this incident inspired the producers to make COURAGE UNDER FIRE but the battle scenes are very much weaker in comparison to Scott`s later movie despite being very similar , but let me repeat I saw COURAGE UNDER FIRE after seeing BLACK HAWK DOWN and most war movies would pale beside Ridley Scott`s action masterwork . The one thing Zwick should be blamed for is casting Meg Ryan . On screen the character of Walden is described as " Butch " and whatever you want to say about Meg Ryan " butch " is not an accurate adjective . Lyndie England now she is butch ...

As for the other aspects of the movie it`s cast well enough . Denzil Washington plays his usual good guy very well while a then fairly unknown Matt Damon is almost unrecognisable . Perhaps the most refreshing thing about COURAGE UNDER FIRE is that it`s apolitical which makes a nice change from Vietnam where we get polemical movies like THE GREEN BERETS and WE WERE SOLDIERS on one hand and PLATOON and APOCALYPSE NOW on the other . Wait till Hollywood starts making movies about Gulf War 2 , boy are we going to be getting some opinions on that war
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Fairly lumpen melodramatic fare
ginger_sonny3 August 2004
A military investigation into the supposedly heroic death of a woman in the Gulf War unearths a Rashoman-style rack of conflicting stories. Billed as the movie that made you take Ryan seriously, this is fairly lumpen melodramatic fare, more notable for its cameo turns by the likes of Lou Diamond Phillips and a fresh-faced Matt Damon than for its heavy-billed leads. Washington digs the dirt (both personal and professional) with his usual assuredness, but Ryan never really gets beyond looking like, well, like Meg Ryan really, having little more than a bad hair day in the midst of all the bullets and the sand. An average film drama, saved by the enjoyable cameo appearances of Phillips and Damon.
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Objective unclear
paul2001sw-15 August 2004
Soldiers do terrible things (in all senses of that word), nominally in the name of all of us. If one soldier, who has not committed any atrocities, dies in combat but is given a technically undeserved honour, does it really matter? In Edward Zwick's curious film, 'Courage Under Fire', we have to believe it does, as Denzel Washington's Colonel investigates whether an award should be given to Meg Ryan's deceased pilot after the first Gulf war. It's all rather dull, and although he eventually (and predictably) unearths a shocking truth, there's little in his early inquiries to suggest such an outcome. The plot justification for the importance Washington's character gives to his enquiry is meant to be personal, he himself has had a tough war and is now teetering on the brink of alcoholism, though this itself is odd as while the rest of the cast all notice this constantly, we virtually never see him drunk (or indeed, taking more than a single drink at a sitting). The incident he is investigating is also peculiar, Ryan's character commands no natural authority but even then the reaction of her troops seems strange. Another contradiction is the way the film appears to want to honour the military, beginning with textbook action scenes and ending with sentimental reverence, in spite of the fact that the soldiers we see in action are all, frankly, pretty bad at their jobs. But a conspiracy thriller needs a bad guy, so top brass is attacked, for the "crime" of wanting to make good PR out of an apparently heroic story, while the troops on the ground are applauded for their incompetence and forgiven their errors. It all makes for a film with a very funny shape, which shows the failings of soldiers but passes up the opportunity to comment on the dehumanising nature of war in favour of commenting on the dehumanising nature of sitting in an office. Far less profound than it thinks.
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Not a bad movie
Tet-527 November 1999
Courage under fire was an okay movie, the story was good enough to keep me interested. Denzel Washington was convincing in his role, I liked him much better here than in the last movie I saw him in: Fallen. The other actors were pretty good, too, especially Matt Damon (I hardly recognized him, he was so skinny!). But to say that Courage under fire was a GOOD movie would be too much. Except for the fact that the story was about a woman, there was nothing really special about it. My vote: 6 out of 10.
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bobafett-1626 April 1999
Courage Under Fire is a movie that will stay with me for a while. Denzel Washington continues to be one of the finest actors today and proves it in this movie. The premise was interesting and was entertaining. I was disappointed with Meg Ryan's performance. I usually like her but she got annoying with her constant shouting. Yet that didn't keep the movie down. It was extremely dramatic and my two favorite scenes are the scene with Lou Diamond Phillips in the car and when it shows what really happened. A great film and terrific acting by Denzel Washington.
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Modern day war story of drama, emotion and deceit
SimonJack24 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Courage Under Fire" is a modern war film that has some action segments from the Gulf War. But, it mostly is a drama about what happens to people during war. In this instance, the effects of mistakes, insubordination, cowardice, deceit, selfishness, lack of team support, and the results of confusion and pressure under combat. All of these are part of a fictional story that takes place during the Aug. 1990-Feb. 1991 war and the months afterward. Two separate fictional stories from Desert Storm, the military operation of the war, come together in this film.

