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Solid thriller
mighty_pickman9 June 2003
A solid thriller from South Korea, focusing on the tensions on the Korean peninsula. In this case, a rogue military outfit from the north plans a terrorist attack at a North Korea - South Korea soccer game, aimed at improving relations between the two Korea's. Despite being South Korean & criticises the current situation in the North, this film does not totally demonise North Korea. The bad guys in this film are a rogue element planning to rise up against the North Korean government. Solid action, though special effects at times are not great. 7/10
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Disappointed in this film
evilasahobby21 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'd heard a lot about "Shiri" (aka "Swiri") and how this Korean action film compared favourably (or perhaps even exceeded) recent US action films. So it was with high hopes I sat down to watch this movie.

Perhaps it was a result of the hype, but I came away feeling very disappointed in this film. There are some very strong scenes in this film, don't get me wrong - the training sequence at the start, the suddenness of the assassinations, for example - which help add something different to this movie, and the technical aspects of "Shiri" are definitely better than average, but in many ways this film falls short.

The big issue for me was the disconnect between the 'realistic' political aspect that provided the motivation for the movie and the over-the-top gun play in the action sequences. At the very start, the training sequence makes the movie look like it will have a more realistic portrayal of violence, but this dissipates in a hail of bullets during the shoot-outs. Apparently the South Korean Special Forces suck, because they put thousands of rounds from MP5s in the direction of their heavily outnumbered North Korean adversaries and continually miss, while the North Koreans just need hand guns (Berettas, possibly) and one shot to gun down large numbers of armoured opponents.

I don't mind cartoon-ish violence in live action films, but it has to be kept consistent. The ability of the North Koreans to avoid large numbers of South Korean bullets exceeded my suspension of disbelief and undermined my acceptance of the political motivation. I can handle the plot holes and the bad science, but just can't reconcile the supposed realistic political themes with the absurd action sequences.

As for the love story aspect - well, it was something a bit different for this genre of movie (especially the phone message at the very end of the film - that would have been heartbreaking for the characters involved), but not enough to make this film any more than a curiosity for those who want to see what Korean action films are capable of.
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Excellent action and violent Korean film
ma-cortes20 July 2004
It's a cool movie . From the beginning until the end the action is unstoppable .

The flick talks upon a counter-terrorism outfit that has to fight against a murderous terrorist group who creates terror by means of an explosive liquid with the aim to blow up a soccer stadium and getting the unification Korea .

The movie has a John Woo style , there are amount of shoot-outs, frenetic action and running men while they are shooting .

The film blends action-packed , rip-roaring , a love story , betrayal , drama , violence and is quite entertaining .

The movie will appeal to action lovers and Hong Kong films buffs , it's very spectacular , it's an exciting film for adrenaline lovers .

Rating : 7/10 , good .
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Surprisingly good movie. Worth watching.
muckiduck10 June 2002
I found this movie at Blockbusters in the DVD section. Although I am of Korean background, I have not heard of this movie prior to finding it at Blockbusters. I rented it out of curiosity... the short description on the jacket seemed interesting enough. I only found out after watching the movie that it was such a big hit in Korea a few years ago. Watching the movie, it reminded me of "The Rock", "La Femme Nikita/Point of No Return", and "Heat".. All these were previously mentioned in other comments, and I agree that some of the scenes in Swiri (or Shiri) weren't very original in that regard. Still, the quality of the movie was surprisingly excellent. I also agree a lot of the action sequences in this movie weren't perfect, but then again, so are some of Hollywood's action movies. Some of the special effects were below par as well (the scene where a building blows up wasn't too convincing). Still, I've seen other Korean movies and I must say that Korean films have come a long way.. cinematography, plot, characterization were all done really well. I watched it twice.. once in Korean audio without subtitles, and again with English subtitles. The subtitles, although done very well, does leave out some of the subtleties. I'd say it is a difficult thing, translating dialog without losing something somewhere. Still the acting does fill in the blanks quite well I thought. I thought the acting was excellent.. Knowing a bit about the North/South Korean history would help understand the movie. Also knowing a bit about South Korean perception of the North Korea would also help understand the movie better as well. I thought that the love story in the movie, although it is a type that is very very often used (the tragic type) especially in Korean films, worked well. I thought it was far more convincing than the love between Anakin and Amidala in SW2 AOTC.

