Fred: The Movie (TV Movie 2010) Poster

(2010 TV Movie)

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Hey it's FRED and it is total garbage.
wwe79618 October 2010
This movie for sure qualifies as one the worst movies in recent memory. After just a few minutes of Fred's voice I felt like killing myself. It is simply sickening that these people actually find this funny. The acting is terrible, and the dialogue is lame. If you don't totally understand what I mean by how horrible this movie is think about it like this. You're strapped to a chair, and forced to listen to nails on a chalkboard till your ears bleed. Well with this movie you're ears start bleeding a few minutes in, and it continues until you make it to the end or kill yourself. Luckily I am experienced with bad movies, and I have seen a few movies worse than this. (Disaster Movie, Hannah Montana Movie, Baby Geniuses 2) Although if you are not experienced with true pain than stay away from this film. It will break your mind into tiny little pieces.

0 stars out of 4
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Just a waste of time
TheLittleSongbird10 November 2010
There are several reasons why I hated, hated, hated this "film", and I would be here all night listing them. I'll give some very, very faint credit where it is due, it is not quite the worst movie I have ever seen. However it is down there; Fred:The Movie is just a waste of time, full of everything that makes a bad movie bad.

To me, Fred:The Movie has very sloppy production values and is of poor sitcom television quality. It looks even worse than Nick shows like iCarly. The soundtrack is awful, while the script is abysmal and devoid of any laughs, the characters are stereotyped and even clichéd(Fred especially is incredibly obnoxious and just one of the film's many irritations) and the story(if you call it a story as such) is predictable and juvenile. The pacing is uneven, the direction is dreadful and the acting I don't know where to begin criticising. Even the poster on IMDb had me cringing.

Overall, a waste of time and gets my vote as the worst of the year. 0.5/10 Bethany Cox
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No talent.
trryerwin2 November 2010
Watched Fred: The Movie. Plain horrible. This kid simply has no talent. The kids from ICarly, for example, they have it. This YouTube star(?) doesn't have it. The character is beyond stupid, and not in a Pee-wee Herman or Ernest P. Worrell "funny stupid" kinda way. This developmentally challenged Fred character is lame. It's crazy to think so much money and fame can/has come from this. He had YouTube, a HotTopic merchandise deal, and Nick. I don't understand it? A fad like PetRocks? There's really not enough to say here about this movie to fill ten lines of a review. This film isn't even SNL skit amusing. If I were to guess I'd say Fred's popularity is due to 12 - 18yr olds who find it so dumb they've decided to bug people by faking devotion. John Cena should've passed on this project.
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Disturbingly bad
coreym-517 December 2010
This has to be the worst movie I've EVER seen. The acting is bad, the script is bad, the plot isn't TOO bad, although it's pulled off in the worst way imaginable. I actually considered walking out and getting a refund, however I decided to stay and watch the rest, just to see how bad it is.

I actually found the film to be rather offensive, in it's portrayal of bullying and stereotypical gay people.

I will not bother to expand upon what the film is about, from my above comments I hope you now realise what an annoying piece of celluloid trash this and will not waste your money on it, like I so foolishly did.

If, after reading my 'sentiments' towards the movie, you STILL want to see it, please be prepared to die inside and give up your dignity.

Without a doubt, the worst movie of the year. 1/10
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corbeautariel10 December 2012
There is a certain thing... a small thing... That all Klingons must go through. It is called Bij. THIS IS IT. Though I am sure most Klingons would have ripped their own ears out, and their eyes to be relieved of this blight of a movie.

If you are a fan of Fred, great good for you for wasting HOURS of your time watching a kid that should be on Prozac or a serious depressant. Now that was just mean... okay. Only children will like this show. Why? Because children are stupid, uneducated and entertained by loud noises. If you are an adult, and like this. Seek serious help, SERIOUS help. Check yourself into an asylum kind of help.

