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Not your typical teen movie
Filmcritic6246 September 2005
This finally aired on Lifetime yesterday, and since I was such a big fan of Laurie Halse Anderson's novel, I might as well wanted to see the movie to compare them.

The first few minutes of the movie turned out to be exactly pages from the book, as well as some emotional moments that almost reduced me to tears, showed exactly the way she was feeling, and how she was connected from the moment to the school year in such depressive, mute fashion that she manages to handle so well. The story involves a teenage girl who, after calling the cops to bust a wrecked summer party, comes to acknowledge her peers won't talk to her anymore. So, what do you do when times like these come to happen? Stay silent, don't get noticed by anyone. However, there was something at the party that she doesn't want people to know, and if she tells it, it will rip and shed her into pieces. Now, your probably asking yourself? Why wouldn't you talk to your parents? She would, only that her mom (Elizabeth Perkins) and dad (D.B. Sweeney) are almost never home so that way they can talk to her about anything.

As the movie goes on, Melinda (Kirsten Stewart) begins to lighten up around the surroundings. She starts to feel into her own, and the school year (besides the fact her grades went flushing down the toilet). Melinda starts to make friends little by little, as she connects with her eccentric Art teacher Mr. Freeman (Steve Zahn). The two of them exemplify what it means to try and go against what is asked of them, and go above that to raising the bar to a whole new level of education, and life.

As for the acting, Stewart is extraordinary as the reclusive Melinda Sordino. She fits the feelings of a depressed girl, striving for help, and need from peers, not harmful words. She makes herself known around the school, as "the girl who busted Kyle Rodgers's summer party" and shows it around by the depressive acts (cutting (both class and self mutilation), making her own room, being practically mute). Stewart has the absolute potential to be another Lindsay Lohan, but in this case, she's become her own actress.

The rest of the cast could have been better, but the second runner up is Steve Zahn, whose films could have seen better days, but this film is probably his best work, compared to "Saving Silverman" or "Freak talks about Sex". He should make films like these more often than not. His portrayal of the rebellious, journeyman Mr. Freeman tell the students about themselves, and tells a small anecdote about him. His overshadowing of the students make him sound more powerful than the principal himself, and his voice strengthen amongst the weaker ones.

Powerful movie, I recommend this to anyone with teenagers, or any educational film. This is a worth to watch.

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jotix1005 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Finally an intelligent film about teen agers. The fascinating novel by Laurie Halse Anderson comes to the screen adapted by the director herself, Jessica Sharzer. The film merits to be seen by a wide audience because it tackles a lot of problems young people, especially young girls. Parents should see this movie because it will be an eye opener for many.

If you haven't seen the film, perhaps you should stop reading here.

Melinda Sordino is a wounded young woman. In flashbacks we see her as a happy and social teen ager, in sharp contrast with the taciturn and lonely girl we watch boarding the bus to go to school as the film begins. In flashbacks one gets to know the trauma that Melinda has gone through. All her bitterness is kept hidden inside her, as she won't talk about it, much less tell her distant parents what made her change.

Melinda is a loner by necessity. Her former best friends turned against her because she called the police when the party, that proved to be the turning point in her life, gets out of hand. As a result, Melinda is ridiculed by her peers. "Speak" deals with the complex problems young people have to face on a daily basis in school, a place that should be a place of learning instead of a place that causes most problems among the young people, as Laurie Halse Anderson points out in her novel.

The only kind soul Melinda encounters is the art teacher Mr. Freeman. He is a man that doesn't adhere to conventions and seems to be a rebel himself. With his encouragement, Melinda begins to draw and sketch pieces that are crude and devoid of life, but in them, she shows a talent to be a good artist under the right circumstances.

Melinda realizes she must come out of the state that is affecting her life by confronting Rachel with the truth, something the other girl is not ready to accept since she is too emotionally involved with the young man that caused Melinda's trauma. The result is a changed Melinda, who suddenly realizes she must confess everything to her parents and go on with her life.

The film owes a lot to Kristen Stewart, who as Melinda projects all the emotions bottled up in this young woman. Ms. Stewart appears to be a natural performer who can express all what she is feeling by her expressions. Steve Zahn is seen as the understanding teacher who sees all the potential in Melinda and is instrumental in giving her the confidence she should have. Elizabeth Perkins and D.B. Sweeney are Melinda's parents who should have seen what's wrong with her from the start, but being so involved with their lives, don't pay attention to their suffering daughter.

