The Matrix Resurrections (2021) Poster

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I'm starting to believe the Wachowskis stole the script to the first Matrix
logan83123 December 2021
Agent smith says things like OMG and robot sentinels give fist bumps now. Though failing to capture the magic of the first movie, I could appreciate the other sequels for trying to expand the universe and keeping the same tone. This one purposely makes a mockery of itself and calls it self awareness. I'll stick with watching the first one only for now on.
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Disappointing! Strictly a Money Grab Movie!
collectorofsorts22 December 2021
I've been waiting for this one with anticipation and I was thoroughly disappointed. I spent the first 40 minutes wondering what was going on. It was barely coherent. The rest of the movie got slightly better. But there was no real story. Some parts were enjoyable. Some weren't. But, at the end, I didn't feel like my day had been enriched by watching it and I have no desire to watch it again. The original Matrix, on the other hand, I still watch that at least once a year. This movie was done strictly as a money grab. There was no real story to tell and no journey to follow. I don't recommend it!
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The Matrix should have stayed a trilogy.
Achyut_Prashast_Singh22 December 2021
Aside from the action scenes and a few throwback moments, this film is a misfire on many levels. It just doesn't have the feel of a Matrix film at all. Just some cool visual effects, decent action and a bit of uniqueness is what this unnecessary sequel is watchable for one time.

It's not boring but also doesn't justify the length. The sad part is, the non-action or the dialogue parts don't have any excitement or energy at all. Watching them is almost a chore, while the action set-pieces hold your attention with the style and presentation. The actors did good, and that's something I can't deny.

All in all, this feels more like a direct-to-video sequel made to cash in on the original franchise. Resurrections isn't really bad: it's watchable, but has its limitations. Keep your expectations in check before you watch this and you might find a good time-pass action flick for the evening. That's all there is to it. The Matrix should have stayed a trilogy, but a new film is welcome for a singular viewing experience nonetheless.
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Every second was really hard to watch, no joke
cafevincent23 December 2021
I've had it with these pointless soft reboots. It's like Terminator Genisys crossed with A Good Day to Die Hard (in terms of sequel style), except way, way worse. It thoroughly destroys the entire Matrix legacy, so efficiently in fact that it seems like a parody that is trying to do exactly that. It has no soul, no point, no logic, nothing. I even hated every single action sequence. It was so repulsive I had to look at memes on half a screen to lessen the pain enough to finish the film. Turns out there wasn't a single enjoyable second there to find, yet I still feel brave for having watched it all the way, making it the single worst movie I've ever finished. Easily the greatest disappointment in film history. Therefore this movie is an inspiration for fan made Matrix short films and reloaded/revolutions edits. Only watch this film if you're being paid good money to do so.
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Great start, then progressively worse
siderite1 January 2022
A lot of effort went into the story, with details and references and self references and in-jokes. And yet, in the last act of the film, it felt like who ever wrote the thing ran out of ideas and just did random things. That felt like a betrayal. Then there was the film itself, which consistently felt less evolved, in both effects and fight choreography, than the original film *from 22 years ago!*. Last but not least, there were the characters. Keanu and Carrie-Ann aside, the rest of the people had no characterization at all and the actors, some I knew from other stuff like Sense8, had less to work with than in the TV series they were grabbed from. Remember how awesome Max Riemelt was in Sense 8? Here he was a yes man with a bad accent. Remember how amazing and fun Lambert Wilson was in the original Matrix films? Here he was no more than an obscenity spouting homeless crazy person. I think Jonathan Groff did a reasonable job, but his character was all over the place. And so on.

I don't want to touch on the sexual orientation of most of the actors or the agenda that is always pushed by the Wackowskis, because it doesn't really matter here. Put all that aside and it's still a mess of a film.

