The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course (2002) Poster

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It's only a bit of entertainment chaps!
Tuija5 February 2006
This is an average film, bordering on cheesy, and just downright appalling at times. But upon putting this into your DVD player, you should already have guessed this! And also, I think Steve Irwin is great; this is entertainment, and nothing more.

I am quite happy having this in my collection for the comedy value of simply having it; though, if I was having my collection viewed by another buff, I would certainly take it out. There are some pretty awful examples of over-the-top acting. But then, the idea of Steve Irwin being some sort of under-cover spy should tickle anyone.

It's plot-lite, popcorn munching, mates night-in viewing. Don't take it as seriously as some of these reviews ;)
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An at times annoying and most certainly incoherent comedy.
Boba_Fett11384 September 2005
The movie has several story lines that follow several different characters. The different story lines don't feel like one whole complete piece which makes this comedy a very incoherent one and gets even annoying to watch at times.

It may sound weak and cliché but it's true; You're way better of watching the Crocodile Hunter series on the Discovery channel with Steve and Terri Irwin. It's more fun and even more hilarious than this movie is. I'm sure both cast and crew had lots of fun making this movie but the movie doesn't give us the viewers much pleasure. For a comedy it simply isn't funny enough and Steve and Terri Irwin just aren't good actors, not even when they play themselves! Their antics are simply not good enough to make an entire movie around and their scene's feel long, distracting and unnecessary and even annoying at times.

The movie had quite some potential, I mean Steve Irwin is one character that in a strange way is both intriguing and hilarious to watch, so when I first heard that they were making a movie about 'the crocodile hunter' my first reaction was; brilliant! The movie however heavily suffers from its weak story and the incoherent story lines with uninteresting and unfunny characters. The movie does has a certain entertainment value, at least enough to make this movie watchable for at least once but still, I must certainly wouldn't recommend this movie.

Watching this movie felt like a waste of time. Still this movie might be watchable just once, when it gets on TV, on a rainy afternoon. It does has some good moments but the story lines really completely ruin the movie and its potential.

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Not really a movie
MLDinTN10 February 2004
This isn't a movie, it is just an extended version of the popular Crocodile Hunter show on Animal Planet. And that isn't such a bad thing, if you like the show, which I do. I was going to slam this movie based on the first part, but in the last 40 minutes it really picks up and becomes entertaining and mildly funny. I really liked the chase on the river because Steve keeps thinking they are poachers and tries to fake having the croc in the boat. The whole part was just funny to me. Of course, I still don't even know what that little round top was and why the government wanted it. But, who cares, when you watch this you aren't expecting a plot that requires brain cells.

FINAL VERDICT: If you like the Crocodile Hunter show, then this is something you would like and maybe find amusing. A good way to waste an afternoon.
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Love the Crocodile Hunter. Hate the Movie
Tak00511 September 2019
I profess to having enjoyed the Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin's, TV show. However, this movie is awful. Steve Irwin can't act (fair enough he's not an actor) And putting him in the position of trying to do so is embarrassing. Then you combine it with a corny story, bad script and bit part acting and it's woeful. The only saving grace is this movie might eventually fall into the category of "so bad it's good "
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Strictly For the Croc Hunter's Fans
sddavis6328 July 2003
Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter plays - well - Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter in a fun adventure type movie with little in the way of a believable story line but lots of information about Australia's crocodiles and venomous snakes and spiders.

The story - such as it is - revolves around some sort of U.S. satellite equipment that somehow finds it way to Australia after surviving its drop to earth from orbit, and is promptly swallowed by a monstrously large crocodile. Irwin sets out to find the crocodile and move it to safer territory, believing that it's being stalked not by CIA agents trying to get this thing back, but by poachers.

Forget the story. It's secondary - and, to be blunt, not that great. Basically, this movie serves as an ad for Irwin's "The Crocodile Hunter" TV series, and most of it is shot as if he were taping the show, as he fights crocs and plays with various and sundry poisonous and dangerous animals in his usual animated way. You have to give the guy credit - he's got his part down pat!

There's a simple way of knowing whether you'll like this movie or not. If you like "The Crocodile Hunter" you'll like the movie. If you don't, you won't. See how simple that is! I like "The Crocodile Hunter" and I think Irwin is quite hilarious. Strangely, though, for all the fun and laughs involved here the movie seemed to go on longer than its allotted 90 minutes. Perhaps Irwin is better in half hour segments. After that he may begin to get a bit overwhelming.

