Bee Movie (2007) Poster


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Lighthearted Humor - Fun Movie
andrew-1534 November 2007
This is a silly movie. It's goal is to make you laugh, and little beyond that. Indeed I laughed for most of the movie. It is hard for me to find much fault when I am laughing that much. That the last act had fewer jokes was a minor misstep. The characters were cute and the story didn't get in the way of the humor. And I kind of enjoyed the story, it was a little odd and funny.

It is unusual among animated movies in that its focus is jokes, kind of like a stand-up act. There are a lot of these jokes and they are quite funny! Does anything feel better than laughing? (OK, well very few things.) The story is mainly there as a vehicle for the jokes. So perhaps slightly different expectations will serve you well with this movie.

Don't go to this for a serious story! It is light humor, and at that game a great success. If you recognize that that is what the filmmakers are going for, then you will enjoy it. If you are expecting an incredible story or thrilling action or amazing animated beauty, then you might be disappointed.

As lighthearted humor with playful animation, and a great ending song, the film is a success.
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[ Insert "bee" pun here ]
Derek2371 December 2007
Bee Movie has its moments of brilliance, but they are few and far between, and I think what weakens this movie the most is the fact that most other movies have already beaten it to its punches. There's nothing too original here. Most notably, it bears many similarities to the 1998 animated film, Antz, starring Woody Allen as the insect living in a perfectly functioning society who begins to question his importance in the greater scheme of things. And much like DreamWorks' previous animated film, Sharktale, featured many fish-themed puns, Bee Movie tries the same thing, except with bee puns, and you'll learn fairly quickly that there's not a lot to work with in that area. And, let's face it: Larry King has appeared as himself in so many movies that the gimmick itself has become an irritating cliché. Here he is, in complete bee form. I think they've taken him as far as he can go.

Altogether, though, Bee Movie is not without its charms. It does eventually find itself in some odd, uncharted territories (could a bee really fall in love with a human?), there are plenty of funny moments, and yes, even some of those puns work. Jerry Seinfeld, who has taken a lot of pride in writing, producing, acting in, and promoting the movie, does do a very good job voicing the main character. You sometimes feel like these actors doing voices for cartoons are just phoning it in, but Seinfeld gives a surprisingly energetic performance. I could picture him mimicking Barry B. Benson's movements in a recording booth as I heard his voice; it's obvious he was passionate about every aspect to the movie. The rest of the cast does a good job, too: Renee Zellwegger, Matthew Broderick, Patrick Warburton, as well as John Goodman in a brief role, who once again proves what an amazingly talented voice actor he is. Whenever there's a need for a big, burly character, John Goodman is the go-to guy, because, well, he IS a big, burly character. Ray Liotta's cameo was also a highlight, and much more inspired than King's cameo.

It may not be a perfect movie, or the most original, and for a 90-minute run-time, it kind of drags on a bit, but for all that it is, I can't say that it wasn't entertaining. It won't go down in the history of greatest animated films, but it may be a decent way to spend a rainy day, when you can't go out and fly.

My rating: 6/10


If you're knowledgeable about your animated films, you may remember the slight controversy surrounding Finding Nemo, which inspired a few children to flush their fishes down the toilet so they could "free" them into the ocean. Bee Movie just may plant some worse ideas in kids' heads. Keep an eye out for news stories about children getting stung by bees after trying to make friends with them once they see the movie. Maybe Larry King could do a special about it.
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This is a movie about nothing. Seinfeld's quick-paced and witty humor flies past the kids and stings the adults
diac22811 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A professor in the University of Central Florida that taught me very well about cinema, submitted a wonderful script to different movie studios about two kids over the summer living with their father inside a boat, as they sail the western hemisphere for multiple reasons. But, despite the good script, had a major issue that did not allow for it to ever be filmed: it did not figure out its audience and failed to reach a demographic to aim for. The script was much too mature for kids to watch; yet the piece was about kids, which wouldn't interest the adults. It was a coming-of-age story that would have issues entertaining anybody, despite the rich material. This is the biggest issue of Bee Movie.

