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Don't look at this film as a horror film, look at it in a family styled way.
tequila10116 February 2011
When I watched the last sequel in the Chucky saga, I was a little disappointed at the way they had treated my favorite serial slasher. I just didn't catch the crappy comedy. I watched it again and now I find it a decent sequel to the series but out of all 5 films, this would have to be my least fav, but never the less, it could have been more worse.

Chucky and Tiffany are put onto a TV show and then their son/daughter, Glen/Glenda finds them and uses an emblem to set them back to their evil ways. They then go to Jeniffer Tilly's house and start causing havoc as they are ready to transfer their souls into a another two sets of human beings. Glen/Glenda just wants to be a family but his/her parents seem to be out of control.

That is the part I loved about the film the most: the family issues, a son/daughter just wants to be a family and Chucky just continuous his homicidal rampage and Tiffany tries her best. A lot of people look at "Seed of Chucky" and just say it's a crappy piece of crap that should have never been made. A lot more people should be looking at the family morals and that's the only things (besides the awesome kills) that this film has to offer. I just think it was done well.

I also thought John Waters was good as well as Brad Dourif as the demonic doll again.

Even if I didn't like the comedy and it could have been so much better, I still think it's OK.

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There's nothing quite like murder to bring the family together.
lost-in-limbo11 April 2006
Picking up a couple years after the last outing ; Chucky and Tiffany are now ordinary dolls being used in a Hollywood slasher called 'Chucky goes Psycho' inspired on the urban legends of these killer dolls. While, in Britain their innocently sweet son is part of an ventriloquist act. When not performing he spends most of the time having bad nightmares and trying to figure out who are his parents. When watching TV he comes across Chucky and Tiffany and he immediately realises they're his parents and so he heads to Hollywood to find them. Using the amulet he brings them back to life and to their surprise they discover they have a son/or maybe daughter. So the three set a plan to take over the body of a b-grade star Jennifer Tilly and director Redman, but Tiffany wants to give up on violence and hopes Glen/Glenda and Chucky will join her. Although, Chucky wants Glen/Glenda to come on a killing spree with him.

Being a fan of the series I've enjoyed every single one, so I was expecting the same for this particular spin. I remember when I saw it at the cinema, I was somewhat disappointed that it went more for comedy angle and I didn't think too much of it after Ronny Yu's vastly better and refreshing twist on the franchise with 'Bride of Chucky'. It was good to see that the original creator and writer for all five films Don Mancini decided to take the director's helm, but on this occasion it just didn't work out. I just managed to catch the film on cable and I was hoping maybe since now I know it's aiming for the funny bone that'll will totally get into it. Well, it didn't entirely go to plan. Yeah, it's mildly humorous at times, but I thought it tries too hard to make you laugh with an instant gag after another and they do become rather repetitive with its heavy handed parody on the materialistic glitz and glamour of Hollywood. Yeah, we get the point, but no, they continue the self-knowing attitude and in-jokes that makes you think that maybe the whole film is a big joke. Well, the film within a film set-up gives them ammunition to mock their own franchise, references to family values to fighting temptations and there's some homage's to other horror flicks too. The cheeky script is very much tongue-in-cheek with a full blooded unpleasantness to it's humorously, stabbing irony and extremely twisted violence. The outlandish violence is simply spiteful with blood and gore running freely… it's definitely one nasty habit the family share, but they do provide some innovative kills. Forget about tension and scares because it's far from frightening and this ain't your usual stalk and slash vehicle. Actually, you say it's a vehicle for Jennifer Tilly to strut around by playing (or poking fun at) herself. She gives a knockout performance by carrying the film and she raises most of the laughs. Surprisingly John Waters is quite good too as a snooping paparazzi. When ever those two were on the screen they chewed up the scenery, especially Tilly. It was the Jennifer Tilly's show, alright! She also did the voice again for the Tiffany doll and Brad Dourif returns to voice Chucky. This outing Chucky feels like a lesser figure with most of the attention on Tilly and their child Glen/Glenda who's voiced by Billy Boyd. The identity crises joke about their child was funny at first and intro is pretty hilarious, but it started to wore thin after a while when it was straining for laughs.

The film is highly glossed up and it looks great with done-up treatment all round with the puppets' appearances more striking then ever. The soundtrack is rather boisterous, but fits into the overall mood of the film. I've got to hand to Mancini for the originality and for the film's unpredictable energy and surprises, but despite that there are times when spots do seem to drag (even for such a shorting running time) and the plot comes across as a bunch of muddled ideas that don't always entirely gel. The film is not great, but it's far from awful.

