Defiance (TV Series 2013–2015) Poster


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Better Than Most
Tweetienator16 July 2020
Defiance is a fine piece of a sci-fi show: unique world-building, good actors and a very good production (without CGI overload) makes Defiance one of a few (like e.g. Firefly, Farscape). In the end the show maybe did not hold the level of the first two seasons but anyway, still good enough to beat many of those "modern" sci-fi abominations of the last few years.
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Not perfect, but interesting
info-591816 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The scenario is a mix of genres - western, Mad Max apocalyptic, wandering Ronin and classic science fiction. The plot lines were a tad cliché as were some of the characters, and the action story lines a bit rushed, but it still managed to keep it together.

The strength of Defiance is probably it's leads, Grant Bowler is excellent and Stephanie Leonidas also great. They make make interesting lead father/daughter. Secondly the's a different premise to most Sci fi/fantasy, and an interesting world with a lot of potential for interesting story lines. It's hard to say where it will go, but I will keep watching.
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Cautiously hopeful but less than I had expected
mike-ryan45515 April 2013
I just saw the pilot episode. I am not sold yet on whether it will crash and burn or it will be decent.

Good points: The "many peoples tossed together" idea has been done before but it's a good one. Almost anything is possible.

It's got Rockne S. O'Bannon who was one of the creators of Farscape as a "developer." This is hopeful.

I like the alien wife.

Bad points: The special effects were on a par with SyFy channel TV movies. That's pretty low. If it's a show that depends on crashing and action, they're going to have to up the budget.

I'm not sure on the Romeo and Juliet angle on the two alien kids. That can turn boring really fast.

Could it all gel into something really good? Yes. But I don't see it yet.
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Learn from Firefly
atlasmb18 June 2013
I have read reviews on this site by viewers who do not like Defiance, sometimes comparing it to Firefly. Granted, Firefly is a great show, but what did we learn from its early departure from TV? The network wanted Firefly to capture the minds of its viewers quickly, so they did not air the first episode first. Believing that a more action-packed episode would grab new viewers more quickly, they shuffled the episodes--a strategy that alienated viewers and led to the show's demise. When I read criticisms about the pace of Defiance's first episode, I say let the show develop and see where it goes.

Now that we have seen a number of episodes, I for one am glad I stuck with Defiance. Here are some of my reasons:

1. It has an array of interesting characters. They are not interesting only because the different races are interesting. Each character is well developed and multi-layered. They are not one dimensional--all good or all bad---but portray strengths and frailties, positive and negative traits.

2. The cast is wonderful. Starting with Graham Greene, you have Grant Bowler (Hank Rearden in Atlas Shrugged)and Mia Kirschner (great in The L Word) Julie Benz and Stephanie Leonides, etc.

3. The music. I have particularly enjoyed some of the songs they have used as background, masterpieces of mood.

4. The innovation. Some have criticized the weaponry or languages used, for instance. But the action does not take place on an alien world, so it makes sense that the weapons are a combination of past and future, mixed with earth-based technologies (same with the vehicles). Considerable time was spent devising different languages for this show. I find them interesting but not distracting.

5. The various cultures represented are deeply portrayed, with their own music, rituals, prayers, languages, religions, prejudices, and personality tendencies.

6. Although the various races/cultures have distinctive features, characters still seem to live in the same world, coping with the same issues. As one character said, "In this world we live in, there's no place for the fragile." Everyone who has survived to exist in Defiance bears the scars of their struggles, literal and figurative. Defiance is named after the town/valley where it is set, and everyone in Defiance seems to believably come from the same town, living in a hard-won and dynamic harmony of different voices.

7. Defiance is a show about values. Love can overcome bigotry. Cooperation produces better results than warfare. These are examples and I am sure we will encounter more as the show continues.

8. There are also larger story arcs developing, and this gives me hope for much more to come.

9. Last but not least, Defiance has genuinely likable characters--one of the most necessary elements for a show you want to watch.

Update 7/21/14: After many episodes, this show is still good. Good characters and challenging stories.
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A lot of clichés done well makes for good TV.
Safetylight16 April 2013
Reminds me of the old Masamune Shirow manga series, "Appleseed". Combine that with Mel Gibson's "Road Warrior" and a bit of "Babylon 5" with maybe a dash of "Command & Conquer" (yes, the video game), and you've got yourself "Defiance".

