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Bradley Cooper bulked up his shoulders and took on a very difficult role that etches him on the list of "Great Actors" as he plays the real life character of Chris Kyle.
jaclyn-144-75958310 December 2014
(I hope I can get through this review without tearing up)

Viewing this movie in the theatre is different than usual. While you walk in and grab your seat, you may feel that everyone around you is anticipating the same thing ... a powerful story about a powerful man with a powerful purpose. That's a lot for a movie to live up to.

I believe you will walk out of the theatre with many thoughts after watching American Sniper ... and one of those thoughts will be that Bradley Cooper gave unwavering respect to Chris Kyle, his family, his fellow SEALS, his country and the movie industry. He bulked up his shoulders and took on a very difficult role that etches him on the list of "Great Actors" as he plays the real life character of Chris Kyle. Simply put - he was believable. His look. His accent. His Texas strut. His dip. His eyes. Watching the film you can clearly see what I assume to be parallel of what Kyle experienced on the battlefields abroad and at home. I can only hope the Kyle family and friends feel the same, as Cooper's acting appears to be a beautiful tribute to a "Legend".

While Clint Eastwood didn't break any ground with direction, I do believe he was a perfect choice for this film and did an incredible job telling Kyle's story without putting politics on the screen. This is a rough story to watch no matter your political views ... war is hell on all sides. If Eastwood put politics in the film I believe the audience would have lost the purpose of the piece. This is a movie that liberals, conservatives, libertarians, and "I-don't-knowins" can appreciate.

The best movies make you walk out of the doors seeing the world a bit differently. American Sniper gives an eerie look into a world that we, as Americans, are so far away from. Many of us don't know death like this. We don't know what it's like to face the mental and physical challenges our troops face during war. We've never been in the middle of a sand- storm fire fight. Eastwood, his crew and cast provide us with a small glimpse into what our troops face overseas and stateside. After seeing the movie inside an enormous mall, it was a bit surreal to walk out to an Urban Outfitters and Apple store full of Christmas shoppers. American Sniper will push you outside of everyday life to tell you a story that will stir your head and your heart.

Personally, American Sniper brought many emotions about the courageous servicemen, women and their families that have touched my life. Over the years I've had the honor to work with the American Veterans Center (AVC) in Arlington, VA, who host the National Memorial Day Parade and Wounded Warrior Experience among other great events. Some of the veterans who starred in American Sniper have also shared their story during AVC events. If this movie inspires you to learn more about these outstanding men and women, please check out AVC.

American Sniper also reminded me of the bravest people I know -- Lance Corporal Nicholas Erdy and his family. Much like you see on the screen, the Erdy's sacrifice and love for our country is the stuff superheroes are made of.

To the Kyle family, Erdys, all veterans, servicemen and women, and their families ... thank you for your sacrifice and courage. Your stories inspire us to strive for love and peace. To Eastwood, Cooper and the American Sniper team ... thank you for clearly putting your heart into this important American story. Bravo.

Bottom line - the Chris Kyle Story - American Sniper - is a must see.
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Gritty and Gripping
victuki10 January 2015
Chris Kyle was the most lethal sniper in the U.S. military history. He apparently killed more than 250 Iraqui insurgents, though the Pentagon only credited him around 160, which nevertheless made him a legend of the U.S. Army. I started to read the book last year but stopped doing it since I first heard about the project. Eastwood and Cooper on board, that is promising. And of course they both deliver, and "American Sniper" is dense and blunt, quite like a shot.

Cooper plays Chris Kyle, the ultimate "American": religious, patriot and uncompromising in his convictions. He is a noble and honest man regarding every aspect of his life, and that is something to respect. Cooper already played a soldier in "The A-Team" remake (Joe Carnahan, 2010), and it seems that he showed great abilities in the military stunts, and showed interest in the work of the army. He bulked up 20 kg and went through a really tough training, including Navy SEAL sniper sessions. Sienna Miller plays his wife Taya, who suffered the effects of war on his husband, despite his strong belief and determination. Her unconditional love was a massive support for Kyle.

Eastwood has made an intense and heartfelt film, one of his trademarks, absent shows and unnecessary politics or philosophy. This is obviously the classic "American" patriotic film, but it differs from others in the approach of the man, who is an instrument to a purpose, yet a human being totally aware of what he does.