'Seed of Chucky' seems like it wants to make joke out of everything with a lot of things totally missing the point and the film after awhile just lost its way for me. Simply, pure mockery that likes to continuously wink at you.
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Deliverance of evil
TheLittleSongbird29 December 2018
Having been on a roll watching and reviewing gradually over time films belonging in horror film franchises, the Chucky/'Child's Play' films were the most recent to get this treatment. Part of my want to see them was my fascination to see if killer doll Chucky deserved his horror icon status. My conclusion seeing the films is that he does deserve it and a hugely entertaining and creepy character, that is quite a bit better than the films.

The Chucky/'Child's Play' films are a mixed bag. The best of the series is still the first film followed quite closely by 'Bride of Chucky', enjoyed both immensely while acknowledging their imperfections. Did sort of like the second too while being mixed to indifferent on the third (which gets a lot of dislike but for me it wasn't that bad). 'Seed of Chucky' is a step or two down from 'Bride of Chucky' and my feelings are the same as those for 'Child's Play 3', thinking it was not that bad but didn't do an awful lot for me at the end of the day. Whether it's the worst of the series is debatable, have heard from friends that the films that followed are worse, having said that it is not hard to see why it is one of the lower rated films of the series here and why many dislike it. This is disappointing as this did have potential to be one of the best Chucky/'Child's Play' films if it was as good as 'Bride of Chucky', considering that Chucky and Tiffany return and there is again emphasis on comedy.

Lets start with the good things. 'Seed of Chucky' looks great. It is filmed with a lot of atmosphere, has a suitably eerie look and the special effects are nothing short of terrific. The music score is one of the best of the series, its hauntingly ominous sounds not easy to forget in the long run. Tiffany steals the show here pretty much, being both amusing and creepy, and Jennifer Tilly does have a ball playing her, wisely not taking it too seriously. Brad Dourif is still deliciously malevolent as Chucky, though he should have had more to do.

While not near as fresh or witty as the humour in 'Bride of Chucky', there are some darkly funny parts and lines. The parodies and in-jokes need familiarity in order to get them, being familiar with a vast majority of them this was not a problem for me, but some do work. The memorable being a quite hilarious cameo from John Waters. Another scene stealer was Glen/Glenda, hilariously played by Billy Boyd.

'Seed of Chucky' however has a number of serious problems. The story is both daft and lacking oomph, also suffering from trying to cram in too much and struggling to balance it all and properly exploring it. Meaning it all feels muddled and over-stuffed with the Glen/Glenda being particularly over-complicated. With the funny moments, there are moments but it's not consistent. Other parts feel very limp and stale.

Found that the supporting cast on the most part were very bland, with one of the biggest faults of the film being the utterly wretched performance from Redman, out of place and annoying. 'Seed of Chucky' is severely lacking in the horror elements, where there is pretty much no atmosphere or mood. It is more reliant on gore rather than suspense or creepiness, and it is a big problem as it is overused to the point of abuse and too much of it is rather gratuitously tasteless. The kills are neither creative, palm-sweating or nail-biting, instead being predictable, sometimes silly and the overuse and gratuity of the gore hampers them. Don Mancini's directorial ineperience is all over.

Altogether, a lot of serious faults here but there are things that prevent it from being a complete waste of time. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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IF you think you might like this, trust me, you will!
belialprod12 November 2004
Towards the climax of "Seed of Chucky", Chucky himself manages to subvert the ENTIRE concept of the ENTIRE series so far, and thus most films of its kind, by using simple reasoning. I have been dying to hear that from a "slasher villain" for, well...since the birth of slasher villains.

What a great time this movie is! "Bride of Chucky" reinvented what had become a dull, unscary franchaise as black comedy. "Seed" takes that ball and runs with it. Don Mancini, who created Chucky many years ago, finally gets a chance to direct and I think this film will get him jobs outside the series. He not only makes the fifth take on Chucky feel fresh- a major accomplishment in itself for any series that has gone on this long- but shows a flair for satirizing movie clichés (a certain object flies upwards towards the camera at one point and it's a gas considering how overused that shot has been in action movies of recent years)and has a strong visual sense- check out the floor of Jennifer Tilly's foyer for an unexpected laugh. And I've got to hand it to Ms.Tilly- the girl's a trooper for sure,letting herself be the butt of jokes, both cruel and crazy. This is balanced by a great scene- a lot of directors would have left it for the DVD- where she reveals that she's not the one note Hollywood caricature she's been built up to be. Add that to a gender confusion subplot, and a piss take on twelve step programs, and you've got something a hell of a lot smarter than most horror films. Hell, than most comedies.