Bee Movie tries to entertain kids and adults yet has very little humor for the children, nevertheless a plethora of jokes for the adults—but the cutesy factor becomes a turn-off for the parents. As a matter of fact, Bee Movie could have definitely benefited from edgier material and aiming the film towards an older audience. Jerry Seinfeld has a wonderful story to tell, but the kids would definitely not be interested. Bee Movie involves a major lawsuit, celebrity cameos, hidden humor about actors, and the typical Seinfeld humor that made the comedian a household name back in the 90s. The movie does have its laughs, does indeed contain its moments, but it could have been much better if it didn't try so hard to appeal to the kids.

In this movie, we follow a recently graduated bee by the name of Barry B. Benson (Jerry Seinfeld) that decides to fly away from the hive to see the world prior to picking the one job he'll work for the rest of his life, whatever that may be. After an incident involving a tennis ball, a spunky florist Vanessa (Renee Zellweger) saves him. As his relationship with humans, especially Vanessa, improves, he learns that humans eat honey and decides to sue the entire human race. About a dozen of well-known actors and actresses are sprinkled in this movie, ranging from Oprah Winfrey to Ray Liotta to Chris Rock to even Sting (okay, so he doesn't act). The best vocal performances in this movie however come from Matthew Broderick (Ferris Bueller, adult Simba) and of course, Patrick Warburton (Kronk in Emperor's New Groove, The Tick, and Joe from Family Guy).

Unfortunately for Dreamworks, Pixar is once again raising the bar in animation with the incredible Ratatouille earlier this summer. So, with such competition, the animation department suffers a lot. Whenever the action slows down (the flying sequences, albeit not enough of them, were good) the lack of detail becomes obvious; the trees look the same, the buildings look the same, and some of the voices doesn't match the faces. For example, when Ken (Warburton again) screams and rants, his face does not match the explosion of rage. Even older flicks like Madagascar, Over the Hedge, and Ice Age looked better. Seinfeld's vision of the bee world was unveiled, but not with a rather lack of detail.

Where the movie scores its biggest points lies in the fast-paced, unpredictable humor of Jerry Seinfeld. This is a well-written story with an original plot and plenty of jokes to throw at everybody. The slapstick and physical humor rather misses more than hits, but the Seinfeld-humor (you whether understand this very well, or not at all) delivers most definitely. Whether it's the sidesplitting one-liners, subtle pop culture gags, or the hilarious cameos (Ray Liotta's scene was comic gold), the Master of Nothing still has the jokebug in his blood. The performances do indeed enhance the experience, but some are underused; best example is Chris Rock. The slow moments come whenever slapstick replaces dialogue, and it happens several times.

Bottom Line: Bee Movie is a decent flick for adults, but not that great for kids. Finding the balance between material for kids and material for adults is not easy yet in this film it becomes so one-sided, you wind up laughing a lot but feeling sorry for the kids watching at the same exact time. The story and dialogue are unique and refreshing, but at the same time it almost feels wasted because half the audience will get a kick out of it. Jerry Seinfeld once again delivers, but should probably try to stay away from making substance for kids, and remain with the witty adults. Animation isn't a big deal either, so the visuals will not astound you that much either. Instead, come in for the great dialogue and a potential step towards making more computer-animated flicks for just teenagers and adults---even though this genre is almost always marketed towards the "rugrats."
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Surprisingly good
tlyqmyl17 July 2021
I hated this movie as a kid. I thought the story was lame & the jokes aren't funny. But now I think it's pretty good. Not the best DreamWorks movie. But I like it for what it is.

Plot: 6/10 Animation: 7/10 Jokes: 8/10 Characters: 7/10 Overall: 7/10.
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Do you like jazz?
jaredcew24 December 2016
Wow, what is there to say? I'm completely blown away by what is essentially a masterpiece. A movie that was heavily watched over by the vultures that are the critics. Waiting to have something bad to say; something that would hinder this film's integrity. Despite of that, despite of the pressures ensued while making this delicacy, the directors Steve Hickner & Simon Smith, they nailed it.

