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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024– )
Missed by that much ....... actually missed by quite a bit!
5 February 2024
First off, having read more than a few of the reviews of Mr & Mrs Smith here on IMDB, let me state from the outset that I have not rated this show based on the original movie starring Pitt and Jolie as I didn't rate that movie particularly high.

Secondly, my low score is not based on, or has anything to do with, the ethnicity of the two lead actors. I admire and support the many very fine non-white actors out there and their work.

I found this series to be poorly written and the actors in lead roles not interesting enough to sustain my interest enough to care about the characters they were playing.

The plot in fact was implausible to say the least and combined with the acting gave me little to no reason to waste any more time on this series beyond the first episode.

I have mentally filed this show under "just more rubbish that the streaming services try to pass of as entertainment". Another example of content being more important to the streaming services than quality.

Further evidence of the ongoing drive to dumb down of our society.
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Beacon 23 (2023– )
Truly dreadful
22 November 2023
Just another example of the problems caused by the proliferation of "content" thrown up by the screening channels these days.

The quantity has gone up signifivantly while the quality has tanked in general across the board.

Given the quality of the script and acting I am surprised actors and writers had the gall to go on that recent lengthy strike given the lack of talent we see so often these days.

In Beacon 23 the story line is assinine and the acting not much better. I was disappointed with episode 1 given the premise promised so much, annoyed by episode 2 and swithched off half way through epsisode 3.

Don't believe any rating above a 3, maybe a 4, as anything higher especially 8s and above were obviously written by close relatives of the cast and crew or by corporate shills.

Genre supposedly science fiction - Fiction yes. Science definately NO!

Absolute garbage!
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Frasier (2023– )
Stick a fork in Frasier 2, its done.
22 October 2023
If ever there was proof required of the dumbing down of society this is it.

Anything above a 3 in rating for this show must come from either company shills or the intellectually challenged, and I am guessing in the main it is appealing to the latter given the over-use of the ridiculous laugh track. If you have to use a laugh track to sledge-hammer people into finding the jokes then they are not funny.

Huge fan of the original but find it very hard to find a redeeming aspect for this rubbish dished up as entertainment but the best of a bad bunch would be the Frasier character, although even Grammer's acting is way over the top.

The writing lacks the nauances of the original scripts and the support cast lack the basic abilities to add anything to the poorly written character roles.

Perhaps it may have been a shade more tolerable were it not for that god aweful laughter track! All that time, money and effort wasted because someone in the management team thought the majority of potential viewers were idiots.

Stick a fork in Frasier 2, its done.
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Hard to believe this is a Guy Richie movie
10 May 2023
Hard to believe this is a Guy Richie movie given there are so many holes in the script. I am sure it will excite the Call of Duty game boy brigade living in the ir basement playing games 24/7 but the action is not realistic.

The movie is watchable but not to be taken seriously as a realistic depiction of war in Afghanistan. Or any war.

Perhaps most annoying, the interpreter keeps acquiring weapons from the bad guys without once checking the magazine as to how many rounds it contains nor does he at any stage pick up extra mags when the opportunity presents, given how handy they would be when being chased by dozens of bad guys.. The weapon/s could have been empty or close to it for all he knew.

Ritchie should stick to his area of expertise where he excels.
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FBI: International (2021– )
Another lame dog show .........
21 January 2023
Another lame dog show ......... no pun intended as the dog is the best actor on this lame show.

Poor actors, poor script andnot much good about it.

The story lines are unbelievable given, as everyone knows, the FBI has been too busy, focused on trying to bring down Trump to do any actual police type work.

And it is not likely that US Agents would be allowed to run arounf Europe getting involved in US style shootouts. I dubt they wuld be allowed to carry arms at all.

The only factual aspect of the script is the arrogance typical of Americans in foreign countries. Bad manners are a trait of Americans abroad.

And while the dog is the best actor in the show it is a ridiculous premise that a federal Agent operating in a foriegn country would have his pet dog running around his investigations.

Garbage show aimed at the low IQ viewer.
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NCIS (2003– )
Good show ........ unfortunately it used to be a great show
9 October 2022
I have enjoyed the NCIS crew over the years but the last few seasons have become so wkoe and lacking decent plot lines that at times it is unwatchable. It happens to all quality TV shows of quality. Eventually it comes time to close on a high.

NCIS, unfortunately, have left it too late for a graceful end and now needs to be put down like a beloved pet dog that has reached the end of its life.

One thing that has bugged me from the early seasons and that is ........ coffee. Coffee plays a central role in the Gibbs character in every episode and yet in not a single instance is the acting believable enough to convince anyone watching that there is any fluid what so ever in that take-out coffee cup that the coffee trope revolves around.