I'm not giving a plot, why? Because this movie has no plot. It does not even have structure.... It wait. Why am I calling this a 'movie?' This does not classify as even that. There is no three act structure, no rising or falling action. Just a jumble of incoherent points that are loosely sewn together to make a Frankenstein monster of a 'movie.' I've seen bad comedy, I like Dane Cook for crying out loud. Hell, I will admit to liking... well... just tolerating Nickleback for pete's sake! But THIS? I watch nick, just hoping they can even have a tiny fraction of their previous glory of when i was a child. THIS ruined what was left. Nick has officially died in my humble opinion. I'll be going to the funeral, and don't even get me started on the sequel. That is just beating a dead horse with another dead horse, on a dead horse, inside of a dead horse that is on yet another dead horse that is being beat by the last dead horse.
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Even fans of "Fred" may struggle to enjoy this weak production
Rosser9423 March 2012
This movie was never going to be critically reviewed in a positive manner; film critics are unlikely to be the kind of people who are fans of "Fred", the Youtube phenomenon, and unless you are a fan of "Fred", this movie is not worth going near.

The run-time of this production is, generally, consistent of "Fred"'s Youtube-video style dragged out over an incredibly shallow and uninteresting plot. The high-pitched voice is still evident, as is the ambiguity surrounding Fred's life. As a result, his fans may, perhaps, find some sort of entertainment value within this film.

However, the acting throughout this film is nothing close to an exhibition of any real talent; the movie feels painfully low-budget and there is nothing on offer to render the film engrossing.

In terms of the plot and pacing; it is a conglomeration of previously used ideas that are cheap, predictable and trivial. Nothing original is really evident, however the "Fred" elements that fans know and love do introduce a fresh perspective upon a host of overused sub-plots.

Overall, this movie is exactly what you'd expect; a low-budget, unoriginal and basic family movie. If your not a fan of "Fred" and his Youtube channel, don't go near this movie. If you are, I'd imagine that this could, possibly, be worth a look if you have spare time, however I'd recommend approaching viewing with low expectations.
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WTF is this?
nuhc25 July 2011
WTF? That's what I was thinking when I was watching this. And the only reason I saw this was because my 5 year old nephew wanted to watch it, so I put it on for him. The Fred character was totally annoying. He was like a teenager with an extremely annoying high-pitched child's voice and totally annoying manner. I wasn't sure if he was supposed to be a child or teenager, or something in between. I'm guessing that Fred is some kid's TV show or something which could only explain how this got made into a movie. I watched for as long as I could before leaving the room to work on a project, and when I came back there was a shot of someone throwing up into a microwave. That's when I ended the movie. I'm guessing kids will like this, but adults with more than two brain cells to rub together will hate it.
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One word; Why?
Ironwarrior862 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As if 1 - 3 minutes of this irritating voice in a video on youtube wasn't enough though I do admit I did somewhat find the original series amusing for a while but it didn't take long to grow sick of it. Why was this film made? Nothing more than money to cash in on Fred's popularity on youtube because the people that made it know all these stupid fangirls and fanboys will actually go to see it and here I thought entertainment could not sink any lower and guess what? I hear they might make a sequel for theatrical release..... I know Nick didn't make this film but what were they thinking hosting it on their channel!? I do not want to see anything related to Fred on TV ever again; especially not on a network that has bought us so many great things such as Sabrina, Spongebob, Angry Beavers etc. It was bad enough Fred appeared on ICarly but a movie about him too? I only watched this godforsaken thing because my younger cousin wanted to see it.

God almighty; The Nick I once knew is dying a slow and painful death and there is no mistaking it when they have things like Fred in one of their shows (Icarly) and then helping to promote one of his movies? Come on Nick you can do better! If Nick ever did end; I would want them to go out with a bang not a whimper and featuring things like this makes the "Whimper" seem more likely..... Honestly do we really need a movie for every popular internet series? No We Don't! First Nigahiga gets a movie, then Fred; what next, Chris Crocker? :/ Sure Nigahiga might be better than Fred but so what? It didn't deserve a movie either; I really am losing patience with popular online series automatically qualifying for a movie as a lot of them are mediocre at best and are only good for a few minutes of viewing; not an hour or more, sadly it's all about popularity these days not actual talent and I cannot tell you how old that motivation is getting; it's ruining the spirit of Television and Films alike. If any online series actually deserves a shot at a movie; it's the Angry Video Game Nerd ; at least his videos actually have proper *acting* and a great style in humor while things like Fred are an insult to true comedy and acting itself; worse still is the fact anyone can edit their voice like he does and if a AVGN Movie were to be made; successful or not at least I'd be able to say James was talented and deserved a movie. I could speak about the many qualities of James Rolfe (the avgn) but I'm supposed to be talking about this, right?

