The Pitts (TV Series 2003) Poster


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Potential, but needs help
tshodan24 April 2003
Not a bad show, but not a good one either. The Pitts lacks depth. When bad stuff happens to Al Bundy, we care. There are unique interesting characters on Married with Children, and almost believable plots. The Pitts goes too far. They need to take some devlopment time, and not focus on every line as being a joke. The Characters need some character. Pitt is a loser all round, and needs a redeemable quality, his wife is sexy but sexless. Shes also kind of dumb (she'd have to be she married him) Faith, takes her situation al too well, her character needs more focus. How would being a born loser really affect an attractive , would be popular high school girl. And the Pitt boy needs more development, does he manipulate his family all the time or just in certain episodes? Also he seems old enough to want tomove on you know, friends, girls etc. when does he start acting like a 13 year old???

Again Potential, but without new direction this one wont see lucky episode #13
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They have bad luck? I have the worst luck in the world for watching this
mOVIemAN563 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Yet again Fox fails to deliver. This time it was "The Pitts", Fox's attempt at a satire. The show follows the story of a modern American family as they have terrible luck in everyday life. I guess the premise is alright, a family with bad luck struggling through life. The main problem with the show is that it tries way to hard. None of it is believable no matter how hard it tries to make it believable. Yes it was suppose to be a comedy series but still none of it made any sense.

The cast isn't that bad when you look at it. Dylan Baker is a very good actor and I've liked him in a lot of stuff but in The Pitts he is terrible. Kellie Waymire (bless her soul) is equally as bad with their children not doing much better. The supporting cast around the family made me think that the producers possibly just pulled random people off the street and tried to make them do comedy. It has some of the worst acting in a cumulative way that I have ever seen for a show.

Fox made a series mistake ever deciding to green light this project. Each episode was terrificly bad in its own way. The episode with the VW bus wanting to literally marry Lizzy Caplan's character stands out to me as one of the worst experiences of watching TV I have ever had. I seriously sat stunned that I had just watched the whole thing afterwards and didn't move for at least 20 minutes after. It was probably the biggest waste of time of my entire life. Trust me, if a re-run ever comes on TV run. Don't think about it, just run from your living room and don't come back for about an hour. Trust me you'll save an hour of your life.

.5/5 Stars
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The Most Idiotic, Yet Strangely Intriguing Sitcom Ever Made!
ExplorerDS678915 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For those of you who grew up watching Fox primetime programming, you may remember a litany of terrible sitcoms they greenlit in the late '90s and early 2000s, all trying to be "edgy" or a no-holds-barred, totally wacky yuk fest that forces you to turn off your brain and just go with the flow. This may be owing to Fox desperately trying to fill the void left by what was arguably their most successful live-action sitcom of all time, Married With Children, which was canceled in 1997. The Simpsons was still burning up the airwaves, and one of the showrunners at the time was a man named Mike Scully. Since they all liked poking fun at Fox, because let's face it, that network is an easy target, he and his wife, Julie Thacker-Scully made a bet with them, saying, "we bet we can create the most insane, ridiculous and idiotic show in history, and you'll greenlight it." At least, I think they did, it's just a theory. But sure enough, because Mike Scully of The Simpsons was attached, Fox greenlit their series. Said series would turn out to be one of the stupidest sitcoms ever created, a show that insults its audience and breaks all the laws of physics and reality. A little show called The Pitts. It follows the most unlucky family in the world. But the only problem is that their world is so bonkers, they seem to fit right in. The patriarch of this troubled clan is Bob, played by Dylan Baker, and I really think they should have hired an actor who is more akin to comedy, as Baker's strengths lay more with drama. He was completely miscast in this role. Bob is a typical suburban husband and father. The character is so transparent, you'd think he was a ghost. His wife, Liz, played by the late Kellie Waymire, is a typical suburban wife and mother, also a cliched character, as the two of them smile and laugh off any obstacle that befalls them. They own and operate a store that rips-off Mailboxes, Etc., calling it Mailboxes and More, Plus. This series is very lazy when it comes to company names... and jokes, and stories, and plots, and performances, and... everything. As for their kids, there's future con-man Petey (David Henrie), and his older sister, Faith (Lizzy Caplan). Now with Faith, they were going for a Marilyn Munster type of character who is the "normal" one in a strange family. Unfortunately, that doesn't really work here. She just comes off as a typical teenage daughter who despises her family and longs for a normal life. But when all is said and done, she treats every oddity and absurdity around her as just another day.