Overall, Swiri/Shiri isn't perfect. It isn't without holes. It doesn't compare to Heat (an excellent film). But unlike some of other "Hollywood" movies, that Blockbusters had many more copies of (Black Knight, Joy Ride, Thirteen Ghosts), I was glad to have paid $4.09 to rent it for 5 days. That reminds me. I'd better return my copy since they only had copy. If you can find a copy at your local Blockbusters or a DVD/Video rental place, rent it.
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Slick, action-packed Korean political thriller
dave13-19 February 2008
Security agent Ryu stumbles upon a plot by North Korean fanatics (led by terrorist Park and assassin Hee) to disrupt peace and re-unification efforts by North and South politicians using high tech explosives and the hunt is on to stop them. Much gun play follows, as well as much talk about the politics and sociology of possible Korean re-unification. Given North Korea's history of selling weaponry to anyone with hard currency and South Korea's position as an important diplomatic and military ally of the U.S., such discussions are actually of worldwide interest. Since emerging in the mid-90s as a distinct cinematic power, South Korea has become filmdom's leading edge for cult actioners and this movie shows why. It is fast paced, uberviolent, with a polished look, tightly crafted plot line and strong performances by its ensemble cast.
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A milestone for Korean cinema
phd_travel2 February 2020
This is an exciting and groundbreaking action movie for Korea. The story is involving and quite well written. The direction is flawed in parts. The camera work is a bit jerky and nauseating at times and the action sequences are too crowded. Sometimes can't follow what is going on. The good points of this spy story outweigh the bad. Some of the cast have gone on to world wide fame. Yunjin Kim shows her star power in a great performance. It's good to see the early work of Song of Parasite. Worth a watch to see the start of big Budget Korean cinema.
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Interesting, But Why So!?
davittvildiani4 August 2020
The film is interesting with good plot! But I have one very very big notice which makes this film to have 7 stars for me .. Why did they make South Korean armed forces look so idiotic!? In reality they are one of the best and in my personal opinion, ordinary policemen in south are much more prepared and better trained\armed then regular soldiers in north. Special forces are different story and difference between those two is even bigger there. So, because of this(portraying South Korean armed forces as people who don't know how to shoot or fight and don't have any tactics) film looses 3 points .. Normally emotional part is much more important for me, but above mentioned defect almost ruined the film for me ..
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You must never cease to love me no matter what happens to me...
lastliberal17 January 2010
You want realistic military training? How about the first one to assemble their gun gets to shoot the competitor in the head? How about target practice with real soldiers interspersed between?

How about a film that out grossed Titanic in Korea?

How about a really hot secret agent (Yunjin Kim)?

Lots of action and exploding buildings. Not really up on the politics, so I am sure I missed something. As some have said, the film is a metaphor for those who want to see a united Korea. The two lovers represent that effort.

At the end, it is a rush to find the assassin at a futbol game between the two countries.
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hwarangdo13 May 2002
This is not a romance, nor an action film. Despite the tragic love scenes and the overrated action scenes -- At the heart of this movie is a desperate cry for peace.

I don't know if the subtitles were flawed or the international audience just don't see the cultural implications, but the movie's final scene brought tears to my eyes. When I read the other comments, all I see is "Hollywood wannabe" and "overrated action scenes" pasted everywhere. Sure the movie dosen't have an incredible impact in its action scenes but the underlying themes and the awesome acting and chemistry between the main actors make this film a must-see.

