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More Hyborian Hijinks...
30 May 2024
CONAN THE DESTROYER had a lot going against it right out of the gate. While Arnold returned to play the titular character, there was no real replacement for Sandahl Bergman's character, who had such great chemistry with Arnold in the first film.

Also, instead of an R-rating, this time there are the limitations of a PG-rating, keeping the sword-swinging action "child safe", which sort of takes some of the punch out of this follow-up.

Still, there are good points as well. Grace Jones plays the smart, resourceful warrior, Zula, and Wilt Chamberlain towers over everyone as the imposing Bombasta. There are the familiar settings and a quest for a magical item. As an added bonus, Andre Rene "The Giant" Roussimoff suits up as the hideous monster toward the end.

All in all, not a bad way to spend a lazy afternoon...
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Brain Freeze...
30 May 2024
THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW is the perfect Roland Emmerich movie. It takes the theory of climate change, pushes it to unbelievable extremes, twists it into pretzels, and turns it all into a hyper-speed action film.

Scientists, including Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid), discover that the climate is changing, and that a global cooldown is underway. Not just some slow-moving iceage, but a near instantaneous deepfreeze, set to turn the Northern Hemisphere into a frozen wasteland overnight. How will the world deal with this imminent absurdity?

Mr. Emmerich pulls out all the stops here, getting a chance to play around with a plethora of disasters. We get, among other things:

Basketball-sized hail! Sudden-onset, sub-zero temperatures that turn people into popsicles! Tsunamis! Hurricanes! Tornadoes! Floods!

Bottom line: If you enjoy non-stop action, complete with tanker ships floating through NYC, then this is your dream come true! If you're looking for a serious expose on the subject matter, well...
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Sting (2024)
Envenomation And Exsanguination...
29 May 2024
STING is a really good monster movie with impressive -both CGI and practical- special effects. If you are a fan of such films, then this monster will not disappoint. While the story might not be complex, it gets the job done, presenting us with plenty of terror, gory moments, and some humor along the way.

Set in an apartment building during a heavy snowstorm, the residents begin experiencing a severe bug problem after young Charlotte (Alyla Browne) captures and befriends a tiny spider. Of course, we know from the opening that said arachnid is actually a visitor from outer space. A creature with a voracious appetite, and the ability to grow at an alarming rate.

One thing that helps this film is its having a solid cast of oddball characters, including an elderly woman with dementia; an exterminator with an attitude; a strange, monotone biologist; and the mean, ultra-bitter owner of the building. Charlotte's family provides the pathos and dysfunction to the proceedings.

A fun, scary movie with some nice homages to classic sci-fi features...
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Æon Flux (2005)
Dystopian Eye Candy...
23 May 2024
In AEON FLUX, Charlize Theron stars in the title role. Aeon is a rebel assassin, sent to slay the ruler (Marton Csokas) of a dystopian regime. Her mission becomes complicated by unforseen circumstances that bring everything into question. This all takes place in the last city on Earth, after a plague has wiped out most of humanity.

As dystopian films go, this one isn't bad, and Ms. Theron has never looked better. The idea of a rebellion against futuristic overlords is certainly nothing new, but the story is intriguing, with several revelations and unique plot threads. There is some over-the-top technology and weaponry involved, but it is set 400 years in the future, so that's not a big issue. There's a ton of action. In fact, we barely get a chance to breathe between explosions, gun battles, and / or martial arts duels!

A super-fast-paced sci-fi thriller with just enough plot to hold it all together...
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Nightwing (1979)
"I Kill Them Because They're Evil!"...
22 May 2024
In NIGHTWING, a series of bizarre animal deaths on the Maski reservation, send local lawman, Deputy Duran (Nick Mancuso) in search of answers. Meanwhile, bat expert, Mr. Payne (David Warner) is tracking the migration of a certain species of the flying rodents. A species that just might be responsible for the increasing carnage.

This movie has a nice corporate-greed-vs.-tribal-beliefs subtext that doesn't get too distracting or overly preachy.

Both Mr. Mancuso and Mr. Warner are good in their roles, and the bats are fairly well-realized. They did a fantastic job on the attack sequences, considering there was no CGI available.

All in all, a thoroughly entertaining "nature's revenge" movie...
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Bats (1999)
"See? What'd I Tell You?... Ugly!"...
21 May 2024
BATS stars Lou Diamond Phillips as the sheriff of a small Texas town where several mysterious deaths are linked to the furry fiends of the title. Dina Meyer plays the expert who helps to defeat the rampaging menace.