Now, this sort of story has been tried before many times, and it has failed each time. (Earth 2, Revoloution, Dark Skies, Terra Nova, Outcasts) Either the writing was too naive and silly, or too dark and serious, or the casting failed to deliver engaging characters we liked and cared about. Or the budget simply fell apart. Any one of a dozen problems can sink this sort of show.

"Defiance" might just get it right.

The story is nothing we haven't seen before, but so what? There are no new stories; it's all in the delivery, the fun of the retelling.

A pair of tough-as-nails left over warriors, survivors of a planet-wasting future war carve out a nomadic life for themselves in the badlands. They are tightly bonded, mismatched family for one another, an alien warrior princess and a human super soldier; they don't need anybody but themselves.

So when their path takes them into the middle of new colony filled with politics and problems, desperate, hopeful people of many races trying to build new lives, our heroes have every reason to make tracks and head for the horizon. Such a town is just too much trouble, a great place to get bogged down and probably get killed. No thank-you.

But of course, heartstrings are plucked, making it impossible to leave these babes in the woods to their own demise. Our heroes become protectors in the middle of impossible odds and ego-driven, racist rivalries and all the dirt which makes life a difficult place. A stupid, ugly town filled with stupid, ugly people. Who are also, people with good stuff inside them as well. An unfortunate mix, because if they were all bad, you could just leave them to rot without a second thought. But no, the audience is shown enough hope to want to see these people rise above themselves and just get along. It's fun as viewers to hope. And so our heroes decide to stay.

Such a story would be an unbearable cliché if it weren't done, as this one is, with such a good deal of competence.

The pilot worked, was entirely watchable, was fun, and shows plenty of promise.

No, it doesn't have the unique charismatic spark of a Firefly, or the (albeit wooden) broad-stroke genius of Babylon 5. But it does have all the parts you need for a thrilling series, and better yet, it has the casting and acting chops to make the characters engaging. And best of all, in the midst of all that grime and calamity, it retains the up-beat bounce to make the world a place to want to visit next week.

For a series pilot, getting so many difficult parts to work this well together is extremely hard to pull off. But they did it.

Presumably, as the actors settle into their roles over the course of several episodes, on-screen chemistry can only get better. Hopefully, they've got some good script writers on board to make good use of all this potential, and the budget and executive smarts needed to give this show the chance it needs for a good run.

I think it's just possible that we're looking at a winner. *Just*.

Because this particular road through the sci-fi wilderness is littered with the remains of the fallen. If they pull it off, it'll be a big first.

So I wish good luck to the aptly named, "Defiance" in the face of these long odds.

They'll need both!
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How to ruin a great Scifi show.
EnglishGayBloke21 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Seasons 1 and 2 were excellent.

I was really looking forward to Season 3. Then Christie and Rafe were killed and the whole dynamic that had been building up for 2 seasons between the McChristies and the Tarrs was gone. Way to ruin a scifi show, you moronic new writers.

Just to bring in Linda Hamilton as some really stupid moronic bitch who managed to get everyone killed as she had to kidnap them and drag them hundreds of miles south into enemy lines so they could get killed stupidly and pointlessly.

So I tried to keep on watching but for some reason Syfy had got rid of the writers for seasons 1 and 2 and replaced them with some morons.

So they killed off lots of established characters and ruined most of the plot buildup that had been going on with establishing a relationship between the humans and their alien invaders.

They they brought in another alien enemy who I cannot even be bothered to remember their name.

Blame the new season 3 writers. They killed this show.
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I see lots of potential
maxwell-maximus17 April 2013
While the pilot wasn't jaw-dropping, it was very entertaining and in my opinion it is worth recommending this show to sci-fi fans. I believe there is a rich world here with a story worth telling. This is not Game Of Thrones, this is not Breaking Bad.... this is a "popcorn show". Sit back, relax & enjoy the ride. Don't let the super negative reviews fool you, because, as always, they are the extra critical vocal minority. Most people don't go online and write personal reviews for TV shows / movies they like.

