Freeway (1996) Poster


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Look who got beat with the ugly stick!
GroovyDoom19 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Deeply entrenched in the subversive world of cult films, "Freeway" could be one of the most engrossing movies I've ever seen. Reminiscent of the films of John Waters, it's a satire of such unfunny things as serial killings, drug abuse, prostitution, sexual abuse of underage children, prison life, random acts of violence, and suicide. Like the best Waters, Matthew Bright finds the pathos in all of these things, shaping the movie into a nihilistic comedy.

Reese Witherspoon is absolutely marvelous as her character, Vanessa Lutz, a sharp-witted "white trash" girl who makes the best out of every situation she finds herself in. Her mother is a drug-addled prostitute. Her stepfather is a jobless, sexually abusive moron who also hits the pipe. Vanessa herself has a history of being in trouble with the law and has trouble reading, but she's far from stupid. We never once doubt that she will prevail, no matter how desperate her situation becomes.

Vanessa is forced to make a move one day when her parents are arrested and a social worker plans on sending Vanessa to another foster home. Unable to face that prospect, she gives her social worker the slip and hits the road to search for her grandmother, who she has never met and who is not even aware of Vanessa's existence. Vanessa's life takes a detour when her car breaks down and she is picked up by Kiefer Sutherland. She does not know that he is the "I-5 Killer", a pathetic but cunning serial murderer who preys on young women he plucks from the freeway. Unfortunately for him, he comes up against the wrong victim when he targets Vanessa.

The rest of the story is best left unsaid, although Roger Ebert gave away most of the plot in his review of the film from 1996 (don't ya just love when he does that?). Bright actually references John Waters several times, first by inserting a brief passage that features the opening theme from "Pink Flamingos" and also by making a plot point out of the fact that Vanessa, who is white, has a thing for black guys (much like Penny Pingleton in "Hairspray"). The dialogue is often outrageous, too. But unlike Waters' early films, "Freeway" is technically well-made and structurally better. It also features a number of terrific cameos and roles, including Brooke Shields as Sutherland's snooty, blissfully ignorant wife.

Fans of offbeat movies in general might really love "Freeway", while others should probably approach it with a strong stomach.
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Dark, disgusting and utterly wonderful.
hitchcockthelegend11 November 2010
Freeway is written and directed by Matthew Bright. It stars Reese Witherspoon, Kiefer Sutherland, Dan Hedaya, Wolfgang Bodison, Brooke Shields & Brittany Murphy. Plot is darkly based around the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale and sees young runaway Vanessa Lutz (Witherspoon) hit the road after her parents are arrested. Setting off to visit her grandmother she agrees to a lift from the kind and well spoken Bob Wolverton (Sutherland), only to find that he's not as nice as she first thought. He in turn is in for a big surprise himself since Vanessa is more than capable of looking after herself.

Twisted and richly humorous, Matthew Bright's movie oozes originality and quite frankly deserves to be better appreciated: never mind better known! Going into it for a first time completely oblivious to its structure will arguably aid the experience. Suffice to say that the less known about it prior to viewing it the better. All I have to say is that it's violent, sweary and contains very sexually explicit dialogue, so if those things are likely to offend then perhaps stay away from it. But what if I offer up that those things are dealt with a satirical bent? That the tough scenes, and some of them are very tough, are basis to a caustic narrative about social hypocrisy and the often stupidity of the law? Interested? You should be, because once viewed you're unlikely to forget it. It's no surprise to see Oliver Stone's name etched onto the production credits, since this very much feels like a dirty second cousin to his Natural Born Killers. I'd argue that here we have the better acted film with Witherspoon and Sutherland giving virtuoso performances: with admirable support coming from the likes of Bodison, Shields and Murphy.

One of the most undervalued film's of the 90s? You bet it is! 8.5/10
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This is still one of Reese's best roles ever, and not a dull moment ever . . .
charles0006 April 2012
I know, it may seem ridiculous to some, but actually, even after all these years (now well into 2012), this is still a film to watch, and no one could have delivered the key role more perfectly than Reese Witherspoon. She is simply spectacularly spot on with her characterization of the theme and culture that is her character here.