Bottom line: if it were a random low budget scifi, it would have been average. As a sequel to The Matrix, it has great potential and it failed miserably.
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Don't bother sitting through the credits
pallytruck23 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Don't bother sitting through the credits. Like the marvel films there is a short scene after credits but they work for marvel. Unfortunately not sure if it's a joke but it's a pretty terrible scene after almost 10 minutes of credits. It lasts 30 second and consists of 4 or 5 random characters (bit characters who appear for about 30 seconds in the actual film) discuss creating a cat matrix; yes you got it catatrix they call it. Wtf very angry as not needed and not even funny.
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Feels like cheap TV
GypsyJJJ23 December 2021
If the SyFy channel made a Matrix series it would look like this. So much about this is way off. The editing and pacing. Shot composition. Fight scenes. Lighting... All of it looks cheap and nasty and that's just the 1st 10 mins.
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Lana's revenge
ishotmattday23 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a big F you to WB. It's about the studio taking Lana's ability to choose by saying they would continue the franchise with or without them. This is directly referenced in the conversation between Neo and his business partner (Mr. Smith) in the beginning. It's also about Lana finding freedom in controlling their world they created, which is again directly referenced at the very end when Trinity tells the Analyst it's theirs and they'll do as they please.

Through this lens I found it was pretty enjoyable. It doesn't seem many of the other reviews I have read on here looked at it like this.

If you're looking to watch "The Matrix" pop in the 1999 film.
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And Now Something Completely Different
Krush_Burner16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First, forget nearly everything you know (and expect from) about "The Matrix" when you going to see this film. "Resurrections" feels like more of an ironic re-imagining of a first film and parody of it - at the same time.

Such a change of tone could easily be accepted had authors not been pushing same nostalgic buttons again and again. But it appears like director Lana Wachowski tries way too hard to make a direct sequel of "The Matrix", which looks totally different for no apparent reasons.

What even more of a problem, is the amount of jokes (silly for the most part), which highly contrasts not only with previous film, but also with seriousness of explanations and high stakes in this film. There's kinda extended prologue filled with gags about "The Matrix" and its impact on pop-culture. There is also an updated version of Morpheus with very light-hearted attitude. And so on, and so on... However, presence of Lana Wachowki in scriptwriting team helps to maintain some continuity from original films. There will be quite interesting pieces on human nature and tendency to express one's fullness only in love to another human being. Also, what is even more intriguing, The Matrix (and its chief representative, The Analyst) now is unafraid of a human rebellion, since it calculates that most people will stay in simulation just because they cannot handle hardships of choice and reality in general. So Neo and Trinity can be superheroes, it does matter not that much - or The Analyst is trying to picture it that way.

So, it's not a masterpiece not in any way possible. But it has its moments. Especially if you open-minded enough to accept the fact it is more like a love story now.
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Rushed clumsy b-movie
RIK-2224 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Warning Spoilers.

First part of the movie, tried to be some kind of self-ironic introspective on the state of movies and even made a direct reference to a Matrix sequel. Now the problem with that kind of commentary is that you effectively break the 4th wall or ruin any idea that this isn't just a movie.

The film then stumbles towards some kind of plot about the new matrix and Neo/Trinity but fails miserably.

The ending is a bore fest of mindless dark action (I mean filmed in the dark) with no tension or point.

Did they have a budget of 10m and a timeline of a week to make this film, it certainly looks like it.

The original Matrix, in my opinion, is the best film ever made. It has perfect pacing, actions, beautifully realised, cool conversations, properly filmed and choreographed action scenes and even manages a philosophical theme, with all that going on. There is tension, people may and do die, there is a purpose to what they want to achieve. It had a serious tone. It established a set of rules, which is crucial to this type of movie. It was an against-the-odds film.

In this, the fights are meaningless, badly filmed, just thrown in for no reason. Neo now just has a super-power and that's it. There is no tension, no one dies, nothing is really at stake, the FX are terrible. When Neo realises, he has Kung Fu abilities again, he has zero reaction, nothing.

Did anyone believe the Japanese train was real? The casting is awful, did anyone care about any of the characters and their terrible acting. It looked rushed, cheap, and amateurish.

The mocking of the original film and it dialog was sacrilege and childish. Showing actual film footage and claiming it was game footage, really?

I suspect the comment at the beginning of the movie, about having to make a sequel, was genuine, so they made the worse film they could.
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10/10 An artist forced to destroy their masterpiece in order to save it.
fross-2207328 December 2021
WB wanted a cash grab, Lana delivers us this urgent message

We pride the first Matrix on making us think long after viewing the movie. I was so disappointed in this movie*, and all I could think of was what went wrong, so it was at least within the same spirit. I took it upon my self to try and find out..

