He's Just Not That Into You (2009) Poster

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I'm a guy, had my fair share of the (terrible) dating world, and I liked this movie.
vithiet30 July 2021
Wow, reviews are really harsh here. Men and women alike seem to hate this movie because how their gender is portrayed especially when it comes to dating. And how it paints dating as a horrible experience. Well I hate to break it to you but 12 years later, all of these things are not only still true but probably even worse with dating apps. There is a solid cast in this movie and I found the writing and directing to be very decent for a rom com. It's a movie so of course there's a bit of dramatization (do you think all cops act like John McLane?) but for the most part the storylines are interesting and pretty representative of their situation. Overall I found it cute and entertaining.
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Ugh. I liked it.
bt698nhj28 February 2021
Ugh, I can't believe I was dragged into liking this movie. It was trending to a 6 but finished at a 7, my cutoff point for "would watch again." I'll probably even find a used DVD so I can see what I missed on the edited tv version.

How dare they play "Somewhere Only We Know" by Keane near the end. That pushed it over the edge for me. Tears, UGH!!! I don't like rom coms and I'll never fall in love!!!! But every damn Jennifer Aniston movie rates a 7 with me! STOP IT JENNIFER!!!!!
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I'm Just Not That Into This Movie
evanston_dad8 June 2009
A limp ensemble relationship movie that feels like the frustrated venting of a bitter single girl after a blind date gone badly awry.

This is the kind of movie where a bunch of 20 and 30-somethings own beautiful loft apartments they couldn't possibly afford and struggle with relationship issues that are just boring to watch other people grapple with if you yourself are over the age of 30. Once again we're expected to accept Jennifer Aniston as a sad sack who can't get a date after she dumps the long-time boyfriend (Ben Affleck, playing not so much a character as a woman's fantasy made real) who won't commit to marriage. Ginnifer Goodwin is the doormat who can't figure out why guys won't call her even though they say they will. Justin Long is terribly miscast as a womanizer who doesn't know when he's fallen in love himself (I can't look at him without seeing the image of his dork from "Dodgeball" getting hit in the face with a wrench, which is not far from what I wanted to do to his character in this movie). Jennifer Connelly and Bradley Cooper are the lone married couple in the film, and because this is a Hollywood movie about relationships, of course the married couple MUST be miserable. Scarlett Johanssen is a bombshell with giant knockers that I couldn't take my eyes off of; Drew Barrymore might as well not be in the movie, and only is because a.) she co-produced it and b.) the filmmakers needed a forum in which to introduce a bunch of stock gay characters. You want to throttle pretty much everyone by the time the movie's over; I settled for thanking God I didn't have to be friends with any of them.

Though the film was only written by two people, it has the feeling of something written by committee. Characters aren't consistent or believable; those played by Goodwin and Connelly more often than not come across as mentally ill. In the world of this film, there are only two kinds of marriages: the ones that end in adultery and bitterness, or the ones that end in a ridiculously romanticized version of happily-ever-after. No wonder so many people have trouble making marriages work if they're using films like this as examples.

What a dud, and probably solid evidence that movies shouldn't be adapted from smug and jokey self-help books written by jackass talk show hosts.

Grade: C+
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Good if your remove the main character
Julie-C-Sherwood27 April 2021
I really like this film, but Gigi is pure cringe. It's embarrassing. It's hard to love a movie when you don't sympathize with a central character.
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Not nearly as bad as everyone is making it out to be...
rolltide8513 February 2009
I didn't have high expectations for this movie. I never read the book HJNTIY (seemed pretty self explanatory by the title alone) and I wasn't really sure how it could be made into a film, but I'll say I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

That being said, this is a CHICK FLICK--not a date movie. So don't be surprised by all the negative reviews written by guys--of course they can't stand it, and I definitely wouldn't try dragging your boyfriend to go see it for Valentine's Day...this is a movie you want to see with the girls. I wasn't that interested in seeing it, but I was talked into it and it was the perfect 2 hour distraction. The cast is fun to watch--Jennifer Anniston, Ginnifer Goodwin, and Jennifer Connelly are delightful on screen together, and I even take back all the bad things I've said about Ben Affleck--I thought he was a perfect fit for this movie.