The story is a bit hard edged for some, but sadly, not entirely outside the realms of reality in the current world.

Do characters like hers in this film really exist as portrayed? Absolutely yes. Do characters like that portrayed by Sutherland, the predatory pedophile sociopath who appears to be so acceptably "normal" to the outside world? Absolutely yes, as recent history has shown only too clearly.

On the surface this may have appeared to be a sort of whacky, creepy crime thriller, but actually, if one actually takes the time to watch this film, there is much more to this than the ad copy may have suggested at the time.

It is still currently viable, to this very day . . . has stood the test of time.

And it is absolutely one of Reese's best ever performances.

Sadly, her more recent work has sort of flattened out into much less risky, complex roles, but hey, a great actress she is.
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That's not all I did to grandma.
film-critic4 October 2004
While watching this film I was disgusted, disturbed, and horrified while all the while LOVING THIS FILM. Living in a house where fairy tale literature is commonplace (my wife studies Children's Literature), I was surprised by this film. Seeing it in the value bin at most video stores, I expected poor production, horrible direction, and a pathetic cast. We have all seen these films that boast big names, but somehow never fully follow through. Freeway is nothing of the kind. It is a carefully written and delivered retelling of one of our most beloved fairy tales with a extremely dark twist.

Reece Witherspoon (pre-Legally Blonde) gives a performance that surprised me. I did not realize that she was so capable of bringing this character to life. Her counterpart, the illustrious 'Wolf', played by 80s child Keifer Sutherland, is yet another powerful force in this film. The two of them nearly carry this film on their shoulders. This is one of those perfect examples of a film that did not have much publicity after its release, but has since then obtained 'cult' status through avid viewer's word of mouth. This is definitely a film for all movie critics, film buffs, and fanatics to gaze at just once. I know there were some poor reviews when it was first released, but I am sure that a second viewing would bring this gem back to life.

I would also like to add that director Matthew Bright is a film genius. He successfully took a very wholesome and good natured story (or that we think) and transforms it into the fearsome dark story that it should be. Our society has the consistency of taking dark elements and transforming them into stories for our children. A wolf eats a grandmother in this story … how happy and uplifting is that? I applaud Bright for taking this story and transforming it into a modern day fairy tale. It is gripping, fascinating, and downright beautiful.

If you enjoyed Natural Born Killers and was hoping for a nicer twist, this film is your answer. I also suggest that if you couldn't get enough of Freeway that you try to get your hands on the very rare Freeway 2: Confessions of a Trickbaby. See how Bright delicately transforms yet another dark fairy tale (Hansel and Gretel) into a modern masterpiece.

Grade: ***** out of *****
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I don't think this is how The Brothers Grimm envisioned Little Red Riding Hood...
The_Void31 May 2006
Based on the classic Grimm Brothers tale, Little Red Riding Hood; Freeway is the disjointed and frankly weird odyssey following a young girl on the way to her grandmother's home. The film begins much like any other hitchhiking film, with a young girl being picked up by a slightly sinister driver. However, you won't be able to predict where it's going to go from there, as Freeway continually puts its characters in absurd situations and delivers the unexpected. The plot doesn't exactly adhere to the story of Little Red Riding Hood, and after the basics have been laid down, it's basically anyone's game right down to the gripping and hilarious climax. The film sees Reese Witherspoon's juvenile delinquent being picked up by Kiefer Sutherland's child psychologist after fleeing from her home when her mother and step father are arrested. After telling the psychologist of her relationship with her step father, she soon realises that he's enjoying what she's saying a little too much; and it's not long before she asks him if he's the infamous I-5 killer, and he doesn't do anything to convince her he's not...