So, what is this series about exactly? Like I said, it's about the unluckiest family in the world, but it feels more or less like a live-action cartoon. Even The Simpsons and Family Guy feel more real than this. There's an episode where Faith buys a "haunted" Volkswagen that talks to her, Bob and Liz become werewolves, Bob has a sentient dummy that he kept locked up in his basement for years that outsmarts and robs them, Faith gets a pipe stuck in her head, and there are two that never aired in which the family is taken hostage by prisoners and Bob and Liz join a square dancing club that's really a Satanic cult. These sound like the type of ideas that little kids would come up, not adults. In fact, I think this series would have worked better as a sitcom for kids, airing on Saturday morning, NOT a show aimed at adults airing after such sophisticated comedies as The Simpsons, King of the Hill, and Malcolm in the Middle. Now, with those shows, of course I used the term "sophisticated" loosely, but compared to The Pitts, a garbage dump is sophisticated. The pilot episode is about Liz hiring a nanny, who turns out to be a woman Bob stood up in high school. That's the most realistic plot this series had, the rest of it is just fever dream nonsense, like a talking Bug and a pipe stuck through the head... I mean, seriously, how did Faith get a pipe lodged through her head and not die? Silly me, there's nothing in her head to take damage. Maybe instead of a bet, this whole thing was supposed to be a practical joke, except the joke is on us. The writing for this series is abysmal. The worst writing I have ever seen for ANY show in history. What the hell were they trying to do here? There is a big difference between being mindless fun and a full-on display of idiocy.

I remember tuning in that fateful night lo those many years ago in 2003 when the pilot for this series aired. Fox promoted the hell out of it, like they do for all their big premiers. I guess they think if they annoy the viewer enough, they'll watch it. Well, I did, like the sap I am, and I was left baffled. This was beyond anything I had ever seen before, the stupidity was at levels I didn't think could be reached. I've been called an idiot by shows and movies before, but this one not only called me an idiot, it kicked me in the junk while doing so. To this day, I'm still baffled by this show. Out of all the terrible TV shows I've ever seen, this one continues to stand out. Why? I keep asking myself, why? What is it about this show that stands out? Why does it exist? Why did somebody think this was a good idea? It can't be just because it was co-created by Mike Scully. He had to have blackmailed somebody at Fox, or maybe this was a front, to pretend money was being spent on this series when it was probably just an excuse for Scully and Fox to splurge, or maybe for some sort of tax write-off. This is the type of series that would be a gag sitcom seen on Saturday Night Live or Kentucky Fried Movie, or even the type of show the guys in Mel Brooks' The Producers would come up with. The Pitts was a one-note joke that nobody thought was funny. Thank God it was canceled after 5 episodes. I heard back in 2007 that Scully wanted to revive it as an animated series... which is what it should have been in the FIRST PLACE, but Fox quickly canned that idea. Good. Let this horrible concept burn in the fires of Hell where it belongs. So, do I recommend The Pitts? God, no! It's one of the worst sitcoms ever made and among the worst shows to air on Fox, which isn't saying much. Small wonder nobody takes that network seriously.
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Not That Bad
General_G26 September 2005
This show had something going for it, but it was another one of the good shows that Fox never gave a chance like Oliver Beene because the people at Fox skim out the good stuff and bring on the garbage. It was kind of a strange and unusual theme for the show, a family who always has bad luck, but despite that the show was okay. My favorite episode is when Faith had that pipe in her head which made that weird hole right threw her head. Liz Pitt would have had to have been replaced later on that season to due to Kellie Waymire's shocking death. That was unexpected. A good replacement for her could have been Stephnie Weir from Mad TV. So much for this show.
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Night Time Remedy
tetsuojuno5 November 2006
The show was definitely not 10 star material, but it helped me get to sleep. I have to admit I had high hopes for the show, and when it finally aired I was like "they are trying too hard to get a laugh." Speaking of which, that laugh box they used for the show didn't help either. I like the fact that they was trying to go for a live action animated show kind of feel. Most live action shows only get weired when there is a special event such as Halloween or Christmas. The out in left field, kind of plot thats the main reason why I gave the show the time of day. I even have all of what they aired on television, and once in a while I'll pop in the tape and drift off, I do the same for "all" the B-grade movies I have. Over all though its definitely a good show to look back on, in a couple of years.
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mixed feelings
chaosnbeer6 April 2003
I am a fan of the utterly bizzare in the entertainment industry , and yes The Pitts is one bizzare show...just like FOX's past sitcoms Get A Life with Chris Elliot and Family Guy..only difference THEY WERE FUNNY