Speaking of Hollywood, the refreshing thing for a movie that takes place there? It isn't married to tired in jokes- save for one great one for B-Movie fans- the name of Chucky and Tiffany's child- which I will leave you to discover for yourself.

"Seed" has the over the top humour of the best obnoxious comedies ("American Pie" comes to mind, but better examples probably escape me), and a surprisingly graphic amount of gore- this thing doesn't skimp on the blood. For the latter reason, no way will it cross over to a mainstream audience. It is what it is and is the most entertaining version of what it is, I think, possible.

What it all comes down to is, if you're on this page, reading reviews, you're probably a partial convert to a movie like "Seed of Chucky", and if you're wondering if you'll like it, I have to tell you, this movie doesn't skimp. It's got all the slasher movie essentials like gore and nudity, married to a crude, black, very funny sense of humour, and even some semblance of humanity.

What I'm saying is, you'll like it.
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Amusing film
martin-7856 July 2005
Any film that sorts out Britney Spears gets a vote and this one does it with style. I like the way it repeatedly intermixes Chucky killing, when he isn't because it's fantasy/dreaming, with Chucky killing and he actually IS. Blood? There's plenty. Identity confusion? There's plenty. Tacky scenes? There're plenty. This film is definitely tacky! I loved it for that . The end scene catches you by surprise, but I won't spoil it for you, I'll just say "Stop peeing your pants!".

So why only a five? The whole thing is starting to get a bit samey. You KNOW it'll be a bloodbath, you know it'll be tacky and it lets it down in my opinion. There's only so much mileage in a concept and this is definitely the last drop of petrol.
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a light piece of fluff with some gore
movieman_kev2 June 2005
Chucky's son, picked up at the graveyard where he was born in the last film by a British bloke, now work as a 'dummy' to his ventriloquist. He's having recurring dreams of murdering, and wondering who his real parents are. After seeing Chucky and Tiffany on Access Hollywood, he runs away from his home to America. Once there he reads from the magical necklace and resurrects the two dolls. When finds out his parents are murderers he pees himself (a recurring gag) See he's pretty much a pussy who doesn't know if he's a boy or girl. So Chucky calls him Glen and Tiff calls him Glenda. (laughing yet) While the first three Chucky films were played straight, and "Bride of Chucky" seemed to be a horror comedy. This one is Comedy, with some horror. I found myself amused to a point. Din't really care for the son character. But that's just my opinion. Definitely better than Child's Play 3, but I liked it less then the original, part 2, and "Bride of Chucky"

My Grade: C

Eye Candy: Stephanie Chambers gets topless; we also see Tiffany's doll parts
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Drives the Chucky franchise into the ground
braden42415727 January 2007
This is the most idiotic and perverted movie i have ever seen. Chucky is (or should i say was) a legendary slasher. everyone knows who Chucky the killer doll, however, no one is likely to care. I am disappointed in Don Mancini for making this crap fest (and then telling the world he was gay...thanks Don, nice to know). I'm also disappointed in David Kirschner for supplying Chucky, Tiffany and Glen. Brad Douriff could have turned the role of Chucky's voice down..but did he? no. He helped Don Mancini butcher the biggest movie of his life...and last but not least...Jennifer Tilly. Your career is over. She admits it in the film about 500 times and it's true....she's done. One last thing...Child's Play was not a comedy. Neither was 2 or 3. Seed of Chucky sucks. 0 out of 10
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Another horror series takes the comedy route
timhayes-120 June 2005
Like the Nightmare On Elm Street series before it, the Child's Play films have taken on a very humorous turn. What started out as a very straight forward horror film has over the past four sequels turned into a comedy with gore in it. That's not to say that Seed Of Chucky is a bad film by any means. It's actually really funny. While many compared New Nightmare to the Player for its blending of reality and fantasy, this film actually does it as well but manages to stick more to the satiric humour of The Player. There are Hollywood jokes galore and references to past films. Chucky's Ode to The Shining is pure hilarity and even Jennifer Tilly herself isn't safe as she manages to send up her own image more than even the rest of the cast around her. While Seed of Chucky is enjoyable for what it is, I can only hope that they decide to return the series to its terror roots if another is to be made.
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worst Childs Play to date.
running_with_scissors2 December 2004
After the quite enjoyable Bride of Chucky managed to change the tone from Horror to Comedy along comes Seed of Chucky and manages to change it from entertaining to abysmal. .