But it is fun. I'd give it a 7/10, knowing full well that this movie will get its share of bashers as well.
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Two Films, Two Ratings
msp-328 July 2002
Being a longtime fan of Steve, I was very interested in seeing his first venture onto the big screen. He performed in his usual inimitable style, combining entertainment, education, courage and an extraordinary ability to understand the critters he deals with.

In the background of this, though, there was some vague, Class B low budget thriller about a spy satellite and secret agents trying to recover its "black box". The script and acting for the spy thriller was underwhelming, at best.

So, for Steve & Terri, I'd give the movie a 9/10. For the spy thriller part of the movie, it ranks a weak 3/10.
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Guiltless fun
Agent1022 July 2002
With much apprehension, I decided to watch this movie. To say the least, one could see how low budget the film was, but it's not something that detracts from the movie. Overall, it felt like some National Geographic documentary spliced with an actual movie. While the different aspect ratios of the digital film and the celluloid was a little annoying, it didn't take too much away from the film. Steve Irwin, despite all of his goofiness and weirdness, is quite a person to admire considering he tries to teach, speak about conservation, and defy death (much of the time) all in one sound bite. Sometimes corny, most of the time breathtaking (due to Irwin's animal interaction), this film is worth taking your kids to. A guiltless pleasure to watch.
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Crikey!!! Did you see that!
armstrj728 July 2002
I went into my local cinema not expecting much from this, although being a fan of the Crocodile Dundee movies and Steve Irwin's show I decided to give it a go. I was also aware that many small screen shows have failed miserably when transferred to a big screen movie.

This really is an enjoyable movie. Load up on popcorn and your favourite soft drink and enjoy the ride.
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too many snakes
mm-3916 July 2002
If you do not like snakes do not see this film; there are a lot of snakes. This film was exactly like the show that is on the discovery channel. Steve Irwin has a lot of energy. I really liked the little joey part. I wish they would of had more parrots or cockatoos on the film as they have lots of them in Australia. The story is entertaining enough. They even have a George Bush look alike in it. If you like the show then you will like the movie. It is nice to see someone who enjoys their job. 7/10
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Madman Across the Water
dunmore_ego12 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Some people say Steve Irwin's larrikin antics and gregarious personality are only an act. Watch this film: it's obvious he can't act.

Steve Irwin, dangerman star of the small screen in his *Crocodile Hunter Diaries*, *Croc Files* and eponymous *Crocodile Hunter* series (you see a naming trend here, or is it just me?), rockets his larger-than-strife persona to the big screen with *Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course* (yup – there's a definite trend of words beginning with 'C') - basically an episode of *Crocodile Hunter* mashed together with a B-Movie.

On a mission to relocate a big croc to save it from being shot by an eccentric farmer (Magda Szubanski), Steve and wife Terri are unaware that the croc is being tracked by American spies (Lachy Hulme and Kenneth Ransom), out to recover a spy satellite beacon it has swallowed. Will it hurt my credibility to say "They're on a Collision Course with Wackiness"? (what credibility? - Ed note.)

The plot is irrelevant, as it is Steve's animal magnetism that propels the film. If you find his persona trying, the film is a failure, but if you're a fan of either him (as a businessman, conservationist or just plain ass-klown) or his television shows, expect more of the same on a wide-screen budget.

John Stainton, faithful liege, best mate and helmer of the Crocodile Hunter *oeuvre* (can it be called that with a straight face?), writes and directs with the same provincial swagger that made Steve a household wildlife jester.

The most jarring aspect of this movie is that Steve (one of the few people for whom you can actually hear the exclamation points going by as he speaks) and Terri (Steve's spouse of 10 years, fiercest ally and closest friend) treat it like it IS one of their documentaries, breaking the "fourth wall" and speaking directly to the camera, whilst all the other characters behave as if they're in a bad movie (well…). It wouldn't be so incongruous if Steve and Terri were kept separated from the rest of the characters – but when the Bad Americans constantly threaten Steve's life, we Confused Viewers must ask ourselves why the indifferent camera crew doesn't at least call the cops if not try to poke the bad guys in the eye with the boom mics, or run screaming into the bush – anything but continue filming casually with great lighting, crisp audio and seven action angles.