Can be very distracting to the degree I started watching for the obvious screw ups such as banging down said full or part full cup on a desk and it ringing as an empty cup would.

Small point but an annoying one.
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Interceptor (2022)
Woefull rubbish.
4 June 2022
Right from the opening credits you knew this was goung to be a stinker. First time director, Mathew Riley, obviously left his guide dog at home because he well and truly lost his way early in the movie and never found his way back. He should stick to writing books.

The scipt is woeful rubbish, full of plot holes and appears to have been written by people who have never seen a movie script let alone written a half decent one.

The cast not up to the job, especially Elsa Pataky. She couldn't act in the Fast and Furious movies and, if anything, she has gone down hill from there. She is clearly well out of her depth and no doubt got the role purely because her husband, Chris Hemsworth, was executive producer. She certainly didn't get the role because of her acting ability.

All up just more of the rubbish Netflix is delivering these days where the focus is on content rather than quality. Word is they are going broke ...... and it can't happen fast enough for me if this is the sort of rubbish they intend to keep dishing out..
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The Lincoln Lawyer (2022– )
Yeah No Thanks
3 June 2022
Right here is the problem with so many streaming services, networks, movie compamies etc ........ there is just not enough talent, writers, actors, producers etc to pump out quality movies and shows.

All we hear from money hungry exectutives and corporate shills blabbering about content content content in their never ending pursuit of the almighty dollar. It matters not to them that the bulk of what they are producing is little better than garbage.

The Lincoln Lawyer series is disappoibting on almost every level. Michael Connelly books are polished and a delight to read and one looked forwards with great anticipation to each new edition.

The Lincoln Lawyer movie had a great lead actor playing the role true to the original character with a great supporting cast, The Lincoln Lawyer series has none of this and as a long time Micael Connelly fan who has read every one of his books, some more than once, I seriously have no desire to watch the full alotment of episodes.

Life is too short to waste it on this series.

To those voting high score they must either be company shills or have no concept of good acting, writing or production values.
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Bosch: Legacy (2022– )
Well worth a look but still has the same problem as the last two seasons of Bosch.
6 May 2022
Have been a huge fan of Bosch from the get go. Great writing. Near perfect casting. And there in rest the only problem with this outsyanding series ....... Madison Lintz playing Bosch's daughter. Lintz can't act and it the continuing weakness in the story line.

Her character as written in the Michael Connelly was much better defined and Lintz does the character a major disservice with her weak interpretation.

Other than that I could not recommend the whole Bosch series any more highly tha to say do your self a favor and check it out if you have not already done so.
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Ambulance (2022)
Garbage pure and simple ........ SAVE YOUR MONEY!
24 April 2022
The hypocrisy of Hollywood is on full display in this movie. We saw faux outrage from the Hollywood elite types over the "violence" Will Smith's girlie man slap to Chris Rock but they endorse the mega violence of this and other Michael Bay BS movies.

This is no double standard hypocrite quite like a virtue signalling Hollywood hypocrite.

No story No plot No direction Woeful camera work And Michael Bay has no clue Prior to this I thought Jake Gyllenhaal was an OK actor but it is obvious he is now in the phase of his career where a paycheck is more important than putting out quality work.

I shall never spend another penny on a Bay or Gyllenhaal movie again. Life is too short to waste on garbage like this.
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End of the Bond franchise ....... and about time.
14 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I am am in mixed minds about this bond film. I have watched them in in the theatre and while some were very good and some very bad none ever betrayed the character of James Bond quite like this one, It is not that it was a bad movie, not a great one either for that matter, but rather. It was not a Bond movie in the true sense. Not that any of the Daniel Craig Bond's have been great.

This movie put the final nail in the bond coffin and if they follow it up with more woke garbage like this then it must not be done so as a Bond movie. Daniel Craig has killed off the bond character in every way possible given his complete unsuitability for the role, his recent interviews re the character.

If the new character is not a chauvinistic male full of the vices the original Bond character was based on then it is not Bond.

Put as many gay black women as you like in the role ........ you won't fool anyone.

She won't be Bond, James Bond ........... she will just be another overly woke caricature so call it anything but a Bond movie.
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Red Notice (2021)
More proof that Netflix/Hollywood the petri dish in which we bred our idiots
14 November 2021
Another example of the utter disrespectful way Netflix/Hollywood treat their paying audiences.

This movie is mindless garbage packaged up as entertainment. If a majority of normal people thought this was entertaining then humanity is lost.

Three mediocre actors in the lead roles and none of them seems to care how bad a performance they put in.

