The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) Poster

Andrew Garfield: Spider-Man, Peter Parker



  • Spider-Man : Ahem. You know, in the future, if you're going to steal cars, don't dress like a car thief, man.

    Car Thief : Who are you? Are you a cop?

    Spider-Man : Really? You seriously think I'm a cop? Cop in a skin-tight red and blue suit?

  • Miss Ritter : Mr. Parker! Tardy again?

    Peter Parker : Sorry Miss Ritter! It won't happen again, I promise.

    Miss Ritter : Don't make promises you can't keep.

    Peter Parker : Yeah but those are the best kind.

  • Gwen Stacy : Did you get expelled?

    Peter Parker : No. No, I didn't get expelled, I got community service.

    [They smile at each other and wait around awkwardly, then Gwen turns to go] 

    Peter Parker : Um so, uh, you want to, uh... I don't know.

    Gwen Stacy : Wanna what?

    Peter Parker : I don't know. Just, uh... Um... I don't know, we could, I don't know, we could uh... Or we could do something else, or we could, with no... We, like, we could...

    Gwen Stacy : [Smiling]  Yeah.

    Peter Parker : Yeah?

    Gwen Stacy : Yeah, either one.

    Peter Parker : Really?

    Gwen Stacy : Sure.

    Peter Parker : Okay, all right then. Sounds good.

    Gwen Stacy : Cool.

  • Spider-Man : I'm gonna throw you out the window now.

    Gwen Stacy : What?

  • Peter Parker : [eating meat loaf from the fridge exhausted]  This beats all of the meat loafs.

    May Parker : Something is very wrong.

    Ben Parker : Yeah. Nobody likes your meat loaf.

  • [from trailer] 

    Peter Parker : We all have secrets: the ones we keep... and the ones that are kept from us.

  • Gwen Stacy : No, Dad, I do not want cocoa. Honestly, I'm 17 years old.

    George Stacy : Okay. I just thought I remembered somebody saying last week that her fantasy was to live in a chocolate house.

    Gwen Stacy : Well, that's impractical.

    [she shuts the door, then reopens it] 

    Gwen Stacy : And fattening.

    [closes the door again] 

    Peter Parker : Chocolate house.

  • Gwen Stacy : [Answering phone]  Hi.

    Spider-Man : Hey, where are you?

    Gwen Stacy : Peter, hi. I'm at Oscorp.

    Spider-Man : You have to get out of there right now. Ok?

    Gwen Stacy : The antidote is cooking.

    Spider-Man : No, no, no. Connors is on the way. He's coming to you right now.


    Spider-Man : He needs the dispersement device. He's gonna infect the while city!


    Gwen Stacy : There's eight minutes left.

    Spider-Man : You're gonna wait there for eight minutes after what I just told you? People are gonna die! You leave right now. That is an order, ok?

    Gwen Stacy : I'm gonna get everybody out.

    [Hangs up] 

    Spider-Man : Did you hear wh-

    [Gwen hangs up] 

    Spider-Man : Gwen! Gwen! You Mother Hubbard. Are you serious?

  • Gwen Stacy : [Peter and Gwen are kissing in her room while she cleans his wounds]  Easy, Bug Boy.

    Peter Parker : [grins]  What did you call me?

  • Ben Parker : You are a lot like your father. You really are, Peter, and that's a good thing. But your father, he lived by a philosophy, a principle, really. He believed that if you could do good things for other people, you had a moral obligation to do those things! That's what's at stake here. Not choice. Responsibility.

    Peter Parker : That's nice. That's great... That's all well and good. So where is he?

    Ben Parker : What?

    Peter Parker : Where is he? Where's my dad? He didn't think it was his responsibility to be here to tell me this himself?

    Ben Parker : Oh, come on, how dare you?

    Peter Parker : How dare I? How dare you?

  • Car Thief Cop : Freeze! You in the tights, don't move!

    Spider-Man : You serious?

    Car Thief Cop : Who are you?

    Spider-Man : No one seems to grasp the concept of the mask.

    [Peter walks towards cop] 

    Car Thief Cop : Freeze!

    [starts shooting] 

    Spider-Man : [dodges]  I just did 80% of your job. Huh? And that - Is that how you repay me?

    [throws cop's gun under car] 

  • Gwen Stacy : Where have you been?

    Peter Parker : Hi.

    Gwen Stacy : [spoiler]  My father died. There was a funeral.


    Gwen Stacy : They shot off...

    [voice breaking/crying] 

    Gwen Stacy : rifles and they made speeches. Two of my teacher showed up. And Fl-Flash showed up. Everyone was there but you.

    [Wipes nose] 

    Peter Parker : [Wipes Gwen's cheek]  I can't do this. I can't do this.