The Pitts is a sitcom with one joke..and it's not even that funny...we've had the family with bad luck done so much better in Married With Children, Malcome In The Middle , The Simpsons , Family Guy , wait a minute isn't this a coicidence..these are all FOX sitcoms?

And the humor is over the top and weird..but it's more stupid than the mentioned sitcoms requires at least a tv episode plot structure , not just rapid fire sequences of bad far it's only been 2 episodes..and i've kinda just sat looking embarrassed more than I laughed..actually this series reminds me of a 30 minute Saturday Night Live skit...thats all it is..a skit..stretched to 30 minutes..not a tv show

On the other hand...hey it's different..and we all know it will build somewhat of a cult status in the I guess it's that degree...but I doubt it will last long at all It probably would belong better on Comedy Central...they're more experienced in this type of ironic twisted humor
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This show is way ahead of its time.
danindenver30 March 2003
In the distant future, when all remnants of the sitcom laugh track have been eradicated from human memory, then, perhaps, this show will seem quite amusing. As is, it came across about as funny as a mosquito bite. The `campy' jokes which saturated the show seemed, at times, quite good. Otherwise, they were either tedious, embarrassing or in poor taste.

Bottom line: whether you like the show or not, the laugh track must go.
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Insane and outragously hilarious!
Sneakers20 April 2003
It's nice to see humour that isn't just off the is all over the place. I just love this show, and it's sad peple don't apreciate it. The concept is funny...where a family with luck worse then the unluckiest person. Is it far-fetched? dang skippy it is...that's the point. where normal things never happen, and the outlandish do...a show where something remote is also very likely. I also like the obvious gags and being possessed, terrorized by a obsessed girfriend/date. This is a gem, and despite the obvious cornyness, it's very clever and layed out. It will probily get canceled, cause people just don't get it...that's why we loose great shows like Family Guy....and keep bore fests like King of the Hill. The Pitts show...if something is to matter how will happen. I give this a 8.5 outta 10.
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Destined For Cult Infamy...
brass_eye_marv20 September 2005
If your ever having a sleepless night, watch out for this very strange little sitcom on ITV. I'm not saying it's any good, just watch out for it. I was half asleep the first time I saw The Pitts and I genuinely thought I'd dreamt it. If David Lynch ever goes on to make a sitcom, it'll probably look like this. The Pitts are an impossibly bland family with impossibly bad luck, mostly in situations revolving around demonic possession, serial killers, werewolves and a mildly horrific episode where the eldest daughter has a pipe driven through her skull. It features lame sign-posted jokes, some of which are so unfunny they defy comprehension, and are accompanied by gales of canned laughter. Bob and Liz, the parents, make mailboxes for a living. She is a skeletal, perma-grinning Stepford Wife (who is apparently now dead) and he is the paedophile from Happiness. It looks like it cost about a tenner to make and is so bland and generic yet creepy and disturbing that it could not more closely resemble a nightmare. Even the sheer cheapness of the thing defies description; the acting, writing and direction are absolutely awful! You can see why I thought I'd dreamt it. How could a show as bad as this possibly get made?! The Pitts is quite simply this generation's Plan 9 From Outer Space. Cultdom must surely beckon...
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the pitts has the wits to deliver laughter fits
pancake_repairman26 February 2005
