Ravenous (1999) Poster


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Delicious horror film.
HumanoidOfFlesh30 November 2003
Antonia Bird's "Ravenous" is one of the finest low-budget horror movies of recent years.It's a brilliant mix of cannibalism,gruesome gore,sly black humour and quasi-philosophy.The script by Ted Griffin is absolutely stupendous.It's an irresistible blend of Native American legend(you absorb the strength or spirit of who you eat),the Donner tragedy,and the story of Sawney Bean.Bean with his wife and his numerous offspring,dwelt in a cave in Galloway,Scotland,during the sixteenth century.The family cave was close to the sea and they lived by highway robbery:ambushing,killing and then eating passers-by.Any parts of the body which they were not able to eat once were pickled in brine or hung in their cave.Over a period of twenty-five years it was proved that Bean and his family were estimated to have killed and eaten more than a thousand people.The acting is wonderful-Guy Pearce shines in a difficult role as a Lieutant John Boyd."Ravenous" was shot in the Czech Republic and Slovakia,and the landscape and climate is put to fantastic use.The score by Damon Albarn(of British band Blur)and Michael Nyman is very spooky and atmospheric.The film is loaded with brutal violence and gore,so if you're squeamish give it a miss.However if you're a horror fan with a taste for something dark and sinister,then you're in for a rare treat.Highly recommended.
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That rarest of Hollywood productions...
peterdavis6 November 2004
A genuinely unique little gem that seems quite un-Hollywoody.

A macabrely humorous horror-thriller with an odd mix of English/American/Australian character actors (all talented) who clearly relish their performances in this twisted little tale which is told on an epic canvas.

The film's score is a bizarre but perfect fit - adding another unusual character to the mix. A stroke of bold genius by Michael Nyman (the brilliant composer of "The Piano"). The score has been nominated for several awards.

Hard to imagine 20th Century Fox's reaction when they saw the final film and needed to market it... But there's plenty to enjoy here. 8 out of 10!
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I've a bone to pick with this film.
fostrhod31 January 2023
My favourite genre of movies, are westerns. Westerns come in all shapes and sizes, traditional American westerns depicting a lawless land in which the good guys eventually over come the bad guys. The stylised European "Spaghetti westerns" depicting a loveless land of cold killers and harsh landscape, and then there's the realist revisionist westerns which debunks all the previous heroic notions and portrays the west as it was, hard and brutal. Well this film falls outside of all those sun genre's of western in that it's a dark comedy horror western starring Robert Carlyle, whose idea of a meal isn't meat and two veg, but the carcass of the soldiers of a deserted fort. You know it's all tongue in cheek but you can't help but watch it, the music is great too, Damon Albarn and Michael Nyman produce a wonderful frightening and timeless score, featuring musicianship of the era. It's great and a film you can get your teeth into.
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a deliciously savage comedy
-74411 June 2001
Oh man, where do I begin with my inexplicable obsession with this movie? I think part of the reason I love `Ravenous' so much is that it often seems that no one else does; either due to not having seen it, or just not appreciating it. I admit, it's the kind of movie you're going to love or hate, either you get it or you don't. But I can remember seeing it in the theater the first time, and just not being able to believe that I was laughing at what I was laughing at. That's really the best way I can sum up my reaction to this film; there's a certain absurdity underlying all of its themes. It seems like the biggest confusion with people/critics and `Ravenous' is over whether or not it's intent is to be comic. Indeed the comic tone is established from the very beginning, from the opening quotes and first scene. To be sure, it is certainly dark, very very dark comedy, with an interesting mix of `cannibal/vampirism' (see Roger Ebert's review, the only one I've read that does Ravenous justice). However, director Antonia Bird does carry some more serious themes throughout Ravenous, but with a biting satirical edge-- she particularly seems to be commenting on American excessive consumption of all kinds, from meat-eating (and human-flesh eating in this case), to manifest destiny. Most powerful is the truthful notion that we all must "kill to live" in some way or another, and in our willingness or unwillingness to do so, we must differentiate between cowardice and morality. I'm just pounding the dark comedy thing into the ground though because I think that watching Ravenous, it is very important to keep in mind that principally it is supposed to be humorous, and yes, you are supposed to laugh at cannibalism believe it or not, because if you don't, you'll probably just find the film gory and disgusting.

