Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948) Poster

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Great finale
evilskip18 May 2001
This is probably the best horror comedy ever made.While it doesn't make fun of the monsters it does have some fun with them.Just love the Frankenstein monster's initial reaction to Lou Costello.

Lugosi truly shows how wrong Universal was to treat him so badly over the years.He gives a wonderful perfomance with nice comedic touches.Chaney is excellent in "his baby" the Wolf Man.Strange is given a bit more to do as the monster rather than just lie around until the last five minutes.

Great fun for everybody!
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Still the finest scare comedy
Sloke18 February 2001
When Abbott and Costello were good, there was no one to touch them. Here they were at maybe their best, working with a great script and their best-by-a-mile concept. I prefer "Time Of Their Lives" as a film, but this is their finest hour or so as comedians.

As someone who grew up watching A&C Sundays at 11:30 AM in the NY area back when Cheech and Chong were the comedy team of the moment, it's great to revisit this one and see how well it all stands up. It's also nice to think, with all the personal sadness and cinematic dreck he was forced to go through, that Bela Lugosi managed to bat 1.000 in playing his greatest role, as he only played the Count in two film classics, this and "Dracula."

Playing the monsters straight probably was the best idea the filmmakers had, but there's other good stuff here. These guys were not resting on their laurels. The scenes with Chaney, the final chase, the dames (two for Lou, none for Bud), the music, all of it well-thought-out and very effective. Would the film have been better with Karloff than Strange as the Monster? Probably not, as the Monster is the least interesting character of the monster trio by necessity of plot (he's weak and needs to be continuously charged up by Drac, necessitating the immediate operation on Lou.) Karloff would have detracted from Lugosi's role more than adding anything of his own. Besides, Strange is very good.

Too bad Vincent Price couldn't make it when Bud and Lou went up against the Invisible Man for real two years later.
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Agree With The Critics On This One
ccthemovieman-118 October 2006
Stupid? Yes. Corny? Yes. Hokey? Yes. Entertaining? Definitely. Lots of good laughs? You said it!

To be honest, I am not a big fan of Bud Abbott and Lou Costello but this is a funny movie, considered their best by most critics and, for once, I agree with them. I mean, where else can you see The Wolf Man, Frankenstein and Dracula all together in the same film? Not only that, we get two of the original actors who actually played those roles: Lon Chaney (wolf man) and Bela Lugosi (Dracula).

The special-effects are terrible but, hey, the film is close to 60 years old. If you are going to see only one A-C film, this is the one you want to get.
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Scarily Funny!
violencegang16 November 2004
There are two schools of thought regarding 'Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein'. The first holds that the movie represents the nadir of the Universal Monsters cycle, with three once-great monsters reduced to playing second-fiddle to a couple of Laurel and Hardy wannabes. The alternative view, which I hold, is that this movie is a classic comedy-horror, perhaps the best example of that hybrid sub-genre until John Landis' 'An American Werewolf In London' emerged in 1981.

'A&CMF' warrants classic status because it is probably the best Universal horror film since 'The Wolf Man' (1941); certainly it has a much stronger narrative thread, not to mention a better reason for the three monsters coming together, than either 'House Of Frankenstein'(1944) or 'House Of Dracula'(1945). The problem with those two movies is that Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster and The Wolf Man's coming together seemed purely coincidental, with Dracula not even encountering the other two in 'House Of Frankenstein' (which feels like two short films cobbled together, with only Boris Karloff's Dr. Neimann & J. Carroll Naish's hunchback providing a link between them) and 'House Of Dracula' only featuring a few scenes with more than one monster. 'Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein', by having The Wolf Man pursuing Dracula and the Monster, and also having Dracula plan to put Lou Costello's brain into the Frankenstein Monster (with the help of the duplicitous Dr. Mornay) provides an extremely satisfactory reason for the various characters coming together.