While Terri is unfairly painted as Steve's mildly incompetent sidekick (her acting consists of boldly inept line reads and gadding about in pear-shaped-buttock-hugging jeans - for the last, I'm not complaining), Steve goes about his business-as-usual of show-and-tell with creatures intent on killing him, doing all his stunts himself because, well, to him they're not really stunts, just a Day At The Office.

Of course, watching this madman's koo-koo adventures after his tragic death in September 2006 casts a strange detachment over the proceedings. But to those of us who never met him, this kind of malarkey (as well as various incarnations of the *Crocodile Hunter* series in constant re-runs) keeps him as alive as ever in our crocodile burrows. The wrenching reality of his absence will only be apparent to those nearest him. And I truly wish them the best in following in his outsize footprints…

So enjoy this diversion for what it is – a half-baked movie featuring a full-on legend. He died doing what he loved – interacting with wildlife - and he could never have asked for more of his first feature film in portraying him doing just that.

(Movie Maniacs, visit:
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in memory of a legend
dfeatthedarkness4 September 2006
I saw this movie in the theaters and, though the plot was thin, i was watching a man who adored what he was doing and that made it a thrilling experience.

The story was basically there to give the croc hunter something to work with while doing the usual showcasing of his passion. It wasn't necessarily a longer episode of his show - it was an actual story happening as he is filming a show and, even when the bad guys are after, he's still talking to the camera, to us, like we're watching a show. i found that as a brilliant take as opposed to Steve Irwin just acting like he was in the movie and we were just watching. He brought us right in.

People thought he was silly and even nuts - but now we all know that there will never be another Steve Irwin and i don't know how soon it will be before we find another person as devoted to wild life as he was.

God bless Steve Irwin
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basically an extension of the Crocodile Hunter series
disdressed1225 January 2008
this is basically just an extension of the Crocodile Hunter TV has it's amusing moments,and is entertaining enough,but it's not much more than a fluff piece.the plot is pretty weak,and most of the characters have no depth or development.most of the movie seems like just a showcase for Irwin's,after about the 70 minute mark,it seems to lose any steam that it did have.still Steve Irwin and his wife Terri(playing themselves)are both likable characters,and Steve's antics are amusing.even in the movie,it's not hard to see their passion for wildlife.the message about how we should love and respect the animals on the planet,since many of them were here before us,and we are encroaching on their habitat,is not at all heavy handed or preachy.for me,Crocodile Hunter:Collision Course is a 6/10
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So terrible it's not even funny...
fireflyfanboy189120 July 2004
I think the Croc Hunter is a pretty cool guy! I know I wouldn't have the nerve to go even 5 feet away from a croc.

But, everything in this movie is bad. Farting jokes, people getting eaten, and the skit about the President all make the movie one of the worst of all time.

It's a really bad film that you have to stay away from. All the "jokes" are so juvenile that you will find yourself laughing because they are so stupid. The plot is so bad that you wonder if the screenwriter is 4 years old.

I'm surprised the Croc Hunter did not beg the crocodile to eat him after he saw this.
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brilliant DVD extras
treelobster200026 January 2003
I'm glad I waited for this movie to come out on DVD because I don't think I would have appreciated it without seeing the behind-the-scenes stuff. Steve and Teri Irwin are fantastic. They are funny, enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and truly care about ecology and conservation. But they're not actors; and they know this. My advice to the reluctant renter is this: get the DVD, watch the movie and try not to pay too much attention to the CIA plot. The real fun is watching Steve and Teri "muck it up" with all sorts of deadly creatures. And what makes this even better is that all of the animals are real and it's all Steve and Teri doing the stunts. After the movie, make sure to watch all of the behind the scenes extras. Like how Steve and his long time zoo colleague Wes organized and rehearsed the King Brown snake scene. And how they trained the crocs to attack Steve on cue. There's one take that actually made me jump in my chair, just knowing the real danger that Steve and Wes had to face to get a short scene in. I won't say which one, you'll have to watch them all.
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Love Steve but not this movie
SnoopyStyle31 August 2015
Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter, and his wife Terri work to save the animals of the Australian outback. An US satellite beacon has fallen out of the sky and landed in Australia. It gets swallowed by a crocodile. CIA agents are sent to retrieve it. American agent Jo Buckley is also sent to get the beacon to use in inter-agency politics. Cattle station owner Brozzie Drewitt is also looking the kill the croc on her lands. Australian Government Fisheries worker Sam Flynn tries to relocate the croc by hiring the Irwins before Brozzie shoots it.