A film that tugs at your heart strings and brings a tear to the manliest man's eye. An artistic piece that reminds you of who you are and what you stand for. What it is, is essentially a nostalgia act, reminding us all of when we were at our very most happy state of mind.

I can't lie, I was a little upset at the lack of Oscar nominations and awards generally. John Goodman's voice acting is sensational and all out gripping. I was almost routing for the guy! (He's the bad guy). Surely he should have had at very least an Oscar nomination? Not to mention that Barry B. Benson was coming out with the most inspirational quotes since Martin Luther King. Where's the awards for that?!

You know to sum it all up, there's been a lot of good animated films in this generation. There's 'Finding Nemo', 'Chicken Little', 'Monster House' etc.. But this, this is a level above; it's raised the bar. I can honestly end this review saying, this is animated equivalent of The Shawshank Redemption.

Thanks for your time, and keep on pollinating.
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Seabass904476 December 2007
It was a light hearted-animated-comedy-for the whole family. It taught good values, like take pride in what you do as a person. But it was geared in my opinion toward little kids. I took my 3 cousins (3 years to 8 Years) and they loved it but they wanted to get bees as pets.... try to explaining why a 3 year old can't have a bee as a pet. When i saw the parts in the court room the way the bees moved in sync it was amazing. It has nothing on the original computer generated movie "Shrek". It set all kinds of ground work for newer movies like The Bee Movie. The CG of the bees flying was a pretty cool look how they all flew in droves just like it was an actual bees taking flight. I think that there should be more family friendly films like this one. But, all in all it was a good Flick.
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Creepily weird.
stingluver7 October 2020
The boyfriend is portrayed as the bad guy when he is the most normal character in the movie.
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saved my life
jdreibelbis-1926630 November 2017
Before watching the Bee Movie, I had clinical depression. My therapist recommended this movie to help through tough times. I said "Yeah right, how will a movie about bees help me?" Oh, I was sooo wrong. Ever since watching this movie, it has made me appreciate living more. I have spent more time with friends and family. I now am so confident in my life that I have a job. Thank you Jerry Seinfeld.
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Insert Bee Movie Script Here
svivschenk15 July 2019
It is the kind of movie to enjoy ironically. Just sit down, grab a buddy, maybe even two buddies, and just rip this movie apart, while having a laugh in the process. Oh yeah, and the funniest thing in this movie is Patrick Warburton, who is the villian, because his girlfriend is friends with a bee. MCHWAAH ⛪⛪⛪
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Forget the Death Penalty: Introduce the Bee Movie Penalty
RiffRaffMcKinley11 April 2008
It's been a while since I acquired a headache from a movie. For that, I thank "Bee Movie," a dreadfully mindless excursion into the worlds of both copycat kiddie fantasy and shameless commercial promotion (for a show that's been off the air for years).

This was a movie I never even wanted to watch. So the disc was inserted without my blessing into a DVD player that should be praised for its patience at showing such garbage, and I was subjected to all 90 or whatever minutes of this trash festival. I was told I wouldn't even notice the nasal, whiny, someone-please-strike-him-mute voice of hack comedian Jerry Seinfeld (that's right, I said it, Seinfeld *and* his show are two of the most cruel things that can be unleashed upon mankind). Naturally, that was wrong.

Basically, that meant that the movie was basically a rehash of movies like "A Bug's Life" and "Antz," both of which were very good movies in which insects dreamed of a better life and had the fortitude to make it happen. That sentence should be its own genre by now! Even the actors I had genuine respect for (Matthew Broderick, John Goodman, and Larry Miller, the hilarious voice of the pointy-haired boss in "Dilbert") were unimaginably uninspiring. They had absolutely no shame, wasting what seemed like hours on jokes about rock star Sting. They even sank so low as to feature a character called "Bee Larry King." Next time, can we please get Dugong Dr. Phil a role in a "Madagascar" sequel?

When a bee stings, it dies. It's a fact of biology. And this putrid bug corpse starts stinging the moment the disc drawer is closed.
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StGabriel9711 February 2019
The "Citizen Kane" of bug movies. My only regret in life is that I cant see this movie for the first time again and yet upon each re-viewing I find myself peeling back more and more of the metaphysical layers to this enthralling epic of tragedy and redemption.