My theory:

The first portion of the movie explains everything, and it's not even veiled. Lana name dropped Warner Brothers, which came as a bit of a 'shock' to hear, which was exactly it's intention. In this moment Lana has effectively removed you from the movie*. This is done in order to speak to you in person. She had the following message, "WARNER BROTHERS said they would do it without us...~" Take note, the way in which this sentence is worded the 'shock' is delivered first. In this portion of the movie Lana is Neo (actually she's always Neo). Neo expresses how there's no story to be told, because after the trilogy, the story was complete, but when you're in that position you feel as though your Art, your Passion is being threatened, so you might as well take the reigns.

I apologize beforehand if I'm wrong, but I really believe the cat went up this tree. I honestly feel that this movie was intentionally sabotaged, or just not really taken that seriously. I say that because if we're still assuming that Lana is Neo, and Neo feels as though there's no need for a Matrix 4. Yet he still has to make it anyway for some big corporation that wants cash grab (before the year's end). When art pieces are as personal as The Matrix is to the Wachowski's it can be rather insulting when someone bypasses all the meaning behind it just to make a quick buck. So after Lana uses the first act of the movie* to explain to you why the Matrix 4 doesn't need to exist, and the remaining acts she just eked out something that resembled a movie just to get it past those corporate morons (and it worked). All Within the first act Lana's statement is complete. You can turn the movie* off, because what follows is Lana demonstrating what happens when you don't respect the work of an artist.

The fact that Lawrence Fishburne wasn't even contacted, and the decision to move forward without Hugo Weaving actually makes sense now. It was actually done out of respect for the two veteran actors.

I believe Lana knew that this movie* would tank, If the movie didn't tank they'd just ask for another, and another, yet the story was already completed. Having the movie tank works in her favor, to lower the value of the franchise so that it would be less likely to be looked at in such a disgustingly greedy way. However I don't know how effect that will be, WB always has the option to, "do it without us (Wachowskis)," and perhaps a spinoff might save the franchise, but a franchise isn't what Lana wants

So all the rage and anger actually works in her favor, because a lot of viewers are in agreement with Lana when they say, "No more Matrix movies."

and Again if we're still assuming Neo is Lana, Neo never makes the Matrix 4. I believe this may hint to this movie* as not being a part of 'The Matrix' at all, which is why I used an asterisk when referring to this movie*.

Lana this was a genius way to get your point across. Perhaps too genius.
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Low point for the series
sortmaster15 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Lets start by saying I'm a Matrix apologist. I love the first trilogy. The first movie is a 10/10, the sequels rate maybe 7. Not nearly as good, but peppered with moments of brilliance. They are elevated in my eyes, partly because they take place in a setting that I find to be quite intriguing.

So, I was extremely excited to be getting a new entry into the series! I liked Animatrix and would love to have new stories told in the Matrix universe. Learning that Neo and Trinity would be coming back worried me a little. And I think I was right to worry. It feels like a bit of a retread.

I actually enjoyed the first act. The meta questions about what is and isn't reality harken back to the themes of the first movie.

But after that, things go downhill pretty fast. They play loosy-goosy with lots of the in-fiction rules, making up all sorts of new stuff that barely hangs together.

Bots? Bleh.

How did they build a new city without the machines noticing?

No more Oracle but somehow the Merivingian survives?

The super speed of the Analyst doesn't make a lot of sense or why Smith can suddenly match him at the end out of NOWHERE to save Neo with Deus Ex Machina. Or why Smith is alive at all really -- he should definitely be destroyed.


Just really sloppy writing for the entire second half of the movie. And none of the gravitas or excellent dialogue from the earlier movies. The new Smith and new Morpheus don't hold a candle.
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What was this?
OnlyAtJMart22 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Some kind of fan-fiction? Did they write 5 scripts and couldn't decide on which one to go with so the blended them together? This was not a Matrix movie by any stretch of the imagination. Even worse than Reloaded or Revolutions. This was a mess of a movie, and the action scenes made no sense. I don't know who the fight choreographer was, but they must have been sold a bill of goods with whoever they went with. Also, Neo can fight, then he can't, then he can? Also, the action in the other Matrix movies (even the bad ones) you could tell what was going on. This seemed like every time there was a fight scene in this one, they used a lot of shaky cam/quick cuts so the action was incomprehensible. If you are going to bring The Matrix back for another installment after almost 20 years, you had better have something special, as the original Matrix used all the newest technology available at the time to tell an already awesome story. This one, they tried to make action scenes (which were awful) to cover up the fact that they had nothing to add to The Matrix story, and both together were just embarrassing. 5 stars only because Keanu Reeves was in this. I don't know why he agreed to do it, but he was there, I don't think he brought his A game, but he was, in fact, in the movie. That's about all I can say, no one in this movie looked exited to be making it.
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Bad, just bad.
natalivoyt27 December 2021
It was so bad... that I don't have words to discribe it. Never watch if you don't want to compromise your memory about old Matrix.