Bottom line, this film is almost perfect in many aspects, and the only thing that does not hook me is how much it reminds me to "The Hurt Locker" (Kathryn Bigelow, 2008). That was way more focused on the adrenaline addiction the main character had, but the behavior of both characters after tours seemed to me pretty alike.
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American Sniper (2014, Clint Eastwood) Flawed biopic wrapped too heavily in American exceptionalism
hoernkeem11 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
American Sniper (2014, Clint Eastwood) How does one sit down and truly measure this film especially when it so clearly hinges upon the life and actions of one of our nation's elite SEAL members embroiled in one of the most controversial military actions our nation has ever been a part of. I want to try to give a decent analysis of the film on it's own merits but also speak to the merits of Chris Kyle's story as a whole. This story more than any I've seen in recent memory drums up strong feelings both in favor of Chris Kyle and his actions and those against for various reasons. Like most things in this world and most people who take up on either side of any issue the answer truly lies somewhere in the middle. As proud Americans we like to believe in right and wrong and good and evil simple as that. We like to believe simply and without equivocation that there is evil out there that would threaten us and we can just as simply root it out and destroy it if our will is strong enough. The world, however, doesn't exist that way. There is a lot of gray in between the black and white. I digress somewhat and mainly because so many people have weighed in on this movie. So with that preamble laid down let's actually discuss the film. In this film we are presented with the story of Chris Kyle who is America's most lethal sniper with 160 confirmed kills and who's actual kills probably range in the 200-300 range. From director Clint Eastwood this story is adapted from Kyle's wildly popular book of the same title. We are introduced to Chris as an average American country boy raised with religion and hunting which are ingrained ways of life in many of the rural areas of our country. In one of the most resonating anecdotes of the film Chris' father talks about wolves, sheep and sheepdogs in distinguishing types of people basically as predators, prey and protectors and from the start we know which Chris is designed to be. After a failed stint as a cowboy he ends up joining the Navy SEALs seemingly after being prompted to it by terrorist action which works in the film to fan the flames of his patriotic figure. Not much is discussed here about the nature of the Iraq War and because that is not an issue in the film I don't want to go very far down the road of Iraq War politics because it isn't relevant to the telling of this story and is a quagmire in any case. Chris serves four tours in Iraq as a SEAL sniper. Eastwood stages some realistic, tense firefights in the Iraq scenes as well as concentrating on some of the more seemingly moral dilemmas faced by Kyle such as whether or not to kill a woman and child who are running toward a US military convoy with what may or may not be a grenade. It works to great effect that at least in the film we never see him make a misstep in these instances. He kills the woman and child who are revealed to be carrying a grenade and then stays his hand as a boy picks up a rocket launcher but then at the last second drops it and runs away. In an effort to make Chris' and by extension America's purpose very black and white in this film Eastwood sets up some antagonists for Chris to battle against which take the form of a man known as the Butcher and also a Syrian sniper named Mustafa. Eastwood sets up and executes that battle so clearly that literally after felling Mustafa who seems to be Kyle's equal on the enemy side Chris calls his wife and says his time is done and he wishes to come home. This puts out the perception that facing a crumbling marriage Kyle continues to return to action prompted by a very specific enemy. With that enemy vanquished he is free to return to his family and a normal life. Interspersed with the Iraq sequences are sequences of Chris at home between tours. He is portrayed as a reluctant hero, which is truly how we enjoy our heroes, as well as a man haunted. We assume the haunt is some form of PTSD as he grapples back in the real world over life and death decisions he made. All along the way the gruff straightforward performance from Bradley Cooper keeps Chris on his virtuous path. When confronted by his wife he reaffirms that his rationale for going is he can save American lives which is true but probably not the whole truth. Perhaps being the best sniper he feels like sending lesser