Jessica Sharzer shows a potential for going far as a director because she shows a sensitivity rarely seen these days in serious movies dealing with wounded souls like Melinda Sordino.
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Heartbreaking Coming-to-age Story
claudio_carvalho15 September 2006
The teenager Melinda Sordino (Kristen Stewart) joins the high-school with a great feeling of rejection and becomes practically mute. Her school mates and friends call her "squealer", because she called the police during a summer party; she does not have communication with her mother, Joyce Sordino (Elizabeth Perkins), who is workaholic and is permanently busy; and she has problem with a very radical teacher. She finds a great support with her arts teacher Mr. Freeman (Steve Zahn) and her school friend David Petrakis (Michael Angarano), and recalls her traumatic experience in the summer school, when she was raped, learning how to deal with the situation and reborn mature.

"Speak" is a very simple and linear story, and even in the trailer the predictable trauma of Melinda is disclosed; therefore there are no surprises, plot point or mystery to have a twist in the story. What makes "Speak" a little gem and so special are the realistic story, the excellent direction and the stunning performances, mainly of Kristen Stewart in the role of the traumatized Melinda, learning how to deal with her rape and later rejection by the mates by herself. Steve Zahn is also great in a mature role (I believe this is the first time I see him in this type of character) of a supportive school teacher. The nominations and award of the sensitive director Jessica Sharzer are very fair, but I believe Kristen Stewart deserved also a nomination for her brilliant and awesome performance. I would like to recommend this movie for parents of teenagers. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "O Silêncio de Melinda" ("The Silence of Melinda")
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Not bad at all
DaveMcDave12 December 2004
I just finished watching this film and decided that I should say something about it. Firstly, Wow! Kristen Stewart. There is an actress with a great future. An impressive performance. The support cast, which it must be remembered, play a fairly incidental role in this film, were adequate at allowing her to shine through. The Directing was solid. I didn't get lost, it wasn't all over the place.

Plotwise, I was quietly moved. I had seen this film on cable a couple of times before and just flicked passed it thinking it was just more "made for TV" crapola, but tonight I tuned in at the beginning and failed to channel surf away. I stuck with it till the end, and if anything, was sorry that it was over. It managed to suck me right into the story, I wanted to see where I was being taken.

It's not a bold film, even though it discusses a challenging topic. I was worried the Teen Angst Engine may kick in, and was glad to see it nowhere in sight. It was a film that left me thoughtful, and wanting to tell someone to give it a chance.... so... give it a chance, I thought it was worth it.
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A Contribution to Society
baho21 February 2004
I can react to this movie on a number of levels. First of all, it is a wonderful thing that this film was made. It deals with a very real yet very troubling issue, and handles it with sensitivity and hope. This movie has the potential to really help people, and I can't think of a better legacy for a filmmaker.

Despite all that, I wish this would have been a better movie. The pacing of the story seemed wildly out of whack and there were a couple of directorial decisions that could certainly be questioned. On the other hand, Kristen Stewart's performance in the lead role of Melinda was excellent, although the rest of the acting left me flat. (Even Steve Zahn, who I normally love, seemed a bit miscast.) And while the writing didn't grab me, there were enough light-hearted moments to make Melinda's personal anguish bearable for the audience.

Beyond cinema as therapy, the film contained meaningful insights into the potential of artistic expression in healing, the general alienation of being a freshman in high school, or the critical relationship of an individual's will and determination with the healing process. People should see this movie not because of its cinematic excellence but because it has an important and optimistic message.
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A Beautiful Piece of Work
KM_39111 February 2004
I saw this movie at Sundance and was very surprised that it went home with no awards. Though I'm not familiar with the book, I can say that Jessica Scharzer does a masterful job of telling a delicate story in a very real and touching way. It is never easy to handle a story about a traumatizing event, but to do it with such sensitivity, in the midst of a HILARIOUS movie, is pure genius. A great deal of the credit must go to Kristen Stewart for her portrayal of a girl whose emotions are always known to the audience, though she hardly ever says a word. Anyone who has been to high school should get a big kick from some of the send-ups in "Speak." And for anyone who has doubted the talents of Steve Zahn, just look for the scene where he sees what Melinda (Stewart) has done in the supply closet.