Jerry Seinfeld delivers an Oscar worthy performance as Barry B. Benson, local hive schlub and opportunistic apis mellifera, he aims to please both his personal needs for love, passion and adventure as well as his parents wishes for stability and success. The results can bee bittersweet and downright hilarious at times, and ultimately enriches the audience with its tantalizing charm and wit.

As far as political agendas go "Bee Movie" dares to not shy away from allusions of eco-fascism and the socialist working class struggle, and faces the globalist honey collecting hordes head on through judicious and peaceful means. The political influence derived, serves as a peek into a Beewellian realm governed by a beenevolent dictator aiming to seize the rights of honey distribution worldwide, yet maintains a clear social hierarchy both in hive and out. Fascinating audiences worldwide "Bee Movie" is nothing less of a manifesto, and a warning of what to bee prepared for in a hypothetical future. As far as I'm concerned I welcome the thousand year hive with open arms, and think we'd all bee better off sticking one to big honey.

Black and Yellow! Hello! I give this instant classic two antennas up.
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Mildly Amusting Animated Effort
ccthemovieman-122 March 2008
"Mildly amusing" is probably the best description of this recently-released (on DVD) animated feature. My reviews on animated movies are what I thought of it as an adult, and how adults would relate to it. For this one, I'd say this is not a film adults will run out and buy: rent - yes/maybe; purchase - no.

The animation and story might be something kids will still enjoy but most of the gags fall flat for adults, although it does have a few clever things in it. It just isn't up to some of the truly funny animated films of the past few years. That said, it was still fun to watch with some humorous drawings in the background that you have to watch for quickly.

As for the story, for a film with a lot of politically-correct messages, stereotypical characters, Liberal icons plugged, etc., it was surprising to see a commonsense "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" conclusion. Kudos for that, but there are just too many dumb parts in this story. The connection of a talking bee with a human girlfriend was too ludicrous to be entertaining, as were the courtroom scenes.

The animation was fair. Yes, a story with flowers as a key ingredient is going to be colorful, so there is plenty of color but it looked kind of washed out and blah to what it could have been (i.e. "Cars," "Polar Express," etc.). I expected more out of a Dreamworks film.

Overall, for adults: skip it. It just isn't funny enough to invest your time. For the little kids, sure - they'll like it. They like almost almost any animated movie.
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Bee Flat
villard11 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is a mediocre and uninspired script packaged in cutesy computer animated figures (soon headed for your nearest toy store shelves). This film is an easily forgettable loser in trying to entertain children.

It doesn't entertain adults much either because it lacks the playfully devilish double entendre humor you find in animated cartoons like "Shrek" or "The Simspons Movie."

The only side-splitting humor is in a mosquito character voiced by Chris Rock - and that lasts just a few precious screen minutes. He would have made a great sidekick to the Seinfeld bee character, but alas, I guess Jerry didn't want to be upstaged by another comedian.

Instead, Bee Movie is low-calorie on energy, excitement, slapstick and the tickle-your-funnybone fun-loving momentum that propelled classic animated cartoons like "Cars," "Toy Story," "Robots," and "Over the Hedge."

The laughs are few and far between. I watched this in a theater with lots of families and I can count on one hand the number of times children giggled with delight.

So, this movie met my worst apprehension: a television sitcom comic tries to make a children's cartoon with a lot of clever dialog but little action.

For example, the parody on using outside personalities like CNN's Larry King,the rock star Sting, and Ray Liotta is completely lost on young viewers (but it did guarantee a promotional spot for Jerry Seinfeld on the real Larry King Live broadcast).

Also, I can't think of anything more boring in a children's film than having courtroom scenes, of all things. The worst and scariest bad guy the cartoon has to offer is a lawyer in a three-piece suit. Nyuk! nyuk! yet *another* lawyer caricature.

Bee Movie tries to work in a gratuitous environmentalism statement in the final 15 minutes. But by the time that rolls in you've already looked at your watch a few times wondering where you parked the car.

