Bugsy Malone (1976) Poster


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A cute and enjoyable movie-almost to cute
llltdesq26 September 2001
This is a very cute and enjoyable movie, quite possibly the only one in a very small sub-genre in the genre of gangster films-a musical gangster movie cast entirely with children. The cast is notable principally by the presence of Jodie Foster (as a side note, this was released the same year as was Taxi Driver!) and Scott Baio, the musical score was done by Paul Wiliams (who was nominated for an Oscar for his efforts here) and the costumes are quite nice. One thing about the music: I've seen this several times and I still can't be sure if the cast is singing or if the singing is dubbed. I think it's dubbed, as the numbers are almost stiltedin nature. Still fun-just put your brain on neutral and enjoy. Well worth watching.
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A special film, one of a kind.
Mightyzebra6 November 2007
I am inclined to list a number of reasons why this film is special and one of a kind.

1. This is a gangster film and yet all the cast are children. They do an amazing job. 2. Instead of real guns, they have either guns that splurge out custard pie to kill people, or just custard pies. 3. The songs are very fun and very varied, sort of fun but not completely cheerful, which is good. 4. The idea is very good and must have been worked on quite a lot, even though the plot goes all over the place in confusing directions. 5. This film is enjoyable for a wide variety of ages - although best for those aged 9 and up.

A gangster gang in America are losing business and most importantly - men.

Meanwhile, Bugsy Malone, a member of the gang, lives casually and easily, also talking to a new woman called Blousie Brown.

On both sides of the story, things are soon about to change...

Enjoy "Bugsy Malone"! :-)
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great fun
claudecat5 February 2007
I remember my father announcing a family plan to see this movie the year it came out, when I was 9. I didn't want to go--a gangster movie with kids? I thought it would be scary, or worse, boring. But the decision had been made, and I reluctantly went along to the theater. As it turned out, my father was right to take us: "Bugsy Malone" became one of my favorite childhood movies. My brother and I were given the soundtrack LP for Christmas that year (I still have it), and we learned all the songs.

I've since seen the movie as a grownup, and I still think it's very well-made. It wasn't until I was older that I could appreciate the acting, and the sophisticated production design (though I knew when I first saw the movie that it had a very clever script). My only quibble is the filmmakers' decision to have adults sing all the songs--it's a bit bizarre to hear grownup voices coming out of children, and after a while you start to notice that the voices sound the same, since they didn't cast different singers for each character (Paul Williams himself does most of the vocal work). It makes the film feel more low-budget than it should.

Mickey Dolenz directed a stage version of the film in London years later, which I was hoping had all-singing kids, but apparently the songs were pre-recorded. High schools now perform the show, however, so at last the voices will match.