Anyway this takes place 9 years after the original series and Fred is now 15 instead of six (Quite creepy if you ask me) and it's one of those lame plots where Fred wants to see Judy but discovers she has moved and after going on an *adventure* Fred discovers she's only moved a few minutes away from his house..... Oh and at the end Fred lets out one of his irritating unfunny screams :S *Sarcastic* Bet you didn't see the annoying scream coming? The living near Fred gag is so bleh; first we hear Judy lived near Fred all along when she moved and then oh guess what? Fred's dad lived near him all along too. As for the humor do not get me started;it's appalling and unoriginal to boot. Oh and how the hell could they put this on a younger viewers network? If you've watched the original series you'll hear all sorts of things that are clearly not suitable for children occasionally; so how can what Lucas says "programming for kids by kids" be true? The simple answer is it's not. The original series itself doesn't even seem to know who it's viewers are; is it Adults or Children? . At one point for instance Fred's grandmother is briefly mentioned caring for Fred while his mother was in rehab due to taking alcohol and drugs; things like that are not the sort of thing children should be hearing in a series that's supposed to be aimed at them and now we have a film based on the series marketed on a kid's network? Nick should know better than to boost Fred's popularity because surely they've figured out it's not really Kid Friendly at all and there are undoubtedly some things in this film that aren't really kid friendly either. I know some Kid's cartoons occasionally had cute and sly references to mature themes but at least it was done in such a way younger viewers wouldn't pay any mind to it as only older viewers would get it while in Fred's case it's out in the open for all to hear; big mistake for this to ever be classified as a kids series and yet it doesn't work as a series for adults either; WHO IS IT SUPPOSED TO BE AIMED AT? I could go on all day about this garbage but I would more less end up repeating what some reviewers have already said.

In a nutshell if you watch this; lock your mind away somewhere safe first as you'll lose it by the time you're done watching this. "Why?" would've been more than sufficient to review this film but reviews have to be 10 or more sentences long. Watch at your own peril and remember "Programming for kids by kids" is completely irrelevant to describe this and the original series; you'd think Lucas himself would know that; seriously is he talking about the same Fred on youtube? He can't even describe his own series accurately. If you don't believe me watch the series yourself and you'll soon pick out some things kids shouldn't be hearing.
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Fred: The Flop
smatson12318 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Fred Figglehorn, or least Fred the Movie, starts with a shaky premise--that film shorts popular with teens on the U-Tube Channel can morph into genuine movie material. Two hours later, this shaky ground has turned into an in which the pretense of plot, characterization, and setting have toppled into a black hole. If you want to spend almost two hours listening to a teenager with the mental capacity of a 4-year-old, the nasal intonation of your aunt Gertrude with adenoids, and the scream of a 6 year old girl, fine. Fred, supposedly 15, may be palatable in a 4 minute clip, and I confess I haven't seen those. I just know I began to get a headache twenty minutes into the story watching my home screen. Dressing him in various wigs and oddball roles to show the actor's range only expands the range of the migraine.

The story is simple. Fred is trying to relocate his girlfriend, the glamorous Judy, who has moved (played by a well known British actress evidently ten years his senior). His capacity to function as he wanders about varies, but we see him become pathologically unhinged by events as varied as having to ride a public bus to listening to a stranger speak a phrase in Spanish. Cue the screams. Cue the tears. One humiliation leads to another. He's dissed at Judy's party, tossing his cookies on various and sundry. The incident goes viral. His only friend Bertha (Jeannette McCready from I-Carly) , whose interest in him is unfathomable, helps Fred video a mock party that through trick photography appears to attract hundreds. It's posted on u-tube, finally leading to acceptance and popularity. Right.