This sequel makes Childs Play 3 look fantastic and I wouldn't be surprised if this puts an end to the Childs Play series, yes it really is that bad! .

Even the most die-hard fan should think twice about watching this garbage, it stars Redman for crying out load, you know when a Rapper appears in the cast that it's scraping the barrel.
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Seed of Chucky,decent follow up of sorts.
mrtroll20064 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Not as good to the punch as Bride of Chucky it still funny and manages despite areas where there could of been improvements,kept my attention the whole movie through. I like this film as it makes the sexy and breath taking Jennifer Tilly really shines in both roles as the doll and herself.

I find the kid Glen/Glenda rather annoying in spots but in a good way which makes it funny. His/her voice is annoying yet perfectly set to the character.

This movie has many hilarious scene and Chucky running Britney Spears off the road was icing on the cake. The first time I seen this I wasn't at all impressed as I compared it to the previous flicks. But after seeing it a second and third time it grew on me. If you have a chance to see it watch it more than once as it does grow on you. It's good for a laugh and a few scares.
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Worst movie in the entire world
uheartcynthia31 July 2006
This was the stupidest movie I have ever seen in my entire life. What a waste of five hours- two hours to watch, and three hours to complain about how much time you wasted watching it. The movie didn't make any sense and Jennifer Tilly may be by far thee worst actress. I still do not understand why "Glinda" aka Glen has a British accent and why he is both a boy and a girl. Also, how could Jennifer Tilly only be pregnant for a day and then give birth? The movie had me laughing at its stupidity. Even the "gory" scenes were laughable. Child's Play was good, and even Child's Play 2 was pretty decent. They should have just stopped there. How can Chucky keep coming back to life? And what was with the stapled on hair extensions?
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much more of a comedy than an horror movie.
Lady_Targaryen26 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I was curious about watching the SEED OF CHUCKY, since the last movie made everybody stay in a sort of expectation about chucky's baby. The movie itself doesn't have any big surprise and it's very predictable,although funny: some of the best parts it's about Chucky's and Tiffanny's kid, Glen.(or Glenda?lol) Glen was raised in U.K.,by a ventriloquist who found him six years ago in a cemetery,where Tiffany and Chucky died. He had a terrible life in U.K., only serving the ventriloquist purposes,and after watching his parents in television, he decides to go Los Angeles to meet them. He resuscitates his parents by accident, and after that, many people starts to be killed. Until then, Glen was different from his parents, and was not a big fan of killing people, but near the end, seeing him all dressed like Tiffanny,helping his father to kill, was much more funny than horrifying. ;)
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Surprising, disturbing and funny....what more do you need?
Diaboliqa6668 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Don't see this movie if you are looking for a flick to scare you, it won't happen unless you are one of those abnormally sensitive to horror types. You need to see this movie as a comedy - nothing more and nothing less, any other way and you will be bitterly sorry.

This movie can make you feel uncomfortable - not because it has violence and a lot of fake blood but because one of the leading roles is that of a gender confused walking/talking doll who has spent the first half of his life affectionately known as "Shit Head".

You are disturbed not when a man has his face eaten away by acid but at the once in a life time sight of a masturbating good guys doll.

You are disgusted not by the fake intestines shanked out of Redman's stomach but by Tiffany using a turkey baster (oh yes, that old joke)to artificially inseminate Jennifer Tilly with Chucky's sperm.

There is a huge amusement factor in the Glen/Glenda role of Chucky's son, which is added to when Chucky and Tiffany decide to give up murder and then, after both breaking this vow, try and hide their murders from each other.

I gave it 6/10, which is above average, because it is funny, not particularly intelligent but a good choice when your in the mood for both laughter and splatter
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Rex_Stephens14 November 2004
I never had the guts to watch Bride of Chucky. The second Child's Play was hard enough on the nerves. However I found Seed of Chucky tolerable, and if I dare say so, there was a visual art to the movie non-existent in today's more mainstream shows. I can't explain it, and to be fair, don't watch this movie because of the art direction please. This movie involves Chucky and Tiffany's kid who finds his parents in Hollywood. The disturbing twist is the child has a problem that only Ed Wood would understand: is he Glen or Glenda? This leads to some disturbing moments, particularly toward the end. To round it up, the movie sucks, and the horror, if there was any in the series to begin with, is nowhere to be found. I swear the movie almost feels like a television episode but that is a redeeming quality, believe me. Some cameos here and there, but only after some homework did I find them. S Club 7 Hannah is also in there but throughout the movie I was wondering which Spice Girl was I seeing on screen. To Billy Joel, the good die young but in Seed of Chucky they haven't a prayer's chance getting any remorse.
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Playing With Dolls
cconner12 November 2004
'SEED OF CHUCKY' is perverse, absurd, disgusting and fun as all hell.