I was a bit bemused by this show at first, but after a couple of episodes it's grown on me and I look forward to seeing more of it. Yes, it's a DUMB show, that's the whole point. If you watch this show and think "wow the writers/network must really not know how stupid this show is, i must inform them", then you are completely missing the point. Obviously no one who creates a show this weird is trying to be conventionally clever or taken seriously. The basis for most of the humour is the ridiculousness of the idea that any of it ever could be taken seriously, and if you can't grasp that then the joke is on you and this show is just plain over your head. I think Andy Richter Controls The Universe is a better written show, but The Pitts makes me laugh more, and it's more intelligent humour than the constant random sex and drug references that pass for jokes on Family Guy.
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Could Be Better
Thor200021 April 2003
I like this show. The humor is funny, both the mom and the daughter are babes and script obviously has some good lines. The bad news is that the show is quickly wearing thin on the cartoon antics and the far-fetched situations. If the show is supposed to be a live-action cartoon, it really hit the mark, but to survive on Fox, the show needs to turn straight and maybe go into another direction. The son on the show is a funny holy terror, but the dad is just played way too dumb. Let's face it, at it's core, "The Pitts" may actually just be time filler may be cancelled with just one season under its belt. I mean, anyone remember an obscure FOX series called "Whoops!" which also was based on a one joke device. The series might have been a lot better as a cartoon, but I'm still catching every episode while I can and maybe taping a few before it's gone.
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Hilarious ... even when it shouldn't be.
Shivster30 March 2003
After that awful family-sitcom-clone Oliver Beene, I wasn't expecting too much from another over-hyped Fox TV show. With the cheesy opening credits and theme, I was about to give the premier a pass but I'm glad I stayed through it.

The whole show reminded me of the Addams Family and probably the Munsters. I'm not sure if that's what the creators had in mind but it works ... in a weird kind of way.

The humor is darker, more irreverent and repulsively funny even when the plot-line seems to waddle along a path that is horribly clichéd !!

It really shouldn't work , the show should be dismissed as something puerile but I just couldn't stop laughing till the very end.

I still can't figure out why.

Who knows ... it just might be a welcome addition to the dysfunctional-family sitcom clones !
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Weird - yet I'll have to watch it again
bergles6 April 2003
This show is so weird, yet I had to laugh out loud at times. Yes, some parts of the show were VERY dumb, but I'll watch it again. It's almost funny because it's so dumb. Unfortunately, the shows I like never stay on the air (Family Guy, That '80's Show, etc), so expect to see this puppy cancelled in a few weeks...
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Very funny & very enjoyable!
worship_HIM974 August 2005
I don't find it just that this show didn't last very long. It was only on for a few weeks, and this was a great show. Dylan Baker as the father of the family was an excellent choice of casting and so was David Henrie as Petey, who was hilariously mischievous.

The Pitts is about a dysfunctional family who can't be like other families. This isn't because they choose not to, but because of their outrageously bad luck. Everything they attempt to do normally ends in disaster and grave misfortune. This isn't like other shows on Fox that portray an unfortunate family in a realistic and usual way. This family's bad luck is unnatural and non-realistic. As an example, in one episode, the parents turn into werewolves. Man, this show was a classic!