It's an engaging story and plot. All of the cast are very good in their roles. The camera work and all production values are excellent. The film isn't a flag-waiver; nor is it anti-military. But it is a good film to show the horrors of war and what can and probably does happen with mistakes. I think it's a good film to show the reality of politics, military order, dedicated career men and women in the military, and the sometimes foibles of command and leadership. It also shows the dark side of human nature that not many war movies show, understandably – in the rebellion, cowardice and self-interest of some GIs.

After Iraq invaded the small Persian Gulf nation of Kuwait in 1990, a United Nations resolution condemned the action. That led to a coalition force of 35 nations to drive the Iraqis out and free Kuwait. The American-led force succeeded in routing the Iraqis to end the Gulf War. The combat operation was called Desert Storm. The two separate stories from Desert Storm come together after the end of the war.

LCol. Nat Serling (Denzel Washington) had commanded an armored group during the war. Enemy tanks infiltrated the American line and began shooting at American tanks. In the frenzy that followed Serling's tank was hit with some small fire, and his group was reporting strikes on the radio. He ordered his gunner to find an enemy target and, when he said he had one, Serling ordered him to shoot. They hit and killed a friendly tank that had veered out of the ranks to try to flank the enemy. The tank commander was a friend of Serling. During this nighttime action, the gunners had difficulty identifying the enemy tanks. So, Serling ordered all the American tanks to turn on their lights, and then to open fire on any tanks that did not have lights. They quickly spotted and killed a number of Iraqi tanks. Serling was shaken by their mistake, and it haunted him. The incident was covered up and his friend was listed as a casualty of enemy fire. But that didn't square it with Serling.

Now in a job at the Pentagon, Serling is given a case to investigate. It's the recommendation of a posthumous Medal of Honor. Capt. Karen Walden (Meg Ryan) would be the first woman to receive the award. Serling is to investigate all aspects of her mission and make his recommendation. Walden was the pilot of a rescue helicopter that was hit by enemy fire and crashed. Serling interviews the men of the downed Black Hawk that she went to rescue, and then he tracks down the survivors of her crew. Their stories conflict with those of the Black Hawk crew enough that he probes deeper.

In the course of the film, Serling has flashbacks of his own incident. As he interviews Walden's crew, he gets different detailed stories about her, in flashbacks as told by the different crew members. Serling is under pressure to speed up his investigation so that there can be a major White House event. But his investigation and persistent probing ferrets out the truth about Walden, her actions, and those of her crew. As Serling wraps up the Walden investigation for recognition of a heroic woman, he comes to grips with his own demons. He meets the parents of his friend to tell them that he had fired on their son and killed him. Their reactions are charitable and Serling is able to find peace and return to his wife and children healed of his emotional wounds.
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A DESERT STORM-era update of "Rashomon"
philoso421 February 2005
A DESERT STORM veteran, Lt Col Nat Serling (played by Denzel Washington), is assigned the task of recommending whether or not to award the first (posthumous) combat Medal of Honor to a woman, Capt Karen Walden (played by Meg Ryan). In investigating the inconsistent mission accounts of Walden's surviving crew, Serling constantly flashes back to his own searing DESERT STORM experience and the Army's subsequent attempts to whitewash the incident, resolving that his investigation will not suffer the same fate. As Serling tries to rectify the competing competing accounts it becomes clear that director Edward Zwick has crafted a contemporary "Rashomon," complete with reminders that the truth is always subjective and our accounts of it typically affected by self-interest.
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Makes You Think
johnny-burgundy26 October 2017
Courage Under Fire (1996) This is a war film about an Army officer, plagued about a deadly mistake he made, who investigates a female soldier's worthiness for the Medal of Honor. It stars Denzel Washington and Meg Ryan. The film received mostly positive reviews and earned a generally favorable response. The investigation turns up some disparities that requires our lead character to not only question the female soldier's worthiness, but also his own. It examines the truth the public gets vs. the actual truth. This is a quality film that allows its audience, not only to figure out what really took place, but also whether or not it should come out at all.
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I have one major problem with this movie
gliderguy6 January 2021
The problem I have is it depicts an armed medevac helicopter - medevac helicopters ARE NOT armed for good reason: it is a war crime to fire upon a medevac helicopter which are solely intended to save lives. This helicopter had the universal symbol for a medevac painted on its nose. It is common practice for a second ARMED helicopter to accompany a medevac into a hot area.