I look forward to more episodes and I hope the hate-train doesn't stop potential viewers from giving it the chance it deserves. =]
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Watchable despite many flaws
Mankindfails8 September 2014
I don't regret watching two seasons of it so its not that bad. Still, they seriously could have done a better job on many things.

This is a mix of Western, Mad Max and Star Trek. So nothing in this show is very new. Overused concepts recycled, but having 3 of them mixed together make things a bit more interesting.

There is some good characters, good actors doing their best with their sometimes poor lines and scenes. Girls are cute and some of the men are rough and tough. The story get better and deeper as you watch it and subplots are not so bad in general.

Now what really ruined the whole thing for me as it mostly always does is the family friendly thing. Its not a teen show but its not an adult show either. Its between the two categories. So if you're an adult it gets to teenage-like sometimes and I hope that if you watch this with your kids you'll find it too mature for your kids sometimes. This is the kind of show that doesn't have swearing or nudity. Yet they have alien words very close to the real ones that they use all the time. Also there's references or allusions to hardcore stuff sometimes. They also have scenes that really are for adult. For example in one scene there's a prostitute feeding an old man who's wearing a diaper and she sit on him and spread food all over his chest and they have sex for awhile... How is that family friendly in any ways ? Its like if they wanted to make a serious adult show but had to deal with rating or channel rules. So they cheated as best as they could to make it watchable for adults.

Finally there's the issue of the extraterrestrials. I mean I get they were limited by money and all but still... There's 4 species so far, 4 different species and they all are humanoids, Seriously ? How is that possible... Anyways, there's the Wookies or bearded apes, there's the guys that look like Darth Vader without his suit, there's the very white people who just are powdered with white hairs and finally there's the savages with mean cat-like faces... Their cultures and customs are so lame, boring and ordinary. None of it is new, its all mixes of cultures and customs we have or had on Earth.

As I said its watchable. I'd say if you don't have a lot of time there's a lot of shows better than this out there, but if you are looking for something to watch to pass time its not the worst show out there.
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Extremely Under-Rated Sci Fi Show
bsofakind5 September 2015
Over the last decade I have had some difficulty warming up to many of the sci-fi shows produced. For me it was a case of being to conventional and uninspiring.

Initially, I watched Defiance and tuned out after the first three episodes. I revisited the show later and gave it another try. And to my surprise I was rewarded with solid acting and good scripts. Hopefully, the show survives into season four it would be a shame to see it end prematurely in the ratings game. Good quality Sci- Fi shows are hard to find these days.

So like many other admirers of this show, I will wait to see the outcome. The Killjoys and Dark Matter are watchable but these shows do not have the depth and quality IMO
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a lot of sci-fi in one show
SnoopyStyle16 October 2015
It's 2046 and over 30 years since aliens travel to Earth. Failed diplomacy, a devastating war and mysterious destruction of the alien ships known as Arkfall led to the planet transformed and human civilization battered. Survivors from different alien species are trying to coexist uneasily in Defiance, what once was St. Louis. Joshua Nolan (Grant Bowler) and his Irathient adopted daughter Irisa (Stephanie Leonidas) arrive. He's put in charge of security of the town run by mayor Amanda Rosewater (Julie Benz). Datak Tarr (Tony Curran) and his wife Stahma (Jaime Murray) are manipulative and ambitious with their rebellious son Doc Yewll. Doc Yewll is an Indogene who tends to have superior technological knowledge.

This is an unabashed sci-fi show. That's its strength as well as its weakness. It's overloaded with aliens, technology and futurism. The only thing missing is space travel. I would have preferred fewer kinds of aliens. It's questionable how such an alien menagerie could survive together before arriving on Earth. The future technologies require a lot of CGI and it pushes the limits for a TV show with budget limitations. The story is more in-line with an old fashion western. It has some interesting bits but this is for sci-fi fanatics only.
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Terrible, juvenile writing, awful direction, poor animation
anthony-burton25 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to Defiance, especially after seeing the cast list. Grant Bowler, Julie Benz and Jamie Murray have all excelled in Dexter and Outrageous Fortune, but the script they've been handed doesn't give them one solitary chance to exhibit their talents. The writing is on a par with a third rate computer game cut scene, choking on its own clichés, dialogue is non-existent, characters tell other people who they are, or what they are doing, but no one actually has a real conversation with someone else.