Ravenous is carried by its bold, wacky, charismatic characters. Well, okay, the one exception here is Guy Pearce as central character Captain John Boyd, who is rather subdued in contrast to everyone else, quite intentionally so. Pearce does a very fine job making Boyd very quiet, introspective, and uncomfortable as he is sent to the wonderfully creepy and dysfunctional Fort Spencer, due to his discovered "cowardice" in war. Robert Carlysle is also excellent as the crazy Colqhoun/Ives. I liked the rest of the people at Fort Spencer, all eccentric in their own ways, although all may not last too long. It's nice to see Jeremy Davies as the adorable, religious Toffler, but Neal McDonough is the real stand out as the tough, super-hero like character of Reicht, `the soldier'; with his icy blue eyes and shocking white-blond hair he is the epitome of bravery and masculinity, and certainly forms a direct contrast to the sensitive, cautious, and all-too-human Boyd. Basically, the plot comes to revolve around an old Native American legend--the Wendigo myth–-which states when a man eats another man he takes on his strength and spirit. There are quite a few twists and turns and surprises in Ravenous that should be enough to hold any viewer's attention.

The soundtrack to this film is also quite striking and omnipresent; with original eerily beautiful orchestral tracks that add much of the atmosphere in every situation. Particularly beautiful is the simple, little ‘Boyd's theme', which is used throughout the film as Boyd journeys. The music adds not only to the eerieness of the film, but yes, even the humor. If there is any point at which I still had any kind of doubt about Ravenous being comical it was shattered in a scene where Boyd and Reicht go after the evil Ives, and I hear classic banjo `chase music' complete with yodelling; you just can't help but laugh and shake your head. And even though everyone else already has, I'll give another nod to the cinematography of the gorgeous yet bleak and dangerous icy mountain range.

Ravenous is classic for scenes of such absurd, dark humor in any situation, as when (in the same chase scene) Boyd leaps off a cliff to go tumbling down a hill and crashes into Reicht. Just when a moment is getting serious, it boldly will hit you with such a cartoonish image. Like i said, either you'll love it, or you just won't. It's hard to pinpoint exactly what it is about Ravenous that grabs me so much, but it is just a combination of everything. It's like no movie I've ever seen. It's smart, satirical, observant and insightful (watch for a nice use of Ben Franklin quotes), and yes, funny. While not for everyone, it surely has cult film potential written all over it.
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A story to chill the bones...
Coventry14 December 2003
I love cinema. I mean, I truly LOVE cinema but sometimes you have the face the fact that it can be a pretty hypocrite business from time to time. Especially since the last ten years, everybody complains that there aren't any good horror movies being made. Only uninspired Scream clones and rip-off's. But that is a lie !! There are good and original thriller being made but they just don't get many attention because they are "politically incorrect". Ravenous is a perfect example of this. Made in 1999 and it stars a few familiar faces but it went straight to video in my country and I never saw it advertised. That's a real shame because movies like this prove that there are still young directors active who're creative and talented. It's up to the fans to discover movies like this and ignore the overload of mainstream slashers.

Ravenous has a very solid plot. simple but effective and supported by terrific acting performances. It shows a few of the darkest aspects of the human mind and, personally, I'm really intrigued by that. Subjects like Cannibalism and ancient Indian mythes are fascinating and when they're placed in a historical setting ( Mexican-American was of 1850 ) it even becomes better. This results in Ravenous being a very atmospheric and tense movie experience that you won't forget easily. The tension is built up slowly ( a bit too slow at first ) and the atmosphere of the cold and lonely Sierra Nevada is being portrayed very well. Guy Pierce is a great choice to play Captain John Boyd. His character is a cowardly figure with a complete lack of authority. He has to go through a battle himself and he's very messed up. The shows is obviously stolen by Robert Carlyle who is used to working with director Antonia Bird. His character is demonic and - duh - ravenous. A terrific performance and Carlyle manages to play his character with a lot of black humor and satanic charisma. David Arquette's role is pretty useless but it was great to see Jeffrey Jones again. Jones is a very decent actor and - even though he's frequently cast by Tim Burton - he's often overlooked and ignored. Ravenous is beautifully shot and some of the effects and make-up is pretty gruesome and explicit. But it isn't just mindless gore and violence so no complaints there. In fact, no complaints at all....Ravenous is a breath-taking movie from beginning till end and a must for anyone who believes that the genre of horror is dead.
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Great start
beav-75 November 1999
Great start but 2nd half is muddled at best... What was an interesting beginning with decen character development becomes a silly mish-mash... Robert Carlyle is almost wasted with a 2-D "psycho" character, Pearce sleepwalks through his performance, David Arquette is on hand for his irrelevance and poor jeffrey jones has to carry what he can (and a great job he does too)... Worth seeing for Jones, beautiful scenery a good start and that is about it...
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So Much More Than Cannibalism
James Kosub12 July 2000
If someone were to ask what Ravenous is all about, the easiest thing to say would be: `It's about cannibalism in a remote Army outpost in the 1800s.' That's exactly right, and that's probably what kept audience members away from Ravenous when it briefly ran in theaters back in 1999. Cannibalism? Who needs to watch that? Indeed.