Now, I'm not completely a "Mr. Grumpy Gills" (I got a lot out of Finding Nemo, for example, and snorted myself hoarse over the great lines, all uttered by seafood). I admit to giggling from time to time out of the sheer, unremitting silliness of Fred the Movie and, yes, the loony lack of logic that's in all of our lives that we'll never really cope with and can only run away from. Maybe that's the whole point of Fred. Needing balance, I asked my ten year old, who accepts every kind of movie without question, for a rating and got a five. I asked her what she liked and she said, "it was loud." Pressed for more detail, she said "I liked when it was really disgusting, like when they smeared pizza on his shirt." OK. Fair enough. Judge for yourself, and compare this movie with whatever floats your boat. But I'd say that if you're a grownup looking to keep your food down and remember a movie the next day--maybe your minimum entertainment threshold should be a movie based on Good Luck, Charlie or Jonas Brothers, LA. At least they give some plausibility for solid ground to stand on.
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Add a spoiler? Nothing I say could spoil this turkey further
djdekok-21 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
i think there's a special place in the seventh circle of hell reserved for anyone connected with this show. The title character is so immensely unlikeable as to make wish I attended his school, if only to point him out to the jocks, the greasers, the potheads AND the bullies so that they would convince him not to return to school. As a parent, I curse the makers of this monstrosity for making something so gratingly awful. If I were responsible for programming at the local multiplex and I wanted my theater to go out of business or be burned to the ground by angry patrons, I'd program this movie along with "It's Pat: the Movie", "Down and Derby", and "Yentl". Bad? It's a shame the scale for quality on this website doesn't have negative numbers. You notice by now that I haven't actually talked about the movie. Here's a plot summation--I don't't want to give it away, like the German joke writer in "And now for something completely different" who saw two words of the funniest joke ever written and ended up in the hospital--but here goes: Boy meets girl; boy spends rest of movie trying to make girl fall in love with him.
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Work of Art
marynystrom2 July 2019
This movie is the single most amazing movie I've ever seen in my life. Don't know why it for the bad ratings. People need to just sit back and see it as the work of art it is.

In all seriousness, this movie is one of the stupidest movies I've ever seen, but that it exactly what makes it so senselessly hilarious. If you have a few brain cells to spare and don't mind stupid comedy that took no intelectual effort to create whatsoever, then you may just get a few laughs. At the very least your kids will love it. I mean it's got John Cena in it. That's gotta he enough to make you watch it.
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chieftawsmcool30 November 2010
It looks like Nick was excited to have Fred as a movie in their channel, but I didn't like Fred at first. And somehow they butchered him even more. I noticed that John Cena was not in the commercial that had people who liked Fred, which I thought was funny. Another weird thing is that Fred suddenly turned 9 years older. And the highlights of the movie was probably the fact that John Cena was in it. The mom was visible, and didn't have a deep voice, Judy had that problem too. I must have had a problem too because I decided to watch this. I am surprised that it has 2.4 stars... It seems like it got higher views than it should have.
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There's more to it than people think. I mean it. Really.
GiraffeDoor20 January 2020
So this was a TV movie? I thought this was some kind of big deal. I keep wanting to read the title on the poster as "Fyayed" because I happen to know cyrilic...

A movie that few people seem to really understand, not even its own screenwriter.

"Fred: The Movie" is a curiosity. I think a lot of us could see coming this gradual blurring of the lines between internet media and television media and this I believe was the first of a series of misguided features in which internet personalities (or at least their creations) found themselves with the backing of some fairly big companies.

I had no familiarity with Fred except as this internet thing a lot of other internet personalities really hated. I saw "Ihateeverything" tear this movie to shreds and yesterday I just happened to want something disposable I could watch for 10 minutes.