The opening scene establishes that Earth is visited by aliens, then we see their decimated fleet floating in orbit, now earth is a wasteland and different species of aliens are everywhere. I was still getting comfy in my seat and I had no idea how we'd gone from earth invasion to Mad Max meets Babylon 5 in about one minute. It doesn't get any better.

We're introduced to a young couple and told they're in love, their families don't approve, but we don't get to see them being in love, which is how you convince people your story is real. The girl's father at one point says he's going to kill her lover and storms off, next scene he's in a brothel where lo and behold, the boy is playing cards. How did the father know the boy would be there? Does this family man frequent the brothel enough to know they hold card games and that her lover will be there at that moment? It's lazy, derivative garbage.

Now for the director, time after time, tension building opportunities are squandered. The 'lovable rogue' character is running through some woods carrying a wounded girl. It soon becomes apparent they are being hunted by animals moving so fast we can barely see them, they surround our plucky hero in a flash and then proceed to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING whilst he shoots them one by one, and they clumsily fall over in an animation that looks like it was ripped from a video game circa 1990. Then our hero runs out of ammo - oh the tension - only for a Deus Ex Machina to arrive (in the middle of a forest remember) just in time to save them.

Then there's the props, how do you show your audience you're in the future? You make everything glow blue, from guns, to drinks, to surgical equipment, to knives, to alien artifacts, just make 'em glow blue and voila, the future.

From the one dimensional characters to the woeful sets and props, shocking script and inept direction this show is a mess. Honestly, I don't think I've seen a pilot this poor before. This is a catastrophic failure of epic proportions.
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Once you get past the stumbles
vormaen-93-47624129 August 2014
Let me first point out that most of the highly negative reviews are from people that are either REALLY upset that their favorites shows were canceled, only want some super techie expensive POS, or don't have the mental capacity to understand what kind of depth and hard work went into this show.

That being said, I am a very picky viewer. Half the shows on network TV claiming to be Sci Fi are watered down and barely beyond their "grounded" approach to the genre. Defiance is first and foremost, Science Fiction.

I admit, the show started out really rocky. The pilot was confusing to a degree, and the limited budget was apparent. But unlike a lot of attention inept who've posted reviews after giving the show 40 minutes of their time, I stuck it through. Two seasons and a lot of emotions later, I can definitively say Defiance has found it's groove.

It's not going to hold your hand. This is in the day of the life of kind of drama. The show wants you to get the sense that these characters really feel, and have their own inner demons. Just when you think someone is an unabashed hero or villain without any dimension, the show begins to peel away at the outer shell and reveals multi-faceted layers.

From the whimsically religious, barbaric and sarcastic kingpin Datak Tar, his submissive yet secretly conniving wife Sahlma; Nolan the nomadic gun for hire and his mysteriously haunted alien daughter Arisa; intelligent Mayor Amanda Rosewater and her prostitute/madame of a sister Kenya who just happens to know the truest face of her clients, there is no shortage of unique interactions and dilemmas. Just when you think you know all there is to know about your favorite character, they surprise you with undeniably real and game changing actions.

The Aliens in Defiance do look human-like. So what. There is enough there to make them both familiar and yet completely other-worldly. The Linguist behind the Dothraki tongue in Game of Thrones has created some of the most beautiful and poetic languages for the major species that needs to be heard to be believed. A lot of time and thought has gone into complete religions, social structures and traditions for each of the 5 (6?) dominant species. Castithans are pale and beautiful, snobbish and cruel with severe repercussions for defying one's long standing cultural beliefs. Iratients are in tune with nature but love to fight and make love. You really must discover the others for yourself.

Special effects are here and there sometimes, but make do to progress the story along and sometimes can leave you in complete awe. And the Music? Amazing. From the Synth themes to the alien takes on well established earth tunes, it has to be heard to be appreciated.