It's also a very funny movie--I'm one of those people who love going to a packed theater where everyone laughs on cue and claps at the end, and this was one of those experiences. Some of the lines are priceless, and a couple of the funniest scenes in the movie involve "street interviews" à la Sex and the City Season 1. It's just an easy, fun, entertaining film--just relax and enjoy yourself, and don't try to hold this movie to a standard that it wasn't designed to meet. I'd go see it in a packed theater if you can, otherwise wait for the DVD and have a girls' night in!
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Not a bad date movie
ciscokid197012 May 2009
It is rare for a Boy meets girl movie to please people now days. I mean lets face it Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle set the bar so high that anything else will pale in comparison.

But to me this movie kind of shows now modern relationships work or don't work. If anything is a falter in this story it is that it trys to hard to show too many stories.

Sure there is X likes Y but Y likes Z but Z is married to A. Which is always entertaining.

Then there is the Ben Affleck / Jeniffer Aniston couple that may sum up most of the "couples" I know.

The whole mentioning of "new dating rules" is kind of cool to see that cell phones, emails, myspace and speeddating have replaced and re-written the rules for dating...and in some way made it harder not easier. Some people says this movie is full of stereotypes. In my opinion it covers just about all the realities in dating...especially dating in fast paced big city life.

What I liked though is the movie balanced "The Bad Guy" with "Bad Girl" Showing that there are breakups faulted by both sides. And there are regretful feelings for both Women and Men.

I would say rent it, hopefully you are not watching it alone.
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I Am So Into This Movie!
A group of interconnected, Baltimore-based twenty- and thirty-somethings navigate their various relationships from the shallow end of the dating pool through the deep, murky waters of married life, trying to read the signs of the opposite sex... and hoping to be the exceptions to the "no-exceptions" rule.

Gigi just wants a man who says he'll call—and does—while Alex advises her to stop sitting by the phone. Beth wonders if she should call it off after years of committed singlehood with her boyfriend, Neil, but he doesn't think there's a single thing wrong with their unmarried life. Janine's not sure if she can trust her husband, Ben, who can't quite trust himself around Anna. Anna can't decide between the sexy married guy, or her straightforward, no-sparks standby, Conor, who can't get over the fact that he can't have her. And Mary, who's found an entire network of loving, supportive men, just needs to find one who's straight.

If you've ever sat by the phone wondering why he said he would call, but didn't, or if you can't figure out why she doesn't want to sleep with you anymore, or why your relationship just isn't going to the next level... he (or she) is just not that into you. He's Just Not That Into You 7/10
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The chick flick with a little bit more in the tank
cosmorados14 March 2009
The film starts with a little girl in a playground getting bullied by a boy, and her mother telling her that this means that the boy likes her, setting up the premise that the more a guy treats a woman like dirt, the more she'll hang around on the phone waiting for his call. From this point we follow the relationship woes of six (no eight, nine, is it ten?) different people and their relationships ups and downs, as one guy is trapped in a loveless marriage, one couple realise they want different things and one woman who is trying to figure out how to play the dating game, the stories cross and intertwine and from this comical situations ensue.

Now, from the tone of the last part of that sentence you may well have come to the conclusion that this is just another standard romantic comedy chick-flick, and, on paper, it should be. But it's not. The script is very similar in tone and feel to "When Harry met Sally" with "supposed" regular people introducing each chapter of the film, the insights are decent and the dialogue contains a lot of honesty that I think many people can relate to. The cast are all first rate with special attention going to Ben Affleck, who has so needed a good role in front of the camera for ages, and Jennifer Aniston as the couple who can't move forward, also good are Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Connolly in their respective roles. The big star turns for me though are Ginnifer Goodwin and Justin Long as the hapless dater and the hapless dating coach, who are really good. For Long it's another step up the Hollywood ranks (pretty much the direction he's been heading since "Dodgeball") and for Goodwin it is a star-making turn that should do for her what "knocked-up" did for Heigl.

The film of course has a number of elements and outcomes that are extremely predictable (it IS a romantic comedy) but there's enough other stuff in there, and definite surprises at the end, to make it more than just the sum of its parts. It's charming, clever and, when viewed with a pantomime-style audience that I saw it with, a lot of fun, and I'm a guy! A cross between "When Harry met Sally" and "Friends" that doesn't try and jump on the gross-out comedy bandwagon.

Good stuff
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Fun and Mostly True
nyshrink9 February 2009
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, as did the group of female friends I attended it with. It was well-written, well-acted, and funny.