individuals not up to the task is unacceptable. Whether or not Chris suffered from PTSD he seemed to find a path after his military service days by working with other veterans. Ironically and tragically it was one of these veterans that fatally shot Chris in 2013. I understand quite fully that dramatic license must be taken when adapting true life events to ensure the story flows and maintains interest. This brings up interesting topics in the Chris Kyle story because so much of the story is contingent about how he is presented as a man and an American and a patriot. If you took away the true life nature of the film and also the tragic consequence his death I don't think this film would be garnering near the attention that it has been. The war scenes are tense and dramatic but nothing overwhelming and I've seen better over the past few years. It could have entered more elevated terrain had it dealt more fully with some of the family issues they alluded to at home but once again that wasn't the story that Eastwood wanted to tell. Most notable for me about Kyle's story on film is how events were deliberately manipulated to elicit the maximum patriotic effect and response. Let me say that I believe SEAL training is just about the hardest endeavor on the planet and the men who serve in the special warfare capacity are without a doubt heroes and Kyle is no exception. He served his country bravely and rightly deserves the moniker of hero. I worry that the story as presented on screen serves up a man that is served up as a comic book hero and not presented as the full measure of a man. He is depicted as the ultimate patriot with little to no human failings and as a result when the film ends with his death we are left stricken and dumbfounded. At the very least he was much more eager to kill the enemy than the film portrayed and from Kyle's own lips he claimed it was fun to kill them and if not for his family he would have never stopped doing it. Also there has been articles that have discussed Kyle's tendency to embellish as well as a lawsuit won against Kyle by Jesse Ventura which found that Kyle fabricated an encounter he had with the former Minnesota governor. I say none of this to disparage Chris Kyle nor do I attempt to tarnish his legacy. We are human beings and we have failings. While this is a decent film that's elevated due to the fact that it's based on Kyle's life as a U.S. sniper it could have done Kyle and itself more of a service by exploring more of the truth of the man in war and at home rather than painting him in these broad Captain America brushstrokes which garnered the expected rousing patriotic response in a great deal of the populace. Eric's Grade: B-
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clint hits the target with American sniper...
imizrahi200211 January 2015
it was extremely 'even'. nothing seemed overplayed. well balanced storytelling. as someone else wrote, best war movie i've seen in years...and while we're at it, best clint movie in a few outings, as well... i agree that the ending is a bit sudden. but there was no reason to drag it out, either... i don't feel it lingered on any one dynamic of what would be expected from a film like this...not TOO much violence or proselytizing/flag waving or lingering on casualty horrors... it doesn't, on the other hand, turn away from any of the ugliness, either... i thought bradley cooper did a great job in the role. the changes he gradually instilled into the character were subtle but present. it's as well done a war movie as i'll ever need.
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Good movie but too fake
alexsnower1 July 2021
Just look up the real Chris Kyle and his claims surrounding hurricane Katrina and the super dome . Than you might not see him as such a hero. An entertaining movie but a huge lie. Not to mention his ideology that all Iraqis were savages and his killings during this illegal invasion were all justified, even the ones on unarmed civilians.
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Intense, Emotional, Controversial and yet Engaging
nick-sultana1 February 2015
When it comes to true story films, there are times where film-makers try to add more or less into what really happened in the event being told. In this case, Clint Eastwood's American Sniper has already contracted not only positive acclaim but a stir of negativity and controversy that surrounds the way Kyle was really like in life. Some say he had lost his mind in the war for peace while others say he was caught up in the emotional aftermath after service but Eastwood has stated that his film is "the biggest anti-war statement any film can make," and said that "the fact of what war does to the family and the people who have to go back into civilian life like Chris Kyle did"