All in all, this show surprised me, and continues to surprise me with it's depth, it's pain, and it's humanity, even if the world is completely alien to me. I never felt this honesty with Stargate, or even my fav, Farscape. With the exception of Ben Browder, they still felt like actors playing a role. These characters inhabiting Defiance seem like neighbors. With mix matched tech and the willingness to end you if you get in the way of their survival.

Give it a shot. Be defiant stop listening to the sore losers.
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Why not give it a chance?
remeduy18 April 2013
Obviously, I did not expect anything before watching its first show.I didn't even believe such a sci-fi show could maintain a well-done performance. And lets be honest there hasn't been a satisfactory sci-fi entertainment perhaps since "Firefly".

However, it seems as if it has successfully leaped forward to meet the necessary qualities to be a good science fiction series. There are many similar "bits n' pieces" that was shown in other major sci-fi T.V projects. And the interesting characters and atmospheres that do well to pretty much cover up some of the flaws and setbacks of the scenario.

As overall it has my deepest respects.And what's better than a survival story these days?Then why not give it a chance?
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Typical 'Sy Fy' and modern day melodrama
Justice6822 April 2013
You ever watch those shows where the actors and their 'issues' don't fit the surrounding environment? Where Emo and Juliet still try to live life as it was in the 'good old days', except the good old days refer to a time when shopping malls still existed and kids went to public school, not scrounging in gutters for scraps to eat amongst rubble left be either a bomb, aliens or mother nature?

You ever get the impression that writers just can't envision an apocalyptic future that's actually bleak, without it's hope pride parade, racial tolerance and sharing is caring characters who always look on the bright side and make cliché promises to children about how 'everything is going to be OK, because now more than ever, we have to stick together, no matter our differences.' It's as if Hollywood can't ever stop with the subliminal political messages about the state of identity politics, and just actually make a television show.

Programs such as Defiance, Falling Skies, Revolution and Terra Nova all suffer from this double life leading paradox where they have large budgets, promising actors, fantastic set pieces and costumes...yet the writing and dialogue is diabolical and over dramatic.

Defiance is another one of those in-house workshop projects that are synonymous with the now cheapened 'Sy Fy' channel designed to appeal to the masses of sheep TV viewers.

It stumbles under it's own star struck weight, of Battlestar Galactica ex employees, Bear McReary's repetitive soundtracks and a viral marketing campaign of being connected to a video game.

If you appreciate true post apocalyptic scenarios, then give this a miss. Like the other shows mentioned above, everything is too convenient, clean and transparent.

I would have liked to give it a five for the CGI and setpieces, but they too are poor.
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I don't know how I missed this gem
just_funme19 June 2019
I know the show is old, but I shame myself by not giving it attention earlier. I somehow get the same feeling that I got when Fringe finished: I want more, but I don't want it to spoil with overcomplicated plots and lifeless seasons.

For the 3 seasons this show got, it was seriously well made, with a lot of attention to details. I know the special effects lacked in ...well, everything, but that didn't break the narrative one bit.

Languages and dialects for all the alien races, specific music, well developed characters who blur the lines between good and bad, nice twists here and there, great dialogue, compelling storyline. I was amazed on how much love was put in this particular show.

For everybody saying it's underrated, believe them. It truly is a show that could've gone further with ease, but at the same time, it's good it didn't get to spoil at some point.

Watch it, love it, miss it afterwards.
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Same plot over and over again
trademarcdesigns7 July 2022
I watched all three seasons of Defiance when it first aired, and then recently went back and binged it. I'm sorry to say it's not as good as I remembered. And the main problem I have with it is it's repetitive - something you might not notice when spread out over three years but is all too apparent when you watch the whole series over a long weekend.

Let's start with the good stuff - the show had a great premise, and they did a commendable job exploring it in the first season. The special effects makeup was better than average for the small screen, the cast was competent and the sets were quirky but plausible.

Where it fell short was the writing. They rehashed the same plot devices over and over again. I counted four separate and distinct subplots revolving around alien mind control tech. One or two maybe, but by the fourth go-round you'd think the characters would say, "Gee, Mary isn't acting like herself - must be more of that alien mind-control tech..." There were also three separate instances of characters having lengthy involvement with imaginary friends.