As for the acting, it has often been pointed out that this film works because the monster actors (Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney Jr & Glenn Strange) play it straight, and this is very true, with Chaney's tortured soul act contrasting well with Lou Costello's one-liners (especially the famous 'you and twenty million other guys' joke). Lugosi, playing Dracula for only the second time, is wonderfully grandiose and even Glenn Strange, who is basically only required to lumber about, does what he does well, and he has a lot more to do than in the 'House of' movies. Abbott and Costello are very funny, using fewer verbal routines than normal, but doing some highly entertaining slapstick gags, and the supporting cast do very well, notably Frank Ferguson as the blustering McDougal, barely controlling his exasperation at Lou Costello's incompetence. Lenore Aubert as Dr. Sandra Mornay does well, and it's interesting to see a female mad scientist, particularly taking into account when this film was made. Charles Bradstreet and Jane Randolph have less to do in their parts, but neither of them drags the film down

All in all, 'A&CMF' is a movie that deserves a much greater reputation than it has acquired in some circles, and is probably the high point of the Abbott and Costello filmography
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Enough comic and classic elements to make it fun and funny.
secondtake22 May 2010
Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948)

You might think this would be a silly and commercially exploitive movie. And so (therefore) it might end up badly done, a waste.

But not so. It's really funny and dramatic, drawing on the best of the old Monster actors (Lon Chaney Jr. in particular, but Bela Lugosi, too), and on the truly comic genius of Bud Abbott (the short one). The story is what you would expect in some ways, but the endless misreading of the situation by both Abbott (who's on to things and no one believes him) and Costello (who is the ultimate doubter) is a perfect set up for laughs and trickery.

Everything is cheap, and there is not real horror, for sure, but it's just great to see these people back in action. There's even an uncredited Vincent Price in the last scene, but he's hard to see. Ha ha. Check it out!
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Bud & Lou's Best!
Gafke17 February 2005
A full moon is on the rise in foggy London when Lawrence Talbot places a panicked phone call to the States. He is the only one who knows that a great evil is on its way to America. Count Dracula and the Frankenstein Monster have been shipped to a wax museum, and when the sun sets, Dracula will rise and summon his superhuman servant. Talbot knows he must warn someone...anyone...but unfortunately, it's Lou Costello who answers the phone. The movie is then off and running. Dracula needs a new brain for his monster, a brain so simple and dumb that the monster will obey Dracula's every command. Dracula's lethal henchwoman, Doctor Sandra Mornay, soon finds the perfect subject. Guess who? Now it's up to Bud Abbott and Lon Chaney Jr. to save Lou and stop Dracula before Lou literally loses his mind!

This is my absolute favorite Abbott & Costello film, sweet and witty but also dark and spooky, with plenty of nice, Gothic sets filled with full moons, flapping bats, cobwebs and lab equipment. Lon Chaney Jr. as the lycanthropic Lawrence Talbot, Bela Lugosi in his final appearance as Dracula and Glenn Strange as the Monster all play their roles perfectly straight as Bud and Lou stumble around them. The dark and seductive Lenore Aubert makes her second appearance as a Bud and Lou Bad Girl, slinking her way through the entire movie like a black panther, trying to lead poor Lou astray. Best moments include a wax museum in a lightening storm, a costume ball on a moonlit night and an uncredited Vincent Price who shows up - sort of - at films end. Bud and Lou turn in flawless performances yet again; Bud the Straight Guy always ready with a stinging one- liner and Lou the Bumbling Fool, falling all over himself, yet both of them always uniting at the films climax to stop the Bad Guys.

Fans of Bud and Lou and fans of the Universal Creature Features should not miss this film. It is both a spoof and an homage to the legendary Monsters of film. 10 stars.
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A Fine Horror Comedy
gavin69426 December 2010
Dracula (Bela Lugosi) and Frankenstein's monster are accidentally shipped from London to America. The people who unload the monsters are Abbott and Costello. Larry "Wolfman" Talbot (Lon Chaney, Jr.) comes to America to stop the monsters, who have their own plans for America.

As others have noted, the title of this film is a bit off. First, they do not meet Frankenstein, strictly speaking, but his creation. And second, the man playing the creature is not Boris Karloff. So, the better title would have been "Abbott and Costello Meet Dracula", since they do meet him, he has the most screen time, and it is the original Dracula, Bela Lugosi, playing him. But that is just my thought.