The killer creatures are brought to life through animatronics and fairly decent CGI. They're actually pretty well-realized. The best scenes include the town square massacre; the school building standoff; and the explosive, subterranean, guano-filled finale. Those expecting more than a good, old fashioned monster movie might be disappointed, but fans of the genre will be entertained...
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The Seeding (2023)
"What! Is! Your! Favorite! Color?!"...
20 May 2024
A man (Scott Haze) ventures into the deep desert in order to view a solar eclipse. When he encounters what appears to be a lost boy, he tries to help him. Soon, the terror begins, changing the man's life forever.

THE SEEDING is an interesting take on the "creepy kid" subgenre. Mr. Haze is believable throughout in his tormented role, as is Kate Lyn Sheil as the mysterious woman at the center of the man's ordeal. The group of kids are frightening in a LORD OF THE FLIES / CHILDREN OF THE CORN sort of way.

This is a slow-building, somewhat disturbing film that saves most of its horror for the final act. You might find yourself muttering "WTF?" a few times as you watch it...
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Deep Fear (2022)
Into The Zone...
19 May 2024
DEEP FEAR is a claustrophobic chiller that takes us beneath the streets of Paris. This isn't the usual catacombs movie, it takes us into an unexplored -except by taggers- region. As in other such films, there are ample opportunities for the young explorers to be threatened, terrified, and given a lesson in extreme caving along the way.

Some of the ultra-tight squeezes are reminiscent of movies like THE DESCENT, with some similar dangers.

One strength is that the aforementioned youths are not presented as annoying jerks, out to make a mockery of everything. In fact, they're all pretty serious. This makes it all the more effective when they finally reach their destination, and the true horror begins.

A gory, increasingly intense creeper with a perfectly grim finale...
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Lost, Or Stolen?...
16 May 2024
THE LOST CENTURY tells many stories about inventors who have either had their work taken, destroyed, or buried by government types (FBI, and others). This is all backed up by official documents, news reports, and / or testimonies. The stories are shocking, dating back to the 1920s-80s and even more recently.

The common thread is that the inventions were all machines that could either save or produce huge amounts of energy without wasting or costing very much at all. One can see why the government and oil, coal, and gas industries would not want such devices to be popular, since they ran on alternative sources of energy. Even water!

There is mention of global warming and other environmental issues, but it's not just the big oil companies etcetera, that are hammered. Solar and wind do not get a pass. They are just as useless as the rest, another industry to make enormous profits, while missing the point. We are in deep trouble, and only something revolutionary will save us.

In light of recent governmental revelations on the subject, UFOs and extraterrestrial technology are also discussed, as well as possible hope for a brighter future. A well-presented documentary with tons of information...
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Hit Man (1972)
Attention: Pam Grier Fans!...
16 May 2024
HIT MAN stars Bernie Casey as Tyrone Tackett, a man on a mission of vengeance after his brother is murdered. This puts Tyrone up against street thugs, as well as mob types, all of whom want to kill him. Though lackadaisical, the story is interesting enough, and Pam Grier is on hand as the wicked Gozelda. It's always a treat to see Ms. Grier, and yes, she does show quite a bit of herself here! In fact, she's the high point of the movie.

The rest is mostly a by-the-numbers urban action / crime drama. Mr. Casey seems sleepy for the first half, but he does come to life for the remainder, especially the finale.

All in all, it's worth a watch...
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Underworld (2003)
The Eternal Struggle...
16 May 2024
UNDERWORLD is one of the better post-MATRIX, dark action films. The idea of having modern day vampires at war with Lychans (werewolves) is brilliant. Especially when it's set in a bleak, urban landscape, not unlike Gotham City.

Kate Beckinsale is at the peak of her hotness, jumping, kicking, and battling in her form-fitting leather outfits. She gets to look ultra-cool blasting away at her enemies with twin, automatic pistols. Her fans will be glad to know that she's in almost every scene.

As for the rest of the cast, they're good as well, with Shane Brolly as the sniveling, conniving Kraven, and Bill Nighy playing the vampire overlord, Viktor. Michael Sheen is also worthy of mention as the creepy Lucian, leader of the Lychans.

