
6 Reviews
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North & South (1975)
Solid but pales in comparison to 2004 series
5 June 2014
Having previously seen the 2004 series and reading the novel, I feel I can't really judge this mini-series on its own merit.

It is true to the spirit of the novel and follows pretty closely the major plot lines. It was, naturally, missing some things that I loved in the novel. And it didn't quite have the character or plot development as the 2004 series.

However, the acting was very strong throughout. Stewart makes a great John Thornton. He seems strong even as he's clearly longing for Margaret. Shanks is pretty effective as Margaret. She's very expressive in her face although I felt her Margaret was lacking some subtle feisty-ness. The supporting cast was excellent -- I particularly liked Byron as Mrs. Thornton. (What a great character Mrs. Thornton is in both series!) The only weakness I noticed was Bessy Higgins but they hardly gave the actress anything to work with. The Bessy-Margaret relationship was particularly well-done in the 2004 series. In the 1975 series Bessy is just a caricature.

Ultimately, this series suffers most from the staging and production quality. The first part seems very claustrophobic with most scenes taking place in small drawing rooms. Most of the sets are small and much of production seemed "stagey." I understand that back then they usually didn't put much money into TV mini-series.

I was happy to see that this production had an ending closer to the novel than the 2004 series.

This series will likely only be of interest to fans of the novel and those wanting to compare it to the 2004 series.
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The Ruby Ring (1997 TV Movie)
13 July 2012
I generally like this kind of movie - young female lead, romantic, historical setting, with a fantasy/mystical element. This movie didn't disappoint but it also didn't leave much of an impression.

My biggest gripe is that it was too rushed. The lead character's 24 hour deadline meant there wasn't much time to develop relationships. This was especially problematic with the love interest (Lucy/Robert) and we're forced to take it as love at first sight. I thought they did well with the Lucy/Nellie friendship though. My other minor gripes was that the lead actress was too old and I thought she wore an obvious wig.

But, the acting was pretty good. I like Rutger Hauer playing creepy guys. And I thought Judy Parfitt added credibility to the movie. It appeared to be set in a real historic house/castle. I appreciate that the movie didn't try too hard or get too sentimental and it made its point in a very straight-forward manner.
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A Smile as Big as the Moon (2012 TV Movie)
Enjoyable even though predictable
31 January 2012
I've spent a couple of days trying to figure out how I feel about this movie. I think you'll know from the synopsis if this is your *type* of movie. I found it an interesting story even if the characters were all rather generic types and a little flat. The acting was fine and didn't distract from the story. I found the kids believable and the teachers sympathetic.

I wanted the movie to deal in more depth with how the kids were treated at school. As it was written, their treatment was pretty cliché (although it doesn't mean it wasn't accurate). I also wanted more details on special accommodations the kids may have gotten while at camp. And I couldn't help wondering if there wasn't a legal avenue to get special needs children into Space Camp.

Overall, I did like the movie. I appreciate that it didn't push too hard for an emotional response.
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Was not familiar with the story
4 September 2007
I was browsing for something to watch when I came across this movie. I had NO IDEA what it was about. Overall I thought the movie was OK but I bumped up its rating a bit because it got me curious to learn more about Joseph Smith.

I thought the acting was mostly adequate. The scenery was beautiful and I appreciated the filmmakers efforts to make the sets and costumes feel authentic. I never felt like I was being preached to. But, for me, the story didn't have much emotional impact. There wasn't one character I could relate or connect to. Nor, do I feel that the movie really explored the inner feelings of the main characters. Perhaps there were too many main characters and the movie failed to focus in on one.
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Medium (2005–2011)
Successful Combination of Sci-Fi, Crime and Family Drama
4 February 2005
I haven't been this enthusiastic about a TV show for awhile. The actors are top notch and the stories interesting. In my opinion, the core of the show is not the cases the main character (Allison) investigates or even her psychic abilities. Rather, its how her abilities affect her relationships with others (especially her husband). So far my favorite episode has been "A Couple of Choices" but I can't explain why. I love how the husband and children are portrayed. I have a small crush on the husband (Joe) and the kids argue with each other just like normal kids. (I got a real kick hearing the eldest daughter tattle that the younger one hadn't brushed her teeth - rather she just got the toothbrush wet.) Allison is so down to earth that she is easy to related to.

So few crime or science fiction shows effectively incorporate family drama. Medium is a refreshing change!
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Emma (1996 TV Movie)
Kate B. gives an excellent performance as Emma.
17 September 1999
The highlight of this mini-series is Kate Beckinsale's performance as Emma. She portrays charm and depth. We are able to see Emma's faults but like her nonetheless. This movie is a solid adaptation of Jane Austen's novel. The only weakness, in my opinion, is Mark Strong as Mr. Knightly. He lacks the needed presence and appeal. This deficiency limits the romantic quality of the story but I enjoyed it anyway.
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