Anyone who goes to see a CHUCKY movie expecting a horror film is not living in reality. CHUCKY has become a comedy series of the blackest sort and that's certainly not a bad thing. While 'SEED' is no 'BRIDE', it still manages to deliver the goods and there are about a million in-jokes to test your movie IQ. Go to see this in the proper frame of mind and you won't likely be disappointed.

---My only serious criticism would be that this whole movie stars spoofing themselves (John Malkovich, Neal Patrick Harris, etc., and now Jennifer Tilly and Redman) has been played out. It's great to see that they have a sense of humor about themselves but it's getting old.---
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Decent but Chucky isn't the star
christian12327 November 2004
Chucky the killer doll (voiced by Brad Dourif) and his wife Tiffany (Jennifer Tilly) are back from the dead thanks to their pacifist son Glen (voiced by Billy Boyd). For the fifth film in the franchise, they head to Hollywood when they learn that a movie is being made about them, and of course, Chucky and Tiff go on a Hollywood style murder spree, which forces their son to try to stop them.

What was once a promising franchise is now kind of a joke to watch. The first movie was pretty good, offering enough scares and thrills to satisfy the viewer. The second and third films were bad sequels that offered no scares or thrills. The Bride of Chucky was an improvement over the last two sequels but it was still missing something that made the first one good. So, where does Seed of Chucky fit in? I'm sad to report that this latest entry is closer to the bad sequels than to the original. It's better than the second and third entry but the film is kind of a dud itself. First, there is a lot of gore but the film is not scary. Even the death scenes are a bit disappointing.

Second, Seed of Chucky is actually more of a comedy than a horror film. The director tries to mix these two genres together and it just doesn't work. Besides for Jennifer Tilly, most of the jokes are lame and Chucky is just not that funny. Third, Don Mancini really dropped the ball and focused more on the comedy aspect instead of actually trying to put real scares in. The story actually had potential to be scary and it completely failed. The only saving grace in Seed of Chucky is Jennifer Tilly. She offers a funny, engaging performance and she's such a good sport for making fun of herself. She is the only thing that keeps this film alive. The rest of the supporting cast include Red Man and Hannah Spearritt. Neither of them do anything special though. For me, this film was a major disappointment and I really hope this is the last movie of the franchise. In the end, this film is better left on the shelf. Rating 5/10
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A step back for the franchise...
paul_haakonsen22 December 2015
"Seed of Chucky" isn't the strongest of the movies in the "Child's Play" franchise. Why? Well, because they tried a bit too hard to incorporate way too much comedy. Don't get me wrong here, it is still an adequate movie, and the other "Child's Play" movies also do have elements of humor in them, but it was just a bit too much in "Seed of Chucky".

As for the story in "Seed of Chucky", well I will say that it overall felt like the soup was a bit too thin, and they should have stopped the franchise a while back.

The acting in the movie was good, though, as it has been in the many previous "Child's Play" movies too. But there is no doubt about the fact that it was Brad Dourif and Jennifer Tilly who carried the movie all the way.

Director Don Mancini had cut down on killings in "Seed of Chucky" compared to the previous movies, and instead putting most of the focus on the dysfunctional relationship between Chucky, Tiffany and their odd son Glenn.

While it is still an entertaining movie, it was just lacking the elements of the early years in the franchise, and you can say that "Seed of Chucky" sort of is a light variant of the "Child's Play" movies. As such, I am rating it a mediocre five out of ten stars.
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Disappointment worth checking out.
ruinously16 March 2005
When you go to see a movie about serial killer dolls having a child, you are going to cut it some slack. Yet no matter how much slack you give Seed of Chucky, it will not be enough. Eventually the lack of a captivating story or interesting characters not made of plastic will get to you and all that you will be left will be some very impressive death scenes and some third-grade level humor to soften the blow.

I think what hurts this film the most is how it fails to live up to the previous sequel, Bride of Chucky. What worked so well in that movie seems like more of the same (yet not quite as good) in this outing.