There's nothing honey sweet about this film, it's purely Saccharine: no nutritional value and bad aftertaste.
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enjoyable as can bee
Special-K8824 December 2007
Sharp, funny animated feature about a beemused young bee and recent college graduate who learns that he's destined to work a routine colony job for the rest of his life. Although his natural instinct is to beeware of humans, his life takes a turn for the better when he meets a saintly florist who not only beefriends him, but helps him quickly file a lawsuit beefore humans can take all the credit for mass production of honey! Occasionally too silly for words, probably by intention, but lots to take in with superb animation, good gags, and quirky, memorable characters. Comedy is uneven at times, but still serves as acceptable entertainment for kids and adults alike. ***
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Witty but flawed structure
lastrow9 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The Bee Movie is very verbal and witty and the premise is cute if not novel. However it never resolves the main issue of beekeeping. Instead it paints beekeepers as evil thieving villains without morals or scruples and even manages to play the race card. It does a good job of coming full circle and educating young viewers of the important role that bees play in the food chain however it never goes back to the beekeepers, a fact which plays way down to every viewer. The movie revolves around a hive of wild bees and never instructs us in the difference between wild bees and domesticated bees, which are the ones that beekeepers tend, transport and care for. Domesticated bees are the bees civilizations have relied upon for thousands of years for crop yield, feeding the planet, etc., etc. Wild bees are good only for, well, bears and other varmints that are dumb enough to wrastle with them for the sake of their sweet tooths. Even Indians and primitive man calmed wild bees with smoke to get the honey. It's kind of like a cartoon movie about a wild mustang in the desert wanting to free all the domesticated horses in the world in the 1800's. Taking honey from a hive does not kill the bees or kill the hive. The movie presents disingenuous and unwarranted disinformation.
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Colourful, with some sassy and smart moments, but it peters out in the last half
TheLittleSongbird1 January 2011
This is far from the worst movie ever(Disaster Movie) or the worst animated animated movie ever(Titanic:The Animated Movie), but despite its neat concept Bee Movie doesn't completely hold together consequently it is one of Dreamworks' weaker movies, Shark Tale being their worst.

Granted, there are things to like. The animation is gorgeous. The character designs are good enough, but the colours and backgrounds are the real revelations, as well as some of the visual gags. The music is a nice touch as well, the orchestral music is bright and breezy and the song in the end scene was lovely. I also loved the concept, and in the first half the film did work really well with it. It was original and well-written up to a certain point. The script in general is sassy and smart with the odd amusing pun, the pace to start with is brisk and the voice acting is solid with Jerry Seinfeld energetic, Renee Zellwegger warm and endearing and an assortment of effective cameos especially Ray Liotta's.

However, the film's problems come in the second half, and the start of those problems are with the courtroom scene which came across as forced and only slightly funny. Storywise, the last half hour feels like a different movie, first it is all warm, smart and infectious then it is close to serious and heavy-handed, and it also seemed as though the writers had run out of ideas. While there are some good jokes, others aren't so funny as it is the sort of humour that goes over the audience's heads, and the pace sags quite badly towards the end.

All in all, it isn't bad but it could have been better with a tighter second half and a more consistent set of ideas. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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To Bee or not to Bee
kosmasp19 September 2021
I'm kind of surprised that not every single review has this as a summary line ... then again maybe it's better that way - I can use it with less guilt and it has probably a better effect.

Bees ... for the longest time they had a bad rep. And I reckon they still have - especially when you are eating (outside) and they come and you sort of panic. Though I'm not sure if it's bees every time. They (wasps) have similar traits and looks. They also are useful to nature, in a different way then bees, but still.

So taking a bit of the fear(s) many have of those insects is not a bad thing. You may have issues with how they are being humanized (with these movies they all talk and do other human stuff that is not in their actual nature), but you have to sell a movie to kids and their parents, so just suspend your disbelief.

