Plane (2023) Poster


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Now that's entertainment!
paulclaassen9 March 2023
I love films like this where there's no confusing plot, no hidden agendas, no shock twists. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy those kind of films as well, but sometimes I just want to sit back and enjoy a movie for it's entertainment value instead of doing in-depth analysis.

'Plane' has a simple premise (just as the title indicates, I suppose). It is a disaster story, and a film about survival. Gerard Butler stars as Captain Brodie Torrance who flies from Singapore to Tokyo. There are only 14 passengers on board, including fugitive Louis Gaspare (Mike Colter), and 3 cabin crew. Not knowing what to expect from Gaspare, this character allowed for some tension from the beginning.

Brodie is forced to make an emergency landing during a fierce storm. They soon discover they landed on an island run by criminals, and there is no law and order. They have no radio, and no working phones, and they desperately need to find help. So Brodie and Gaspare brave the forest to find help.

'Plane' is fast-paced and became more and more intense by the minute. There's loads of action, gunfire, and suspense, and very good character development. This is also a very physical role for Gerard Butler, and I thought he did it wonderfully. Mike Colter also makes a credible hero.

Fair enough, the film probably won't be winning any awards, but this is an entertaining movie well worth seeing.
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Surprisingly white-knuckle
benjaminskylerhill13 January 2023
Yeah, it's constructed entirely out of familiar parts, without a single groundbreaking or original element. But Plane is able to fly above its generic ground by making the most of its actors and inherently tension-rich premise.

Gerard Butler actually gives his best performance in years here. If this was just a paycheck for him, he certainly doesn't act like it.

And director Jean-François Richet wisely paces the film in such a way that the characters have tangible time to breathe and take in what's happening between bursts of frantic action. He allows his actors time with lengthy shots to display the emotion their characters ought to feel.

And because we see the characters feeling it, we feel it too. Even though the plot is largely predictable and formulaic, I felt the white-knuckle tension of the brutal action and the entire unhinged hostage situation because the visual focus of the director is always on the people in this story and the fear they feel.

Richet uses almost exclusively handheld camerawork for this film, and I have mixed feelings on that. It does help with chaotic sequences to elevate the unease, but it also hinders the film when we should be seeing the outcome of fight sequences and it's sometimes obscured.

Although I probably won't be watching it again and will likely forget about it soon, this is a surprisingly more-than-functional action flick that is certainly worth a watch for escapist entertainment.
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Thank You For Flying Trailblazer Airlines
RightOnDaddio14 January 2023
This is a lean and yet solid 7 star shopping mall cinema action film starring the ultimate.throwback shopping mall cinema action hero, the modern day Gerard Butler. Not 300 Gerard Butler. The Gerard Butler now. Gerard Butler 2023, here equal parts Snake Plissken and Ben from Leaving Las Vegas. Unshaven, puffy and pale. I don't know if I want him flying my airplane but I still love him even after all these years, and I'm along for another ride. Heck, I even got frequent flyer miles.

Here on Flight 119, Butler as Captain Brodie Torrance, does what he always does best. He makes you believe, and he kicks a little butt.

Dare I say that his character participates in a one-on-one fight scene so intimate and visceral that it could hang with anything seen in a Raid film (major compliment!) or even, yes, the new Avatar sequel. It's true.

There are other actors, longtime veteran character actors as part of the passenger list, or airline administration in this movie that are an absolute joy to see on the screen.

Joey Slotnick (Twister) as a pain-in-the-neck passenger, you just know something is going to happen to him and it ain't good!

Paul Ben-Victor (Body Parts) as a by-the-book airline executive, and Tony Goldwyn (Ghost) always bringing his best to every role. No different here.

Two standout performances by co-star, Mike Colter as Louis, a prisoner on international transport on this relatively empty New Year's Eve commercial flight, and lastly, the jaw-droppingly gorgeous flight attendant, Bonnie played by Daniella Pineda. Wow.