What AS tells is the true life figure Chris Kyle who served as the American military's 'lethal sniper' who has made more kills in his duty of tours during the Iraq war period after 9/11. It chronicles how Chris became a true American to protect his homeland and the aftermath of serving his tours when he came home to his small growing family, leading up to the final hours of his life.


+ Bradley Cooper's portrayal of Chris Kyle is indeed a new height for his career, he gives a performance that can be described as gripping, tense and at times

+ The action sequences are all done well, but at times it can be tense, violent and confronting for some.

+ The emotional connection between the main character and his family, that the final scene that will either break you or make you undecided.


  • The controversy that surrounds it, it can make the film an exaggerated lie or truth to what Kyle was like in reality but again it is showing what war can do on people on the front-line and home.

OVERALL: Despite the controversy it has gained by writers , the film is indeed a strong acting showcase for Cooper while leaving audiences both open and more aware of the effects of war on human kind. Go in with an open mind and see for yourself for what you would think that made Chris Kyle a 'lethal sniper' for this country. If you had liked The Hurt Locker, Zero Dark Thirty and Machine Gun Preacher (not a war film but somewhat similar to Kyle's story) you will enjoy this.
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A war movie through the eyes of a sharpshooter
DavidLindahl7 April 2016
American Sniper is an American war film directed by Clint Eastwood and based on the self-biography about the sharpshooter Chris Kyle. Chris is American who dreams of becoming a cowboy but after the events of 11 September, he decides to join the Navy Seals. Throughout the film we follow him on his trips to Iraq to fight against the terrorists, and we also see him during his trips home to the USA in between.

American Sniper feels very American and patriotic. The film has more or less divided USA in two sections, while some praise the film for its portrayal of the American soldiers' heroic efforts, others feels it hails and embellish a devastating war. I feel there is some truth to both sides because on one hand it shows the brutality of the terrorists ways, even against their own population, but it also shows the American soldiers breaking in to homes of innocent people and using force and violence to get their way.

Clint Eastwood has done well with the direction because we truly experience the soldiers' fear of never knowing who to trust, whether it's grown man or a small child. The war scenes are well made and they don't feel shaky or edited too fast just to force a feeling of action. Bradley Cooper does a really good job, probably the best I've seen of him so far, but I still wish we could have gotten to know his character even more. He's obviously a patriotic American but what really motivates him besides the love for his country, is sometimes hard to understand.

Overall, I feel the film is OK and worth watching because it actually shows the brutality that was the war in Iraq, but I still can't help feeling that sometimes it seems Clint Eastwood had to bow down a little too much before Kyles' family. It appears they couldn't include some scenes just because his family didn't approve. As a story American Sniper doesn't feel unique or contributing in some new way for us, the audience, but I still feel you can watch the film and make up your own mind.

David Lindahl -
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Fantastic - Views On The War Aside, A Great Movie
dongillette113 January 2015
I spent 27 years in the US Army, was in Operation Desert Storm (the original), was vehemently opposed to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and thought this movie was one of the best military/war movies I've ever seen. The realism was there, Bradley Cooper was phenomenal, the angst of a soldier during battle was portrayed brilliantly, the decisions we ask kids to make are real and they were realistically shown on screen, and as this film makes clear--war isn't a walk in the park. Anybody who thinks Bradley Cooper is a flash in the pan is sadly mistaken; this guy is the real thing. Martin Sheen in Apocalypse Now, Charlie Sheen in Platoon, and now Bradley Cooper in American Sniper. You've got to go all the way back to Gregory Peck in Pork Chop Hill or George C. Scott in Patton to get even close to an actor that gave a better performance in this genre. I saw it twice. Couldn't get through it the first time and had to walk out- -I got so damned furious at George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld for murdering all these innocent kids I couldn't watch anymore. Once I got past that I went back to see it again and trust me--it's phenomenal.
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Decent movie
mathiasr-216 January 2015
Well first of, Bradley Coopers muscle-gain in this movie is amazing and it really is a good and moving performance on his part. This movie has both a love affair and the war drama you would expect from a movie about an American sniper, but neither really catches on. The part of the movie in between deployments doesn't really do anything for the story, and it really reduces the overall impression of this movie. It seems as though this part of the movie hasn't really received as big an effort as the parts when he is deployed in Iraq.

The combat scenes are very convincing, they reminded me of Black Hawk Down, and you really can't put a finger on those parts. All in all this is a movie worth while seeing, and it will quite possibly demand an emotional reaction, but then it is soon forgotten. Maybe if i were American and had a sense of American patriotism, i would rate this movie a bit higher.
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Bradley Cooper Gives One Of The Best Performances Of His Career.
lwood2817 January 2015
American sniper is probably one of the best war films I've seen since Saving Private Ryan. Now I would probably won't consider this a war film because it mostly focuses on one character. One of the most recent war films that I really enjoyed last year was Lone Survivor. Now I thought that movie was really good but it was just handle very overly dramatic. I think this is probably one of the best performances Bradley Cooper has given in his career. I also think this is Clint Eastwood's best movie he has directed since Gran Torino. The action scenes were handled very well and it felt real. One problem I had with the film were the supporting characters. Now the acting for them were good but it's just you never get to know most of them their just there for the main character. The story is mostly just learning about one character. There really isn't that much to say about this film but if your a fan of war films then I would highly recommend checking this film out.
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First half is a recruitment video but second half feels more real.
mustardman2919 January 2015
Based on the IMDb ratings and reviews I was expecting more and came away a bit disappointed. The first half felt a little bit like army propaganda at times. This left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth and probably ruined the more realistic second half when they started to deal with the negative effects of war.