My favorite episode aired was the one where Faith got a new car which could think for itself and even talk. The end of the episode was a smile evoking conclusion where the family went to Vegas, along with the strange car, of course.

Whatever happened to this show? Why does Fox have to be so ridiculously unreasonable and keep dumb shows of bore fest such as King of the Hill and The Simpsons for years but immediately take good shows such as this off the air? It's unjust, and I wish so badly that they would bring this back.

A classic! 5/5!
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It's not that bad
P3charmed6 April 2003
This show is funny. It's a "ok I'm going to sit down and be a dumbass for 30 minutes. I'm going to laugh at silly jokes" I think the jokes are funny, and the actors are good. If you thought this was going to be "The simpsons: real life!" You were sadly mistaken.

This is what people do stupidly. They watch spin-offs and tv shows made by producers and directors of popular tv shows expecting a double of the original. Anything remotely new or original is "unclean,unclean!" and must be taken off the air immediatly.
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Good Start
mookiedavid200030 March 2003
Ok, so the pilot may be a little weird, but come on what did you expect from the writers of the Simpsons? But it is an okay show with stupid slapstick comedy and dumb characters. I doubt this show is gonna last a long time.
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thetornado20 April 2003
this show is so stupid the acting the setting and they say that there family has the worst huh huh huh and the episode last week was stupid when they bought the daughter a talking car and they went to las vegas to get marred its not the actors fault its the person who made the shows fault thankfully it will be cancelled june 2003
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i think i get it
enviromansgirl13 April 2003
I'm watching the show and I think I get what they're doing. Now I agree its not funny, but I think that's the point, I think it's a black comedy on all the really bad sitcoms out there. It has to be that b/c I don't think would stoop this low really.
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Just Don't Get It
reaper180015 April 2003
Okay, maybe I'm just not smart enough or maybe nobody has let me in on the joke yet. I understand that they are purposefully making a bad t.v. show; it's that stupid on purpose. I get that. But why?

Remember Yes, Dear? Did you love that one? Did you love Small Wonder? The Pitts is much similar to both in the fact that they all three are incredibly, mind-boggingly stupid. What a great premise that doesn't need the gimmick of being purposefully stupid. But it just doesn't work. The shame of it is, they could be reaching a far greater demographic by keeping the quirkiness and doing away with the moronic, vaudvillesque humor.

With such a talented cast and crew it's obvious that this has the potential for being a hilarious, groundbreaking comedy show. Instead I believe some poor decisions were made in the writing department. Also, it maintains that it was filmed with a live studio audience; that leads me to wonder whether or not the audience is in the studio but watching something funny like Andy Richter Rules the Universe(which The Pitts replaced).

It seems the only thing The Pitts has achieved in doing is dared some poor reviewer out there to look like an idiot by saying, "The Pitts is The Pitts." Then again, maybe somebody at Fox lost a bet. Either way, The Pitts is............................crap.
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Permalink certainly wasn't the Pits (spoilers)
vertigo_148 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The Pitts never got its fair shake as a FOX sitcom because it had one very severe count against it -- it was clean humor. (This partly explains some of the problems of the survival of Oliver Beane, which aired around the same time, but was given a little more opportunity to find an audience and reformat to be more appealing--although the idiot executives didn't happen to notice the ridiculous time slot).

The Pitts was a great show if you ever were a fan of sarcastic, witty horror comedy humor like you might find in 'My Best Friends Vampire' or 'My Boyfriend's Back.' Jokes and punks that were obvious, but intended as a state of normalcy. Hell, the story line involved a family who had a sort of supernatural touch. It was dumb humor, but you knew it was dumb humor when you watched it. That's what made it funny, that the situations were so outrageous. That's hard to pull off in a sitcom, too, because that is often skit quality material, something that need only be done sporadically as opposed to regular, half-hour weekly episodes. It's also better material for a movie.