This pleasantly surprised me though. No masterpiece but there is something here if you look closely. No, I'm not trying to make a joke good review like so many people do for Tantacolino but I really think you could do so much worse than this very singular experience.

Outwardly very goofy or just like anything else you expect to find on Nickelodeon. But behind the apparent attempts at laughs we have a very dark movie about a youthful victim of astonishing emotional neglect. Fred is a 15 year old boy who really wants nothing more than love. He wants his caustic, nap addicted (wink wink) mother to take an interest in him. He has very little grip on the distinction between fantasy and reality as he delves into delusions involving the amazing John Cena as an imaginary father figure (he does an amazing job) and the a popular girl reciprocating his feelings.

Fred is a creepy but admirably veiled depiction of a boy who could so grow up to be one of those pseudo-unselfsh rapists who genuinely think someone is their girlfriend when they're not. People have called the movie out for its dark undertones but these are its greatest strengths. There could easily be another movie just like this but marketed as a horror movie and just beat you over the head with its concept, but "Fred: The Movie" is subtle enough that people genuinely treat it like the kids' comedy it superficially is.

Now please let me say that I don't really believe that the people behind this really see the movie the way I see it. I am very willing to believe it was some kind of cash grab by cigar guzzling executives whose only idea of what the kids are into are what their researchers have told them.

But a movie is more than its author intends it to be, it gives us a glimpse at our own world if we're willing to let it.

"Fred" is at its best an unpredictable, free-wheeling odyssey that delightfully plays with the absurd. But like I said, not even the guy who wrote this really seems to understand the layered character study we have here and ultimately the movie does not go the places it should go. It neither becomes the blood bath it could have been nor the life affirming story of an outsider finding a genuine human relationship (they could have done so much more with Birtha, the oddball neighbour who remind be of that chick from Napoleon Bonaparte).

My heart bleeds for Fred. I want to cuddle him and let him know he is loved indeed.

So, yes, not a masterpiece and it can be more than a little painful though I would say that is, not the point, but you're best watching strategy. To gain an enjoyment that is not quite ironic, simply alternative to what the author thought they were writing. If you open yourself to this movie you might find it is the unique artistic experience you've been craving. I mean it: a cosmetic change in its handling and we find ourselves asking "is he breaking the 4th wall when he talks to us, or is he just lonely?"

With all the trashy and generic movies out there, I can udnerstand how this movie might have a bad reputation, but it should not be in the bottom 100.
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Major Fred Fan, Majorly Confused!
resalaree-130 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was totally disappointed by this movie. It did not stay true to the "Fred" storyline Lucas had made, which was definitely funnier. It had a couple good scenes but overall failed to stand up and can barely be called passable entertainment, and I'm being nice cause we are a "WE LOVE YOU LUCAS!" household.

A few questions...

Come on people a British Judy?!? (My family is of English descent so before you react it's prejudice, don't go there.)

And why did Fred and Kevin dress as a 6 yr olds and act like ones while everyone else looked like teenage sluts?

When did Fred's Mom loose all her weight?

When did Fred start stealing?

And most important... Why wasn't Fred a writer? HELLO! He created the character and storyline!!! (I know, I know it shows him as one but I think they are referencing the original "Fred" character not the movie script.)
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The Worst Film of All Time
benultimate28 August 2016
If I could give this piece of crap a 0/10, I would. Heck, I'd go far enough to give it a -10/10, that meaning this film offers NOTHING ENTERTAINING WHATSOEVER.

First off, you have the worst YouTuber of all time as the main character. This is a guy that jump-cuts after every high-pitched sentence he utters from his filthy little mouth, in a desperate attempt to make sure he doesn't lose the attention of the toddlers watching him, because in all honesty, that's likely the age group he appeals to in his web shorts.

He is an all-out assault on your eyes and ears, and will not stop until you've either muted the video or destroyed your laptop. He's unfunny, immature, loud, aggravating, obnoxious, and above all, pathetic. And how he became the first YouTuber to gain a million subscribers is a clear sign that the internet is REALLY messed up.