Cooper did a really good job. He deserves props or his portrayal. However, I think this movie could have been much better if they didn't have to get sign off from the family and the army requiring them to portray the main character in a certain way. Also the ending just sucks and no way around that one.

To summarize, it was OK but not at all Oscar worthy imho.
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Brutal and Powerful; American Sniper ranks among the best of the year
trublu21519 December 2014
American Sniper is Clint Eastwood's harrowing take on Chris Kyle's life and his service in the Navy as a SEAL sniper who killed nearly 200 enemy soldiers. The film is relentlessly violent and disturbing but honors the life of the late Chris Kyle in a very admirable way. It doesn't show this man as an invincible legend, it shows him as a mere man with a heart and soul that are clearly broken due to his sacrifice for his country. Bradley Cooper delivers the best performance of his career as Chris Kyle. Cooper didn't merely bulk up for the role, he became this man without any hesitation and doesn't hit a false note. Clint Eastwood proves that he can still deliver a phenomenal film even in his mid-eighties. It isn't only impressive for his age, but American Sniper is an impressive film in general. It doesn't wallow in classic war film clichès, it tells Kyle's story the way he told it in the book and while some creative liberties were taken in telling the story regarding pacing, it is an excellent film. It isn't an all out war film like The Hurt Locker, it is a heavy drama with plenty of gut wrenching scenes both on and off the battle field. The most interesting part of this film is the parallels between Kyle's life as a sniper and Kyle's deteriorating life state side. It is an interesting dynamic to add to a film like this and echoes past films from the 70s such as Coming Home and The Deer Hunter. On a technical level, American Sniper sores with great cinematography that is a bit more colorful when compared to Eastwood's past films and excellent sound design. You see every wound and hear every gunshot with realistic velocity. It is a truly great cinematic experience. Overall, American Sniper is a great film that will tug at your heart strings much like last year's Lone Survivor and even goes one step beyond that film and gives us grade A entertainment with grade A acting. It stands as one of the best films of the year.
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Average war movie.
badado19 January 2015
I really like Clint Eastwood movies and Mystic River is among my favorite ones.

American Sniper is the story of an American sniper in Middle East war over several years. The movie is beautifully shot, but I really did not connect with the main character, nor the other ones. I prefed way better Black Hawk Dawn (Ridley Scott). What I really do not get is the patriotic ending, with real footage of his funeral parade.

Why the sniper is considered a hero (ok he saved other soldier's lives) if he killed so many people?

If you want to see a movie about war (not war movies) I suggest:

  • Full Metal Jacket - The Thin Red Line
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Delta Force with better production values
jpg-2467817 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What a terribly frustrating film. Here we have an elite American soldier who has headed out to Iraq, peered down a scope for days on end, and chosen 200 times that the unfortunate at the other end needed to die. A difficult subject deserving a nuanced treatment.

The problem is that apart from some sighing and bowing of his head from time to time, Kyle seems unaffected by what he does, as is presumably essential to do this kind of work and not go insane. We have no idea about his character. So with the protagonist essentially a killing robot, it's left to the screenwriter and director to try to inject some depth, and there's plenty not go at.

Why is he here? How is Iraq at fault for the embassy bombings and 9/11 which prompted him to march into the recruitment office? What's prompted a woman to push a grenade into her son's hands and send him off to run at a 50 tonne tank? Why have some of the residents of these towns decided to stay and have their front doors kicked in by Marines or have their kids' limbs drilled to dust by the local militant sadist?

But these are difficult questions, and there's no apparent appetite to touch on them.

As pointed out by another reviewer, this is doubly depressing when you consider that this director produced one of the most harrowing shooting scene in any film, in "Unforgiven", where we hear a man die slowly over minutes while his killer agonises at his dying sobbing.

Finally, I didn't need to see Kyle get shot at the end, so have no qualms with the choice to show this as a sober piece of text. The fact that we've just seen dozens of people being wiped out through Kyle's scope does however leave me wondering if some of his victims' deaths might also deserve a more downbeat depiction.