Freeway doesn't introduce any characters that are particularly likable, and all are guilty to a degree. Most audience members will be on the side of Witherspoon's character, as although she certainly has personality problems, she's great fun to watch and her twisted logic isn't usually far from being spot on! Witherspoon got one of her best roles in this film, and really does carry it despite her young age. Kiefer Sutherland stars alongside her, and it's rather odd seeing him in the psycho role after getting so used to him being Jack Bauer in 24. He does do it great, however. Perhaps the best thing about this film is the pitch black humour that goes hand in hand brilliantly with the absurdity of the piece. The plot is really freewheeling, and the film jumps from road thriller to prison drama to the court room in the blink of an eye, and this helps to ensure that the audience is always kept on their toes. This film won't appeal to people that don't like their movies to be pitch black and unpleasant, but anyone who enjoys a good does of absurdity shouldn't hesitate to track this film down!
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Before Legally Blonde, this was Witherspoon's greatest role hands down.
LordCommandar9 February 2020
In my opinion, this was hands downs Reese Witherspoon's best role before Legally Blonde. I wished she played more roles like this, (urban, raunchy, touch, the trailer pk side wasn't bad at all neither). After watching this, You can see she has been hollyweird whitewashed (the only way to get an academy award) now. But this role in Freeway truly tells me that she has depth of character for the film industry. This is one of my oldies but goodies I've seen now more than ten times already. Hey Reese, can you bless with a role like this again? No harm in asking.
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I was lucky to find this one! Thanks IMDB.
mgarland22 February 2004
I remembered Kiefer Sutherland played a psychotic killer....and IMDB lead me right to this one. I had seen bits and pieces of this movie on cable and couldn't believe how good it was, but back in those days we didn't have "channel info". This movie is wickedly funny, and Reese Witherspoon plays the most hilarious, bad-girl, tough trailer trash role I've ever seen and plays it fantastically. The slutty makeup and outfits she wears as well as the endless stream of profanity she swears are definitely a lot different than her "modern day" good girl roles she seems stuck in now. This movie is funnier than you can possibly imagine, as things keep happening that just blow you away or shock the pants off you and no main character is what they seem to be at first. Definitely unpredictable, this dark comedy is a rare lost gem I was glad to find again.
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Wtf riding hood
ambros-710-4609878 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has a huge weirdness bar. First, the acting is average at best, nothing to be proud of for Witherspoon and Sutherland. But it is worth to watch, the psychotic twists and the exponential uprising illogical comedy feel like a mix of Trainspotting and a trashy Bud Spencer movie.

Driving a Ferrari through a gooey Hamsterwheel.

A trippy and satiric fairytale of white trash, racism, stupidity, feminism and advanced violence.

The start of the film shows the way. "What does the cat do?" I always hat to ask myself if the parents of Vanessa are on meth or somehow I consumed absolutely unhealthy substances.
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A Funny and Poignant Story Under a Gritty Exterior
lotus4931 October 1998
This film is somewhat deceptive, in that the characters seem so outwardly stereotypical of the kind of the sub class of the under-educated, drug or sex addled teenagers and the people who prey on them, which makers of slasher films have doled out in the last couple of decades. But Witherspoon brings a fighting charm to the lead character, Venessa Lutz, who has just about everything bad thrown at her that a young person can have thrown at them while growing up. She survives and prevails with grittiness, will and humor. As far from an angel as you can get she becomes vigilante and enforcer of her own brand of justice to a particularly malevolent form of evil visited on by Bob Wolverton (Kiefer Sutherland) and an uncaring and unbelieving law enforcement system. It's really a small classic and should be viewed without any predjudice of youth crime. It then becomes an eloquent statement for better and more rational treatment of young offenders.
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Reese Witherspoon did well here.
lee_eisenberg28 July 2005
"Freeway" was one of those movies that we happened to come across, and it turned out to be fairly interesting. We had seen Reese Witherspoon in "A Far Off Place" a few years earlier, but "Freeway" was the movie that really introduced us to her. She plays Vanessa Lutz, a teenage girl who runs away from home and gets picked up by a man named Bob Wolverton (Kiefer Sutherland), only to find out something very unpleasant that leads to a most unusual series of events.