The weaponry used by both sides is intriguing, and some of the ammo they come up with to kill each other is ingenious.

A very satisfying movie for lovers of action and horror...
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Funny Games (1997)
Senseless? That's The Point...
14 May 2024
Director Michael Heneke's FUNNY GAMES is all about frustration, mindless violence, absurdity, and hopelessness. The Director holds us captive, along with the victims, forcing us to watch Peter and Paul (Frank Giering and Arno Frisch) torment, torture, and ultimately destroy them. He allows us no way out of the situation, while also breaking the fourth wall several times, implicating us in the horror.

This movie is a trick on the audience, a way for Mr. Heneke to vent his anger over Hollywood's glorification, and worship of violent entertainment. As insane as it all becomes, FUNNY GAMES is closer to reality than most so-called "action" or "crime drama" films. There are no heroes. No escape hatches. No last minute deus ex machina(s) to save the day. Nothing, but cold, bleak finality.

Many people hate this movie because it doesn't give them what they think they want. It doesn't resolve with a happy ending, or even a tragic, yet poignant ending. It doesn't actually resolve at all. It simply takes us down into the abyss, and leaves us there...
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Benny's Video (1992)
To See What It Was Like...
14 May 2024
What makes BENNY'S VIDEO so disturbing is threefold:

#1- Benny (Arno Frisch) himself. We get the definite impression that something isn't quite right about him from the beginning. Mr. Frisch plays Benny with cold, lifeless ease. He is just going through the motions of everyday existence. When the unthinkable occurs, it's very matter-of-fact, like brushing crumbs off a table.

#2- Benny's parents (Angela Winkler and Ulrich Muhe). They are almost as mindless as their son. After watching the video, their reaction is, while not altogether unexpected, jaw-dropping nonetheless.

#3- Director Michael Heneke, who keeps everything clinical and icy. He shows us a psychopath in a "normal" environment, just doing the daily routines. The shocking parts are presented as mere interruptions in the daily grind. The motives of all concerned are what bring out the true terror. There are no masked maniacs here, only upper class people forced to deal with an "unfortunate" problem.

A classic film about the horror of indifference and self-preservation...
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Pandemonium TV...
14 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
LATE NIGHT WITH THE DEVIL is a fantastic "found footage" film about a 1977 Halloween broadcast of a late-night talk show. The star, Jack Delroy (David Dastmalchian), forever in the shadow of his main competitor, Johnny Carson, sets out to make this broadcast as sensational as possible. His guests include a flashy psychic (Fayssal Bazzi), a James Rhandi-like debunker of all things paranormal (Ian Bliss), a young girl named Lilly (Ingrid Torelli), and a parapsychologist (Laura Gordon).

Lilly is alleged to be possessed by a demon.

As the night progresses, things go from humorous to horrifying as the studio audience witnesses it all unfold.

What makes this work is the attention to detail: The fashions, hairstyles, the jokes, ultra-cheeezy sets, commercial-break cards, etcetera, are convincingly presented. The show's ambiance is perfect, from the banter between Delroy and his sidekick, Gus (Rhys Auteri), to the band / music, to everything else. It absolutely screams 1970s television.

It builds slowly and realistically, letting us settle in, before starting to raise the creep-factor. Ms. Tortelli proves to be quite an astonishing, terrifying kid!

This movie also has a great intro, and gruesome special effects. We are ultimately rewarded with a no-holds-barred, utterly bonkers finale, sure to leave an impression.

Highly recommended for lovers of 1970s occult horror movies...
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The McPherson Tape (1989 Video)
Party Crashers...
7 May 2024
THE MCPHERSON TAPE is an early example of the "found footage" movie subgenre. As such, it's pretty good. The acting is far more natural than in many other FF films. The characters speak with each other in overlapping conversations, and the ruse of using a birthday party is a sound reason to keep the home video camera rolling. The style also fits the way in which home movie enthusiasts recorded just about anything and everything they could during the VHS "camcorder" days of the 1980s.

The rising panic level is quite believable, and the family members neither act too heroic nor too imbecilic. They seem normal.

A well-made film with a nice, creepy finale...
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Evil Dead (2013)
"I Can Smell Your Filthy Soul!"...
6 May 2024
Director Fede Alvarez's EVIL DEAD is a remarkable acheivement in several respects. First, it is a "reimagining" of Sam Raimi's original horror masterpiece. It helps that it has his blessing, but it still could have gone south. Instead, it's a vicious, relentless, gore-drenched opus in its own right.