Any kid that's interested in old Hollywood should be given a chance to see this film.
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Get a life!!!!
tam12227 April 2004
For anyone who sees this film as sinister or as a paedophiles dream GET A LIFE!!!! It was made in the 70's when we weren't politically correct and living was fun! What has happened to us that we can't see a film with children in it without thinking that it was made for an ulterior motive? Enjoy the film for what it is. I saw this film for the first time when I was about 9, loved it then and still do (I'm now 34!) It's harmless fun, something you would have loved to have been involved in had you been given the chance. All those splurge guns and pedal cars, think about it, it would have been great fun! And that's what you should remember when you watch it, it's great FUN! I have 2 children who ABSOLUTELY love this film as much as I do and I have no qualms whatsoever about letting them watch this. Just remember you were young once, watch this film, forget about everything, and recapture your youth!!!!
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Cute Fun
nikolai08270030 September 2006
Well produced on what appears to be a medium budget, "Bugsy" is a cute romp through the NY gangster heyday. The under 16 year old cast is what truly makes this film fun to watch. This is especially true knowing that most of the kids never appeared in anything else. (Notable exceptions being a pre-Happy Days Scott Baio and, an already accomplished film and TV star, Jodie Foster...) The film has it's flaws, the most striking to me being the decision (possibly budget related) to have adults sing the musical numbers. This caused what was actually a pretty decent musical score to seem little more than catchy background music at times. Even if the cast sang off-key, it would have been a little better than hearing Paul Williams' voice coming out of a kid's mouth. (very awkward) This is to take nothing away from Mr. Williams singing or writing ability because if you were around in the 70's and were sober enough to have memories of it you will instantly recognize his unique voice and musical style. All in all, "Bugsy Malone" is a great movie to enjoy with the kids. My 9 year old is now bugging me to get the soundtrack. (Good luck finding that...)
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Catchy songs bolster a unique movie
Leofwine_draca26 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If I'm brutally honest, watching a bunch of kids overacting their way through a 1930s-era gangster movie is my last idea of fun. I'd rather just sit through the real thing, which is why I'd avoided watching BUGSY MALONE for all of these years. Having just finished it, however, I realise now that I didn't have worried: this is a surprisingly classy production, made with a lot of care and attention to detail, and the reliable Alan Parker's directorial style pairs well with his subject matter. The likes of Scott Biao and Jodie Foster are all adept at playing dress up and adults, and the fast-paced nature of the plotting means that this is a tale that moves at a snappy speed. Best of all are the catchy songs which have stood the test of time well.
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Beautiful parody of gangster movies with great musical score
v-tadic16 July 2006
The film is unique musical parody of gangster movies, where all the roles are played by children. I first watched it shortly after its release, and was absolutely thrilled. Balanced director's work, smartly composed screenplay, great and very temporary musical score and, above all, the brilliant talent of young Jodie Foster. Not all the roles were played equally convincingly, but the kids were generally quite good. I enjoyed the film even more while writing subtitles (for home use) for it several months ago, being thus forced to listen carefully to every word spoken or sung. After 30 years, I really have nothing to add to my first impressions. "Bugsy Malone" is timeless, and should be listed among the movie classics, along with "The Wizzard of Oz" and "Oliver".
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One of the Parkin's best
Writer-director Alan Parker's feature debut Bugsy Malone is a pastiche of American movies, a musical gangster comedy set in 1929, featuring prohibition, showgirls, and gang warfare, with references to everything from Some Like It Hot to The Godfather. Uniquely, though, all the parts are played by children, including an excellent if underused Jodie Foster as platinum-blonde singer Tallulah, Scott Baio in the title role and a nine-year-old Dexter Fletcher wielding a baseball bat. Cream-firing "spluge guns" sidestep any real violence and the movie climaxes cheerfully with the biggest custard pie fight this side of Casino Royale (1967). Unfortunately for a musical, Paul Williams's score--part honky-tonk jazz homage, part 1970s Elton John-style pop--lets the side down with a lack of memorable tunes. Nevertheless, Parker's direction is spot on and the look of the film is superb, a fantasy movie-movie existing in the same parallel reality as The Cotton Club and Chicago. A rare British love letter to classic American cinema, Bugsy Malone remains a true original; in Parker's words "the work of a madman" and one of the strangest yet most stylish children's films ever made.
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dmk22 June 1999
Like all period films this is timeless. It is characterised by the fun and enthusiasm shown by the young cast (average age 12). Who wouldn't have wanted to join in. Films don't have to be grand with big budgets to entertain. I read somewhere once that the film was shot with an amazingly low number of re-takes. An indication of how easy it can be to work with children. Of all films made with a cast of only children this one has to be the best. A film which I go to see whenever I find it showing somewhere. Excellent stuff for the big kids (like me) around.
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Bugsy Malone