Yes, there is cannibalism in Ravenous. Quite a lot of it, in fact. The film is steeped in murder, the eating of human flesh, and is flavored with madness. At times the film can be downright difficult to watch, though the compelling nature of the narrative keeps the viewer's eyes locked on the screen for the full ninety-eight minutes.

Ravenous is so much more than a meditation on people eating other people, though it's obvious there was a great deal of confusion about how exactly to present this dish to the public. Its plot is fairly simple for the first half: Mexican War hero (and hidden coward) Lt. Boyd, played by LA Confidential's Guy Pearce, is assigned to an end-of-the-Earth fortress in the western Sierra Nevadas. This fort, populated over the winter by a tiny handful of misfit officers and enlisted men, receives a visitor in the person of a starving man with an awful story of a failed mountain crossing that eclipses the Donner Party's. What happens then is so twisted, but skillfully crafted, that it would be criminal to spoil what transpires.

But Ravenous is not just a horror story. What lies at its heart is an allegory about man's relationship to other men and how society structures itself around the powerful and the powerless. Issues such as the morality of Manifest Destiny and even the ethics of simple meat eating are touched upon. Guy Pearce gives an underplayed performance so low-key that he almost vanishes into the film stock, while co-star Robert Carlyle (most recently in The World is Not Enough) plays opposite him with delightful nuance. The material even brings deeply textured work out of Tim Burton stalwart Jeffrey Jones as the commander of the fort, and scattered around these three are solid supporting actors like Jeremy Davies, who's much better here than he was in Saving Private Ryan, and David Arquette.

If anything works against Ravenous at all, it's the curious inclusion of humor at the outset of the picture. Director Antonia Bird, who also made Priest and Safe, is not known for her lighter side, which makes the appearance of a goofy epigram at the very start of the picture, and the use of some bizarrely inappropriate music during a later sequence, seem more like some producer's half-hearted attempt to blunt the sharp edge of the film's commentary with silliness.

Luckily for the viewer and the film, however, Ravenous is far too powerful a motion picture to be undercut in this fashion. By the time the final reel has passed, any memory of earlier missteps is forgotten as the pace grows more deliberate and the action becomes bloodier and bloodier up until the final moments.