Voice talent at hand is really good and the story flows (or flies?) along nicely. If you are a fan of Seinfeld even better - but I think even those who may not be too aware of him, will have lots of fun.
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Seinfeld but a bee... get it... neither did i
alexsnower15 July 2021
Literally 1 hour and 30 minutes of Jerry Seinfeld stand up. What's the deal with this... etc. Terrible references to The Graduate, Goodfellas and even Over The Hedge are made. Wouldn't recommend.
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Good, NOT great film
CKCSWHFFAN20 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I did like this movie. Kind of disappointed, thought it would be funnier.

It was a good effort by Jerry. Took him all the years between the show going off the air in May 1998 to this films release in November 2007 to have a major release of anything. I am NOT a fan of Re'nee Zellweger?s. At least you did not have to see her & that horrible hair cut she has had the past couple of years.

Jerry working again with Patrick Warburton (David Puddy). He has be doing a lot of voice work this decade, notably on "Family Guy".

Matthew Broderick not quite up to the standards of your big animated voice work, the great 1994 "The Lion King". That was a part to be remembered.

Animation is great to look at, colorful.
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This movie makes no sense
coldenohmer28 January 2021
Why do the bees drive cars THEY CAN LITERALLY FLY!!! Also ken is the only person with common sense in this movie.
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Kids loved it
myplacetorest13 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
My kids loved this movie and so did my niece. It entertained them the whole time. And, I didn't mind it either. They liked it so much that I took them back to watch it again another time and they got the bee figurines from the shop. And now, they are very interested in bees. My kids are 2 & 4 years old and my niece is 7.

This is a nice little movie that will entertain the kids & you fine. Like most animated kid's movies it's bright and visually entertaining, takes you to another world, there's a main character with plenty of heart, it's funny and there's a few messages in there too that go something along the lines of "give everyone a chance even if they are different to you", "careful of what you wish for" and "take responsibility and do something about it when you realise that you've made a mistake". It also has some standout cameos by Ray Liotta and Chris Rock. There's plenty of Jerry Seinfeld humour and he does a good job in his lead role. Actually, all the main characters are all likable and the actors behind them do a good job. This movie has something for the kids and something for the adults.

Don't listen to the critics. The movie does what it's designed to do. It may not do it better than all the rest and it may at times seem unoriginal (to adults). But, if you take it on it's own merits and don't take it too seriously when you watch it then you won't be disappointed. My kids found it fascinating and I found it easy to watch. When it comes out on DVD I will be buying it. And, I'm sure it will come in handy on more than one occasion.
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Bee afraid, bee very afraid
10fttall6 November 2007
Why? That is the important question. Why was this movie made at all? I know Seinfeld was a "show about nothing" and I am a Seinfeld fan. This was a movie about nothing, but unlike the TV show, Bee Movie was agonizingly unfunny, pointless, and meandering. Whoever green-lighted this script clearly has a substance abuse problem.

I see lots of people are falling all over themselves with praise because this movie is cute, harmless, and not dirty. For goodness sake, folks, raise your standards! This is 2007! CG movies with cute characters are a dime a dozen. As consumers, we should express a desire for genuinely worthwhile, well thought, funny kids/CG movies. Otherwise, we will get more and more of this drivel, and worse. The only good point for Bee Movie, is that they did not descend into a bunch of toilet humor. On the other hand, the instances that you could call "humor" at all were few and far between.

They anthropromorphized something else non-human. This is not a bad idea in itself, but it has been done so much better before; giving life stories and every little nuance of human civilization to Bees. Everything has clever little names, mostly variants of "bee" or "honey." Only problem is that in this case, most of the clever naming and theming of the bee world falls flat, stupid, and causes eye rolls - as opposed to say, Cars, which did it about a thousand times better.

Next to Bee Movie, even the usual also-rans of animation such as Over the Hedge, and Madagascar, seem like genuine masterpieces and instant classics. I snickered a time or two, but sitting through the rest was in no way worth it. Children who are simple enough to be held in awe by anything that is animated, will really dig this movie. I'm sure as their age and sophistication increase past 6 or 7, kids will even begin to wish this movie was as sharp and funny as the dozens of better CG movies they have been exposed to.