I will say this, there is no end scene but there most definitely should have been one with one of those characters for sure. I won't reveal who.

The movie is a tight hour and forty-seven minutes which is most welcome in a world where it seems every movie regardless of genre or content easily runs well over two hours.

Are there far superior plane crash/disaster films? Sure.

Castaway comes to mind. Even Con-Air, which this seems to pull from just a bit.

But this is a very good brainless movie. Just take your brain out before watching, eat your popcorn and enjoy.

This is an entertaining and needed theatrical release. It may not be that original but at least It's not a comic book movie, or a sequel or prequel.

Now return your tray tables to their full upright and locked positions and fasten your seatbelts.

It's gonna be a bumpy (but fun!) ride!
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Plane embraces the olde school 1990s action movie vibe. This movie rules.
Nixon_Carmichael15 January 2023
Plane comes from French director Jean Francois Richet (Assault on Precinct 13) and stars Gerard Butler and Mike Coulter. This movie just works, with no shaky cam and minimal but seething score behind it, Plane rumbles right through at a taught 1:47, and I just got a huge kick out of it.

Though the trailer tells you exactly what the movie is and boy do they just run with it.

The minimal cgi and VFX May baffle modern audiences but this works a throwback to the 1990s with clear and propelling action scenes with great camera work as well.

Plane has a great action, a surprisingly full cast given the premise, and Jean Francois clearly knows what he's doing.

See this in the theatre if you can. 7/10.
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Search and Rescue
demonblade-3779213 January 2023
Plane is a good action film filled with intense acting, gunshots, fights, and story. The story goes along with Captain Brodie Torrance (Gerard Butler) flying his crew and passengers on an airplane with an dangerous criminal, Louis Gaspare (Mike Colter) on board. When they fly into international waters that everything does not go according to plan. A violent storm strikes the plane causing them to land in a remote island somewhere in the Philippines filled with armed rebels. Brodie Torrance, Gaspare, and the military must rescue and escape with the crew and passengers before everything goes wrong. Overall, I liked it for what it is that a plane crash goes wrong and has to rescue everyone safely from the rebels. Also, Gerard Butler does not miss with his action films in this one. It is a good watch in theaters for a good action start in 2023.
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Yes it's flawed, but just what we needed...
andrewrye-065356 February 2023
I figured out pretty early on that it didn't take itself seriously or at least Gerard Butler didn't.

14 pax out of Singapore just before Christmas? The flight should have been full. There were lots of errors in predeparture and the comms with the tower when they taxi for take off. And no other planes? The set up was easy to see, prisoner being transported, bad storm and then we're off.

This had all the hall marks of Die Hard, Lethal Weapon and any other action film you can think of from the 80s. After all the dross coming out of Hollywood why not just bring a film out to do one thing and that's entertain. And that's what it did. No woke (and that's a word I hate) message, no easily identified alphabet people (because it didn't matter). Just an action film, a hero and the usual tropes to propel it along. Believability played no part as it didn't in Die Hard, Lethal Weapon, Commando or Rambo (and any subsequent parts). Just a hero, a dubious helper (the prisoner, who's part was never explained but had skills) , a hapless bunch of passengers and some native evil doers with guns. Let the popcorn flow.

I wish they had done more with the passengers, they turned out to be just there and will not be remembered. They certainly could have amped it up more and taken the 80s action higher but it was a good time waster and I felt no need to think beyond what was shown. Hence I didn't care about the errors.