Unjustly neglected on the screen, Ravenous is a film with a great deal to say. It's only too bad that cannibalism was the best way to say it.
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Not again.........
TacticalGear31 March 2000
Well...... Sorry but this film I found particularly typical and uninteresting. I have seen a fair share of gore films but this one really takes it. Although it gives excellent suspense, it is so typical gore with a slight lack of storyline. For instance the constant flashes between the film and blood-dripping bodies. It has been done before and better.
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Not only underrated, completely misunderstood
Chancery_Stone30 March 2001
I don't know whether the previous comments on this film show how badly the film was marketed (I never saw any advertising for it) or whether they're a terrible condemnation of just how tunnel-visioned people can be. This is only a horror film in the sense that Macbeth is or The Godfather. It's about the horror of monstrosity, particularly the monstrosity inside ourselves. It's not about cannibalism, nor is it a black comedy. It has those things in it, but they are not it's raison d'etre. It's about the horror of war, conquest, taking things which don't belong to you with the sole justification that that's how you get ahead in life. You have what the other man has literally by consuming it. The hero of this film is branded a coward when really all he's done is preserved himself from the madness going on around him, a fight in which he has no part, just like this one. And yet, I see reviewers here referring to his 'cowardice' as a given. They haven't even got to first base about questioning whether he might not actually be a coward in the first place. It looks like everybody's checked their brains in at the door with this one. I'm glad I never directed this movie, it would be soul-destroying to be this misunderstood. It's a great movie. Savage, brutal,poetic. You watch the whole thing with your mouth hanging open in sheer disbelief. It's a feast for the eyes and ears and has one of the most fey, eerie qualities I've ever seen in a film. It's a masterpiece and I would urge anyone out there who can leave their preconceptions and genre expectations at home to see it. Give yourself a treat - be amazed.
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If you can stomach the first half, the second half becomes interesting.
normad-22 March 1999
I'm somewhat amazed by the review by James Berardinelli (and who is that guy, by the way). RAVENOUS is hardly a run-of-the-genre horror movie, although it is definitely horrific in the fullest sense of the word. If you can stay in your seat through the gratuitously gory first half (well, actually, the whole thing's gratuitously gory, but you become desensitized to it after a while), you find yourself having been set up for a fairly interesting meditation on ethics, on where my right to survive runs up against your right to survive, and ultimately on the nature of evil.

The movie occasionally becomes a bit knee-jerk leftist; there's a scene in which a U.S. flag, as the emblem of Manifest Destiny and Bad Things in General, flies prominently in the center of the screen throughout the dialogue -- a little ham-handed, especially given that Bird's a Brit, if I'm not mistaken. What do you think was going on in India at the time, Antonia, social work? Still, it's refreshing to see such things being grappled with, at least. Let's put it this way: it comes as no surprise to find out that Bird's a vegetarian.

Robert Carlyle is a force of nature, Guy Pearce is adequate but could have been more interesting, Jeffrey Jones is brilliant as always, I like David Arquette, I can't help it, and there you are.
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I Can`t Believe The High Ratings For This
Theo Robertson20 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I missed the first few minutes of RAVENOUS which worried me that I might have had my enjoyment of the movie spoiled . Alas if I catched the opening it wouldn`t have made any difference whatsoever since this is a totally confused movie that changes mood from scene to scene and has a very underdeveloped script

!!!!! SPOILERS !!!!!

Take the scene where the army patrol take Colquhoun to the cave . Colquhoun then stabs the army officer to death and then takes his gun and shoots the Indian scout dead - All in front of an armed soldier ! Why didn`t the soldier blow Colquhouns head off ? That`s because he`s seemingly aware of the fact Colquhoun can`t die . In other words the characters are aware of what the screenwriter knows , a major fundamental fault when writing a script . There is a major plot twist later in the film when Colquoun reappears back at the army fort under the name of Ives , an American army officer but this seems to have been written into the screenplay only as a major plot twist . Think about it for a moment . Doesn`t it start to fall apart when you think about it ?

As for the myths of cannabilism , my ancestors the Picts believed if they ate the hearts and brains of their enemies they would assimilate the knowledge and courage of their dead foes as did many primative tribes but that`s all they were - myths and legends , there`s no scientific basis for this theory but the screenplay here does believe that if you go about eating fellow human beings you will become immortal . I know it`s only a film but this takes fantasy too far

Director Antonia Bird is every bit as guilty for this farce as screenwriter Ted Griffin . As said the mood seems to change from scene to scene and much of this is down to the soundtrack . I did enjoy the Britpop soundtrack to her earlier FACE but here the technobeat score is both annoying and anachronistic . Worse than that she fails to get a decent performance out of Robert Carlyle . Watch the scene where the soldiers enter the cave and Colquhoun suddenly gives a Leo Sayer impersonation . A totally silly and ridiculous performance from one of Scotland`s favourite sons who is usually excellent in everything he does . Bird also makes a cock up with the final sequences . First of all an army officer returns to the fort and tries the stew which the audience knows fine well is composed of human meat . Just so the director makes sure we get it the stew contains massive bones . We don`t everything pointed out to us thank you . As for the climax of the good guy and bad guy fighting it out it resembles STRAW DOGS meets a Tom & Jerry cartoon . I don`t think even the screenwriter envisaged such an OTT ending

RAVENOUS flopped at the cinema and I noticed it was also difficult to find on video . After seeing the film I`m actually suprised it went beyond script stage
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Beyond critisism
barracud425 November 2003
Ravenous is not good or bad, horror, thiller or comedy. Ravenous IS. Much like fake alien fossils, it cannot be categorized using standard tools and formats. In this sence it very much reminds me of Starship Troopers, which was an equally weird experience from a rating perspective.