Every single moment is stupid and not logical.
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I don't get all the hate for this movie.
vithiet2 April 2022
Like most, the original Matrix blew my mind when I saw it in the theaters. I don't think there will ever be another movie that will have the same effect on me and truly being genre defining. So it's silly to expect it from Matrix Resurrections. They were never shy acknowledging this was in big part fan service and honestly they did well on that end. They also managed to make a decent story, have good action scenes, and get the actors to give it their best shot. Again, it doesn't compare to the original but it's good enough to make you forget Reloaded and Revolutions, and just for that it's a great movie in my book.
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A meta commentary on the franchise
GodzillaPaulTokyo17 December 2021
A large portion of The Matrix Resurrections is about digging into the memories of not only Thomas Anderson but the audience who watched these movies 20 years ago. While the flirtation with nostalgia is interesting, the commentary on the entertainment industry in general is a little too obvious for a world that is already elbows deep within it.

The core of this movie is what really matters and that's Neo and Trinity. The progression of their story makes absolute sense when taking the entire franchise into context and ultimately gives us a Matrix movie that is far more personal than we've had before. They are not pushed aside to prop up newer characters and when I walked out of the theater I was not thinking about the action or special effects but instead the beautiful relationship between two human beings that reminds us what true love is all about.
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The Matrix Regurgitated
BA_Harrison12 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had been holding off from watching The Matrix Resurrections for fear of disappointment, but I eventually took the red pill and went down the rabbit hole, hoping I would party like it was 1999. I hate to say it, but the party is well and truly over: The Matrix Reloaded peed in the punch, and Revolutions made a right royal mess of the bathroom, but Resurrections calls the police, who break down the door and arrest everyone for disturbing the peace. In short, a good time is not had by all.

Keanu Reeves, sporting his strange half-beard and lank hair, once again plays Neo, who has been resurrected by the machines and plugged back into the Matrix as top games designer Thomas Anderson, famous for his groundbreaking Matrix series (how meta!). Thomas is approached by some alternative types with stupid names and stupid hair who convince him that his life is a lie and extract him from the matrix. After regaining his mojo (kung fu skills and stopping bullets in mid-air), Neo and his new pals attempt to rescue Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss), who is still being used as a battery by the machines.

Part four in the franchise, directed by Lana Wachowski, should have been called The Matrix Regurgitations for it is content to deliver exactly the same kind of nonsense as seen almost two decades ago in Reloaded and Revolutions, namely lots of shooting, lots of fighting, lots of explosions, lots of CGI, and an incomprehensible load of old cyber-crap masquerading as a plot. In short, it's a big case of déjà vu (see what I did there?). Hugo Weaving and Laurence Fishburne had the good sense to stay away from this embarrassing attempt to flog an old horse to death; I bet Christina Ricci and Neil Patrick Harris wish they had followed suit.
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I tried hard to like this film...
janjeltes20 December 2021
This film is bold and for that I've given it bonus points. It's part romance, part violence and quite a bit of filler.

The film reminds me of a art house project with a big budget. It feels fragmented as it switches between a romance/drama and hardcore action flick. I found myself being bored by the characters - not caring about them or their plight. They added nothing to the story.

If I had to describe what was fun, it was revisiting the first Matrix film, it was seeing a "fan fiction" film made by a wachowsky. It was seeing Neo and Trinity engaging each other. I also enjoyed Neil Patrick Harris with some of his dialogue - he was spot on at times.

Overall, it's an OK film. It's too different from the original. It lacks thought provoking. The action scenes feel flat. The characters don't do much. The motives are not strong.

I'd give it a go. Support the gamble taken in making this film: it's genuinely different. Just think romance with martial arts and it might help.