I hope to see this movie in theaters soon, and I give it my highest recommendation. And no, I don't know anyone who was involved with it. I just wanted to give credit where credit is due. Go see this movie!
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Stewart terrific in better-than-most Lifetime movie
SnoopyStyle31 May 2015
It's the first day of school and Melinda Sordino (Kristen Stewart) arrives as a quiet depressed loner. Her old friends like Rachel (Hallee Hirsh) have abandoned her. There was a traumatic event at a summer party that is shown in recurring flashbacks and she is haunted by Andy Evans. She bullied as the Squealor. The only girl talking to her now is peppy new girl Heather. Mr. Neck is the intolerant teacher. Mr. Freeman (Steve Zahn) is her kind art teacher. Her parents (Elizabeth Perkins, D.B. Sweeney) are clueless. Agitator Dave Petrakis is assigned to be her lab partner.

Kristen Stewart is terrific. She makes this not just simply another Lifetime TV teen rape drama. I love the title which is almost a plead for Melinda to speak up. It's the constant refrain at the back of my head throughout this movie. It creates intensity as the audience roots for her to speak up. A couple scenes do hold it back a little. Mr. Neck is pushed too far in one scene where he's almost a cartoon villain. I also think Melinda was a bit too mean to Heather in that one scene. Heather wasn't wrong when she tells her to talk to a professional. She also stuck with her a lot longer than most people would. Other than talking too much, she seems to be a good friend. Also a couple of times, the movie takes on too light of a tone. Overall, this is a compelling teen movie with a great central performance.
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Kristen Stewart Should Have a Lot of Fans After This Performance
aimless-466 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
In my review a year ago of "Catch That Kid", I referred to Kristen Stewart as a young Portman/Knightley. Most people thought I was going a bit overboard but with her performance in "Speak" I feel even more confident of my assessment. Although "Speak" was shot within a few months of "Catch That Kid" Stewart looks considerably older, with the Portman/Knightley connection even more obvious. Her understated performance as Melinda Sordino is absolutely riveting. Stewart's performance is critical to this film because she is not just the central character but also the narrator, the entire story is told from her point of view.

Cinematographer Andrij Parekh gets maximum effect from the camera as the film is filled with tight shots of Stewart's face and eyes. Director Jesseca Sharzer gets an incredible non-verbal performance from Stewart which is nicely offset by the voice-over narration. Like the narration in "The Opposite of Sex" and "Girl" this helps relieve the intensity and introduces some wry humor into the story. I particularly liked Stewart's offhand voice-over on her way to the principal's office: "I forgot that the suffragettes were hauled off to jail, duh".

Melinda's flat and distanced narration is often contradicted by the crushing emotional trauma she is experiencing on the screen, this dichotomy is a very effective way to illustrate her inner strength and multi-dimensionality.

Parekh complements his close work with interesting short focal transitions and some good exterior shots. One especially nice one is when Stewart is walking in the distance and the focus slowly changes to highlight a bee and a flower in the foreground.

Like "Welcome to the Dollhouse", the adult roles are a bit extreme but the student roles are very convincing.

Interestingly, the climatic scene actually occurs about 15 minutes before the ending. Melinda's rejuvenation happens during her impromptu hospital visit, her voice-over reflects this change: "It happened. There's no avoiding it. No forgetting." Strong again she dumps Heather, plays a killer set of tennis, and bicycles to the scene of last summer's party where she confronts what happened to her and decides to tell Rachel. The tree that inspired her painting helps tie everything together.

Virtually everyone should find this film engrossing, but it will especially appeal to those who like to see their heroines get stronger as a story progresses.

Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.

NOTES ON THE ADAPTATION: A personal visualization process occurs when reading a book that often makes its movie adaptation less powerful and less enjoyable. But it also affords the opportunity to focus on understanding why the screenwriter, director, and editor choose to use, alter, or omit each element in the book. Adaptations are all about economy and efficiency as they try to tell the same essential story visually and often symbolically.

In the case of "Speak", I think the movie is more powerful than the book as you feel Melinda's trauma more, even if you don't understand it as precisely. The visuals of Melinda's emotional battles are more powerful than any narrative; as are the visuals of her drawings and of the process of her growing stronger as the story progresses.

The adaptation shows Melinda's parents more positively but still portrays them as disinterested. The key scene is Christmas morning. Watch how after receiving the art supplies Melinda is pleasantly stunned that her parents were actually aware that she was drawing, then quickly disappointed when they disconnect and start their own conversation about the stereo system, which brings on the flashback of them not being there when she returned home from the party.