jboothmillard17 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I had heard the title many times, and then I found out that the twice Oscar winning female star of The Silence of the Lambs was in it, and I thought why not. Set in the 1930's, this story is loosely based on the gangster exploits (e.g. Al Capone) during the Prohibition era, but all characters are played by children, no adults at all, unless you count the singing voice of Paul Williams. Basically the film centres on the ongoing gang battle between (named because of his physique) Fat Sam (John Cassisi) and (named because of his classy fashion sense) Dandy Dan (Martin Lev), and both are fighting to have the best weapons to take out their threats, i.e. the custard pies, and the essential "splurge gun". Bugsy Malone (Scott Baio) is around during this conflict, he starts as a bystander, a penniless boxing promoter down on his luck, but he gets a job for Fat Sam as a driver, and he agrees to help with whatever he wants. Bugsy also meets his love interest, Blousey Brown (Florrie Dugger), who is ambitious to be a film star in Hollywood. Bugsy makes the money she needs to take her their, but he is mugged and money stolen. He was rescued after this mugging by Leroy Smith (Paul Murphy), who has boxing talent, so Bugsy trains him as a boxer, and Leroy becomes his unofficial sidekick. Oh, Blousey also gets jealous when she sees Bugsy flirting with Fat Sam's girlfriend and lead singer, Tallulah (twice BAFTA winning "newcomer", 14-year-old Jodie Foster). Also starring Albin 'Humpty' Jenkins as Fizzy, Davidson Knight as Cagey Joe, Sheridan Earl Russell as Knuckles, Paul Chirelstein as Smolsky/Boxer; Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels' Dexter Fletcher as Baby Face, Vivienne McKone as Velma, Helen Corran as Bangles, Andrew Paul as O'Dreary, and an uncredited Phil Daniels as Waiter who spills spaghetti. The acting is pretty good for youngsters, the songs are quite fun, the pie and cream fights are always a treat, and young Foster proves to be worthy to-be movie star. It was nominated the Oscar for Best Music for Paul Williams, it won the BAFTAs for Best Production Design/Art Direction, Best Screenplay and Best Sound Track, and it was nominated the Anthony Asquith Award for Film Music, Best Costume Design, Best Direction for Alan Parker (Fame) and Best Film, Parker was nominated the Golden Palm at the Cannes Film Festival, and it was nominated the Golden Globes for Best Motion Picture - Musical/Comedy, Best Original Score and Best Original Song for Williams' "Bugsy Malone". Jodie Foster was number 23 on The 100 Greatest Movie Stars, the film was number 19 on The 100 Greatest Musicals, and it was number 39 on The 100 Greatest Family Films. Very good!
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Classic Scott Baio Movie
holydiverdio9 October 2021
I had been a fan of Happy Days since the mid to late 70s and I was a fan of Scott Baio so when I saw that this film was coming on TV I had to tune in to watch it and I really liked it, with the comical storyline of Kid Gangsters set during the Prohibition era in NYC set to music from that time I was in for a real treat. Scott gave a great performance in the title role and Jodie Foster was amazing as the beautiful and sassy, Tallulah, Bugsy's ex and girlfriend to Fat Sam. Paul Williams created a great soundtrack for the film which also makes it an even more memorable film. Everytime it was on cable again over the years I made sure to watch it whenever I could and always appreciated it even more for it witty charm and for being a entertaining musical comedy with young actors and dancers. A great gem of a film.
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pwmoses25 May 2000
This is one of my all time favorite films, straight up, no chaser! Some films possess a magical quality that cannot be planned as they are filming. This film has that magic. The musical numbers are wonderful, the performances genuine. I love the way the romantic subtleties are handled since the cast children. This film is made by the music. There is not one bad number in the film. Bring back the splurge gun!
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gem-wick916 June 2006
i think this movie is a really good idea and is funny we are doing this film as a play at our school i play 1 of the dancers its so cool we're doing this play we have a lot of fun doing it!!! I really like the 50's feel to it and the gangsters!!! i think its really different that there played by kids its really a lot of fun to watch and i so love the songs in it!!!! My favourite really catchy songs in it are so you wanna be a boxer and fat scam's grand slam!! anybody who doesn't like this film must be mad because i think its really really really really good!!!!!! and i can't wait until we do it at our school!!!!!!! i would recommend it for all ages.
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A semi-creepy curiosity piece
pmtelefon30 March 2021
"Bugsy Malone" is not a very easy movie to get through. Are they supposed to be kids or are they supposed to be adults? They act like adults. Their dubbed in singing voices sound like adults. The dance hall girls are all dressed liked adults. I don't know, it's all kind of weird. It's certainly more weird than it is fun. The only thing "Bugsy Malone" has going for it are Paul Williams's songs but they are hit and miss (mostly miss). I've tried watching "Bugsy Malone" quite a few times over the years. I've only managed to make it to the end a handful of times. That says it all.
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The greatest kiddie-gangster-musical flick ever to land on the Silver Screen!
ES-III29 December 1999
Bugsy Malone, a childhood favorite of mine, is perhaps the only musical spoof of gangster films and film noir where all the roles of the gangsters, flappers, bartenders and hitmen are played by children (collective age: 12). In place of the universal racketeer firearms are "splat guns" that cover victims in whipped-cream. Likewise, the cars are pedal-driven like bikes. The story tells of the rise of the womanizing, ex-boxer Bugsy Malone (Scott Baio) who finds himself enlisted in the mob of speakeasy-owner Fat Sam (John Cassisi), who's in the middle of a fierce territorial battle with the suave Dandy Dan (Martin Lev). Dan has come up with a new weapon, the splat gun, leaving Fat Sam to rely on the antiquated manually-thrown pies for his heists. Sam's gang is sweetly gunned-down bit by bit, and Bugsy is ultimately recruited to get a hold of this new weapon and rebuild the gang (which he does with the homeless Down-And-Outs and boxer Leroy Smith, played by Paul Murphy). Baio is remarkable (if you can believe that), and most of the performances are amazing! Jodi Foster excels as vampy nite-club singer Tallulah, and Florrie Dugger (as Blousey Brown -- in her only role to date) is wonderful as Bugsy's piquant love interest. I just don't understand why more of these child-actors didn't go on to bigger and better things like Jodi Foster! And whoever played "Babyface" is remarkable, showing three-times the amount of charisma of Macaulay Culkin. The film was nominated for a series of Oscars and Golden Globe awards and it's apparent as to why. Paul Williams' score is amazing - so many of these songs should be remade! If telling you to seek this one out for sure!
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A excellent idea well-executed by Alan Parker
Diego_rjc28 January 2010
What if there was a gangster movie starred by children? What if this movie were a musical? Alan Parker took this idea and transformed into a movie in 1976. And it worked really well.