With all that said, Seed of Chucky is still worth that late night rental just to get it out of your system. There is just enough good here to invest 5 bucks and an hour and a half of your life.
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Child's Play again...decent entries keep coming!!
Robert_duder2 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It's tough to keep a good horror series going. Let's face it as much as people make fun of a numerous entry film ie: Friday The 13th, Halloween etc. people keep coming back for more...assuming they are good. The "Child's Play" series as it was originally known has been doing a good job over the course of almost 20 years. They manage to keep the same style and the same character alive and well and don't lose much of the original luster which is almost an impossibility but then they've also managed to keep coming up with actual different ideas and the series has come a long way.

Seed of Chucky picks up seemingly a long time after Bride of Chucky ends when Tiffany gives birth. Their "child" is now locked away in a cage by a mean man who is using him/her as a "dummy" in a ventriloquist act in England. The child is a pacifist and scared of everything and he believes that his mother and father are dead and that he is Japanese because he has a stamp on his arm that says "Made In Japan." Meanwhile in America, a film is being made about the world renowned killer dolls Chucky and Tiffany. Using animatronic dolls they are recreating the urban legend. During a documentary about this film, their child sees them on Television and recognizes his parents and is determined to go to them. He escapes and travels to America and finds the animatronic dolls on the set of the film. He finds them completely non-alive until he reads the inscription on the medal left to him...Chucky's infamous chant to transfer souls into bodies. Chucky and Tiffany come to life again and immediately begin their rampage of terror much to their young-lings dismay who is horrified by his parents' behavior. The Starlet of the new Chucky/Tiffany film, former Academy Award nominee Jennifer Tilly is sick and tired of getting crappy roles and is determined to nab the lead role as The Virgin Mary in a new big epic directed by Redman. Jennifer will do anything, including seduce and sleep with Redman to get her role. This gives Tiffany an idea. It's time for her and Chucky to finally get their bodies and transfer themselves into Jennifer Tilly and Redman. But they need a body for the newly named Glen/Glenda, their child. So they hatch a scheme to artificially inseminate Jennifer Tilly with Chucky's seed and get a new baby so they can transfer Glen into it. They hole themselves up in Jennifer's home and start their plan amidst paparazzi, crazy movie stars and their workers. Although Tiffany forces Chucky to stop killing for the sake of their child neither of them can stop for long. In the end it will come down to their child and whether it can be normal and stop his crazy parents or break down and give in to his natural instincts.

One of the great things about the Child's Play series is that Don Mancini has been attached to every single installment since it's very beginning. He has co-written every film, directed this most recent installment and is obviously familiar with his characters. Child's Play began and continues with outrageous, shocking gore, over the top violence, language, pointless nudity, and usually manages to be political incorrect along the way. Seed of Chucky continues this path deliciously. Chucky, voiced by Brad Dourif since the original continues to do an amazing job with just his voice. Chucky wouldn't even exist without Dourif. His voice encompasses everything Chucky is. Still Chucky's look also helps. The Killer doll still has this bite to him and is hilarious to watch. His cutting quips and evil soul is fun and nasty. The new addition, Tiffany, voiced by Jennifer Tilly is the perfect addition to Chucky. I would never have thought that a partner could be pulled off for Chucky but even in Seed of Chucky she continues to be a great addition. And finally one of the greatest horror characters to date...Glen/Glenda. Billy Boyd adds such a hilarious and perfectly disturbing voice to the young Seed. Also the doll's expressions and disturbing personality makes him such a great addition. As typical and usual as this installment is, I think it's starting to lose a little steam. There wasn't the enormous vats of gore although there was a good amount, I think taboo's and red tape is putting restriction on the typical "R" film. Although having Tilly and Redman portray and mock themselves was an interesting spin, it's kinda been done as of recently. There was a slight lack of real story to it. But the characters redeem the film. All in all if you loved the first four, you have to continue watching because it's still a very watchable series!! 7.5/10
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Chucky and Tiffany set off on a Hollywood killing spree!
rgaudion7 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The fifth film in Don Mancini's Child's Play series puts more emphasis on garish comedy with a little less of the super-abundant horror of the previous gore-fests. Seed of Chucky is a movie within a movie: first, there is a silly and mildly amusing spoof in which Jennifer Tilly (The Haunted Mansion) near enough plays herself, a desperate actress in Hollywood shooting a lame horror movie, Chucky Goes Psycho, mulling over her stalled career and quite understandably bitching about the success of Julia Roberts.