It's a 6 because it entertained me without preaching like most films do at the moment. But for God's sake, NO SEQUEL!
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A GOAT is back in a thrilling mediocrity
chrisst-3381714 January 2023
This kind of movie doesn't work without a great lead, and here, Gerard Butler continues to prove that he's one of the GOAT action stars. I can't remember the last time I saw a Butler film that I didn't enjoy and Plane continues this tradition in a high-intensity thrill ride. Mike Colter is also a highlight in the film. Now, is Plane a good film. No. The writing is poor, some of the performances are very week, there is little to no character development, and in terms of watching something new, this film isn't groundbreaking. That being said, I believe a film like this can be enjoyed without focusing on the quality. Like I said, I did enjoy it. It might not be a film that will be remembered for years to come, but it will absolutely entertain you from beginning to end.
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Exactly what I paid for
jmillerjr-0098314 January 2023
Here was a movie that delivered exaxtly what I paid for. I went on a Friday night. Got a burger and a beer at the bar next to the theater, then got to watch a perfect Friday night movie. We need more of these types of films. Thrilling, edge of your seat action. Cool characters. Beautiful women. Dangerous bad guys. I think the important thing is not to over think it. Gerald Butler was perfect for the role. I could have seen Harrison Ford play this part well 30 years ago. Mike Colter was great as well. Looking forward to more with him. Overall, this one is definitely worth your time if you want a action 101 Friday night flick.
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Action thriller that is flat but still has a good time.
cruise0114 January 2023
3 out of 5 stars.

Plane is an action thriller that takes you on the edge of your seat thrills and has some action sequences that entertains. The films direction is flat and decent with everything else. The plot is okay. Its about a pilot after getting hit by a storm. Him and the passengers land in a hostile country. Which the passengers gets taken hostage. He and a prisoner who was also on the plane try to go on a search and rescue.

The cast ensemble is decent. Gerard Butler is usually good with the performances. Mike Coulter is decent with his role. The film can be a little dull with the performances. The action sequences are nothing new but it does have some exciting moments.

Overall, it is an okay film that passes the time.
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Predictable; poor airline research
gcoln7 August 2023
Just for background, I'm a retired airline captain with almost 40 years in the business. It does get tiring watching movies over the years where they do such a poor job of getting even simple details correct. After the first 15 minutes of Plane, the number of gross errors was amazing. A few examples: Capt Torrance is shown hurrying through security to get to the plane, where he meets the first officer for the first time. In the real world, they would have met in flight ops an hour earlier, done the flight planning, and gone to the plane. In the movie, as the (gate agent?) is getting ready to close up, he tells the Capt that he needs to fly a different route!!!??? This would be like a scrub nurse telling a surgeon how to operate. Then they repeatedly show the outside of the aircraft, which looks like an MD 80 series, but the cockpit is an Airbus A320. Later (I loved this one) the Capt dashes out of the cockpit into the cabin during moderate to severe turbulence, thus endangering himself and everyone aboard. It goes on and on. I saw that the aviation consultant was a guy with lots of ratings in various aircraft, but he obviously knows nothing about airline procedures. They could have easily received free advice from any airline pilot and avoided all of this. For example, the current Apple TV series, Hijack gets most things right.
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Great 90s throwback
masonsaul28 January 2023
The CG isn't convincing but that can't stop Plane from being a great 90s throwback that knows exactly how to execute all the expected genre tropes in fun and satisfying fashion and further proves that leading man Gerard Butler is the current king of B movies.

Butler himself gives a terrific lead performance, charming and confident with the ability to humanise his leading man in a few scenes that linger on the shock and horror at the situation. Mike Colter is great with a deliberately closed off performance that makes him hard to read in a way that increases the tension.

Together the two of them make for a likeable duo and don't overdo it with the rapport. Also worthy of mention is Tony Goldwyn whose character may be one note but he elevates the role so much and rescues his scenes out of their mundane nature.

Jean-François Richet's direction is so good, the camera is constantly mobile and most importantly always comprehensible with a standout one take early on that kicks things off beautifully. The music by Marco Beltrami and Marcus Trumpp is so overly dramatic and that's exactly why it works.