As i said, 'Bugsy Malone' is a gangster movie starred by children, and there isn't much more to say about the story. The script has that feeling of 'I have seen this before', telling the story of Bugsy Malone (Scott Baio), a gangster in the late 1920's New York, in the middle of the Depression. The predictable script is really no problem, because it's told in a different way than any gangster movie you've ever seen - through songs. The musical feeling really works, and original songs are absolutely great. Two days after I've watched the movie, 'Tomorrow', 'My Name is Tallulah' and 'Bugsy Malone' kept playing on my head. Definitely gonna buy the Soundtrack.

The acting in this movie is not marvelous, but with every member of the cast been under 16 you can't expect much. For kids, they did a nice job. I was amazed to see that most of the cast didn't do anything after this, which is a shame, 'cause they sure had talent. Scott Baio is nice as the lead, but when you watch the movie, your eyes can't help it and are going to focus on Jodie Foster. She was fine as Tallulah, and 1976 was a great year for her, also appearing on Scorsese's 'Taxy Driver. She is the only member of the cast that turned into a star.

The British-born Alan Parker writes and directs here and does a good job in both functions. It's amazing to think he did this in 1976. With almost the whole movie been shot in the set, he putted the camera at so- interesting that you don't realize it's not location. There is one scene at the end of the movie that really resembles the also Alan Parker's later 'Pink Floyd - The Wall'. Maybe he did it on purpose, who knows... The cinematography is quite weird, having that old-European movie feel to it. One thing that I particularly liked was the art-direction. The cars and guns were a nice catch.

Overral, Alan Parker written and directed this excellent idea, and he executed it very well. Of course 'Bugsy Malone' is no masterpiece, but it's really fun to watch. Hope they don't remake this - it would that take away all the magic.

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fun little spoof
SnoopyStyle25 January 2020
It's the Prohibition era. Mobsters are fighting for control. Showgirls are performing. All the characters are played by child actors where the gangsters fire cream-filled guns and the cars are peddle-powered. Bugsy Malone (Scott Baio) is an ex-boxer trying to be a promoter. He takes an interest in sassy aspiring performer Blousey Brown. Fat Sam is a gangster with a speakeasy. His gun moll Tallulah (Jodie Foster) sings there and is Bugsy's ex.

This is really not a kiddie movie. It's a kiddie take on the gangster movie. It's a fun little spoof post The Godfather. I actually like the singing except for Jodie Foster. I do wonder why she isn't playing the bigger role of Blousey. Maybe she fits Tallulah better but usually the bigger role goes to the bigger name. This is innocent fun in the sense that it's a bunch of kids playing gangsters and dames. What could be more innocent fun than a pie fight and a song and dance to finish the movie.
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Very innovative considering it's from 1976!
1kathy882 April 2005
I think this is an excellent movie...good clean fun and there isn't near enough of that on the screen these days! I love the music, (I have always liked Paul Williams' music) the dancing, the kids AND the pedal cars! All in all a great movie. Great costuming, too. It's hard to get pre-pubescent girls to look like vamps but those costumes did a lot in that direction.

The only part that I didn't like was the "Fat Sam" character whose "New Yawk" accent was just a little bit overdone. But I think they did a little play on that when Fat Sam said the word "personally" & Tallulah was making fun of his pronunciation!