I think the reason some people, er, men, didn't like it was because it portrays some men as lying cheats, others as terrified of intimacy, and some as weirdos. In short, the basic variety any woman runs into on Match.com. Then there were a couple of stand-up guy characters. Were parts of the plot formulaic? Sure. It's a movie. There were a few surprises, however.

All of the female characters were likable, which is a switch from standard Hollywood sexism. The acting was above average and I was pleasantly surprised by Scarlett Johannson's performance. I only didn't like Ginnifer Goodwin's slapstick-style performance as a desperate dater. A little subtlety would have made her character more poignant and more believable.

The film really does contain a lot of good advice for people in the dating scene, both men and women.
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WHAT Did I Just Watch?
Her-Excellency7 June 2018
First of all, after not only watching this, but seeing reviews which say this is 'pretty realistic', I have to truly thank God in heaven that 1. I have never met a garbage bag as bad as the guys portrayed in this film; and 2. none of my friends are neurotic, crazy, desperate women like the women portrayed in this film.


Ginnifer Goodwin's character alone is enough to make you want to watch this with your eyes rolled up inside your head to spare you from rolling them up every 5 seconds of her screen time. Kudos to her as an actress, for making such a pathetic character truly come across as the pathetic character I imagine she is meant to be.

On the subject of actresses, and therefore actors - the cast is amazing in that there are a lot of well-known names in the credits. What a crying shame that they could not have lent those names to something way better than what is this trite, awful film turned out to be.

Skip like the plague, and if you have daughters, PLEASE teach them that this film does not depict what real girls and women are like.
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Are we really that bad?
jordan22407 February 2009
My girlfriend and I, both at or approaching our 50's, saw this in a theater that was absolutely filled with high school girls. That surprised me actually, given that most of the stars in this film are well-beyond high-school age. But they, like the rest of the audience, seemed to really enjoy this film, as did we. The relationships were nicely intertwined without being contrived ("Crash" anyone?), and unlike the similar movie "Love Actually," nothing portrayed was too outlandish. The convention of adding comments by "real" people to introduce story lines was well done and amusing. If I find any fault with the film, it's that all of the guys are presented as having relationship "issues" or as being total bone-heads. Hopefully there are more "nice guys" interspersed in society than what this film might lead you to believe (though I must say that the attitudes presented are definitely not inaccurate).

Overall, a very nice film whose 2 hour plus running time goes by rather quickly. If you've ever been in or tried to be in a relationship, you'll probably enjoy this movie.
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Nice acting, well directed. An excellent time-pass
ramchandar_gl12 February 2009
After seeing the trailers you get a feel for what sort of a movie this is going to be. And the movie is exactly that - Nice romantic comedy.

I usually prefer to watch such movies only in TV or DVD but gave this a try simply for the star cast - Scarlett, Jennifer Anniston and Connelly, Drew Barrymore, Ben Affleck, Justin Long etc..But the person who stole the show was Ginnifer Goodwin. She had a bubbly enthusiasm about her character which made you root for her till the end. Connelly's role looked very similar to her role in "Little Children" Scarlet was OK. Barrymore's role was minuscule but her pun about technology was humorous. And Anniston is finally looking her age :-( The movie was just the right length. Mildly funny but mostly romantic. All in all an excellent pop corn movie.
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I wanted to slap them all upside the head
synsueson15 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I have just come from this movie. When will I learn not to pay money to see movies like this? When will directors learn that a good ensemble movie is very hard to make? Where is Robert Altman when you need him? I found it extremely hard to relate to or to find sympathy for the characters. Some of their actions were so unbelievably stupid that I just wanted to smack them. And what shallow lives they lived! Work, bar-hopping and texting. Character development was equally shallow. What epiphany did the Justin Long character undergo to realize that he was really "into" the Ginnifer Goodwin character? One confused meeting with the wait staff does not an epiphany make. The same goes for the Jennifer Aniston character realizing what a catch Ben Affleck's character was. So he washed some dishes. And why did he suddenly want to marry her....Because she suddenly didn't want to??? I would have thrown that engagement ring at his head. And what did the Jennifer Connelly character ever see in that wishy-washy (although good-looking) chump of a husband? The Scarlett Johansson character needed some serious therapy for that self-involvement problem of hers (or maybe a good slap upside the head). I guess the best thing about the movie is that it has given me a forum to write just how lackluster it was. I guess that will have to do.
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Standard rom-com, but what's with all the A-listers.
SnoopyStyle7 September 2013
Gigi Haim (Ginnifer Goodwin) is a young woman looking for a good guy in a sea of jerks. She blames her failures to the much passed around notion that guys act like jerks to girls they like. Alex (Justin Long) is a bar manager who just can't see how cute Ginnifer Goodwin is. It marks the reunion of these two actors from TV show Ed. That's the good part. If that's all, then this would a simple good rom-com.