There were less obvious repetitions, too. The bad guys (and even some of the "good" guys) behaved despicably again and again - murder, betrayal, treason - yet two or three episodes later all is forgiven, and the bad guys are trusted members of society once more.

So in retrospect I have to say the first season was quite good, but by the second season it was falling apart and by the third it was a case of "been there, done that" to the point of mind-numbing predictability. A sad fate for a show that had so much promise...
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It wasn't half as bad as you would expected to be
Silfiriel17 April 2013
It was decent, I guess.

There were cheesy moments, there were clichés, but somehow it worked in a way where there's a story that needs to be told and it's done successfully. It's sort of a Firefly (wild west) Terra Nova (earth but not really) Enterprise Season 5 (Collective of aliens) mix.

The special effects and CGI were pretty good though, which if it continues throughout the series with an improvement to the dialogue and storyline it could be the next sci-fi successful TV show. And I can't stress this enough that clichés like forbidden love between teenagers and calling the mayor "sweetheart" must be removed from the concept. The cast is doing it's job, but don;t expect miracles.

All in all I am willing to give this show a fair chance.
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Thoughts on the Pilot
NikiES16 April 2013
I don't normally write reviews on IMDb, but I thought I'd make an exception for this show. I find it rather weird that it has an overall rating of 8.1, but all the reviews so far range from mediocre to bad.

Personally, I really enjoyed the pilot. While most of the themes are "cliche", the show does a great job of still adding an original twist to almost all of them. I've always enjoyed shows that follow numerous characters, so I think there is potential in that aspect. I also enjoyed the two "main" characters; they have great chemistry together (if a little awkward at points) and are intriguing. I feel there is a lot more to learn about them, and that makes me want to keep watching the show.

I don't watch many SyFy shows, so I can't really compare it to anything they have done in the past. I can see the resemblance to Jericho, as some people have stated, but with a larger sci-fi theme. A lot of reviews state that they have "seen shows like this before", but I personally have never seen anything like this show before. The graphics are sub-par, but are better than a lot of other shows I have seen. Truthfully, I would take a great story over amazing graphics any day.

After watching the show, I have decided to pick up the video game. I find the show/ video game integration very intriguing. Now that both are officially out, I hope they compliment each other even more in the future. It would be fun to watch an episode, and then play the video game and get background info on the episode, and on terraform earth as a whole.

These are just my thoughts on the first episode. I encourage everyone to at least watch the pilot to decide for yourselves whether this is a show for you or not.
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Great on the outside needs a good filling on the inside.
marcus-caspius1 January 2015
I found season 1 absolutely riveting and was super glad to hear when season 2 was released.

Season 2 failed for me as the episodes did not hang together well. The silver thread through the entire season was weak and the writers appeared to glue the series together with "soap opera" like story telling.

Season 3 provides the writers an opportunity to fix the weak plot and mild story telling.

Modern television is boring but this show has the potential to be fresh and bring new ideas to a new genre.

Please don't turn this into yet another crappy TV show that the network tries to milk for 8 seasons and beyond? Keep it fresh, keep it new!
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Ah the curse of new Sci Fi! give it five episodes and you may feel like me, it's great!
daveyjimwright16 May 2013
At very i had my reservations about this show, but I've stuck with it and it's got progressively better, I've found a lot of my friends are in the same camp as me there. I often find when shows or films are quite new to IMDb they are more likely to heavily criticised than praised and that gives a sort of negative bias, until more of the positive reviews come in later. I seem to recall some very highly regarded films and TV show's being stuck on a score of around five / seven but then once they'd be through the judgemental tunnel of fire they did just fine.

This show has began to gather dept and feel and also has plenty of mystery and wonderful plot threads developing, it's a lot of fun and has many elements. Don't believe what people say about it being a huge mellow drama or just a sci fi soap, yes it has an element of that but not has much as people are making out.

The acting ranges from poor, average to superb, with mixed styles and feel and that is the only thing some people might find jarring, personally i don't mind it.

It's sort of an ethical, detective, sci fi western, shoot em up, mystery, drama, new earth world, adventure .... it's got everything and it's really starting to piece together and take shape as a show. It's about family, hope, feuds, survival and making a new world.