Contains at least one graphic scene. Not recommended for squirmish teens.
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Mind-bendingly Terrible
Alexand_er28 December 2021
Truly unbelievable they had the nerve to release this. They re-enact the majority of scenes from the trilogy, primarily the original movie, and also physically show footage of the original numerous times. Pathetic, it really is pathetic. I'm tired of this repetitive mediocre garbage with seemingly every new movie of the past 5 or so years, the lack of effort and quality is beyond sad. I barely go to the cinema anymore as of a few years ago due to total nonsense being on, and I think this was my last cinema visit ever unless I can be sure it's even remotely worth the money.
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A fun reunion movie
Lingo5623 December 2021
This is not the next huge chapter in The Matrix saga. However, it's very enjoyable return that has some meta fun with itself.

If you you love this world and have a yearning for seeing Neo and Trinity again you'll have a good time. Just don't go in looking for more than that.
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Surprisingly awful
paulscott-1834023 December 2021
The original Matrix is an absolute classic (9/10). The two sequels were good (6 or 7/10) but with pretty confusing storylines in parts.

This film is truly dreadful. Surprisingly awful in fact.

The trailor takes tiny snapshots of the film and make it look like a fantastic blockbuster, but in reality it is a nostalgia-heavy, poorly thought out and terribly acted 'remake' of sorts of the first film.

The storyline and the number of pointless easter eggs/repeats of the first film make this a largely pointless addition to the original trilogy.

Save your money or go and see Spiderman instead 🤣
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Showing clips from the previous movies was a terrible idea
garabedian12327 December 2021
You talk about the first movie thats fine. But these little clips showing us are utterly terrible. And they just kept going and going.

So I gave up after 30 minutes but then I just had to know what happens in the movie so i watched the rest. And its not bad. Its good actually. Just some things still make no sense. Like the clips from the first movie are in all the wrong places. We know all the stuff they show us but we dont know what they didnt show us. Like who is that group of homeless people. Why no flashback here when it would have made sense.

Also not having Hugo Play agent smith really lowers the movie by a huge margin. Not having morpheus is explained because of the time gap. But no Hugo was the worst part about this movie.
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Disappointing to say the least.
leon_staples23 December 2021
I have to say that I was really disappointed with this movie. Growing up with the originals, I remember how ground breaking they were and how much I looked forward to each one coming out. I know that you can't necessarily measure this movie against the trilogy and I went into it with that outlook but I still found that it just lacked the feel that the originals had, it didn't feel like the matrix completely.

This movie seems like a mess, like they tried to cram 3 more movies into one and as such it moves very fast, to the point where I found it hard to even follow. I personally didn't like the casting for Agent Smith, I felt like he did not bring the same menace or authority to the role. You never really see Neo develop his skills, it just kinda happens. Also the constant snippets of the previous movies peppered into the movie did not fit for me, just seemed weird how they added that in.

Overall this could have been so much better and honestly I don't think this movie adds anything to the original trilogy and nor does it add any real closure to the story or characters so I have to question what the point even was. It's weird because there is no plan on turning this into a trilogy, it's just a one off so what was the point? I give six stars because it made me nostalgic enough to want to watch the original trilogy again and the acting was good, the special effects were good. It's just a shame that they robbed so much from the originals and put them into this movie. Sometimes you watch a movie and it feels like they are making the movie just to make a movie, just because they can, not because it should be done. If you don't watch this movie, then you have not really missed anything.
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For the Fans, it is better to believe from now on that this movie does not exist. Warning: Spoilers
The directors, writers and producers could have done something decent, respectable, but they were wrong about everything.

Bad execution, bad effects, bad plot, very poor camera effects compared to its predecessors. And the script is the most incorrect, disastrous of all. It leaves many plot holes such as "Since when Trinity has so many abilities that Neo, when in their first three installments they don't talk or mention it". And this is just one of its many weak points.

It cannot be claimed that being or trying to make a comic satire of his previous films can be accepted, on the contrary. They should have taken advantage of these almost 20 years to do a better job but they wasted it.
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Would be better if the Matrix was not resurrected
theTimeWanderer19 December 2021
After watching the film, I was disappointed. It really turned out to be a half-sequel, half-remake of the original film - that is, the main story is almost the same as in the first part, even some scenes are copied almost frame by frame, only some details are changed and new characters are added, which cannot be compared with the old ones.

The original Matrix still looks better and passes the test of time, it is better to revise it (well, the whole trilogy at the same time).
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