If you enjoyed this movie, Also see: Joint Security Area, Friend, 2009 Lost Memories
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Nice action movie,nothing special
chrichtonsworld28 February 2007
From the start you will get the idea that this movie is going to be a blast! Soon you will realize that this is not the case! I liked this movie but was expecting so much more! I don't know what the director was trying to achieve! An action movie with a message! Stop the conflict and reunite! Or he was trying to make a thriller with a lot of action in it! As a thriller it fails! From very early on it is obvious who the leak (traitor) is,since there are not many characters to blame! It is interesting to see however the traitor got the info! The story wasn't that bad. But it only function was to set up the surprise twist (which isn't a surprise at all)! The acting is solid! Yunjin Kim (from "Lost) gives a good performance! The action scenes were nice,a bit above average,but nothing really eye popping! The people who are responsible for marketing this movie earn praise. "Shiri or Swiri" got a lot of publicity for a movie that is nothing special!
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Man, This Movie Didn't Even TRY...
DrSmooth8 March 2002
I went to see this movie after a friend of my, who had purchased Failan, decided that he wanted to go and check out this movie, which he'd also heard about. Well, I didn't watch Failan (hey, just what I need on a Friday night...a depressing movie, woo hoo!) but if this is any indication of the best Korea's film industry can offer, I'll pass.

I was surprised to see this movie in one of the "non-art" movie theaters in the area, and watching it, I know why. This isn't artsy, this has about as much art in it as Terminator 2. There is just so, so much utterly bad action in the movie, it's not even funny. I've seen more accurate gunfire in a Jackie Chan movie.

Here's just one example of what the film had to offer. Three N.K. agents come in to take out an informant. They can see the informant from where they are, but choose to walk up on them, so they can all be engaged in a gun standoff. But it gets better! There are S.K. agents with automatic weapons in perfect perches waiting to shoot. And they do, but they can't hit ANYTHING!

After the fourth or fifth time this happens, you just ignore the movie. If Korea wanted to imitate an American movie to make a blockbuster out of, they really should have picked something better than an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. If you're into this, you'll really love Fox's "World's Greatest Explosions Where Nobody Gets Hurt."
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Asian cinema at its peak
abettertomorrow17 April 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Mixing Hong Kong-style action and Hollywood-style narrative with an old-fashioned yet refreshing story and a cast headed by the Korean equivalents to Al Pacino and Robert De Niro, it is not much of a surprise this ingeniously original action-drama-romance outgrossed Titanic in Korean domestic box office ticket sales.

Yu Jong Won, A super-slick government field agent (played by superstar Han Seok Kyu) is on the trail of a mysterious and powerful North Korean military terrorist group headed by a frighteningly dedicated soldier (Choi Min Sik) and a mysterious woman assassin which has planted a bomb in a stadium in Seoul set to hold the first North/South Korea soccer match only days away. An extraordinary job for Jong Won turns extremely personal when he finds out his long-time girlfriend Myung-Hyun (Kim Yoon Jin) is the mysterious assassin who will kill both country's leaders if Plan A backfires...

Any other film would have shown the terrorists as one-dimensional stereotypes but this film dives deep into their minds, showing they were typically driven by their government and poverty to do their deeds. At core, Swiri is more of a romantic drama than a pure action film, but people unaware of the North-South Korean situation may not fully see the drama. The romantic department however is amazing to see no matter what, not only because of the material it is brought into but the effectiveness of it. If the ending does not bring a tear to your eye, it is pretty clear nothing else will.
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Its more than an action flick
henry32518 January 2007
This movie is more than an action flick, it highlights the relationship between North and South Korea. If you know anything about their pasts and their present than you can see why this is a movie by Koreans for Koreans. The actions scenes did not impress me, I saw this movie in 2006...after watching such movies as MI3, but it wasn't too shabby for a non-Hollywood pre-new millenia movie.

Okay so about the movie itself...I don't like the opening, too dramatic and over the top, I was never a fan of Roman decimation and I will never be a fan of this kind of training method. However, once it gets to the actual story then the clues and hints are laid out and you see how everything comes together in the end. You can probably guess the entire ending after some time. The romance is small, about what you expect for an action film. The chemistry is okay. It is really more of a thriller than anything because you're usually puzzled as to how the hero is going to catch the bad guys since he keeps on failing initially.