The standard humor is here, wrapped up in a Universal horror story. The creepy castle is present, as are scientists and vampires and a werewolf. As far as nostalgia goes, watching this beats out "Meet the Killer", which has Karloff, but not much else (still a good film, though). If you can find a good copy, watch it. I first watched it on an old VHS tape copied from TV, which was still enjoyable, but now you can catch it on Netflix.

I have nothing really bad to say about this film. I think the humor may not appeal to everyone -- it is a bit dated, with jokes like "I'll bite" being the clincher. And there is some mild sexism (Costello shows very little loyalty to his girlfriend or whatever she is). But these are minor issues, and I would still say that the movie stands the test of time more than it is dated.
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essential monster comedy
mcmacs4 January 2005
Top ten. Desert Island Disc. Universal's best-ever monster rally. Bud and Lou are at the top of their game, even Mrs Costello Snr said so. You get Bela Lugosi as Dracula for only the second and final time in his career. Lugosi is a joy; he plays Dracula as more suave, more sinister, and more disarmingly fatherly, than his continental goof-ball 1931 interpretation. Lon Chaney Jr on the other hand plays Larry Talbot as a TOTAL goof-ball, finally gone around the bend from the stress of his monstrous double-life; muttering dire warnings about imminent moon-rises that he then totally fails to heed; making anonymous life-or-death demands of clueless Lou via transatlantic phone call; fronting up to his nemesis Dracula at last, after pursuing him across continents, only to wilt shamefacedly before the Count's minor-league mind-games. Glen Strange looks great in the new streamlined makeup (alas for Jack Pierce, however) and has a thousand per cent more to do as the Frankenstein Monster, than in both his earlier 'cameo' appearances in the 'HOUSE OF' movies put together. The score is marvelous and director Barton keeps things moving at a cracking good pace. And what a straight man is Bud Abbott! He even gets to play a few lines with genuine drama here, once he realises Lou really isn't delusional. Highly recommended for Universal Monster fans, A&C fans, and movie fans in general.
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Abbott & Costello + Universal Monsters = Success
jhigginbotham15110 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I love how this movie was done. It could have been a Universal Monster movie with Abbott and Costello forced in to be the comic relief but instead its a well made film that ironically turned out to be better than all the other monster mash ups Universal put out in the 40s like House Of Frankenstein and House Of Dracula.

Abbott and Costello are on there A game here, constant joke after joke after joke, all high quality material sure to make you laugh until you cry. The monsters are all played by the best. Lon Chaney Jr. is back as Lawrence Talbot and although played very seriously, Talbot seems to have gone slightly insane from the years of torture the curse of the Wolfman has brought on him, so it does become a little comical at how he warns everyone in every scene that 'a full moon is rising' and how he's going to 'change into a wolf'. Bela Lugosi is back as Dracula and I don't think I need to comment on the performance of the man who basically created the quintessential Dracula. Glenn Strange is the Monster and next to Karloff he's the next best thing, his voice is also as buttery smooth as Karloffs when he speaks (if he speaks that is, I think he gets a line or two in).

Overall, its not the greatest Universal film but at a time when the famous monster were nothing but cheap, B movie entertainment, it was Abbot and Costello that gave them there last taste of the big time, and it is wonderful.
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Monsterfest: Bud and Lou style
simeon_flake16 June 2005
Perennially snakebit, Larry Talbot (Lon Chaney) can't even make a dire phone-call to clueless Wilbur Gray (Lou Costello) without that pesky full moon getting in the way. Of course, this opening scene is all just a nice excuse for the new Universal makeup wizard, Bud Westmore, to show off his new, streamlined Wolf Man transformations. It looks good enough, though it seems whatever Lon Chaney may have gained in comfort from Bud's less time-consuming makeup, he had to trade-off any facial mobility as his face looks fixed in the same expression throughout the film.

Bud and Lou's misadventures unloading McDougal's crates is a great mix of laughs & chills where we get to see a variation of the "moving candle" bit, Dracula reviving the monster, and for the first time in any Universal picture the camera doesn't move or cut away as the vampire exits from his coffin. And Glenn Strange, looking rather gruesome in Westmore's best makeup work, seems creakier than ever before as the monster.