The next problem was that it was carrying a large aux fuel tank. Had this been done it would have eliminated its basic roll: transporting the injured and their medics, so this is totally unrealistic as well.

The film does have its times where the story is being developed, but too much of it just dragged on very slowly. I also felt that the part where part of the crew was going to mutiny and disobey direct orders at the point of a gun (by both sides) was unrealistic. Especially when the point of the mutineers was to do something far more hazardous than just staying put.

I also question the ability of someone some distance from the downed helicopter being able to recognize exactly what type of weapon they heard firing. Remember, this is basically the sound of a bullet breaking the sound barrier. And it is not heard directly, but is echoing off of surrounding rocks. The sound reaching the listener is the combination of multiple echoed sounds arriving at different times.
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Denzel Washington At His Best
degracia22 October 2000
"Courage Under Fire" is perhaps the best illustration of how flexible and adaptive actors like Denzel Washington are. What makes "Courage Under Fire" impressive is not so much its plot or storyline (which is somewhat inconsistent), but its portrayal of a lone officer torn between personal conscience and duty. Denzel's overweight build and alcoholic demeanor create the highly credible image of a man barely attached to his life. Basically the story of a budding Army officer re-assigned to administrative duties following a Desert Storm friendly fire incident, "Courage Under Fire" submerges the viewer into pure emotional hell as it progresses. The stunning emotional catharisis portrayed at the film's end is incredibly dramatic and almost entirely unmatched. Anyone who has ever been under the extreme pressures of stress or suffered cognitive dissonance following a bad judgement will definitely connect with this film. A great psychological thriller and a tour-de-force drama. Definitely one of the best films...if only it would be released on DVD!!
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Prismatic Gulf War drama
Lejink21 December 2011
A strong contemporary war drama examining issues of loyalty, protocol, duty and ultimately truth in an unusually constructed film within a film, at the same using multiple viewpoints ( a la "Rashomon" or "Accident") to unfold the complicated truth at its heart. I'm not sure the somewhat contrived structure served the serious subject matter wholly convincingly, the cinematic devices detracting somewhat from the otherwise lifelike depiction of action in the Gulf War.

I also thought Denzel Washington's framing role as the senior army officer given the seemingly straightforward task of reporting on the apparently automatic eligibility of Meg Ryan's posthumous award of the Army medal of honour detracted from the central mystery, especially as he wrestles with his own demons after unwittingly being involved in a tragic friendly-fire incident of his own. So Denz fights the bottle and walks out on his family, before uncovering the truth about Ryan's death and the way back to his own redemption.

This final resolution and the underlying implication that the US Army welcomes openness is firstly too pat and improbable, especially in the wake of some real-life events that have come to light since then. All that said, the dramatisation of the war is very well realised and the acting is of a high order, Washington giving it strong and silent in a commanding lead role, but there are even better performances from a young Matt Damon and Lou Diamond-Phillips as two of Ryan's crew who survive the ordeal physically but not mentally.

Ryan does well too and I was also impressed by the actress in the menial task of playing Washington's wife. Yes, the film ends up as you'd expect, replete with Washington's last respectful visit to Ryan's grave, but there was enough intrigue and grit in the tale to keep me watching throughout. A braver take on the story, inverting some of the discovered truths here might have made for a better film though, but of course there's no way that viewpoint would have been green-lighted in Hollywood.
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Denzel Washington is BRILLIANT in this Excellent Investigative Military Thriller.
lukem-5276013 September 2022
Everyone knows that Denzel Washington is one of the greatest actors in all of Cinema History, FACT!!! & here he's mesmerising on screen & very young, as a military officer that has been assigned to do an investigation into whether a female rescue helicopter pilot (Meg Ryan) is worthy of the medal of honor for her bravery & this is after her death. But as always with mystery thriller's not all is as it seems & witness stories seem to change. Is she worthy? Why are witnesses telling different stories? What really happened out there? It's all a mystery that Serling must unravel.