Unfortunately, the dweebs at FOX axed it pretty quickly. I think it only survived about five or six episodes, but nonetheless. It was about the closest thing I had seen to stupid humor, but clean humor, since the Kelsey Grammar variety hour which aired earlier this year, and almost as quickly as The Pitts, was dumped as well. The Networks don't want this. They may say, this sort of thing belongs on an obscure family channel somewhere, meanwhile we need the most violent, most erotic thing the FCC will allow us to run at this point.
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g-bannister112 June 2005
Yes, this is a show taking the mickey out of sit-coms. The jokes aren't funny, the people are naive, the laugh track is over the top and it's all on purpose.

I can't believe that there are people out there that don't get this stuff. I guess people can't really do subtle humour in America because most Americans don't get it.

I mean does a sign have to come down at the beginning of every show saying THIS SHOW IS IRONIC I think almost every other country in the world has dry and subtle humour. It's a shame that American producers are too scared that most people will think the show is just bad.

It's a times like these that I wonder if there are people that think curb your enthusiasm is a documentary. *sigh*
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I would rather be at the dentist
morgashimo13 April 2003
I am watching this show as I am writing this summary. And I just can't do it. There is no possible way I can make through an entire half an hour of this tripe. So I am giving this review after only seeing fifteen minutes. It's that Bad!
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knives_out20 April 2003
Well, I don't know what Fox was thinking. They cancel shows like Family Guy and Futurama and put The Pitts in a prime spot. Okay, perhaps it's supposed to be a commentary on bad television shows, but it doesn't do it well. At all.

Oh yes, you can definitely tell this show has the writers of The Simpsons involved, specifically because the current writers of The Simpsons couldn't write a good joke to save their lives. Both the recent seasons of The Simpsons as well as The Pitts rely on cheap laughs over fart jokes, injuries and the word "ass". The laugh track is irritating and I just wanna backhand each and every one of the actors. Oh that would be so sweet.

Fox needs to stop trying to create "quirky" and "nutty" shows and concentrate on holding on to quality stuff they already have.
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Worse than the last season of Roseanne
jeffatg2adotorg13 April 2003
I watched one episode and was completely turned off.

Awful writing, terrible acting, lame jokes, more canned laughter than an episode of Scooby Doo... and I could go on.

But I won't. I would recommend that people avoid this show for the three weeks it is on the air.
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Even the Devil himself would find this show to be too cruel to make someone watch...
Lando_Hass3 August 2003
The Pitts, is literally the worst show to ever grace television. First off, I would like to say this: I will always hate Fox for canceling such great, and extremely funny shows like Family Guy, Titus, Futurama, and Married With Children, and then airing trash like this. I have to be honest, I only watched at the max ten minutes of this vile, that was all my mind could sustain. The acting is lurid, none of the actors give good performances, let alone a funny performance, but maybe the cause of that would be because of the horrible, and wretched script. While I'm on that matter, the script has not one good joke, the writers relied on the shows craziness, and wackiness for laughs, which was a BAD, BAD MISTAKE. None of the jokes told are ever funny, the cinematography is just like that of any other sitcom, the stories are ridiculously clichéd and witless, and worst of all, none of the jokes are funny. This show is just plain awful, it is literally the most insipid, vile piece of steaming smelly donkey crap ever to hit TV! I've never seen a show that was so unfunny! Full House wasn't funny but it had entertainment, The Brady Bunch wasn't funny, but like Full House it was just an entertaining show, and people back then found the jokes funny. The Pitts also suffers the indignities of noticeably using a laugh track over and over, and having people laugh at it, not because of the jokes, but because of how stupid it is. It's no wonder why it got cancelled after a few episodes. Fox cancelled Family Guy, and got this it's a go**amned shame. I hate Fox, and I hate this show with all my heart. It came from hell, but they didn't want it, so they threw it on Earth. The absolute worst show in history. May it burn in hell.

Overall Score: A big fat f***ing 0 out of 10!
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