This is yet another pretty-girl-who-can't-find-a-good-guy rom-com. There's nothing with that other than it's utterly unoriginal. For some reason, all kinds of A-listers descended on this film. Chances are that Drew Barrymore as producer called in quite a few favors. Scarlett Johansson, Bradley Cooper, Ben Affleck, Jennifer Aniston, and Jennifer Connelly are just the big names. The trouble is that they are very distracting. With all the different story lines, none of the actors get enough screen time. They are just sucking away the screen time for the main leads. Luckily I like all the actors involved. Ginniger Goodwin is adorable. If they kept it simple, they would have a great rom-com.
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Marriages, Relationships and Affairs
claudio_carvalho16 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The needy Gigi Haim (Ginnifer Goodwin) is an young woman seeking her prince charming in unsuccessful dates. After dating the real estate agent Conor Barry (Kevin Connolly), Gigi anxiously expects to receive a phone call from him. However Conor never calls her and she goes to the bar where he uses to go expecting to see him, but she meets his friend Alex (Justin Long) that works in the place. They become friends and Alex helps Gigi to interpret the subtle signs of the men.

The aspirant singer Anna Taylor (Scarlet Johansson), who dated Conor, meets Ben Gunders (Bradley Cooper) in a supermarket and they begin a conversation, and Ben offers to help Anna in her career. Later Ben has a love affair with Anna, and his marriage with Janine Gunders (Jennifer Connelly) comes to an end.

Beth Bartlett (Jennifer Aniston) lives with Neil Jones (Ben Affleck), who does not believe in marriage as an institution. When Beth's sister informs that she will get married, Beth pushes Neil to marry her affecting their relationship.

"He's Just Not That Into You" is a delightful movie about marriages, relationships and affairs. The entwined story with many characters is supported by a realistic screenplay and a magnificent cast. I saw this movie in a flight and I have really appreciated. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): Not Available
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Fluffy but nice
greyKbarclay24 December 2023
What drove me to seek out this film was the performance of Scarlett Johansson to be exact but once I found this picture I discovered many of the actors and actresses were ones I had greatly familiar with, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who did. As a matter of fact, with the large ensemble cast that lies within this film, I'm quite sure that there is truly something for anyone; whether your a die-hard sitcom fan and love Jennifer Anniston or if you find Bradley Cooper to be a true hunk, audience members are sure to find someone that they can twist to as they all mediate the difficult world of relationships. This whole film is really just superficial fluff, in the best way, something to feel your time with, or something fun to watch at a sleepover with friends because it's sure to tick everyone's box.
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It was cute but
Wild-433588 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't comprehend the story between Alex and Gigi. Alex was "teaching" her the different techniques of Men's actions. But when he finds out Gigi catches on with the signs he (unsuspectingly gives her I guess?????) he tells her off in strong manner of how he's not into her and why and then realizes he actually DOES like her and tells her "you are my exception". WHATTTTTT

SO. You're telling me AFTER ALL THAT he falls for an obsessive girl who made herself look like an absolute fool who randomly jumps on top of him to make out with him?? If he did that to her she would've called that assault!

I mean did he like her and didn't know how to express himself? Did Gigi telling him off turn him on or something?

You basically taught us that men don't know what they want unless the girl acts a fool? I am genuinely so confused about this message... no one in their right mind would magically fall in love with someone after doing what Gigi did in that scene. I won't be convinced unless it happens to me. Or I see it happen to someone with my own eyes. And I know a lot of people in many different groups and never experienced anything similar. It was so unrealistic. That would never happen in real life.

I love Justin Long tho. Great actor.
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I'm SO INTO this movie!
TomCruiseFan9912 February 2009
This sumptuous ensemble romantic comedy managed to exceed my expectations in every way. It was extremely hilarious and utterly realistic, and features an eclectic cast that all add something different to this intriguing tale of dealing with the pitfalls of dating and marriage.