Don't rent Ravenous if you like movies that are nicely tied together at the end. Rent it if you want to see a movie that you won't forget. Good or bad.
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Worst movie ever
moopetal21 June 2014
Terrible over the top acting, Terrible editing, Terrible music .. oh my god the music is just so bad .. let's just pick one bar of music and play it over and over and over again and call it a soundtrack .. and what the heck is with the piercing organ type sound in the music, that's not an instrument, it's a cat being slaughtered, I feel bad for Guy Pierce having to be in it. The story line was just, just bad. It makes me angry that someone gives these people good money to make a movie and you can see that there is a lot of money going into sets, lighting, props and costumes and then you end up with this pathetic movie. How does that even happen. It's almost like they had to intentionally make a bad movie just to annoy their high school movie teacher who told them they would never amount to anything .. I think you should have listened.
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A highly entertaining and original blend of horror and black comedy.
Infofreak26 June 2003
'Ravenous' is a highly entertaining and original blend of horror and black comedy. Apparently it had troubled beginnings with the original director being fired and Antonia Bird coming in as a last minute replacement at the behest of co-star Robert Carlyle ('Trainspotting') who had previously worked with her on 'Priest', a more different movie than this you couldn't imagine! Anyway, Bird triumphed and ended up with an excellent movie. David Arquette and Jeremy Davies are two actors I have little time for but they didn't have much on screen time and didn't detract from the great performances by Carlyle and 'Memento's Guy Pearce, who really sold the movie to me. I also really liked the role played by Tim Burton regular Jeffrey Jones. I enjoyed the work of all three actors, the unpredictable script, the inventive direction, and the unusual score by Peter Greenaway regular Michael Nyman and Blur's Damon Albarn, which reminded me at times of cult favourites Penguin Cafe Orchestra. 'Ravenous' isn't the greatest movie I've ever seen but I have enjoyed it all three times I've watched it and that's a lot more than I can say about most movies around these days. It's wicked fun with very clever touches of black comedy, and I highly recommend it.
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Great little historical horror
mitchell-nickolson14 July 2020
Guy Pearce does a wonderful job, I really enjoyed the inclusion of the wendigo mythology. Definitely worth the cost of admission.
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Disturbing Horror
SnoopyStyle9 January 2014
In 1847, Capt. John Boyd (Guy Pearce) is a reluctant hero in the Mexican-American War. His commander is forced to give him an award, but banishes him to remote outpost Fort Spencer in California. One night, Colqhoun (Robert Carlyle) stumbles into the fort and tells a tale of cannibalistic survival. The native guide in the fort calls it Weendigo.

It's a disturbing gritty muddy tale. It's a horror story like an old fashion Poe tale. It's not heart thumping scary. It's the subject that is disturbing. The biggest selling point is the great acting from Guy Pearce, Robert Carlyle, and Neal McDonough. They bring some terrific tension in this smaller film.

Antonia Bird isn't a natural horror director. She misses a few opportunities to ramp up the fear factor. This is most noticeable with the lack of an on-screen kill for Jeremy Davies. He is probably the first big kill, and she leaves it off-screen. This and other things show Bird's lack of horror skills.
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Gaggingly Amusing!
Gafke15 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Captain John Boyd (Guy Pearce) has just arrived at Fort Spencer, a "reward" of sorts for his display of cowardice during the Spanish-American war. The fort is manned by a drunk, a pothead, a Native American woman and her brother, a goofy young chaplain, a nonchalant Colonel and a half-crazed soldier named Reich. Shortly after Boyd's arrival, a frostbitten man appears one night out of the snowstorm and is taken in. After a quick and miraculous recovery, the man, a Scotsman name of Colqhoun, tells a harrowing tale. He and a party of five others had been stranded in a snow storm and took refuge in a cave. When their food ran out, they turned to cannibalism. Colquhoun claims to have escaped before he too could be eaten. The men of Fort Spencer quickly mobilize and, guided by Colqhoun, they head off to search for survivors. But, too late, they discover that there are no survivors. Colqhoun is a ravenous cannibal, and may possibly be a mythical beast called Wendigo. Only the cowardly Boyd survives the bloody ambush...but will he conquer the cannibal, or join him?