For the most part, you might call this one of those quirky movies that pops up every once in a while. If it has any greater meaning, I guess that it's sort of saying that no matter where we go, there are some things that we just can't escape.
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Camp? This is just horrible farce!
tangerinesky12 July 2006
Okay, I was ready to buy into an updated Little Red Riding Hood, even after they arrested her Mom for prostitution just outside their "home" and hauled away her step dad for sexually abusing her. So you would think Red this would be streetwise and clever because of this, not a stark raving lunatic who nearly kills a prison mate. Sure the scenes with Kiefer in the car are humorous, but that's all ruined when they turned him into a cartoon figure as well. They're excessive anger was needless and spoiled what should have been a clever movie. And what was up with the black detective getting turned on by Red's criminal past, and why was she now okay because she dated a brother from the 'hood???? I suggest follow the detour signs and avoid this piece of crap at all costs.
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Extreme but fascinating
preppy-329 May 2003
Teenaged Vanessa Lutz (Reese Witherspoon) is illiterate and has a VIOLENT temper. Her prostitute mother has just been jailed so she tries to get to her grandmother. She's picked up by Bob Wolveton (Kiefer Sutherland) who might be a mass murderer...

Film begins and ends like a very perverse version of "Little Red Riding Hood". The middle has Witherspoon trying to get to her grandmothers. The film is VERY VERY violent with virtual non-stop swearing and plenty of sexual talk thrown in. How it got by with an R rating is beyond me. Still, I love it. What the point of this is I don't know, but it's unlike any other film I've ever seen. It's not afraid to push over the limit of good taste and is never dull. Also the acting is just great. Witherspoon attacks her role full force and is just astounding. Sutherland is equally good as the wolf (Wolveton--get it?) and the supporting cast is full of talented actors (Amanda Plummer, Michael T. Weiss, Dan Hedaya) all doing great.

An undiscovered little gem. But be warned--the violence and language is more than a little extreme. NOT for the squeamish.
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Well acted, but a cruel and nasty rewrite of Little Red Riding Hood
Pedro_H5 November 2005
A very disadvantaged teenager (Reese Witherspoon) is about to get taken in to care so decides to make a run for grannies house. Clearly and explicitly a rewrite of Little Red Riding Hood although it has more to do with Natural Born Killers or Pulp Fiction than anything read to small children.

There are movies in America that seem to take the view that killing is not killing, guns are not guns and death is death. This a perfect example. While set in the "real world" so much bad happens with such regularity that you know that you are living in pulp fiction (small case) city.

Indeed the over-the-top regularity of bad things happening leads many to read this as a black comedy. This is surely a mistake as black comedy comes from irony or the unknowing. One human being shooting another (very much wishing them to be dead) is not black comedy.

While many bad things happen, the movie isn't clever enough to only let bad things happen to those that really deserve it. Many lines/scenes seem to designed to shock and titillate - including child sex or at least descriptions of it.

Like Tarantino director Matthew Bright forgets that less is sometimes more, and the threat of stepping over the line can be as dramatic as actually doing so. Sadly the director/writer Matthew Bright thinks that the drama only occurs if threat is then turned in to action.

Although it does know a thing about having your cake and eating it to. Especially in the scenes between the fleeing Witherspoon and the creepy Kieifer Sutherland.

What prevents this film from falling apart totally is the acting. Witherspoon is a total revelation in the lead role in that we normally see her as a sweet girl. Here her tiny face and pout are much more deadly -- indeed what we have here is bordering on the psychopathic.

While many might read my comments as indicating that I didn't like the film it has its black charms and is very watchable. It is actually a product of what I call "the new wild west" -- movies in which characters crash about the place doing whatever they like and march to the beat of their own drum.