The story begins with Gigi. After a first date, she becomes mildly obsessive waiting for the guy to call her during the week after. But he doesn't and this is the catalyst that eventually proceeds to link all the characters together in interconnected plot lines that range from funny and sweet, (Drew Barrymore's character bemoaning the fact that there's so much technology out there and she's managed to get dumped via email, MySpace and SMS) to tragic and heartbreaking (Ben Afflleck and Jennifer Aniston's characters not seeing eye to eye on getting married and so she would rather throw away their 7 year old relationship).

Scarlet Johansson also plays a pivotal role, that of a single woman who has a friend pining for her, but she would rather try and tempt a married man who himself is going through a rough patch with his wife, played to perfection by Jennifer Connelly. The way that this love-quadrangle plays out forms the basis for the realism factor, and while there are some sweet and tender moments, it's ultimately a tragedy that you can see is coming, because for this foursome, 2 people are gonna get hurt. And this plot line is expertly written.

Justin Long provides the voice of reason fashioned on the book on which the movie is based. His character, Alex, is the advice-dispensing guide who takes Gigi under his wing and tries to reveal all the ins and outs of dating dos and don'ts. And this masterstroke is how the movie becomes a guide just like the book, while also telling a story that many of us will see ourselves in.

The acting is all pretty faultless, with Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Connelly, Brendan Cooper and Justing Long displaying some of their best work. Scarlet is as stunning as ever, and plays the temptress well, but Barrymore is sadly underutilized. In total, I think she might only have 10 minutes worth of screen time, but she does use it well.

And I wouldn't go so far to call this a 'chick flick', as I think there's just as much enjoyment and knowledge to be gained from this movie for us guys as there is for women. All in all, a perfect date movie.
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A life lesson
Vetrrich_Chelvan31 December 2023
Gigi doesn't get a call back after the dates. In real life, she would have gotten it but the other party would just want to have sex with her. I am just saying that this stuff is real. The film portrays the reality of the dating world where it has become harder and harder to settle with somebody and even if you did, they cheat!

I liked each one of the characters in the movie. I believe that for a film to win, it has to be relatable and I could not think of another film that related with me so much than this one. You could understand the pain and emotions of every character because you yourself might have been one of them at some point in your life.

The modern dating theory doesn't pass the vibe check without talking about attachment. You've got Gigi who has anxious attachment style and Alex who is an avoidant and eventually they end up together, but in real life, it would have been a process. And then you have Anna, Janine and Ben, all of them - messed up people. They all have to figure out themselves before entering into relationships. Not to forget Connor and Neil, who were guys that sure did know what they want. I admired them.

To conclude, if I had this much to talk about a film, I can assure you that it was good. I was trying to watching for a long time and it was satisfying to the core.

Vetrrich Chelvan TELE311223.
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This is JUST horrible!
romaie372 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I have never seen a movie more blatantly depict gender stereotypes; and am outraged that these women (Johanson, Berrymore, etc.) could play such demeaning roles when in "real life" they are supposed to be so strong and independent. The only way that the producers could afford such a sparkling cast was because of all the product placements. I felt like I was watching a commercial…American Sprits and Marlboro cigarettes, Petron??? The women did not have any other interests besides men. Is this the way that I am supposed to be, am I supposed to wait by the phone for a man to call me. I guess the only way for me to find true happiness is to have a boyfriend. Apparently there is only one kind of gay man: Flamboyant and Feminine, but gay relationships are totally different from straight relationships??? This movie was just upsetting,I feel like cinema has regressed by 50 years in terms of women having power/intelligence.
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"HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU" -- But you'll likely quite get into THIS! =
jimchudnow-13 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Since I'd expected mainly "fluff", I was very pleasantly surprised to discover that this film was instead an unusually WELL-DONE ensemble piece. There's a bunch of periodically-intertwined stories of different people looking for, avoiding and trying to improve love in their lives, with unanticipated twists, turns and revelations along the way. GINNIFER GOODWIN plays a needy woman who naively believes the lines she's fed, and JUSTIN LONG tries to clue her in reality-wise. JENNIFER ANISTON & BEN AFFLECK play a long-term couple with problems. SCARLETT JOHANSSON flits in & out of the lives of numerous people including KEVIN CONNOLLY & BRADLEY COOPER. DREW BARRYMORE, JENNIFER CONNELLY, KRIS KRISTOFFERSON and others effectively add to the mix. As a friend commented, he'd expected this to be a chick flick, & instead it was an unexpectedly thought-provoking and telling commentary on life today, with characters who strongly reminded him of numerous people he HIMSELF knows. While a drama, it's got a good deal of inherent humor, fine acting, and you'll likely find it strongly enjoyable.
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A good romantic comedy!
VishalTrivedi15 February 2009
I happened to see this movie with my wife on Valentine's day. I had entered the theater with low expectations and the only reason I was keen to watch this was because of Ben Affleck and host of other starts. However, as the movie progressed I found myself starting to like it. By the time it ended I was glad it didn't turn out to be just another stupid romantic comedy made to pull the audiences with big stars.