The actors did a fairly good job. The action sequences are okay, they're shaky at times, I don't like how the South Korean SWAT teams can't hit anything despite perfectly planned traps and outnumbering the bad guys 50:1. Maybe they should get plastic surgery to open their eyes? It was a so-so movie, but because of theme and background I'll put it above the the average, it could be used to do more than simply entertain. It is simply outdated now if you want a really good action film.
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Firepower and fish.
BA_Harrison31 October 2016
Yunjin Kim (Sun from TV's Lost) stars as tropical fish seller Myung-hyun Lee, who, unbeknownst to her counter-terrorist fiancé Jong Won Yu (Suk-kyu Han), is actually undercover assassin Hee, member of a special forces group that has hijacked some high-tech explosives as part of a desperate plot to re-unify North and South Korea.

The quote on the front of my DVD claims that Shiri is 'a mix of Nikita and Die Hard', which, to be blunt, is a crock of s**t. Apart from one of the main characters being a female killer and an awful lot of gunfire, this Korean flick bears very little resemblance to and is nowhere near as good as either of the aforementioned films. What we actually get with Shiri is a fairly mundane bad guys versus good guys thriller in which lots of people get killed (although who is shooting at who and why is often hard to keep track of), with an overload of shaky camera-work and some nonsense about tropical fish thrown in for those icthyophile action fans in the audience.

Funniest part: when a cornered female terrorist kills herself by swallowing a small explosive that blows her head apart. Most ridiculous moment: an agent discovering a bugging device hidden inside one of the tropical fish in his office (not only are we expected to believe that successfully performing such an operation on a fish would be feasible, but we are also supposed to accept that such a device would pick up sound from inside the creature submersed in a full tank of water).
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Some plot holes but generally a really good thriller
bob the moo18 May 2003
Against the background of political tensions between north and south Korea, an elite group of soldiers (the 8th Special Forces) infiltrate the South with the aim of carrying out terrorist attacks. Most worrying of all is the reappearance of deadly assassin Hee in South Korea. Special agents Ryu and Lee are assigned to bring down Hee, however when the group get hold of a hi-tech new explosive they hold Seoul to ransom for $10million. Meanwhile Ryu and Lee realise that there is a mole inside their agency that keeps Hee one step ahead of them.

Other reviewers have said that this film is a good addition to the `heroic bloodshed' genre of Hong Kong cinema, with it's gory bloodshed and bullet ballets. However I personally feel that this is to do the film a disservice – the film doesn't just lift that style but rather delivers a solid thriller story line with plenty of well directed action. The plot is a detective story with the added boost of the terrorist attacks. It has a couple of nice twists along the way that work pretty well. The downside is that the plot occasionally makes minor jumps that are hard to follow, for example an action scene is immediately followed by a scene where the same characters are in a different situation, this happens twice and threw me a little. But these are minor problems. The political arguments are not too complex – one reviewed said to go and read up on Korean history before seeing Shiri, this is far from necessary. It is quite simple but doesn't get in the way of the bigger thriller story line.

The action is not of the slow-mo OTT type seen in The Killer or Hard Boiled but is more like the extended gun battles seen in Heat. Yes, they are a bit OTT but they aren't as heavily stylised as in many HK movies. Instead the tension comes from the excellent direction. Using a handheld camera really makes the gun battles feel intense and very close to where you're sitting. The action does have some HK clichés but these are still well delivered.

The cast are all well Han Suk-Kyu (Ryu) does well with the action as well as the romance subplot with Kim Yoon-jin. The rest of the cast are good – even the comedy odd-ball is good value, compared to the occasional Hollywood comedy character that can be grating.