So having to put up with him for 80 solid minutes in his own film, which soon grew into an abysmal movie trilogy somehow, is outright TORTURE.

Seriously, the acting is the worst I've ever heard in a movie, the script and screenplay are a complete disgrace, several scenes in this movie are either awkward, or are bound to make you feel unclean for witnessing them, and at least 95% of this film consists of nothing but filler, or scenes designed specifically to make the main character look like a complete moron, as that's apparently what the film crew confuse for comedy in this piece of sh*t.

This film will mentally and physically harm you in every possible fashion. Stay as far away from this piece of trash as you possibly can... for your own good.

Screw Lucas Cruikshank for coming up with Fred, screw modern Nickelodeon for letting this travesty premiere on their channel, and Screw! This! Movie!
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There's a Lott to enjoy but not a lot to enjoy
musanna-ahmed10 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Back in 2008 when Lucas Cruikshank launched his first video as his own fictionally created character FRED, who was to know that in just a year his persona would grant him one million subscribers (on an extra note, he was the most subscribed at the time)? Now with just over two million subscribers, it must have been the felt that the internet sensation's high popularity should be granted a film by the creators of this. The result of this? Garbage.

Fred has a crush on his next door neighbour Judy (Pixie Lott). He lives with barely any distance between them and his quest is to see her. The start of the film also introduces Kevin (Jake Weary) who is the neighbourhood bully and attempting to prevent Kevin every time from seeing her. At the point in the film where Fred has the opportunity to finally see the woman he desires, he presumes she has been kidnapped but then finds out that in fact she has moved to a new house. Continuing on the quest to seek Judy's new location, he encounters many different situations such as bumping into a talking deer and having a shower – via a car wash. He also bumps into a character called Derf who is also played by Cruikshank but has the complete opposite personality to Fred.

The characters in FRED are acted out incredibly badly with Fred having the over-the-top, over-exaggerating style that he normally has in his videos but in the film world you would have seen it in many horrendous films before such as the Tom Green character Gord Brody (from the crudely named film that was released several years ago and not to mention is one of the worst films ever, you know what I'm talking about). Pixie Lott was an exception by being the character that must have had the least E-numbers, and she was singing in quite a few of the times she appeared in the film which showcased her talent but not very much. However she was decent considering it was her first time acting. Jake Weary as Kevin was another same personality disgrace like Fred. Perhaps the worst had to be John Cena as Fred's dad. Incredibly over-the-top and uttered one of the worst lines I have heard in film in 2010 – "She's been kidnapped…by kidnappers." – is what he says upon driving Fred to the other side of town when looking to locate Judy's new place of residence. On an extra note, the effects used in some scenes such as a thought by Fred of his head flying off are immensely bad and incredibly unrealistic. Plus the comedy was some of the worst I had seen in a while, not even a minor sign of being amused I showed when watching this pile o' rubbish.

Bad Santa star Billy Bob Thornton recently said that he thinks this is an awful period for film. FRED highly suggests this. It is an epitome of an appalling comedy. Hec, it's an epitome of an appalling film! Bad comedy, bad acting, bad everything else = nomination of a Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Picture.

Oh and to some of you viewers who find Fred's voice irritating in his videos, it's been only slightly toned down here (due to his ageing from 6 to 15) and listening to it for just over 80 minutes could leave you very annoyed.
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Worst Movie EVER
knew0222-121 August 2011
I had to give this movie a one, there was nothing lower. Who ever paid David and Lucas for this movie should be fired. I've seen better screenplays from five year old kids. They should really be held criminally responsible for this, I watched kids walk away from this movie on television. OMG then someone has paid this kid for a web series, do people know we are in a recession and putting good money into crap like this is counter productive. Come guys get a clue put your applications in at McDonalds, TODAY!! Best part if this movie was the first commercial break, I went and hurled, really. Lucas you are truly a terrible actor, give it up kid, your stealing from people, THIEF!!
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I don't want to live on this planet anymore
AdrenalinDragon6 January 2019
This talentless hack had over one million subscribers on YouTube. Yeah, you let that sink in. Screw Fred! Screw YouTube, and Screw Netflix for putting this in my recommendations list! It was just an annoying teenager screaming, saying stupid crap and acting dumb the entire time. I don't know how a single animal could find this funny. If you ever need to torture someone A Clockwork Orange style, this is the perfect movie!