Second, Mr. Alvarez chose to use practical gore effects, avoiding the cartoonish look of so many other modern films of this subgenre. In ever-increasing amounts, the blood seeps, pours, and, finally, rains in all of its crimson glory. The thousands of gallons used is staggering, rivalling Peter Jackson's DEAD ALIVE!

Third, everything is played straight, with no "zany" characters or self-referential humor. This works well in keeping it all dark, bleak, and terrifying.

Highly recommended for fans of all things demonic and deceased...
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Freaky (2020)
3 May 2024
FREAKY works well because it strikes a perfect balance between slasher / horror and comedy. Vince Vaughn shows some real versatility in his role as The Butcher. Due to the plot's mashing together of FRIDAY THE 13TH and FREAKY FRIDAY, Mr. Vaughn must be both terrifying and hilarious. He succeeds brilliantly.

Kathryn Newton is equally adaptable as Millie. In fact, her shift from insecure high school student to vicious psychopath is a wonder to behold. She takes on an almost reptilian appearance that chills to the bone! Millie transforms into a truly frightening killer.

Are there silly aspects? Yes, but they don't overshadow the idea of playing around with soul transference, mixed with grisly terror.

Highly recommended for horror fans with a functioning funny bone...
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"Their Growth-Rate Is Incredible!"...
2 May 2024
In THE GREEN SLIME, the Earth is threatened by an approaching asteroid, and an orbiting space station is our only hope. In order to obliterate the gigantic rock, a team must land on its surface. Unfortunately, there's something on the asteroid that becomes a deadly danger all on its own.

From its opening seconds, we know this movie is going to be a laugh riot. The opening song is a funky classic, the sets are obviously plastic toys, the titular creatures are ridiculous, and the characters are utterly serious about this nonsense.

Richard Jaekel plays the rigid, humorless station commander. He's so tightly-wound that we fear his head might spin off into space at any moment! Robert Horton is Jack Rankin, another commander, sent from Earth to take control. The rivalry between these two, especially over the lovely Dr. Benson (the stunning Luciana Paluzzi), is hilarious.

Watching this soap opera unfold, while rubber monsters run amok, is sheer poetry!

So, gather your friends, select your favorite intoxicants, and prepare for liftoff...
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Malignant (I) (2021)
Killer Headache...
1 May 2024
MALIGNANT marks Director James Wan's return to horror, in the midst of his superhero cycle. It's quite a return indeed! No punches are pulled in this wild, gore-drenched movie! Anyone fearing that Mr. Wan might play it safe will be glad to know that he definitely does not.

Story: Madison (Annabelle Wallis) is a pregnant woman in an abusive marriage, who finds her life changing suddenly and drastically. Soon, murders are happening that she is somehow able to "witness". As the victims pile up, Madison finds herself in a paranormal nightmare.

Mr. Wan draws from the horror-thrillers of the 1970s and 80s, creating a slick, beautiful backdrop for this insane bloodbath. The plot is original, the execution is perfect, and the finale is absolutely bonkers! In a good way!

Highly recommended for lovers of the bizarre and twisted...
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Total Recall (1990)
"Relax, You'll Live Longer!"...
30 April 2024
The futuristic / sci-fi / dystopian TOTAL RECALL stars the one-and-only Arnold Schwarzenegger as Quaid, a man who decides to take a virtual vacation, only to find himself caught up in a nightmare. From then on, nothing is as it appears, and no one can be trusted.

Opening on Earth, it's when the scene switches to Mars that the real excitement begins, turning the entire movie into one humongous chase sequence. Arnold is in rare form, playing one of his most bada$$ characters, punching, kicking, and shooting his way through the strange underworld of the Red Planet. Michael Ironside is Quaid's psychopathic nemesis, only one step behind him, and ready to kill. Sharon Stone is fantastic as Quaid's wife, and Rachel Ticotin gets to be tough-as-nails as Melina. Ronny Cox plays another of his devilish corporate head roles.

Based on a story by Philip K. Dick, Director Paul Verhoeven transforms the source material into a rip-roaring, non-stop adventure, filled with mutants, machine guns, and mayhem. Oh, and watch out for those mining machines!