This is a bitterly black comedy, a weird combination of the Donner Party tragedy, the legend of Scottish cannibal Sawney Bean and the 1978 version of Dawn of the Dead with its comments on consumerism. This film did poorly at the box office due to bad advertising, which is a shame because it's a very well made, well acted and well scripted movie with a cleverly insane soundtrack to boot. Everyone delivers quirky, standout performances, especially Robert Carlyle as the cannibal, playing him as an unhinged Charles Manson type one moment and a cultured, elegant gentleman the next. His performance is totally riveting and shockingly funny at times. He's also incredibly good looking, which doesn't hurt either. Any movie that can fit in a shot of Carlyle's naked butt is a film worth watching.

The humor in this movie will not be to everyone's taste (no pun intended). It is still a movie about cannibalism and features some bloody, gross-out gore, so be warned. But, if you have a strong stomach and a sick sense of humor, you won't want to miss this film. 10 stars.
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Feeling hungry, anyone?
lee_eisenberg20 December 2005
When "Ravenous" first came out, a lot of people thought that it was really gross. But when you think about it, the movie actually has a pretty interesting story. During the Mexican-American War, Capt. John Boyd (Guy Pearce) gets transferred to Ft. Spencer, where he meets Col. Ives (Robert Carlyle). The only thing is, Ives has some very (with a capital V) strange eating habits. And he intends to show Boyd at any cost.

I guess that the movie was mainly pretty good because it showed how a person can get driven to cannibalism in desperate situations. As a vegetarian, I'm not sure whether or not I would, but the movie sure made a good point about it. Pretty impressive.
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Quirky, fast-paced, pointed
Kabumpo21 March 1999
Warning: Spoilers
I saw _Ravenous_ at a 12:30 matinee with a handful of people in the audience. Perhaps it should not have been marketed as a mainstream film. This quirky little film is essentially serious, but has a tone that wobbles into comedy as effortlessly as real life. The comedy does not make the film any less powerful or disturbing. I would not be surprised if Antonia Bird is a vegetarian, because the film begins with an absolutely sickening dinner of something like prime rib that the wild editing style makes appear absolutely disgusting. I went to Old Country Buffet that night and found myself still repulsed by red meat, particularly ribs, after seeing this film, even though the comment about them is spoken by Ives.

This film is nowhere near as graphic as I expected it to be, and it moves as swiftly across its running time as _Singin' In the Rain_, ably abetted by a very different form of music, a powerful score by two very different composers (Michael Nyman, one of my favorites, a contemporary classical (minimalist) composer, and Damon Albarn of the rock group Blur, who had previously collaborated on a track for a Noël Coward compilation) which really gets at angles different from what could be presented without it, particularly when Boyd has to choose whether or not to eat to survive.

However, the film suffers because of its obligatory death count. Many of the characters, particularly Chaplain Toffler, are quite interesting, but as they start to develop, they are killed. It almost seems like a statement on how horror films cheat their audiences out of characters that ought to be interesting, but usually aren't. The fact that so many are killed so early on does not help either.

While Pearce manages to be almost an everyman as Boyd, Carlyle delivers a performance that makes Francis Begbie look halfway sane. Particularly good is how different Colquhoun appears to be from Ives, despite being the same person. Jeffrey Jones as Hart is even stranger.

This film also heralds the return to significance of the title design, although it's a far cry from what Saul Bass was doing. The visuals of 1870s California (actually shot in Slovakia) are quite beautiful and mark a sharp contrast to the scenes shot in Mexico. The cinematography and editing are quite brilliant.