I have to mention one of my personal favorite Bud/Lou moments when they make their first trip to the island with Joan Raymond: Lou tells Bud in reference to Joan "she's mine too" then proceeds to dab his mouth with Bud's necktie.

While the mere presence of Abbott and Costello in this picture may turn the stomachs of many "horror purists", it's obvious that great care was taken by the filmmakers not to ridicule the monsters. Without the two comics, you would still have a standard Universal horror film. With them, it remains a movie that shows more skill & thought was put into it than the last "serious" monster film "House of Dracula" and I am personally glad that Universal didn't let the monsters die with that misfire.
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The undignified end of the Universal Movie Monsters
JoeB13130 December 2012
Kind of mixed on this one. A&C were one of the great comedy acts of the 1940's and 50's. This film takes the classic Universal Movie Monsters, already reduced to so much camp in the awful mash-up sequels (Frankenstein meets the Wolfman, House of Frankenstein, House of Dracula, House of Pancakes.) I give Lugosi and Chaney credit for playing their characters straight. At least the set lighting and atmospherics are great in this film.

The end result. A&C would go on to take out the other Universal Horror classic monsters (The Invisible Man, the Mummy, Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde) while those franchise ended.

Ah, if only we could bring them back to take out Freddy Krueger, Jason Vorhees and Michael Myers, not to mention the ubiquitous zombie movies.
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Knowing How It Worked
bkoganbing29 June 2006
Knowing how it worked back in the day, I'm sure Universal had no inkling that they were creating a comedy classic and the best known Abbott and Costello feature besides Buck Privates. Universal's reputation was built on these Gothic horror classics like Frankenstein, Dracula, and the Wolfman and their many incarnations. So I'm sure the decision was to give their horror sets some work and combine the genres.

They made a very funny film, but in the process killed the horror genre. Please note that there were very few straight horror sequels done after Abbott and Costello finished with these monsters. By becoming the butt of Bud and Lou's burlesque humor, they somehow lost the power to truly frighten. It took the British Hammer Film Studio to revive the genre in the Fifties with some more up to date special effects.

Bud and Lou are a couple of delivery men, working for what I guess was UPS at the time and they lose a couple of crates consigned to Frank Ferguson's Amusement house of horrors. But they didn't exactly lose them. The crates contained the bodies of the real Dracula and real Frankenstein monster played by Bela Lugosi and Glenn Strange. And they walked off on poor Costello and no one will believe him.

Except of course Lon Chaney, Jr. playing Lawrence Talbot, concerned citizen by day and werewolf at night when the moon is full. After that it's a merry chase after these monsters as Dracula decides that Costello has a brain perfect for the Frankenstein monster's body.

Of course it would be another 30 years or so before Mel Brooks realized the full implication of that. I think Costello might have consented to the operation had he realized.

It's reported by Lou Costello's daughter Chris that her dad wasn't totally convinced this film was going to work out for the team. Everyone around him told him he was never funnier, but Costello didn't believe it until Universal started counting the box office receipts.

So a cheaply made comedy, utilizing existing sets makes a mint. Come to think of it, that was what Buck Privates also did.
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Meet The Monsters.
AaronCapenBanner27 October 2013
Abbott & Costello play two freight handlers named Chick Young & Wilbur Grey, who get mixed up with McDougall's House Of Horrors, which has recently gained possession of Dracula(Bela Lugosi) & Frankenstein(played by Glenn Strange) The Wolf Man(Lon Chaney Jr.) is close behind, as he warns the boys of the threat, but is too late, since Dracula revives the monster and plans to give him a new brain with the help of lady scientist Sandra Mornay(played by Lenore Aubert) who has selected Wilbur as the best candidate. Jane Randolph plays insurance investigator Joan Raymond, looking into the now missing monsters.

Classic farce is a funny spoof of the monster genre that Universal Studios made popular for 15 years. Fine cast and well-paced direction all make this fondly remembered film stand up so well, though it must be said that the plot(even for a spoof) is pretty nonsensical. Should not be looked at as a sequel to "House Of Dracula", though fans still disagree about that to this day!
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Abbott & Costello Save Their Movie Career
JoeytheBrit23 November 2006
"No way I'll do that c**p. My little girl could write something better than this."