So we're left with the tired old Stars and Stripes formula that's worked since time began. Western forces mowing down hordes of middle easterners. No doubt, this film needed to appeal to a certain home audience. As far as that's concerned, job done. I'm off for a shower to rinse off the jingoism.
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Superb Any Way You Judge It
ba_bam_bam16 January 2015
I honestly believe every American should see this film. If after viewing you aren't filled with a sober reverence and feelings of gratitude then shame on you. This is the quintessential film surrounding the war on terror from the point of view of those that served and even their families. I've read a review by a former Navy Seal (Brent Gleeson) that says it best… "The way the film was directed coupled with outstanding performances by Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller and the rest of the cast made for a heart wrenching and deeply accurate portrayal of the external and internal battles our service men and women face. Not to mention the even greater sacrifices made by the families and loved ones back home."

I would rate it shear perfection had they spent more time with his recovery and angst driven road back once he was stateside. This is easily one of my top five films of the year.
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Good Film
billcr1210 January 2015
Bradley Cooper stars as Chris Kyle, the most prolific sniper in American military history. It begins with the thirty year old Kyle as a cowboy type who is searching for meaning in his life when he becomes a navy seal. After rigorous training he is sent to Iraq and becomes a legendary sniper. The war scenes look very similar to Stanley Kubrick's often used ones in Full Metal Jacket. The camera tracks from behind the soldiers as they move forward. The action is fast paced and well done by director Clint Eastwood. The melodramatic family moments are fairly typical, with the suffering wife holding the home front while hubby keeps the world safe for democracy. I found Sierra Miller annoying as Kyle's spouse, but Cooper was cast right in the lead role. Although a bit too long at two hours and fifteen minutes, it is still one of the better films of 2014.
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American Sniper Review
Allen_The-Shep_Shepherd16 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
My Thoughts:

You would think that we would get tired of these war movies depicting life over in Iraq and Afghanistan but when they come together in a movie this good it is easy to see why we keep coming back for more. This is easily one of Clint Eastwood's best directed movie. And then we come to Bradley Cooper, he has always been a face in Hollywood but I think this movie shows that he has some serious acting chops. I know he was a Hollywood A lister before but this movie shows that he is more than just a pretty face to look at when he is on screen. I would like to see him in more of these drama type roles. Even though I did like him as Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy.

We follow Chris Kyle's life starting with a brief glimpse of how he grew up and what he did before joining the Navy and the SEALs. We then follow Chris through Basic Underwater Demolition/SEALs (BUDs) training. To him finding and marrying Taya (Sienna Miller). But what this movie really focuses on is the time Chris Kyle spends between four tours of duty in Iraq to the time spent between them at home. Chris seems to thrive while over in Iraq, he is in his element and knows what needs to get done. Chris is in a war between himself and an Iraqi Sniper that wants the glory of taking down the Legend that Chris Kyle has become over there. When at home though he is faced with a family he barely knows and trying to get reacquainted with them, too dealing with the mundane day to day life.

I am sure there is some things that the movie doesn't portray correctly be it due to the missions still being classified or to wanting to protect some of those people that are still active and out there protecting us. But the movie does capture what it is to be a man going off to fight a war in another country and then trying to come home and dealing with not only with your day to day life but also trying to put behind the war. Luckily in this day and age Veterans do have avenues to get help and work through it. And Chris once he got his feet under him was an advocate of trying to help those returning Veterans get a hold on reality and get back to living that normal life they had before going of to war.

This movie is an emotional roller-coaster and is going to take you on a journey. So be prepaid to have your heart strings pulled and maybe a Kleenex or two with you when you see this. Especially if you are like me and did not know Chris Kyle's story before seeing this movie.

My Recommendation:

A Must See.
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Hollywood Propaganda and Brainwash
aaron-wong-aw07922 February 2015
I did enjoy the film on a purely "for entertainment only" level. Some of the gun fights and action sequences felt just like you are playing the game Call of Duty or Battlefield. 6.5/10 However, as many other have said before me, this film is totally inaccurate in its portrayal of America's role in the war.

It fails to address the fact that America invaded Iraq for no reason other than to acquire resources.....Consequently many hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians were either severely injured or fatally wounded in what many now recognise as an unlawful invasion of another country.