Steve Irwin has an infectious charm. His act is great. There is a natural magnetism about him. Sadly, this movie decides to tie him to this silly international spy stuff. Then the movie adds the terribly broad Magda Szubanski. The whole thing is schizophrenic. I'm perfectly happy to watch Steve wrestle a crocodile. Somebody needs to make a good movie around him. This is not that movie.
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Harmless fun
medrjel25 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
First, I would like to say FOR SHAME to anyone that expected a "real movie".

WARNING: There may be some mild spoilers, but I don't think it's anything that will take away from the movie.

I found this movie quite fun, though it may be a bit hard for people who don't know or are not fans of "The Croc Hunter". First, it has distinctive cinematography. The Aspect ratio of modern movies is 16x9 or "widescreen". This holds true for this movie, 'cept when the Irwins get on the screen. At that point, we revert back to the classic TV ratio of 4x3. The reason for that lends itself to the second part... any time you see the Irwin's, it's like watching an episode of their TV series! Steve and Terri narrate their way through this adventure.

Next, I must comment on the acting. I have been a fan of Magda Szubanski since I saw her on an episode of "Fast Forward" a friend sent me years ago, and she fails to disappoint. Brozzie is a cartoonish vision of an outback farmer out to protect her farm from the evil croc. This actually helps since Steve is so animated when he's not fighting a croc. Most of the other characters are people trying to just "do their job" yet keep the big secret. It's silly more than anything as the "CIA" investigates the Irwins, determining them to be possibly dangerous instigators due to the uprisings in countries they have visited.

The story, as a result, is more cartoonish than anything, especially when and where Steve eventually finds the Satellite part the croc had swallowed.

The most hysterical piece of acting is a 3 second scene where Steve and Terri had do actually "act" outside of their normal role. It was so bad, you begin to wonder if the reason for the way they made the film was because of this.

Criticism aside, this is a wonderful movie for families. It is mostly harmless fun. Fans of the TV show had the added bonus of seeing Steve on the big screen.

It is sad the movie lasted barely 4 weeks in the theater. I was the only person at a showing on a Tuesday before it closed. What a shame. The cinematography of the natural environment is beautiful. To see it on the big screen was worth it. So if it shows up in the local "second run" movie house for $1 or $3, go see it if you are a fan of his.

I gave this movie a solid 6, since it is fulfilling for his fans, but may leave others empty.
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Almost completely devoid of even the slightest amusement
Beta_Gallinger7 February 2009
I never was an avid viewer of "Crocodile Hunter", but did occasionally see an episode, or a bit of an episode, and when the news spread about Steve Irwin's death from a stingray attack in 2006, it certainly caught my attention. This movie, with Steve and his wife, Terri, playing themselves, but in a fictional story, was released in 2002, but I didn't hear of it until several years later, and even after that, it took me a while to get around to seeing it. Well, now I have seen it, and after looking here first (more than once), and seeing its rating, I was not surprised at how unimpressive it turned out to be, though it could have been a BIT better. Apparently, it's supposed to be a comedy, so a major problem with it is that it isn't very funny at all.

A U.S. satellite beacon falls down from space and lands in Australia, where it is swallowed by a crocodile! While Steve and Terri Irwin are on a mission to capture this crocodile from a place where it terrorizes the cattle on a ranch owned by the crazy Brozzie Drewitt, and are unaware of what's inside it, two CIA agents are sent to Australia to retrieve the beacon! The agents are assisted by Jo Buckley, and the ranch owner and her dogs might make the mission more difficult for them! On Steve and Terri's mission, they face other types of dangerous wildlife, not just the crocodile, and since they have no clue that the croc has anything unusual inside it, when Steve sees the CIA agents after them, he mistakes them for poachers!

Not only did I not laugh once while watching this film, the only part that really made me smile was Steve Irwin using a big snake to scare off one of the CIA agents. Apart from that, I don't think I found anything even mildly amusing. It's also a bit of an incoherent mess, switching back and forth from the Australian Outback to the CIA headquarters, and it seems like clips from "Crocodile Hunter" and clips from an action thriller (or something like that) put together for some reason. Also added to that mix are the ranch scenes, which also seem to be from somewhere else, and as funny as Brozzie Drewitt, played by Magda Szubanski, is supposed to be, she's not. At one point, we see her farting, so we have a fart joke, a MAJOR cliché in modern comedy! Are they SO hard to resist?! I also found the typical "Crocodile Hunter" scenes, with Steve wrestling crocodiles and holding other dangerous creatures and talking about them to viewers, to be tedious, but I guess the fact that I was never a devout fan of the show didn't help.