Am prepared to Gadot a pass because she can't act to save her life so we expect her to be window dressing and nothing else, although she is running out of years to let her looks get her roles ...... and she has nothing else going for her.

Ryan Reynolds, same role different movie. Keep hoping he will produce something his usual one dimensional character but yet another disappointment. Read in the IMDB reviews of those raving about his performance it suggests to me that they are as one dimensional as Reynolds.

The Rock. The very definition of one dimensional. This guy is starting to make Arnie look Shakespearian talent wise.

The $200million spent on this garbage would have been put to far better use on sorting out environmental issues and/or world hunger. And no doubt far more satisfying.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Had high hopes for this series but .......
23 October 2021
After 5 episodes the only word I have to describe this series so far is ......... boring!

It is one of those series where you wind up with absolutely zero sympathy for any of the characters and find yourself rooting for the aliens ...... if they ever actually turn up.

The first 3 episodes spent FAR TOO much time developing character backgrounds on individuals you just don't care about. They would be far better off just putting these duds in those Star Trek uniforms that the characters to be killed off wore in the early Star Trek series and killing them off a few each episode.

The scripts are poorly written and seem more for content than progressing the story line ...... which is why I am betting all the 8, 9 and 10 star reviews are company shills trying to salvage the show. They talk about the low pace is to allow for character development but after 5 episodes I am struggling to find and empathy with any character.

Don't know when the aliens show up but I, and most folks who suffered through the first 5 garbage episodes, won't be hanging around to see it.

I gave it a 3 Star rating because some of the visuals were OK and it seems most of the cast showed up for work on time ......... although without much enthusiasm it seems from the acting.

The producers should take a leaf out some of those superb Brit dramas which hit the mark successfully and get the whole job, character development and all, done and dusted in around 6 episodes per season.

Life is way to short to waste any more time with this nonsense.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Do yourself a HUGE favor and check Ted Lasso out.
18 September 2021
I am not a Jason Sudeikis fan in any way as I find his humor puerile most of the time but this shows is superb! Best comedy series in a long time. Very good cast for the most part and the script writing is outstanding for the genre.

I was not expecting much and had not been in any hurry to watch the show until a friend with a similar sense of humor suggested I would enjoy it. He was right. Enjoy it I did.

I would have given this a10 but for the fact that no show is perfect and, besides that, nobody believes or reads the 1 or 10 Star reviews on IMBD anyway.
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Bosch (2014–2021)
Top Notch TV. Highly recommended!
29 June 2021
One of the very best Police dramas on TV. Gritty well written, well directed, well acted (except as noted below). I have read all the Bosch books by Michael Connelly and highly recommend them to any Bosch fans.

The only downside for mine was the person who plays/played Maddie Bosch ( I never bothered to learn her name). Hopeless actress who dragged down every scene she appeared in. I lived in hope they would kill the character off as each season went by but alas not only did they not do that but it appears she may get a spin off series. Can't see that lasting beyond the pilot but in this Woke ear it would seem that even those who can't act get carried so who knows.
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The Rookie (2018– )
The Rookie jumps the Shark
3 March 2021
Two seasons of a pretty good cop show then came the Season 3 slide down hill until rock bottom episode 7 when they jumped the the Shark. Absolute crap, especially when judged against the first two seasons. The writers, directors, actors, in fact everyone associated with this episode should hang their heads in shame. Do everyone a favour and pull the plug on this show NOW as there is no coming back from this crap. I would rate the show a solid 7 for the first two seasons. I gave it a 2 here based on season 3 episode 7 as nobody reads 1 star reviews, or 9 and 10 for that matter.
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Departure (2019–2022)
Perfect example of how NOT to make an interesting Drama.
29 December 2020
Life is far too short to waste time watching any more than the first two episodes of this rubbish. The message was quite clear halfway throught the first episode that the acting was sub-par, the script 3rd grade and the story line rediculous. I only watched the second episode in the hope that might improve but it just got worse in every aspect. With so much quality TV available these days there is no need to watch this sort of sun-standard fare. Those giving this 8 amd above obviously work for the production company or are associated with the production in some way because nothing warrants anything above maybe a 4 at best. They will be using this show a ateaching aid in film schools for decades to show how NOT to produce a TV series.
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About what you expect in 2020
3 December 2020
I deserve a medal for getting 15 minutes into to this low grade piece of garbage. Rubbish acting, rubbish directing, virtue signaling piece of garbage. Hit a unrecoverable low with the James Corden voice character. What an annoying, very annoying, character this was. I gave it a 2 stars because nobody reads the ones and people need to warned to avoid this bucket of puke!
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Struggling to find this interesting
30 September 2020
This whole story would have made a passable TV movie but is really struggling as a mini-series. Gibney is phoning it in, LPglia may as well not shown up on set and the guy playing Nick Tanner cant act to save his life and is totally unconvincing. On the plus side you can miss/skip a few episodes and not lose the storyline in the least. The only real saving grace for this series is that it is free to air. Thank god we are not expected to pay to see it.
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Tenet (2020)
Don't usually give ratings this high but .....
28 August 2020
IMDb is my go to reference for TV and movies because once you disregard the 9 and 10s Stars from the company shills and the 1 and 2 Stars from the haters you can usually get a very good understanding of the movie or TV program. I read 30 or 40 of the reviews on IMDb before going to see Tenet and thought the 9 and 10s were over the top reviews. Having seen the movie I can assure you that they were certainly NOT over the top. Tenet was superb from start to finish. I didn't have any problem following the plot, the acting was outstanding especially from the main cast. The direction exceptional. Perhaps I was prepped to a degree by reading reviews in as much as knowing somewhat what to expect but I had no trouble following the plot, I understood perfectly why the dialogue was hard to understand at times due to the confines of the plot . I certainly will be spending on a ticket to see it a second, and perhaps even a third time, on the big screen just to absorb the nuances of the story line again. Why a 9 and not a 10? A 10 would indicate a perfect score and no movie is quite perfect but ...... Tenet was BLOODY close!
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Attraction (2017)
From Russia with Love
19 July 2020
Not the usual Hollywood SciFi and for that reason alone it is worth a look. It started well but became some what formulaic towards the end. Amusing to see Russian teens looking like clones of Western teens. The highlight for me was watching the movie dubbed into English with English subtitles running. The dubbed voices and the sub-titles were saying completely different things at times and it provided some great laughs. Anyway, the movie is worth a look. Make your own mind up after you see it.
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Emergence (2019–2020)
Yeah ......... ah NO! Promised a lot but dribbled to the end.
15 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first couple of episodes showed promise but that faded rather quickly.