The danger is that those who are not familiar with the facts of this war may watch this (in the future) and be lead to a very inaccurate and biased view of what truly happened.

It is for this reason that I have no choice but to give this a 1/10.
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One of Clint Eastwoods finest directed movies!
magnus78011 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The movies is about Chris Kyle's home life and military career with the US Navy as a SEAL sniper. The movie has some intense moments, containing violent and disturbing scenes. The movie doesn't portray Chris as a Rambo figure but rather a man that deals with the problems all soldiers have to face both overseas and at home. Clint Eastwood who is in his mid-eighties, shows us he still has it, directing an amazing film. The movie tells Kyle's story the way he told it in the first book. Overall, American Sniper is a great movie that has all the components, that make a movie great. For anyone who is a war film enthusiast, this is a movie for you. To those who call Chris Kyle a murderer and baby killer, I believe you fail to understand what soldiers sacrifice to protect our liberties and keep us free.
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Tweetienator9 April 2019
Fine movie (based on a real story) about a skilled and strong but broken hero and the price war takes on all sides. Good.
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A beautifully well crafted action movie by the great Clint Eastwood
bbickley13-921-5866426 December 2014
Good work on Bradley Cooper's part as well, putting on the weight and getting into character to play Chris Kyle, a sniper for the navy seals who did four tours in Iraq protecting his fellow troops by being a legendary shot. the Movie explores Kyle having to deal with a rival sniper who was keeping him from doing the job of protecting his troops and having to deal with coming home to his wife and kids feeling that his mission was incomplete.

Old man Eastwood mixed action, drama and humor in a way only a legendary filmmaker could put together. The man still has the ability to tell a compelling story.

Bradley Cooper showed a range that is more Oscar worthy than what he did in Silver Linings Playbook.

It was nothing but enjoyable from beginning to end. Worth watching.
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Bradley Cooper is Right On Target as Chris Kyle, American Hero
Matt-144-79200910 December 2014
In American Sniper Bradley Cooper plays Chris Kyle, a real life Navy SEAL sharp shooter. The story is based on the Autobiography by Chris Kyle and chronicles his life and legend where he is reported to have over 150 confirmed kills in his career as a SEAL. The movie, directed by a legend in his own right Clint Eastwood, opens in the midst of battle where Kyle is about to make his very first confirmed kill. From there the movie jumps around with a series of flash backs to get you up to speed on the background of Kyle from childhood to how he ended up as a America's most deadly sniper. After the flashbacks, the movie takes you from one gruesome battle situation to another highlighting some of the more noteworthy kills of his career; all while trying to hold down a family, marriage and his own sanity.

Overall this is not Eastwood's best work. There is no real visual style here. I wanted this badly to be on the level of Lone Survivor (2013). Yet with the exception of Cooper and Sienna Miller who plays Kyle's wife, there are no other real marquee actors. The performances seem flat and the world created seem one dimensional. Think the level of acting seen in Act of Valor (2012). Yes, there are some real military in here similarly, yet the actual paid actors are nothing special. That being said I think Eastwood was a very good choice for directing in this film. In order to truly honor the life of Chris Kyle the direction of the picture can't be politically motivated. There are many directors in Hollywood who would have loaded it too message heavy. This film does exactly what it sets out to do and highlights the life of the man and his family. Out of respect for the family I feel a lot was left out about the end of his life. It's very hard to fight back tears at the end of this movie.

The real magic in this film is the performance given by Bradley Cooper. Cooper has been signed on to do this film since before Kyle's untimely death in 2012. Cooper briefly spoke with Kyle and met his family to get a feel for the role. Cooper is much smaller in comparison, so he put on nearly 40lbs to play the role. Along with the change in appearance his mannerisms and Texas accent are down to the proper detail. There are moments in the movie where you forget it's the A list actor Bradley Cooper. This is a career defining role that transcends the movie itself. With a dip of Copenhagen in his mouth, hat on backwards and Punisher emblem emblazoned on his armor, there is almost a superhero like quality to it all. And why not, here is a real life man who was the best at what he did, and he did it all for truth, justice and the American way. Like Batman or Superman Cooper's portrayal of Kyle is larger than life. I have no doubt the Academy will take notice of this performance.