The plotting is really getting smarter as the show progresses, the pilot i was unsure about, but now i am hooked! it's got lovely sets and some great tunes on the soundtrack...there's a lot to love about Defiance...i feel some people are judging it too quickly and worse wanting it fail for whatever reason, well i had this show to succeed , because it's fresh and quirky and like i said fun.

You don't need to worry about playing the game to follow the TV series either, in case you were wondering.

Defiance really keeps you guessing with unanswered questions, but the web is taking form now and i can't wait to see how it all comes together...if your new to the show bare with it, the pilot try's to do too much in my opinion and the second episode is average, the third is a little better, the forth and fifth are fantastic and a lot stronger.

It's a little monster of the week for a while but the over running plot lines are coming in now. I'd say it has elements of firefly, Farscape, Buffy and a Town called Eureka in pace, feel and style. Also with touches of various post apocalyptic role games and books featuring gathering of alien races, but that makes it cool, because it's fun to spot possible influences for sci fi games and books i enjoyed. Don't get me wrong though it also has an originality of it's own that is fantastic. Enjoy!
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Best thing ever to come from SyFy and just great overall.
seanrodgers3216 April 2013
Wow. From the moment Irisa ( the orange haired girl ) began to sing I knew that this was going to be special.. Everything about this show is class. I have seen basically every Sci-fi series and this is among the best ever made. Far better than something like Revolution or Falling Skies. Although this show is a completely unique new thing including an intertwined video game, it seems to be the SYFY channels retaliation to nearly every network releasing new, large budget and overall very successful sci fi shows of their own within the last three years. When walking dead and game of thrones began to dominate, nearly every channel began to take steps to retaliate and we are really starting to reap the benefits. Thank God for the recent emergence of good quality science fiction television and film.

The show is way better than the previews make it look so just watch it and see if you don't agree with my first two sentences right away.
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Good concept, bad execution
cadillac_oscar3 August 2015
Defiance is one of those shows that you want to like, but often you just sit through episode after episode just shouting at the television.

Be it a weak script, nonsensical twists or just awful CGI, everyone has their issues with this show. When you first hear about the concept, it sounds almost like it couldn't fail, and in a way that's true. I find myself drawn to this show even though i'm constantly let down by it, because even with all of its shortcomings it still has its own charm.

The main characters are somewhat likable (mostly through good work of the cast who are the main reason the show is still watchable), even if you can't connect with them. And the settings are interesting even if they look awful on screen, but you will find yourself drawn to the world of Defiance nevertheless.

This is one of those shows that i would only recommend to hardcore SciFi fans, if you have enough patience then Defience might be an enjoyable experience as long as you don't expect to much of it.

You have been warned.
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Quality is going up and I'm warming up to it
Tomoosterbroek4 June 2013
The show started a bit slow in the first 4-something episodes. In the past couple of episodes, especially 6 and onwards the show has really picked up. More stuff is happening, new plot lines are opening up and the characters are getting broader and deeper.

I would agree with those that say the show is not the best thing ever, and a lot of it still seems random or unbelievable. In my opinion this is mostly because of the lack of back story. The latest episodes have begun to give us some flashbacks, so I expect this particular complaint to be resolved soon.

In a day where Original Sci-Fi on TV are slim pickings indeed, I find the show to be a breath of fresh air.

The quality of the show is definitely on an upwards trajectory, so I suggest everybody that can't quite get in it yet,to bear with the series. To those who haven't given the show a chance yet, I suggest you do.

Watching Sci-fi is the only way to keep it on the air after all.
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Terra Nova deja vu all over again.
laurapalmersdead14 May 2013
This show started out with great promise, but now reminds me of another show I really, REALLY wanted to like: Terra Nova. Great premise, great cast, great design and effects, but then devolves into predictable, clichéd plots. Shouldn't the aliens with whom we humans are now sharing Earth act -- I don't know -- kind of ALIEN? Instead they act just like what they really are: humans wearing a lot of makeup but with all the predictable passions, appetites and vices.