The second 'plot' sees the devilish Chucky doll (voiced by Brad Dourif) and his bloodthirsty wife, the Tiffany doll (Tilly), being resurrected by their sideshow freak child-spawn, the Glen doll (voiced by Billy Boyd, probably better known as Pippin from Lord of The Rings). Actually, the Glen doll is really a bit of a geezer-bird, a him-she, a man-bird: also known as Glenda when he feels like being a she. Anyway, the not-so good parents set off on a hammed-up Hollywood killing-spree, much to the disgust of Glen(da), with a twisted master plan to impregnate the dolefully oblivious Tilly. Blatantly crude, grisly and depraved, Seed of Chucky has something to offend everybody!

Hopefully Jennifer Tilly gets sent a flood of great meaty comic roles after this ingeniously dumb performance; at least she probably gets more than Julia Roberts as it is already.
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A worthy entry in the Child's Play series
boyinflares22 June 2005
A 5th entry in the Child's Play series was much expected after the ending of the 4th ("Bride of Chucky"). Chucky returns at his baddest (voiced again by the terrific Brad Dourif), and the fantastic Tiffany is back too (voiced by the lovely Jennifer Tilly). Obviously, going by the title of this movie, Chucky's "seed" is here also his son/daughter Glen/Glenda. When I learned that this was going to be another horror film which had a horror film within it I was somewhat hesitant, but the film-within-a-film played only a minor part. The puppets were all great, Tiffany in particular, and they certainly made up for the lack of many human characters. Jennifer Tilly is brilliant, playing herself this time (she played the human Tiffany in the 4th). She looks fantastic too. Hannah from S Club does good as Jennifer's personal assistant, Redman is also great, and the guy who plays Jennifer's driver is a bit of a hottie. A lot more comedy has made its way into this film (as opposed to others in the series), which is not a bad thing. Keep watch for plenty of Hollywood in-jokes and other movie references also.
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Lost the Plot!!
pete-56323 November 2006
Nah!, not having it! As a true fan of the original, and really Bride of Chucky was an acceptable addition, this worked on NO level. Laughable story, crap jokes (sat stone faced throughout, terrible acting, No Scares, In-jokes? they'll be out jokes in 2 years time!

Look Charles Lee Ray wants to get out of that body, he does! The original film,whereby to transfer into a body of a child, that's Horror! will he,won't he, and can he be destroyed? We're supposed to accept the premise that he wants to remain in his doll body, with the other two freaks. Ludicrous!

In this film the killing seemed out of place. There was no point. Influencing idiots out there that killing is fine! Unacceptable bad taste! Jokes crap! References to Julia Roberts....unfunny. That "Seed" didn't cut it. The three together look like freaky dolls in a bad Disney "Toy Story" type film.

It's now gone camp, hence John Waters, in a useless role. Brad Dourif surely can't do another one. Pay cheque must be good, I suppose.

The only interesting point was Jennifer Tilly (You still would.) carrying her age well. The best line was some reporter (just heard on sound) asking her "What year were you born? I know it was meant. Can't she recognise her own voice in the Tiffany doll? No more please. This series cannot go further.

Early reviewers in this section saying how pleased they were at the humour on display. This should be a horror flick! I suppose they'll be wanting half hour situation comedy series on TV!
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Stuff for fans
sinco2 May 2005
Give it up, if you didn't like Chucky before, you are absolutely going to hate Seed of Chucky. I read many negative reviews prior to watching this movie and was quite ready for a major disappointment. However, it did not happen. In my opinion, the movie is the crown of the entire series, an ode to Chucky, the star of popular culture. Look how he refuses to become human ...superb! For a lover of camp, gory flicks, horror and parody, there are so many delightful moments in the movie. However, it is not horror as such,nor any other particular genre for that matter. Chucky is not even the main star of the movie! I have already declared myself as a fan, and maybe my view is not entirely unbiased. Still, here are some things I particularly enjoyed:

1. The appearance of John Waters as an actor. Need I say more? Big +

2. Glen/Glenda who speaks with British accent, resembles David Bowie from his Ziggy Stardust phase and has sexual/personality identity issues. How cool is that? Big +

3. Very clear references, notably to Psycho, Shining, Rosemary's Baby (and some other movies by Mr. Polanski, but more in the form of allusions), and even Pinnochio. I am sure there are many more. Big +