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If you haven't seen it, see it!
maz_knight18 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have never done a film review before but after seeing American Sniper I thought i would share my views on what a brilliant film this is.

American Sniper is a biopic about the "legend" Chris Kyle (played by Bradley Cooper). Kyle starts the film as a wide boy cowboy, but then realises that he wants more from life and joins the American Seals. As this is happening he falls in love with his wife to be Taya ( Sienna Miller). This is where you start to see the beauty of the film develop. His love and passion for his country, and his endless-love for Taya is portrayed perfectly from Eastwood.

Kyle ends up doing four tours in Iraq with over 1000 days in service, away from his wife, and the three children that came over the 5 years. Out in Iraq Kyle become known as a "legend" with his deadly aim with the sniper rifle. You see Kyle become ever close with his comrades. It was rumoured that the Taliban put a bounty on Kyles head of $180,000, you can only imagine how deadly his rifle was. After each tour you see Kyle with his family and you can see that Kyle is struggling to deal with civilisation, becoming very jumpy and hearing noises that he had in Iraq. This is shown in a few teary scenes between Taya and Kyle. Some very heart wrenching moments. This showed what any military personnel would go through when tore between love and duty of serving their country.

The film ends with Kyle getting honourable discharged and starts to rebuild his life with Taya and the children. You can get the tissues out for the last scene!

I am ashamed to say that I didn't know this was a true story before watching this film. This is news that should be heard worldwide, not the latest selfie taken by the Kardashians...
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Born in the USA
dangent28018 January 2015
Now that the Oscar nominations have been let loose on the world, it is time for me to catch up on all the films that I haven't seen which have been nominated for 'Best Picture'. Beginning my journey, albeit a very small one with only three films needing to be watched, is American Sniper, the new movie directed by The Man With No Name, starring Bradley Cooper, last heard as a gun-toting raccoon in last years' wonderful Guardians of the Galaxy. Shall we begin?

American Sniper focuses on the life of Chris Kyle, the "deadliest marksman in US military history", who during his time as a Navy Seal, racked up 255 kills. 160 of which were confirmed, whilst attempting to highlight the effects war can have on soldiers, both in a wartime environment and a 'normal' one. The word, "attempting", is probably the key fulcrum on which this review is based as the movie fails to paint a picture of how horrific war actually is, and instead, relies too many times on scenes that go full-on Call of Duty, with Black Hawk Down being the obvious inspiration, which in my mind, is something I have seen too many times before.

In terms of the good, Bradley Cooper does a solid job portraying Kyle, whilst Sienna Miller, who subsequently has seemingly reappeared out of nowhere in American Sniper and Foxcatcher, does an equally as good job playing the role of the estranged wife who is caught between Kyle's love for her and his love for war. Aside from the two Kyles, the rest of the film is seemingly enriched with 2-D characters who come and go in relatively forgettable fashion, whilst the contrast between Kyle and the enemy sniper is rather poorly done and should have had more depth in order for me to actually care for the twisted relationship between the two. The word "depth", in general, springs to mind, as their simply wasn't enough in this film to justify its' two hour plus run-time, and it seemed to drag on and not really grip me like I wished it would.

Overall, American Sniper, is a solid, yet unspectacular, flag-waving war film that attempts to show the true horrors and effects of war yet only succeeds in falling flat on its' face. Although it has been nominated for "Best Picture" at the forthcoming Oscars, it is probably the weakest of all the films in that category and in my opinion, should easily be replaced by Foxcatcher.

Overall Score: 6/10
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At face value, not a bad movie, but the dishonesty leaves a sour taste.
znyggisen25 September 2021
The movie itself is not bad, but when supposedly based on reality, the dishonesty leaves quite the sour taste. For example, in the movie, a clip of 9/11 is played to justify the war, but 9/11 had nothing to do with Iraq. Secondly, our sniper gets himself into a pickle when he is falsly accused of having shot someone only carrying the Koran, and not a weapon. I found this scene particuarly odd as Chris Kyle supposedly wanted to kill anyone with a Koran -- even if he says he didn't.

The movie just shows a very heroic depiction, someone who only did what was necesary to save himself and his men, where as in the book, Chris wrote that he relished in killing and had a blast doing it: "I only wish I had killed more," "I loved what I was fun. I had the time of my life."
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