Funny to some -- on a movie screen -- they are never funny in real life.
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Dreadfully Bad!
peacham13 May 2002
I saw this film late at night on HBO. This was one of the most dreadful films I have seen! Even for a so-called parody this film is terrible. Extremely poor performances,a script as improbable and tactless as they come, and violence with no reason.Reese Witherspoon is so laughably bad,the accent,the mannerisims and her lack of emotin when a certain relative turns up dead all contributed to my annoyance. Sutherland,Plummer and Hedaya all give the worst performances of their careers as well. Skip this film and have a labotomy instead!
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How did I ever miss this movie before
tigoe31 December 2002
Although it started out slow, it really picked up the pace when Vanessa gets into Bob's SUV type vehicle. As the movie went on, it easily turned out to be one of the best movies I've seen in years. Dark, gory and still full of laughs in a twisted way. How Reese Witherspoon didn't win an Academy Award for this is a mystery. I have found new respect for Reese and glad to know she isn't all about fluff movies catering to woman (i.e., "Sweet Home Alabama"). I hope Reese digs into the grittier side of life again and does another movie of the "Freeway" caliber and leave her mantle of "the next Meg Ryan" at home!

Way to go Reese, this movie is definitely worth owning!
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Reese Witherspoon is Wonderful
guy_lazarus21 February 2001
There's one reason to see this film -- to see Reese Witherspoon's delightful comic performance. The film is a good black comedy that I would recomend to anyone, particular anyone cynical, but Reese's performance makes the film. As she's shown in "Election," she is an extremely talented comedienne. She creates caricatures, yes, but what caricatures! Her line readings are just so awesome at times!

Once I got over the grotesqueness of a black comedy about a serial killer preying on women and got into the swing of things (because of Reese and her terric performance), I just laughed and laughed. I want to see more Reese films!
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this movie is lame
corona-57 January 2005
I know everyone loves Reese Witherspoon but she is by far the most interesting thing about this film, which is dull, violent and uninventive, and even her one trick pony gets old after a while. I don't mind being made uncomfortable by a film but I expect something, anything, in return. This film is a complete cliché, and I've seen Kiefer Sutherland play a crazed rapist one too many times now. I love cult movies but this is the lamest and most contrived excuse for a cult film I have seen in a while. Go rent a John Waters movie.

I was satisfied with the brevity of this comment, but unfortunately it was not long enough. Now it is.

If only the movie makers had had the same discipline.
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yossarian10011 February 2004
Move over, Pulp Fiction. Freeway is totally outrageous, over the top hilarious, yet it all somehow has the ring of either truth or understanding or both. The performance delivered by Reese Witherspoon was not only great, it was startlingly great and the best thing I've seen her do. Each turn in the story hit me like a slap in the face, each new character was like a gift, but Reese Witherspoon playing the queen of trailer park trash was done like a symphony. Fantastic!
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Eight years later, Freeway still shocks!
gregsrants31 March 2004
You ever recommend a film to a friend only to have the relationship strained after they take you up on your advice and spend their hard earned monies watching a film that they end up describing as ‘terrible', ‘awful' and ‘tormenting'?

This was the case when I recommended 1996's Freeway to a friend. Now granted, I had not seen the film in eight years, but I had fond memories and I could even remember the Roger Ebert/Gene Siskel show giving the film a recommendation back when movie reviews actually meant something. So it was therefore without fear that I challenged my friend (let's call him ‘Jim' to protect the guilty) to rent Freeway after we discussed one day how much we enjoyed films that were two blocks away from norm.

Three days later, there was a threatening phone call and a doll looking very much like me with a pin in its back hanging from my mailbox. I knew at that moment, that maybe I had made a mistake, and I purchased Freeway at the local DVD Warehouse to reacquaint myself with what has now become a friendship speed bump.

Freeway stars Reese Witherspoon and Keifer Sutherland in an updated version of the Little Red Riding Hood tale. Reese plays Vanessa Lutz, a young misguided teenager who sets out to meet her grandmother after police bust her mother and stepfather for drug possession and soliciting. While on the run from social services, Vanessa meets Bob Wolverton (Sutherland) who offers her a lift after her can breaks down on the high way.

Bob comes across as a sweet guy. A counselor for boys who offers sound advice and really seems to care. But as we all know in Hollywood, that is too good to be true. Just when Bob seems to gain the trust of Vanessa, he becomes increasingly agitated and violent. Vanessa relies on instinct and reaches for a gun given to her by her fiancé and shoots Bob. Four times.