So proclaimed chubby Lou Costello upon reading the script for the movie that turned around the duo's career, which had been deep in the doldrums at the time. Apparently, $50,000 and the promise that Charles Barton would direct eventually changed his mind, and the movie went on to become Universal International's second highest grossing film of the year.


Even as a kid, I never really took to Abbott & Costello – not once I was old enough to perceive the difference between their brand of humour and that of Laurel and Hardy, the double act to whom they are usually compared. There's something distinctly mean-spirited about this couple, as if they're friends only through circumstance, and that neither of them would hesitate to abandon the other the moment something better came along. The violence between Laurel & Hardy was always cartoonish and borne out of frustration; you never doubted that, at heart, they were friends who cared for one another – just look at how often they stuck up for each other when a third party became involved in the fun – but, more often than not, Abbott & Costello's violence is just plain spiteful. Bud Abbott slaps little Lou to keep him in line and for the slightest reason, and the hapless Lou accepts it all like a frightened child who fails to realise that he doesn't have to. A&C and L&H are poles apart and, if it wasn't for the fact that they worked for different studios, you might be forgiven for thinking that A&C lived off the scraps that L&H rejected.

This movie – the team's 22nd, and their fourth with Barton – is generally regarded to be their best effort, but it's hard to see why. It was innovative in its day for poking fun at Universal's established movie monsters (whose movie careers, like that of the comedy duo, had declined considerably over the previous five years), something that had never been done before but, apart from a couple of one-liners ("You and 20 million other guys," says Lou after wolfman Larry Talbot (Lon Chaney) explains how he turns into a wolf every night when the moon is full), the quality of the gags is nothing special. Too much time is spent on Lou pulling those faces of his, and then trying to convince Bud that he isn't imagining all the spooks that mysteriously disappear when the straight man finally appears on the scene.

The storyline has Bud and Lou playing a couple of railway baggage attendants who are instructed to deliver a couple of crates which contain Dracula (Bela Lugosi – who got the role when the producers discovered he wasn't dead after all) and Frankenstein's monster (Glenn Strange). Lou's girlfriend (Lenore Aubert) works at the house, and has plans to transplant his brain into the monster. Also involved is the wolfman (Lon Chaney Jr.) – in a good guy role for a change. There's a lot of padding, even though the movie runs less than 90 minutes, and it's all too evident.

On a more positive note, the monsters play it straight, which strengthens the film considerably; the special effects for this movie are actually pretty good for the period, although Dracula's transformation from bat to human is obviously a cartoon; and Jane Randolph, in her last role before retiring to marry a Spaniard named Jaime del Amo and lead the life of a socialite, looks pretty hot. The climactic chase sequence is also well-staged, and goes at least some way towards atoning for the tedious abundance of mugging and slapstick that precedes it.
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The first "meets" and the best!
uds38 November 2003
Made during A & C's golden era, this was not only the first and best of the "meets" series but arguably their best film.

Everything worked, the routines, the premise, the sets, the chills and the direction. Bud and Lou are a couple of bumbling railroad porters who end up delivering crates containing Dracula, Frankenstein and the Wolf Man to a certain gothic edifice. In better physical condition than by the time ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET DR JEKYLL AND MR HYDE rolled around in '53, it shows in their timing and delivery - Lou especially is spot on throughout.

Some great lines too. Dracula to Lou, addressing him lovingly, "What we need is young blood.....AND brains!"

Many believe this is the quintessential Bud and Lou film to survive! I'd be inclined to agree.
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Abbott and Costello Make Their Best Movie
lemon_magic25 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't expect much from this particular title after seeing "...Go To Mars" and "...Meet The Invisible Man", but this was a pleasant surprise. Somehow this holds together better - better pacing, better casting, better writing, and the classic comedy pair are hitting on all cylinders as they perform various verbal and visual slapstick gags.

I think some of the credit goes to whoever had the brilliant idea to have much of the action take place on the original Universal sets, and to whoever persuaded Chaney and Lugosi to reprise their roles. It's a great pleasure to see these two legends on screen again while they were still at the top of their game (as far as I can tell).