Sting and Ray Liota? That was just plain dumb, and really not worth revisiting several times in the movie. The movie pace and feel actually had a little mediocre passable groove going, until the idiotic lawsuit plot got rolling. That brought everything to a crashing halt. John Goodman's performance fell flat, seeming to be a chemical induced over the top fat lawyer with a huge drawl (in New York?) It was almost embarrassing to hear him desperately trying to do something funny with this disaster of a script. With a great script, he can do over the top and weird characters superbly like in O Brother and Big Lebowski, but here he should not have touched the part. Chris Rock was one of the funniest parts of the whole movie, making me chuckle more than any other character, although he was only around for about 3 minutes total. The 90 minute running time seemed to crawl by, and I would have sworn I had been in there at least 2 hours.

In summary, unlike other CG movies we are used to, this has next to nothing for the grownups, and not much more for the kids. I don't know if Seinfeld is washed up, his time is past, or just rich and lazy these days, but this is not a positive for his career. Take the kids if you must, but don't bother bringing your spouse. And you're certainly not going to find yourself sneaking this one in the DVD player when nobody else is around like some of us might occasionally find ourselves doing with The Incredibles or Ice age.
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Not really for children
reyhan-24 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I thought it was very funny in patches - Chris Rock gets some great lines - but also very slow in parts. Too "talky" for an animated movie, and the central conflict: humans stealing honey from bees, was much too tame to make for great drama. Loved the aerial scenes, especially Barry's first flight out of the hive.

However, the reason why I'm writing a comment is because I don't think it's appropriate for kids. I took my 6 year old because he wanted to see it. He sat silently for most of the movie. Afterwards he said that it wasn't nice that they shot Winnie the Pooh and also attacked the old lady at the restaurant, pushing her head down so she gasped "I can't breathe." It made him very sad. He says that he had fun but I and my son both think that it is inappropriate for kids under 7.
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You know it's not going to be bad...
IamtheRegalTreatment1 November 2007
It's Jerry Seinfeld for crying out loud, he only does gold! You've seen the commercials, trailers and advertisements: "Bee Movie is a hit". Come on, what did you expect? Hopefully nothing less than, "yeah it was pretty funny". That's what all these animated movies are like. How can you judge one above the other? There have been so many to this point, it's like they're all the same.

Bee Movie is a cute little movie about the life of working bees that come across a corporation selling their honey. Jerry Seinfeld's character Barry decides to talk to the humans, and once he discovers the "stealing" of the honey, he starts a lawsuit against the humans... this can only be animated. Come on! It's cute!! Although this movie shares similar qualities with other animation films, I did notice one thing that most animated films don't have: adult humor. Yes, it's true; it's rated PG for a reason. This film is the best of both worlds because it has both the funny little immature things that kids crave, but also humorous one-liners that adults will appreciate. I loved that about this movie, it was actually very funny.

6 out of 10 for my taste. Yes, it's the same movie as every other animated movie. It's only goal is to make money, and it WILL be successful. However, the plot was satisfactory, characters were very submissive and once again, Jerry's one-liners killed. Try to take notice of the little things. For only being 90 minutes, this movie is worth your time if you want a few good laughs. I hope you all enjoy.
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3 things you can't avoid, death, taxes and Bee Movie
darrenbjones21 November 2007
If only our poor politicians could muster the money to create the incredible advertising monster that was Bee Movie. If you have kids it is pretty much a guarantee that you'll be asked to go see this movie or buy it when the DVD is released. Do not fear, this film actually lives up to the hype. For the infants, bright shiny colors and movement, for the kids, good animation, a fun story and some fun set pieces. For the adults pretty much all of the above and a plot that will keep you entertained if not enthralled and some laughs. The storyline goes through responsibility, duty, family, consequences for actions and Ray Liotta. The cast is a great ensemble, including, the aforementioned Liotta who parodies both himself and his career, Rene Zegweller, Matthew Broderick and of course Jerry Seinfeld who also co-wrote this. It also has Rip Torn who I cannot watch now without hearing "if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball." Forget logic, this is a kids movie and it's not about you, just be thankful Jerry Seinfeld put some stuff in this to keep you happy too, not all kids movies are so considerate.

If only all kids movies were this good.
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