As Vanessa goes to juvenile hall awaiting a trial, she finds out that Bob didn't die. Bob made his way to a local hospital and although saved from the big cloud in the sky, Bob is a hideous self with a deformed face and electronic voice box.

The movie then follows Vanessa as she violently escapes from jail and runs to her grandmother's house where Bob is in hiding a la the fairy tale. So with the police in hot pursuit it becomes a cat and mouse game that explodes with gunfire at a nearby trailer park.

So the movie was over, and quite frankly, I liked it even more the second time. The violence was ever present and the language (the movie was originally NC-17 due to it's explicit dialogue) was like a power drill to the forehead. No cuss word was left out. From A to Z, Reese Witherspoon spoke more profanity than in the rest of her filmography combined.

Upon my second viewing, I wondered if Reese Witherspoon has ever been challenged as much as writer/director Matthew Bright pushed her here. She ends up pulling off someone who can be very kind hearted, yet has a temper this side of Hannibal Lector. Kudos also to Keifer Sutherland who is no stranger to playing the weird unlikable characters. In Bob Wolverton, he gives us a creature that is so heinous and hideous that you will add this to your memory banks along with The Lost Boys and Stand By Me, whenever someone mentions his name.

I was also reintroduced to actors that I had forgotten contributed to the greatness of this independent. Dan Hedaya (Cheers), Amanda Plumber (Pulp Fiction), Brittany Murphy (Don't Say A Word) and Brooke Shields are just some of the talent that cross our viewing paths throughout this odyssey.

So now that it was over, I wondered where I lost Jim on the road to acceptance. Was it the time the teenager was describing in detail having oral sex with her stepfather? Was it the scene when Bob tells her he is going to have sex with her after he kills her? Maybe it was when Vanessa walks into a local diner covered in Bob's blood or we first see Bob after his attack with one eye gone and his head stuck between four spikes resting on his shoulders. Who knows? All I can write is that after viewing Freeway eight years later, I offer no apologies. The movie is brisk, violent and profane. I liken it to a Tarantino wet dream, and I would recommend it again no matter what the cost.

P.S. Jim, call me.
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One of my favorite films of all time.
stanquinn-52-78994214 August 2012
An absolutely brilliant film in so many different respects. At it's most basic it's a modern take on Robin Hood, but it can be enjoyed on many different levels. There are several just plain brilliant performances. This is first film that I watched Reece Witherspoon in that really showed me her depth and stretched her ability as an actress, and she was only 18 years old! She's strong, powerful, empathetic and like-able as the wayward teen looking for her grandmother. Keifer Sutherland also has a strong role, with some of my other favorite performances being from Britany Murphy as a completely transformed and nearly unrecognizable pyromaniac lesbian delinquent. Another great performance is Michael T. Weiss (from the TV series Pretender) as a complete crack-head, and Brook Shields as the wife of Keifer Sutherland's character. This is not a film for children, despite it being based on a children's tale, but if you approach it with an open mind I think you'll really enjoy it.
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Good movie, but metaphor made me feel like an IDIOT!
mark-4477 June 2002
Okay, late, Late, LATE last night, I noticed that the movie "Freeway" was on, and, as I recall, I'd been told that it was really good and that I needed to watch it. So I did.

It was really good, I definitely liked it. Although, I think it should win some kind of award for WORST NAMED movie EVER! Even though I'm a HUGE Reese fan, I've always avoided that movie, because I thought it was one of those made for tv movies where they somehow stretch out an eight car pile up into a 2 hour movie.

Now the embarrassing part...but in all fairness to me, it was LATE and I was TIRED!

When the movie first started, and they showed the titles over all the cartoons of sexpot red riding hoods being chased by big bad wolves, I thought to myself, "These are the dumbest credits EVER." UNFORTUNATELY, I did not realize the movie was a metaphor for the fairy tale, until the VERY end, when Reese walks into the trailer park and shouts "Grandma, it's me, I'm here!." Yes, I admit it. I'm an idiot. But I was VERY tired!!!!