Quite a good cast struggling with an increasingly erractic script. The lead character, Allison Tolman, the local hick town knowmit all Sheriff, became quite irritaing after the first couple episodes and appeared to have some sort of facial tic she thinks is an endearing acting tool, or something like that.

The story line had potential but bogged down in unbelievable nonsense such a suburban house that was supposed to be some sort of impregnable fortress. Too many credibility gaps to run through here but suffice it to say it ran about 3 episodes, perhaps even 5 episodes to long and ended with the inevitable teaser for season 2 ........ which I shall pass on.
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Midway (2019)
Well that was a major disappointment!
24 January 2020
After all the hype I was expecting more, much more from this movie. All round poor acting but none more so than from Ed Skein. I found his constant selfie-like pouting fish face expression very annoying, his "American" accent appallimg and his acting in general barely average. Woody Harrelson was not up to scratch playing the Admiral and unconvincing in the role. The direction was iffy, the storyline tried to pack way too much into the movie and the CGI was over-done. I found Midway to be a major disappointment.
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Old Boys more like it
21 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
They should have stopped at bad boys 2 and let the legend live on rather than shred it with this pile of try hard nonsense. First off the script and story line appears to be written by a 12 year old. it is absolute drivel. Secondly Martin Lawrence is a complete waste of space, and not just in this movie. Looking at all the 9s and 10s one can only assume they are either company shills or 12 year olds. I respect Will Smith as an actor but this will take some living down as even he looked like he couldnt believe the "Luke I am your father" farce.
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1917 (2019)
OK but doesn't live up to the hype
9 January 2020
Once again looking at at the 9 and 10 reviews of this one cant help but think the majority must be company shills pushing their company's product. 1917 is an OK movie perhaps maybe even a good movie but certainly not a great movie. A great movie has as its bedrock a great story line and plot. This comes up well short in the plot department. WWI was chaos without doubt but the military was not commanded by complete idiots as the plot line would have us believe. There is no possible such an incredibly import job would be handled in the way portrayed. The movie was full of cliches and the usual war movie tropes. 1917 has been promoted as a "one take" movie but ........it isn't. Dont get me wrong, the camera work is outstanding but the rest ...... not so much. The settings just failed to achieve realism in most cases .... trenches too clean for one thing. Even the No-Man's land carnage didn't look ...... right! The is a solid 6 and maybe I might be convinced to stretch it to a 6.5 but it certainly isn't a 10. An Oscar winner? Given the hype it could be a chance but the right movie quite often doesnt win the Best Movie Oscar, afterall Hollywood has always been politics over substance. One final note. The Helmets the Brits were wearing ....... something about them was not right and that was a distraction throughout the movie. A great movie would get the details right.
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