It's a shame more of these kids didn't go on to become stars. Maybe their acting wasn't top notch but some of those faces were "wow"! Scott Biao & Jodie Foster are the only two who seem to have went anywhere with their talents.

Fair warning: The "Michael Jackson" in this movie is not the "Michael Jackson" formerly of "The Jackson Five" & known for his "Thriller" video & "other things". It's a totally different person.
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What did I just watch?
BandSAboutMovies28 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I often write about movies in the middle of the night, when the rest of the world is asleep. Sometimes, a movie will seem like a dream instead of something real. Imagine a musical gangster movie starring all child actors with music by Paul Williams. Yet, wonder of wonders, this movie actually was filmed.

Sir Alan Parker's feature-length directorial debut (he also directed Pink Floyd's The Wall, Angel Heart, Fame and so many more), this is also Scott Baio's first movie and features a young Jodie Foster.

Why kids? Parker said, "I had four young children and we used to go to a cottage in Derbyshire at weekends. On the long, boring car journey up there, I started telling them the story of a gangster called Bugsy Malone. They'd ask me questions and I'd make up answers, based on my memories of watching old movie reruns as a kid." His oldest son loved the stories and suggested that when he made the movie, children should play the roles.

The strangest moment of the film is seeing kids sing with Paul Williams' voice. Parker agrees today. "Watching the film after all these years, this is one aspect that I find the most bizarre. Adult voices coming out of these kids' mouths? I had told Paul that I didn't want squeaky kids voices and he interpreted this in his own way. Anyway, as the tapes arrived, scarcely weeks away from filming, we had no choice but to go along with it!"

The film starts with Roxy Robinson being splurged by another gang. In the film, guns shoot whipped cream instead of bullets and once you get splurged, you're done. We meet speakeasy boss Fat Sam and Bugsy Malone (Baio) with a big musical number. Fat Sam is played by John Cassisi, a kid who was selected by Parker after asking for the worst behaved child in his Brooklyn class. Interestingly enough, after he retired from acting, Cassisi became involved in construction, rising to the Director of Global Construction for Citigroup. However, he pleaded guilty to bribery in 2012 and was sentenced to 2 to 6 years in prison, pretty much making him a real gangster.

Then, we meet Blousey Brown, a singer, and Dandy Don, the rival gangster who wants to take over Fat Sam's rackets and splurging all his men. Meanwhile, Sam's girlfriend Tallulah (Foster) tries to get between Bugsy and Blousey.

Bugsy helps Sam survive a trap that Dandy Dan sets, drawing Bugsy deeper into the gangster life, despite his budding affair with Blousey. Finally, everyone but our young lovers gets splurged and realizes that they can all get along.

This is a movie that defies my descriptions. You should just watch the trailer for yourself to confirm to me that this is all real and not a dream.
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A timeless classic—but one that should ideally be first experienced before the age of 10 to fully appreciate the magic.
BA_Harrison24 December 2011
I first saw this film in the late 70s when it was shown at my school as a Christmas treat (on a real projector and screen, no less); now, over thirty years later, I'm watching it again in the company of my son and daughter (aged 10 and 8), and I'm finding it no less entertaining than when I was a kid myself.

Starring Scott Baio in his greatest ever role (yes, he's even better here than he is in Zapped!), Jodie Foster looking unnervingly sexy for her age as vampish songstress Tallulah, and a very young Dexter Fletcher as Babyface (UK TV viewers my age will know who he is), and with superb direction by Alan Parker and brilliant music and songs by Paul Williams (the man behind the tunes for one of my other favourite musicals, Phantom of the Paradise), this is one of the most enjoyable films of the 70s, particularly when viewed as a youngster.