The pacing is basically perfect as well, at a tight 107 mins it doesn't even come close to over staying it's welcome, taking just the right amount of time to set everything up and build up to the crash and once they're on the island it just goes and does not let up.
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Butler always gives his best
A_Different_Drummer3 February 2023
Butler is part of a generations of action heroes, perhaps a bit long in the tooth now, who simply do not know how to give a weak performance. There is nothing new about the story, but the pacing is interesting. The director could have turned this into a race, a mistake too many actioners make, trying to constantly hype the audience with new thrills. Instead, the whole film is done more slowly, which in this cases makes the story feel that much more personal. A half hour into it, not a lot has happened but the audience starts to feel like they too are on that plane... and wish they were not. Overall a perfect film to keep you entertained for an overseas flight ... unless of course you have an overactive imagination. ((Designated "IMDb Top Reviewer." Please check out my list "167+ Nearly-Perfect Movies (with the occasional Anime or TV miniseries) you can/should see again and again (1932 to the present))
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A Steven Seagal production?
gershu_ar5 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
An FBI agent escorting a murderer who's an ex military, traveling on a plane. In the middle of the Pacific the plane is about to crash due severe weather and mechanical problems. In the worst part of the about-to-crash situation the FBI agent has his cellphone in a hand (Why?). Due the to bumps, the phone drops to the plane floor.

A normal personal would hold, wait and keep safe, ignoring the phone, knowing you're not only responsible for your life but for others since you're ESCORTING A MURDERER.

But in this movie, the FBI agents removes his seatbelt and goes, against everyone's advice, looking for his phone. A phone that won't do any good since YOU'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PACIFIC anyhow.

What happens next is that the FBI agent is killed after a serious plane's bump. Also a steward is killed trying to sit the FBI agent down.

The perfect scene for an audience that spends more time looking at their phones than real life around them. Without a question, that audience will find this scene very relatable.

This scene defines the entire movie: All situations in this movie follow that same logic with the adding of drug cartels, a drunk hero pilot who badly needs to shave, annoying passengers who complaint because nobody rescues them in 30 minutes, a low cost airplane company hiring expensive mercenaries, and a long and sad etc.

Movie could've been good, but they took it so many steps down so the young (and low IQ) audiences could follow the plot.

Steven Seagal's movies are more realistic than this. Imagine that.
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Good old fashioned enjoyable action thriller...
paul_haakonsen3 February 2023
Of course I opted to sit down and watch the 2023 action thriller "Plane", as I had the opportunity to do so, since Gerard Butler movies tend to be enjoyable.

Writers Charles Cumming and J. P. Davis put together an entertaining script and storyline for the movie. And it was one that offered action-packed thrills right from the very beginning. Actually the movie kicks into high gear very early on and never slows down. And that, in my book, definitely makes for some good old fashioned action entertainment.

The acting performances in the movie were good, and while it could certainly be said that this is an archetypical Gerard Butler movie, it still makes for some pretty good entertainment. I was genuinely entertained from beginning to end.

Aside from Gerard Butler, then the movie also had good performances from the likes of Mike Colter, Tony Goldwyn, Yoson An and Paul Ben-Victor. So there were some familiar faces on the cast list.

The action sequences in the movie were well-choreographed and executed on the screen, and that definitely added a lot of enjoyment to the movie.

If you enjoy Gerard Butler movies then you will most certainly also enjoy "Plane".

My rating of director Jean-François Richet's 2023 action thriller "Plane" lands on a six out of ten stars.
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A good action flick, as long as you don't get caught up in reality.
bhartwell-4044615 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We decided to see this on a whim really. Was raining and not much else to do, so we figured why not? Didn't really know what to expect.

It's your run of the mill action flick, kinda entertaining but it gets harder and harder to suspend your disbelief as it goes on.

It starts off as a plane crash disaster flick, with the brave pilot crash landing a commercial jet after being damaged in a storm. They manage to find an island with a farm road to land on and all is good. Turns out the island is the base of some bad guys, who kidnap and hold people hostage. So the movie shifts to a die hard sorta action flick. After some mercenaries hired by the airline get into a shoot out with the bad guys, they make a dash back to the plane, which apparently isn't all that broken after all. More shoot outs, and they fly the plane off the island and find a landing strip 50 miles away on another island. Everybody is mostly ok, end of movie....