Steve Irwin was admired by many as a conservationist, and is sadly missed by them, while there are also those who say he messed with nature and had it coming to him. No matter which side you're on, "The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course" is not a well crafted movie. I'm sure it does help if you're a big Steve Irwin fan, but even if you are, there's no guarantee that you would like this movie, as some fans clearly haven't been impressed. In fact, it seems that some of them have found this movie to be worse than I have, so maybe it WON'T help. Like I said, there's no guarantee. I would say whatever you may think of Steve Irwin and his show, this movie was unnecessary. The attempt to combine what is usually seen in "Crocodile Hunter" with a fictional story unfortunately failed, and a viewer may find that this film seems longer than ninety minutes!
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I think any fan of The Crocodile Hunter will enjoy this...
RowlyRowl11 July 2002
I really enjoy Crocodile Hunter television episodes, not only for the personality and comedy, but for the underlying story behind Steve's chosen career.

A few Australian's that I know claim to despise him and say they are embarrassed by him. Their comments really show me how true to life the Crocodile Hunter shows must be. His job is seemingly endless in the wildlife rescue and education areas and now I see why, if my Australian 'friends' attitudes reflect even a minority of the Australian people.

Personally, I am quite fond of Steve and Terry Irwin. It really makes me feel a little better knowing there are people, if only a few, out there that truly care and dedicate their lives to something so worthwhile.

The movie is very much like an extended Discovery episode. It carried with it the usual hyper active comedy as well as the importance of nature conservation.

I was not disappointed at all with this movie. Even though I have watched pretty much every CH episode on Discovery, there were some parts that were new to me and many parts that made me laugh.

I found this movie to play towards the younger audience than the TV episodes, which are more 'all-ages' oriented. The information he provides is slightly more long winded, and does not go as deep as usual. A few times I saw script in Steve's words, but in the end, not as much as I was prepared for.