Apparently this was actually the first of the A&C movies in this vein, and it looks like they managed to catch lightning in a bottle this one time.

Even if you aren't a big fan of Abbott and Costello (I wasn't - not that I hated them or anything, they just weren't what I look for in a comedy team), you'll probably enjoy this.
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A comedy gem. The team finally hit the laughter heights.
Len-1917 December 1998
I have to agree with Nathan L.Erdel of Muncie,IN, on his user comments, this is indeed a comedy classic. The comedy duo of Abbott and Costello were at the height of their popularity during the late thirties and the forties and their particular style of verbal and slapstick comedy do not wear well with the passage of time and the sophistication of the modern day audiences. However, this film is the exception, from beginning to end it is almost flawless and provides a constant stream of laughs and thrills that even the viewers of today would be sure to enjoy. The writers and director and all the cast deserve congratulation for a brilliant effort produced on a low Universal budget. The film harnesses the particular comedy talents of Bud and Lou perfectly for the first and only time. Although the success of the film led the duo to try to replicate the style by having them meet more outlandish characters, never again were they able to repeat the heights and they gradually went into decline. But at least this film is left for us to enjoy and savour. From first to last the action, the thrills and the laughs combine flawlessly. Bud is the perfect foil to Lou's slapstick,as always. Lon Chaney,Bela Lugosi and Glen Strange all reprise their roles as The Wolfman,Dracula and Frankenstein to wonderful effect to provide the thrills as they chase the duo endlessly trying to get Lou's brain transferred into Frankenstein. Abbott and Costello provided some fine verbal comedy scenes in other early films and these also stand the test of time, but Meet Frankenstein was the only instance when their particular brand of comedy was successfully spread over an entire film.
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"Now who'd be silly enough to believe that?"
pyrocitor5 January 2016
Sometimes all you need is a good laugh, complexity be damned. Sometimes all you want is a warm bath of familiarly, dually titillated by belly laughs of the most finely honed, classic slapstick, while shivering in reverence (maybe even in fright, if you're of the right disposition) at some of Universal's finest monster mayhem. Which is why, sometimes, you can't do any better than romp around with Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, and their meeting with Frankenstein (and friends) is arguably the most purely joyful escapist fun any of their monster mashes have to offer.

In terms of poduction-values, it's hard to knock three monsters for the price of one (Dracula, Frankenstein's Creature and the Wolf Man would never again reassemble until - shudder - 2004's Van Helsing), and the story actually does a decent job of weaving all three in without seeming too gratuitous, though an opening sequence in a wax museum house of horrors does poke fun at the constructed artificiality of monster scares. Additionally, Universal's classy treatment of their tentpole horror monsters, even in parody form, is always nice, as the mayhem is built around them, but never resorting to crass, embarrassing gags at their expense (few contemporary filmmakers do parody and pastiche so respectfully). Of course, the plot is ludicrously thin - it's never even explained why Dracula seeks to reinvigorate Frankenstein's Creature (naturally, with Costello's brain), the central point of conflict - and the dramatic irony of Costello being terrified, only for the spectre in question to vanish before a bemused Abbott can lay eyes on it is exploited to the point of pushing limits of patience. Meanwhile, monster nitpickers will grumble that the title is a misnomer, as Bud and Lou only meet Frankenstein's creation, not the mad scientist himself (though we do get a glimpse at his helpfully specific lab notes, apparently published in book form...). Ultimately, it's all in good fun, and such quibbles feel increasingly besides the point in the face of such a wall of laughs.