They wonderfully condense the process of Mr. Freeman connecting with Melinda, the key scene is when he and Ivy are discussing her art project with the turkey bones and the palm tree. Melinda is seated as they come into the frame from both sides. The camera is static as they discuss the project until just before Mr. Freeman says the word "pain". At that point they cut to a tight reaction shot of Melinda's face as the word registers and her eyes look up at him in surprise. With that short sequence they manage to communicate about 50 pages of narrative and to say all that is needed about the special relationship that Melinda and Mr. Freeman will develop. The viewer is shown not just that he is picking up her pain from the symbolism in her art work, but more importantly that she now realizes there is someone who is tuned in and interested in her welfare. This little sequence is truly inspired and a great illustration of the visual power of film.
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Occasionally interesting TV movie
jasonay3 April 2006
The first scene of this movie is the best: A young teenager stares into the mirror after an inventive makeup job that makes it look like her lips have been sewn shut. This image cleverly reflects the themes of the film - silence, repressed feelings and the inability to express emotions following a tragedy.

One thing that is unique about Speak is that while most films about high school rape are about seniors, this is about freshmen, with the assault taking place in grade 8. Such things must happen, and even if it is less likely to happen at fourteen than in the later teen years it's still refreshing to see the subject addressed.

Most of the acting is TV quality, although the narration was well done. I never had the feeling of an entire school year passing, despite efforts to show the seasons changing and various holidays passing by. Aside from the opening scene, nothing particularly grabbed my attention. This is a fairly standard TV movie with good intentions. It could be an excellent film for any teen struggling to express their feelings about anything that's troubling them, whether it's rape or not.
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Kristen Stewart proves herself to be our next great actress
GormanBechard5 September 2005
More than anything, watch SPEAK for Kristen Stewart's raw, honest, beautiful performance. This young actress can convey more with one look than most veterans can with an entire monologue. She reminds me of a young Mary Louise Parker. And as a director, she shot up on my wish list of people I'd one day like to work with!

Aside from Stewart, the film is very well directed, tightly scripted...Steve Zahn is quite good as the art teacher with the heart of gold...

And I love the score, which owes a lot to Neutral Milk Hotel.

But really it's all about Stewart. There isn't one beat of her performance which does not ring true.

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Good Message. Needed More Feeling
AngelHonesty23 December 2023
I found the movie too tame. It said in the written introduction to the film that Melinda (Kristen Stewrt) is supposed to not talk after the bad summer incident. But she does talk. She doesn't talk much, only when asked a question. But she is not mute. She still talks. I think it would have had a better impact on the film if she did become completely mute. And it would have people asking why?

It's a hard subject to cover in a movie. Melinda did become depressed. And closed off from everyone. But the way they had her come back from it I found it to be unrealistic. No one bounces back that fast. And there really wasn't a coming to the end of herself moment. And those kinda things that happen, normally people don't want anyone to know. I strongly doubt she would have been super open to talking about the details with certain people in the movie.

Kristen did a great job. I'm not a big fan, but she actually pulled out some decent character moments. She does tend to do better with movies where she is a tortured soul.

Overall I found the story a little boring. Too tame. Even the friendship she was slowly making with the boy wasn't shown enough and didn't go into much depth. And the art was here and there, but nothing full on. I think there could have been a better connection made with her art teacher, but the movie was lacking. There wasn't much feeling in the movie. I never felt sad or really much of anything. No real connections made either.

The movie does have a good message.
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A faithful, moving adaptation of a wonderful book.
sarazarr24 January 2004
I was luck enough to see this film at Sundance. I'd read the book when it came out and loved it, but wasn't sure how it would translate to film, given that the main character really doesn't talk at all in the book. Jessica Sharzer's adaptation handles all of the potential problems beautifully, without changing the fundamental story and using voiceover only sparingly. What really makes the movie, though, is Kristen Stewart's complete embodiment of Melinda. She does things with her face that actors twice her age with twice her experience only wish they could do. Though the film is not at all didactic in nature, it would be a great one for teens to see with their parents. Lots of good material for discussion. It's great to see Laurie Halse Anderson's wonderful book get the screen treatment it deserves. If you like this movie, you might also like BLUE CAR, MANNY & LO, and THE CHOCOLATE WAR.
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Good but not great.
heidisalonen-5584122 October 2021
This movie is very dark and saddening but it does has a lot of basic teen movie elements. For example the dialogue is very unnatural and just plain bad. It doesn't feel thought out enough. The plot as well. Even though its a nice story about recovering from trauma it is unfortunately very unrealistic. However Kristen Stewart's acting really stuck out to me and it's what made this movie worth watching.
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Talking is hard
nightroses10 May 2018
This film is well made and colouful, with close-ups of facial expressions. It's also sad to watch because rap is very serious and traumatic. Talking is very difficult and things go wrong. The main character is played by Kristen Stewart who finds school difficult. Her grades fall, she's lost her friends, she's picked on and there's a guy at school who raped her in the previous year. She can barely cope with all the school stuff, and then being targetted by one of the teachers giving her low grades. The symbolism in the movie is with trees and it may be her inner strength that she wants to find using art.
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kosmasp30 September 2020
It is not always easy to speak out or to tell ones story. Especially when it is one, that goes contrary to something or someone popular. While I usually don't read what movies are about, I had a glimpse at the summary, which was quite spoiler heavy. Because while you will figure out what "bugs" Kristen Stewarts character in this, it is worth going that journey with her, not knowing.