    Peter Parker : I'm sorry. I can't...

    Gwen Stacy : What are you saying?

    Peter Parker : I can't see you anymore. I can't.

    Gwen Stacy : [Begins walking away, pauses, and turns back toward Peter]  He made you promise, didn't he? To stay away from me, so I'd be safe.


  • May Parker : What a pretty girl.

    Peter Parker : Yeah. That's what Uncle Ben said.

    May Parker : Did you ask her out?

    Peter Parker : [shakes his head] 

    May Parker : Why?

    Peter Parker : Can't.

    May Parker : Why?

    Peter Parker : I'm just no good for her.

    May Parker : Peter Parker, if there's one thing are, it's good. Anyone has a problem with that can talk to me.

  • Gwen Stacy : Peter. What happened?

    Peter Parker : You should see the other guy. The other guy, in this instance, being a giant mutant lizard.

  • Gwen Stacy : [about Peter]  He's one of Midtown Science's best and brightest. He's second in his class.

    Peter Parker : Second?

    Gwen Stacy : Yeah.

    Peter Parker : You sure about that?

    Gwen Stacy : I'm pretty sure.

  • Spider-Man : Is that a knife? Is that a real knife?

    Car Thief : Yes, it's a real knife.

    Spider-Man : My weakness. Small knives. Anything but knives!

  • George Stacy : You know, recently, Dr. Connors gave Gwen a glowing college recommendation. It was beautiful. I read it, I cried. But you would have me believe that he is running around dressed up like a giant dinosaur?

    Peter Parker : Not dressing up, not a dinosaur. He has transformed himself into a giant lizard.

    George Stacy : Let me ask you a question. Do I look like the mayor of Tokyo to you?

  • May Parker : [sees a bruised Peter]  Peter. Where do you go? Who does this to you?

    Peter Parker : Please, go to sleep, Aunt May.

    May Parker : Please tell me.

    Peter Parker : Aunt May, please, please, please, go to sleep.

    May Parker : I can't sleep!

  • Spider-Man : Uh-oh. Somebody's been a bad lizard.

  • Flash Thompson : Hey, Parker.

    Peter Parker : Not today, Flash.

    Flash Thompson : Hey, come on man, I just want to talk.

    [Peter lifts Flash and slams him against lockers, holding him there] 

    Flash Thompson : It feels better right? Look, your uncle died. I'm sorry. I get it. I'm sorry.

    [Peter starts to cry and storms away] 

  • Peter Parker : Watch out!

    [Peter catches a fly] 

    May Parker : That's a fly, Peter.

  • Philip Stacy : Did you catch that spider guy yet?

    George Stacy : No, we didn't catch him yet. But we will. An amateur who's assaulting civilians in the dead of night. He's clumsy, he leaves clues, but he's still dangerous.

    Peter Parker : He's assault - He's assaulting people? I'm not sure. I mean, I saw that video with him and the car thief and I think most people would say he was providing a public service.

    George Stacy : Most people would be wrong. If I wanted the car thief off the street, he'd already be off the street.

    Peter Parker : So, why wasn't he, then?

  • Peter Parker : I got to stop him, though. I have to because I created him.

    Gwen Stacy : What do you mean?

    Peter Parker : I gave him an equation... that made all of this possible. Something my father had been working on, you know. Secretly. Now I realize why he kept it a secret. Point is, this is my responsibility. I have to fix it.

  • Peter Parker : I've been bitten.

    Gwen Stacy : So have I.

  • Peter Parker : [answering Dr. Connor's question]  Cross-species genetics. Person gets Parkinson's when the brain cells that produce dopemine start to disappear. But the zebra fish has the ability to regenerate cells on command. If you could somehow give this ability to the woman you're talking about, that's that. She's... She's curing herself.

  • Miss Ritter : Peter, don't make promises you can't keep.

    Peter Parker : But those are the best kind.

  • Jack's Father : Who are you?

    Spider-Man : Spider-Man.

  • Store Clerk : Somebody stop that guy! Hey, kid, a little help.

    Peter Parker : Not my policy.

  • Spider-Man : [while The Lizard is slamming him against the walls]  Don't... make me... have to... hurt you!

  • Peter Parker : So you really think it's possible, cross-species genetics?

    Dr. Curt Connors : Yes. Of course. But for years, your father and I were mocked for our theories. Not just in the community at large, but also at OsCorp, as well. They called us mad scientists. And then your father bred the spiders, and everything changed. The result were beyond encouraging. They were spectacular. We were going to change the lives of millions. Including my own. Then it was over. He... He was gone. Took his research with him. And I knew without him, I... I... I was angry. So I stayed from you and your family. And for that, I'm truly sorry.