What is the point is howling at Bud and Lou's priceless chemistry, hysterical physical slapstick, facial expressions, and immaculate wordplay ("I saw what I saw when I saw it" being the takeaway quote of choice here), and lapping up the joy of their tried-and-true personas - Abbott the curmudgeonly straight man, Costello the adorably dimwitted crybaby-cum-lothlorio - typecasting be damned. The Universal vets are more than willing to dive into the fun, and their commitment to character helps the silliness fly. Bela Lugosi (amazingly, in his only time reprising Count Dracula!) is as good as they come, slinking around with eerie-eyed menace undercut by a hefty undercurrent of silky charm, Glenn Strange makes for a fantastically gruesome, shambling Frankenstein's monster, while Lon Chaney Jr.'s wooden melancholic delivery as the world-weary Lawrence Talbot wins almost as many laughs as the headliners, just as his snarling, contorting Wolf Man is as fearsome as ever. Lenore Aubert and Jane Randolph also get in on the fun, both maintaining class and credibility and stealing some of the best laughs despite being largely treated like set dressing by the customary playful misogyny of the time. Dracula's castle also makes for a sumptuously Gothic set piece, and its labyrinth of secret swivelling wall panels, cobblestones and stockades makes for the perfect playpen for Bud and Lou.

You pretty much get what it says on the tin with Abbott and Costello - and Meets Frankenstein, by privileging big recurring gags over zingers, isn't even their sharpest work in their oeuvre - so those aspiring for smarter or more substantial screwball frivolity would do best to bolt for the door (ideally screeching "CHIIIIIIIIIIICKKKKKK!!!" like Costello). But, for those willing to leave their brains at the door (and Dracula gratefully accepts your kind donation), Meet Frankenstein is their wildest, zaniest, and, arguably, flat-out funniest cinematic work. It's tightly paced, chock-full of all the gags and big reveal monster moments you can shake a vampire bat at, and the whole gang - spooks and funny men - are so cheerfully committed to entertaining, it's near impossible not to have a deliriously good time. Just remember not to go on a double-date with Costello, or you'll end up with nothing but a spookily fun story to tell.

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A satisfactory way for the Universal Frankenstein franchise to come to a close
AlsExGal13 December 2016
Aside from the fact that the comedy team itself is in peak form here, the actors playing the monsters are allowed to play it straight and are all seen to great effect. Glenn Strange as the Monster has more screen time in this film than the Houses of Frankenstein and Dracula combined and his portrayal has to be the most brutish and inhuman of those performed by the various actors who took on the role at Universal. The fact that most viewers are not familiar with Strange's face, too, adds to his authenticity in the role, I feel.

With Karloff, Chaney, and Lugosi you can see their well known faces though the Frankenstein makeup, and are conscious of the fact that they are playing the part. But seeing the unknown Strange's face in the same role twigs no recognition for the viewer, helping to accept him in the role even more so. At least, that's how I see it.

Lugosi is at the last great peak of his career in this film in what was only his second time to play Count Dracula. (He was Dracula in Return of the Vampire in all but name, of course). Heavily made up because of his aging features, that white pasty face only enhances his other worldliness as the Count. Bela, of course, also brought an aristocratic dignity to the role.

It's a shame that this terrific performance by Lugosi did not lead to him being hot and back in demand again in Hollywood but it didn't. Horror films were becoming passe and Lugosi, unlike Karloff, was only associated with that genre. Adding to the insult, though, when it came to promoting A & C Meet Frankenstein, Universal didn't ask Lugosi to participate, even though he was a key star in the film's success. Instead the studio asked Karloff to do it.

Finally, I never found Lon Chaney more effective in the dual role of Larry Talbot and the Wolf Man. One of the reasons for this is that I think the Bud Westmore Wolf Man makeup that he wore in this film is more effective than the Jack Pierce makeup he had on in his previous outings as the hirsute one. Chaney hated the Pierce makeup because it took so long to apply it (his all time hatred for makeup applications was that of the Mummy, by the way, which took even longer to put on).

I'd recommend it. The two Universal franchises of the 40's - Abbott and Costello and the remainder of Universal horror - blend effectively here.
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Funny Finale
Rainey-Dawn6 November 2015
This is the last film that Universal's Frankenstein, Dracula and The Wolf Man appeared in together. It's a wonderful and funny finale to Universal's original monster film series. This film is well worth watching.

Bud Abbott & Lou Costello are just as funny as always - throw in Universal's Monsters and you have one of the best, if not then the best, comedy-horror film ever made.

This one is a film that the whole family can enjoy - even if they are not into classic horror they can easily enjoy the comedy in the film. This one can easily make a great family Halloween film.