As said Denzel Washington is so mesmerising to watch on screen here & in my opinion it's one of his absolute best performances. Lt Col Serling (Washington) is also carrying a huge burden that's making him emotionally messed-up & full of inner rage & doubt. Serling is a man of honour & his life is the military & we see how he cares for his men in the opening scenes set during the Gulf War.

Denzel delivers so much with just his eyes & when he does deliver his dialogue, it's that way we know he says it that it sounds absolutely true. Meg Ryan is fine for her small part that is seen through flashbacks & from witness accounts & she's fine for what the part is. I've never really liked Meg Ryan but she's an ok actress here but nothing special.

The film is an excellent engrossing investigation thriller because of Washington.

Also the supporting cast is good with a really decent turn from Scott Glenn as a no bullshi# reporter & a truly fantastic performance from a very young Matt Damon as one of the troubled witnesses, he lost a lot of weight & gave such a memorable powerhouse performance & Lou Diamond Phillips as a cocky soldier & Michael Moriarty as Denzel's tough captain, also a small role for Sean Astin (Goonies, Toy Soldiers) as a young tank operator.

Courage Under Fire is a comfort watch as it's so 90's & i grew up then watching films on video & this has that Nostalgic feel to it. Also this excellent movie has one of the greatest thriller scores I've ever heard by James Horner.

Courage Under Fire is a powerful story about truth & cover ups within the military & how messy those truths can be & how it take courage to stand up & tell the truth.

Beautifully filmed & leisurely paced to really get into the story & characters & let me tell ya it's one engrossing film.

One of the finest military thriller's ever made.
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Admirable film with a couple of standout performances
vincentlynch-moonoi28 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Just for the record, at least here on IMDb, I think this is an underrated film. And I say that as a person who very rarely likes movies about the military. My dad was in the military most of his adult life, and when he would come home on leave he would always drag me to some war film. I hated it. So, I rarely watch a war movie. But this is a keeper.

First, the cast. And let me review the actors in the order of how impressive they were in this film. Denzel Washington, as a Lieutenant Colonel investigating whether a dead female captain should receive the Medal Of Honor, and who himself may have been involved in friendly fire deaths, and who has an alcohol problem, is excellent. Lou Diamond Phillips, as a Staff Sergeant who was at the helicopter crash where the female soldier was killed, is superb here (I never knew he was such a hunk...just for the record). Regina Taylor, as the wife of Washington, is excellent! Meg Ryan, the helicopter pilot who dies, is good, but although her role is pivotal, this is not a very good showcase of her talents, and I do not see her here as the co-star to Denzel Washington. I found Matt Damon rather unimpressive here, but of course, this was just before his breakthrough role that immediately followed this film. Bronson Pinchot was an interesting choice as a White House aide, and he does okay. Michael Moriarty is good as a Brigadier General, as is Scott Glenn as a Washington Post reporter.

While I can't say whether or not the Iraq battle scenes were realistic, they impressed me.

Despite some inconsistencies, I think the story is a good one. And not a simple one, since the issues that Denzel Washington's character has are complicating his investigation of whether or not Ryan's character should receive the Medal Of Honor. Washington does an admirable job of mixing all these factors and fleshing out the character traits of his role. In fact, this was one of Washington's early films which convinced me that he was an actor that America should treasure.

Despite a few flaws, highly recommended.
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Gulf War Drama
gcd7030 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Enjoyable Gulf War yarn about the investigation into the awarding of a medal of honour to a valiant captain who risked life and limb to save a troop of doomed soldiers trapped on the ground.

Smart script and well-paced editing help, as do the great cast. Denzel Washington is always a must, and his performance here boosts his reputation. Strong support comes from a range of co-stars including Matt Damon and Lou Diamond Phillips (his best role since "Stand and Deliver"). It's fantastic to see Meg Ryan in a role that is such a departure for her, and her turn is a worthy one too.

Finally a good film from director Ed Zwick, his first success since "Glory" (1989).