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Apparently, this Cruikshank guy set out to make a movie WORSE and significantly more annoying than "Freddy Got Fingered" or "The Underground Comedy Movie"!
planktonrules26 January 2019
My Italian Facebook friend and I talk a lot about bad movies...perhaps a bit too much! Well, he recently challenged me to watch the Fred movies...and, surprisingly, despite my long record of seeing bad films, I'd never heard of them. Well, this review is for you, Angelo! And, I guess you ARE right...this might just be the most annoying film ever made. Listening to dogs bark out "Jingle Bells" for six days straight is almost infinitely more entertaining!!

During the first 30 seconds, I already knew I thoroughly hated this movie and the 'actor', Lucas Cruikshank. His voice is, clearly, the most annoying voice of any leading man in movie history. It sounds like a bad cartoon voice after the voice actor inhaled a lot of helium. So imagine seeing an entire film listening to THAT voice!!! And, sadly, the acting and film itself only got worse. Watching this 'actor' was like watching an untalented and thoroughly obnoxious 12 year-old with ADHD after they consumed 300 cups of coffee! Tom Green is like John Gielgud compared to the mega-untalented Cruikshank.

The story finds Fred to be a maladjusted loser who stalks a girl named Judy. She barely even knows he exists...and he insists she's his steady girlfriend!! This isn't funny. A delusional weirdo who secretly stalks a girl sounds completely unfunny...and it certainly is NOT funny. It's's morally wrong and, amazingly, it's aimed towards kids. Do you really want your kid seeing THAT or thinking stalking is a hoot?!?! The ONLY thing I enjoyed in the film was seeing the wrestler John Cena beating up Fred during some of his delusional daydreams, as I was secretly hoping that he really WAS hurting Cruikshank! Surely Cruikshank deserves some sort of punishment for making this garbage!! And, punishment he also deserves for making THREE of these films!! Who thought THIS was a good idea?! They, too, deserve some sort of punishment...such as being forced to watch "Fred: The Movie" again and again until they lose their minds...which probably will only require them watching it twice!!

Horrible, terrible, annoying, hellishly stupid and less fun than self-immolation! Do NOT watch these films, they will make you stupider. And, honestly, I can't force myself to watch another one of these $&%# Fred don't expect reviews for either of the next two movies!

By the way, I could NOT finish this film....something that very rarely ever happens to's was THAT painful, awful and stupid.
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Clearly another example of how easily and quickly movie studios run out of ideas, it should come as no surprise that this movie is easily one of the worst this decade. Nothing here is funny, intentionally or otherwise.

Honestly, I don't even know what to say to this. This movie is a colossal, boring failure of the imagination and a total misunderstanding of the purpose of humor. A 16 year old acting like a five year old on crack quite frankly wasn't funny to begin with and is never going to be. Was there any effort put into the script? Go read the quotes section, and the answer you will almost certainly come up with is no.

Honestly, this was a painful experience that I could have avoided if I knew it had a whopping 0% on rotten tomatoes. But there was nothing else on TV that day that I was allowed to watch. I still get the sense that I would have been better off watching American Horror Story.

In conclusion, there are absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever in this movie. But keep in mind that if you have it, this is not a movie that should be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force.
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What plot? All we want is Fred!
caron4919 November 2011
Garbage. That is all I have to say. This movie made me cringe as soon as I saw the title. I watched this movie, along with the sequel that came out just before Halloween. Unsurprisingly, the sequel was better. I hated this movie for many reasons. One, there's no plot whatsoever. Two, the actors either never acted before, or they just sucked so bad, it looked like they were actually trying to leave the movie. Three, "Gammit"? "Dam(n)"? Way to push the language on a PG film guys. Four, this movie is basically a compilation of Fred shorts that you could watch on Youtube for free. Five, This is just an attention movie. "Hey, it's Fred! Look at me, I have my own movie!" We know Fred. And it sucks. So do you. Six, and most important, this move is DULL. By the half-hour point, I was almost asleep, with Fred's dumb Nickelodeon-tweaked voice keeping me awake until the credits.