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A great way to close the Universal horror series
Teknofobe7016 August 2005
It's interesting that Lou Costello initially was reluctant to do this movie, since it became probably the most popular and successful instalment in the Abbott & Costello catalogue. It was so popular, in fact, that many of the Abbott & Costello movies to follow were along similar lines -- they would go on to meet The Mummy, The Invisible Man and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. You can sort of see where he was coming from ... horror/comedy isn't exactly a highly respected genre, although there have been several classics in it since (Young Frankenstein, An American Werewolf in London, etc).

The story starts when a couple of crates arrive in the US, to an office manned by Chick Young (Bud Abbott) and Wilbur Grey (Lou Costello). The two of them are asked to the two crates to the their destination, a house of horrors. What they don't realise is that one crate contains Dracula's coffin and the other, the Frankenstein monster. Dracula awakens and escapes with the monster, leaving the two freight handlers to deal with the insurance company over the missing goods. But it turns out they have bigger worries -- Dracula has chosen Wilbur's brain to transplant into the Frankenstein monster in order to revive him ...

Since the Universal horror franchise had stopped taking itself seriously several years previously, it made sense that the final movie should just go the whole hog and be a comedy. As a comic team Abbott and Costello were never of the same stature of, say, "Laurel and Hardy" or "The Marx Brothers", but they do have their moments -- and a lot of them are in this movie. Abbott of course plays the straight man to Costello's blundering comedian, and it works very well with this script. They are backed up by arguably the strongest cast out of any of the Universal horror movies, with Bela Lugosi, Glenn Strange and Lon Chaney Jr in their finest roles. All of the monsters are played perfectly straight, with the comedy coming from Abbott and Costello themselves.

"Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein" is silly and zany and very, very funny. Whether or not it can be classed as part of the Universal horror series, it is as entertaining as any of them and absolutely essential viewing.
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About the best Abbott and Costello film
planktonrules9 November 2005
When I was a kid, I watched every Abbott and Costello film that came on TV--I was a die-hard addict. However, something strange occurred as I grew older. It seemed the older I got the less funny this duo seemed to be. I still enjoy them, but also see that there is a big difference in quality in their films--they're not all winners! Much of it could be that their humor was geared more to kids and much of it could be that so much of their humor seems now to be re-treads of old vaudeville routines. Having seen some of the very same routines done by the 3 Stooges and Olson & Johnson makes me now realize how tired Abbott and Costello films could be.

However, despite this, I STILL find myself laughing at Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein. Instead of hoary vaudeville routines, there is a delightful mix of jokes, excellent Universal studio horror greats and a creepy atmosphere.

The film's plot is pretty weird. It seems that Dracula (Bela Lugosi) has found Frankenstein (Glenn Strange) and the monster is in pretty bad shape. So, to fix his problems once and for all, Drac has used his hypno powers to control a pretty doctor whose job is to operate on the beast--and giving him a simpler and easier to control brain so that Drac can use him for evil. Whose mind is the simplist and easiest to control? Lou's, that's for sure. So much of the film is spent scheming to get a hold of him and operate. However, the Wolf-Man (Lon Chaney, Jr.) has wind of this plan and is there to try to stop them. It may not sound very funny, but it definitely is. Plus, it's the best monster comedy ever with laughs throughout.

Give it a try--even if you HATE Abbott and Costello, you're bound to like this one.
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Pop the popcorn, grab the kids and have a frightfully fun evening!
lindas31913 November 2004
Slightly better than average old time horror flick, thanks to the comic antics of Abbott and Costello. When two mysterious crates need to be delivered to an upstarting House of Horrors, it's up to our two heros to deliver them. And when the items inside the crates turn out to be the real Count Dracula (Lugosi) and Frankenstein (Strange), the fun begins. Although the younger kiddies may need to sit this one out, my seven year old enjoyed this movie immensely, and even though it's been many a year since I saw it for the first time (on television!), I still got plenty a laugh and a frightfully good time from it. What a nice change from the slasher/gasher horror films of today.
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'So much bridgework I had to pay a toll'...
Xstal26 August 2020
And after so many years the fillings have crumbled and the decay needs regression to repair - a memory of a time when innovative cocktails soured the wine
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