Saturday, February 12, 2000 - Video
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For Denzel only.
gridoon12 March 2003
On paper this movie looked quite intriguing (different interpretations of the truth and such), but the mystery angle is actually secondary to the personal dramas, the battle scenes and the glorification of military ideals. The director drags his feet through the plot, while the music score swells and Meg Ryan (one of my favorite actresses) struggles with a role she is obviously miscast in. Denzel Washington, on the other hand, gives a very, very fine performance, making some moments (like his "confession" at the end) much more moving than they would've been otherwise. (**)
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This movie helps heals me
sam935057 January 2012
I don't care about the petty "goofs" or parts of the story that other people point out- this movie means a lot to me as a disabled veteran with PTSD. This movie is about many things, but to me, the story is about how Col Sterling is trying to manage his survivor guilt and PTSD from his incident on one hand, and deal with his task to validate the medal for his General, his wife, his kids, etc. on the other. He resorts to booze (like we all do) to try to cope. That's what this movie is really about: how one guy is trying to come to grips with PTSD, which I can tell you first-hand is a challenge that I face every minute of everyday. And seeing this movie helps heal me. It reminds me that I too lost a promising career in the Navy, lost my marriage, lost my kids, and lost myself in the abyss of PTSD and alcoholism before I got help. That's the only negative I have on this movie- we don't see if Col Sterling got help. Otherwise, this movie has helped heal me in ways that no other movie I've ever seen has.
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Better than you'd expecty
steeleronaldr22 June 2020
I like a movie that brings actor's or actresses out of their comfort zone and has them branch out. In this case TV comedian Bronson Pinchot and romantic comedy queen Meg Ryan. They each do a good job with their characters and hold their own. Denzel Washington I believe could have done a bit better but the story itself was a tough sell. Lou Diamond Phillips a all around actor I thought stood out and Matt Damon who went to extremes for the role was good. In all a complex story of should a woman be awarded the Medal Of Honour and be the first female recipient to do so. The Pentagon however wants this to happen but a investigation starts to prove otherwise if she was courageous under fire. As the story unfolds we see different perspective thoughts on what went down. Each time the story is told is different telling it as if she was a coward, too bossy or not of sole mind. Once we get to the guilt wrenched soldier for a second time do we see what really went down.

In all a interesting story that could have been better than it was. Still it's enjoyable and doesn't try that hard to be something else. We see a lot of struggle with Denzel Washington as Sterling who is battling with his own demons and investigating a MOH case that has it's ripples. The characters could have been more emotionally played out which Matt Damon does and outshines most the cast.

I liked it for what it was and not being a big war movie fan do say it's a better than average movie not really based on combat but it's aftermath. The ending leaves I think a question mark on the main character (Sterling) played by Washington in if he gets the help he needs to overcome his guilt. Again a enjoyable movie that'll keep you entertained.
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Solid war movie in the vein of "Rashomon"
BobbyT2410 August 2015
This is one of those war movies where you feel how difficult it is to be a soldier in the middle of a war zone with bravery, cowardice, confusion, orders, and emotional turmoil taking it's toll on the human psyche while yours and your fellow soldiers' lives are perilously hanging in the balance during the first Gulf War. Showing why he is such a classy military actor, Colonel Denzel Washington encapsulates the emotional baggage of being participant as commander of a tank battalion that pulled the trigger in a "friendly-fire" scenario that continues to haunt him when he gets stateside. The PTSD and media backlash has pushed him to near-alcoholism as he is reassigned to basically rubber-stamp the posthumous Medal of Honor intended for the first female to receive the award for heroics in wartime. What transpires, however, is anything but a slam-dunk for the war-worn commander.

There are two stories running simultaneously throughout the picture. The first - Denzel as commander of the tank battalion - is dark and understandably confusing. This lends itself to the realism and confusion of actual warfare where warriors are expected to determine friend vs. enemy at night while looking through infrared scopes while under intense fire. It is a daunting, and sometimes overwhelming, task to command.

The other story is of a heroic helicopter crew, led by Major Meg Ryan as the pilot, who goes down while trying to protect another downed chopper crew. Over the course of the next 24 hours, the heroes come to terms with who they are under intense enemy fire. What starts out as a clear-cut "give her the medal because the President and our government needs a female hero" turns into a genuine mystery as to whether the pilot truly deserves it or not.

There is very little difficulty separating the two stories. What becomes more complicated is how Denzel's character must overcome his own demons in order to objectively give America's most important wartime medal to a deserving/undeserving member of the service. Whether it would be the first female to be awarded this prestigious medal is irrelevant. It is right vs. wrong with a very important military mystery blocking Denzel's path to the easy path of just giving it to her.