4. Jennifer Tilly, one of the sexiest, most sensual, intelligent actresses I have ever seen. Ideal for all sorts of subversive films. Of course, she is wonderful in this one too. Mmm... Jennifer I love you. There, I have said it. Big +

5. Directing, music,setting, costumes. Yes, I liked them all... Thank you people, well done.

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You can't keep a good guy down!
CuriosityKilledShawn30 September 2006
The Chucky films have had a curious consistency in the decline of horror and the incline of humour. Child's Play was played straight for chills. Yes, it was ridiculous but had a rather mean-spirited edge to it that made you forget how silly it was. Child's Play 2 was less savage but with a touch more humour. Child's Play 3 (a film that had an unbelievably bad reputation thanks to moronic tabloids in the UK) found the right balance between laughs and scares. Chucky was downright evil, but you began to root for him more and more because his one-liners and easily irritable personality became rather er...cute. Ronny Yu's Bride Of Chucky, while very gory, simply was not a horror film at all - an entertaining black comedy that was ridiculously over-the-top, yes, but not a horror.

Now, fifth time around, series creator Don Mancini steps behind the camera, cranks the bad taste all the way up to eleven and delivers the most intelligent dumb film you've ever seen. The horror is non-existent but the gore is plentiful and the humour sicker than a syphilitic junkie. He rips out all the stop signs with such carefree abandon and directs with such hedonistic pleasure that you can't help pity other directors who take their own material far too seriously.

The child born at the end of Bride Of Chucky (voiced by Billy Boyd) has been picked up by a gruff English new age traveller and made to act in a fake-ventriloquist circus show, thanks to his bizarre doll-like appearance. He knows he's not normal, suffers terrible nightmares of killing and slaughter and is eager to find his real parents.

In Hollywood, a new movie called Chucky Goes Psycho, starring Jennifer Tilly, based on the Chucky urban legend is in production and when the young orphan sees a behind-the-scenes clip of what can only be his real mum and dad on TV, he escapes to Tinseltown to find out why they abandoned him. The obligatory chant to the almighty voodoo god Damballa resurrects Chucky and Tiffany, who are more than delighted to be together with their own child. Trouble is, they can't decide whether he's a boy, or a girl - a Glen, or a Glenda.

However, the killer dolls are still keen to get out of their plastic bodies once and for all and be human again. Obviously Tiffany is partial to Jennifer Tilly's body and Chucky aims to switch places with rapper/actor/director Redman who is planning a new Jesus Christ movie. As you can imagine, many deaths occur along the way, much to the distress of Glen/Glenda.

It sounds same-old-same-old, but let me assure you that Mancini crams as much daft humour and sick jokes in as possible. John Waters - the King of Bad Taste himself - has a hilarious extended cameo as a sleazy tabloid photographer who happens to snap a silhouetted image of Chucky hammering one off to a porno mag. How crazy is that? Chucky himself is a wonderful comic character. You just can't help but love him. Don't you think that he and Tiffany make a cute couple? He may be short but he's far scarier than Michael Myers ever was and his mere presence makes every scene a riot.

Seed Of Chucky is not a film for everyone. You have to be pretty open-minded to endure the morbid humour, but it's the guiltiest pleasure you're likely to have for a long time. The self-aware Hollywood references never become intrusive and the convoluted story never becomes confusing. Still, as I have said, it's not easy going entertainment if you're a stuffy conservative.

All fans of gore and brainless amusement must see. Oh, and in case you recognise the actor playing Jennifer Tilly's lawyer, that's Nicholas Rowe, better known as Young Sherlock Holmes.
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Surprisingly funny
Pigalina20 July 2005
I have never watched any of the Child's Play movies, never been terrified of my toys coming to life to murder me. What a deprived child. Anyway, Seed of Chucky was pretty good! It is really a comedy with a few deaths thrown in. Chucky and his wife Tiffany had a child (yes, they are dolls that breed) who is in England being touted as a ventriloquist dummy, when he is really "alive". The guy who uses him as a dummy is an angry fellow that wants the dummy (his name is Shitface) to be mean. S-Face though, is actually quite nice and manages to escape. He flys to Hollywood to find his parents, he saw them on TV so knew where to look. When he meets his parents the poor thing becomes gender-confused as he has no bits. Chucky wants a boy so calls him Glen, Tiffany wants a girl so calls his Glenda. Glen/da doesn't seem to mind and is happy being both. Jennifer Tilly plays herself in this film and this makes up the comedy bulk of the film. The dolls all live in her house and plan on taking over her body. Mayhem naturally follows.
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