It deals with ironies of war and survival, but never seems to make a heavyhanded display at any particular point it tries to make. Instead, it lays things out for the viewer to chew on (pun intended), and does not try to draw attention to the scene that leaves it open for a sequel through its matter-of-fact presentation and no return to the scene at the very end once its shown and instead focuses on its rather poignant final shots. There is an effort, although not entirely successful, to not play the Indians stereotypically, but it is much better handled with Martha than with her brother, George.

This may not have the most profound script, but it is worth a look, particularly during the February-March doldrums of bad theatrical releases. It probably won't win any awards, but its score certainly deserves to, if only there were more effort to promote the album. It often reminded my of Kubrick's _The Shining_ and Dante's _The Howling_, and is destined to become a classic of the genre.
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Would love to see this on TBS's Dinner and a Movie....
Fewox14 November 1999
Really a very nicely done horror film. A great cast. My personal favorite is Jeffery Jones as the Post commander.

This is one of those films that makes nice use of fear. The hero of the film is afraid from frame one until almost the ending and it translates very well to the audience. There is a nightmare like quality that makes it well above average when it comes to horror.

To me the only weakness was in the ending which was a fairly predictable final battle. With as many nice plot twists all through the film it seemed a shame to end so typically.
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Dreadful, amateurish attempt at a horror movie
watty201015 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It escapes me how anyone can possibly give this film higher than 1 out of 10. The characters are completely one dimensional, the pace of the film is all over the place, the acting is awful (especially considering the calibre of actors involved), the musical score is completely inappropriate and annoying and the plot is childlike. I don't know anything about the director of this monstrosity of a film but I wouldn't be surprised if I was told it was her first effort.

Anytime anything happens or we think something might happen, the director blows it by making the scene so woefully laboured that any possibility of suspense evaporates and turns quickly to bored frustration. Throughout this viewing ordeal, I was wondering if I was watching a horror movie made for children by children.

Some have described this as a black comedy. I would describe it as a train wreck.
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Tony-Kiss-Castillo19 January 2024

BUT BEFORE diving in....

FIRST... Let us FOCUS on the Title's Content and Context:

A Cult-Classic Masterpiece! Director Antonia Bird, has me totally convinced of her boundless talent! She has crafted a grippingly intense and bizarrely original film, that defies any attempt at pigeonholing or labeling! It is, at times, amusing, often deftly ironic, chillingly irreverent, with moments of intentional political INcorrectness, and ever so subtly feminist at its core.

Juxtapositioning, with flawless style and sobering effectiveness, diverse elements of Horror, Period Western, Action-Adventure, Psychodrama, Suspense and the Supernatural, against a backdrop of some of the most breathtakingly dazzling outdoor scenery imaginable(Shot near Durango, Mexico), and set to a perversely inspired musical score that highlights the full potential of music to shape the ambiance of a film and provide the psychological equivalent of running your fingernails across a blackboard!

Ms. Bird has managed to coax truly riveting performances from each member of a superb cast! Guy Pearce (L. A. Confidential), starring as Captain Boyd, provides us with an uncannily haunting portrait of a tormented pacifist soldier, in the throws of a fierce struggle for his own soul!

Robert Carlyle(Trainspotting) was icily convincing as a fanatically focused, but utterly deranged cannibal in uniform. Jeffrey Jones, in an oddly empathetic change of pace role, played mild-mannered Colonel Hart, plagued by an interminable list of human frailties. Thusly, he is easily subverted by the sinister Ives(Carlyle). Despite all of the aforementioned accolades, I feel I must offer a word of caution: Ravenous is undoubtedly NOT suited to everyone's taste!

! Though it has scarcely a few moments of starkly violent or macabre footage, these moments seem so devastatingly repulsive, that they don't go away easily. Consequently, I'd hesitate to throw out the Welcome Mat on this One! If you don't particularly care for the extremely bizarre, you might just want to stay clear of RAVENOUS.

9*********.....ENJOY! / DISFRUTELA!

! Any comments, questions or observations, in English.
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Not a savory tale per se -- NFE; a well-put together movie with good performances and tone with surprising banjo music complementary to the story treatment
ruby_fff11 April 1999
RAVENOUS. I have no distinct like or dislike. Definitely, NFE: Not For Everyone. Having worked in a hospital environment before, blood/bloody, guts/gore, exposed internal organs depiction or dead bodies are not particularly scary for me. Tagline: "You are what you eat" is essentially true. And, coming down to the bare skeletons (nitty gritty), it's all in the mind: how you think and perceive the subject in context.