I think any fan of The Crocodile Hunter will enjoy this almost as much, and children will enjoy it a lot more, than a TV episode.
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Why Steve, Why?
aesgaard4123 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked Steve Irwin. The man was so full of life, so knowledgeable in animals and larger than life, but I wish I could have asked him why he consented to doing a movie. I mean, the man is not an actor. The good idea would have been a feature length movie following him in his work with crocodiles, but sticking him in a improbable script where he embarrassingly mugs and talks to the camera, breaking the "fourth wall" amidst the plot is humiliating for the man. Sadly, poor Terri is given very little to do but follow him around and make some goofy faces. The plot is over a lost satellite part and Steve confusing the agents coming to fetch it as poachers. These sort of antics might have been popular in Seventies movies, but they certainly don't work with a much-loved Animal Planet celebrity. The movie is best for kids, but not for adults.
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Better than a Hatful of Turantulas
oddjob10213 July 2002
If you've read any professional reviews of this cinematic feature, you've probably been told about how thin the plot is and how silly the film is. What you may not have heard is how great it is!!! What must be remembered about this film is that if you are going in looking for the action of True Lies, or the superb screenwriting of Crocodile Dundee, you're going to be disappointed. If you go in with a love of the Crocodile Hunter (and how could you not), you'll be treated to a side-splittingly funny film about one of the Hunter (Steve Irwin)'s typical adventures with a not-so-typical twist. There is plenty of time devoted to Steve admiring the world's deadliest creepy-crawly things at close range, and brazenly jumping into a river with a giant croc, favorite staples of his cable show. And if you pay attention, you'll learn a few things too! This is combined with a fluffy spy sub-plot (actually including a smaller spy sub-sub-plot, a croc hating Ozzie sub-plot, and a flirtatious spy love sub-sub-sub plot). All in all, an enjoyable film full of laughs that is over before it has a chance to get old. Just remember one thing- leave your brain at the door.
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kittiwake-19 September 2006
OK, first of all, Steve Irwin, rest in peace. You were loved by many fans. Now...this movie wasn't a movie at all. It was "The Crocodile Hunter" TV program with bad acting, bad scripts, and bad directing in between Steve capturing or teaching us about animals. He was entertaining as an animal seeker/specialist. Millions will miss him. But the whole movie idea was a big mistake. The plot was so broken, it was almost non-existent. Casting was horrible. The acting wasn't even worth elementary school-level actors. The direction must be faulted as well. If you can't get a half-way decent performance out of your actors, no matter how bad the script is, you must not be that good in the first place. I could have written a better script. I wish I had never been to see this movie. Of course, I watched it for $3 ($1.50 for me, $1.50 for my son.) while out with friends who insisted upon seeing this instead of Scooby Doo Live Action. My son, who is not so discriminating, liked the movie alright, but he still has never asked to see it again. If you want fond memories of Steve Irwin, buy his series on DVD. Avoid this movie like the plague. If I were Steve, I know I wouldn't want to be remembered for this movie. Respect him: avoid this movie!
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Serves as a great tribute to Steve Irwin's live.
rwnded17 September 2006
Although this movie doesn't really deserve 10/10, it was highly entertaining. I gave it a 10 out of respect. This movie is a nice blend between a Hollywood picture and Steve Irwin's documentaries. It may be a little annoying at times - with the switching cameras and scenes - but it doesn't spoil the fun. The storyline might not be that great, but hey Steve didn't got famous for his movies, but his show. You'll hear a lot "crikey" and "ain't it a beauty " - some of Steves famous one liners - during the movie, in his funny Australian accent. This alone is a reason to watch this movie. ;] The only negative thing about this movie is the really bad acting of his wive, Terri, but ala you can't have everything. I can recommend this movie to anyone who grew up with Steve Irwin or used to watch him in the past, or anyone else who liked his show.
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Decent expansion of the TV show
briancham199421 August 2020
I used to be a fan of the TV show and this film lived up to my expectations. It expands on the crocodile hunter with a fun (if silly) little scenario but it still has the essence of the original show.
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Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course
Scarecrow-8829 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
SE's 2020 Data Recorder from a satellite that exploded in space (inside a metal beacon) heads towards Earth. Landing in Northern Queensland, of Australia, two CIA agents are sent to retrieve it. Meanwhile Steve Irwin (May he rest in peace) takes the time to talk with us about various creatures in Australia (crocs, snakes, kangaroos, spiders, etc.). Collision Course was criticized for the imbalance that exists in terms of the beacon's recovery and Irwin's Crocodile Hunter television show host presentation. While Irwin's show was of definite interest to me (and popular with viewers on Animal Planet) during its run prior to his unfortunate death, whether or not it is worth a cinematic film with an ongoing story arc surrounding him is up for debate. Included with the CIA agents and the Aussie local assigned to assist them on the hunt for a beacon is a disgruntled local farmer, enraged with crocs eating her cattle and remaining close to her land (the wildlife/fisheries expert tries to encourage her to stop being so difficult and allow him to relocate the croc(s) in the vicinity, but she isn't interested). Irwin and his wife, Terri, are the ones called to relocate the croc elsewhere.

Irwin's infectious enthusiasm is appealing/endearing, and his wife, the "straight man" to his act, offers some information herself, confirming to us that they were a wonderful team. Rozzie, the farmer hunting the croc, is used as comic relief mostly, while the agents on trail of the beacon are a boring lot (this subplot has little inspiration to it). The beacon is located in the belly of a croc, and so the story lines might eventually converge. Irwin's addressing the camera at all times, even when action involves the agents (eventually the Aussie female agent turns on them, wanting to retrieve the beacon herself), could be considered ill-advised (to be cinematic, you'd think those involved would want to shy away from resembling the television show too much). Irwin, action hero, is a bit odd, especially when looking at the camera while a chase scene happens, or disallowing and preventing violence towards the croc (it eventually craps out the beacon) by using a snake and rope to stop them.

I think fans of Irwin can get the goods shown in the film on his show (plus more), in reruns or renting them, with Collision Course taking highlights and implanting them within a blah story that services only as a diversion from what most care about…Irwin's interaction with species and his knowledge about them shared with us. Standing on top of his jeep and fending off an agent seems surreal, particularly when Irwin tells us that these blokes are really dangerous and could be poachers wanting the croc they are transporting to a safer environment (a different river on the other side of a mountain). Probably the best part of the film is Irwin and Terri securing a dangerously aggressive (and seriously angry) croc; it's a real large croc, too, and the capture/roping process looks positively scary and exhausting. I think what this film does is remind us of what the world has lost: a man who joyfully presented his love of creatures great and small, and did so with an aplomb and care for all life that continues to live on even if he himself has sadly been taken from us.
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