I haven't seen too many Korean films but this was a particularly good thriller with intense action. Overall I enjoyed this film and fully expect America to pick up on the fact that it has action AND a workable story and commission a remake pretty soon. Wouldn't you rather see the original first?
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your average clunky action movie
goldenhairedone17 December 2004
Having such a resounding success in its homeland of Korea, one would think they have a guaranteed pleaser in their hands. Think again.

Swiri is an American action movie wrapped in a nice little Korean package. It has action scenes which are compared to some of John Woo's work, but there are really no comparisons to be made. There is not a single memorable shoot-out and things like 'common sense' and 'style' were obviously out to lunch during the shooting of those scenes.

The plot involves a stolen weapon and a hero who has a mysterious history with a villain. Yes, the writers obviously stayed up all night working up that idea. The characters are dry and but not without a heart. The main protagonist's relationship with his girlfriend is actually kind of endearing and is fairly well developed. It is the Asian melodrama like this that keeps the movie afloat without being too obtrusive to the film's pace. The acting could of been better though, not to say this is acting type film. Even Min-sik Choi, who would later show his brilliant acting skills in "Failan" and "Oldboy", is a complete bore as Park, the main villain that thinks he can unite Korea with a new experimental bomb.

I am being a bit harsher than the film deserves though. It moves at a brisk (very American) pace, and you'll rarely lose interest. The plot twists are conventional but are brimming with so much emotion and sincerity that they feel like something unique. And if this movie can draw more attention to Korean cinema, I am 100% behind it.

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Slick but wooden
=G=28 April 2002
"Shiri" is a by-the-book action/drama about a renegade force which steals a secret explosive to use to blow up the leaders of a divided Korea in an attempt to destabilize the country so that it can effect a unification...or something like that. In spite of being a technically and artistically good shoot with all the pyro, stunts, etc. expected of an action flick, "Shiri" gets lost in the minutia of criss-crossing subplots. The drama doesn't really work, the action is uninspired, and the whole flick fails to deliver anything new or creative. On the VHS I viewed, the subtitling was poorly translated as well - possibly to keep the subtitles short for slow readers - so the translation was apparently compromised. Recommended for action junkies and Koreans and other Asian viewers who may tap into the cultural subtleties of the drama.
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Appreciate it for what it is
Ba-humbugger29 January 2005
Spies, big bombs, secret weapons and fish. A break-away success in Korea, Swiri has many things going for it, and a couple of things that may disappoint some viewers. Most of these things have been covered in other reviews, so I'll try to find my own little niche.

One of the first big-budget films made in Korea, this movie set records at the Korean box office. Why? Some may argue that Koreans were proud of how well they could make Hollywood-type movies. Plenty of action, explosions, some snappy direction and a decent soundtrack don't attempt to hide the Hollywood aspirations of the movie-makers. And whether that benefits or detracts from the movie is arguable.

Having said this, the film is still Korean in many ways. At times the drama may seem somewhat overdrawn and the circling camera work may get to an easily-affected stomach. But mostly the direction is good. One of my favourite aspects of Korean cinema is the use of shading. I don't know whether it's the hair or not, but I think blacks are very well used in this and many other Korean movies.

To appreciate this movie, perhaps one has to have a little grounding in Korean movies up to this point. It was a break from tradition and that's partly what drew the crowds.

It's action all the way, from start to finish. And if you sit back and enjoy the ride (without analysing the storyline too much) it's more than likely that you'll enjoy this one.
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A good action film for those who are less enthusiastic about action films
PenOutOfTime5 December 2006
In many ways this is an excellent film with good performances all round and with more substance than the pure flash-bang of Hollywood, but the inexperience of the director in the action film genre is noticeable, and I would recommend this film more to a general audience than to lovers of action films.

The problem is less with the choreography, which is adequate, than with the overall conception of the fight scenes, which tend to be a bit aimless. There are also a couple of scenes, such as the obligatory flying leap away from an explosion, and a few pistol pointing standoffs, that appear to have been copied from other films, and would have been better left out, but the effect is not so annoying as to be legendary.