According to the dictionary, Ravenous means extremely hungry. What a clever and apt title, they must have chewed over this one and decided on Ravenous vs. say, Voracious. Appetite-wise, Ravenous does sound meatier (pun intended) than voracious (more Tony Richardson 's "Tom Jones" 1963 style, with Albert Finney and co.)

This is no ordinary tale. It happens around 1847 during the Mexican-American War. There may be uniformed soldiers you see on screen, but it's not an U.S. Army Western. It's more personal and darker as the story moves along. Guy Pearce is Captain Boyd, the central focus of the film. And so it seems. By and by, when Robert Carlyle's character appears, one kinda sense the focus shifts to him vs. Pearce. Then again, we're back into the "soul" of Captain Boyd and his internal struggling with the whole dilemma of the man-eating idea: did he, or didn't he -- he himself, and he the Carlyle's Colquhoun character -- relish in eating the flesh of another (dead) man, on the grounds of keeping himself alive and healthy?

This is really not a novel idea: I remember how traditional sayings did suggest "You are what you eat". Say you need more brain power, eat the head of some animal, e.g., they say people who eat fish head are known to be cleverer; liver for liver, heart for your heart, tendons for joint injury recovery, etc. I do believe it's all in one's mind. As Andrew Bergman's "The Freshman" 1990, with Marlon Brando and Matthew Broderick, might suggest: most of the time people do not know what's being served -- iguana meat or chicken meat; here, in "Ravenous", a general who spoon-tasted a pot of soup commented, "Mm, tasty", without realizing the tasty result was from the stewing of a man's meat.

Think however you like: if you're a movie fan who's hungry and daring on whatever's served, see it. If the whole idea of eating another man's meat is not quite flavorful to you, don't see it. In any case, there is drama, action and suspense in "Ravenous". (I wonder if Ives has eaten a bird or two enabling him to move light as a bird and jumps up in flight?) This very well might become a cult classic. Seriously, no ordinary tale this is.

The movie is not vampiric. If you prefer vampire action drama plus martial arts, see Stephen Norrington's "Blade" 1998, with Wesley Snipes and Stephen Dorff -- intensely well-made film and impressive set especially towards the end. Caution: don't let the sprinkler shower of blood scene in the beginning deter you -- it has it's own meaning (funny it's also based on the power of blood being life-giving and continuing!) and you will appreciate the intensity after all.

A lighter vampiric side, try John Landis' "Innocent Blood" 1992, with "La Femme Nikita" Anne Parillaud, Anthony LaPaglia and Robert Loggia; it's a fun, romantic comedy take on a lovely French vampyre, a cop and a crime boss. For a philosophical study of vampire life, try Abel Ferrara's "The Addiction" 1995 in B/W, with Lili Taylor, Christopher Walken, and Annabella Sciorra -- vampire gem of a tale it is.
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Terrible and boring
manncer23 October 1999
Except for the cinematography, I was truely bored by this movie. Was the director trying to be shocking, or clever, or funny. Nothing was accomplished as far as I can tell. I kept waiting for something clever to occur but it never did. The ending was ridiculous, and much of the gore was overdone. With such a good cast, how could this director make such a mess.
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One of the coolest movies I have seen in a long time.
Jack the Ripper18888 December 2002
Guy Pearce leads Jeffrey Jones, Robert Carlyle, David Arquette and more in a action-filled, horror thriller. Set during the backdrop of the Civil War, it follows Capt. John Boyd (Pearce) who is sent to the icy Nevada wilderness as result of cowardice. The music is awesome, the costumes are wounderfully designed and the elements of horror make this film one to see many times! The art direction is great and the story is what horror fans have been waiting for. Just like how the cover says, a cross between a vampire film and a cannibalism film. Those two put together create one of the most elaborate horror films ever.

I promise you that RAVENOUS will enthrall you until the very final frame. Hell, even the credits are exciting. The violence is pretty extreme (which is good) and the gloomy atmosphere and the icy bitterness of the Nevada Mountains is very good at creating a genuinely chilling mood for this awesome horror thriller! RAVENOUS: 5/5.
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