This is a clever "did she/didn't she" narrative with sides changing their story at nearly every turn. Since there are so few witnesses under intense enemy fire, it's basically one soldier's word vs. another's - and who is telling the truth when one of them is dead. It also is the story of redemption for two very classy, honorable soldiers who deserve more from their country - and their other brothers in arms. Denzel has done this character before, which also makes him a perfect fit for the tortured commander who wants to do the right thing against the powers that be. Meg Ryan was surprisingly excellent at portraying a character who, through the stories changing multiple times, must be both heroic, cowardly, and still maintain dignity and honor in the face of overwhelming odds. It's fairly inspirational stuff.

This may not be the best war movie ever made. However, I believe it is definitely worth watching as a night's entertainment. I would place it on the same, well-done, stereotype-shattering heroic level as "Men of Honor". Well cast, well acted, and well done. 8 out of 10.
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Rashomon Effect
rollernerd19 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Welcome to another edition of Adam's Reviews!! Queue in intro music**

Today movie review is the war drama Courage Under Fire (1996) set during the Gulf War starring Meg Ryan, a fallen Captain Karen Walden and my man Denzel Washington as Lt. Colonel Nat Sterling, who is investigating whether a posthumous medal of honour is to be presented to Ryan's character given she may have sacrificed for her squad and for her country. Throughout the film Denzel's character pieces through the puzzles as to what happened the Ryan and her squad by interviewing the survivors of the mission and each member provide their take of a different story which obviously doesn't match up. At the same time we also learn the Denzel is suffering guilt of his own actions prior to the investigation of a night attach where he gave an order which ended up as "friendly fire" resulting in the death of his own men.

The survivors includes the skinny as medic Ilario (Mr Matt Jason Bourne Damon himself), who portrays the incident of as heroic antic by the deceased Captain and another by the stereotypical macho solder Monfriez (Young Guns alum Lou Diamond Phillips) who portrays the Captain as a coward. Meanwhile Denzel's character is drowning his guilt in alcohol, keeping away from his wife and kids and avoiding a Washington Post reporter who believes there was a cover up of the friendly fire. Denzel's character avoidance of what happened leads to him finding the truth of what happened with Ryan and her squad which becomes an obsession and is somehow tied to his own redemption. Unable to tolerate the cover-up of his own error, he puts his career on the line to prevent another cover-up.

Director Edward Zwick cleverly uses the "Rashomon Effect" where the same even is given contradictory interpretations by different individuals involved until the truth is revealed in the end. The movie is interesting where it is rare to find a film dealing with women in combat which deals with personal issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder and the correlation of the decisions made by a man who is leading his squad in war to a woman leading his squad in war while also comparing the squads behaviour of the decisions made. The movie itself films like a day time movie you can watch once and find it entertaining in some way where you acknowledge soldiers can made terrible decisions too, we are all humans but the movie contradicts itself by honouring the military, such as the melodramatic ending. It fails to comment on the dehumanising nature of war. Another issue I had was the miscast of Ryan, the film early on describes her as a Texan butch... her performance was good which included shouting orders with an interesting accent but ultimately couldn't see her in that role. Shout out to the uneasy interview between Washington and Damon, greatly staged and acted.

Overall 6.6.
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Let's be realistic
SilverDiamond198713 December 2009
The movie has some interesting material, these are the plot and Meg Ryan. Why Meg Ryan? Because as you know she is the actress of romantic comedies, so to see Meg Ryan in such a thriller is surprising, even if there are a few similar examples more in her filmography. However, her character is the key character of the movie and she is a soldier. Why the plot is interesting? Because it is based on a female soldier which is a very rare thing. That's all. The direction is mediocre, the movie is not stylish at all, I don't know who cares this but. Because, it is seen that the movie is liked and nobody cares about the direction or lack of energy in acting. Denzel Washington cannot save the movie, you know, sometimes, the movie is mediocre, but you watch it for the actors's sake, but this is an exception. In other words, even great Denzel Washington is completely forgettable in this movie. It is extremely strange that according to some, one of his bests. By the way, this is not an action movie at all, I don't count one or two flashbacks which show the key event. To me, Basic can be called as the new version of Courage Under Fire. Basic was not a real good movie, but if you ask me better than this one and the ending was a bit shocking that makes it more worthy. Lastly, Courage Under Fire is not a popcorn movie (entertainment), because story is in the foreground by far, not action, not suspense, not direction. I highly recommend you, In the Valley of Elah, a great movie.
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