I mean, is there a kid alive who wouldn't want their own splurge gun, an over-sized pedal car, or to take part in a massive pie fight?
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moonspinner553 February 2001
"Bugsy Malone", an all-kids gangster musical set in the 1930s, is either adorable, infantile or extremely disturbing (depending on one's state of mind). The henchmen that make up speakeasy owner Fat Sam's army are being eliminated by his nemesis, suave Dandy Dan (who uses tommy guns that shoot whipped cream). Meanwhile, hero Bugsy, who promises to take gal Blousey Brown to Hollywood before getting robbed, scouts a boxer to help him seek revenge. Debut feature for writer-director Alan Parker isn't very polished or witty, and what there is of a plot goes absolutely nowhere. That said, this G-rated film looks and sounds terrific, with a handsome production design by Geoffrey Kirkland (who won the BAFTA) and a fine series of songs composed by Paul Williams. Jodie Foster pops up intermittently as chanteuse Tallulah, and gets her own song (dubbed, as are all the others, by adult singers); Florrie Dugger has a lovely deep voice and a likably sarcastic demeanor as the ingenue (though she's shaky to start); and Martin Lev is impressive as icy-cool Dandy Dan. Still, there's a great deal of uncertainty afoot: the title song, for instance, is played at the opening over clips of the movie that haven't happened yet--it's like a coming attraction. There's also an inherent flaw in the picture's conception: the whipped cream bullets are supposed to be lethal, but the pies have only a pixilated effect on the characters at the finale. "Bugsy Malone" is a novelty picture, one that initially only found an audience in the UK, where it was produced; however, it did receive one well-deserved Oscar nomination for Williams' original song score and has a handful of memorable moments. **1/2 from ****
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Great idea - Weak film
dollpenguin5 May 2006
This movie was weak even for 1976 standards. If the children had sang there own songs instead of lip syncing the tunes it may have been better. The kid friendly portrayals of violence (shooting victims with cream, etc.) are funny for about 15 minutes. The gag quickly wears thin, however, and the entire viewing experience becomes cumbersome.

The story is basically a watered down gangster film enacted by children. Some of the children became famous when they got older, and Jodie Foster was already a big name when this film was released.

The costumes were great, the music was decent, and some of the dancing was very good. Other than that, this movie (the story, acting, direction, lip syncing) was a completely ridiculous waste of time for people of any age. I am giving this movie a three out of ten.
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My Name Is Tallulah!
loopy_lucy1424 September 2006
The first and only gangster movie to involve cream. Bugsy Malone (Baio) was a ladies man and a regular at the club "Fat Sam's" were the famous Tallulah (Foster) normally performs, Tallulah is going out with Fat Sam (Cassisi) the owner of the club, this is also the head quarters of his gang. Fat Sam's gang is under threat as another gang is trying to take other there territory, and doing this very successfully as they have "Splurge Guns". Whilst as Fat Sam's Bugsy meets Blousey (Dugger) and they start dating. One, by one all of fat Sam's gang is killed off and only he is left. Bugsy then promised Blousey he will buy them a ticket to Hollywood, so to get the money he begging to work for fat Sam and help him save his business but will he succeed and will him and Blousey ever make it to Hollywood? This is a very unique movie and they will never by one like it. It is unique in3 ways.1. It is a gangster movie which uses child actors, which brings a knew type of energy to the movie.2. It uses splurge guns instead of real guns which use dream instead of bullets and this makes the movie more suitable for younger children and 3. When the children are singing it's not actually them singing, which make the songs sound nicer but is also quite a comedic effect to see this big strong voices, coming out of such little kids .I also think it is interesting that some of the actors become very famous actors when they got older such a Scott Baio and Jodie Foster. I think this movie is great and there is just something about it is just great, and all the characters are so lovable. It's just a great family film for anyone and is suitable for all ages and everyone will enjoy it!
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Amazing concept - so, so execution
snaunton16 June 2001
The concept is unquestionably brilliant and inimitable: spoofing gangster movies, and the gangster mentality, in a musical with a cast of children equipped with splurge guns and limousines powered by pedals. Some of the kids are excellent, notably Jodie Foster as Tallulah, of course. Some of the musical numbers are good. But in the end, the detail of the plot lacks the originality of the concept, the film is too dull and too many voices are squeaky and speak too fast, with the unmodulated expression of pubescents. A worthy try, essential to watch, but in the end a bit disappointing.
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What's the fuss about? This is complete rubbish
janman_3518 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This film wound me up pretty much to the highest degree as have some of the reviews I have read about this film. What is so good about it? It's supposed to be a gangster film but they are all played by kids. I'm sorry but you cannot and shouldn't even try to make a gangster film with kids in all the roles. I think this film was also trying to be funny but I didn't laugh once. Maybe my sense of humour has gone wrong but I suspect not. The story was naff as well, I can't actually remember what it was about but I think it was about some guns blocked with mashed potato or something like that. The scenes with the shootouts in were dull and I don't see how you can be killed by mashed potato. Even an eight year old will question that. I've seen OAP's having a knitting competition that was more exciting than this film. However, you have to commend those kids for even bothering to be in a film as embarrassing as this.
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