The story is not new yet the script is cleverly written as it juggles between couples all somehow intertwined/related with each other added with nice style of presenting it, thus keeping the viewer interested.

The characters are from a wide range of people we encounter in real life. Alex, a guy who's an 'expert' on relationships. He keeps himself away from emotional attachments, runs a bar and plays an agony aunt to Gigi; a lady desperately seeking a soul mate. Next is Beth, Gigi's friend cum co-worker who is in a relationship with Neil since seven years and is very keen to tie the knot as opposed to Neil who loves Beth, is loyal to her but believes marriage is not an assurance of loyalty. This fact is proved by Ben; Neil's friend who's married to Janine (who also happens to be Gigi's co-worker) for around 8 years, but falls for Anna. Next follows a typical chase of 'A' following 'B', 'B' following 'C', hidden meanings, signs, a little humor here and there and related stuff.

Performances in this movie are fine by everyone if not exceptional. Ben Affleck and Drew Barrymore play their parts with ease. I liked Drew's small part, especially where she expresses her frustration with today's increasing use of technology which is leading people apart as opposed to bringing them together. Justin Long impresses with his performance and Scarlett Johansson is convincing as the temptress. The rest of the cast also do not disappoint as well.

What I didn't like about this movie was its length which I found to be a bit long. Also, the soundtrack of this movie is not very impressive, with a couple of exceptions. Finally it would've helped if it would have been more funny.

I would recommend this fresh take on love, romance, loyalty, marriage and things similar, to anyone who is looking for a good romantic comedy.
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Young people must have a hard time recently
Ray H.23 July 2009
Having a partner/sweetheart and getting married seem very difficult recently. All people in this film are occupied by the thought from morning to night every day. I was wondering if there is any other interests for them: job? school? hobbies? money? faith? dedications to others? dream other than opposite sex? Yes! They must have one(s). But due to the poor description of each personality in the script, all of them look rather foolish and shallow. Everybody may not live alone, so the theme in this film must be important. Only if the script had given other deep and various factors to each personality, this comedy would have been really funny and interesting. Though the cast is gorgeous, it is a pity that those actors cannot fully present their charms and acting skills.

A friend of mine on the thirties (single) told me that he loved this film because the tactics and bargaining between men and women really hit close to him. Young people on the ground might find this film interesting and useful. Older generation like me tend to think love affairs should be more direct and frank, spoiled by the old movies where men and women get into romance so easily. Well-mannered and more refined, nowadays young people must have a harder time.

By the way, the Japanese title of this film is funny: "Why Don't You Throw Him Away If He Is Such A Guy."
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interesting for sure!
SiLenTxfAiRy19 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
so i went into this film not really knowing much about the story behind it, other then in the previews drew berrymore says something on the lines of 'he myspaced me' and then began to discuss flirting while texting. its funny to think that we all do it, we're in this huge generation who relies on technology to get our information and be our key resource to the outside world. it almost seamed as if i was watching a TV show with all of the different story lines going on. jumping from one story to the other was difficult to keep my focus, it seamed almost as if once i began to care about one character and put together the pieces of their problem, the story ended and went on to another character and their issue. the movie however did flow well, and the cast is HUGE with a ton of big name characters. it was definitely a movie i would take my girlfriends to see. it did run rather long however, about an hour into the movie i found myself loosing focus. however, that is when the story is starting to get good with the whole cheating aspect and loosing the one you begin to care about. cute movie, 6 out of 10.
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Pretty good adaptation.
tashazanob9 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this movie after being a HUGE fan of the book. I enjoyed it because, although the points were a bit exaggerated at times, I could identify with the characters. I have dated the commitment phobes, the married man (who conveniently forgot to mention that), the guy who just wanted me around to "cuddle" but couldn't think of having sex with me. The movie shed light on all these things in a way that makes you realize how ridiculous relationships can be. I thought the acting was good. The character Gigi was a bit 'over the top', but everyone played their parts in a believable fashion. I enjoyed it, and recommend it as a girls night out- probably not a couple movie.
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