  • Gwen Stacy : Where you headed?

    Peter Parker : Uh... Monday. B track.

    Gwen Stacy : Oh, it's Thursday.

  • Dr. Curt Connors : Did you know there's rumor of a new species in New York? Beautiful but quite large.

    Peter Parker : What do you know about it? Have you seen it?

    Dr. Curt Connors : No, it's not yet classified. But it can be aggressive... if threatened.

  • Peter Parker : [after getting beaten up by Flash for not taking the picture]  I'm still not taking the picture.

  • Ben Parker : I think it's the condenser tray.

    Peter Parker : No, too much water for the condenser tray or the heat exchange tubing. This has got to be the fill line.

    Ben Parker : That's the only thing that makes any sense...

  • Peter Parker : So this is your room.

    Gwen Stacy : Yes, this is my room.

    Peter Parker : Books... Shoes...

  • Gwen Stacy : How did you get out there?

    Peter Parker : Uh, the fire escape. Your doorman's intimidating.

    Gwen Stacy : It's 20 stories.

  • Dr. Curt Connors : I'm sure you're a very nice young man, but this is a home. Make an appointment with my office.

    Peter Parker : Dr Connors? I'm Richard Parker's son.

    Dr. Curt Connors : Peter?

  • Peter Parker : [as Flash is hazing another student]  Put him down, Eugene!

  • Spider-Man : You motherhubbard!

  • Car Thief : That isn't funny!

    Spider-Man : It is kinda funny.

    Car Thief : Help!

    Spider-Man : Shhh.

    [webs the car thiefs mouth shut] 

    Car Thief : Mmm mmph.

  • Peter Parker : [Ben knocks on the door]  Yeah! One sec, one sec.

    [Peter unlocks on the door] 

    Peter Parker : In.

    Ben Parker : Are you okay?

    Peter Parker : Yeah!, What's up?

    Ben Parker : Oh my god! You are just like him. Can I come in?

    Peter Parker : Yeah.

    Ben Parker : Listen I don't have much education. You know that, Peter. Hell I stopped being able to help with your homework, when you were 10. What I'm trying to say is... I Know it's been rough for you without your dad. And I know we don't talk much about them.

    Peter Parker : Yeah, it's all right.

    Ben Parker : No, it is not all right. I wish I could change it, but I can't. Curt Connors. That's the name of the guy in the picture with your dad. They worked together for years and they were close. But after that night, we never saw him again. He never even called. Not once. Go figure.

    [Ben looks the screen of Peter's computer a photo of Gwen] 

    Ben Parker : She's pretty,

    Peter Parker : Uncle Ben.

    Ben Parker : What?

    Peter Parker : You're a pretty great dad.

  • Gwen Stacy : [Peter and Gwen go up to the rooftop of Gwen's building]  Well, that's was something

    Peter Parker : I'm sorry. I thought he was going to arrest me at one point.

    Gwen Stacy : No, I wouldn't have let him arrest you.

    [Peter leans forward and down looking at the street] 

    Gwen Stacy : What happened to your face?

    Peter Parker : I wanna tell you something.

    Gwen Stacy : Okay.

    Peter Parker : I've been bitten...

    Gwen Stacy : So have I.

    Peter Parker : Okay. Okay, okay, okay. I gotta tell you this one thing. I gotta tell you this one thing about the vigilante and the car thief.

    Gwen Stacy : Oh, okay. What?

    Peter Parker : No, no, no.

    Gwen Stacy : I don't want to talk about that.

    Peter Parker : Okay. Forget that. I won't talk about that. I'm gonna talk about me, okay?

    Gwen Stacy : What about you?

    Peter Parker : It's impo... I wish I could just... I can't. It's hard to say.

    Gwen Stacy : Just say it.

    Peter Parker : I don't know.

    Gwen Stacy : Say it.

    [Peter again leans forward and down looking at the street] 

    Gwen Stacy : What? What? What?

    [Peter doesn't want to tell Gwen] 

    Gwen Stacy : Okay, then forget it.

    [Peter with his web pulls Gwen back to where he is] 

    Gwen Stacy : You...?

    [Peter and Gwen have their first kiss] 

    Gwen Stacy : You're Spider-Man.

    Peter Parker : Shut up.

    [Peter and Gwen continue kissing] 

    Helen Stacy : Gwen? Gwen... Your father wants you to come inside by the way.

    Gwen Stacy : Okay.

    Helen Stacy : Okay?

    Gwen Stacy : Yeah.

    Gwen Stacy : Gwen.

    Gwen Stacy : I'm coming.

    [Peter, with his spider sense, notices the sound of police sirens and jumps from Gwen's building] 

    Gwen Stacy : Oh, I'm in trouble.

See also

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