So while the movie is more than decent more of the time, towards the end a couple of cliches do find their way in. Still a powerful movie, with a powerful, while very subtle main performance. And almost an audition tape for the Twilight movies (her character here is more fleshed out, if you'll excuse the pun). The theme of the movie is not one that is about feel good, this is a drama after all, but hopefully you can take something away from this. And hopefully the notion of things happening here, will be just a thing of the past ...
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Speak, shout or whisper??
Well which one is it? This movie really surprised me, as the performances from Stewart and Zahn are brilliant. The movie slowly unfolds and tells us the story of Melinda (Stewart) and a traumatic event during her summer causes her to lose all her confidence and become alienated from society.

Her fellow classmates and her "ex best friends" bully her and parents don't understand her problem because she cannot talk or even imagine the event that caused her confidence to falter.

Stewart does a great job as the frightened unconfident Melinda and the narration from her is quirky, funny but also gives an insight of how the character actually feels. Zahn also does a great job as the funky art teacher trying to inspire his students and help Melinda regain her confidence.

The direction of the film is steady and knows where it wants to head and finish and shows the harsh reality of highschool where cliques form and bullying thrives but i felt that Angarano and Zahn deserved more screen time because they were great.

Positives: Great acting, good story and really pulls you into the film Negatives: Should've had more from the secondary characters Overall: Should definitely watch this film!!
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Wonderful film
imdbbl23 October 2009
Speak tells the story of Melinda Sordino, a freshman in high-school with a feeling of rejection. She lives in a lethargic state and seems to be struggling with a depression. On top of that she's constantly teased by the other students and her relationship with her parents lacks communication.To make the situation even worst she butts heads with the social studies professor.She does find some support in her arts teacher Mr. Freeman but her life, her existence, seems to be quite painful.As the movie progresses, the pieces of the puzzle start to come together as we learn trough flashbacks what happen to Melinda in summer school and the trauma she went trough.Speak is a fantastic film,beautiful, even though the story is sad and tragic.The film is extremely well directed,beautifully shot and the soundtrack is superb contributing to the melancholic tone of the movie. Everything just comes together so nicely.I'm sure some will think the movie is slow paced but for me the story flows just perfectly.I was completely caught off guard by Kristin Stewart's portrayal of Melinda, and the film owes a lot to her subtle yet extremely powerful performance.Her performance really sets this film apart from other dramas. I would go even further as to say it was Oscar worthy.Who would have thought that the girl in Twilight was such a great actress? I hope she goes back to doing this intricate and meaningful films instead of the twilight crap.I have to mention Steve Zahn as well who had a small part but made the most of it. Speak is a tremendous movie,beautiful even if tragic,one of the best dramas I've seen lately and definitely worth seeing.

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Adolescents are most of the time annoying, no exception in this movie.
deloudelouvain9 September 2020
For once I read a lot of positive reviews and this time I don't really agree with them. Don't get me wrong, Speak is worth a watch but it's for sure not a masterpiece like another reviewer stated. It's one of those movies you watch without too much interest, but it's watchable so you just get on with it. First of all teenagers are not the most interesting people to watch, most annoying on the other hand I could agree. The story is a bit slow and to be honest not that captivating or even interesting. Kristen Stewart isn't bad but she will never be a super actress either. Most of the cast are teenagers and most of them have annoying characters. Let's just say it's not my kind of genre of movies that I enjoy watching.
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Start to Finish Symbolism
psycholynch19795 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw this film I cried at the beautiful use of symbolism. The color orange as a negative color, trees as a reminder, not being able to speak, speaking through art, The Scarlet Letter and being branded as something, etc.

An excellent mention is Kristen Stewart's performance and expressions--incredible. The school year as being marked by holidays was excellent. The rape scene broken in pieces like a puzzle was perfect.