Did the fact that the cartoon titles say "little red riding hood!" tell me anything? No. Did the fact that she was going to visit her grandma tell me anything? No. Did the fact that she grabbed a wicker basket to put a few thing in it for her trip tell me anything? No. Did the fact that the psycho killers name was "Bob Wolverton" tell me anything? NO! Did the fact, that the REAL name of the guy that played Detective Mike Breer was "Wolfgang Bodison" tell me anything? N--well, THAT might have just been a coincidence. Now the only part I DON'T feel bad about was the part that the "fiance" was named "Chopper Wood," although HAD I realized the whole metaphor thing, I might have appreciated even that part a bit.

ANYWAY, that's my embarrassing confession.

Watch the movie, you'll enjoy it.
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Subversive satire or just a nihilistic piece of junk?
gridoon9 May 2003
If you're in the mood for a totally cynical, nihilistic, immoral and unredeeming film, then "Freeway" is right up your alley. Matthew Bright was apparently trying to emulate the success of Tarantino's first two films, but even, say, some of the vicious criminals of "Reservoir Dogs" had a sense of morality and a trace of humanity - "Freeway" has none. It also has no point. All the characters are unappealing, and Reese Witherspoon, so believable and natural in the same year's "Fear", doesn't have it in her to play a tough girl; she POSES gamely in the role, to be sure, but it's only posing, not acting, and there are times, such as the scene in the car where she's holding a gun and making "mean" faces, when she's excruciatingly unconvincing. (*1/2)
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Three cheers for Reese Witherspoon.
PWNYCNY14 February 2010
Great movie, easily one of Reese Witherspoon's best performances. The main character of this story is sassy without being obnoxious, smart without being overly booked learned, and likable, even though she does bad things. Kiefer Sutherland gives an amazing performance as a serial killer who becomes a victim and is even lauded as a hero. The story has a biting edge to it but without losing its strength as a satire. The main character, Vanessa, is wonderfully portrayed as both a perpetrator and victim. It is the duality of this character that makes this movie especially interesting. She is bad but also nice; she is nasty but also vulnerable. Three cheers for Reese Witherspoon. This movie succeeds as a parity of action movies and a strong dramatization of the degenerate side of modern society.
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Interestingly unique
SandboxFun26 December 2002
I've just finished watching this movie and I must say I am very surprised at it. It's one of those movies which some people will love and others will hate, but I personally really enjoyed it. It's not your typical easy to watch film, and has some very dramatic scenes. Sometimes I couldn't tell whether it was supposed to be serious or funny. On the whole though I enjoyed watching it and found it rather entertaining. It gets a 7/10 in my book ;)
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Why did I waste MY time?
sunflowr26 January 2000
Chalk it up to one of those latenight guilty pleasures..

I caught this movie just after it began. I spent the next 2 hours trying to figure out if this was a "serious" movie or a parody.

1) I can't believe the acting was so bad. Reese was great. But everyone else...I'm so embarrassed for them! The Mother (didn't recognize her, so she shouldn't be embarrassed, I guess). Kiefer Sutherland -- who I once thought (guess we all did) that he was brilliant in Lost Boys & other movies from years ago, is now doing SUCH a cheesy movie? How could he stoop so low? Who talked him into this script!? Brooke Shields?! I've never seen her look so bad! At first, couldn't figure out if it was her or an actress who looked a lot like her, because she looked HORRIBLE! Her outfits made her look dowdy, her facial expressions...geez, she didn't look enough like the anal wife she was supposed to portray.

2) My high school students could write a better script than that! PULEEZE! An illiterate girl who "discovers herself" so poetically?! I think not! I was laughing during that car scene w/ Bob. No illiterate girl would use words like that and not be able to read "The cat drinks milk." By the way, how was she able to read the menu in the restaurant w/ Bob? Trust me, if a kid can't read a sentence like that, they will struggle over a menu -- noticeably.

I found nothing redeeming in this movie. I still can't figure out if it was supposed to be a parody or not. Please tell me it is..
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