Ok, so lots of really unbelievable stuff, to the point of just being silly. So, yeah, as long as you can get past the really, really, really silly plot devices, inconsistencies and face palm smacking, it's actually ok to watch.
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Why In Every Film GPS Cannot Work Without Carrier Signal
sumtim3s00n15 January 2023
This has been a silly trope in movies for years and often completely destroys plausibility of plot since A) it does work, no problem and B) they could have instantly be aware of their location, whether ground or on the plane in flight. Satellites are always above them.

Or how difficult to find them. They were flying registered preapproved flight path and do any of you remember Captain swerving left and right out of path or doing huge circles. Rescuers simply follow their path since we can see they did not turn except perhaps last minute or so.

Even worse is dumping fuel at the last seconds. So he flew a super heavy plane as long as possible making the distance he can cover as short as possible due to fuel weight instead of dropping the fuel as soon as he can so he is as light as he can possibly be. The fact he started using flaps last few seconds is also absurd, he needed lift he couldve at least used a little bit to not drop like stone despite little speed drag.

And then you have unappealing characters, unpleasant story, a weirdly put together conclusion...meh

I mean it began somewhat promising but then just drops of.

So many increadibly dumb things one cannot believe a regular person writing such a script doesnt know such things. The writer got his job through contacts not because of talent. This movie had potential, it had a quality premise yet somehow they completely made a blunder out of it.
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Good movie
brainwerx-116 July 2023
I didn't know what to expect from the movie. I am on the fence about Gerard Butler (the Angel series of movies are trashy and mediocre at best - I'm being kind), but he was excellent in 300. Frankly I watched it because I am a Mike Colter fan.

Overall the movie is great. It holds your attention. There are parts where you find yourself holding your breath. I really enjoyed it. Would I watch it again? I really don't know. There are few movies I would watch a second time. Let alone a Gerard Butler movie. As I said, I am on the fence when I comes to his movies, as I find them to be very hit and miss. But, I would say, regardless of how you feel about him. Give this movie a go. It's worth it.
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A decent action, thriller
sosrivi11 February 2023
"Plane 2023" is a thrilling and exciting film that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The movie follows the story of a group of passengers on a commercial flight who suddenly find themselves in the midst of a mid-air crisis.

The film is well-directed and boasts a talented cast who all deliver standout performances. The tension builds throughout the movie, leading to a nail-biting finale that will leave you breathless.

One of the highlights of the film is its special effects, which are top-notch and truly bring the movie to life. The attention to detail in the action sequences is impressive, making you feel as though you are right there in the middle of the chaos.

The storyline is well thought-out and keeps you guessing until the very end. Without giving too much away, there is a twist in the final act that will shock and surprise you, making "Plane 2023" an absolute must-see.