This film has a strong tragic romantic element, and I can recall few films that carry off the theme better. As such, it has some potential as a girlfriend friendly film, so long as the girlfriend is not too put off by blood!
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A daring action film that would never be made in America
bronzeskye15 December 2001
Shiri is an action film with a difference, its clearly too bold a film to come from the West. Despite the huge box-office success the film has made, it saddens me to think that there are still people outside of Asia who are not aware of this film.

If you want to see a film with incredible action, brutal violence, and plot twists that will draw you into the film like no other action film could, see Shiri.

Shiri has exceptional production value, the use of visual effects is subtle and extremely effective. This really shows what a creative mind can do to a blockbuster movie when given the chance. A breath of fresh air to say the least.
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Good Effort
old_dude2089 February 2005
I agree that the translations are not completely accurate, but they do not detract from the film. If you are versed in the socio-political environment in which this film is made it is excellent. Although not nearly as good as "JSA" it is an excellent effort by a Korean film maker. The plot is a little unbelievable (secret microphones in live fish?), but what action drama is. It is good entertainment. The stunts are well choreographed and the foley is pretty good. The explosions are a little over the top however. The gunfight in the street could use some polish as well. The sub plots do work pretty well if you understand the situation on the Korean peninsula. I especially liked the opening with the depiction of the North Korean spy school.
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Bullets Over Substance
mindless_junk22 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
There have been enough reviews about the plot of this movie, so I will skip the plot and dive right into the movie. As a whole, I am very disappointed - I was expecting very good entertainment value impeccable plot and logic, what I got was a lousy remake of well-known Hollywood concepts and a cheesy love story that wouldn't fly.

Allow me to take the movie apart... MAJOR SPOILERS BELOW

Why can't the South Korean army shoot straight? A whole army of "sharp shooters" with automatic weapons can't outshoot a single guy with a pistol? I can expect that concept from some cheesy Hollywood action flicks, but not a "revolutionary" movie like Shiri.

How the heck did Kim and her commander escape an army of soldiers? By taking a simple hostage? And then no one managed to follow them? And Kim was able to calmly take public transportation without changing her disguise when her picture was broadcasted on TV?

I can go on and on about all the plot holes. They have severly damaged the believability of the movie. I am not impressed.
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Bruckheimer-style light
ajy12 August 1999
A surprisingly good thriller, "Swiri" follows Hollywood formula down to a science while providing an interesting twist on the increased tensions between North Korea and South Korea. The film resembles a hodge-podge of films, like the Bruckheimer-style flicks ("Con Air," "The Rock") with its slow-mo hero shots with a heavy dose of melodrama thrown into the mix. Ultra-violent and quite bloody (the first five minutes feature a montage sequence showing us dead bodies and identifying marks that point out who the individuals are), "Swiri" is a little weak in the action choreography department (a number of shots substitute jerky camera movement for well-placed actor placement). However, by equating the political tensions to post Cold War Hollywood flicks was a solid move. "Swiri" accomplishes on its $3 million budget what many Hollywood $70 million productions cannot: hold our interest.
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Two parts intense drama, one part action...
film-critic15 December 2005
Typically, I hate American Hollywood action films. Nine times out of ten you will find yourself immersed in the same plot, the exact same characters, and an overabundance of explosions when the focus should be on learning more about the characters. Our focus when making Hollywood action films is completely skewed. We could take a page from the ways that other countries make action films. While most will think that they are all made the same (conflict, girl, explosion, tense ending), I witnessed a completely different representation of the action genre with Swiri. While it wasn't perfect, it was a stride in the right direction giving us human characters, realistic tension, with a plot synopsis that may make any teacher think it was plagiarizing a film called The Rock. While the similarities may be great, where The Rock missed, Swiri gladly picked up and ran with it creating a challenging film that was two parts intense drama, one part action … a great recipe never used in Hollywood action.