Those who get involved with the associated interactive Defiance game may be getting something more out of the series than I am, but I can only judge it by the series itself, and that is becoming more and more of a disappointment the more I watch.
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Has potential but wasted
war-peace-death16 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw this I saw so much potential. A world torn and changed. Filled with desperation and struggle and yet in the middle of nowhere there is a little town where peace reigns. There is so much potential for this. Struggling against the environment, scavenging for food, dealing with less reputable inhabitants, gangs, raids, accidents and sabotage.

But in the first episode they hint upon a huge evil plot. They put in a desperate unwinnable battle and through sheer luck and alien tech they managed to annihilate a massive enemy army. This, if it occurred at all, should have come at the end of the first season, preferably at the end of the series. The entire plot has been warped to massive scale before we can get a firm grip on the reality of this new world. I also feel the technology is under explained. I wish they had mentioned more about the core and the devices used and that gun which freezes people. I also wish there was more techy talk. More about how that power core thing could be turned into a weapon, why it could only be used once and, better yet, why it destroyed that army but not the rock walls? I really want SOME techno babble.

The characters. How do I put this? They Suck. I'll do main two last. There is very little mystery around them. Within the first episode I know virtually everything there is to know about the main characters. Who I have just met. I'm not wondering "why did he do that?" or "I could have sworn he would do this!" or even "what happened to him which caused this disdain?" I'm just "Met you, NEXT!". I don't feel any excitement from meeting them. No questions as to their motives and no desire to learn more about them. I already know that the mafia guy is all about family and I know the other guy is a complete Hot head who doesn't like aliens much. On to the love birds.... it came too quickly. The two of them went through the whole Romeo and Juliet thing within one episode. Why are they engaged after the first episode? Where is the tension? The secrecy? I did, at no point, feel like I was a part of a conspiracy. I never felt like I, like them, was keeping their love a secret from their raging parents. I felt like they dropped a massive part of the story for some reason. The mayor. I don't know a lot about human behaviour in that I haven't studied it but didn't the mayor seem overly mean when we first met her? She completely disregarded Nolen's status as one of the Defiant, despite the whole talk she made about them a few hours earlier. In fact there was shockingly little fandom going on to, what seems to be, the sole member of the Defiant the town had ever seen. I thought they were superstars or something. Where were the screaming girls and respectful old vets? Not even a cocky punk to call him lame or anything. Finally the annoying twosome. They are poorly made. They were supposed to be two idealists: One weathered but still hopeful and the other a raised survivor with a soft spot for kids etc. They should have been inseparable, completely devoted to each other but with a playful dislike in their mannerism towards each other. They had so much potential as a non romantic duo. But they aren't. The girl is bratty. Very bratty. She behaves like a ten year old when he tells her they have to give up the core thing and again at the start she is in the middle of a tantrum which is not fully explained. "Compromise us again?" What does that mean, Tirra can you explain? ...... nope silent tantrum. I still have no clue what the argument was about aside from it involved a married woman. As for Nolen, the father figure. Fail. He just earned some money from a fight, which I surprised didn't break a rib, and instead of spending the money on clothes, food and the medical fees he spends it on a prostitute..... while leaving his daughter waiting for him. There is a difference between dangerously idealistic and idiotically irresponsible. The impression of things being tough was officially lost when he did something so stupid and selfish. Seriously he stops his daughter from drinking but is fine with her knowing he is sleeping around? FAIL. FAIL FAIL FAIL. These two characters should have been deeply though out. They had so much potential to the point even a CHILD could make them more realistic and inspiring. Aside from their character flaws they are badass. Nolen constantly gives the impression that he is VASTLY superior to virtually everyone in the town. To the extent we have yet to see the extent of BOTH of their abilities. Which leads me back to what I was saying in the beginning. While the town lot are now well known and understood we now must hear about Nolen and Tirra. Thankfully we actually know little. Their past and motivations are still up for debate. What happened to Nolen after the war? Where did he meet Tirra? Why did Tirra's parents have to be killed? What love and loss did they experience over those 17 years (?) together? This is probably the only thing which is keeping me interested at the moment. What happened in their past? This had SO much potential but a lot of it is ruined. Lost to never be fixed. But it still has potential. I will be watching it to see what becomes of it.
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