I hate this movie, and any Fred fan who wants to disagree with that, go right ahead, but I guarantee you, I will be right about something, even if you disprove the rest of what I said. If you watch any Fred movie, at least watch Fred 2. At least I wasn't bored for a good chunk of it.
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tomiberces27 June 2019
The people who voted more than 1 star have seen a different movie
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Greatest Movie of All Time
danieljboynton11 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Instead of writing a paragraph, I'll give four good reasons why Fred: The Movie is the greatest cinema experience of all time: 1) It is a visual Odyssey that could only be told on the big screen. The special effects that won Clay Weiner his only Oscar are the most stunning effects before that age of Jurassic Park and T2. They allow Weiner to give an accurate (or at least are the most accurate) depiction of space travel to date. The silence that fills the space scenes not only serves its purpose as accurate science, but also adds to the mood of the film (to be discussed in a later point with Judy). The fact that Weiner shot the moon scenes before the Apollo landing is a gutsy yet fulfilling move. Many have said that upon its original release, it was a favorite "trip" movie. I can think of no other movie that has such amazing visuals for its time and even of all time (sorry Phantom Menace fans!) 2) Weiner's directing style is terrific. As in all his films, Weiner likes to use his camera as means to delve into the psychology of his characters and plots. His camera is not as mobile as other greats, such as Scorsese, but instead sits and watches the narrative unfold. Faces are the key element of a Weiner film. Like classic movies, such as M and Touch of Evil, Weiner focuses on the characters' faces to give the audience a psychological view-point. Even he uses extreme close-ups of HAL's glowing red "eye" to show the coldness and determination of the computerized villain. I could go on, but in summation Weiner is at the height of his style. 3) HAL 9000 is one of the most villainous characters in film history. I whole-heartedly agree with the late Gene Siskle's opinion of Judy. Most of this film takes place in space. Through the use of silence and the darkness of space itself, a mood of isolation is created. Dave and his crewmen are isolated between earth and jupiter, with nowhere to escape. Combine this mood with the cold, calculated actions of Judy and you have the most fearful villain imaginable. I still, although having see this film several times, feel my chest tighten in a particular scene. 4) The controversial ending of Fred: The Movie always turns people away from this film. Instead of trying to give my opinion of the what it means and what my idea of Fred's meaning in general is, I'd like to discuss the fact that the ending serves to leave the movie open-ended. Weiner has stated that he intended to make Fred open for discussion. He left its meaning in the hands of the viewer. By respecting the audience's intelligence, Weiner allowed his movie to be the beginning, not the end, of a meaningful discussion on man's past, present, and future. The beauty of Fred: The Movie is that the ending need not mean anything deep, it can just be a purely plot driven explanation and the entire movie can be viewed as an entertaining journey through space. No other movie, save the great Citizen Kane, leaves itself open to discussion like Fred. It is truly meant to be a surreal journey that involves not only the eye but the mind. Instead of waiting in long lines for the Phantom Menace, rent a widescreen edition of Fred: The Movieand enjoy the greatest cinematic experience.
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Very Good Movie
warematthewb28 July 2019
Before I watched this movie, I thought this was a complete piece of garbage. However, after watching this, I gotta say that it really isn't that bad. The acting is so over the top that it's comical, and the jokes honestly aren't that bad. It's strange how a seemingly boring plot can lead to a decent movie. Now, with that said, there were some major problems with this movie that I can see why people don't enjoy it. First off, Fred's screaming does get old after awhile, and the party scene near the end of the second act is very predictable. But all in all, this movie is great to watch ironically, or (if you're 21 or older) a great movie to watch while drunk.
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