Overall, "Plane 2023" is a pulse-pounding action-thriller that is not to be missed. The film delivers on all fronts and is sure to be a hit with audiences of all ages.
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Plane certainly isn't plain.
Top_Dawg_Critic5 February 2023
So far, this is the best action thriller for 2023 and was surprisingly amazing. It certainly lived up to my expectations and even exceeded them. Sure, it could've had more Hollywood-styled adrenaline-pumping action, but I actually enjoyed French director Jean-Francois Richet's style of keeping it mostly tame, but also having the suspense and thrills constant throughout the entire 107 min runtime, with the added bonus of perfect pacing. Newb co-writers Charles Cumming and J. P. Davis gave us a great screenplay with excellent continuity and flow. All casting and performances were spot-on with Gerard Butler stealing the show. It's a well deserved 9/10 from me.
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Pretty Fun
ColinTheGorilla15 January 2023
I really enjoyed this movie as it had some awesome action moments throughout the film and I truly did enjoy it. Gerard Butler was a badass in this movie and I really enjoyed the character of his but oh my god does Mike Colters character takes the cake as my favorite part of this movie as he was such a badass and a super fun character to watch and enjoy. Overall I thought this movie had so many awesome action moments and I think it's worth the watch whenever you've got some time because its such a fun action movie that I think people should see. It's overall just an enjoyful movie and I believe people should go see this.
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Too much false information about aviation
alisami-2286826 January 2023
I just watched the movie tonight at a cinema and as a pilot myself, this movie was a total pain and headache! There were some nice moments during the shooting scene but the rest of the movie was totally disappointing. The movie was far away from reality and can cause confusion for audience who don't have much information about aviation and what really happens during a flight. There was so much false and misleading information about aviation going on in the movie, that i cannot describe every detail here. Overall, this movie is a false representative of what really goes on during a flight and the amount of preparation and time that is actually required for a safe flight and this is really offensive towards aviation and anyone who is a part of aviation world, as they put a lot of effort to ensure people's safety .
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Exactly what you expect, and that's a good thing.
mpn196713 January 2023
"Plane" offers exactly what you think it's going to, not straying far-if at all-from familiar action movies like "Under Siege" or previous Butler characters like Mike Bannon. It's a well paced movie, roughly broken into 3 acts. But, for me, it's a surprisingly short movie. Just a little over an hour and half. I actually wished there were another 30 minutes to really flesh out the story and the characters, plus adding even more action. Gerard Butler is his usual solid, tough guy self and the addition of of Mike Colter (Luke Cage!) make the movie a really solid action duo. It's a light movie, but doesn't pretend to be something that its not. So, just sit back and enjoy the flight.
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Got what I wanted
cardsrock7 February 2023
You know what to expect with a movie called Plane starring Gerard Butler released in January. I wanted a fun throwback to 90s action B-movies and I mostly got exactly what I expected, which is a good thing. Movies like this are sadly much fewer these days. Plane leans more towards the "taking things seriously" than the "in-on-the-joke" approach and it works due to the great pacing, commitment from the actors, and hard-hitting action.

Butler, or should I say Brodie Torrance, fills the lead role nicely and I really wish Mike Colter was in more stuff as he shined in what was asked of him. Plane arrives safely at its destination with minimal turbulence and maximum enjoyment.
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A 90s throwback, but I wish it was better
FeastMode16 January 2023
Plane reminds me of the action movies of my youth. Most 90s action movies are pretty bad by today's standards, but I don't mind going back to the feel of those movies, modernized and updated to the latest action standards. Plane does this fairly successfully, yet still falters when it comes to making a good overall movie.

The action itself is pretty good for the most part, although there isn't much of it. There's a pretty tense scene early on, a gritty fight scene I really enjoyed, and a mediocre finale sequence. Three action scenes isn't enough for a nearly 2 hour movie.

Everything is surface level. There is no depth. It's filled with subplots but none of them are fleshed out even a little. And there is definitely some dumb stuff, like the worst customer service associate in movie history, or moronic side characters. There are a couple extra cheesy moments as well. I rolled my eyes multiple times.

This review may seem very negative, but I did mostly enjoy this movie. It's more than serviceable. I just wish it was better, especially since I'm exactly the target demographic and am prone to liking dumb action movies. I hope we see more attempts at modernized 90s throwbacks, but done right. (1 viewing, 1/16/2023)
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More like an Airplane!
85122223 September 2023
Greetings from Lithuania.

"Plane" (2023) reminded me of Airplane! Movie more then anything during its third act. The movie has a simple premise which is seen with the right mood and some alcohol involved can work for a dumb Friday evening. For me it did work mostly because of Plane's solid execution. At excellently paced 1 h 35 min or so Plane never has a boring moment. But plenty of dumb ones but this time they were entertaining to watch.

Overall, i won't going to into story details because its best to discover it by yourselves. Its has simple premise which was fun to watch and this movie did work for me.
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