Swiri takes amazing strides towards redefining the action genre by giving us flawed characters. This is a concept missing in Hollywood action films. When I think of movies like Air Force One, Armageddon, or The Rock (aka Michael Bay-isms), you typically have a centralized character that could be shot at a million times, but never be hit. Who else is tired of these films? In Swiri, thankfully, we are granted a rare opportunity to see actual heroes that are flawed. Heroes that either have 1) emotional baggage or 2) more trouble in their lives than just bullets whizzing in their direction. Heroes that actually make us perpetuate some form of emotion at the end of the film, not just the hidden Hollywood "hurray for America" subliminal message. Heroes that make us stay on our toes wondering if they truly are as "good" as we have conceived them to be. Again, in your typical Hollywood film, if Harrison Ford is your heroine and top billing, you already know he will survive the end and be the ultimate "good" guy. In Swiri, director Je-gyu Kang keeps us second-guessing ourselves. Who is the "mole" in the system? Until the final, explosive moments of the film, we honestly have no clue, which leads us to a very emotional showdown at the end. It is these types of characters that keep us glued to our films, instead of getting a bite to eat in the middle and still visualizing how the ending will conclude.

With such strong characters, you honestly didn't need a detailed story with Swiri. From the music to the indiscreet plot, many cinephiles will argue that this was nothing more than a completely plagiarized version of The Rock. In some cases they will be right, but in others they will be utterly wrong. Outside of the characters (which are the staple of this film), the less CGI graphics really keep you focused on the human drama surrounding this picture. The conflict between the two countries is a dominant element surrounding these characters. It isn't just terrorists trying to disrupt peace, it is a cause … a reason for the destruction. The action is suspenseful and tactfully realistic. I enjoyed seeing blood whenever villains were shot, I thought that the "gore" factor in this film was a cut above your normal Hollywood film. There is a scene when one of the "terrorists" is captured and she chooses suicide instead of capture, which is nearly unheard of in the American action genre. Swiri oozed with the type of action I only imagined I would find in The Corrupter.

Swiri caught my attention on several levels, most of which I have already mentioned, but there was a missing element that I just couldn't put my finger on until I began this review. I remember when I first started this film I was confused. I had trouble seeing the characters, their stories, and their connections with each other. The violent introduction pulled me in, but as we became more developed, I felt lost and confused for about forty minutes, then I was able to find my footing. I don't know if it is just the rocky beginning, but I just thought that the first couple of instances when we get to see Hee in action were cheap. It could have been developed stronger. I wanted to know more about the CTX, more about it's destruction. As our terrorists begin announcing their plans, I felt there was quite a bit of waiting around and hoping the "good" guys would discover the truth and save the day. The sense of urgency was definitely lacking from some of the crucial moments of the film. If I had to name three things that I think were a downfall to this film they would be 1) pacing 2) confusing development and 3) Hee's true powers. I felt there was a whole hour that could have been dedicated to learning about the horrors that Hee had done prior to going into hiding. I needed more Hee!

Overall, through all of this bantering, I thought that Swiri was a decent film. It was better than any action film that American Hollywood has to offer, but I think I need to see more work from Korea to fully grasp the ability that they have. It is always good to support the film that overtook Titanic at the box office. It is always good to support a film that gives you equal parts realistic human drama and explosions (which were kept to a minimal). Finally, it is always good to support a film that uses fish in a genuinely interesting, and mind-bending, way. I loved the twists and turns (reminded me of a great car chase), but I hated the confusing introduction. I needed more Hee, less random targets.

Grade: *** out of *****
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merely decent
MotifOne25 June 2005
I saw this movie on the recommendation of a Korean friend of mine.

(Original dub with English subtitles)

The movie evolves around a liquid bomb which the bad people get, and the good people try to get it from them as the bad people threaten the good people.

However, i have to say that although at parts the movie gets carried away. The movie is overall interesting and watchable but there are scenes that don't fit into the movie in general and hence cause the only disturbance to the plot. One of the those scenes is regarding love, whenever there is discussion about love of any sort, the acting/action seems unnatural. Plot twists turn out interesting although the plot itself is well worn out.
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