The scene at the end when the art teacher (Steve Zahn) sees Melina's finished tree projects is incredibly moving, the whole time he was hearing her, but she never had to utter a word. Trees in general were a huge symbol. Her original picture looked phallic with the trunk and circle of leaves... and she was able to speak her rape terror in her pictures.

At the end when Melinda blinds Andy she takes his vision like he took her voice. A perfect revenge in standing up for yourself and defending your body... :-) A great educational experience.
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A decent film
mlawrencewyatt14 March 2006
I think I would have enjoyed this film more if it had not tried to deal with such heavy subject matter. Because the theme was so sensitive and intense, points of mediocre craftsmanship stuck out. Essentially everyone in the film is a stereotype--the art teacher, the English teacher, the History Teacher, Melinda's friends, Melinda's parents, the principal, and the counselor.

Kristen Stewart was the best thing about this movie. She had a pretty good command of her facial expressions and mannerisms. It would have been nice if she had some decent lines. The other actors were fairly weak. The score was essentially a non-entity.

Like I said, it's an OK film, but it's trying to be more than it is.
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Great Movie
xxpinkpanther5 September 2005
Kristen Stewart did an excellent job on this movie. I was personally in tears in many parts of the movie, and I was crying at the end of it too. Even though most of the acting wasn't very good (Heather's lines seemed bland and disorganized), Stewart brought it all back together. Though I cannot relate to Melinda's situation, I was moved to tears by her traumatic experience.

All in all, I think this was an amazing film. It doesn't have much relation to the book, and Melinda's character isn't supposed to be dazzling at art, but the entire film was overall great. I would recommend this film to anyone (though they might want to be at least 12 or older).
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Left me with a happy feeling
the_oak9 December 2012
I liked most of the characters in this movie. Melinda and her parents start off as distant, but then I realized that both her mum and dad were pretty cool. So was Melinda, but I guess they all three just needed to figure some things out. Especially Melinda, because she has a big secret. It tears away at her.

I also liked Melinda's friends. Both her x-friends from last school year and her new ones. Although Rachel comes off as a little bitchy at first. The one person I didn't like was Andy. But he is the bad guy, so that's the way it should be. Oh, Mr. Neck is a bit over the top as the teacher who breathes down their necks when they are two minutes late or if they have opinions of their own.

I am a teacher, and maybe I could appreciate easier some of the stereotyped characters at the school. Anyways, although this is a movie with a serious theme, it all goes well, and all I can say is it left me with a good feeling.
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Speak is about as powerful as it gets!
redeyedtree7 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! I have never been raped but I have known those who have and my half sister was molested by her father. Virginity is something special, to be given away only once. Rape assaults a person in every way. Not often acknowledged is that men/boys can and do get sexually assaulted. This movie is for everyone! It addresses all the feelings and consequences. It addresses the misunderstandings and the subsequent fall-outs. It addresses matters from both sides of the fence. It shows that the victims are not just the ones raped but the family and friends who just don't know what's going on and why. The performances were very strong, especially by Kristen Stewart. The flashbacks were most effective. In time victims can learn to live with it but it is never truly gone, memories are there and can be triggered by a smell, touch, taste and texture. Speak is sensitive and at the same time hard-hitting. Well done indeed!!!
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Not Bad
socrates419 January 2019
SPEAK is an interesting character drama starring Kristen Stewart as a young girl with selective mutism. In other words she has chosen not to speak. It is an intriguing story, bleak at times, as we learn about this person and the world in which she lives.

Stewart gives perhaps the best performance of her career here. I admit I have not seen all of her work, but this film made a true fan out of me and now I want to see more. Recommend.
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Interesting & Unusual tale with Remarkable Kristen Stewart
saadgkhan19 January 2011
SPEAK – CATCH IT ( B- ) The Concept of the movie is quite interesting and unusual. The whole movie proceeds very beautifully and does create the curiosity about "what exactly happened in past to Kristen Stewart's Character". The Flashbacks of the character were nicely incorporated in movie. Though, the second half the movie was little dry plus I wanted to see more of Kristen Stewart & Michael Angarano. Kirsten Stewart did a fantastic job as she does in her every Independent movie. Michael Angarano has few scenes but he Impress me a lot. Eric Lively is Gorgeous as her sister Blake Lively. Though, his role was creepy he did his best being Adorable. Speak showcases quite interesting look into a Teenagers life when some Unfortunate thing happens to them and they can't figure out how to share that with family & friends.
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