A classic Arnold movie featuring one of his best performances...
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Raw Deal (1986)
Undercover Arnold...
29 April 2024
In RAW DEAL, Arnold Schwarzenegger stars as small-town sherriff, Mark Kaminski, who is called upon by his old FBI boss (Darren McGavin) to infiltrate the outfit of a Chicago crime lord.

In true Arnold fashion, he quickly makes his presence known, causing a massive explosion, huge property damage, and several severe bodily injuries right away.

Many have questioned just how believable Arnold is in his role, but is that really the point? After all, does anyone really watch his movies expecting sophisticated intrigue? While not one of his best films, it is entertaining, and never boring. The proceedings are helped greatly by the inclusion of Paul Shenar and Robert Davi as slimy mobsters.

Have no fear. Arnold goes into full Terminator mode during the jaw-dropping finale!...
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Born For The Role...
28 April 2024
No one else could possibly fill the role of CONAN THE BARBARIAN as well as Arnold Schwarzenegger does! No one! Anyone familiar with Robert E. Howard's books, or the paintings of Conan by Frank Frazetta, must admit that Arnold absolutely embodies him. Everything about his performance is overpowering, imposing, and unforgettable.

The movie itself is a decent representation of Howard's hyborian age, with lots of savagery, superstition, and sword battles. Conan's sword is a marvel made of real steel, not some plastic prop. Arnold swings it adeptly, having spent hours being trained in its proper use.

Sandahl Bergman is great as Conan's stealthy cohort, Valeria, and James Earl Jones uses his booming voice on the side of eeevil, as the sinister, snake cult-leading Thulsa Doom.

A fantastic fantasy-adventure film that gives a strong indication of what Arnold was destined to become...
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Scarface (1983)
Let It Snow...
25 April 2024
Director Brian De Palma's SCARFACE follows Cuban immigrant, Tony Montana (Al Pacino) from his arrival in Miami Florida, and throughout his violent rise to the top of the Cocaine underworld. Montana is one of the most riveting, vile, yet intriguing characters in any crime drama. Mr. Pacino carries the entire film, making his role iconic right from the movie's opening moments.

The violence was so shocking for its time, that the Director had to fight against SCARFACE being the first movie to ever receive an X rating for violence alone. As for the notorious dialogue, it's true that the dreaded F-word is spoken in all of its forms, over 200 times. Though this might seem like no big deal now, it definitely was in the early 1980s.

Anyone who grew up in the late 1970s-80s remembers how Cocaine swept the USA, becoming the "IT" drug of choice for celebrities and zillionaires. SCARFACE shows the bleak horror behind the glitzy facade. Upon seeing it, you might hate it, but you'll never forget it...
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Chappie (2015)
24 April 2024
First off, let's dispense with the obvious. Yes, there are elements of ROBOCOP, and SHORT CIRCUIT in this film. Hell, might as well toss in I, ROBOT too. Still, in spite of this, CHAPPiE manages to be original and entertaining. This is due to Director Neill Blomkamp's ability to use science fiction as more than just an excuse to show off fantastic CGI technology. Here he tackles deep issues, such as life, death, and the nature of consciousness.

Have no fear. There's still plenty of action and thrills, complete with gun battles, car chases, and several explosions. The final conflict is especially satisfying for the pyrotechnics enthusiast.

Dev Patel is very good as Chappie's creator, and Hugh Jackman plays his sinister role with gusto! Watch for Sigourney Weaver in a cameo role as the icy corporate head.

A mostly forgotten gem that needs to be rediscovered...
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Residue (I) (2017)
A Real Page-Turner...
23 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
RESIDUE is a very strange movie to say the least, and that's not a bad thing. It's an original idea about a book that seems to be both alive and extremely powerful. When a private detective (James Clayton) is hired to track it down, his life changes in drastic, unexpected ways.

Writer-Director Rusty Nixon uses the book as a sort of supernatural Macguffin, causing the characters around it to experience what appear to be uncontrollable time shifts. The story is disorienting and unsettling, while also including spurts of humor -like the shaving cream scene- that help to lighten it up a bit.

There are strong occult elements that add an eldritch flavor, like you might get if H. P. Lovecraft had written The Maltese Falcon. Is it perfect? No, but it's good.

It's also nice to see Matt Frewer as a crimelord, Costas Mandylor as an operative, and William B. Davis as a mysterious zillionaire.

A low-budget film that uses its money wisely...
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